DATE FROM 18.09.2017 The Recovery Officer,Vashi The Recovery 09.04.2018 Officer,Vashi The Recovery 13.04.2018 Officer,Vashi The Recovery 13.04.2018 Officer,Vashi 09.04.2018 18.04.2018 The Recovery Officer,Vashi 18.04.2018 The Recovery Officer,Vashi TO SUBJECT In matter of procceding under Section-7A of Employees Provident Fund and M.P. Act 1952 against GMVIT,Tala GMVIT,Tala Dues of Rs.25,33,793/GMVIT,Tala Dues of Rs.4,48,458/GMVIT,Tala Dues of Rs.25,33,793/GMVIT,Tala Dues of Rs.4,48,458/Withdrawl of Recovery Order issued u/s 8F of The Manager, EPF & misc. Act 1952 in respect of GMVIT, BOI,Tata Tala amount Rs.25,33,793/Withdrawl of Recovery Order issued u/s 8F of The Manager, EPF & misc. Act 1952 in respect of GMVIT, BOI,Tata Tala amount Rs.4,48,458/- Assistant PF Submission of tecords/returns against the 20.09.2019 Commissioner,A/C GMVIT,Tala RRC recovery amount Group V-10,Vashi 11.09.2020 Chairman 10.11.2020 The Recovery Officer,Vashi 24.08.2021 GMVIT,Tala The Recovery Permission for producing ECR recordsof Officer,Vashi traceable Employees. Permitted for generating ECR only traceable GMVIT,Tala Employees in relation to 7A total dues Rs. 29,82,251/Permission for ECR recordsof traceable PF Office Employees. PERIOD August 2011 to July 2016 August 2011 to Feb. 2016 March 2016 to July 2016 August 2011 to Feb. 2016 March 2016 to July 2016 - To submit records/returns in softcopy and hard copy to crsdit EPF acculamation of respectives employees such as: 1. Challan 2. ECR Copy 3. Monthwise ECR copy in Excel format in soft copy and hard copy. 4. Text file. August 2011 to July 2016 -