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Solar System Scavenger Hunt: Interactive Classroom Activity

Scavenger Hunt - Our Solar System
I hope you enjoy this activity. If you have any questions or comments, please send me an
email – devon@teachwithfergy.com
Overview: This is a device-based scavenger hunt activity that's topic specific. It's a scavenger
hunt activity but is highly interactive and based around the use of technology in the
classroom. If you don't have at least 1 device for every 3 students, this unfortunately, won't
apply to you.
Here's why I think it's so cool and your kids will love it.
The clues are accessed with QR codes and hosted on my website
There's a different type of activity at each station so the students are always doing
something different and using differing intelligences
 Examples include watching a video and answering questions, performing a
simulation, completing a quiz, solving a word scramble, quick research, etc.
I think the coolest of all is that the submission form is also electronic and hosted on
my site. They input their answers on a form I've created as well as your work email
and their answers are automatically sent to you.
It’s a very tech-based, paperless activity but it does come with a paper copy of the
submission form if you’d prefer that option.
1. Pages 2-7 contain the QR codes for the six different Locations. They should be
placed around the room. Students can access them by using any QR code reader.
This reader needs to be installed prior to starting the activity. A shortened
website URL has also been provided if needed on the Location cards.
2. Page 8-9 contains the student submission form that can be printed and filled in
as an alternative to the online submission.
3. Pages 10-11 contain the same information found on the website accessed by the
QR codes. This is what your students will see and is listed there for your review.
4. Page 12 is the answer key.
5. If you choose to have your students enter their answers through Location #6,
they must enter your email address in the last field. Once they submit, their
answers will automatically be emailed to you.
Note: It doesn’t matter the order the students access the Locations except for #6.
Location #6 should be placed somewhere so that it is only be accessed once all the
others have been completed. Location #6 links to the online form where your
students will enter their answers and send them to you. Alternatively, you could let
them access Location #6 at the start and let them fill in the form as they move
through the activity. If you’d rather they simply submit their paper copy, then simply
omit Location #6 as it is optional.
Location #1
Location #2
Location #3
Location #4
Location #5
Location #6
Student Submission Form
Location #1
a) What planet is the furthest from Earth?
b) What is the distance between Earth and that planet?
c) How long it would take to travel that distance?
Location #2
Location #3
a) What is a solar eclipse?
b) How does the Sun generate the energy needed for life on Earth?
c) How long does it take light to travel from the Sun to Earth?
Location #4
a) What is the physical difference (difference in how something looks what it's made of)
between the inner and outer planets?
b) Which planets are included within each?
c) What group of objects separates the inner and outer planets?
Location #5
Enter your SINGLE sentence in the space below.
Teacher Reference
Location #1:
How long would it take to travel to the furthest planet from the Sun using the spacecraft
Juno in years? Juno is the fastest spacecraft available and it recently completed a trip to
Jupiter. Juno travels at 165,000 miles per hour (mph) or 265,541.76 kilometres per hour
To complete this Location and receive possible part-marks, answer questions a), b), and
c) below on your answer page. Click here - http://goo.gl/is9jpN to obtain the
information you need.
Note: To calculate the time, take the total distance and divide it by the speed either in
mph or km/h. That will give you the total time in hours. Divide your answer by 24 to find
the number of days then divide that answer by 365 to find the number of years.
a) What planet is the furthest from Earth?
b) What is the distance between Earth and that planet?
c) How long would it take to travel that distance?
Location #2:
Watch the video then write down the 3 main reasons that Pluto isn’t a planet anymore
in your answer page beside Location #2
Location #3:
Go to: http://goo.gl/5v7yLh and answer the following questions for Location #3 in your
answer form.
a) What is a solar eclipse?
b) How does the Sun generate the energy needed for life on Earth?
c) How long does it take light to travel from the Sun to Earth?
Location #4:
Using your search engine (ex/ Google), answer the following questions in your form
under Location #4.
a) What is the physical difference (difference in how something looks what it's made of)
between the inner and outer planets?
b) Which planets are included within each?
c) What group of objects separates the inner and outer planets?
Location #5:
Unscramble the following words and enter them into your submission form under
Location #5. All words are objects in our solar system. Once you’ve unscrambled the
words, you must use them ALL in just ONE sentence. You might need to be a bit creative
Location #6: Optional
Students will use the form located on this page to submit their information and send it
to you. This location is optional. If you’d rather have your students simply submit their
paper copy, just omit this station.
Teacher Answer Key
Location #1
a) Neptune
b) Earth to Neptune is 4,351,400,000 km
c) 4,351,400,000 km / 265,541.76 km/h = 16386.87 hours = 682.79 days = 1.87 years.
Location #2
1. Strange, off-set orbit
2. Really small, smaller than the Earth
3. Found many objects nearby that were the same size or bigger. Instead of making
all planets, downgraded Pluto to a Dwarf planet
Location #3
1. What is a solar eclipse? A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon is between the Sun
and the Earth.
2. How does the Sun generate the energy needed for life on Earth?
The Sun generates huge amounts of energy by combining hydrogen nuclei into helium.
This process is called nuclear fusion.
3. How long does it take light to travel from the Sun to Earth?
Light from the Sun reaches Earth in around 8 minutes.
Location #4
The inner planets are closer to the Sun and are smaller and rockier. The outer planets
are further away, larger and made up mostly of gas.
The inner planets (in order of distance from the sun, closest to furthest) are Mercury,
Venus, Earth and Mars. After the asteroid belt comes the outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus and Neptune.
Location #5
1) LSSTITEELA – Satellites
2) RCUERYM – Mercury
3) DSEROASIT – Asteroids
Sentence: Earth Satellites have noticed multiple Asteroids headed for Mercury.