Directions: Read the NY Times article, “Dispossessed, Again: Climate Change Hits Native Americans Especially Hard” on Schoology and answer these questions. Read Section 1 of the article. How is the US gov’t currently failing American Indians, based on this section? What is the main climate change problem described in this section? Read Section 2 How did the treaty force environmental problems on the Quileute Nation? It’s connected to the quote “No one chose to be in a seasonal fishing village year-round.” What do you think about the treaty process for the Quileute, as described here? How committed does the US gov’t seem to be to helping the Quileute and Quinault nations address the climate change by moving? Read Section 3 At the start of this unit, we heard a woman from the Ojibwe Tribe say that Native people are affected “first and worst” by climate change. How does this section show that playing out? Section 4 Summarize the water problem caused by climate change, and how it impacts people’s lives for the Navajo Nation. How is poverty for the Navajo making the climate change problem(s) worse? Section 5 Professor Clint Carroll says “It can be seen as another removal.” What does he mean by that? Professor Anton Treuer says “Our access to and use of the land is so tied up with identity.” Give 2 examples from this article of how that traditional land use is threatened or impossible because of climate change, and how that threatens the people’s identity. This article shows some ways the US gov’t is failing to help Native tribes & nations. Which is worse: harmful actions by the gov’t, or harmful inaction by the gov’t? Sometimes the reason the US gov’t hasn’t helped the Native groups seems to be because it’s expensive – to move houses, etc. In your opinion, how convincing do you find that justification?