Uploaded by Courtney Moore

STEM Circuit Challenge: Electricity Review Game

It’s Electric!
STEM Circuit Challenge
Parker Brothers is looking for engineers to build their newest board
game, one that runs on electricity! Can you build an electricity
review game using your knowledge of circuits. Good Luck! ☺
Materials for each group:
Cardstock (this will serve as your game board)
Aluminum foil (1 ft. x 1 ft. sheet)
Hand held hole punch
Masking tape
Insulated wire
Battery (6V is best)
Light source (Christmas lights)
• Your game must include at least 5 electricity review questions &
• Your game must have a creative title.
• Your game must work using electrical circuits. This means that in
order to play your game, players must use the battery &
conductive wires.
• Before submitting your final project, ensure that your game
• Include game instructions on the back of your game board.
• Suggestion: Have another group play your game so that you are
certain that all components of your game are working.
© The Trendy Science Teacher 2017
STEM Circuit Challenge
Answer each question below
1. Explain (using the vocabulary from the lessons) how your
game works. (5-7 sentences are required to receive credit for
this section!)
2. What were some challenges that your group faced during
this project? How did your group overcome these challenges?
A creative title was included on game board
Minimum of 5 questions and answers
Questions were appropriate to task.
Answers were correct.
Game used all components required (battery,
conductive wire, insulator, light bulb)
Game instructions were on the back of the game and
provided clarity to game
Game was “wired” so that it was in working order
Game was neat, creative, and was appealing to buyers.
© The Trendy Science Teacher 2017
Our Ideas…
Game Name:
Question 1:
Answer 1:
Question 2:
Answer 2:
Question 3:
Answer 3:
Question 4:
Answer 4:
Question 5:
Answer 5:
© The Trendy Science Teacher 2017