Abrish intern report (2)

Intern: Abreham Sewenet
Identification Number: RTCH-0094/12
Hosting Company: Flintstone Engineering
Duration: 05/mar/2016 to 25/July/2016
Mentor: Ins.
Submission Date: -Oct-201
Final Internship Report
Flintstone Engineering - 2016
I declare that this work is entirely mine and the things that are listed in this document are real,
without any exaggeration.
I signed below to witness my work, and I am responsible for any action in the case when
there is something wrong.
Intern: Abreham sewenet
Mentor: Ins.
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First and for most I would like to acknowledge almighty GOD for helping me in all of my
day to day life and attend my internship (attachment) program with my friends in harmony
with our super visors.
First, I want to convey my deepest gratitude to all Flintstone Engineering staff members. “It
was a great exciting moment for getting in scholar experience and cute life followed by love”.
Secondly my gratitude extends to my family and friends for their remarkable financial and
moral supports.
Finally, I would like to thank our department and college, Dilla University College of
Engineering and technology, Department of civil engineering for providing this internship
program for us and assigning mentors to look at our progress in the past four month. I would
also like to thank my mentor Betelhem G Sacrificing his time to talk to me and give me the
chance to do further works and check my progress as well.
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Executive summary
This final internship report is organized to elaborate in detail the progress of my four
months internship program at Flintstone Engineering and to report on what I have learned
and gained from this experience. The main issues that the report focuses on are:
The back ground of my internship hosting company including its brief history,
products and services provided by the company, its main customers or the end users
of its products or services and its overall organization and workflow.
My overall internship experience including how I get into the company, the section
in the company I have been working in, the work flow in the section, work piece I
have been executing, the different procedures I have been using while performing my
work tasks including how good I was in performing some of the tasks and how I was
able to overcome them.
Description of the benefit I gained from the internship including what I gained in
terms of practical skills, upgrading my theoretical knowledge. I also wrote about how
the internship helped me to improve my interpersonal skills like communication
skills, team playing and team leading skills. I also covered the topics of
understanding work ethics and respecting the work environment.
Conclusion and recommendation for my hosting company.
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List of Tables
Table 1 Concrete Takeoff sheet ............................................................................................... 12
Table 2 Bar Takeoff sheet ........................................................................................................ 13
Table 3 bar Cutting Order ........................................................................................................ 14
Table 4 sanitary takes off sheet ................................................................................................ 14
Table 5 Strength Values for HCB ............................................................................................ 34
List of Figures
Figure 1 Flintstone Engineering products ............................................................................... 4
Figure 2 Head office organization ........................................................................................... 5
Figure 3 site organization........................................................................................................ 5
Figure 4 Staff residence .......................................................................................................... 7
Figure 5 Class room ................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 6 Dormitory .................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 7 Student cafeteria ......................................................................................................... 8
Figure 8 compressive strength test machine ............................................................................. 9
Figure 9 concrete Batching plant, (I visited it in my friend site) ............................................ 9
Figure 10 work flow in the company ....................................................................................... 10
Figure 11 Isolated footing ....................................................................................................... 17
Figure 12 selected material ................................................................................................... 18
Figure 13 Grade beam ............................................................................................................ 18
Figure 14 column ................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 15 Hard core ................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 16 Slab casting............................................................................................................. 21
Figure 17 stair case ................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 18 water proof membrane............................................................................................ 22
Figure 19 Mesh in Ground Floor ............................................................................................ 23
Figure 20 Light weight concrete in Roof slab ......................................................................... 23
Figure 21 column Batching box ............................................................................................... 25
Figure 22 Missed Grade Beam ............................................................................................... 26
Figure 23 Seismic zones in Ethiopia........................................................................................ 27
Figure 24 Honey comb in structural elements ......................................................................... 28
Figure 25 Staircase reinforcement .......................................................................................... 30
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Table of Contents
Declaration .................................................................................................................................. i
Acknowledgment .......................................................................................................................ii
Executive summary...................................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................ 1
Background of My Hosting Company................................................................................ 1
Brief history................................................................................................................. 1
Vision ................................................................................................................... 1
Mission................................................................................................................. 1
Values of the Firm ............................................................................................... 1
Products and Services.................................................................................................. 2
Customers .................................................................................................................... 4
Company organization and work flow ........................................................................ 4
General Information about our site ............................................................................. 6
CHAPTER TWO ....................................................................................................................... 7
Overall Internship Experience ............................................................................................ 7
How I get to the company ........................................................................................... 7
Sections I have worked in the company ...................................................................... 7
Site work .............................................................................................................. 7
General overview of our site .............................................................................................. 7
Office work .......................................................................................................... 9
Work flow in the section of the company ................................................................. 10
Tasks that I have executed ........................................................................................ 11
Office work ........................................................................................................ 11
Working on reports............................................................................................................... 16
Site work ............................................................................................................ 16
The procedures that am using while working ........................................................... 26
Challenges in the site................................................................................................. 26
Problems we faced in our site with their appropriate solutions ................................ 26
CHAPTER THREE ................................................................................................................. 29
Overall benefits gained from internship ........................................................................... 29
In terms of improving practical skills ....................................................................... 29
In terms of improving theoretical knowledge ........................................................... 30
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In terms of interpersonal communication skills ........................................................ 31
In terms of improving team playing skills ................................................................ 31
In terms of improving leadership skills ..................................................................... 31
In terms of understanding about work ethics related issues ...................................... 32
In terms of entrepreneurship skills ............................................................................ 32
In terms developing the skill of laboratory and site tests .......................................... 33
Concrete compressive strength Test: ................................................................................ 33
HCB block test: ................................................................................................................ 33
CHAPTER FOUR.................................................................................................................... 35
Conclusion and recommendation ..................................................................................... 35
Conclusion................................................................................................................. 35
Recommendation....................................................................................................... 37
Recommendation for consultant ........................................................................ 37
Recommendation for my university (department) ............................................. 37
CHAPTER FIVE ..................................................................................................................... 38
References ........................................................................................................................ 38
Appendix I ............................................................................................................................... 39
Appendix II .............................................................................................................................. 40
Concrete compressive test result .......................................................................................... 40
Appendix III ............................................................................................................................. 41
Appendix V .............................................................................................................................. 42
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1 Background of My Hosting Company
Brief history
Flintstone engineering was established in 1991 G.C. as a grade VIII Contractor. It grew up
into Grade one contractor in around 15 years of its formation. The owner of the company is
Mr. Tsedeke yihuna.
It also spread its focus from just being a building contractor to the real-estate sector by
introducing one of the most effective and competitive brands, Flintstone Homes®.
Throughout its journey of unquestionable growth, Flintstone Engineering has executed
numerous amounts of construction, making the request of its vast variety of clients a reality.
Flintstone engineering is a company that is established for mutual benefits. This means it is
not only running business for gaining money , but it is also creating job opportunities for
number of jobless peoples and playing a remarkable work in the development of this country.
Even though this company is not famous in road construction, at this time it is also giving
attention for Highway sector. For example currently it is constructing road From Shakiso to
Nowadays Flintstone company is branched into “Flintstone engineering” and “Flintstone
Homes”. Flintstone Homes is mainly active in constructing real states whereas Flintstone
engineering is participating in high rise buildings, University dormitories, classrooms and
In building construction it has number of machines especially in huge sites, but in case of
road sector almost it has no machineries. Flintstone engineering is constructing road using
rented machines only.
Currently it is working with foreign contractor as an assistant. This will be a great benefit
regarding with experience and confidence.
1.1.1 Vision
To witness a flourishing firm that leads by example in good business practice.
1.1.2 Mission
We the leaders and followers of Flintstone engineering shall: Ever survive as a business that
is committed to the creation of excellent values keeping in balance the needs of customers,
employees, shareholders and the community.
1.1.3 Values of the Firm
· “In competition, individual ambition serves the common good.” We believe in this
statement and will always uphold that the “common good” embraces our universe.
·Omnia Vincit Labor, All is conquered by work, provided the output of the work is
desirable to the customer – a creature of good will from the universe.
·Omnia Mutantur, Nos et Mutamur in lllis, all things are changing, and we are changing
with them. We value versatility and adaptability more than specialization and “tradition”; to
tide us over an economic tempest or save ourselves from technological obsolescence.
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· We believe in the Golden Rule. “Do unto others as you would others do unto you.” And
we believe that Good shall always prevail over Evil.
Quality policy of Flintstone Engineering
Flintstones quality policy is to achieve sustained profitable growth by providing construction
services which consistently exceed the needs and expectations of its clients this level of
quality is achieved through:
Full understanding and conforming to the agreed upon requirements and
specifications of the clients.
Delivering the right result at the right time.
The adoptions of a system of procedures that reflect the competence of the quality
management system of the company.
Strive to continually improving the effectiveness of the QMS based on ISO
Ensuring that employees understand the QMS and gaining commitment from all of
our dedicated staff identify, communicate and comply to regulatory requirements.
1.2 Products and Services
Flintstone Engineering is a multi-directional construction firm mainly concentrating upon
building construction. It also actively participates in the real-estate business producing
different types of residential buildings according to the choice of its clients at relatively
affordable prices. Additionally it constructs roads.
Some of the most known projects it has been involved in throughout its years
Dilla university (Health science campus)
Dire Dawa University
Jijiga University
Arbaminch University (expansion project)
Hawassa University (Health science and Yirgalem campus expansion projects)
Bahirdar University (Law school and Agriculture campus)
Addis Ababa University Veterinary School (DebreZeit) University
Addis Ababa University (FBE Dormitory Block addition)
Bedele town general hospital
Wonji Sugar factory
Haramaya University Main Campus (additional library and store),
And others more…
The smooth growth of Flintstone Engineering is strongly tied to its young and energetic staff
and the team spirit they possess, under the supervision of its one-of-a kind management team.
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Flintstone homes is a real estate business launched in 2008 by Flintstone Engineering, a
construction firm founded in 1991. This Ethiopian year, Flintstone will celebrate its 20th
Anniversary with the inauguration of its m
aiden real estate project, Flintstone, Twin crossings
which features 40 villas, 60 town houses and 450 condominiums. When completed in April
2012, these homes will be the first in the history of Addis real estate market to have been
delivered on time.
Town House
Townhouses feature huge improvements to those
built during the mid-eighties
eighties to the mid
and meet the needs of the metropolitan family of
the millennium. these give the buyer the option
of an individual, self-contained
contained home at a third
of the price of a detached Villa.
Villa 250 T-type
Our villas are beautiful in a minimalist tone,
offer spectacular views and all are low priced
and economically habitable
Flintstone shops
Flintstone shops, Lideta Mercator small shops
complex with three basement levels below
ground level, the8 story complex features a six
level shopping mall and cinemas at level 7
each floor interconnected by solar
solar-driven escalators,
panoramic elevator and service elevator. Solar panel,
ventilated, and other facilities.
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Figure 1 Flintstone Engineering products
1.3 Customers
Obviously, consumers are clients of the contractor here in our case. They employ the
contractor to actualize their demand in the way they want it to. Clients can be divided into
1) Buyers of ready-made products
Example - real-estate
2) Those clients that choose the best contractor for a design they came up with.
Example – different universities, hospitals, factories and the like…
The first are usually individuals. And the buildings are relatively smaller. But the second are
a diversified type of clients. These clients could vary from individuals to the government to
NGOs and the projects are usually larger.
Under the client, there is always the client’s customer. This customer is the end user of the
building. That is whom the building is constructed for. This is like the bottom of the triangle
such the wider population.
Generally Flintstone engineering’s current customers are listed below:
Governmental Universities
Ethiopian road authority (in road sector)
Individuals (in real state)
Ministry of Health (in Hospitals)
And so on…
1.4 Company organization and work flow
It is obvious that the company organization and work flow varies depending on company
grade (level) and how huge the site is. In Flintstone engineering the head office is resident in
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Addiss Ababa and controls each sites all over the country. In Head office level the
organization is a following:
Figure 2 Head office organization
In Hawassa site; the organization looks like is:-
Figure 3 site organization
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1.5 General Information about our site
Here is the general information about our site:
Project location = Hawassa, Hawassa university, Health science campus
Client = Hawassa university
Consultant = Bet Architects p.l.c
Contractor = Flintstone Engineering
Activities = Constructing Two Dormitory, one classroom, one cafeteria, &
one staff residence.
Date of Site handover = 17 - Jul -2014 G.C
Date of work commencement = 8 - Aug - 2014 G.C
Project capital = 170,000,000 Birr
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2 Overall Internship Experience
How I get to the company
After I got the internship request paper from my university industry linkage, I start to
search an excellent company. Frankly speaking my interest was to get Design office, Not
contractors, this is because when I was 3rd year student I have visited different sites in
Bahirdar. This means at least I have a little knowledge about contractor side. Unfortunately
my search for Design office does not succeed.
When I ask some senior students, they told me Flintstone engineering is an excellent
contractor specially for intern students it is so comfortable to get excess of experiences..
Using this information in mind, I went to their Head office in Addis Ababa.
I gave them the request paper and my grade report, after some time they called and told me
that I am selected to work with them. This is how I get to this company.
Sections I have worked in the company
This part of the report deals with the overall experience gained throughout the period of
practical attachment. For the sake of simplicity, I have categorized the whole exertion into
site-work and office-work. Also a visit made to another site is included in the attachment. I
have been working both in site and office works.
2.2.1 Site work
At the beginning of my internship period I only visit the site and adapt the environment.
After one week of my entrance I start playing different role for the company.
In site part I acted like a site engineer. This includes checking the reinforcement bars,
formwork, checking for vertical and horizontal alignments, concrete mixing whether they are
done according the specification or not and totally controlling the site works.
Additionally, I also participated in the following activities:
→Sanitary work
→Site clearing
→HCB work and plastering
→Survey work using total station
→Electrical work
→Truss work and so on.
Generally, I actively participated in all sites (two dormitories, one classroom, one staff
residence and one Student cafeteria).
General overview of our site
Figure 4 Staff residence
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Figure 5 Class room
Figure 6 Dormitory
Figure 7 Student cafeteria
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Figure 8 compressive strength test machine
Figure 9
concrete Batching plant, (I visited it in my friend site)
2.2.2 Office work
In office I have participated in some of the works such as:
Takeoff Preparation
Bill of Quantity preparation
Method of statement
Final and Interim payment Preparation
Schedule preparation
Technically correct Architectural and structural drawings.
Correcting sanitary detailing
Daily data feed using excel
Core map (Construction management) online data feed for Head Office
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Work flow in the section of the company
The work flow is starts at the top, the project manager controls each and everything
concerning about the project and facilitates the work. The engineer’s office has got two
members. The project engineer and the site engineer. The site engineers participates in giving
different tasks to skilled laborers like cutting order of reinforcement bars, pouring height of
concrete structures like column, the type of formwork they are using, the work methodologies
they have to follow, shows the structures that have to be surveyed before it is started and
Observe and control the quality of work. As a site engineer I have to follow sequenced work
flow throughout the site to effectively use the specified time.
The project manager specially focuses on supervision of site and proper execution of onsite
works. Supervision in sense, he observes the overall flow of different kinds of works on site.
Especially he controls in appropriate works that arise failures to different structure of the
building and give solutions to overcome this failures. He makes the discussion with the site
engineers to go with the succeeding work with the completion of the preceding ones. He tries
to relate the structural drawing with the practically executed work and he recommends also
on resource allocation, material expenditures, and proper placement of materials on site as
well as on effective utilization of materials, labor and equipment.
The data collector office has got two members, the quantity surveyor and data collector. The
quantity surveyor works on site diaries, materials and equipment used per day and quantifies
per day reinforcement quantities based on the actual work. Additionally he submits day to
day site diaries to the supervisor and he writes material and equipment working hour, cement,
sand and aggregate quantities on to site book daily.
The other one is the data collector who collects the actual executed works like formwork,
concrete and backfill works. He try to quantify all the data’s in take-off sheets daily and
compile the data’s into monthly data. This kind of work needs training the site day to day in
order to collect different data from different skilled laborers and also needs a good
communication with site Foreman. Then he submits these all data’s to office data collector.
There are also other stakeholders for the proper functioning of the project these are:-Finance
& administering office to control human resource of the project and Accountant cashier.
Figure 10 work flow in the company
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Tasks that I have executed
They trained me different types of office works plus they showed me different activities on
site activities like excavation, concrete casting, formwork bracing, reinforcement placing,
mix design for concrete mix and their controlling system as well. And also I try to visualize
the undergoing activities, further more I try to ask questions which are unclear for me right
on site.
In the office I try to grasp different kinds of office works specially how to collect daily
executed data’s from site by asking the skilled laborers and site Foreman who work on site.
On the other hand I learned how to change daily executed quantities equipment
consumption and materials utilization in to site dairies. And I cooperatively work with these
officials for seek handling this part of work independently. Throughout my training I tried to
take part in both site and office works.
2.4.1 Office work
This part of construction work mainly focuses upon project management, quantity surveying,
and other contractual pieces of the process.
Quantity Surveying: is an important part of any construction work. At this stage, each
component of the planned building is quantified for the estimation of the cost that the project
is to be implemented with. It has the following major components:
I. Takeoff sheet
II. Bill of quantities
III. Payment certificate
I. Takeoff sheet
Is a basic and convenient technique for quantity surveying. It has its universally accepted
formats and rules. The quantified elements are put in their respective units of measurement
when takeoff is done. These units are:
Pieces (#): to quantify countable and ready-made materials of similar size and shape.
Examples of materials quantifiable in such a way are: windows, doors, cupboards and
different sanitary and electrical appliances.
Linear meter (m): For one dimensional measurement and for that of two dimensional
measurements of uniform height. An example for this are:
a. Linear measurement: length of re-bars and pipes of similar material and cross-section.
b. Areal measurement with uniform height: chip wood for expansion joint, skirting,
flushing sheets and others.
Square Meter (m2): For two dimensional measurements and for that of three dimensional
measurements of uniform thickness (depth). Examples of applications of such kinds of
measurements are:
a. Areal measurements: Block work, plastering, painting, floor finish, EGA sheet, formwork
quantity, etc…
b. Volume measurements of uniform thickness: site clearing and hard core.
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Sample take off sheets
Table 1 Concrete Takeoff sheet
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Take-Off Sheet
Table 2 Bar Takeoff sheet
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Table 3 bar Cutting Order
Take-Off Sheet
Table 4 sanitary takes off sheet
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While executing takeoff for the building, I have familiarized myself with the precedence of
constructing a building from earthwork to finishing.
The chart shows the way we finally summarized the takeoffs. This way, it gets easier to
analyze cost and compare values with the contract quantity just by linking their final values
to the BOQ file – well, of course Excel is a significant application in this case.
Elements of take off sheet
Takeoff sheet is a tabular paper that is used for takeoff execution. It has the following
I. Timising: where you depict number of pieces of that particular item.
Dimensioning: a column for showing the dimensions for an item.
Squaring: a column where the product of the values in the dimensioning column is
Description: a column for explaining the location of that particular measurement and
for noting down any exceptions, remarks and procedures.
Note: drawing defects were the main problems faced during taking off
Checking for the design
Door and window schedule:- the design of the door and windows schedule including the sun
screens is totally done by the consultants office under the architectural drawing but the design
for all buildings in our site has too much mistakes in dimension and way of opening. It means
that the schedule and the architectural drawings are incompatible. So I have taken the
responsibility from the project manager to correctly redesign the door and window schedule
i.e. Aluminum and wood including the sun screens using Auto cad
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 Another Important obsession that I have gained in office work is checking
the structural
After the loads on the cantilever have been determined I have checked the design for
reinforcements and depth whether the provided bars are safe or not in these case the
cantilever is in safe side.
Working on reports
Preparing daily data: - the work prog
progress of the site is collected by the daily data collectors
after that the collected data is inserted using Microsoft excel.
Core map construction:- is a method of submitting weekly site report to the head office of
the company. It is online service whic
h is used to follow the work progress of the site in
terms of quantity executed, material used, labor and equipment used in a week for specific
2.4.2 Site work
Under site work, the following topics are discussed as to the duration of my internship period.
Pit excavation: is the removal of soil for laying footing pad upon. Its area corresponds to
that of the footing pad and its height is a resultant of sub
grade column height and footing
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pad thickness, usually less than 1.5m. Allowance is considered when pit excavation is
executed. This allowance provides comfort for labor to perform well upon formwork and rebar installation into the pit during foundation concrete work.
During pit excavation it includes excavation of foundation pads by allowing space about 25
cm for the working space in both side of the pad (footing) pit. After the pit excavation check
the center line, alignment of column by setting out using a wire or “Sebago” and tie it on the
Foundation:- Foundation of the student cafeteria building is made of four different sizes of
isolated footings. The footings have area of 2mx2m and 2.7mx2.7m and depth of 50cm and
60cm. The footings are made of C-25 concrete and positive reinforcement. The procedures to
construct a footing are leveling and compaction the area beneath, laying lean concrete,
constructing formwork for footing, reinforcement of footing together with foundation
columns and finally casting concrete.
Figure 11 Isolated footing
My activities: Check the stirrups spacing and spacers (5cm).
 Check the size and alignment of the formwork of footings with their respect footing
 Check vertical and horizontal alignments of reinforcement and formwork of
foundation columns.
 Check reinforcement of the footings and columns according to the drawing.
 Supervision of batching, mixing, casting and vibration of concrete.
Selected material:The space from the base of foundation to grade beam is always filled by selected materials. In
case of this project the space has different sizes according to their corresponding size of
footing starting from a depth of 1.4 meters. Filling this space was began before completing
construction of foundation for better working condition i.e. transportation of the material. The
selected material is mixed with soil having good characteristics. The material is compacted in
layers of 20 cm after being watered for maximum density in optimum moisture content. My
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activity in this process was to follow up whether the material is compacted in the given layer
after being watered or not.
Figure 12
selected material
Grade Beam
My activities during construction of Grade beams in student cafeteria block:
 Check the availability of quality materials like form work, reinforcement bars free
from corrosion, and ingredients of concrete i.e. sand, cement, coarse aggregate and
clean water.
 Check the stirrups spacing and spacers (2.5cm for grade beam) also the beam
overlap length as per the design and the drawing details.
 Should be watered for 7 days.
 The side form work shouldn’t be removed before 16 hrs.
 Controlling the concrete mix
Figure 13 Grade beam
Column: - Column is an important component of R.C structure. Column, in general it may
be defined as a member carrying direct axial load which causes compressive stress of such
magnitudes that the stress largely controls its design.
My activities
Stirrup spacing should be checked it depends on the design
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check reinforcement diameter and overlap length
check the quality of formwork
check conformity of the formwork with the approved formwork design
check grout tightness and sufficiency of rigidity of formwork to prevent
disturbance due to pressure of concrete, effect of vibrator and other load
check provision of spacers(2.5cm) with the required dimension
check provision of opening for maintaining pouring height of concrete without
the vertical and the horizontal alignment of the columns should be checked by any
method approved by the engineer
stock balance should be checked (that means the quality and quantity of the
materials required to execute the required concrete volume )
Figure 14 column
check the availability of enough man power and machineries
check the mix ratio(1:2:3) and the mix itself
Way of the execution of the work (way of mixing, way of placing, distance the
concrete travel from the mixing station to the casting station etc...)
 Check the time frame for the removal of formwork (16 hours).
 Proper curing (7days).
 Check if there is segregation and bleeding during casting of concrete.
Hard core:- Stone for hard core is sound and approved quality. All stones in the hard core are
of approximately equal and recommended size. All hard core is well rammed and
consolidated with the top surface blinded with crushed aggregate of 20mm. thickness In
accordance with the standard technical specification. The thickness of the hard core satisfies
the specification or design.
Figure 15 Hard core
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Beam:- is a structural part of building. It may be defined as a member carrying or transferring
loads from slabs and from it to the column, then to the foundation of the building finally to
the soil. Beam at the top it is subjected to compression and at the bottom it is subjected to
tensile force when load is applied on it.
My activities:-
 Check conformity of the formwork with approved formwork design
 Check cleanliness, smoothness and treatment with release agent for the surface of
 Check conformity with the approved formwork design i.e. dimension, shape,
strength, method of fixing, rigidity, bracing detail and method of removing the
 Reinforcement diameter, number and overlap length should be checked
 Check position of overlap of reinforcement as per the design
 Check stirrup spacing should be checked
 check provision of spacers(2.5cm)
 Check stock balance(volume of the required material for the required concrete
volume )
 Check the availability of enough man power and machineries
 The appropriate use of vibrator should be checked
 Check the mix ratio(1:2:3) and the mix itself
Way of the execution of the work (way of mixing, way of placing, distance the
concrete travel...)
Check the time frame for the removal of formwork (16 hr.)
Proper curing (7days)
Check if there is segregation
Check if there is bulging of the beam
Slab:- Slab is one of the structural components of a building so care should be taken in the
designing and in the construction of slab. A slab mainly consists of reinforcement bars and a
well vibrated concrete around re-bar. Slab is a reinforced concrete supported by columns &
beams. In our site all the slabs are solid slabs.
My activities: check submittal of form work design
 check conformity with approved formwork design i.e. dimension, shape, strength,
method of fixing, rigidity, bracing detail, detail for false work, method of removing
the form of detail at joints (slab thickness waist)
 check cleanliness of all reinforcement bars (free from dirt, paint, oil, rust and other
foreign substance) and check provision of spacers(1.5cm)
 check reinforcement overlap location and length to be as shown in the drawing
 attention for position of the reinforcement in cantilever section (presence of
bar fixer during placing of concrete for correction and positioning of reinforcement
during placing of concrete )
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Approval of toilet seat fixer so that the exact position for the outlet can be identified
Provision of PVC pipes on the outlet position of the toilet seats to avoid further
Proper provision and fixing of electrical conduits and sanitary pipes. approve the
work permit above before placing concrete
Figure 16 Slab casting
Controlling the type of material to be used for form work
Method used to treat the formwork to prevent adherence of
concrete(coating with oil or any other release agent)
 Check whether or not the effect of cambering is considered
 Check the entire sanitary, electrical etc... Works that are executed in that particular
 Check the availability of enough man power and machineries
 The appropriate use of vibrator which may cause bleeding an dsegregation.
 Check the mix ratio (1:2:3) and the mix itself (way of mixing, way of placing
concrete ....)
 check the time frame for the removal of formwork (after 28 days for bottom
supports and after 16hr for side supports)
 proper curing (7days)
Stair case: - Stairs are set of steps leading from one floor to another and are provided in
building to afford a means of communication between the various floors. Steps arranged in
series and placed in an enclosure are called Stair Case. In our site both straight turned and
half turned stairs are used.
My activities: Check Pattern of contract trade /landing /riser including their dimension
 Check the reinforcement (size, length, arrangement, length and position of
arrangement )
 Check Provision of spacer
 Check The stock balance(the quantity and quality of the materials required to execute
the required volume of concrete)
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Figure 17 stair case
Water proofing membrane:- is a thin layer of water tight material that is ;aid over a surface.
This layer is continuous and does not allow water to pass through it. It may be laid above the
structural slab, below the finish tiles and for other uses. In our site it is used above the
structural slab to ensure the water does not seep in to the building. These membranes are
composed of thin layers of water proof materials most are about 2 to 4 mm thickness.
Two types of membranes:
1) Sheet based membrane and
2) Liquid based membrane.
Figure 18 water proof membrane
A blow torch is used to heat the bottom of the membrane (Bitumex sheet) that arrives at the
site in the form of roll. These are then unfurled and laid on a firm surface. The most common
type of sheet based membrane is bituminous water proofing membrane. These types of
membrane are stock to substrate with a hot tar based adhesive using blow torch.
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Joint between adjacent membranes are also made with the same hot adhesive. The sheets are
overlapped by about 100mm (4’’) to form a water proof joint. Some membranes are even
joined by melting them with a hot air gun and then overlap them on the previously laid sheet.
My activities: Checking the overlap whether it is laid in the direction of flow or not
Mesh in Ground floor: as we now ground floor is not suspended, the load is directly
transferred to the ground. But still we mesh it with Ø8 c/c 200. This is for considering the
temperature and shrinkage effects.
Figure 19 Mesh in Ground Floor
Expansion Joint: This is used for structural separation. Most of the time if structure is longer
than 30m, it is sensitive in the case of earth quick. If we didn’t use expansion joint or other
mechanism, the structures with width greater than 30m will fall totally (In terrific seismic).
But when we use expansion joint, one part of the separated element has a chance to withstand
the seismic.
Another importance of expansion joint is to retain the defects in one portion; For example we
use expansion joint in ground floor slab, in order to retain some cracks and stresses in its part
only. The material used for expansion joint is whether Styrofoam or Chip wood.
I highly recommend using Styrofoam instead of chip wood; this is because chip wood is
easily damaged by water.
Light weight concrete: this is used in roof slab in order to bring appropriate slope for rain.
We don’t use 02 aggregates for case of light weight concrete; instead we use 01 aggregate
size and sand.
Figure 20 Light weight concrete in Roof slab
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Plastering: - is a method of converging the HCB of the wall with different layer of cement
and sand mix in the ratio of 1:3 (1 box of cement and 3 box of sand) the size of the box is
(18x40x50) cm. its main purpose is to make the wall ready for point and smooth.
Generally there are three types of plastering these are
1) First coat:- It is the coat that is applied on the wall directly. It is also known as
“berera grif” .We have to use a cement and sand mix with the ratio of 1:3 It has a thin
thickness and used to support the rest coats (2nd and 3rd coat) on the wall properly We
left this layer for one day to continuous the 2nd and 3rd layers.
2) Second coat:- This layer is applied directly on the primary cost to make the wall more
smooth then the 1st coat and helps for the 3rd coat (fine coast ). It is usually known as
3) Fine coat:- This is the last layer of plastering on which painting is done. We use 1.1
mix ration (1 box cement and 1 box sand, but the sand is fine sand).
Wall: - wall may be defined as a vertical member. It is one of the most essential components
of a building. The primary function of a wall is to enclose or divide space of the building to
make it more functional and use full.
Wall should be so designed as to have provision of adequate strength and stability weather
resistance, durability, fire resistance, thermal insulation and sound insulation. There are two
types of walls constructed in our site i.e. external and internal wall using HCB.
External wall:- It is a wall constructed to keep the interior warm and dry and give protection
from street noise and from fire. It may be load bearing or non load bearing , load bearing wall
is the one that is constructed with the beam at the same time, were as non load bearing
wall is the one that is constructed on the beam (slab), it is constructed after the beam and the
slab is casted (after the structural frame is made)
In our site the external wall are constructed from the HCB with size of (20x20x40) cm and
cement mortar. We use the HCB that passed the comprehensive strength test.
Internal wall:- The function of internal wall is to separate the internal spaces with in a
building into separate room. Sometimes the internal walls are used to give support to the
floors above or below the floor. Such walls are load bearing and form part of the structural
system of the building .The HCB used for the internal walls has the size of (20x10x40) cm
My activity: Controlling the mix ratio of mortar.
 Controlling only 5 courses are done per day.
 Proper curing of the blocks
 Checking whether the blocks have passes the test.
 Checking for both vertical and horizontal alignments.
Formwork: is defined as a temporary structure usually made of steel or timber and whose
purpose is to provide support and containment for fresh concrete until it can support itself. It
molds the concrete to the desired shape and size, and controls its position and alignment.
Formworks are engineered structures that are required to support loads such as fresh concrete,
construction materials, equipment, workers, various impacts and sometimes, wind. The
formworks must support all applied loads without collapse or excessive deflection. They are
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usually oiled at the side where they are to have contact with concrete for reasons of
smoothness of concrete and ease of dethatching the formwork after the concrete has fully set.
Batching of concrete means measuring different ingredients of concrete (i.e. cement,
sand, aggregate, and water) before mixing in our site the mix is done using volume
Figure 21 column Batching box
Note: C-5 and C-25
25 make up concrete work in substructure works C
C-55 is used for leveling
Purposes only and applied under pad and grade beam and C
25 is used totally in the concrete
work in our site.
Lean concrete:- The C-55 grade concrete is called lean concrete. It is mostly used under sub
Structures. It is a 50 mm thick qualify of C
C-5 with minimum cement.
Place c-5 concrete
ncrete (lean concrete) in the pit on the soil and finally place the pads and place
reinforcement bars according to the drawing with a great care by keeping the alignment.
Reinforcement bar: bars are usually produced in a standard form at the factory. They are
sold in “berga”” with their respective diameters. 12 meters of a single re
re--bar constitutes one
berga. Due to the fact that re--bars are produced at limited forms, it is a must for the bars to
be utilized with minimal wastage. And in order to achieve this,
his, scheduling of bars; namely,
Bar Bending Order is prepared by the office engineer.
Note: for the minimization of wastage and time, the engineers at site have tried to order rebars according to the bending order. Meaning that, the factory would have to supply
readymade bars - cut according to the bar bending order. It did not work out but I appreciated
the idea.
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The procedures that am using while working
As l have listed above I am working both in the site and office works in my over all
internship period. I have applied varies procedures while performing different tasks like
procedures of quantity surveying, design of different sub and super structures to check for the
design, principles mainly in construction materials and building construction and I also use
procedures of different soft ware’s.
2.6 Challenges in the site
The main challenge in the beginning period of my internship was:
 Absence of knowledge of quantity surveying and specification.
 Unable to communicate using site words.
 Until I adapt it the temperature was difficult.
 The room (temporary site was difficult)
 dearth of pocket money
2.7 Problems we faced in our site with their appropriate solutions
In our site there was some problems, here are some of them:
1) In our site most of the problems occurred due to the fault in technical drawings. The
structural drawing is not fully detailed. For example in one of our blocks, the grade
beam in verandah is not depicted in structural drawing. As a result the site engineer
constructed without considering the grade beam for verandah. When the site reached
at the level of roof beam, the site engineers become alerted about that. At this time
they chiseled the ground column and attached the new grade beam.
Here is graphically depicted:
Figure 22 Missed Grade Beam
Actually the column is not chiseled too much. In case of chiseling too much instead I
recommend to use expansion joint without chiseling the column. This is because of ground
column is very critical element.
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2) Earth quick in Hawassa: this is also a terrific problem for all existing and under
construction buildings. Fortunately the magnitude was 4.3 Richter scale (not too muc
hazardous). Even though this seismic doesn’t consequent much hazard, it created a
number of cracks in houses in the city.
This coincidence was important to me. This is because my future plan is to be an excellent
structural engineer, this means I feel the seismic effect, and from now I will design structures
by considering the effect of earth quick.
Hawassa zone 4
Figure 23 Seismic zones in Ethiopia
As we know Hawassa is zone 4 (Hazardous Seismic) in seismic categories.
I recommend to all structural engineers, to feel the effect
effect,, and design an element that can
witness the engineering level of achievement.
3) Working totally out of schedule: this is the main problem in Flintstone engineering.
Most of the time they handle too much ssites
ites in different place, and they faced a
scarcity in budget for all sites. This brings to run some of the sites late than their
planed time. For example our site must achieve 883%
3% at this time according to their
agreement. But still
ll the site is at the leve
level of 60%.
0%. This is poor practice because may
be if the buildings were built they serve their intended purpose at the needed time.
When the company faces shortage of money not the site only affected, but also the
skilled and layman manpower, the subcontracto
rs and so on will be influenced.
As I have stated in the above our company is facing with shortage of money, even
they start to stop some activities in their Hawassa site and Dilla site. This company is
forced to reduce the number of daily labors by 40.
or your surprise Even though they
are in Bad time, they are participating to get Bid for new site in Hawassa.
Generally I recommend all contractors not to run different sites in different place if
they don’t have enough budgets to handle all the sites.
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4) Non active supervisor: this is also a main problem in our site. At the beginning of the
site the supervisor was actively participating, become full time in site. But later on, he
totally starts to be out of site for long time. At this moment the contractor rush the site
work with no supervision and approval to continue. Finally when the supervisor came
he signed approval papers after the work have been implemented.
Another very amazing thing is, as we know compression test for concrete is done in
the presence of both contractor and supervisor, but in our site often sample is taken
and test is done by the contractor without the presence of the supervisor and finally
the result is conveyed to the supervisor. This is non ethic work.
In our site there was a problem regarding with absence of quick solution. The case is
the depicted site plan and the actual terrain is not matched, at this time contractor ask
the supervisor to get quick solution. But the supervisor was not able to give solution
by himself, he always forward the letters to his head office in Addis Ababa. As a
result the contractor forced to stop work for several days until the decision reach to
I recommend all supervisors to play their role properly and be in site always when
there is activity. The supervisor should not give a means of gap for the contractors to
go by their decision. And I decidedly recommend that full decision should be upon
the supervisor and this will make the flow very easy.
5) Honey Comb in concrete structures: In our site there are structural elements that are
not poured properly. This means they consists concrete honey comb problem.
Here are some figures:
Plastered honey comb
Figure 24 Honey comb in structural elements
In order to decrease concrete honey comb, I recommend use of vibrator appropriately. Even
though the mixture is good, if we didn’t use the vibrater properly it consequents a problem
such as honey comb and so on. I recommend the concrete to be vibrated using vibrator, every
0.5m to 1m with time 5 sec- 2 min.
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3 Overall benefits gained from internship
Internship program is a method of letting the students to presuppose themselves as a
potentially responsible workman for a particular work by assigning them to actively
participating construction as well as consulting companies. And such trends help me to have
valuable work experience. Internship programs are also potentially valuable to company.
Unfortunately, some companies continue to regard interns as little more than a free source of
labor to catch up on filing and other tedious office tasks. But many business owners and
managers realize that internship programs can provide them with an early opportunity to
gauge the talents of a new generation of workers and, in many cases, sell themselves as a
quality place for students to begin their careers after they graduate.
In this internship that means within these four months I have observed what the outside
construction world looks like more than I know when I were at school. When I were at the
school I learned or take many theoretical lessons even difficult to understand theoretically. So
in this internship I get good opportunity to solve these difficulties. Because those things
which were theoretically difficult to understand, were not hard to understand when I learned
The overall benefits of the internship are not limited to the practical skill only. I would like to
group the overall benefits in terms of different categories such as:
In terms of improving our practical skill
In terms of upgrading our theoretical knowledge
In terms of improving our interpersonal communication skill
In terms of improving our team playing skill
In terms of improving our leadership skill
In terms of understanding about work ethics related issues
In terms of entrepreneurship skill
In terms developing the skill of laboratory and site tests
3.1 In terms of improving practical skills
In my practical period, I have gained different practical skills like planning in office,
organizing at site, controlling and co-ordination.
Planning is the administrative process which translates the policy into a method of reaching
the objective. It lays down how a project will be carried out, what materials will used, what
men and staff will be employed, what machines or equipment will be utilized etc. and other
details to carry out the policy effectively. Additionally I gained how to plan weekly schedules
by referring the project master schedule. In planning process you have to go through with
different new techniques from time to time to improve productivity and time consumption.
Coordinating is a process where the framework or structure of the organization is made to
operate smoothly with the flow of information, decisions and results in every direction. In a
large organization and in a large complicated project, as the work is divided into different
departments, hence there is greater need for good coordination.
 placing of doubly reinforcement bars
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 where is negative bars are placed
 mix design of concrete by machine mixer i.e.( 720L and 360L)
 Surveying (leveling)
 How formworks are braced for columns
 How slab & beam formwork prepared
 How to line up designed reinforcement bars for beams and columns.
 How to tie up the bars keeping their appropriate spacing
 How to set up a form work of a beam & how to erect a formwork of a column.
 How to mix a paste with an appropriate mix ratio.
 How to align columns straight.
In practical skill it includes making myself capable in reading technical drawings and put
them in ground. Not only reading structural drawings, but I can also accurately read sanitary
details. In site I have seen different types of stair cases. Here is the different one:
Figure 25 Staircase reinforcement
The stair case in the above is zigzag type both in the top and bottom faces. This was different
from the stair I learned in design classes. As a result it was a great experience in terms of how
to fix its formwork and bar reinforcement for those types of stairs.
3.2 In terms of improving theoretical knowledge
After I have seen both the practical and theoretical aspect of construction, I become clear
with ambiguities that I have encountered before, that is when I were learnt in class. In order
to illustrate this I would like to list
 In arrangement and curtailing of reinforcement bars
 Moment zero condition (that means one third rule) etc...
As I know almost all the courses I took were focused on theoretical part. Thanks to
this internship program I am now able to upgrade my theoretical knowledge by
practice. So, I can say that my knowledge is upgraded by the practical things I have
seen at the site.
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In terms of interpersonal communication skills
There should be effective communication in every direction within the organization.
Without communication there can be no issue of instructions so that the plans of action can
be put into effect, there can be no control or co-ordination. Effective work flow can take
place only when there is a continuous communication and feedback for control purpose. And
also if there is no effective communication throughout the company it is very difficult to
distribute different instructions to the stakeholders in the organization. Communication is a
key to strengthen relationships of different staff members and other executives. Having all
these, I have gained the ability to clearly express my difficulties to different departments in
order to understand each and every instruction forwarded to me.
I have improved the way of my communication with different staffs for the sake of
accomplishing my task effectively. There are a lot of common communicating words in the
construction site among these: - Berga, fundo,Grilla, Gancho, kebeleto, modini, soleta,
sponda,staffa and stanga etc.
3.4 In terms of improving team playing skills
As a project team member I cooperatively participate in works that I am able to do in my
level. And also I observe how they take responsibilities throughout the work. I cooperatively
struggle to latest developed techniques in order to execute each task economically. I always
track the availability of construction materials in sufficient quantity so as to carry out the
work smoothly without any wastage of time. As a team member I allocate labor force
effectively in each task and also I select the placement of the worker in the job where he/she
is best suited. Team works, especially for engineers, involve in every piece of task.
Thus, achieving good team playing skill is essential for
   Effective completion of tasks
   Increasing productivity
Generally as a project team member I have improved my coordinating, motivating and
organizing skills in my training period.
In terms of improving leadership skills
Good leadership is vital for the construction industries development as well as to the
economical construction. If there is a good leadership throughout the company, the following
things are done smoothly:   Wastage of materials and labour is controlled
   Proper co-ordination between all the categories of person will be improved.
   The quality of products and workmanship will be better.
   Work is properly executed as per specifications.
   The work can be finished as per the specified period of time.
In my training I experienced leadership management in conjunction with my management
staffs, like controlling mechanisms of project activities in all aspects by different level of
management staffs.
What I gain from the internship regarding improving leadership is that to inspire workers
into higher levels of teamwork. During my practical time I have been able to observe that one
should have great skills to be a leader. Among them:
  Good speaking ability.
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To have the ability to listen to others.
To be decisive.
Good management skills.
To know the subject one is working on thoroughly.
3.6 In terms of understanding about work ethics related issues
First of all I arrive at the site on time according to the company’s working hour schedule
and tour the all around the site in order to find out defects of yesterday’s work. If I see such
defects I will inform to the site engineer to take an action. Immediately the site and project
Engineer informs to the site Forman to correct the defects according to the solutions accepted
by Supervisor, Project and site Engineer. All the works are executed by close supervision and
approval of the supervisor. On the other hand all works before their execution; the contractor
has to submit the work methodology to the client supervisor.
In relation to ethics, my understanding is how to treat each and every employee who works
to achieve a common goal. If you don’t treat properly every skilled and unskilled laborer on
site they don’t do the work properly. They create delay and dissatisfaction to the overall
work. From the above point of view distributing instructions to different level of stakeholders
in ethical approach is much more beneficial.
In terms of entrepreneurship skills
Entrepreneurship is a key driver of economic growth and job creation. An entrepreneur is one
who comes with ideas or action which could benefit him/her and the society economically by
creating jobs and making business. The other criteria to be named an entrepreneur is the ideas
should be problem solving. After the completion of internship, I was more motivated to look
forward in construction business and to start taking sub contract with different technique. I
got some practical idea about entrepreneurship skills in my internship period. The owner of
the company is an entrepreneur, he started the field with little capital years ago and now he
has created many jobs and he is constructing important infrastructures. To be an entrepreneur
it doesn’t necessarily needs large money but vision and commitment.
In any particular building construction project for instance a civil engineering graduate can
fit in the following positions.
• Site Engineer
• Office Engineer
• Project manager
• Supervisor
• Consultant, etc….
The stair case in the above is zigzag type both in the top and bottom faces. This was different
from the stair I learned in design classes. As a result it was a great experience in terms of how
to fix its formwork and bar reinforcement for those types of stairs.
Even when I became a structural engineer this kind of stair case will be easy to me for design.
Here is a short and clear step I have seen in site (activities done from starting site handover):
First of all there is a client (owner), it may be individual or governmental. This client
searches a team of Architect, Structural engineer, sanitary expert, Electrical engineer, and
surveyor in order to prepare Technical drawing for the client. Client may give this chance for
the team by Bid. The one who is winner will be responsible to prepare the technical drawings.
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After some time the prepared drawing will be given to the client. After this the client starts to
search contractor (the one who put the drawing in to ground).
The selection of contractor could be based on:
 Competitive bide
 Short listening
 Direct award
Using one of the above choices there will be one winner contractor. The winner contractor
will received the technical drawings and the site from the client. Depending on the site
condition (huge or not) the contractor will receive Advance payment to start the work from
the client. At this stage the contractor will start activities in site under supervision of the
contractor side.
Depending on their agreement there will be periodic payment to contractor (this may be
monthly). The payment which is not final is called interim payment. Final payment is the
payment after the site is completed. The process of payment is; first the contractor prepares
Takeoff for the works he had executed. This is checked by the consultant side, after approval
by the consultant side a second way of checking will be carried on by the client side (this is
true if the client has its own employed engineers). If there is problem with the Takeoff sheet,
it will be sent back to the contractor to modify it. But if the Takeoff is correct the contractor
will received its money. Under contractor there may be sub-contracts for some segment work
such as HCB, Reinforcement etc.
In terms developing the skill of laboratory and site tests
In our site there are tests such as Concrete compressive strength (15cm cube sample) and
HCB Blocks sample.
Concrete compressive strength Test: In this test a sample is taken from the prepared
mix for the structure, the sample is taken in the presence of supervisor and consultant, and
poured in to mold size of 15cm cube (the mold should be oiled with mold oil).
After 24 hours the mold is immersed in to water and wait until it reach total period of 28
days. At the day of 28 the sample is taken out from the water bath and will be surface dry.
Finally it will be crushed by compressive machine. In crushing the sample we stop the
machine when the peak light is on. The reading is in KN then we change it to Mpa (stress) by
dividing it the area of the cube.
In one test we perform three samples, and the average is taken as the 28 days concrete
strength. Note if there is huge difference between the three samples in magnitude, there is
something wrong in uniformity of the concrete. At this time the average value will not a
representative; we have to undergo different Additional tests such as Hammer test.
HCB block test: in HCB test 6 samples is taken randomly from the produced HCBs. The
6 samples are prepared for test by plastering the top edge in order to bring leveled area for
plate it rest above it. Finally the 6 samples are crushed by the compressive machine and the
average value will be the representative one.
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Table 5 Strength Values for HCB
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Conclusion and recommendation
4.1 Conclusion
These days the technology of construction industry has been improved very much.
Consequently modern design new construction techniques and material usage is in practice.
This has greatly required the improvement of the work methodology. As a result the
supervision work shall also be improved.
It is clear that the supervisor has a big role to improve the time quality and cost controlling
in the construction industry. To implement these parameters (time, cost and quality) the
experience of the supervisor shall be carefully determined by the consultant depending on the
size and complexity of the project. The whole process beginning from the sub-surface
investigation to the finalizing steps in the construction of the foundation is basic and needs a
little more care than do others. This is because the minimum of mistakes made in the
construction of the foundation may lead to a disastrous collapse/ failure of the whole
building. Therefore the processes and activities mentioned on the report should be strictly
followed and controlled.
The purpose of this Internship (attachment) program was to introduce students with working
condition and mostly it helps students to grasp knowledge from practicing the theory which
they have been learning in the class. I have been working in my Host Company called
Flintstone Engineering. This program gave me good practical skills and made me familiar to
the outside real construction world. Most the theoretical things I have been learned got
illustrated here in this program, which develops more my confidence in the theoretical
knowledge. Some of the benefits I gained from the internship program are listed below as: Help me to improve my theoretical knowledge and build my confidence
 Team playing skills and seeking for help in case of difficulties without any shame
 Leadership skill
 some computer programs which aid the civil engineering work(AutoCAD, Microsoft
 Knowing the local construction terms
 Knowing Working standards
 Helps me to know how to execute the different items of work within one building
 Helps me to know how to supervise the above executed items
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 Helps me to develop professional contacts, for searching job in the future.
 Assist me in developing greater understanding of my own strength and weakness
 Work ethics
 Preparation of takeoff sheet for different structures like concrete, formwork, sanitary
materials, electrical materials etc
 Preparation of payment certificate
 I am clearly familiar with the role of Consultant, Contractor, and Client.
As part of my work, I were conducted a series of off ice works, site visits, concrete
strength test and supervision during concrete work of structural parts of a building.
During a series of site visits I did the following things: Quality control: - It is an essential need to ensure that the works are executed in
accordance to the specified standards. It can be achieved through continuous inspection
and checking quality of material and workman ship.
 Quantity control: - This includes quantity control of materials such as, re-bars,
cement, aggregate and sand. The practical attachment was really helpful to get the
intended knowledge. I got the chance to be responsible for my work and doing of
what I have been ordered. Generally I can say confidentially, it was wonder full and
I understand that what I learnt.
“The extraordinary thing I get from internship is just I clearly know my position. In
those four months I got my talent. Soon I will be an excellent Structural engineer.”
By: - Abreham sewenet
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Final Internship Report
Flintstone Engineering - 2016
I highly recommend the following things to my company:
 Payment for the daily labor, professionals, and subcontracts should be paid on
 It should give an attention for all of its sites, and able to undergo the activities
within the schedule.
 As we know Flintstone Engineering is a GC1 contractor but still they don’t use new
technology products. I recommend this company to use steel panels for formworks,
latest machines and use its own cranes and other machineries instead of rent.
 It should properly handle its material in site, such as cements and reinforcement
bars. For example in our site almost all bars are affected by corrosion.
 I want to say keep it up, the help of the company performing in intern students.
 Safety is not assured in our site; therefore the company should assure the safety of
all members by using helmets and other tools.
 Most of the temporary rooms in office are not convenient. Most of the rooms are in
high temperature and no ventilation. This will decrease the interest of the team to
enter in the room and perform their work. Therefore the temporary rooms should be
 In our site they are only performing compression test for concrete and HCB blocks.
Therefore it is recommended to undergo tests for aggregate, sand and cement.
4.2.1 Recommendation for consultant
The Bet Architect consultant didn’t put an active supervisor. Then in order to bring
a quality work the consultant should represent an excellent supervisor.
The consultant should give a very quick response for the letters from the contractor.
This is because time is a gold for the especially contractor
4.2.2 Recommendation for my university (department)
I recommend to our department to give the course quantity surveying and
specification before the internship period.
By: - Abreham sewenet
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Flintstone Engineering - 2016
5 References
Flintstone Engineering contract document for HU health science campus, Hawassa
Ethiopian building code of standards , 1995
Flintstone today magazine, 1st Edition, June -2016, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Reinforced concrete structure hand out
By: - Abreham sewenet
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Final Internship Report
Flintstone Engineering - 2016
Appendix I
Sanitary work in our site
By: - Abreham sewenet
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Flintstone Engineering - 2016
Appendix II
Concrete compressive test result
By: - Abreham sewenet
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Final Internship Report
Flintstone Engineering - 2016
Appendix III
Concreting Methodology
By: - Abreham sewenet
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Final Internship Report
Flintstone Engineering - 2016
Appendix V
Local site names
Christy = the “X” type formwork in beam
Ponte = the vertical support formwork in beam
Ligna = the horizontal alignment
Tumbi = plum bob for checking vertical alignment.
Ferayo = bar bender
Bega = an instrument used to bent reinforcement works
Kugno = a piece of wood used to be as a filler or under Ponte.
Solata = slab
Ponte = T shape like scaffold for slab Stanga to keep stand the formworks
Stafa = stirrup
Kerebat = Timber material used to keep the column formwork fixed.
Muzra = spacer
Squadra = keep some area rectangle or make each angle 90
Fundo = soffit
By: - Abreham sewenet
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