Uploaded by Javie Jundante Camacho

Questionnaire 1

Investigating Attitudes of Nurses of Somdech Phrapinklao Hospital
towards their Thai English Accent
1: Demographic Background Data
Please fill in the following information about yourself. All personal responses will
remain anonymous and will be included for research purposes only.
1. Personal Data
A: Age:
o 20-30
o 31-40
o 41-50
o 51-60
B: Gender:
o Male
o Female
C: Position/ Department:
Example: Head Nurse/ Intensive Care Unit
D: Age you started learning English
o kindergarten
o primary
o secondary
o tertiary
E: How long have you been working as a nurse?
o Less than 1 year
o 1-5years
o 6-10 years
o 10-15 years
o 16 years or more
F: Experience abroad (please skip this question if you do not have experience abroad.
o travel
o study
o work
o conference
o others, please specify
Where? __________
o less than a month
o 1-6 months
o 6 months to 1 year
o More than a year
G: How often do you use English at work?
o everyday
o 2-3 times a week
o once a week
o once a month
o never
H. How often do you use English outside work?
o everyday
o 2-3 times a week
o once a week
o once a month
o never
2. Questionnaire: Part One
Please answer the following questions about English accents according to your own
understanding and beliefs. There is no right or wrong answer. Additional comments are
1. Which English accent are you most familiar with?
A. Thai English
o Never Heard of It
o Heard of It
o Know a Little
o Know a Fair Amount
o Know It Well.
B. American English
o Never Heard of It
o Heard of It
o Know a Little
o Know a Fair Amount
o Know It Well.
C. British English
o Never Heard of It
o Heard of It
o Know a Little
o Know a Fair Amount
o Know It Well.
D. Others, please specify___________
o Never Heard of It
o Heard of It
o Know a Little
o Know a Fair Amount
o Know It Well.
2. Which accent do you like best?
A. Thai English
o I strongly dislike it
o I don’t like it.
o Neutral
o I like it
o I like it a lot
B. American English
o I strongly dislike it
o I don’t like it.
o Neutral
o I like it
o I like it a lot
C. British English
o I strongly dislike it
o I don’t like it.
o Neutral
o I like it
o I like it a lot
D. Others, please specify___________
Do you think that some accents are easier to understand than others?
o Yes
o No
o No idea
o Not sure
o Don’t know
Do you think that some English accents are more prestigious than others? Add reasons if
o Yes
o No
o No idea
o Not sure
o Don’t know
How do you like Thai English accent?
o I strongly dislike it
o I don’t like it.
o Neutral
o I like it
o I like it a lot
How do you feel about your own English accent?
o Not satisfied at all
o Not very satisfied
o Uncertain
o Satisfied
o Very satisfied
What accent do you think you speak?
o Thai English accent
o British accent
o American accent
o No idea
o Others, please specify.
8. What kind of English accent would you like to aspire to?
o British
o American
o My own English accent
o Do not care about my English accent
o Others
9. When I speak English, I am worried about my pronunciation
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neither agree nor disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree
10. I feel happy when I find my English accent is more like native speakers.
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neither agree nor disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree
11. I think that Thai English accent is comprehensible.
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neither agree nor disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree
12. When someone cannot understand me when I speak English, I begin to doubt my English
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neither agree nor disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree
13. I feel satisfied with my own English accent and would like to keep it.
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neither agree nor disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree
14. When I speak English I am happy to be identified as a Thai speaker.
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neither agree nor disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree
15. Describe Thai English accent in your own words.
Any further comments / suggestions?
Please feel free to share your comments and thoughts about your own English accent or
other English accents. Your comments are much appreciated and will be definitely be valuable.