Choose the best modality or treatment option for the scenarios below. If more than one option is available, include why you would choose the one you chose. 1. Patient is a 45yr old with chronic knee pain. They are lacking some ROM and complain that the knee “feels tight”. No history of cardiac or respiratory issues. a. What modalities might you choose to help treat their pain? 2. A 16 yr old basketball player sprained their ankle yesterday. They have significant swelling and pain at the ankle. a. What modalities might you choose to help treat their pain? 3. A 20 yr old college football player complains of overall soreness after preseason practice. a. What modality/treatment would you suggest to help with this condition? b. What things would you need to rule out or be aware of when choosing a treatment option? 4. A 25 yr old female patient suffers with chronic low back pain. a. What treatment/s would you suggest to help relieve some of her pain? b. What things would you need to rule out or be aware of when choosing a treatment option? 5. Patient is a 17yr old post-op ACL surgery patient. Surgery was only one week ago. They have swelling and pain at the knee. a. What treatment/s would you suggest to help relieve some of her pain? b. What things would you need to rule out or be aware of when choosing a treatment option? 6. Patient is a 65 yr old with arthritis in their hands. The inflammation in the joints causes quite a bit of pain. a. What treatment/s would you suggest to help relieve some of her pain? b. What things would you need to rule out or be aware of when choosing a treatment option?