WHERE WOULD YOU TAKE THEM? You have family visiting you from out of town to attend a wedding and they have never been to visit you here in Southern Ontario. Their plane lands on Sunday afternoon and they will be departing on the following Sunday after the wedding on Saturday. What do you think they need to see that will help to show them what Toronto and the surrounding area is all about. Your presentation will be 2-3 minutes long, and answer the following questions: a minimum of 7 photos (yours or from the web), attached to a map showing their location (maximum 10) Why you choose the location? a brief summary of the location/event/ activity for each slide (optional: a url link to a website with more information about the place) Recommend using Google My Maps or ArcGIS to map your locations You also must include images (7-10) to go along with your presentation. You are encouraged to use photos from your own experience (if you have them), but may also want to find images online to show interesting or famous things you may want to visit with them. You must include a map of the Southern Ontario and mark the cities and places you would visit. You may use Slides, Prezi or PowerPoint, POWtoon, or another presentation format to make your presentation. You should only put jot notes down on your slides (maximum 15 words) and the rest of the information will come from you. You should not be reading from your slides at all. PowerPoints submit your file to the Dropbox in the Google Classroom. DUE DATE: Thursday November 26 PRESENTATION DATE: Friday November 27 Where Would You Take Them Rubric Criteria Level 0 Unacceptable 0-49% Level 1 Limited 50-59% Level 2 Inconsistent 60-69% Level 3 Good 70-79% Level 4 Excellent 80-100% Application Project requirements Numerous elements missing Limited elements included Some elements included Communication presentation professionalism (volume, vocabulary) presentation was disorganized limited preparedness and professionalism in the presentation somewhat prepared, yet the presentation lacked professionalism prepared and the presentation was professional appropriate and connected photos selected with some references made appropriate and connected photos selected and referred to highly appropriate and well-connected photos selected and explained in detail Presentation style was semi-organized and it fell short of the minimum length requirements Presentation style was very formal and it almost met the minimum length requirements Presentation style was engaging and it met the appropriate length requirements Photos selected Communication Presentation style/ engaging creativity/ length of presentation (minimum 2 minutes) Comments: limited or no photos Presentation had no style or creativity and the length requirement was not met limited photos with minimal and connectivity to trip Presentation style was not engaging, there was very little creativity and/or the length requirement was not met Elements included Elements included to a high degree well prepared and the presentation was highly professional