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Exercise physiology ( Lecture 1 ) 2016.ppt

Exercise physiology
Lecture (1)
Prof. Dr. Ibrahim M. Zoheiry
Assistant Professor Of Physical Therapy
Acting Chariman Of Basic Science Department
Faculty Of Phsyical Therapy
October 6 University
Definition of Exercise physiology
• Is the study of the effects of exercise on the
body concerned with the body’s responses
& adaptations to the stress of exercise,
ranging from the system level(cardiovascular
system) to the subcellular level (production of
ATP for energy).
Importance of exercise
1- to design effective fitness programs for people
of all ages.
2- to guide the development & implementations
of cardiac rehabilitation programs,
3-to plan programs to help children & youths to
incorporate physical activity into their life
4- to structure rehabilitation programs for injured
• All plants & animals depend on
energy to sustain life, Humans derive
this energy from food.
• All energy forms are interchangeable
Energy for Cellular Activity
• Human cells can break down these 3 basic food
components to release the stored energy.
• Energy is stored in food in the form of
carbohydrate, fats & proteins.
• Humans obtain energy by eating plants, or
animals that feed on plants.
• Chemical reactions in plants convert light into
stored chemical energy.
• All energy originates from the sun as light
Energy sources
•Food is NOT used directly for cellular activity because molecular
bonds in foods are weak & provide little energy when broken.
•Energy in food molecules’ stored in the form of a high-energy compound
called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
Energy sources
• At rest, energy that body needs is derived
almost equally from the breakdown of CHO &
• Proteins provide little energy for cellular
function/activity During mild to severe exercise,
more CHO is used.
• In maximal, short-duration exercise, CHO is
used exclusively to produce ATP.
Carbohydrates (CHO)
Via blood
all body tissues.
• Glycogen (Stored in cytoplasm until the cell use it to
form ATP ).
• Liver & muscle glycogen reserves are limited (‹ 2000
Kcal) unless CHO is increased.
• Fat provides 2 times more energy than CHO but
less accessible for cellular
• metabolism because it must first be reduced
from its complex form (triglyceride) to its basic
components: glycerol & free fatty acids (FFA).
• Only FFA are used to form ATP.
• Fat is a good source of energy, can be stored
exceeding 70,000 kcal of energy.
• Protein can be used as energy source if
convert into glucose.
• Protein converted into glucose through
• In severe energy depletion (starvation),
protein can be converted to FFA for
cellular energy through lipogenesis.
• Protein can supply up to 5-10% of the energy
needed to sustain prolonged exercise.
• Protein can be used as energy source in basic
form of amino acids.
Energy yield
• 1 g of CHO (C6H12O6) yields 4 kcal of energy.
• 1 g of fat (C16H18O2) yields 9 kcal of energy.
• 1 g of protein (NH2 + CO2H) yields 4.1 kcal of
• (Though 1 g of fat can generate 2.25 times as
much as a similar amount of CHO, it also
takes substantially more oxygen to metabolize
fat than CHO)
• The chemical processes involved with the
production of cellular ATP by converting
foodstuffs (i.e., carbohydrates, fats,
proteins) into a biologically usable form of
ATP Production
metabolism =
metabolism =
ATP-PC system (Anaerobic ATP
production )
• The simplest of the energy system.
• PC
Pi + C + energy
(1 mole)
ADP + Pi + energy
• Functions:
1- Provides energy for short-term and high-intensity exercise that
lasting about 3-15 seconds.
2- Maintain ATP levels
N.B : Not used directly to accomplish cellular work.
Glycolytic system
If O2 is not available to accept the
hydrogen ions in the mitochondria,
pyruvic acid can accept the
hydrogen ions to form the lactic acid.
Hazards of Lactic acid
1. The accumulation of lactic acid is a major
limitation of anaerobic glycolysis.
2. Impairs glycolytic enzymes functions
3. Decreases the fibers calcium binding
capacity >>> Impede muscle contraction
Oxidative system ( Aerobic process)
• The body’s most complex energy system, which
generates energy by breakdown of fuels with the aid
of O2 (cellular respiration).
• Has a very high-energy yield and yields more energy
than the ATP-PC or glycolytic system.
• Main energy production during endurance activities.
• Oxidative production of ATP occurs within the
Oxidative production of ATP
1. Oxidation of CHO:
a. Aerobic glycolysis
b. The Krebs cycle
c. The electron transport chain
2. Oxidation of Fat
a. ß Oxidation
b. Krebs cycle
c. The electron transport chain
Oxidation of CHO
1. Aerobic glycolysis
• In CHO metabolism, glucose or glycogen is broken
down to pyruvic acid via glycolytic enzymes.
• Hydrogen is released as glucose is metabolized to
pyruvic acid.
• In the presence of O2, the pyruvic acid is converted
into acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA) of ATP.
• 1 mole of glucose produces 2 moles of ATP or 1
mole of glycogen produces 3 moles
Oxidation of CHO
2. Krebs cycle
Oxidation of CHO
2. Krebs cycle
• If 1 mole of glucose, the net gain is 38
ATP (1 mole of ATP is used for 1 mole of
glycogen generates up to 39 moles of
• Energy yield from Carbohydrate
conversion to glucose-6-phosphate before
Oxidation of Fats
• Muscle & liver glycogen stores provide only 1,200 2,000 kcal of energy.
• Fat stored inside the muscle fibers (fat cells) can supply
about 70,000 - 75,000 kcal.
• Triglycerides (major energy sources) stored in fat cells in
the skeletal muscle fibers.
• Triglycerides break down to its basic units to be used for
energy: 1 mol of glycerol to 3 moles of free fatty
acids/FFA (= process lipolysis with lipases enzymes).
FFA can enter blood & be transported throughout the
body, entering muscle fibers by diffusion.
Oxidation of Fats
1. ß Oxidation
• FFA Catabolism
ß Oxidation
8 moles of acetic acid
8 moles of acetyl CoA.
• ( Each acetic acid converted to acetyl CoA ).
• Acetyl CoA enters the krebs cycle as free fatty
acids have more carbon so more energy is
produced , for example : Palmitic acid ( 16carbon FFA produce 129 molecules of ATP .
Protein metabolism
• Proteins (amino acids) are also used as
body fuels.
• Some amino acids can be converted into
glucose (gluconeogenesis)
• Some can be converted into various
intermediates of oxidative metabolism
(such aspyruvate or acetyl CoA) to enter
the oxidative process.
• Protein’s energy yield is not easy because
it contains nitrogen (N).
Protein metabolism
• When amino acids are catabolized, some of
the released N is used to form new amino
acids, but remaining N cannot be oxidized by
• N is converted into urea & then excreted in the
urine. This conversion use ATP, so some
energy is spent in this process.
• In laboratory, 1 gram of protein = 5.65 kcal of
Protein metabolism
• When metabolized in the body, energy used to
convert N to urea, energy yield is only about
5.20 kcal per gram (8% less than the lab.
• Healthy body utilizes little protein during rest &
exercise (< 5-10% of total energy expended).
• Estimates of energy expenditure generally
ignore protein metabolism.
Oxidative capacity of muscle
( QO2)
• Oxidative capacity (QO ) - A measure of the
muscle’s maximal capacity to use oxygen.
• Oxidative capacity depends on:
a. Enzyme Activity
b. Fiber-type Composition
c. Oxygen Needs
Oxidative capacity of muscle
( QO2)
• A- Enzyme activity :
• Many enzymes are required for oxidation.
• The enzyme activity of the muscle fibers provides an
indication of the oxidative potential.
• The enzymes most frequently measured are SDH
(succinate dehydrogenase), CS (citrate synthase) &
mitochondria enzymes in the Krebs cycle.
• Endurance athletes’ muscles have oxidative enzyme
activities 2-4 times greater than those untrained men
& women.
Oxidative capacity of muscle
( QO2)
• B- Fiber type composition:
Oxidative capacity of muscle
( QO2)
Oxygen needs
• Oxidative metabolism depends on an adequate supply of
• When at rest, body’s need for ATP is small, requiring
minimal O2 delivery.
• As exercise intensity increases, to meet the energy
demands, the rate of oxidative ATP production also
• In an effort to satisfy the muscle need for O2:
1. rate & depth of the respiration increase
2. improving gas exchange in the lungs
3. heart beats faster
4. pumping more oxygenated blood to the muscle.
• a feeling of lack of energy and
motivation that can be physical,
mental or both.
Causes of fatigue
1. Depletion of PC or glycogen.
• will impairs ATP production, thus fatigue is caused by
inadequate energy supply.
2. Accumulation of metabolic by-products.
• E.g : Accumulation of hydrogen (H+) :
Decrease muscle PH
Muscle acidification ( acidosis )
Inhibits the action of glycolytic enzyme
slowing the rate of glycolysis & ATP
Inhibit muscle contraction
Causes of fatigue
3. Failure of neural transmission in the muscle fiber.
• Fatigue may occur at the motor end plate, preventing nerves
impulse transmission to the muscle fiber membrane, thus cause the
neuromuscular block and leads to neuromuscular fatigue.
4. CNS may cause fatigue.
Psychologically exhausted/fatigue
Inhibit the athlete’s willingness to tolerate
further pain or to continue exercise.