REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE – MARIKINA CITY Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City +63 (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989 (CID) / 508-6113 (SGOD) / (email) August 26, 2021 DIVISION MEMORANDUM 084 s. 2021 No. ____, DIVISION INSET ON PROJECT RESTART (RECALIBRATED STRATEGIC TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE READINESS OF TEACHERS) TO: OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Chief Education Supervisors, CID and SGOD Elementary and Secondary School Heads/Officers-in-Charge Public Schools All Others Concerned 1. The field is hereby informed of the Division INSET on Project ReSTART (Recalibrated Strategic Technical Assistance for the Readiness of Teachers) on September 1-3, 6-7, 2021 at 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM via google meet platform. 2. This activity aims: to equip the instructional leaders and teachers with the necessary skills and competencies in addressing the challenges in the delivery of basic education services amidst the pandemic; increase proficiency level of participants in unpacking/merging learning competencies and mapping out curriculum to produce a streamlined Budget of Work; guide participants in the preparation of WHLP, alignment of pedagogies and assessment to learning competencies considering various modalities and platforms; reassess available learning resources used in various LDMs in light of Deped Orders and Memoranda; and capacitate school heads in providing technical assistance to ensure that teachers will be more confident and effective in planning, delivery and assessing lessons. 3. Participants to this activity are the Public Schools District Supervisors, Education Program Supervisors and twelve (12) representatives from each of the 33 schools composed of School Heads, Senior High School Assistant Principals, Head Teachers, Master Teachers or Subject Coordinators per learning area. 4. Please give particular attention to the following inclosures: Inclosure 1: Training Matrix Inclosure 2: Working Committee Inclosure 3: Participants 5. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. SHERYLL T. GAYOLA Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Officer-In-Charge Office of the Schools Division Superintendent Maka-Diyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan at Makabansa Inclosure 1 PROJECT Recalibrated Strategic Technical Assistance for the Readiness of Teachers (ReSTART) INSET TRAINING MATRIX School Year 2021-2022 Tentative Date: September 1 to 3 and September 6-7, 2021; 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. via google meet platform Recalibrated Strategic Technical Assistance for the Readiness of Teachers (ReSTART) aims to: I. Terminal Objective: Equip the instructional leaders and teachers with the necessary skills and competencies in addressing the challenges in the delivery of basic education services amidst the pandemic II. Enabling Objectives: A. Increase proficiency level of participants in unpacking/merging learning competencies and mapping out curriculum to produce a streamlined Budget of Work; B. Guide participants in the preparation of WHLP, alignment of pedagogies and assessment to learning competencies considering various modalities and platforms; C. Reassess available learning resources used in various LDMs in light of Deped Orders and Memoranda; and D. Capacitate school heads in providing technical assistance to ensure that teachers will be more confident and effective in planning, delivery and assessing lessons. TIME 7:45-8:00 A.M. 8: 00-8:30 A.M. DAY 1 DAY 2 OPENING PROGRAM National Anthem Prayer Management of Learning c/o Elementary School Heads District I DAY 3 ONLINE REGISTRATION Management of Learning c/o Elementary School Heads District II Attendance Check Prayer Prayer Prayer Prayer Welcome Message ELISA O. CERVEZA CID Chief/ OIC-ASDS Attendance Check Attendance Check Attendance Check Attendance Check Abstraction on Key Take Away c/o facilitators Abstraction on Key Take Abstraction on Key Take Away Away ONLINE REGISTRATION ONLINE REGISTRATION DAY 4 DAY 5 ONLINE REGISTRATION ONLINE REGISTRATION Management of Learning c/o Secondary School Heads District I Management of Learning c/o Secondary School Heads District II Abstraction on Key Take Away 8:30-9:00 AM Message SHERYLL T. GAYOLA Asst. Schools Division Superintendent OIC-Superintendent Sharing of Outputs c/o Training Management Team and PSDS Ricabar Sharing of Outputs c/o Training Management Team and PSDS Ricabar Sharing of Outputs c/o Training Management Team and PSDS Ricabar Sharing of Outputs c/o Training Management Team and PSDS Ricabar Plenary Session 3: Plenary Session 5 Plenary Session 7 Plenary Session 8: Workshop on Unpacking/Merging/Mapping of Competencies based on Parents/Guardians as Learning Partners in Various Learning Modalities to Identify Learner Support System in terms of instruction and performance outputs ISLA PLUS- General Concept Workshop on Feedbacking on Learners’ Academic Performance to Learners/Parents/ Stakeholders in Various Learning Delivery Modalities Speaker: Dr. Rowena R. Hibanada Statement of Purpose/Overview of RESTART ELISA O. CERVEZA CID Chief/ OIC-ASDS Pre-Training Assessment Plenary Session 1 9:00-10:00 SDO-MC BE-LCP Speaker: Sheryll T. Gayola Asst. Schools Division Superintendent OIC-Superintendent 10:0012:00 Parallel Sessions on the Critical Roles of a Teacher/MTs/HTs/ASPs/ School Heads/ Supervisors in the Face of a National Health Emergency Speakers: Teachers – Roseo T. Caburian, Jr., PSDS MTs - Jovita Consorcia F. Mani, MAPEH EPS MELCs per Proficiency Level Speaker: Galcoso C. Alburo, EPS Parallel Sessions on unpacking, merging, and mapping of competencies per learning area Leilani N. Villanueva, ESP EPS Galcoso C. Alburo, Filipino EPS Aaron S. Enano, AP EPS Jovita Consorcia F. Mani, MAPEH EPS Speaker: Sir Cris Gonzales, Home-school Teacher Speaker: Elisa Cerveza Overview on QUIZZALIZE Presenter: Ryan Lee Introduction of DBOW Speaker: Janet S. Cajuguiran, English EPS Parallel Session on Streamlining of activities and Launching of (PILLAR) assessments in the SLM for Parents Involvement in Formative and Summative Lesson Learning and Assessments per learning Academic area Reinforcement c/o Dominador J. Villafria, Facilitators: Math EPS, Jovita Consorcia F. Mani, 12:00-1:00 1:00 –3:00 HTs/ ASP - Aaron S. Enano, AP EPS SHs - Anna A. Japone, PSDS EPSs/PSDSs - ELISA O. CERVEZA CID Chief/ OIC-ASDS Jessica S. Mateo, Science EPS Dominador J. Villafria, Math EPS Leah A. De Leon, Kindergarten/MTB-MLE/ Madrasah EPS Janet S. Cajuguiran, English EPS Joseph T. Santos, EPP/TLE EPS MAPEH EPS and Remia L. Ricabar, PSDS Leilani N. Villanueva, ESP EPS Galcoso C. Alburo, Filipino EPS Aaron S. Enano, AP EPS Jovita Consorcia F. Mani, MAPEH EPS Jessica S. Mateo, Science EPS Dominador J. Villafria, Math EPS Leah A. De Leon, Kindergarten/MTB-MLE/ Madrasah EPS Janet S. Cajuguiran, English EPS Joseph T. Santos, EPP/TLE EPS LUNCH BREAK Plenary Session 2 LUNCH BREAK Plenary Session 4 – Lesson Planning in the New Normal in various Learning Delivery Modalities LUNCH BREAK Plenary Session 6 – Learning Materials in consonance with Academic Ease and Project SPEAR LUNCH BREAK Continuation of Parallel Session on Streamlining of activities and assessments in the SLM for Formative and Summative Assessments per learning area MENTAL WELL-BEING SESSION Speaker: Mariflor Gatchalian Speaker: Micah Pacheco, NCR Science EPS Parallel Sessions per LDM Facilitators: Modular: Aaron S. Enano, EPS and Albert B. Mutia, PSDS Online: Leilani N. Villanueva, EPS and Joseph T. Santos, EPS Blended: Emily G. Santos, PSDS and Jessica Mateo, EPS 1. SLeM 2. DepEd Videos 3. PROJECT SPEAR- e-LIBRO 4. Learning Platforms Speaker: Ivy Coney A. Gamatero, LRMS Supervisor and Menere R. Nasiad, PDO LUNCH BREAK Plenary Session 9 Overview on New Features of e-Learning Program Speaker: Joseph T. Santos, TLE EPS Launching of e-VOSES Online Session - Voice of Stakeholders for Engagement and Support ala SDO-Mar Talks Presenter: Reinan M. Ignacio, EPS II (MT/HT and School Heads): Creation of Rubrics for Checking of WHLP Break out – Validation of resources per learning area Closing Program Teacher - WHLP MTs/HTs/SH – for Rubrics c/o Janet S. Cajuguiran, English EPS and Dominador Villafrancia, Math EPS SHs – Case Study with PSDSs 3:00-5:00 PM Asynchronous Session for Output Preparation Asynchronous Session for Output Preparation Asynchronous Session for Output Preparation Asynchronous Session for Output Preparation Asynchronous Session for Output Preparation EXIT TICKETAttendance, Daily Evaluation and Key Take Away EXIT TICKET- Attendance, Daily Evaluation and Key Take Away EXIT TICKETAttendance, Daily Evaluation, and Key Take Away EXIT TICKET- Attendance, Daily Evaluation and Key Take Away EXIT TICKET- Attendance, Daily Evaluation and Key Take Away Session 1 OutputTeachers’ Reflection Session 1 Output- Quarter 1 BOW/Mapped Curriculum Session 1 -School Action Plan on implementation of PILLAR Session Output Inventory of streamlined SLMs based on DBOW Session Output Sample Validated Feedback from learners and parents Session 2 Teachers: One WHLP in the First Quarter HT/MT: Creation of Rubrics School Heads: Case Study Session 2 Output Validated inventory of resources with recommendations per learning area Session 2 OutputHashtag Positive Hugot ng SDO-Mar Teacher Emcees: Noemi A. Velario, SEPS HR Sunny T. Cortes, EP Specialist HR Inclosure 2: Working Committee PROJECT RESTART WORKING COMMITTEE Executive Committee: MS. SHERYLL T. GAYOLA Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Officer-In-Charge, Office of the SDS Chairperson: DR. ELISA O. CERVEZA Chief Education Supervisor, CID Officer -In-Charge, Office of the ASDS Vice Chairperson: DR. ELIZALDE Q. CENA Chief Education Supervisor, SGOD Program Content and Invitation: Leilani N. Villanueva, EPS Remia L. Ricabar, PSDS Roseo T. Caburian, Jr., PSDS Registration: Annalli B. Salazar and Parang Elementary School Documentation: Sherly Ann D. Hernandez and Fortune Elementary School Monitoring and Evaluation: Doris R. Jasme, M & E SEPS Certificates: Aizaleen M. Garchitorena and Malanday Elementary School Logistics and Technical: Noemi A. Velario, HRD SEPS Inclosure 3 PROJECT Recalibrated Strategic Technical Assistance for the Readiness of Teachers (ReSTART) INSET TRAINING MATRIX School Year 2021-2022 PARTICIPANTS ASDS / OIC Office of the SDS CID Chief / OIC Office of the ASDS SGOD Chief 10 Public Schools District Supervisors 10 Education Program Supervisors School Participants: 12 PER SCHOOL Elementary Level School Head : Master Teachers/ Subject Coordinators : Total : 1 11 12 Secondary Level School Head : 1 SHS ASP 1 MTs/ HTs/ Subj Coor.: 10 Total : 12 SGOD Participants / Training Management Team: Dr. Noemi A. Velario, HRD SEPS Mr. Sunny T. Cortes, HRD EPS II Ms. Doris R. Jasme, M & E SEPS