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Palina Kavaliova Resume: Translation & Interpretation

+375 (29) 818-93-18
September 2017 – June 2022
Minsk State Linguistic University (MSLU), Belarus – BA “School of
Translation and Interpretation”
Specializing in Modern Foreign Languages. Translation, Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation in
English, Spanish and Russian.
Current GPA - 8.4/10
July 2021
International Organization for Migration (IOM) Summer School,
Minsk, Belarus
Attended lectures and master classes on the issues of gender equality, domestic violence, HIV/AIDS.
Studied ways to contribute to the fight against human trafficking.
July 2019
Mester School, Salamanca, Spain
Took an intensive course in the Spanish Language (B2 level), History and Culture.
Work Experience
September 2021 – PRESENT
IOM - UN Migration, Minsk – Assisted Voluntary Return and
Reintegration Clerk
Provided administrative support and contribution to conducting voluntary returns and
reintegration of migrants
Organised pre-departure formalities, such as allowances, reception of travel documents,
bookings, airport departure
Supported provision and distribution of humanitarian and emergency assistance to
Provided simultaneous interpretation from Russian into English
February 2021 – April 2021
The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), Minsk – Translator (Internship)
Translated European Asylum Support Office Country Guidance
Prepared documentation on the translation
Research Experience
MSLU Scientific Conference, May 2020
Topic of the research: Actual problems of regional studies and culture in the modern world
MSLU Scientific Conference, April 2019
Topic of the report: Contemporary immigration to the UK and its impact on British English
The Week of Science at MSLU / Kavaliova P.A. Political discourse. Lexical means of conceptual
metaphor in political advertising // MSLU Book of Abstracts, pages 90-93, Minsk, 2021 (Russian)
Kavaliova P.A. Semantic and functional characteristics of lexical units of different parts of
speech in British and Spanish political advertising // MSLU Book of Abstracts, pages 103-104,
Minsk, 2020 (Russian)
BSU Scientific Conference / Kavaliova P.A. Anti-immigrant sentiments among the Spanish.
Preconceptions, stereotypes // Collection of scientific articles of students, undergraduates,
postgraduates. Issue 11. Volume 1, pages 13-17, Minsk, 2019 (Spanish)
Volunteering Experience
Participated as an assistant attache to the Spanish team in II European Games in Minsk
Participated as an interpreter and translator at Distancias film project organised by the Spanish
Agency for International Development Cooperation and the Spanish Embassy in Minsk, Belarus
A member of Talaka charity project helping children in difficult life situations (какие были
A member of human rights center Viasna (подробнее)
Belarusian - Native
Russian - Native
English - C1
Spanish - B2
Simultaneous Interpretation (English, Spanish)
Cross-cultural communication