Patient Name: Outside Room Situation Room: Attending/Service: Physician/Ancillary Consult Date Reason Adm Date: Isolation: Physician/Ancillary Consult Date Reason History Allergies: Oncology: Treatment: Pertinent History: Psychosocial History and Assessment: Capacity: Y/N MPOA/Surrogate:_____________________________________ Living Will: Y/N Custody Issues/Documents: Privacy Status: Limitations on who can be at bedside or not have information:____________________________________________ Dynamics: Mentation/Psych Concerns: HI or SI: Y/N Plan: Detox: Discharge Plan or Placement Issues: Neuro A/O: Neuro Checks: GCS: Deficits: Cardiac Vitals Q_______ Telemetry: Rate/Rythym: T______________ HR___________________ RR_______________ B/P____________________ Sat______________ Anticoags/Education: Musculoskeletal Activity/Order: Assistive Devices: PT: Deficits: Amputation: Peripheral Vascular CMS Checks: Cap Refill: Pulses: DVT Prevention*: SCDs TEDS Edema: Meds Safety* Name band______ Allergy______ Fall*______ DNR_____ Limb Alert______ Latex______ Bed/Chair Alarm_______ Restraints* Order date: Type: Documentation: Sitter: 1:1Video Monitoring: Disease Specific Precautions: Infectious Disease Isolation: Abx: Why: Peak/Trough: Culture Site/Organism: Requirements: Daily Wt: Blood Products: Procedure: Bath: Daily Plan of Care: Respiratory Lung Sounds: O2: IS: Nebs/Meds: CPT: Suction: Chest Tube: Trach: BiPAP/CPAP/Hi-Flow Settings: GI/GU Bowel Sounds: Diet: NG/PEG: Sx/Flush: Colostomy: Tube Feeds: BM: Foley*: Why: Foley Care: Date Inserted: Date Removed: Urostomy: Dialysis: Incontinent Y/N Intake: Shift total(PO)________(IV)______24h total(PO)______(IV)_______ Output(urine, emesis, drains): Shift total__________ 24h total__________ Integumentary Color: Temp: Wound(stage, location, characteristics, dressing): Surgical Sites: CPM/Traction/Trapeze/ Abductor: Inside Room Code Status: NPO Assessment *Never Events Age: Chief Complaint/Diagnosis: Fluid Restriction: Due Labs/Specimens: Consent/Checklist: Discharge Planning: Patient Concerns: Events (Significant Occurrence During Hospitalization): Pressure devices: Specialty Bed: Endocrine FS: Insulin Coverage: Oral Meds: Diabetic Education/New Diagnosis: LDAW IV Site: Central Line*: Drains: High-Risk Meds*: IV Tubing Date: Drsg Date: Access Date: Rate Verify/Trace Lines* AV Fist/Perm Pain ____/10 before ____/10 after Location: Description: Interventions: Meds & Last Dose: PCA: PCA Clear: Labs and Diagnostics: Hgb________ WBC_________ BUN/Cr___________