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Design Argument: Paley & Hume Student Notes

The Design Argument
Scholar: William Paley 1743-1805
Book: Natural Theology
God is the designer of the universe
Reading p2-12
Arguments for the existence of God
Presentation: Paley’s analogical argument.
Criticisms: Hume.
Students should study the basis of each argument in observation or in thought, the strengths and weaknesses of the
arguments, their status as ‘proofs’, their value for religious faith and the relationship between reason and faith.
Student notes booklet
Reading: p2-3
Paley’s Analogical Argument: its basis in observation
The reasoning used in this argument:
Paley’s argument is a posteriori
Remember to give
examples to explain for
more AO1 marks
Paley’s argument is inductive
Paley’s argument is based on three particular observations about the world around him:
Its complexity
Its regularity
Its purpose
On the basis of these observations, Paley formulated his inductive Design Argument
Paley’s Analogical Design Argument – Reading p4-6
Paley’s theory is known as the “Analogical design argument”. Analogical = an analogy.
What is an analogy?
It is an example of natural theology. What is natural theology?
Paley used the “watchmaker analogy” to show why the world must have a designer
Paley’s analogy
Examples and evidence given by Paley to support his argument
Essential quote to use from Paley’s ‘Natural Theology’ text in examination answers:
Reading p6-9
Criticisms of Design Arguments from David Hume
Important note:
Hume’s work can be used to criticise Paley, but Hume came first.
Key terms
God of Classical Theism
What are Hume’s criticisms?
Add some bullet points to these key points from your reading p6-9
Paley hasn’t necessarily proved the existence of the God of Classical Theism
The problem of evil
Analogies between the way the universe works and the way machines work is unsound
Paley anthropomorphises the universe
The universe could have developed by chance
Essential quote to use from Hume’s ‘Dialogues’ text in examination answers:
Strengths and weaknesses – Reading p9-11
Make some clear bullet point evaluation points
A grade revision tips:
You may want to organize them in the table in a way that shows the strengths and the
counterarguments to them
Highlight scholars that you use – referring to scholars (eg. Paley, Swinburne) will increase your
Strengths of Paley’s argument
Weaknesses of Paley’s argument
Check your strengths notes with this handy checklist:
Richard Swinburne argues that a simpler argument which is easier to understand is better – this is
called Occam’s razor
Philosophically and logically sound
Sound empirical basis
Meets our need for and our gut feeling that there must be an explanation for the world around us
With every new scientific discovery the world seems increasingly complex and this strengthens the
argument for a designer God
Emphasises the uniqueness of God
The assurance that the world has a purpose gives meaning to human life
For theists it supports their religious interpretation of the world and demonstrates God’s nature
Grade boosting extra reading
You will be asked only on Hume’s criticisms in the AO1, which is the 1st part of any essay on the
design question
You may refer also if you wish and if it is relevant to other scholars/critics (and the responses to
them) in the AO2, which is the second part of the essay. Make a list of clear points from the extra
reading to use in evaluation:
The status of Paley’s Design Argument as a ‘proof’ – reading p12-13
This section is really asking – has Paley proven God?
What value does Paley’s Design Argument have for religious faith? Reading p15-16
This section is really asking: Does the Design argument strengthen faith or weaken its position?
For many, the only thing that gives us certainty is Fideism
What is Fideism?
Of value
Of no value
Final useful evaluation points
The argument is a strong inductive argument and simple – Occam’s razor would suggest that
the simplest explanations are often the correct ones
 For religious believers the arguments for the existence of God and in this case the Design
Argument may simply support their already existing belief in God.
 Faith is the starting point of belief; if a person has faith they will accept the design argument
as fact.
 This is called Fideism-An idea that religious beliefs can’t be justified by rational means, only
 Perhaps combined with other evidence and other arguments for God there could be a
cumulative argument which is persuasive
 Offer a ‘sufficient reason’
The Design argument may point to a ‘designer’ but there is limited evidence that this is the
God of Classical theism
 As an inductive argument at best the argument can offer probability not proof – there may
be other conclusions
 Perhaps thinkers who support the argument can, at best, expect agnostics to lean towards t
he idea that there might be a ‘sufficient reason’ for the existence of the universe
 Leaky Bucket Argument = Some philosophers argue that the different ‘proofs’ for the existe
nce of God cannot have cumulative weight as several bad arguments together do not make a so
und argument, just as several leaky buckets cannot hold water.
 May not be reasonable to ask someone without faith to believe in God from this argument