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The Marrow Thieves- Novel Study Assignment Part 1 Final

“The Marrow Thieves” Novel Study
#__1__ of 3
This novel study borrows a lot from the literature circles method of inquiry,
adjusted for online use. Note that the novel study involves completing this
assignment a total of 3 times (25 marks each= 75 marks). Your goal is to earn 25
marks for each of the 3 submissions.
The assignment will be done 3 times as follows:
Part 1- After reading the first 3-4 chapters.
Part 2- When you are about half way through.
Part 3- When you are finished or close to finishing.
Email if you have any questions.
You have choices on how you can do this- your inquiry will involve at least three
of four areas (for each of the 3 parts) as follows:
• Notable Quotes
• Personal Connections
• Sketches and Doodles
Any three of these should be on each of the 3 parts of the assignment.
Each assignment is out of 25 marks. Each bit of work you do will add to the
total, with up to 3 marks lost for minor writing errors. You can choose how
to earn the 25 marks as indicated below.
Note new words or words used in a new or unique way. Quote the
sentence the word appears in and provide the page reference. Be
sure to use quotation marks. Highlight the word. Provide two
definitions for the word- these can come from print or online
dictionaries. Include sourcing- just the url or dictionary title is
sufficient. Following these directions would earn 6 marks for one
"I woke up before I reached him, fingers already anticipating the soft warmth of
his flank." (page 52)
Definition 1: "the fleshly part of the side between the ribs and the hip"
Definition 2: "the side of a person's or animal's body between the ribs and the
hip." (Oxford English Dictionary)
"Chi-Boy got uncharacteristically gruff." (page 55)
Definiton 1: "In a manner that is not typical and usual"
Definition 2: "Not typical or distinctive"
Notable Quotes
Select a quote from the book and include the page number. Be sure
to use quotation marks. Discuss what makes the quote notable in a
short paragraph. Following these directions would earn 6 marks for
one example.
“I touched the air-pressurized bag to confirm it was real. My dirty fingers skittered
across the shiny surface like skates. It was real. My mouth filled with spit, and a
rotten hole in one of my molars yelled its displeasure” (Page 1)
The place they live in is so different from where we live from, from what I read in
this quote, a bag of ships is super rare. Mitch describes about a bag of Doritos
with so much detail. He couldn’t believe the chip bag was real till he touched it, so
that explains that they usually can’t find a bag of Doritos. Doritos made him
happy, but for us Doritos are so easy to get, he compares skates to a bag of
Doritos which means that Doritos are special to him.
Personal Connections
Explain in a paragraph how some aspect of the book relates to you
personally, or to other works (movies, books, songs etc.) that you are
familiar with. Each connection paragraph could earn up to 6 marks.
This book relates to me because my family is from Sri Lanka and there was a war
their because the Sri Lankan government wanted the minority Tamil speaking
people to learn their Sinhala language, and forget Tamil which caused a lot of
problems. The country with the most disappearance is Sri Lanka because they
killed many people for not learning their language and not accepting their culture.
A similar think like this happens at the B.C residential schools which is very sad.
And in the book, they talk about how only Native people still have the ability to
dream, and the Canadian Government sets out to steal this ability through the
extraction of Native people's bone marrow, which is the residential school.
There’s a lot of stuff in this book that relates to the Sri Lankan war.
There was a recent finding of kids who died In residential school in B.C which is
super sad. In this book they try to avoid the residential school because their
parents tell them about the sufferings in the residential schools. This book is very
similar to what happens in real residential school many years ago, and they found
the bodies of children in these schools. Many of the children were forced to go
there so they didn’t have a choice. Kid as young as 3 were found buried which is
sad. There is a lot of injustice things happening to the kids who were forced to go
there. This book shows a similar story to what happens in real life.
Sketches and Doodles
Any sketch or doodle relating to the novel can be used for marks.
The range here would be up to 3 marks for a small doodle and up to
12 marks for a larger work involving substantial effort. These can be
submitted by scanning to create a “pdf”document, or by taking a
Please email your teacher if you have any questions about how to
complete the novel study.