WORK REHAB LEGISLATIONS POLICIES 1 AmericanwithDisabilitiesAct ADA Ds governsemploymentpracticesand public accommodations ForPW 2 Occupational safetyand Health Administration OSHA part of U.s DOL ensures safeand healthful working conditions sets andenforces standards provides training outreacheducation and assistance GENERAL workplace safety's health ergonomic guidelines for LIFTING National Institute part of CDC for OSH conducts research t 3 makesrecommendations forprevention of workrelated O NET Occupational Information Network by US DOL EmploymentandtrainingAdm DATABASE injury1illness jobrequirements workerattributes etc thousands helpful for of occup documenting JOBDEMANDS has replaced the DOT Dictionary of occupational titles 0 NET t DOT both are used in practice 4 Uniform Guidelines on Employee selection Procedures by Equal Employment opportunity commission FIai employee selection process applies to now returning workers t WWD SYMPTOM MAGNIFICATION CONSISTENCY SINCERITY OFEFFORT MAX MALINGERING deliberate1 conscious faking to avoid 1 Refugee VOLUNTARY EFFORT work responsibility escape unresolvable conflict misinterpreter extreme reuse to physical Changes 3 Game OA Player convinces others ofsymptoms for positive gain paawa 4 Identified Patient patient role Fisk 2 symptom Identification of symptom magnification True Pathological Pain PEACE in anatomic area b in response to stress a force 5 LEVEL GRIP TEST Jamar Dynamometer repetition position grasp grip expected at should be BELL CURVE strongest EACH and setting JOB DEMANDS ANALYSIS define actual demands uses questionnaires EYE of in job observations interviews completed Ass Formal assessments REAL WORK ENVIRONMENT usually included in FCEs interview D collect Data jobdesop observe physical environment use DOT and 0 NET 2 Level of Work A Physical Demands lifting standing walking sitting carrying pushing pulling climbing balancing stooping kneeling crouching crawling reaching handling pinging feeling hearing B talking seeing Overall levels c Frequencies Sedentary 10 lb occ Never light lb occ 10 lb freq Frequently Ig Ig constantly 2g Medium Heavy Very Heavy w 20 50 lb occ 10 25lb freq 50 100lb Occ 25 50 lb freq 7100lb occ 50 lb 20 lb freq constantly O Occasionally 1 3 full WORK TOLERANCE SCREENING EVAL or done AFTER client receives employment assess offer Ass physical and cognitiveabilities accurate jobdescription must be based on an RESULTS documentation weight limits activitytolerance Ctime environment restrictions observations pain report of thx WORKSITE EVALUATIONS the job assessments determine if one can return to work after injury or benefit from reasonable accommodations done AFTER job site analysis on parts essential Functions of job b final assets t limitations a c physical environment of worker VOCATIONAL EVALUATION for those capacities t use actual General b specific a who hamn interests 1 simulated d OR looking For an owjob after injury work for vocational assessment to do any type of work readiness for particular occupation potential FUNCTIONAL CAPACITY EVALUATION CORE of ALL RETURN TO WORK PROGRAMS EVAL or ASS typical Elements medical records review interview musculoskeletal screening core of FCE physical performance recommendations includes physicaldemai of work by DOT RATINGI A Impairment Rating percentage of whole body FM determines monetary settlement permanent quantifiable loss B Disability Rating impairment t impact of impairment Generates several years initial 1 intake interview f of Experience needed to perform FCE INTERVENTION MANAGEMENT JOB COACHING provides appropriate level of support for in work environment individuals necessary when unable to return developmental delays 0T identify amount t dH injury type of support develop client's work skills or WORK READINESS process to help identify GOALS for work PLAN to return to work t WORK CONDITIONING 1 discipline only limited work tasks focus emphasis exercise aerobic and education WORK HARDENING outcomes focused individualized interdisciplinary relies heavily on task replication L Pt Ot t Asst length1 Duration 5 8 hrs depends on needs day days 5 I 3 months Activities key concept Gradation of Functional Return Hierarchy gross of less skill simple psych two Walt coins L Addiction Couric L Prof couns LEX physio L Dietician Fine more resistive speed focused complex LIGHT or MODIFIED Duty PROGRAMMING allows worwer to temporarily perform less demands regular duties are gradually added