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Savitribai Phule Pune University
Faculty of Science & Technology
First Year
Bachelor of Engineering
(Choice Based Credit System)
(2019 Course)
(With Effect from Academic Year 2019-20)
TABLE -1 First Engineering _Structure for Semester-I
101007 Audit Course 1
Examination Scheme and
107001 Engineering
107002/ Engineering Physics /
107009 Engineering Chemistry
102003 Systems in
103004 / Basic Electrical
104010 Engineering / Basic
Electronics Engineering
110005/ Programming and
101011 Problem Solving /
Engineering Mechanics
111006 Workshop@
Course Name
01 150 350
Environmental Studies-I
Induction Program : 2 weeks at the beginning of semester-I and 1 week at the beginning of semester-II
Audit Course 2&
107008 Engineering
107002/ Engineering Physics/
107009 Engineering Chemistry
103004 / Basic Electrical
104010 Engineering / Basic
Electronics Engineering
110005/ Programming and
101011 Problem Solving /
Engineering Mechanics
102012 Engineering Graphics Ω
110013 Project Based
TABLE -2 First Engineering_ Structure for Semester-II
Examination Scheme and
Course Name
02 120 330
75 125 -- 650 15
Environmental Studies-II
Physical Education-Exercise and Field Activities
PR/Tutorial must be conducted in three batches per division.
Minimum number of required Experiments/Assignments in PR/ Tutorial shall be carried out as
mentioned in the syllabi of respective subjects.
 Every Student should appear for Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry, Engineering
Mechanics, Basic Electrical Engineering, Basic Electronics Engineering, Programming and
Problem solving during the year.
 College is allowed to distribute Teaching workload of subjects Engineering Physics,
Engineering Chemistry, Basic Electrical Engineering, Basic Electronics Engineering,
Engineering Mechanics, Programming and Problem solving in semester I and II dividing
number of FE divisions into two appropriate groups.
 Assessment of tutorial work has to be carried out as term-work examination. Term-work
Examination and Practical Examination at first year of engineering course shall be internal
continuous assessment only.
Ω 1 Credit for Engineering Graphics theory has to be awarded on the basis of End semester
examination of 50 marks while 1 credit of tutorial and practical shall be awarded on internal
continuous assessment only.
@ Credit for the course of workshop practical is to be awarded on the basis of continuous
assessment / submission of job work.
§ Project based learning (PBL) requires continuous mentoring by faculty throughout the semester
for successful completion of the tasks selected by the students per batch. While assigning the
teaching workload a load of 2 Hrs/week/batch needs to be considered for the faculty involved.
The Batch needs to be divided into sub-groups of 5 to 6 students. Assignments / activities /
models/ projects etc. under project based learning is carried throughout semester and Credit for
PBL has to be awarded on the basis of internal continuous assessment and evaluation at the end
of semester.
& Audit course for Environmental Studies and II (As per D.O.No.F.13-1/2000 (EA/ENV/COS-I)
dated 14 May, 2019) is mandatory but non-credit course. Examination has to be conducted at the
end of Sem I & II respectively for award of grade at college level. Grade awarded for audit
course shall not be calculated for grade point &CGPA.
Audit course for Physical education is mandatory non-credit course. Examination has to be
conducted at the end of Semester for award of grade at college level. Grade awarded for audit
course shall not be calculated for grade point &CGPA.
Guidelines for Induction Program
Induction programme for first year students is introduced to familiarize them to the new
environment and encourage them to look beyond classrooms. Objective is to help new students
adjust and feel comfort-able in the new environment, inculcate in them the ethos and culture of
the institution, help them build bonds with other students and faculty members, and expose them
to a sense of larger purpose and self exploration. Induction Program should be preferably of 3
weeks (2 weeks at the beginning of semester-I and 1 week at the beginning of semester-II).
In order to implement the (SIP) in the College the following activities can be taken at College.
 Physical Activity-This would involve a daily routine of physical activity with games and
 Creative Arts: - Every students would chose one skill related to the arts whether visual
arts or performing arts.
 Mentoring and Universal Human values:-Mentoring and connecting the students with
faculty members and other students is the most important part of student induction. This
can be effectively done by forming a group of 20-22 students with a faculty mentor each.
This can be implemented through group discussion and real life activities rather than
 Familiarization with College, Department, Branch :-The incoming student should be told
about the credit, grading system and scheme of the examination. They should be
explained how the study in College differs from the study in school. They should be
taken on College tour and shown important points such as library, canteen, gymkhana
etc. They should be shown their department.
 Literary Activity :-Literary Activity would compass reading book, writing a summery,
debating, checking play etc.
 Proficiency modules :- The modules can be designed to overcome some critical lacunas
that students might have like English Speaking, Computer familiarity etc.
 Lectures by Eminent People:- The lectures of Eminent people to be organized to expose
the student to social activity public life.
 Visit to local Area:-A couple of visits to the landmark of the city or a hospital are
orphanage could be organized.
 Extracurricular activities in College:-The new students should be introduced to the
extracurricular activities at the College.
 Feedback and Report on the program:-Students should be asked to give their mid
program Feedback and a each group of 20-22 students should be asked to prepare a
single report on their experience of the program.
To Summarize the above activity the sequence of activities can be planned as given below :
 Address by Principal, HOD’s and other functionaries and welcome the new students
along with their parents.
 The branch wise allocation of students to be done and a group of 20-22 students is to
farmed along with one faculty as mentor.
 A detail time table of various activities is to be prepared and displayed for all students.
The timetable should give details of location and details of faculty in charge of the
 The visit to local areas can be arranged on Saturdays.
The various activities to be carried out can be divided into three phases :1. Initial phase:- Which may induce Address by Principal, HOD’s and other functionaries
College and Dept Visit, interaction with parents Forming of students group and assigning
of mentor mentee.
2. Regular Phase:- This phase may include the activities such as creative arts / universal
Human values Games & Sports in the morning session and in the afternoon session.
Literary activities, Proficiency module, Lectures & workshop, Extra curricular Activities
can be scheduled.
3. Closing Phase:- This phase may include taking feed back of students, preparation of
Report by each group, Test of creative Arts, Human Values can be taken.
These are summarized guidelines given to the student inducing induction programme
(SIP) Please refer SIP Manual published by AICTE for detail guidelines [2].
Savitribai Phule Pune University
First Year Engineering (2019 Course)
107001 – Engineering Mathematics – I
Teaching Scheme:
Examination Scheme:
: 3 Hrs./Week
In-Semester Exam :30 Marks
: 1 Hr/Week
End-Semester Exam :70 Marks
:25 Marks
Differentiation, Integration, Maxima and Minima, Determinants and Matrices.
Course Objectives:
To make the students familiarize with concepts and techniques in Calculus, Fourier series and
Matrices. The aim is to equip them with the techniques to understand advanced level
mathematics and its applications that would enhance analytical thinking power, useful in their
Course Outcomes (COs): The students will be able to learn
CO1: Mean value theorems and its generalizations leading to Taylors and Maclaurin’s series
useful in the analysis of engineering problems.
CO2: the Fourier series representation and harmonic analysis for design and analysis of periodic
continuous and discrete systems.
CO3: to deal withderivative of functions of several variables that are essential in various
branches of Engineering.
CO4: to apply the concept of Jacobian to find partial derivative of implicit function and
functional dependence. Use of partial derivatives in estimating error and approximation and
finding extreme values of the function.
CO5: the essential tool of matrices and linear algebra in a comprehensive manner for analysis of
system of linear equations, finding linear and orthogonal transformations, Eigen values and
Eigen vectors applicable to engineering problems
Course Contents
Unit I:
Differential Calculus:
(08 Hrs.)
Rolle’s Theorem, Mean Value Theorems, Taylor's Series and Maclaurin's Series, Expansion of
functions using standard expansions, Indeterminate Forms, L' Hospital's Rule, Evaluation of
Limits and Applications.
Unit II: Fourier Series
(08 Hrs.)
Definition, Dirichlet’s conditions, Full range Fourier series, Half range Fourier series, Harmonic
analysis, Parseval’s identity and Applications to problems in Engineering.
Unit III: Partial Differentiation
Introduction to functions of several variables, Partial Derivatives, Euler's Theorem on
Homogeneous functions, Partial derivative of Composite Function, Total Derivative, Change of
Independent variables
Unit IV: Applications of Partial Differentiation
(08 Hrs.)
Jacobian and its applications, Errors and Approximations, Maxima and Minima of functions of
two variables, Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers.
Unit V: Linear Algebra-Matrices, System of Linear Equations
(08 Hrs.)
Rank of a Matrix, System of Linear Equations, Linear Dependence and Independence, Linear
and Orthogonal Transformations, Application to problems in Engineering.
Unit VI: Linear Algebra-Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors, Diagonaliztion
(08 Hrs.)
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors, Cayley Hamilton theorem, Diagonaliztion of a matrix,
Reduction of Quadratic forms to Canonical form by Linear and Orthogonal transformations.
Text Books:
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B. V. Ramana (Tata McGraw Hill)
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B. S. Grewal (Khanna Publication, Delhi)
Reference Books:
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig (Wiley Eastern Ltd.)
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by M. D. Greenberg (Pearson Education)
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Peter V. O’Neil (Thomson Learning)
4. Thomas’ Calculus by George B. Thomas, (Addison-Wesley, Pearson)
5. Applied Mathematics (Vol. I & Vol. II) by P.N.Wartikar and J.N.Wartikar Vidyarthi Griha
Prakashan, Pune.
6. Linear Algebra –An Introduction, Ron Larson, David C. Falvo (Cenage Learning, Indian
Tutorial and Term Work:
i) Tutorial for the subject shall be engaged in minimum three batches (batch size of 22 students
maximum) per division.
ii) Term work shall consist of six assignments on each unit-I to unit-VI and is based on
performance and continuous internal assessment.
107002: Engineering Physics
Teaching Scheme:
Examination Scheme:
04 Hr/week
:30 Marks
02 Hr/Week
End-Semester :70 Marks
:25 Marks
Prerequisite Courses, if any:
Fundamentals of: optics, interference, diffraction polarization, wave-particle duality,
semiconductors and magnetism
Companion Course, if any: Laboratory Practical
Course Objectives:
To teach students basic concepts and principles of physics, relate them to laboratory experiments
and their applications
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, learner will be able to–
CO1: Develop understanding of interference, diffraction and polarization; connect it to few
engineering applications.
CO2: Learn basics of lasers and optical fibers and their use in some applications.
CO3: Understand concepts and principles in quantum mechanics. Relate them to some
CO4: Understand theory of semiconductors and their applications in some semiconductor
CO5: Summarize basics of magnetism and superconductivity. Explore few of their
technological applications.
CO6: Comprehend use of concepts of physics for Non Destructive Testing. Learn some
properties of nanomaterials and their application.
Course Contents
Unit I
Wave Optics
(08 Hrs)
- Introduction to electromagnetic waves and electromagnetic spectrum
- Interference in thin film of uniform thickness (with derivation)
- Interference in thin film wedge shape (qualitative)
- Applications of interference: testing optical flatness, anti-reflection coating
Diffraction of light
Diffraction at a single slit, conditions for principal maxima and minima, diffraction
- Diffraction grating, conditions for principal maxima and minima starting from resultant
amplitude equations, diffraction pattern
- Rayleigh’s criterion for resolution, resolving power of telescope and grating
- Polarization of light, Malus law
- Double refraction, Huygen’s theory of double refraction
Applications of polarization: LCD
Unit II
Laser and Optic Fibre
(08 Hrs)
- Basics of laser and its mechanism, characteristics of laser
- Semiconductor laser: Single Hetro-junction laser
- Gas laser: CO2 laser
- Applications of lasers: Holography, IT, industrial, medical
Optic Fiber
- Introduction, parameters: Acceptance Angle, Acceptance Cone, Numerical Aperture
- Types of optical fiber- step index and graded index
- Attenuation and reasons for losses in optic fibers (qualitative)
- Communication system: basic building blocks
Advantages of optical fiber communication over conventional methods.
Unit III
Quantum Mechanics
(08 Hrs)
- De-Broglie hypothesis
- Concept of phase velocity and group velocity (qualitative)
- Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
- Wave-function and its physical significance
- Schrodinger’s equations: time independent and time dependent
- Application of Schrodinger’s time independent wave equation - Particle enclosed in
infinitely deep potential well (Particle in RigidBox)
- Particle in Finite potential well (Particle in Non Rigid box) (qualitative)
- Tunneling effect, Tunneling effect examples (principle only): Alpha Decay, Scanning
Tunneling Microscope, Tunnel diode
- Introduction to quantum computing
Unit IV
Semiconductor Physics
(08 Hrs)
- Free electron theory (Qualitative)
- Opening of band gap due to internal electron diffraction due to lattice Band theory of
- Effective mass of electron Density of states
- Fermi Dirac distribution function
- Conductivity of conductors and semiconductors
- Position of Fermi level in intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors (with derivations based
on carrier concentration)
- Working of PN junction on the basis of band diagram
- Expression for barrier potential (derivation)
- Ideal diode equation
- Applications of PN junction diode: Solar cell (basic principle with band diagram) IV
Characteristics and Parameters, ways of improving efficiency of solar cell
- Hall effect: Derivation for Hall voltage, Hall coefficient, applications of Hall effect
Unit V
Magnetism and Superconductivity
- Origin of magnetism
- Classification of magnetism on the basis of permeability (qualitative)
- Applications of magnetic devices: transformer cores, magnetic storage, magneto-optical
- Introduction to superconductivity; Properties of superconductors: zero electrical
- resistance, critical magnetic field, persistent current, Meissner effect
- Type I and Type II superconductors
- Low and high temperature superconductors (introduction and qualitative)
- AC/DC Josephson effect; SQUID: basic construction and principle of working;
Applications of SQUID
- Applications of superconductors
Unit VI
Non Destructive Testing and Nanotechnology
(8 Hrs.)
Non Destructive Testing
- Classification of Non-destructive testing methods
- Principles of physics in Non-destructive Testing
- Advantages of Non-destructive testing methods
- Acoustic Emission Testing
- Ultrasonic (thickness measurement, flaw detection)
- Radiography testing
- Introduction to nanotechnology
- Quantum confinement and surface to volume ratio
- Properties of nanoparticles: optical, electrical, mechanical
Applications of nanoparticles: Medical (targeted drug delivery), electronics, space and defense,
Books & Other Resources:
Text Books:
1. Engineering Physics, Avadhanulu, Kshirsagar, S. Chand Publications
2. A textbook of optics – N Subrahmanyam and BriLal , S. Chand Publications
3. Engineering Physics, Gaur, Gupta, Dhanpat Rai and Sons Publications
Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of Physics, Resnick and Halliday (John Wiley and Sons)
2. Optics, Jenkins and White (Tata Mcgraw Hill)
3. Principles of Physics, Serway and Jewett (Saunders college publishing)
4. Introduction to Solid State Physics, C. Kittel (Wiley and Sons)
5. Principles of Solid State Physics, H. V. Keer, New Age International
6. Laser and Non-Linear Optics, B. B. Laud (Oscar publication)
7. Nanotechnology: Principles and Practices, Dr. S. K. Kulkarni (Capital Publishing
Guidelines for Instructor's Manual
Lab manual is expected to cover following points:
1. Engineering Program Outcome (Graduate Attribute) and which attributes will be covered
during practical
2. List of experiments to be performed with mention of objectives and outcome of the
Guidelines for Student's Lab Journal
Student’s lab journal is expected to cover:
1. List of experiments to be performed with mention of objectives and outcome of the
2. Instructions to students for performing the experiments
3. Precautions for each experiment
4. Write up of experiment (Preferably mentioning significance of experiment).
Guidelines for Lab /TW Assessment
1. The distribution of weightage of term work marks should be informed to students before
start of the semester.
2. Term work assessment should be on continuous basis. At frequent intervals students are
expected to inform about their progress/lagging.
Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction
1. DO’s and DONT’S, along with precautions, are need to be displayed at prominent
location in laboratory
2. Students should be informed about DO’S and DON’T and precautions before performing
the experiment
Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments (Any eight)
Experiment based on Newton’s rings (determination of wavelength of monochromatic light,
determine radius of curvature of plano-convex lens)
To determine position of diffraction minima by studying diffraction at a single slit
To determine unknown wavelength by using plane diffraction grating
To find out Resolving power of Diffraction Grating/Telescope
To verify Malus Law
Any experiment based on Double Refraction (Determination of refractive indices, identification
of types of crystal)
Any Experiment based on Laser (Thickness of wire, determination of number of lines on grating
An experiment based on optic fibers
To study IV characteristics of Solar Cell and determine parameters (fill factor and efficiency)
To determine band gap of given semiconductor
To determine Hall coefficient and charge carrier density
Temperature dependence characteristics of semiconductor laser
To find out Magnetic susceptibility of given material
Ultrasonic Interferometer: Determination of velocity of ultrasonic waves in given liquid and find
its compressibility
Suggested Demonstration Experiments
Michelson interferometer
Half shade Polarimeter
Determination of absorption coefficient of sound of given material
Temperature dependence
Brewster’s law
Measurement of sound pressure level
Teaching Scheme:
TH : 3 Hrs./week
PR : 2 Hrs./Week
102003 - Systems in Mechanical Engineering
Examination Scheme:
In-Semester :30 Marks
End-Semester :70 Marks
:25 Marks
Course Objectives:
1. To identify the sources of energy and their conversions
2. To explain the basic concept of engineering thermodynamics and its application
3. To understanding the specifications of vehicles
4. To get acquainted with vehicle systems
5. To introduce manufacturing processes applying proper method to produce components
6. To be able to select and compare domestic appliances
Course Outcomes
On completion of the course, learner will be able to
CO1: Describe and compare the conversion of energy from renewable and non-renewable
energy sources
CO2: Explain basic laws of thermodynamics, heat transfer and their applications
CO3: List down the types of road vehicles and their specifications
CO4: Illustrate various basic parts and transmission system of a road vehicle
CO5: Discuss several manufacturing processes and identify the suitable process
CO6: Explain various types of mechanism and its application
Course Contents
Unit I
Introduction of energy sources & its conversion
(06 Hrs)
Energy sources: Thermal energy, Hydropower energy, Nuclear energy, Solar energy,
Geothermal energy, Wind energy, Hydrogen energy, Biomass energy and Tidal energy. Grades
of Energy. (Numerical on efficiency calculation of thermal power plant )
Energy conversion devices: Introduction of pump, compressor, turbines, wind mills etc
(Simple numerical on power and efficiency calculations)
Unit II
Introduction to Thermal Engineering
Laws of thermodynamics, heat engine, heat pump, refrigerator (simple numerical)
Modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation, Fourier’s law, Newton’s law of
cooling, Stefan Boltzmann’s law. (Simple numerical)
Two stroke and Four stroke engines (Petrol, Diesel and CNG engines). Steam generators.
Unit III
Vehicles and their Specifications
(04 Hrs)
Classification of automobile. Vehicle specifications of two/three wheeler, light motor vehicles,
trucks, buses and multi-axle vehicles. Engine components (Introduction). Study of engine
specifications, comparison of specifications of vehicles. Introduction of Electric and Hybrid
Vehicles. Cost analysis of the Vehicle.
Unit IV
Vehicle systems
(08 Hrs)
Introduction of chassis layouts, steering system, suspension system, braking system, cooling
system and fuel injection system and fuel supply system. Study of Electric and Hybrid Vehicle
systems. Study of power transmission system, clutch, gear box (Simple Numerical), propeller
shaft, universal joint, differential gearbox and axles. Vehicle active and passive safety
arrangements: seat, seat belts, airbags and antilock brake system.
Unit V
Introduction to Manufacturing
(06 Hrs)
Conventional Manufacturing Processes: Casting, Forging, Metal forming (Drawing, Extrusion,
etc.), Sheet metal working, Metal joining, etc. Metal cutting processes and machining operationsTurning, Milling and Drilling, etc.
Micromachining. Additive manufacturing and 3D Printing. Reconfigurable manufacturing system
and IOT, Basic CNC programming: Concept of Computer Numerical Controlled machines.
Unit VI Engineering Mechanisms and their application in Domestic Appliances (6Hrs.)
Introduction to Basic mechanisms and equipment: Pumps, blowers, compressors, springs,
gears, Belt-Pulley, Chain-Sprocket, valves, levers, etc. Introduction to terms: Specifications,
Input, output, efficiency, etc.
Applications of: Compressors - Refrigerator, Water cooler, Split AC unit; Pumps - Water pump
for overhead tanks, Water filter/Purifier units; Blower - Vacuum cleaner, Kitchen Chimney;
Motor - Fans, Exhaust fans, Washing machines; Springs - Door closure, door locks, etc.; Gears Wall clocks, watches, Printers, etc.; Application of Belt-Pulley/Chain-Sprocket - Photocopier,
bicycle, etc.; Valves - Water tap, etc.; Application of levers - Door latch, Brake pedals, etc.;
Electric/Solar energy - Geyser, Water heater, Electric iron, etc. (simple numerical on efficiency
calculation )
Books & Other Resources
Text Books
1. Nag, P. K., “Engineering Thermodynamics,'' Tata McGraw-Hill Publisher Co. Ltd.
2. Chaudhari and Hajra, “Elements of Workshop Technology”, Volume I and II, Media
Promoters and Publishers, Mumbai
3. Agrawal,Basant and Agrawal, C. M., (2008), “Basics of Mechanical Engineering”, John
Wiley and Sons, USA
4. Rajput, R.K., (2007), “Basic Mechanical Engineering”, Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd.
5. Pravin Kumar, (2018), “ Basic Mechanical Engineering, 2nd Ed.”, Pearson (India) Ltd.
6. Moran, M. J., Shapiro, H. N., Boettner, D. D., and Bailey, M. “Fundamentals of
Engineering Thermodynamics”, Wiley
7. Surinder Kumar, (2011), “Basic of Mechanical Engineering”, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. New
Reference Books
1. Khan, B. H., “Non Conventional Energy Sources, Tata McGraw-Hill Publisher Co. Ltd.
2. Boyle, Godfrey, “Renewable Energy”,2nd Ed., Oxford University Press
3. Khurmi, R.S. ,and Gupta, J. K.,“A Textbook of Thermal Engineering”, S. Chand & Sons
4. Incropera, F. P. and Dewitt, D.P., (2007), “Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 6th
Ed., John Wiley and Sons, USA
5. Groover,Mikell P., (1996), “Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials,
Processes, and Systems”, Prentice Hall, USA
6. Norton, Robert L., (2009), “Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery”, Tata McGrawHill
7. Cleghorn, W. L., (2005), “Mechanisms of Machines”, Oxford University Press
8. Juvinal, R. C., (1994), “Fundamentals of Machine Component Design”, John Wiley and
Sons, USA
9. Ganeshan, V., (2018), “Internal Combustion Engines”, McGraw Hill
10. Anderson, Curtis Darrel and Anderson,Judy, (2010), “Electric and Hybrid Cars: A
History”, 2nd Ed., McFarland
Guidelines for Instructor's Manual
The Instructor’s Manual should contain following related to every experiment:
 Brief theory related to the experiment.
 Apparatus with their detailed specifications.
Schematic, Layout /diagram.
Observation table/ simulation plots/graphs.
Sample calculations for one/two reading.
Result table.
Graph and Conclusions.
Few questions related to the experiment.
Relevance of practical in real life /industry
Guidelines for Student's Lab Journal
The Student's Lab Journal should contain following related to every experiment:
 Theory related to the experiment.
 Apparatus with their detailed specifications.
 Schematic, Layout /diagram.
 Observation table/ simulation plots/graphs.
 Sample calculations for one/two reading.
 Result table.
 Graph and Conclusions.
 Few short questions related to the experiment.
Guidelines for Lab /TW Assessment
 There should be continuous assessment for the TW.
 Assessment must be based on understanding of theory, attentiveness during practical, and
 Session, how efficiently the student is able to do connections and get the results.
 Timely submission of journal.
The student shall complete the following activity as a term work.
Group A: Industry / Workshop / Showroom Visit:
The visit of students is mandatory, to provide awareness and understanding of the course.
Group B: Assignments:
The student shall complete the following assignments on:
Energy sources (Minimum one assignment on Conventional and one on Nonconventional sources)
ii. Vehicle specifications and systems in passenger car
iii. Electric vehicle specifications and its systems
iv. Domestic appliances viz. refrigerator, air-conditioner, washing machine, cold
Group C: Experiments:
The student shall complete the following (any four) experiments:
i. Demonstration of power train system in the vehicle
ii. Demonstration of vehicle systems (automobile chassis, steering system, suspension
system, braking system - Any Two)
iii. Demonstration of energy conversion devices
iv. Demonstration of additive manufacturing / rapid prototyping techniques
v. Demonstration of CNC
Teaching Scheme:
TH :
03 Hr/week
PR :
103004: Basic Electrical Engineering
Examination Scheme:
In-Semester : 30 Marks
End-Semester : 70 Marks
: 25 Marks
Prerequisite Courses, if any: Engineering physics, electron theory, electricity, potential and
kinetic energy
Course Overview: This course aims at enabling students of all Engineering Branches to
understand the basic concepts of electrical engineering. This course is designed to provide
knowledge of fundamentals and various laws in electromagnetic and magnetic circuits,
electrostatics. The steady state analysis of AC and DC circuits, and its applications transformer,
batteries and different energy conversion techniques are also included in this course.
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce fundamental concepts, various laws-principles and theorems associated with
electrical systems.
2. To impart basic knowledge of all electrical quantities such as current, voltage, power,
energy, frequency along with different types of fields.
3. To provide knowledge about fundamental parameters such as resistance, inductance and
capacitance and magnetic circuits, AC and DC circuits.
4. To provide knowledge of the concepts of transformer, different energy conversions
Course Outcomes:
At the end of course students will be able to
CO1: Differentiate between electrical and magnetic circuits and derive mathematical relation for
self and mutual inductance along with coupling effect.
CO2: Calculate series, parallel and composite capacitor as well as characteristics parameters of
alternating quantity and phasor arithmetic
CO3: Derive expression for impedance, current, power in series and parallel RLC circuit with AC
supply along with phasor diagram.
CO4: Relate phase and line electrical quantities in polyphase networks, demonstrate the operation
of single phase transformer and calculate efficiency and regulation at different loading conditions
CO5: Apply and analyze the resistive circuits using star-delta conversion KVL, KCL and different
network theorems under DC supply.
CO6: Evaluate work, power, energy relations and suggest various batteries for different
applications, concept of charging and discharging and depth of charge.
Course Contents
Unit I
Review: resistance, emf, current, potential, potential difference and Ohm’s law
Electromagnetism: Magnetic effect of an electric current, cross and dot conventions, right hand
thumb rule, nature of magnetic field of long straight conductor, solenoid and toroid. Concept of
mmf, flux, flux density, reluctance, permeability and field strength, their units and relationships.
Simple series magnetic circuit, Introduction to parallel magnetic circuit(Only theoretical
treatment), comparison of electric and magnetic circuit, force on current carrying conductor placed
in magnetic field, Fleming’s left hand rule. Faradays laws of electromagnetic induction, Fleming’s
right hand rule, statically and dynamically induced e.m.f., self and mutual inductance, coefficient
of couplings. Energy stored in magnetic field.
Unit II
Electrostatics and AC Fundamentals
(6 Hrs)
A) Electrostatics: Electrostatic field, electric flux density, electric field strength, absolute
permittivity, relative permittivity and capacitance. Capacitor, capacitors in series and parallel,
energy stored in capacitors, charging and discharging of capacitors (no derivation) and time
constant. (2Hrs)
B) AC Fundamentals: Sinusoidal voltages and currents, their mathematical and graphical
representation, Concept of cycle, Period, frequency, instantaneous, peak(maximum), average
and r.m.s. values, peak factor and form factor. Phase difference, lagging, leading and in phase
quantities and phasor representation. Rectangular and polar representation of phasor. (4Hrs)
Unit III
Single Phase AC Circuits
(06 Hrs)
Study of AC circuits consisting of pure resistance, pure inductance, pure capacitance, series R-L,
R-C and R-L-C circuits, phasor diagrams, voltage, current and power waveforms, resonance in
series RLC circuits, concept of impedance, concept of active, reactive, apparent, complex power
and power factor, Parallel AC circuits (No numericals), concept of admittance
Unit IV
Polyphase A.C. Circuits and Single phase Transformers (06 Hrs)
A) Polyphase A.C. Circuits: Concept of three-phase supply and phase sequence. Balanced and
unbalanced load, Voltages, currents and power relations in three phase balanced star-connected
loads and delta-connected loads along with phasor diagrams. (3Hrs)
B) Single phase transformers: principle of working, construction and types, emf equation,
voltage and current ratios. Losses, definition of regulation and efficiency, determination of
these by direct loading method. Descriptive treatment of autotransformers. (3Hrs)
Unit V
DC Circuits:
(06 Hrs)
Classification of electrical networks, Energy sources – ideal and practical voltage and current
sources, Simplifications of networks using series and parallel combinations and star-delta
conversions, Kirchhoff’s laws and their applications for network solutions using loop analysis,
Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem.
Unit VI
Work, Power, Energy and Batteries
(06 Hrs)
A) Work, Power, Energy: Effect of temperature on resistance, resistance temperature coefficient,
insulation resistance, conversion of energy from one form to another in electrical, mechanical
and thermal systems. (4Hrs)
B) Batteries :Different types of batteries (Lead Acid and Lithium Ion), construction, working
principle, applications, ratings, charging and discharging, concept of depth of charging,
maintenance of batteries, series -parallel connection of batteries (2Hrs)
Books & Other Resources:
Text Books:
1. V.D. Toro, Principles of Electrical Engineering, Prentice Hall India, 1989
2. D. P. Kothari, I.J. Nagrath, Theory and Problems of Basic Electrical Engineering, PHI
3. V.K. Mehta, RohitMehata Basic Electrical Engineering, S Chand Publications
4. B.L. Theraja, A text book on electrical technology Vol-I
Reference Books:
1. H Cotton, Electrical technology, CBS Publications
2. L. S. Bobrow, ―Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering‖, Oxford University Press, 2011.
3. E. Hughes, ―Electrical and Electronics Technology‖, Pearson, 2010.
4. D. C. Kulshreshtha, ―Basic Electrical Engineering‖, McGraw Hill, 2009.
Guidelines for Instructor's Manual
The Instructor’s Manual should contain following related to every experiment –
 Brief theory related to the experiment.
 Apparatus with their detailed specifications.
Connection diagram /circuit diagram.
Observation table/ simulation waveforms.
Sample calculations for one/two reading.
Result table.
Graph and Conclusions.
Few questions related to the experiment.
Relevance of practical in real life /industry
Guidelines for Student's Lab Journal
The Student's Lab Journal should contain following related to every experiment –
 Theory related to the experiment.
 Apparatus with their detailed specifications.
 Connection diagram /circuit diagram.
 Observation table/ simulation waveforms.
 Sample calculations for one/two reading.
 Result table.
 Graph and Conclusions.
 Few short questions related to the experiment.
Guidelines for Lab /TW Assessment
 There should be continuous assessment for the TW.
 Assessment must be based on understanding of theory, attentiveness during practical,
understanding .
 Session, how efficiently the student is able to do connections and get the results.
 Timely submission of journal.
Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments/Assignments
Group A
Following eight practical are compulsory
1. To study safety precautions while working on electrical systems, handling of various
equipment’s such as multimeter, ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeter’s, real life resistors,
inductors and capacitors
2. To calculate and measure of charging and discharging of capacitor and observe the
response on storage oscilloscope.
3. To measure steady state response of series RL and RC circuits on AC supply and
observations of voltage and current waveforms on storage oscilloscope.
4. To derive resonance frequency and analyze resonance in series RLC circuit.
5. To verify the relation between phase and line quantities in three phase balanced star delta
connections of load.
6. To determine efficiency and regulation of transformer by direct loading test of a single
phase transformer.
7. To verify KVL and Superposition theorem.
8. To verify Thevenin’s theorem in a DC network
Group B
From following minimum two practical are compulsory
1. To measure insulation resistance of electrical equipment’s/cable using Megger
2. To demonstrate different types of electrical protection equipments such as fuses, MCB,
3. To measure of earth resistance at substation earthing using fall of potential method with IS
3043 standard.
4. To study of LT and HT electricity bills.
110005: Programming and Problem Solving
Examination Scheme:
In-Semester : 30 Marks
End-Semester : 70 Marks
: 25 Marks
Prerequisite Courses, if any: students are expected to have a good understanding of basic
computer principles.
Teaching Scheme:
03 Hrs/Week
PR :
02 Hrs/Week
Companion Course, if any: Programming and Problem Solving Laboratory (110005)
Course Objectives:
Prime objective is to give students a basic introduction to programming and problem solving with
computer language Python. And to introduce students not merely to the coding of computer
programs, but to computational thinking, the methodology of computer programming, and the
principles of good program design including modularity and encapsulation.
1. To understand problem solving, problem solving aspects, programming and to know about
various program design tools.
2. To learn problem solving with computers
3. To learn basics, features and future of Python programming.
4. To acquaint with data types, input output statements, decision making, looping and
functions in Python
5. To learn features of Object Oriented Programming using Python
6. To acquaint with the use and benefits of files handling in Python
Following Fields are applicable for courses with companion Laboratory course
Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, learner will be able to–
CO1: Inculcate and apply various skills in problem solving.
CO2: Choose most appropriate programming constructs and features to solve the problems in
diversified domains.
CO3: Exhibit the programming skills for the problems those require the writing of welldocumented programs including use of the logical constructs of language, Python.
CO4: Demonstrate significant experience with the Python program development environment.
Course Contents
Unit I
Problem Solving, Programming and Python Programming
(07 Hrs)
General Problem Solving Concepts- Problem solving in everyday life, types of problems,
problem solving with computers, difficulties with problem solving, problem solving aspects, top
down design. Problem Solving Strategies,
Program Design Tools: Algorithms, Flowcharts and Pseudo-codes, implementation of algorithms.
Basics of Python Programming: Features of Python, History and Future of Python, Writing and
executing Python program, Literal constants, variables and identifiers, Data Types, Input
operation, Comments, Reserved words, Indentation, Operators and expressions, Expressions in
Unit II
Decision Control Statements
(08 Hrs)
Decision Control Statements: Decision control statements, Selection/conditional branching
Statements: if, if-else, nested if, if-elif-else statements. Basic loop Structures/Iterative statements:
while loop, for loop, selecting appropriate loop. Nested loops, The break, continue, pass, else
statement used with loops. Other data types- Tuples, Lists and Dictionary.
Unit III
Functions and Modules
(08 Hrs)
Need for functions, Function: definition, call, variable scope and lifetime, the return statement.
Defining functions, Lambda or anonymous function, documentation string, good programming
practices. Introduction to modules, Introduction to packages in Python, Introduction to standard
library modules.
Unit IV
(07 Hrs)
Strings and Operations- concatenation, appending, multiplication and slicing. Strings are
immutable, strings formatting operator, built in string methods and functions. Slice operation, ord()
and chr() functions, in and not in operators, comparing strings, Iterating strings, the string module.
Unit V
Object Oriented Programming
(08 Hrs)
Programming Paradigms-monolithic, procedural, structured and object oriented, Features of
Object oriented programming-classes, objects, methods and message passing, inheritance,
polymorphism, containership, reusability, delegation, data abstraction and encapsulation.
Classes and Objects: classes and objects, class method and self object, class variables and object
variables, public and private members, class methods.
Unit VI
File Handling and Dictionaries
(07 Hrs)
Files: Introduction, File path, Types of files, Opening and Closing files, Reading and Writing files.
Dictionary method. Dictionaries- creating, assessing, adding and updating values.
Case Study: Study design, features, and use of any recent, popular and efficient system developed
using Python. (This topic is to be excluded for theory examination).
Text Books:
1. Reema Thareja, “Python Programming Using Problem Solving Approach”, Oxford
University Press, ISBN 13: 978-0-19-948017-6
2. R. Nageswara Rao, “Core Python Programming”, Dreamtech Press; Second edition ISBN10: 938605230X, ISBN-13: 978-9386052308 ASIN: B07BFSR3LL
Reference Books:
1. R. G. Dromey, “How to Solve it by Computer”, Pearson Education India; 1st edition, ISBN10: 8131705625, ISBN-13: 978-8131705629 Maureen Spankle, “Problem Solving and
Programming Concepts”, Pearson; 9th edition, ISBN-10: 9780132492645, ISBN-13: 9780132492645
2. Romano Fabrizio, “Learning Python”, Packt Publishing Limited, ISBN: 9781783551712,
3. Paul Barry, “Head First Python- A Brain Friendly Guide”, SPD O’Reilly, 2nd Edition,
4. Martin C. Brown, “Python: The Complete Reference”, McGraw Hill Education, ISBN-10:
9789387572942, ISBN-13: 978-9387572942, ASIN: 9387572943
5. Jeeva Jose, P. Sojan Lal, “Introduction to Computing & Problem Solving with Python”,
Khanna Computer Book Store; First edition, ISBN-10: 9789382609810, ISBN-13: 9789382609810
Programming and Problem Solving Laboratory
Guidelines for Instructor's Manual
The instructor’s manual is to be developed as a hands-on resource and reference. The instructor's
manual need to include prologue (about University/program/ institute/ department/foreword/
preface etc), copy of curriculum, conduction & Assessment guidelines, topics under considerationconcept, objectives, outcomes, set of typical applications/assignments/ guidelines, and references.
Guidelines for Student's Lab Journal
The laboratory assignments are to be submitted by student in the form of journal. Journal consists
of prologue, Certificate, table of contents, and handwritten write-up of each assignment (Title,
Objectives, Problem Statement, Outcomes, software & Hardware requirements, Date of
Completion, Assessment grade/marks and assessor's sign, Theory-Concept in brief, features of
tool/framework/language used, Design, test cases, conclusion. Program codes with sample output
of all performed assignments are to be submitted as softcopy.
As a conscious effort and little contribution towards Green IT and environment awareness,
attaching printed papers as part of write-ups and program listing to journal may be avoided. Use of
DVD containing students programs maintained by lab In-charge is highly encouraged. For
reference one or two journals may be maintained with program prints at Laboratory.
Guidelines for Lab /TW Assessment
Continuous assessment of laboratory work is done based on overall performance and lab
assignments performance of student. Each lab assignment assessment will assign grade/marks
based on parameters with appropriate weightage. Suggested parameters for overall assessment as
well as each lab assignment assessment include- timely completion, performance, innovation,
efficient codes, punctuality and neatness.
Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction
List of laboratory assignments is provided below for reference. The instructor is expected to frame
the assignments by understanding the prerequisites, technological aspects, utility and recent trends
related to the topic. The assignment framing policy need to address the average students and
inclusive of an element to attract and promote the intelligent students. The instructor may set
multiple sets of assignments and distribute among batches of students. It is appreciated if the
assignments are based on real world problems/applications. Encourage students for appropriate use
of coding style, proper indentation and comments.
Use of open source software and recent version is to be encouraged.
In addition to these, instructor may assign one real life application in the form of a mini-project
based on the concepts learned. Instructor may also set one assignment or mini-project that is
suitable to respective branch beyond the scope of syllabus.
Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments/Assignments
(Any 6 to 8 laboratory assignments)
Problem Statement
Write Program in Python (with function/class/file, as applicable)
To calculate salary of an employee given his basic pay (take as input from user).
Calculate gross salary of employee. Let HRA be 10 % of basic pay and TA be 5% of
basic pay. Let employee pay professional tax as 2% of total salary. Calculate net salary
payable after deductions.
To accept an object mass in kilograms and velocity in meters per second and display its
momentum. Momentum is calculated as e=mc2 where m is the mass of the object and c is
its velocity.
To accept N numbers from user. Compute and display maximum in list, minimum in list,
sum and average of numbers.
To accept student’s five courses marks and compute his/her result. Student is passing if
he/she scores marks equal to and above 40 in each course. If student scores aggregate
greater than 75%, then the grade is distinction. If aggregate is 60>= and <75 then the
grade if first division. If aggregate is 50>= and <60, then the grade is second division. If
aggregate is 40>= and <50, then the grade is third division.
To check whether input number is Armstrong number or not. An Armstrong number is an
integer with three digits such that the sum of the cubes of its digits is equal to the number
itself. Ex. 371.
To simulate simple calculator that performs basic tasks such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division with special operations like computing xy and x!.
To accept the number and Compute a) square root of number, b) Square of number, c)
Cube of number d) check for prime, d) factorial of number e) prime factors
To accept two numbers from user and compute smallest divisor and Greatest Common
Divisor of these two numbers.
To accept a number from user and print digits of number in a reverse order.
To input binary number from user and convert it into decimal number.
To generate pseudo random numbers.
To accept list of N integers and partition list into two sub lists even and odd numbers.
To accept the number of terms a finds the sum of sine series.
To accept from user the number of Fibonacci numbers to be generated and print
the Fibonacci series.
Write a python program that accepts a string from user and perform following string
operations- i. Calculate length of string ii. String reversal iii. Equality check of two
strings iii. Check palindrome ii. Check substring
To copy contents of one file to other. While copying a) all full stops are to be replaced
with commas b) lower case are to be replaced with upper case c) upper case are to be
replaced with lower case.
To count total characters in file, total words in file, total lines in file and frequency of
given word in file.
Create class EMPLOYEE for storing details (Name, Designation, gender, Date of Joining
and Salary). Define function members to compute a)total number of employees in an
organization b) count of male and female employee c) Employee with salary more than
10,000 d) Employee with designation “Asst Manager”
Create class STORE to keep track of Products ( Product Code, Name and price). Display
menu of all products to user. Generate bill as per order.
Calculator with basic functions. Add more functionality such as graphic user interface and
complex calculations.
Program that simulates rolling dice. When the program runs, it will randomly choose a
number between 1 and 6 (Or other integer you prefer). Print that number. Request user to
roll again. Set the min and max number that dice can show. For the average die, that
means a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 6.
Use raspberry pi/or similar kit and python for Room Temperature Monitoring System
 Motion Detection System
 Soil Moisture Sensor
 Home Automation System
 A robot
 Smart mirror or a smart clock.
 Smile Detection using Raspberry Pi Camera
Guess Number: Randomly generate a number unknown to the user. The user needs to
guess what that number is. If the user’s guess is wrong, the program should return some
sort of indication as to how wrong (e.g. the number is too high or too low). If the user
guesses correctly, a positive indication should appear. Write functions to check if the user
input is an actual number, to see the difference between the inputted number and the
randomly generated numbers, and to then compare the numbers.
111006 -Workshop Practice
Teaching Scheme:
Examination Scheme:
PR : 2 Hrs/Week
: 25 Marks
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the construction and working of machine tools and functions of its parts.
2. To develop the skill through hands-on practices using hand tools, power tools, machine
tools in manufacturing and assembly shop leading to understanding of a production
3. To understand workshop layout and safety norms.
Course Outcomes:
CO1: Familiar with safety norms to prevent any mishap in workshop.
CO2: Able to handle appropriate hand tool, cutting tool and machine tools to manufacture a job.
CO3: Able to understand the construction, working and functions of machine tools and their parts.
CO4: Able to know simple operations (Turning and Facing) on a centre lathe.
1. The demonstration of machine tools to be conducted by teaching faculty.
2. Minimum eight experiments to be conducted out of 10.
Guidelines for Instructor’s Manual
Instructor manual shall contain:
 The production drawing of a job with all linear and geometric dimensions, Raw material, size
and shape, allowances provided.
 List of tooling required.
 Process plan to complete the job.
 General safety instructions.
Guidelines for Student’s Lab Journal
Student has to maintain a workshop diary consisting of drawing / sketches of the jobs and a
brief description of tools, equipment, and procedure used for doing the job and time
Student has to maintain one file for write ups based on demonstration of machine tools and
safety norms
Guidelines for LAB/TW Assessment
Term work assessment shall be based on the timely completion of jobs, quality of job, skill
acquired, and maintain of workshop diary and brief write-ups on illustrations/sketches of
demonstrated parts/mechanisms/machine tools etc.
Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction
1st on importance of workshop practical and shop floor safety norms
ii. 2nd to 6th Sessions are about demonstration of machine tools (Any 4)
iii. 7th to 9th on making utility job (Any 2)
iv. 10th& 11th session on preparation of workshop layout and safety norms.
Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments/Assignments
Sr. No.
List of Experiments
Mandatory briefing on shop-floor safety
Demonstration and working of centre lathe
Demonstration on various functions of lathe parts: Headstock, Tailstock, Carriage, Lead
screw, All geared Mechanism, Apron mechanism etc.
Demonstration of Lathe operations:
Step turning and facing, drilling operation on a Mild Steel cylindrical job on centre
lathe. Understanding the concept of speed, feed and depth of cut.
Demonstration of Drilling machine
Demonstration on construction of Radial drilling machine, Tool holding devices,
Concept of speed, feed and depth of cut.
Demonstration on Milling machine
Demonstration on construction, table movements, indexing and tooling of milling
Demonstration of Shaper/Grinding machine (Any one)
Shaper: Crank and slotted link mechanism, Work feed mechanism
Grinding: Surface grinder/Cylindrical grinding machine, Mounting of grinding wheel
Term work includes one job of Carpentry
Introduction to wood working, kinds of woods, hand tools & machines, Types of joints,
wood turning. Pattern making, types of patterns and its allowances.
Term work to include one job involving fitting to size, male-female fitting with
drilling and tapping operation on Mild Steel plate;
Introduction to marking, cutting and sawing, sizing of metal, shearing, Concept of fits
and interchangeability, selection of datum and measurements.
Term work to include one utility job preferably using sheet metal (e.g. Tray, Funnel
etc.) with riveting/welding/brazing/soldering (at least one temporary and one Permanent
joint either using resistance welding/Arc welding);
Introduction to sheet metal operations: punching, blanking, bending, drawing.
Prepare a Layout of Workshop
To prepare a work shop layout.
Collection of information about safety norms in any one of the following type of
energy/Aerospace /Marine/Construction/Railway etc.
Reference/Text Books
1. John, K. C., (2010),“Mechanical Workshop Practice, Prentice Hall Publication, New Delhi
2. Hazra and Chaudhary, Workshop Technology-I & II, Media promoters & Publisher Pvt. Ltd.
101007: Environmental Studies-I
TH:02 Hrs./week
(Mandatory Non-Credit Course)
Course Objectives:
1. To explain the concepts and strategies related to sustainable development and various
components of environment.
2. To examine biotic and abiotic factors within an ecosystem, to identify food chains, webs, as
well as energy flow and relationships.
3. To identify and analyze various conservation methods and their effectiveness in relation to
renewable and nonrenewable natural resources.
4. To gain an understanding of the value of biodiversity and current efforts to conserve
biodiversity on national and local scale.
Course Outcomes:On completion of the course, learner will be able to–
CO1:Demonstrate an integrative approach to environmental issues with a focus on sustainability.
CO2: Explain and identify the role of the organism in energy transfers in different ecosystems.
CO3: Distinguish between and provide examples of renewable and nonrenewable resources &
analyze personal consumption of resources.
CO4: Identify key threats to biodiversity and develop appropriate policy options for conserving
biodiversity in different settings.
Course Contents
Unit I
Introduction to environmental studies
(02 Hrs)
Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies; components of environment – atmosphere,
hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. Scope and importance; Concept of sustainability and
sustainable development.
Unit II
(06 Hrs)
What is an ecosystem? Structure and function of ecosystem; Energy flow in an ecosystem: food
chain, food web and ecological succession. Case studies of the following ecosystems:
a) Forest ecosystem
b) Grassland ecosystem
c) Desert ecosystem
d) Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)
Unit III
Natural Resources: Renewable and Non-renewable Resources
(08 Hrs)
Land Resources and land use change; Land degradation, soil erosion and desertification.
Deforestation: Causes and impacts due to mining, dam building on environment, forests,
biodiversity and tribal populations.
Water: Use and over-exploitation of surface and ground water, floods droughts, conflicts over
water (international & inter-state).
Heating of earth and circulation of air; air mass formation and precipitation.
Energy resources: Renewable and non-renewable energy sources, use of alternate energy sources,
growing energy needs, case studies.
Unit IV
Biodiversity and Conservation
(08 Hrs)
Levels of biological diversity: genetic, species and ecosystem diversity; Biogeography zones of
India; Biodiversity patterns and global biodiversity hot spots. India as a mega-biodiversity nation;
Endangered and endemic species of India. Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of
wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts, biological invasions; Conservation of biodiversity; In-situ and Exsitu conservation of biodiversity. Ecosystem and biodiversity services: Ecological, economic,
social, ethical, aesthetic and Informational value.
Suggested Readings:
1. Carson, R. 2002. Silent spring. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
2. Gadgil, M., & Guha, R.1993. This Fissured Land: An Ecological History of India. Univ. of
California Press.
3. Gleeson,B. and Low, N. (eds.) 1999. Global Ethics and Environment, London, Routledge.
4. Gleick, P.H. 1993. Water in Crisis. Pacific Institute for Studies in Dev., Environment &
Security. Stockholm Env. Institute, Oxford Univ. Press.
5. Groom, Martha J. Gary K. Meffe, and Carl Ronald carroll. Principals of Conservation
Sunderland: Sinauer Associates, 2006.
6. Grumbine, R. Edward, and Pandit, M.K. 2013. Threats from India’s Himalaya dams.
Science, 339:36-37.
7. McCully, P.1996. Rivers no more: the environmental effects of dams (pp.29-64). Zed
8. McNeil, John R. 2000. Something New Under the Sun: An Environmental History of the
Twentieth Century.
107008 – Engineering Mathematics – II
Teaching Scheme:
Examination Scheme:
: 4 Hrs./Week
In-Semester : 30 Marks
TUT : 1 Hr./Week
End-Semester : 70 Marks
: 25 Marks
Integration, Differential Equation, Three-dimensional coordinate systems
Course Objectives:
To make the students familiarize with Mathematical Modeling of physical systems using
differential equations advanced techniques of integration, tracing of curve, multiple integrals and
their applications. The aim is to equip them with the techniques to understand advanced level
mathematics and its applications that would enhance thinking power, useful in their disciplines.
Course Outcomes (COs): The students will be able to learn
CO1: the effective mathematical tools for solutions of first order differential equations that model
physical processes such as Newton’s law of cooling, electrical circuit, rectilinear motion, mass spring
systems, heat transfer etc.
CO2: advanced integration techniques such as Reduction formulae, Beta functions, Gamma
functions, Differentiation under integral sign and Error functions needed in evaluating multiple
integrals and their applications.
CO3: to trace the curve for a given equation and measure arc length of various curves.
CO4: the concepts of solid geometry using equations of sphere, cone and cylinder in a
comprehensive manner.
CO5: evaluation of multiple integrals and its application to find area bounded by curves, volume
bounded by surfaces, Centre of gravity and Moment of inertia.
Course Contents
Unit I:
First Order Ordinary differential Equations
(09 Hrs.)
Exact differential equations, Equations reducible to exact form. Linear differential equations,
Equations reducible to linear form, Bernoulli’s equation.
Unit II:
Applications of Differential Equations
(09 Hrs.)
Applications of Differential Equations to Orthogonal Trajectories, Newton’s Law of Cooling,
Kirchhoff’s Law of Electrical Circuits, Rectilinear Motion, Simple Harmonic Motion, One
dimensional Conduction of Heat.
Unit III:
Integral Calculus
(09 Hrs.)
Reduction Formulae, Beta and Gamma functions, Differentiation Under Integral Sign and Error
Unit IV:
Curve Tracing
(09 Hrs.)
Tracing of Curves – Cartesian, Polar and Parametric curves, Rectification of curves.
Unit V:
Solid Geometry
(09 Hrs.)
Cartesian, Spherical polar and Cylindrical coordinate systems, Sphere, Cone and Cylinder.
Unit VI:
Multiple Integrals and their Applications
(09 Hrs.)
Double and Triple integrations, Change of order of integration, Applications to find Area, Volume,
Mass, Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia.
Text Books:
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B. V. Ramana (Tata McGraw Hill)
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B. S. Grewal (Khanna Publication, Delhi)
Reference Books:
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig (Wiley Eastern Ltd.)
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by M. D. Greenberg (Pearson Education)
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Peter V. O’Neil (Thomson Learning)
4. Thomas’ Calculus by George B. Thomas, (Addison-Wesley, Pearson)
5. Applied Mathematics (Vol. I and II) by P.N. Wartikar and J.N.Wartikar Vidyarthi Griha
Prakashan, Pune.
6. Differential Equations by S. L. Ross (John Wiley and Sons)
Tutorial and Term Work:
i) Tutorial for the subject shall be engaged in minimum three batches (batch size of 22 students)
per division.
ii) Term work shall consist of six assignments on each unit-I to unit-VI and is based on
performance and continuous internal assessment.
Teaching Scheme:
: 04 Hrs/week
: 02 Hrs/Week
107009: Engineering Chemistry
Examination Scheme:
In Semester : 30 Marks
End Semester: 70 Marks
: 25 Marks
Prerequisite Courses, if any:
Types of titrations, volumetric analysis, structure property relationship, types of crystals, periodic
table, classification and properties of polymers, electromagnetic radiation, electrochemical series
Companion Course, if any: Laboratory Practical
Course Objectives:
1. To understand technology involved in analysis and improving quality of water as commodity.
2. To acquire the knowledge of electro-analytical techniques that facilitates rapid and precise
understanding of materials.
3. To understand structure, properties and applications of speciality polymers and nano material.
4. To study conventional and alternative fuels with respect to their properties and applications.
5. To study spectroscopic techniques for chemical analysis.
6. To understand corrosion mechanisms and preventive methods for corrosion control.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, learner will be able to–
CO1: Apply the different methodologies for analysis of water and techniques involved in softening
of water as commodity.
CO2: Select appropriate electro-technique and method of material analysis.
CO3: Demonstrate the knowledge of advanced engineering materials for various engineering
CO4: Analyze fuel and suggest use of alternative fuels.
CO5: Identify chemical compounds based on their structure.
CO6: Explain causes of corrosion and methods for minimizing corrosion.
Course Contents
Unit I
Water Technology
Impurities in water, hardness of water: Types, Units and Numericals. Determination of hardness
(by EDTA method using molarity concept) and alkalinity, numericals. Ill effects of hard water in
boiler - priming and foaming, boiler corrosion, caustic embrittlement, scale and sludge.
Water treatment: i) Zeolite method and numericalsii) Demineralization method. Purification of
water: Reverse osmosis and Electrodialysis.
Unit II
Instrumental Methods of Analysis
Introduction: Types of reference electrode (calomel electrode), indicator electrode (glass
electrode), ion selective electrode: ion selective membranes such as solid membrane, enzyme
based membrane and gas sensing membrane.
[A] Conductometry: Introduction, conductivity cell, conductometric titrations of acid versus base
with titration curve.
[B] pHmetry: Introduction, standardization of pH meter, pH metric titration of strong acid versus
strong base with titration curve.
Unit III
Engineering Materials
A] Speciality polymers: Introduction, preparation, properties and applications of the following
1. Engineering Thermoplastic: Polycarbonate,
2. Bio-degradable polymers: Poly (hydroxybutyrate-hydroxyvalanate),
3. Conducting Polymer: Polyacetylene,
4. Electroluminescent polymer: Polyphenylenevinylene,
5. Polymer composites: Fiber reinforced plastic (FRP)- Glass reinforced and Carbon reinforced
polymer composite
[B] Nanomaterials: Introduction, classification of nanomaterials based on dimensions (zero
dimensional, one-dimensional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional), structure, properties and
applications of graphene and carbon nanotubes, quantum dots (semiconductor nanoparticles).
Unit IV
Introduction (definition, classification of fuel based on chemical reactions and characteristics of an
ideal fuel),
Calorific value (CV): Higher calorific value (HCV) and Lower calorific value (LCV),
Determination of Calorific value: Principle, construction and working of Bomb calorimeter and
Boy’s gas calorimeter and numericals,
Solid fuel: Coal: Analysis of Coal-Proximate and Ultimate analysis, numericals,
Liquid fuel: Petroleum: Refining of petroleum /crude oil and composition, boiling range and uses
of various fractions,
Gaseous fuel: Composition, properties and applications of CNG. Hydrogen gas as a future fuel
Alternative fuels: Power alcohol and biodiesel.
Unit V
Spectroscopic Techniques
[A]UV-Visible Spectroscopy:
Introduction, interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter, statement of Beer’s law and
Lambert’s law, absorption of UV radiation by organic molecule leading to different electronic
transitions, terms involved in UV-visible Spectroscopy- chromophore, auxochrome, bathochromic
shift, hypsochromic shift, hyperchromic shift and hypochromic shift, Instrumentation and basic
principle of single beam spectrophotometer, applications of UV-visible spectroscopy.
[B] Infra red Spectroscopy:
Introduction, Principle of IR Spectroscopy, types of vibrations: Stretching (symmetric and
asymmetric) and bending (scissoring, rocking, wagging and twisting), conditions of absorption of
IR radiations, vibration of diatomic and polyatomic molecules. Instrumentation with block
diagram. Parts of IR spectrum, fundamental group region, fingerprint region, applications of IR
Unit VI
Corrosion Science
Introduction, Types of corrosion – Dry and Wet corrosion, mechanism of dry corrosion, nature of
oxide films and Pilling-Bedworth’s rule, wet corrosion – mechanism: hydrogen evolution and
oxygen absorption, galvanic cell corrosion, concentration cell corrosion, Factors influencing rate of
corrosion. Methods of corrosion control and prevention: cathodic and anodic protection, metallic
coatings and its types, surface preparation, methods to apply metallic coatings-hot dipping,
cladding, electroplating, cementation.
Books & Other Resources:
Text Books:
1. Engineering Chemistry by O .G. Palanna, Tata Magraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.
2. Textbook of Engineering Chemistry by Dr. S. S. Dara, Dr. S. S. Umare, S. Chand & Company
3. Textbook of Engineering Chemistry by Dr. Sunita Rattan, S. K. Kataria& Sons Publisher
Reference Books:
1. Engineering Chemistry, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Inorganic Chemistry, 5 ed by Shriver and Atkins, Oxford University Press
3. Basic Concept of Analytical Chemistry, 2ed , S. M. Khopkar, New Age-International Publisher
4. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, G. R. Chatwal& S. K. Anand, Himalaya
Publishing House
5. Spectroscopy of organic compounds, 2 ed, P. S. Kalsi, New Age-International Ltd., Publisher
6. Polymer Science, V. R. Gowarikar, N. V. Viswanathan, jayadevSreedhar, Wiley Eastern
1. To determine hardness of water by EDTA method
2. To determine alkalinity of water
3. To determine strength of strong acid using pH meter
4. To determine maximum wavelength of absorption of CuSO4/FeSO4/ KMnO4, verify Beer’s
law and find unknown concentration of given sample.
5. Titration of a mixture of weak acid and strong acid with strong base using conductometer
6. Preparation of polystyrene/phenol-formaldehyde/urea-formaldehyde resin
7. To determine molecular weight/radius of macromolecule polystyrene/ polyvinyl alcohol by
viscosity measurement.
8. Proximate analysis of coal.
9. To coat copper and zinc on iron plate using electroplating.
10. Preparation of biodiesel from oil.
11. Colloidal synthesis of 2-6 or 3-5 semiconductor quantum dots nanoparticles
Teaching Scheme:
03 Hrs./week
02 Hrs./week
104010:Basic Electronics Engineering
Examination Scheme
In - Semester : 30 Marks
End - Semester : 70 Marks
: 25 Marks
Course Objectives:
1. The principle of electronics and working principle of PN junction diode and special
purpose diodes.
2. The functioning of transistors like BJT, MOSFETs and OPAMP.
3. Basics of various logic gates, digital circuits and their applications.
4. Working and functions of various electronic instruments.
5. The operating principles and applications of various active and passive sensors.
6. Basic principles of communication systems.
Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, learner will be able to–
CO1: Explain the working of P-N junction diode and its circuits.
CO2: Identify types of diodes and plot their characteristics and also can compare BJT with
CO3: Build and test analog circuits using OPAMP and digital circuits using universal/basic gates
and flip flops.
CO4: Use different electronics measuring instruments to measure various electrical parameters.
CO5: Select sensors for specific applications.
CO6: Describe basic principles of communication systems.
Course Contents
Unit I
Introduction to Electronics
Evolution of Electronics, Impact of Electronics in industry and in society.
Introduction to active and passive components, P-type Semiconductor, N-type Semiconductor.
Current in semiconductors(Diffusion and Drift Current)
P-N Junction Diode: P-N Junction diode construction and its working in forward and reverse bias
condition, V-I characteristics of P-N junction Diode, Diode as a switch, Half Wave Rectifier, Full
wave and Bridge Rectifier.
Special purpose diodes: Zener diode, Light Emitting Diode (LED) and photo diode along with VI characteristics and their applications.
Unit II
Transistor and OPAMP
Bipolar Junction Transistor : Construction, type, Operation, V-I Characteristics, region of
operation, BJT as switch and CE amplifier
Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFET): Construction, Types,
Operation, V-I characteristics, Regions of operation, MOSFET as switch & amplifier.
Operational amplifier: Functional block diagram of operational amplifier, ideal operational
amplifier, Op-amp as Inverting and Non inverting amplifier
Unit III
Number System and Logic Gates
Number System:- Binary, BCD, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal their conversion and arithmetic,
De-Morgan’s theorem.
Basic Gates:- AND, OR, NOT, Universal Gate- XOR, XNOR, Half adder, Full adder
Flip Flop’s SR, JK, T and D
Introduction to Microprocessor and Microcontroller (Only block diagram and explanation)
Unit IV
Electronic Instrumentation
Electronic Instruments: Principles and block diagram of digital multimeter, Function Generator,
Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO) Power scope, AC/DC power supply, Auto transformer,
Analog ammeter and voltmeter.
Unit V
Classification of a sensors, Active /Passive Sensors, Analog/Digital Sensors, Motion Sensors
(LVDT, Accelerometer), Temperature Sensors (Thermocouple, Thermistor, RTD), Semiconductor
Sensors(Gas Sensors), Optical Sensors (LDR), Mechanical Sensors (Strain Guage, Load Cell,
Pressure sensors), Biosensors. (Working Principle and one application).
Unit VI
Communication Systems
Basic Communication System: Block Diagram, Modes of Transmission, Communication Media:
Wired and Wireless, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Allotment of frequency band for different
applications, Block Diagram of AM and FM Transmitter and receiver,
Mobile Communication System: Cellular concept, Simple block diagram of GSM system.
Books & Other Resources:
Text Books:
1. “Electronics Devices” by Thomas. L. Floyd, 9th Edition, Pearson (Unit I, II)
2. “Modern Digital Electronics” by R.P. Jain, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill (Unit III)
3. “Electronic Instrumentation” by H.S. Kalsi, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill (Unit IV)
4. “Sensors and Transducers” by D. Patrnabis, 2nd Edition, PHI (Unit V)
5. “Electronic Communication Systems” by Kennedy & Davis, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
(Unit VI)
6. “Mobile Wireless communication” by M. Schwartz, Cambridge University Press (Unit VI)
Reference Books:
1. “Digital Fundamentals” by Thomas. L. Floyd, 11th Edition, Pearson
2. “Mobile Communication” by J. Schiller, 2nd Edition, Pearson
3. “Sensors Handbook”, by S. Soloman, 2nd Edition.
List of Laboratory Experiments/Assignments
Electronic Components:
Study of Active and Passive components
a) Resistors (Fixed & Variable), Calculation of resistor value using color code.
b) Capacitors (Fixed & Variable)
c) Inductors, Calculation of inductor value using color code.
d) Devices such Diode, BJT, MOSFETs, various IC packages
e) Switches & Relays
Measurements using various measuring equipments:
a) Set up CRO and function generator for measurement of voltage, frequency
b) Obtain the phase shift between to signals using CRO with the help of Lissagous
c) Measure voltage, resistance using digital multimeter. Also use multimeter to check
diode, BJT
V-I characteristics of:
a) P-N Junction Diode (Study the datasheet of typical PN junction diode 1N 400X)
b) Zener Diode (Study the datasheet of typical Zener diode 1N 4148)
Rectifier circuits:
a) Implement half wave, full wave and bridge rectifier using diodes
b) Observe the effect of capacitor filter on rectifier output
Frequency response of MOSFET:
a) To plot frequency response of BJT amplifier.(Simulation)
b) To plot frequency response of MOSFET amplifier.(Simulation)
Linear applications of Op-amp:
Build inverting and non-inverting amplifier using op-amp (Study the datasheet of typical
Op-Amp 741)
Test and verify the truth tables of:
a) Basic and Universal Gates (Study the data sheet of respective IC’s)
b) Half / Full Adder
c) RS/JK/T/D flip flop
Study of transducers : (Any 3)
Build and test any circuit using BJT/MOSFET/Op-Amp/Logic Gates using any one sensor.
10. Case Study of any one electronics appliances with block diagram, specification etc.
Guidelines for Instructor's Manual
 The instructor’s manual is to be developed as a hands-on resource and reference.
 Copy of Curriculum, Conduction & Assessment guidelines, List of Experiments to be
Guidelines for Student's Lab Journal
 The laboratory assignments/experiments are to be submitted by student in the form of journal.
 Journal consists of Certificate, table of contents, and handwritten write-up for each experiment.
 Each experiment should consist of :
 Title.
 Objectives.
 Problem Statement, Outcomes
 Hardware / Software (If any) requirements.
 Concept.
 Experimental procedure / Setup.
 Observation table
 Conclusion.
Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction
 All the experiments mentioned in the syllabus are compulsory.
 Use of open source software and recent version is to be encouraged.
Guidelines for Lab /TW Assessment
 Continuous assessment of laboratory work is done based on overall performance.
 Each lab assignment/ experiment assessment will assign grade / marks based on parameters
with appropriate weightage.
 Suggested parameters for overall assessment as well as each lab assignment / experiment
assessment include:
 Timely completion.
 Performance.
 Punctuality and neatness.
 The parameters for assessment is to be known to the students at the beginning of the course.
101011: Engineering Mechanics
Teaching Scheme:
Examination Scheme:
: 3 Hrs./week
In-Semester : 30 Marks
: 2 Hrs./Week
End-Semester : 70 Marks
: 25 Marks
Prerequisite Courses, if any: 12 Physics, Maths
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge about force systems and methods to determine resultant centroid and
moment of inertia
2. To teach methods to calculate force of friction
3. To impart knowledge to determine reaction of beams, calculate member forces in trusses,
cables and frames using principles of equilibrium
4. To teach space force systems
5. To train students to solve problems related to particle mechanics using principles of
kinematics, kinetics and work power energy
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, learner will be able to–
CO1: Determine resultant of various force systems
CO2: Determine centroid, moment of inertia and solve problems related to friction
CO3:Determine reactions of beams, calculate forces in cables using principles of equilibrium
CO4: Solve trusses, frames for finding member forces and apply principles of equilibrium to
forces in space
CO5: Calculate position, velocity and acceleration of particle using principles of kinematics
CO6: Calculate position, velocity and acceleration of particle using principles of kinetics and
Work, Power, Energy
Course Contents
Unit I
Resolution and Composition of Forces
Principle of statics, Force system, Resolution and composition of forces, Resultant of concurrent
forces. Moment of a force, Varignon’s theorem, resultant of parallel force system, Couple,
Equivalent force couple system, Resultant of parallel general force system
Unit II
Distributed Forces and Friction
Moment of area, Centroid of plane lamina and wire bends, Moment of Inertia.
Friction- Laws of friction, application of friction on inclined planes Wedges and ladders friction
Application to flat belt
Unit III
Free body diagram Equilibrium of concurrent, parallel forces in a plane Equilibrium of general
forces in a plane Equilibrium of three forces in a plane, Types of beams, simple and compound
beams, Type of supports and reaction,
Forces in space, Resultant of concurrent and parallel forces in a space, Equilibrium of concurrent
and parallel forces in a space.
Unit IV
Analysis of Structures
(06 Hrs)
Two force member, Analysis of plane trusses by Method of joints Analysis of plane trusses by
method of section, Analysis of plane frames, Cables subjected to point load multi force member.
Unit V
Kinematics of Particle
(06 Hrs)
Kinematics of linear motion- Basic concepts Equation of motion for constant acceleration Motion
under gravity, Variable acceleration motion curves.
Kinematics of curvilinear motion- Basic Concepts Equation of motion in Cartesian coordinates
Equation of motion in path coordinates Equation of motion in polar coordinates Motion of
Unit VI
Kinetics of Particle
Kinetics- Newton’s Second Law of motion Application of Newton’s Second Law.
Work, power, energy, conservative and non-conservative forces Conservation of energy for motion
of particle, Impulse, Momentum, Direct central impact. Coefficient of restitution, Impulse
Momentum principle of particle.
Books & Other Resources:
Text Books:
1. Vector Mechanics for Engineers, by F. P. Beer and E. R. Johnson, McGraw-Hill Publication
2. Engineering Mechanics by R. C. Hibbeler, Pearson Education
Reference Books:
1. Engineering Mechanics by S. P. Timoshenko and D. H. Young, McGraw- Hill publication
2. Engineering Mechanics by J. L. Meriam and Craige, John Willey
3. Engineering Mechanics by F L Singer, Harper and Rowe publication
4. Engineering Mechanics by A. P. Boresi and R. J. Schmidt, Brooks/Cole Publication
Laboratory Course
Guidelines for Instructor's Manual
An instruction manual with aim, objective, apparatus, procedure and calculations to be performed
for each experiment to be provided for students called as Lab Manual. Every year problems for
assignment should be changed. It is advisable to give different data to different batches
Guidelines for Student's Lab Journal
Journal should be hand written
Guidelines for Lab /TW Assessment
Each and every experiment should be assessed and given mark out of 10. Finally the marks can be
converted as per given in the structure.
Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction
Divide the students of a batch in groups of not more than 4 students and ask each group to take
readings separately followed by calculations for each experiment. After every experiment faculty
should sign the lab manual of readings of every student in the batch
Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments/Assignments
Sr. No.
Group A
1. Verification of law of parallelogram of forces/polygon of forces.
2. To determine support reaction of simple/compound beams.
3. Determination of coefficient friction of belt/inclined plane.
4. To determine forces in the members of space force system.
5. To study the curvilinear motion.
6. Determination of coefficient of restitution.
Group B
Assignment of five problems on every unit to be solved during practical
Group C
Any two assignments of the following by graphical method using any drawing software.
a) To determine the resultant of general force system.
b) To determine unknown forces of concurrent force system
c) To determine the forces in the member of the plane truss
d) To determine velocity and acceleration of particle from given s-t diagram.
102012: Engineering Graphics
Teaching Scheme:
Examination Scheme:
: 01 Hr/week
End-Semester : 50 Marks
: 02 Hrs/Week
TW : 25 Marks
: 01 Hr/Week
Course Objectives
1. To acquire basic knowledge about engineering drawing language, line types, dimension
methods, and simple geometrical construction.
2. To draw conic sections by various methods, involutes, cycloid and spiral.
3. To acquire basic knowledge about physical realization of engineering objects and shall be
able to draw its different views.
4. To visualize three dimensional engineering objects and shall be able to draw their isometric
5. To imagine visualization of lateral development of solids.
6. To acquire basic knowledge about the various CAD drafting software’s and its basic
commands required to construct the simple engineering objects.
Course Outcomes
On completion of the course, learner will be able to
CO1: Draw the fundamental engineering objects using basic rules and able to construct the simple
CO2: Construct the various engineering curves using the drawing instruments.
CO3: Apply the concept of orthographic projection of an object to draw several 2D views and its
sectional views for visualizing the physical state of the object.
CO4: Apply the visualization skill to draw a simple isometric projection from given orthographic
views precisely using drawing equipment.
CO5: Draw the development of lateral surfaces for cut section of geometrical solids.
CO6: Draw fully-dimensioned 2D, 3D drawings using computer aided drafting tools.
Course Contents
Unit I
Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing
(01 Hrs)
Need of Engineering Drawing and design, Sheet layout, Line types and dimensioning and simple
geometrical constructions
Unit II
Introduction to 2D and 3D computer aided drafting packages (02 Hrs)
Evolution of CAD, Importance of CAD, Basic Commands - Edit, View, Insert, Modify,
Dimensioning Commands, setting and tools etc. and its applications to construct the 2D and 3D
Unit III
Engineering Curves
(01 Hr)
Introduction to conic sections and its significance, various methods to construct the conic sections.
Helix for cone and cylinder , rolling curves (Involutes , Cycloid) and Spiral
Unit IV
Orthographic Projection
(02 Hrs)
Principle of projections, Introduction to First and Third angle Projection methods, Orthographic
projection of point, line, plane, solid and machine elements/parts
Unit V
Isometric Projection
(03 Hrs)
Introduction to isometric projection, oblique projection and perspective projection. Draw the
isometric projection from the given orthographic views
Unit VI
Development of Lateral Surfaces
(03 Hrs)
Introduction to development of lateral surfaces and its industrial applications. Draw the
development of lateral surfaces for cut section of cone, pyramid, prism etc.
Books & Other Resources
Text Books
1. Bhatt, N. D. and Panchal, V. M., (2016), “Engineering Drawing”, Charotar Publication,
Anand, India
2. K. Venugopal, K, (2015), “Engineering and Graphics”, New Age International, New Delhi
3. Jolhe, D. A., (2015), “Engineering Drawing with introduction to AutoCAD”, Tata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi
4. Rathnam, K., (2018), “ A First Course in Engineering Drawing”, Springer Nature
Singapore Pte. Ltd., Singapore
Reference Books
1. Madsen, D. P. and Madsen, D. A., (2016), “Engineering Drawing and design”, Delmar
Publishers Inc., USA
2. Bhatt, N. D., (2018), “Machine Drawing”, Chartor Publishing house, Anand, India
3. Dhawan, R. K., (2000), “A Textbook Of Engineering Drawing”, S. Chand, New Delhi
4. Luzadder, W. J. and Duff, J. M., (1992), “The Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing: With
an Introduction to Interactive Computer Graphics for Design and Production”, Peachpit
Press, USA
5. Giesecke, F. E., Mitchell, A., Spencer, H. C., Hill, I. L., Loving, R. O., Dygon, J. T.,
(1990), “Principles of engineering graphics”, McMillan Publishing, USA
6. Jensen, C., Helsel, J. D., Short, D. R., (2008), “Engineering Drawing and Design”,
McGraw-Hill International, Singapore
Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction
Tutorial Session
Can be utilized to teach the basic commands of any drafting package, by using this knowledge
students shall be able to complete the five assignments on the CAD software. (Minimum 2
problems in each assignment)
Assignment 1: Construct any Engineering Curve using any method
Assignment 2: Orthographic view of any machine element along with sectional view.
Assignment 3: Draw Isometric view for given orthographic views.
Assignment4 :Draw the isometric or Orthographic view of a product/object (For example
Workshop Job prepared during the workshop practice or any product developed during the first
year session).
Assignment 5: Draw the development of lateral surface of a solid/ truncated solid.
Practical Session
Draw minimum two problems on each assignment on the A3 size drawing sheet.
Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments/Assignments
Assignment 1: Construct any Engineering Curve by any method
Assignment 2: Orthographic view of any machine element along with sectional view.
Assignment 3: Draw Isometric view for given orthographic views.
Assignment 4: Draw the development of lateral surface of a solid/ truncated solid
Assignment 5: Draw the isometric or Orthographic view of a product/object (For example
Workshop Job prepared during the workshop practice or any product developed during the first
year session.)
110013: Project Based Learning
Teaching Scheme:
Examination Scheme:
04 Hrs/Week
: 50 Marks
For better learning experience, along with traditional classroom teaching and laboratory learning;
project based learning has been introduced with an objective to motivate students to learn by
working in group cooperatively to solve a problem.
Project-based learning (PBL) is a student-centric pedagogy that involves a dynamic classroom
approach in which it is believed that students acquire a deeper knowledge through active
exploration of real-world challenges and problems. Students learn about a subject by working for
an extended period of time to investigate and respond to a complex question, challenge, or
problem. It is a style of active learning and inquiry-based learning. (Reference: Wikipedia).
Problem based learning will also redefine the role of teacher as mentor in learning process. Along
with communicating knowledge to students, often in a lecture setting, the teacher will also to act as
an initiator and facilitator in the collaborative process of knowledge transfer and development.
Course Objectives:
1. To emphasizes learning activities that are long-term, interdisciplinary and student-centric.
2. To inculcate independent learning by problem solving with social context.
3. To engages students in rich and authentic learning experiences.
4. To provide every student the opportunity to get involved either individually or as a group
so as to develop team skills and learn professionalism.
Course Outcomes:
CO1: Project based learning will increase their capacity and learning through shared cognition.
CO2: Students able to draw on lessons from several disciplines and apply them in practical way.
CO3: Learning by doing approach in PBL will promote long-term retention of material and
replicable skill, as well as improve teachers' and students' attitudes towards learning.
Group Structure:
Working in supervisor/mentor –monitored groups. The students plan, manage and complete a
task/project/activity which addresses the stated problem.
 There should be team/group of 5 -6 students
 A supervisor/mentor teacher assigned to individual groups
Selection of Project/Problem:
The problem-based project oriented model for learning is recommended. The model begins with
the identifying of a problem, often growing out of a question or “wondering”. This formulated
problem then stands as the starting point for learning. Students design and analyze the problem
within an articulated interdisciplinary or subject frame.
A problem can be theoretical, practical, social, technical, symbolic, cultural and/or scientific and
grows out of students’ wondering within different disciplines and professional environments. A
chosen problem has to be exemplary. The problem may involve an interdisciplinary approach in
both the analysis and solving phases.
By exemplarity, a problem needs to refer back to a particular practical, scientific, social and/or
technical domain. The problem should stand as one specific example or manifestation of more
general learning outcomes related to knowledge and/or modes of inquiry.
There are no commonly shared criteria for what constitutes an acceptable project. Projects vary
greatly in the depth of the questions explored, the clarity of the learning goals, the content and
structure of the activity.
 A few hands-on activities that may or may not be multidisciplinary
 Use of technology in meaningful ways to help them investigate, collaborate, analyze, synthesize
and present their learning.
 Activities may include- Solving real life problem, investigation /study and Writing reports of in
depth study, field work.
The institution/head/mentor is committed to assessing and evaluating both student performance
and program effectiveness.
Progress of PBL is monitored regularly on weekly basis. Weekly review of the work is necessary.
During process of monitoring and continuous assessment AND evaluation the individual and team
performance is to be measured. PBL is monitored and continuous assessment is done by supervisor
/mentor and authorities.
Students must maintain an institutional culture of authentic collaboration, self-motivation, peerlearning and personal responsibility. The institution/department should support students in this
regard through guidance/orientation programs and the provision of appropriate resources and
services. Supervisor/mentor and Students must actively participate in assessment and evaluation
Group may demonstrate their knowledge and skills by developing a public product and/or report
and/or presentation.
 Individual assessment for each student (Understanding individual capacity, role and
involvement in the project)
 Group assessment (roles defined, distribution of work, intra-team communication and
 Documentation and presentation
Evaluation and Continuous Assessment:
It is recommended that the all activities are to be record and regularly, regular assessment of work
to be done and proper documents are to be maintained at college end by both students as well as
mentor (you may call it PBL work book).
Continuous Assessment Sheet (CAS) is to be maintained by all mentors/department and institutes.
Recommended parameters for assessment, evaluation and weightage:
 Idea Inception (5%)
 Outcomes of PBL/ Problem Solving Skills/ Solution provided/ Final product (50%)
(Individual assessment and team assessment)
 Documentation (Gathering requirements, design & modeling, implementation/execution, use
of technology and final report, other documents) (25%)
 Demonstration (Presentation, User Interface, Usability etc) (10%)
 Contest Participation/ publication (5%)
 Awareness /Consideration of -Environment/ Social /Ethics/ Safety measures/Legal aspects
PBL workbook will serve the purpose and facilitate the job of students, mentorand project
coordinator. This workbook will reflect accountability, punctuality, technical writing ability and
work flow of the work undertaken.
 Project-Based Learning, Edutopia, March 14, 2016.
 What is PBL? Buck Institute for Education.
 www.schoology.com
 www.wikipedia.org
 www.howstuffworks.com
101014: Environmental Studies-II
TH: 02 Hr/week
Mandatory Non-Credit Course
Course Objectives:
1. To provide a comprehensive overview of environmental pollution and the science and
technology associated with the monitoring and control.
2. To understand the evolution of environmental policies and laws.
3. To explain the concepts behind the interrelations between environment and the
4. To examine a range of environmental issues in the field, and relate these to scientific theory.
Course Outcomes:On completion of the course, learner will be able to–
CO1: Have an understanding of environmental pollution and the science behind those problems
and potential solutions.
CO2: Have knowledge of various acts and laws and will be able to identify the industries that are
violating these rules.
CO3: Assess the impact of ever increasing human population on the biosphere: social, economic
issues and role of humans in conservation of natural resources.
CO4: Learn skills required to research and analyze environmental issues scientifically and learn
how to use those skills in applied situations such as careers that may involve environmental
problems and/or issues.
Course Contents
Unit V
Environmental Pollution
(08 Hrs)
Environmental pollution : types, causes, effects and controls; Air, water, soil, chemical and noise
Nuclear hazards and human health risks
Solid waste management: Control measures of urban and industrial waste
Pollution case studies.
Unit VI
Environmental Pollution
(07 Hrs)
Climate change, global warming, ozone layer depletion, acid rain and impacts on human
communities& agriculture.Environment Laws : Environment Protection Act; Air (Prevention &
Control of Pollution) Act; Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act; Wildlife protection
Act; Forest Conservation Act; International agreements; Montreal and Kyoto Protocols and
conservation on Biological Diversity (CBD). The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC).Nature
reserves, tribal population and rights, and human, wildlife conflicts in Indian context
Unit VII
Human Communities and the Environment
(06 Hrs)
Human population and growth; Impacts on environment, human health and welfares.
Carbon foot-print. Resettlement and rehabilitation of project affected persons; case studies.
Disaster management: floods earthquakes, cyclones and landslides. Environmental movements:
Chipko, Silent valley, Bishnios of Rajasthan. Environmental ethics: Role of Indian and other
religions and cultures in environmental conservation.
Environmental communication and public awareness, case studies (e.g., CNG vehicles in Delhi).
Field work
(05 Hrs)
 Visit to an area to document environmental assets; river/forest/flora/fauna, etc.
 Visit to a local polluted site – Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural.
 Study of common plants, insects, birds and basic principles of identification.
 Study of simple ecosystems-pond, river Delhi Ridge, etc
Suggested Readings:
1. Carson, R. 2002. Silent spring. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
2. Gadgil, M., & Guha, R.1993. This Fissured Land: An Ecological History of India. Univ. of
California Press.
3. Gleeson,B. and Low, N. (eds.) 1999. Global Ethics and Environment, London, Routledge.
4. Gleick, P.H. 1993. Water in Crisis. Pacific Institute for Studies in Dev., Environment &
Security. Stockholm Env. Institute, Oxford Univ. Press.
5. Groom, Martha J. Gary K. Meffe, and Carl Ronald carroll. Principals of Conservation
Biology, Sunderland: Sinauer Associates, 2006
6. Grumbine, R. Edward, and Pandit, M.K. 2013. Threats from India’s Himalaya dams.
Science, 339:36-37.
7. McCully, P.1996. Rivers no more: the environmental effects of dams (pp.29-64). Zed
8. McNeil, John R. 2000. Something New Under the Sun: An Environmental History of the
Twentieth Century.