EXAMINATION FINAL ASSIGNMENT Lecturer’s Signature& full name Program: VNU Course Code: INS2007 Course Title: Financial Management Time allowed: 05 days Date of release: 10/01/2022 Due Time: 9h30 AM 15/01/2022 Chu Van Hung Date: 05/01/2022 Department’s Signature & full name Date: ……………………………… Instructions to students: 1. Closed/Opened book examination: Opened book 2. Submit your assignment on MSTeam as a PDF file or image file 3. The file name is as follows: Student name_Student number_Course code (Example: Nguyễn Văn A_19071122_ INS3116) 4. See The Assignment Requirements to follow 5. Refer to The IS Instructions This exam paper contains 03 pages, including the cover page. FINAL ASSIGNMENT SUBJECT: Financial Management (INS2007) Due date: 9h30 AM 15/01/2022. Late submission is NOT ALLOWED Weighting: 60% of total marks for the subject IDENTIFYING FINANCIAL PRINCIPLES This assignment requires YOU to demonstrate your UNDERSTANDING about FINANCIAL PRINCIPLES* for businesses. Select any ONE LISTED company/corporation; Find out INFORMATION about Financial Activities of the selected company; Select ONE (already made) FINANCIAL DECISION of the selected company. Section A: 30 marks You are required to DESCRIBE How a financial decision is made. Give your descriptions about the selected financial decision: The statement of the financial decision The financial decision type/area The goal/objective of the financial decision The factors/circumstances of the financial decision. Section B: 55 marks You are required to EXPLAIN What financial principles are applied in financial decision making. Provide your explanations about financial principles applied in the selected financial decision. For each of at least 3 the most specific financial principles: The statement of the financial principle The reasoning of the financial principle Your arguments proofed by Facts & Figures. Section C: 15 marks You are required to COMMENT about already made financial decision Give your comments about the selected financial decision Try to propose your alternatives to already made financial decision, persuade that your alternative may be the best financial decision possible. REQUIREMENTS: The information provided, the analysis discussed should be RELEVANT and SPECIFIC (Don’t just copy). The presentation should be CONCISE and CLEAR, double spaced 12 Times New Roman typed, with 2 cm border on all sides. WORD LIMIT (should be counted): 2,000 words, excluding tables and appendices The assignment should include REFERENCES to the appropriate FINANCIAL PRINCIPLES and INFORMATION provided/discussed. FINANCIAL PRINCIPLES* (included but not limited to) Value Maximization Return and Risk Trade-off Cash is King Time Value of Money Competitiveness Agency-Principal (Other People Money) Tax Consideration