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CVA Recertification Reporting Form 2019-2021

CVA Recertification Reporting Form 2019 – 2021
(Submission Required)
All credentialed members must comply with recertification policies by December 31 of their reporting cycle. Members who do not
comply will be placed on Inactive Credential status. Members can also choose Elected Inactive status (see the Recertification
brochure for details). Please complete the information below and return to EACVA by December 31, 2021 at the latest.
Full Name: __________________________________________________ NACVA/EACVA Member Number: ___________________
Firm/Company Name: ________________________________________________ Credential(s): _CVA_ Year Earned: _____________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________ ZIP: ___________________ Country: ____________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________________________
Three-year cycle for which you are reporting is: January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021 (this is your reporting cycle)
Recertification, including CPE reporting, is due by December 31 and is required once every three years. It is required by ALL
CREDENTIALED MEMBERS, including instructors, board members, graders, committee members, State Chapter Presidents, etc.
There are no exceptions or extensions.
EACVA’s/NACVA’s recertification program follows a 36-hour CPE system. The tri-annual fee for this service is $300. The recertification fee is already included in your yearly membership fee for Professional Member of EACVA e.V. and is paid by EACVA e.V.
directly to NACVA.
PROFESSIONAL STATUS/CONDUCT: (The following three questions MUST be answered to complete your Recertification)
1. Have you ever been convicted of any felony or any crime carrying a punishment of time in prison, whether or not time was served?
 Yes  No If Yes, please explain:___________________________________________________________________________________
2. Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude (lying, cheating, stealing, or other dishonest conduct) or any
equivalent crime in any court of law?  Yes  No If Yes, please explain: __________________________________________________
3.Have you ever had any professional/business license, professional certification, or professional membership revoked, refused, or
suspended (other than for non-payment of dues)?  Yes  No If Yes, please explain: ________________________________________
EACVA/NACVA reserve the right to refuse membership and/or certification to any person. An EACVA/NACVA member or holder of an EACVA/NACVA
certification may have his or her membership or certification terminated based on appropriate grounds therefor as determined by the Executive Advisory Board.
Please list all qualifying courses/conferences validating that you meet EACVA’s/NACVA’s recertification requirements.
(Attach a separate page if more space is needed.) *Training Format: Seminar (S), Conference (C), Webinar (W), Other (O)
CPE Taken
Course / Program Title / Sponsor
# CPE Hours
TOTAL HOURS OF CPE: Must equal/exceed 36 hours:
(Note: excess poits cannot be carried over to the next reporting cycle)
© 2021 European Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts / National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts
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CVA Recertification Reporting Form 2019 – 2021
(Submission Required)
Attestation: I hereby attest that the information provided above is true and accurate and is evidence of my qualifications to continue
to carry and display my NACVA credential. I grant NACVA the right to verify any of the information provided upon request and with
reasonable advance notice.
Signature:* ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
* Your signature will authorize EACVA to confirm your recertification and reporting requirements via e-mail and/or fax, if necessary, and
authorize EACVA to use either medium for future communication. EACVA will not disclose or share this information with third parties to secure
Mail: EACVA e.V., Körnerstraße 42, 63067 Offenbach a.M.
E-Mail: mitglieder-service@eacva.de
Fax: +49 (0)69 247 487 912
EACVA e.V. will forward this form to the NACVA Recertification on behalf of its members.
You will receive a confirmation of your successful recertification after closing of the recertification cycle by e-mail.
For any questions please do not hesitate to contact EACVA's Member service:
E-Mail: mitglieder-service@eacva.de
Tel.: +49 (0)69 247 487 911
Formular per E-Mail senden
The tri-annual Recertification Fee will be paid directly from EACVA to NACVA.
© 2021 European Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts / National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts
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