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Stream Table Lab Worksheet

Stream Table Lab
Name: ______________________
In this lab, you’ll be monitoring stream dynamics under different conditions.
Follow the procedures written below for each of the four parts of the lab. If
you have questions, please raise your hand. When you are finished, please
clean up your lab materials.
Part 1: Gradient and water speed
Research Question: How does the gradient (steep or gradual slope) affect water speed?
My Hypothesis: ______________________________________________________________________
1. Obtain an empty stream table and set one end on the small block and the other end over the edge of the
table so it falls into the drip bin
2. Fill the “Normal” cup with water and plug the hole with your finger until time for release
3. When ready, remove your finger and record how many seconds it takes for all the water to reach the
bottom of the stream table
4. Repeat 3 times to get an average
5. Exchange the small block for a large block and repeat steps 2-4.
6. Record your data in the table below
Low gradient (small block)
Steep gradient (large block)
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Conclusions: How does gradient affect water speed? Was your hypothesis correct?
Part 2: Water Speed and Sediment Load
Research Question: How does water speed affect sediment load and deposition?
My Hypothesis: ______________________________________________________________________
1. Fill half of your tray with sand
2. Wet the sand thoroughly with a spray bottle to ensure it sticks to the tray when elevated
3. Ensure the sand is flat, without hills or valleys
4. Elevate one side of the tray with the small block
5. Fill the “Normal” cup with water and plug the hole with your finger
6. When ready, unplug the hole to release the water and observe the erosion patterns and deposition.
7. Record your observations and a drawing of what your streambed looks like
8. Reset the sand and repeat steps 3-7 using the large block
Low gradient (small block)
Steep gradient (large block)
Additional observations:
Additional observations:
Conclusions: How does water speed affect sediment load? Was your hypothesis correct?
Part 3: Channel Shape and Pattern of Deposition
Research Question: How does channel shape affect deposition patterns?
My Hypothesis: ______________________________________________________________________
1. The tray will remain propped on a small block for this experiment
2. Fill half of the tray with sand again and make sure then sand is flat
3. Then, carve a shallow channel straight from the water source to the end of the sand
4. Fill the “Normal” cup with water and plug the hole with your finger
5. When ready, unplug the hole to release the water and observe the erosion patterns and deposition.
6. Record your observations and a drawing of what your streambed looks like
7. Repeat the above experiment, but this time instead of carving a straight channel, carve a channel that
meanders back and forth across the stream table
Straight channel
Meandering channel
Additional observations:
Additional observations:
Conclusions: How does channel shape affect sediment deposition patterns? Was your hypothesis correct?
Part 4: Flooding and Pattern of Deposition
Research Question: How does flooding affect deposition patterns?
My Hypothesis: ______________________________________________________________________
1. Repeat the same experiment as described in Part 3, but this time, use the “flood” cup instead of the
“Normal” cup
2. Record your drawings and observations below
Straight channel
Meandering channel
Additional observations:
Additional observations:
Conclusions: How does flooding affect sediment deposition patterns? Was your hypothesis correct?
Compare your results from Part 3 and Part 4. What are the differences in erosion and deposition during
“normal” conditions versus “flood” conditions?