CASHFLOW Rules Of Your Company 1. We Follow Profit First Principle i.e. Revenue - Profit = Cost 2. Salary is always paid on time on a fixed day of month 3. Direct Salary, Rent and Interest on Loan is paid at time of payment of Salary to staff. 4. We follow 4 Bank Account system 5. Inflow from Customer is preferred to be in Advance against proforma Invoice, else maximum advance or against LC or PDC or reasonable credit period as per Customer Registration form and approved payments terms mentioned in it. 6. We make payment on a periodic basis, preferred is monthly else fortnightly or weekly and not daily. 7. We don’t buy with Advance payment because of Strong Credibility and reputation in financial dealing earned by our company. We buy as per PO (Purchase Order System) with a maximum credit period (30 to 90 days) as per vendor registration form terms of payment. 8. We make risk free periodic payments like Electricity / telephones etc through credit cards and clear credit card dues on time in a single outflow in a month. 9. We create EPO (Expense Purchase Order) for all expenses other than periodic and petty cash. 10. Petty Cash is maintained for all petty cash expenses as per automation sheet. 11. We Create Account payable ageing reports from Accounting Software on a periodic basis. 12. We make online payments to vendors after uploading payment details on the Bank portal and verified through the maker checker process. 13. Delegation Authority Matrix is implemented in our Company 14. We Never Use Short Term Money in Long Term 15. Keep Ideal Working Capital as per Business Model 16. ROI - Keep track of it 17. We have no Policy for Loan to Employees for Car or Home Instead we have opened employee Bank Accounts for all credit facilities directly by Bank. 18. We have Identified Essentials, Priority and Payables in Cash Flow Model and following Cash Flow Model. 19. Board Members withdraw money from Business through Spl. Voucher System only with pre-intimation 20. Never run out of Cash Balance 21. Know your Six Months Cash Balance 22. Don’t operate from Bank Balance instead follow Cash Flow Model 23. We take care of our Customers in every situation and are aware of pipeline concept. 24. We Make More Money and Spent less than that 25. We Make sure all incomes are accounted and banked 26. Make sure no unauthorised Purchases or Expenses are made expect PO & EPO 27. We Pay bill upto a past date in full 28. We Make sure to pay bill in due date to increase CREDIBILITY 29. We understand that Credit is not Just Money. It’s Confidence and Reliability and we protect it. 30. We Create Reserves as First Cushion and Keep Excellent CREDIT as second Cushion. We Refuse to spend Reserves and Make more money in need hours. 31. We understand, Survival of a Company depends on solvency and Solvency depends on making more money than it spends. 32. We Don’t say we can’t buy because we have no money but say we don’t need this at this moment. We have a PO system and financial approval system 33. We Make lots of money and spend less. When a tax problem comes, we consult a Tax Expert to plan ethically. 34. We understand Money is Important 35. We understand the real purpose of business is to add value in life of people.