Concept of Reliability section introduced in Year 2014 as a part of Central Engineering Services department. Scope of work & Forward path was defined. Reliability team established in Year 2015. Services extended to complete plant including CPP. Nominated cross functional Reliability co-ordinators. Central Engineering Services Inspection Central Workshop AM Reliability AM TM - 2 Nos. Tech – 1 No. TM - 3 Nos. ATM - 1 No. Tech - 6 Nos. Trainee- 2 Nos. Sr. TM - 1 No. GET – 1 No. Tech - 1 No. Replacement of Retiring Manpower Tech - 1 Nos. Reliability Section: Statutory compliance related to IBR-1950, SMPV(U) Rules-2018, Gas Cylinder Rules2018, Petroleum Rules-2019, Factories Act and Rules. Development of Mechanical integrity programs for static equipments and piping Development of system for RCFA and CAPA Residual life Analysis of critical equipments Development of equipment specification, inspection procedures Life cycle costing Development of welding procedures, Qualifying WPS and Welders, In situ weld inspection Inspection Section: Inspection & health monitoring of static equipments and piping Condition monitoring of dynamic equipments NDT services Outside inspections Corrosion monitoring Safety valves calibration, preparing test schedules and maintaining status Revenue budget Sanctioned for 2019-20: Rs.75.3 Lakhs. Sanctioned for 2020-21: Rs. 50.0 Lakhs. Actual expenses till Dec-20: Rs.31.2 Lakhs. Out of this, @ 40% budget is utilized for Inspection and Reliability. Static & Rotary Equipments MECHANICAL INTEGRITY Piping Corrosion RELIABILITY Specification for New Equipments MAINTENANCE PREVENTION Vendor Evaluation Quality during Manufacturing PROACTIVE MAINTENANCE FPA & RCFA Welding Quality & NDT Cap-Ex INTEGRATED ASSET MANAGEMENT RLA & LCC Insurance Job Description Action Plan Preparing Master Equipment List & Updating Prepared Equipment Master Lists for static equipment, piping, safety valves, rupture discs and rotary equipments Defining criticality of Plant Rating formats for criticality definition developed. Ratings Equipments as per guidelines of obtained from Operation, Maintenance & TSD for all static, API-580 rotary equipments and piping. Preparing inspection plans Inspection needs were identified and inspection frequencies decided based on criticality defined. Actual Inspection as per plan Inspection plans released for implementation. Individual maintenance sections to prepare yearly inspection schedules based on equipment availability, etc. CES carries out / follows-up for inspection & keeps records. Job Description Action Plan Maintaining health history Respective maintenance sections to update their monthly/ shutdown reports and other major maintenance reports on KM server. CES to access that data from KM server – Activity still wanting. SAP PM module not maintained. Recommending repair / replacement plan Improvements in design, MOC, procedures Separate inspection reports are generated in specific cases. Recommendations, corrective actions, improvements are discussed in monthly Reliability meeting Job Description Action Plan Identifying corrosion issues - CUI, SCC, Corrosion at supports Corrosion issues shall be identified for complete plant. Inspection requirements, procedures shall be prepared and used for complete plant. Specific recommendations generated based on detailed investigations. Inspection and analysis Providing solutions, suggesting improvements Job Description Action Plan Identifying exact service requirements Past maintenance history Future service needs, Operating margin Optimization, Flexibility, Interchangeability Reviewing and releasing specifications Develop with TSD, Operation & Maintenance team. Job Description Action Plan Visiting vendor’s shops & evaluating capacity, quality, reliability Approving list of vendors for particular type of equipment or service, or MOC e.g. vendors approved for supply of shell and tube heat exchangers Vendor assessment form and rating system for evaluation developed. Further inputs will be taken from Purchase, Maintenance dept Job Description Reviewing scope before release of PO for critical static and rotary equipments Stage inspections at vendor's shop & ensuring quality requirements Witnessing performance test runs at vendor's shop Release clearance for shipment Action Plan Job Description FPA for breakdown incidents, chemical analysis, micrography, failure mode and pattern Analyzing and suggesting improvements in MOC, design, operating procedures Competent team representing all concerned parties Data collection, brain storming Using problem solving techniques Identifying root cause/es Recommending CAPA Learning & improvements Sharing the evaluation with all concerned Maintaining records Action Plan All major failures / breakdowns based on MAR will be analyzed. MAR line proposed (Rs.5.0 lacs/yr). Format for failure analysis prepared. Concerned HOD shall initiate the procedure. A competent team comprising all concerned sections will be formed in consultation with Management. This investigating team will have access to the failed parts and history of failed eqpt / piping. Outsourcing for chemical, mechanical and microscopy. Root cause shall be analyzed, CAPA recommended by the team. CES shall coordinate complete activity, keep record on KM server and shall share with all concerned. Job Description Action Plan Providing advanced services for analyzing problems of rotary equipments – Vibration Signature Analysis – Motor current signature analysis, Orbit Analysis, Lube Oil Analysis. Through external agencies. ISO-18436-2 Level-II available. Providing NDT services like LPT, MPT, UT, Interpretation of RT, Endoscopy for all critical jobs through available facility ASNT Level-II available in MPT, LPT, Welding Inspection, Radiography Interpretation Providing advanced NDT services like LFET, Eddy Current, RFET, IRIS, In-situ metallography, Slow motion Study, Helium Leak Detection, Surface Roughness Measurement, RVI, PMI. Through external agencies Job Description Action Plan Preparing fresh WPS for important welding on piping or static equipments planned in-house. Training and ASNT certification of CES staff needed. Evaluating WPS prepared by contractors / vendors ASNT Level-II available in Welding Inspection, Radiography Interpretation Qualifying WPS and maintaining PQRs, Qualifying welders Ensuring quality and reliability of maintenance jobs through NDT CES shall act as TPI agency for all important maintenance / replacement jobs and shall witness and approve all NDTs such as LPT, MPT, UT Job Description Action Plan Identifying major equipments and piping for RLA Based on criticality & failure history Residual life analysis utilizing advanced NDT techniques, mechanical testing External agencies can be utilized. De-rating of equipments based on present health condition Life cycle costing for fresh procurements of capital equipments, Evaluating proposals, recommendation for procurement Recommending action plan for procurement of capital equipments Job Description Action Plan Integrating Capex plan for complete plant Budget monitoring for maintenance Capex All Maintenance Capex plans will be integrated. Status updating & Budget monitoring. Insurance claims for maintenance failures coordination Coordination between Accts and Maintenance for insurance claims Central Engineering Services Reliability Section Total Plant Static Equipments: 990 nos. 300 250 90 200 150 62 100 50 89 129 83 45 0 VCM Critical 130 55 16 SPVC Semicritical EPVC Noncritical 33 106 24 O&U 20 16 12 ETF 54 10 16 CPP Reliability Section 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Total Plant Dynamic Equipments: 1116 nos. 274 42 54 45 VCM Critical 166 114 15 36 11 SPVC Semicritical EPVC Noncritical 88 84 49 4 O&U 16 17 7 ETF 64 36 CPP Reliability Section Total Plant Piping: 5448 nos. 3000 2500 2000 1388 1500 1000 511 500 388 137 1170 Class-I 221 22 70 0 VCM 946 SPVC Class-II EPVC Class-III 72 119 48 O&U 113 113 40 ETF 17 31 42 CPP Reliability Section 80 500 450 70 400 60 350 50 300 250 40 200 30 150 20 100 10 50 0 0 PVC-E VCM-E Planned O&U-E ETF-E Actual CPP-E Planned Actual Reliability Section 400 30 350 25 300 20 250 200 15 150 10 100 5 50 0 0 PVC-I PVC-II PVC-III Thickness Survey Planned VCM-I VCM-II VCM-III O&U-I Thickness Survey Actual O&U-II O&U-III ETF-I ETF-II Visual Inspection Planned ETF-III CPP-I CPP-II CPP-III Visual Inspection Actual Central Engineering Services Reliability Section CUI: Corrosion Under Insulation CUI Programme for Finolex complex. Classification of Equipment's & Piping's based on RBI programme: Inspection Programme Inspection Procedures & formats developed under Mechanical Integrity programme. If any visible stain or rust mark observed, identified area need to be stripped off insulation. Stripped off area need to be examined through ultrasonic thickness survey. Prevention of CUI: Low chloride content insulation material shall be used. Aluminum foil of 0.1mm thickness with overlap of 50 mm to be used on Austenitic stainless steel piping & equipment. Protective paints & coating need to be apply based priority & opportunity. Reliability Section CUI: O&U LSHS Line Report Visual inspection & Thickness survey of LSHS 3” line at insulation removed locations & near leaked elbow. Minimum thickness measured on pipe is 3.6mm & on elbow: 2.6mm as compared to specified thickness 5.5 mm. Slight external corrosion observed on line. To ensure the integrity of piping from P-8805 A/B to day tank T-9501 & identify CUI, insulation pocketing required at few locations preferably near support area Central Engineering Services Reliability Section CPP Surface Condenser Retubing Job. Tubes MOC change from CU-Ni 90/10 to CU-Ni 70/30. Total Nos. of Tubes 6360 nos. Tubes Manufactures through M/s Multimetal Ltd. Kota, Rajasthan. QA Plan Prepared for tubes inspection. After satisfactory inspection as per QA plan final approval given for tubes dispatch as per PO. Central Engineering Services Reliability Section Surface Condenser Tubes Leakages: 70:30 Cu-Ni tubes leak after 82 days of service & frequency of once in two weeks. Failure investigation carried out through M/s TCR Advance Engg. Services . The initiation of puncture is observed from sea water side. The puncture is associated with under deposit corrosion by mode of pitting microbiological influenced corrosion. leading to indication of inadequate sea water treatment. Recommendations- Consult the treatment experts for optimizing the use of corrosion inhibitors ,micro biocides, antiscalent & oxidizing biocide to prevent the nature of damage. Reliability Section CPP: Steam Turbine Tripping at high vibration during startup Fault tree analysis applied to RCFA. Rubbing marks at front of oil scraper & increased clearance between shaft & oil scraper indicates disturbance in shaft centring. RecommendationsVibration signature & orbit Analysis need to be done prior to S/d & at time of start up, Lube oil analysis need to be carried out at every 3 months frequency SOP for various modes of STG operation -a) Start-up b) Normal operation c)Temporary operation d)Emergency operation e) shutdown to be reviewed and updated. Alignment records with reference set-up and measurements need to be maintained Reliability Section R-1401 Coils Retainers Failure: During 2019 shutdown it was observed coils retainers (52 nos.) are fallen down. FPA Carried out through M/s IRCLASS Mumbai Failed bolt samples do not seem to be high temperature resistance material SS310. It is more likely to be a low carbon steel or Fe-based alloy with total alloying element < 2% Recommendations- Since the failed bolts were completely oxidized, it is better to analyze other adjacent bolts which are in comparatively good condition in order to ascertain material selection of design requirements based on application . Reliability Section E-1410 & E-1411 Contamination of steam & condensate due to failure of E1410 Inner Tube. OEM-Condensing Equipments. Replaced thrice since July-2010 to Feb-2019 through local contractors with SS-316L inner pipe and outer pipe in CS construction. Highly aggressive process stream in dual phase as well as carrying some coke – Highly corrosive-erosive. As per latest P&ID, MOC for C-1401 bottom circuit up to D-1409 has to be SS-904L. MOC for both exchangers have been corrected as per recommendations. Reliability Section RCFA of N-4404-A Agitator Shaft Failure M/s Shanti make GB (In place of Ekato) with new shaft from M/s Standard Engineering was installed. No indication of ductile fracture as there is not reduction of shaft diameter or any cup & cone design. Fracture is also not a brittle fracture as the crack progression is not in exactly transverse direction. However final failure in overload zone can be termed as brittle failure. Shiny surface is one of the indications of brittle fracture. Multiple cracks originated especially from peripheral area with progression at 10-15° to shaft axis. Indicates Torsional Fatigue in rotational direction. Micro-cracks developed under hard chrome plated surface might have provided initiation points for the cracks. Micro-cracks on the surface were visible. Recommendations- Maintaining original MOC-904L instead of SS-316, NDT before and after hard chrome plating, maintaining original dimensions to avoid stress concentration, welding of cone on both side of shaft. Reliability Section 8” VCL header spool piece of VCM Filter F-4101 A/B/C/D Failure Installed in project stage. Leakages are either on weld joints or ERW seam. Thickness-satisfactory. Internal pitting indicating corrosion of SS-316L pipe material. Weld fit-up was inproper with incomplete penetration and lack of fusion. Internal deposits were analysed -0.22% HCL acidity, pH can be below 2.0. Crevice corrosion –Root cause. Recommended for complete replacement of headers with quality welding and inspection. Central Engineering Services Reliability Section Sr. Equipment No. No. Equip. Description Tube MOC Technique Job Completion Remark Action 1 E-1207 RECYCLE GAS HEATER SA-179 MagWave 17/11/18 All Tubes < 20% 2 E-1418 EDC PRE HEATER SA-179 RFET 17/11/18 62 nos. Tubes > 30%, Total 8 nos. Tubes plugged 3 E-1420 EC QUENCH CONDENSER-IV SA-179 RFET 18/11/18 5 nos. Tubes 21-31% 4 E-1303 A HEADS COLUMN REBOILER SA-179 RFET 24/10/18 4 nos. Tubes wall loss> 30% plugged. 5 E-1309 A VACUUM COLUMN REBOILER SA-179 RFET 6 E-1502 B HCL COLUMN REBOILER SA-179 RFET 22/10/18 19 nos. Tubes 21-30% 7 8 E-1201 SA-179 SA-179 RFET 18/05/19 E-1202 ETHYLENE FEED HEATER HCL FEED HEATER RFET 18/05/19 22 tubes 0-20% 104 tubes 0-20% 9 E-1203 OXY PURGE AIR PREHEATER SA-179 Saturated EC 20/05/19 20 tubes 0-20% 10 E-1205 RECYCLE GAS CHILLER SA-179 Saturated EC 20/05/19 200 tubes 0-20% 11 E-1323 A/B EDC PREHEATER SA-179 RFET 20/05/19 8 tubes 31-40% plugged Exch. Replaced 12 E-1403 HCL INTERCHANGER SA-334 Gr-1 RFET 23/05/19 12 tubes 20-30% plugged Exch. Replaced 13 E-1502 A HCL COLUMN REBOILER SA-179 RFET 22/05/19 241 tubes 0-20% 14 E-1504 A VCM COLUMN REBOILER SA-179 RFET 21/05/19 713 tubes 0-20% & 6 tubes blocked 15 E-1504 B VCM COLUMN REBOILER SA-179 RFET 23/05/19 659 tubes 0-20% 58 tubes blocked 16 E-1309 B VACUUM COLUMN REBOILER SA-179 RFET 24/12/2020 7 nos. tubes wall loss 31-40%,plugged 24/10/18 Exch. Replaced 57 nos. Tubes 21-30% Reliability Section CPP Turbine Vibration signature & Orbit Analysis 43MW BHEL make Steam Turbine generator installed in CPP in 2009. Turbine minor shutdown planned in 2018. Vibration analysis conducted through M/s GE oil & Gas India Pvt. Ltd. Vibration signatures captured in transient & steady state . Various diagnostics plots were analyzed. Second balance resonance sync. amplification factor observed to be around 4.5 at turbine front bearing indicating insufficient damping on rotor. Turbine front bearing clearances may be checked for conformity to OEM protocol. Bearing fitment should be checked and corrected if required to ensure proper interference fit in bearing housing. Reliability Section Motor Current Signature Analysis EDC Feed pump PM 1401 A/B repetitive failure of motor. Detailed Vibration & MCSA conducted through M/s SPM . Rotor bar health falls in level 4 severity hence trending required on half yearly basis. Motor Soft foot needs to be eliminate. Motor proper earthing required & earthing continuity needs to be ensured. Reliability Section Rotary equipment Lube Oil & Wear Particle Analysis. For ETF Ethylene Compressor Lube oil & WPA conducted through M/s Predict technologies. For CPP Turbine Lube oil & WPA conducted through M/s Chemtech Laboratories. Few fresh oil sample also analyzed. Advantage: Determine in wear & tear in component. Lubrication suitability for continued use. Reliability Section CPP:PRDS Line Stress Analysis For Trouble shooting for support dislocation in bypass line supports and failure at TEE detailed stress analysis conducted. Job has been completed as per recommendation after stress analysis.: Till date no failure noticed up to the Tee section. Off late failures being noticed in downstream section and complete job is planned. Reliability Section Main steam Line from CPP to O&U Stress Analysis. 12” process steam line delivers steam from Captive power plant to O&U plant. During start up many thermal expansion & thermal movement related problem observed. CPP area pipe line drop from pipe rack & at O&U few location experience large movement. Few supports are broken. Stress analysis carried out through M/s ND Engg. Services pvt. ltd. Analyze complete line in CAESAR & suggest various modification in line & support. Partial job completed remaining job completed in suitable opportunity. Reliability Section R-1401 & R-1402 O/L Piping & Radiation coils. Being high temperature service piping need to evaluate for microstructure degradation. MOC: SA 312 TP 347 Insitu Metallography conducted through M/s TCR Engineering Services pvt. ltd. Locations identified for metallography Microstructure free from any micro cracks. Maintain trending record for analysis Reliability Section R-1402 Convection/Radiation Inlet Outlet piping. Videoscopy is a technique on NDT used for visual inspection where the area inaccessible for human eye. After decoking process the internal surface of piping need to inspect. For internal piping inspection Remote visual inspection carried out through M/s NDTS. Inspected length de-cocked only minor scale of 0.3mm to 0.5mm observed. Reliability Section R-4301E/F Surface roughness Assessment mechanical & electrochemical polishing. after After mechanical & electrochemical polishing of PVC reactors no tools available for quality assessment for surface roughness. New Roughness tester procured & conducted surface roughness measurement after mechanical polishing. Desired level of surface roughness achieved & electro polishing job avoided. Reliability Section Positive material Identification: Positive Material Identification is a rapid non-destructive method & is performed on a wide range of components and assets and provides a semi-quantitative chemical analysis. Conducted for CPP Boiler #1 & Boiler #2 pressure parts like Radiant & Convection section, Desuper heater -I , Desuper heater-II , main steam line nozzles etc. Conducted for CPP Boiler new received spares bed super heater coils. Engineering advice in up gradation of MOC if any deviation noted. Reliability Section Ultrasonic Flaw Detection: Ultrasonic testing is a Non-destructive technique based on propagation of ultrasonic wave in object or tested material. UFD conducted for R-1201 Oxy-chlorination reactor boiler feed water coil weld joint health assessment . No abnormality observed. Central Engineering Services Reliability Section RLA 1402 Radiation Coil RLA: Year 2016 EDC Cracker commissioned in May 2000. Exceeded Design life. Completed Approximate 130,000 hrs. till May-2016. General Design life for heater is 100,000 hrs. Decided for FFS & RLA study for better Cap-Ex planning. Coil operate below creep limit hence indefinite creep life available. To ensure no further metallurgical deterioration microstructure need to asses at regular interval. Reliability Section RLA 1401 Radiation Coil RLA: Year 2019 EDC Cracker commissioned in 1993 & Radiation coils revamped in 2009. Completed Approximate 84,000 hrs. till Apr-2019. General Design life for heater is 100,000 hrs. Decided for FFS & RLA study for better Cap-Ex planning. Tube passes level-3 assessment & fit for continues operation in present operating conditions. Metallographic degradation observed in the form of Creep voids, hence to ensure no further metallographic degradation taking place, need to inspect microstructure & hardness at periodic interval of 2 yrs. Reliability Section E-2201 Outlet Tube sheet FFS Assessment: Tube Leakage was noticed from Waste heat recovery boiler after 1-1/2 year service. Tubes Insitu ECT conducted through M/s NDTS sever wall thinning>80% observed & hence necessary to replace tubes. Before restoring tube replacement it was necessary to conduct detailed assessment of fitness of Outlet tube sheet for continual service as per API 579 ASME FFS1 FFS carried out by M/s TCR Advanced in 2017. Based on the assessment it is judged that tube sheet is fit for service and may be returned to operation ensuring its machined surface, free from any indication by NDT. The future operation would continue strictly as per the parameters specified by the OEM / process licensor. Reliability Section E-8110(inter stage cooler & E-8112(Start up gas cooler): FFS Assessment Equipment are erected & commissioned in 2000 & are critical in nature for ethylene reliquefication. Tubes Insitu ECT conducted through M/s NDTS in June-2018. Fitness for service Level-1 assessment as API-579 carried out. Tube passes level-1 assessment & fit for continues operation in present operating conditions. ECT report also indicate no any major flaw. Remaining life calculation indicate indefinite life but for monitoring tubes health condition ECT may be carried out at every 5yrs of frequency. Both exchangers are running trouble free service till now. Central Engineering Services Reliability Section Year Dept. Project Base Metal Welding Process WPS WPS Prepared Qualified Welder Qualified 2016 ETF Ethylene hot gas line repl. SA 106 Gr.B to SA 106 Gr. B GTAW Yes Yes Yes 2017 ETF Ethylene Line replacement SA 106 Gr.B to SA 106 Gr. B GTAW+SMAW Yes Yes Yes 2019 ETF Ethylene Line replacement SA 106 Gr. B to SA 106 Gr. B GTAW+SMAW Available Available Yes 2019 O&U RO Water Piping replacement Duplex & Super duplex GTAW Yes Yes Yes 2020 ETF VCM Line replacement SA 106 Gr.B to SA 106 Gr. B GTAW+SMAW Yes Yes Yes 2020 PVC VCL Header Replacement SS 316L to SS 316L GTAW Yes In progress In Progress 2020 CPP PRDS Modification SA 335 P22 to SA 335 P22 GTAW+SMAW Yes In progress In Progress CPP Turbine Signature & Orbit Analysis Scope of work has been prepared to conduct the signature & orbit Analysis. Tentative Planning in Sep-2021. Fire Water Pump In-situ Performance (CPP) Procedure for Pump Insitu performance test has been prepared. Activity already completed for ETF and Main plant Fire water pumps. Eddy Current Testing of CPP Surface Condenser Planning for conducting ECT in Sep-2021. Previous data available for comparison. 8” VCL Header Replacement WPS prepared. Procedure qualification and welder qualification balance. Complete inspection during fabrication in lieu of TPI. R-1401 Radiation Coil RLA Temperature excursions beyond design temperature during Dec-20 decoking shutdown. DG Set Performance Test Identification of engine for in-situ top overhauling. Central Engineering Services