DIVISION ORIENTATION OF SCHOOL HEADS ON DISTRICT INSTRUCTIONAL SUPERVISION PROCESSES November 4, 2021 HYDE C. FRANCISCO Resource Speaker Name of the Process: 10.0 SCHOOL- LEARNING ACTION CELL (LAC) IMPLEMENTATION MONITORING PROCESS IN THE NEW NORMAL 10.1 SIPOC SUPPLIER School Heads INPUT PROCESS School - LAC Plan School - LAC Implementatio n Monitoring Process OUTPUT CUSTOMER School - LAC CID –Chief Implementatio CID-EPS n Monitoring SGOD-Chief Reports .2 Process Steps PLAN SCHOOL-LAC IMPLEMENTATION MONITORING CONDUCT SCHOOLLAC IMPLEMENTATION MONITORING EVALAUTE SCHOOLLAC IMPLEMENTATION 10.3 Process Narratives This process covers the monitoring in the implementation of the submitted online School - LAC Plan by the School Head to CID Chief at the division office through Division LAC Coordinator. This consists of different topics from the teachers’ identified needs and collated by the School Head with the help of the School - LAC Coordinator. These topics are assigned to different speakers/discussants who are expert of the topic/s which can be either the School Head or teacher from the school or from other school. 10.3 Process Narratives The School - LAC sessions are scheduled twice a month for the whole year –round from September to June of the school year or as the case maybe. This process consists of three steps namely: Plan School LAC Implementation Monitoring; Conduct School - LAC Monitoring and Evaluate School - LAC implementation in order to keep track on the implementation of the School - LAC. This process uses monitoring tool which could be used for further study and research in improving curriculum implementation. Process Step 1: Plan School - LAC Implementation Monitoring PERSON’S RESONSIBLE ACTIVITY/TASK PSDS/PIC 1. Receive soft copy of the School - LAC plan from the School Heads. (See Annex A-18) 2. Open the template document in Microsoft word form with the filename of School - LAC Monitoring Plan Template. (See Annex A-19) 2.1 Fill out the template. 2.2 Type the objective aligned to the School - LAC Plan submitted by the School Heads in Column A. 2.3Type the schools to be monitored virtually in Column B. Process Step 1: Plan School - LAC Implementation Monitoring PERSON’S RESONSIBLE PSDS/PIC ACTIVITY/TASK 2.4 Type the date when to conduct the virtual monitoring under time frame in Column C. 2.5 Type the name of the school heads under Person’s Involve in Column D. 2.6 Type the resources and budget needed in Column E. No. of copies to be reproduced for the monitoring tool. Budget for the transportation allowance if onsite monitoring is applicable. Process Step 1: Plan School - LAC Implementation Monitoring PERSON’S RESONSIBLE PSDS/PIC ACTIVITY/TASK 2.7 Type Expected Output under Column F. 2.8 Save the template document Microsoft word form with the file name of School - LAC Monitoring Plan. 2.9 Print the filled out School - LAC Monitoring Plan document in two copies. ( See Annex A-22) 2.10 Do process step 2. Process Step 2: Conduct School - LAC Implementation Monitoring PERSON’S RESONSIBLE ACTIVITY/TASK PSDS/PIC 1.0 Discuss with the school head on the purpose of the virtual School - LAC monitoring through text, phone call, or chat. 2.0 Ask from the school head the link for the virtual School LAC session. 3.0 Join the virtual School LAC session for monitoring purposes. 4.0 Fill-out the School - LAC M & E Tools as prescribed in DO 35 s. 2016, (Annex B-3) based on the observation during the online School - LAC session. Process Step 2: Conduct School - LAC Implementation Monitoring PERSON’S RESONSIBLE PSDS/PIC ACTIVITY/TASK 5.0 Require the school head to submit the filled out soft copies of the following: LAC Form1 ( Annex A- 23 ) LAC Form 2 ( Annex A-24 ) LAC Form 3 ( Annex A- 25 ) LAC Session Guide. ( Annex B-2 ) 6.0 Do process Step 3. Process Step 3: Evaluate School - LAC Implementation PERSON’S RESONSIBLE PSDS/PIC ACTIVITY/TASK 1.0 Consolidate gathered data from the submitted reports on LAC forms.(Annex A-23.A-24,A-25) 2.0 Interpret the consolidated data from LAC forms.(See Developed Rubrics -Annex A-26) 3.0 Analyze the consolidated data from gathered LAC forms. 4.0 List down findings on School - LAC implementation. 5.0 Send online the list of findings to the school head. 6.0 Conduct online conference with the school head for feedback giving. Process Step 3: Evaluate School - LAC Implementation PERSON’S RESONSIBLE PSDS/PIC ACTIVITY/TASK 7.0 Accomplish the School - LAC Agreement Tool Template (Annex A-20) in Word file with scanned signature and send to the school head for his/her signature. 8.0 Request the school head to send back the soft copy of the School - LAC Agreement Tool to the concerned PSDS. 9.0 Agree on the next conduct of virtual monitoring for follow up. 10. 0 Send soft copy to the CID-Chief thru division LAC coordinator 11. 0 End of the process. SCHOOL LEARNING ACTION CELL (LAC) AGREEMENT TOOL OBJECTIVE STRATE SCHO GY/ACTI OL VITY MONI TORE D DAT E INDICATORS INDICATORS EXPECTED TO NOT BE OBSERVED OBSERVED ( (Based on D.O. Based on D. O. 35, s. 2016 M & 35, s. 2016 M & E tools) Eools) AGREEMENT CONFERRED: __________ ____________________ Public School District Supervisor/Principal In-Charge ____________________________ Principal SCHOOL - LEARNING ACTION CELL (LAC) SESSION GUIDE LAC GROUP: _____________ DATE TOPIC OBJECTVES Nove mber 4, 2021 TEST 1. Revisit the CONSTRU Modified Bloom’s CTION Taxonomy of Learning and Principles of Test Construction. 2. Prepare Table of Specification. 3. Construct five (5) item test ( one in each level) STRATEGIES/ ACTIVITIES TIME ALLOT MENT Plenary Session 1 hour via google meet (Asynchronous) 25 Individual minutes workshop Presentation of 30 mins outputs/Critiqu ing of outputs (OnlineSynchronous and PERSON’S EXPECTE INVOLVE D D OUTPUTS SUCCESS INDICATOR/s Resource Speaker/L AC Facilitator LAC Members 75% of LAC members will have participated/su bmitted the expected outputs. TOS sample test questions (5 items)