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MAPS Prime Pro Quick Start Guide | Mind Pump

Go to the drop down MENU (upper corner of membership site page) and
click on MAPS PRIME PRO TRAINING. Watch the Welcome to MAPS
Prime Pro video. Once you have watched the video click “Back to MAPS
PRIME PRO TRAINING” directly above the video.
Go to the drop down MENU and click on MAPS PRIME PRO BLUEPRINT
and download and print the PDF. This Blueprint will guide you step-by-step
through the entire MAPS Prime Pro program so keep it close at hand.
Click “Back to MAPS PRIME PRO TRAINING” when done.
Proceed to the PRIME PRO COMPASS (Under MAPS Prime Pro Training).
Watch the intro video and the 8 Zone test videos. When complete,
self-test and assign yourself a Pass/Fail for each Zone
For each Zone you failed, watch the corresponding REPATTERNING
MOVEMENTS & CONTROL MOVEMENTS videos (From the dropdown
menu) while referencing the Coaching Points for each video (Repatterning Movements coaching points are found on page 9 of the blueprint,
Control Movements on page 13)
Choose one Repatterning Movement, one Tension Control Movment and
one Active Control Movement for each Zone you failed. Spend 1-10
minutes, at least once a day, perfecting these movements. It is recommended you perform multiple sessions each day.
Continue to reference the exercise demonstration videos as you perfect
your form. To easily access specific videos there is a Search field at the
top of the page.
Please address your technical (not training) questions to support@mindpumpmedia.com. For help with your specific training questions it is highly
recommended that you become a Mind Pump Private Facebook Forum
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