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Write by YU Chengyi
Write by YU Chengyi
1. Introduction
1.1 Definition
The term “COMMISSIONING” is used to describe the activity involved during
the latter stage of erection upto the completion of the reliable operation test on
full load which leads commercial operation.
The commissioning phase is a period of intense activity where many
previously unrelated activities start to merge or interact with one another
forming a complex sequence of events, with the advent of large generating
units, the increase complexity of the plant and the closer limits available on
the operating parameters, it is the essential to ensure that the plant has been
thoroughly tested prior to the normal operation so that initial performance can
established and defects and omission clear.
1.2 The purpose of Commissioning
a) Target dates should be achieved.
b) To check that the plant is supplied and erected as per design.
c) Quality of erection and commissioning should be maintained.
d) To check that the plant operates reliably, safety and meets the design
e) To established the reasons for any failure to achieve the design
performance or any other limitation.
1.3 The activity of Commissioning
Precommissioning and Commissioning.
1.3.1 Mechanical Completion Activities
a) All design and engineering has been completed
b) All installation work for that system including all equipment has been
completed in accordance with “Approved for Construction” drawings,
specifications, applicable codes and regulations and good engineering
c) All instruments have been installed.
d) All tie-in connections have been made.
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e) All factory acceptance tests and all other testing and inspection activities
have been completed.
f) Contractor has obtained approvals, which are the responsibility of the
Contractor to obtain.
g) Safety Studies have been completed and satisfaction of all the Safety
Studies’ requirements has been met and all documentation put in place.
h) All required documentation and certification documents required by the
Contract have been supplied.
i) All operating procedures and maintenance procedures have been
forwarded to the Company well in advance for review.
j) All items for which Contractor is responsible for obtaining third party,
regulatory or Company approval have been obtained and confirmation
documentation has been provided to Company.
1.3.2 Precommissioning Activities
Pre-commissioning activities are activities to be performed after Mechanical
Completion of a piece of equipment or system to make it safe and ready to
receive hydrocarbons/ injection water and Ready for Commissioning. This
include, but not limited to:
a) Performance of all remaining works other than commissioning and
Performance Tests.
b) Making operational and commissioning all systems that can be made
operational before well fluids are introduced.
c) The completion and testing of the platform equipment & systems.
d) Testing of all parts and systems of the Works including the
systems (if required).
e) Provision of initial fill of packing, chemicals, inhibitors, lubricants, glycol,
water and other stocks have been made.
Checking, site modifications.
g) Internal inspection of the vessels.
h) Flushing/cleaning of vessels & piping.
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Calibration of PSVs.
Calibration of all the instruments.
k) Loop checking.
Complete checking of the safety system.
m) Checks on electrical system and other vendor packages including DCS
n) The delivery, storage and cataloguing of all spares. Items for which a
defect Notice are issued to be rectified and all defect
o) Notices shall have been closed out.
p) The Completion Documents along with all Design Documents to As-Built.
q) The preparation of the commissioning plan and submission to Company
The hydro testing and pneumatic testing of vessels.
s) Training and briefing of the Company’s and Contractor’s personnel
in commissioning.
Removal of all debris and construction equipment from Site.
1.3.3 Commissioning Activities
At this point all systems and equipment shall be at a stage where
hydrocarbons/injection water can be safely introduced and all equipment can
be safely operated with all controls and safety devices in service.
2. Glossary
Agreement: Core of the Contract.
Basic function: It is the smallest equipment that can be subject to a
commissioning operation, consisting of a group of items of equipment that
performs an elementary function of the plant.
Certifying authority: The Third Party in charge of the verification that the
relevant Standards and Codes are met.
Write by YU Chengyi
Commissioning: Live tests and major equipment on line test.
COMPANY: The party who signs the contracts and commitments on behalf of
the OWNER. Most often COMPANY and OWNER are the same party, then
called COMPANY.
Completion activities: Precommissioning and commissioning activities.
Construction CONTRACTOR: The organization in charge of the construction
of the facilities.
Engineering CONTRACTOR: The organisation in charge of the detailed
engineering of the facilities.
Functional Test: Live test of an instrument, electrical or telecommunication
basic function.
Functional Test Sheet: Supporting document to record the results of a
functional test.
Hand over: Formal transfer of responsibility between Project and Operator as
per contract, included the complete transfer of historical data and dossier
throughout the various project phases.
property of COMPANY, designating the tool to be used during the
precommissioning and commissioning completion activities, supporting the
OPERCOMTM methodology.
Main CONTRACTOR: The organization in charge, for certain contracts, of
both the engineering and the construction of the facilities.
Mechanical completion: Status of the plant when all subsystems are ready
for commissioning.
Operational Test: On line test of a subsystem in conditions as close as
possible to the normal operating conditions.
Operator: The organization in charge of the Start-up and the normal
operation of the facilities. Operator is usually part of COMPANY organization
as the Start-up team is usually a part of Operator organization.
OWNER: The final client for whom the facilities are built.
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Performance tests: Tests carried-out to prove the plant and equipment
design capacities,
products specifications.
Precommissioning: Conformity checks and cold tests.
Precommissioning Check list: Definition of the scope of work of conformity
checks to be performed on elementary items of equipment.
Precommissioning Test Sheet: Supporting documents to record the results
of static or deenergised tests carried out on certain items of equipment.
Preliminary Checks: Verifications that a subsystem has reached the ready
for commissioning stage.
Piping and Vessels Preparations: Process operations preparing the oil or
Project Team: The organisation set up by COMPANY to manage all phases
of the project, from Basic Engineering until Final Acceptance.
Punch List: A live database containing a list of all uncompleted or missing
precommissioning, commissioning and start up items, which must be cleared
during the course of a project, at various handover points (RFC, RFSU,
Provisional Acceptance, and Final Acceptance).
Ready for Commissioning: Status of a subsystem
Precommissioning operations on that subsystem are complete.
Ready for Start-up: Status of a sub-system when all Commissioning
operations on that subsystem are completed.
Status Index: List of equipment subject to Precommissioning operations and
summary of the Precommissioning scope of work.
System: Major subdivision of an installation, being either process or utility
that performs a major operational function of the plant. The system includes
all the various equipment that allows it to operate
Subsystem: Subdivision of a system that performs a partial operational
function to the system, with no or little interference from the other subsystems.
Defined in the AGREEMENT as per “functional system”.
Technical Data Base: List of basic functions constituting a subsystem, i.e.
physical description of that subsystem.
Write by YU Chengyi
VENDORS: The SUPPLIERS of equipment and packages.
Witnessing: Means concurrently spot-checking (or dedicated checks for
critical systems or subsystems) done by commissioning representative for
Precommissioning activities and by operations representative for
Commissioning activities.
3. Abbreviation
CCK: Precommissioning Check Sheet
EP(S)C: Main contract including Engineering, Procurement, Supply, and
EP(S)CC: Main contract including Engineering, Procurement, Supply,
Construction and Commissioning
EFAT: Extended Factory Acceptance Tests
FAT: Factory Acceptance Tests
FO: Field Operation
FTS: Commissioning Functional Test Sheet
LLI: Long Lead Item
OT / OTP: Operational Tests/Operational Tests Procedure
PL: Punch List
PRC: Preliminary Check
PVP: Piping and Vessels Preparations
RFC: Ready For Commissioning
RFO: Ready For Operation
RFSU: Ready For Start-Up
STS: Precommissioning Static Test Sheet
SU: Start-Up
4. Roles and Responsibilities
6.1.1 Commissioning manager
The Commissioning Manager typically is a Chemical / Mechanical Engineer
with greater than 15 year’s operations experience. They will have been
though several grass roots start-ups.
a) Be a liaison between the operating company and the Technology
Licensee. Manage and work toward building a cohesive team for the most
successful start up possible. Encourage open communication between all
parties in the organization.
b) Attend meeting as required, typically there is a morning meeting to track
progress. Answer and give guidance as required.
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c) Issue written guidelines for planned task. The operating company can
utilize these guidelines to develop the daily orders.
d) Manage the commissioning engineer.
e) Ensure that site processes are monitored and controlled to achieve safe
and economical operation while developing all operators to their full
Coach the commissioning engineer to complete the maximum possible
amount of follow-up on their own when items are not as per normal
commissioning. Be an approachable coach to those on your team. Help
the commissioning engineers learn and grow by enthusiastically sharing
your knowledge with them and helping them solve problems.
g) Provide technical leadership and expertise to facilitate safe, reliable, and
economical operation of the site processes.
6.1.2 Commissioning Engineer
The Commissioning Engineers contribute to the team by performing a
technically oriented service function. They must remember to respect the
supervisory role of the operations supervisors and work through them on all
issues related to operations.
The Commissioning Engineer will record and track the Acceptance Test Run
procedure data and make recommendations where and when adjustments
need to be implemented. They can be utilized on shift or on a straight day
a) Encourage open communication between all parties in the organization.
Communication is essential to the success of any organization.
Continually strive to develop a positive relationship with open
communication with the operators as well as the Production Supervisor.
b) Record Acceptance Test Run data.
c) Develop recommendations to improve Acceptance Test Run.
d) Ensure that site processes are monitored and controlled to achieve safe
and economical operation while developing all operators to their full
5. Safety
Write by YU Chengyi
For works due to take place in Construction yard, the Permit To Work system
will be run by the yard Authorities if approved by COMPANY.
If not, Commissioning shall prepare and submit to COMPANY for
approval, two months before the start of commissioning works, a Permit
to Work procedure on the basis of “COMPANY Rule” related to the Permit To
Work System. This procedure shall be applied in the yard by all personnel and
controlled by the Commissioning Safety Officer, from the time the energisation
of the facilities begins.
For works on COMPANY site, the Commissioning shall adhere to the
Operator Permit to Work procedure.
In all cases, an internal Commissioning procedure shall be issued to define
Issuing Authorities, and all other aspects related to the proper application
within the Commissioning of the Permit to Work system.
In countries where access to the site is subject to having attended a specific
safety training, the Commissioning shall prepare and organise such training
for all Commissioning personnel, with the assistance of the Operator safety
The Commissioning shall also prepare a specific Safety Induction Course so
that all personnel in the Commissioning Team are provided with the basic
information and knowledge of the Commissioning safety rules prior to starting
work on the site.
The contractor need prepare JOB SAFETY ANALYZE before commissioning
6. Precommissioning and Commissioning Technical
6.1 Common technical preparation
6.1.1 Introduction
The present chapter covers the part of the Precommissioning and
Commissioning technical preparation under the responsibility of the
Engineering CONTRACTOR. This preparation work mainly consists of the
following, but not limited to:
Write by YU Chengyi
a) Define list of systems and subsystems according to the “System
Approach” methodology.
b) Define plant start-up sequence.
c) Issue marked-up PID's and OLD's showing limits of subsystems.
d) Compile equipment lists by subsystem.
e) Define all tasks related to the partition of the plant into systems and
Although this activity is also relevant for the organisation of precommissioning,
it is essentially driven by start-up and commissioning considerations. However,
the definition of systems and subsystems is part of the Engineering
CONTRACTOR scope of work, as it shall take place during the Detailed
Engineering phase of the project.
This partition shall be initiated at Basic Engineering stage, the Engineering
CONTRACTOR shall review it with the latest information to ensure that the
whole plant is covered.
6.1.2 Systems and Subsystems The system approach
The overall planning of the project shall be optimised if the
Precommissioning and Commissioning activities are organised, not as
whole plant activities, but by sections of the plant, called "systems" and
It is therefore required, as part of the Precommissioning and
Commissioning preparation phase:
 To split the installation into systems and subsystems.
 To define exactly the limits and contents of each system and
These activities are an Engineering CONTRACTOR responsibility. Partition of the installation into systems and subsystems
A system is a major subdivision of an installation, being either process or
utility, that performs a major operational function of the plant. The
system includes all the various equipment that allows it to operate. The
Write by YU Chengyi
division into systems generally corresponds to the various fluids or
services prevailing.
A subsystem is a further subdivision of a system, that performs a given
operational function, with no or little interference from the other
subsystems for the Commissioning execution.
Unless the partition of the installation into systems and subsystems has
been carried-out during the plant Basic Engineering phase and included
in the contractual documentation, the Engineering CONTRACTOR shall
establish and submit to COMPANY for approval the list of systems and
subsystems constituting the plant.
This partition shall be performed in accordance with the following rules:
The list of systems and subsystems shall be initiated during the
basic Engineering phase.
 The finalized list of systems and subsystems shall be submitted to
COMPANY for approval during the Detailed Engineering phase.
The systems and subsystems are numbered with consistency with a
functional breakdown and the equipment/tagging numbering.
Whenever a system is not divided into subsystems, it will nevertheless
be identified, and processed, as a subsystem. The subsystems are
defined so as to be as independent as possible, not too small, yet of
manageable size (a maximum of 200 should be applied).
The list of subsystems shall be established so that it is compatible with
the requirements of the plant initial start-up sequence: equipment, or
parts of the plant, started-up at different steps of the start-up sequence
will not belong to the same subsystem. Subsystem definition
The Engineering CONTRACTOR shall define the limits and contents of
each subsystem by marking-up on Engineering and VENDORS PID's
and One Line Diagrams all lines, vessels, mechanical equipment,
electrical feeders, belonging to that subsystem.
A system of color coding the various subsystems shall be used to
differentiate several subsystems appearing on the same document, PID
or One Line Diagram.
The Engineering CONTRACTOR shall issue for approval a set of
marked-up drawings showing the subsystems definition not later than
one month after the systems and subsystems list has been approved by
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COMPANY, or not later than five months after the beginning of the
Detailed Engineering phase, if the subsystems list was part of the
contractual documentation.
The subsystems definition will not require up-dating on every later issue
of PID's and One Line Diagrams, unless addition of major lines or
equipment has taken place. However, a revision of the subsystems
marked-up drawings will be issued on "Approved for construction"
documents and on the best available revision at start of physical
commissioning works.
6.1.3 Subsystem list
The engineer contractor should produce computerized subsystem
equipment lists with all necessary coding and technical information:
a) Equipment list
b) Lines list
c) Instrument list
d) Cable schedule
Those computerized list shall be issued by company for approval, not
later than four months before the start of physical precommissioning
6.1.4 Precommissioning and Commissioning schedule & start-up
The engineer contractor shall establish and submit to company for
approval a detailed subsystem initial start-up sequence in accordance
with the main start-up milestones or guidelines issued by the company.
The activity shall be in parallel with the partition of the installation into
subsystems, as the partition shall be so that it matches the requirements
of the start-up sequence: equipment due to start at different time point in
time of initial start –up sequence (typical: duty and stand-by equipment)
must not be part of the same subsystem.
Precommissioning and Commissioning schedule shall be carried out in
detail (resource/duration to be evaluated) and shall be checked with
construction. The contractor shall demonstrate that the Construction
schedule and plan will deliver in due time required systems.
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This check shall be carried out at early stage of the detailed Engineering,
not later than four months after beginning of the Detailed Engineering.
6.1.5 Preparation planning and progress
The contractor shall manage the preparation of the precommissioning
and the commissioning like a project itself with identifying:
a) Milestone for procedures/documents deliverables in accordance
with contractual milestones.
b) Progress indicators in order to control and follow up the preparation
c) Manpower and resource mobilization
6.1.6 Co-ordination procedures
The Precommissioning and Commissioning co-ordination procedures
consist of defining organization principle, like witnessing, interim
certificate signature, Hand over, reports.
The necessary co-ordination procedures shall be drafted not later 6
months after beginning of the detailed Engineering for approval by
If not already defined in the contract, the Engineering CONTRACTOR
shall issue for approval by COMPANY the following procedures and
support documents, which cover the various interfaces between the
Commissioning and the other parties, COMPANY and Construction
Precommissioning procedures:
a) Ready for commissioning (two months before the start of
b) Precommissioning witnessing (two months before the start of
c) Punch list clearing
Commissioning procedures:
Commissioning reporting (two months before the start of
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Modifications requests (two months before the start of
Ready for Start-up (two months before the start of
Co-ordination meetings (two months before the start of
6.2 Precommissioning technical preparation
6.2.1 Introduction
The present chapter covers the Precommissioning technical preparation
tasks. This preparation includes not only the long and mid-term activities
such as the definition of the scope of work, the planning of execution, the
issuing of procedures and contracts, but also the thorough review and
addressing of all required Precommissioning support, e.g. co-ordination
with others parties, gathering of documentation, etc.
6.2.2 Status index Objectives
The computerized Precommissioning Status Index, basic management
tool of the Precommissioning preparation and execution, is the summary
of the Precommissioning scope of work.
It is used at preparation stage to quantify the Precommissioning
workload, hence it allows manpower and planning estimates. The Status
Index is also the reference document used by the Construction
CONTRACTOR to prepare all precommissioning support documents,
Check-Lists and Test Sheets.
During the execution phase, the Status Index constitutes the basic
progress monitoring tool and the key handover document to the
Commissioning Team.
The realization of the Precommissioning Status Index is an Engineering
CONTRACTOR responsibility. Definition
The Precommissioning Status Index is essentially the listing of every
item of equipment that will be subject to one or several
precommissioning operations, i.e. checks or tests.
The Status Index, arranged by subsystem, discipline, and type of item of
equipment, indicates for each item of equipment the corresponding
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Precommissioning tasks it will be subject to, by giving the reference
number of the corresponding task support document, i.e. check-list
number and, when applicable, test sheet number. Preparation
From the subsystems equipment lists, the Engineering CONTRACTOR
shall prepare the computerized Precommissioning Status Index.
The Engineering CONTRACTOR shall implement the Status index on
ICAPS software, and shall input all necessary data, whether they are
Engineering data or VENDORS packages data.
The Status Index reports shall be issued for COMPANY approval not later
than three months before the start of physical Precommissioning works.
After COMPANY approval, the Status Index is issued, depending
contractual arrangements, by the COMPANY or by the Engineering
CONTRACTOR to the Construction CONTRACTOR or whichever party is
responsible for the Precommissioning works.
The Engineering CONTRACTOR shall review the set of
Precommissioning Master Forms (conformity checks and static tests),
and may adapt or amend these Master Forms as required by the
distinctive features of the project. These modifications of existing forms
and related procedures shall be submitted to COMPANY approval.
The Engineering CONTRACTOR may develop new forms and related
procedures. these new forms and procedures shall be submitted to
COMPANY approval .
The set of the typical check lists and test sheets shall be then prepared
and issued for COMPANY approval not later than six months before the
start of physical Precommissioning work.
The set of check sheets and test sheets fill out according to the Status
Index shall be printed out and issued for COMPANY approval not later
than two months before the start of physical precommissioning work.
6.2.3 Planning, manpower and progress Precommsissioning plan
a) The Engineering CONTRACTOR shall perform the following
Precommissioning planning activities, but not limited to :
Estimation of manpower and duration of the Precommissioning
activities of each Subsystem
b) Preparation of the Precommissioning bar chart planning level 1,
i.e. the schedule by Subsystem of the Precommissioning execution
activities, which shows the activities duration of each Subsystem and
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the points in time at which they will start and finish
The inputs to the Precommissioning planning level 1 is :
a) The best adapted logical precommissioning sequence
b) The Subsystems Precommissioning duration estimates
c) The Commissioning planning level 1, or, if not available, the
subsystems Commissioning sequence, both to be issued by the
Commissioning Team, unless the sequence is part of the contractual
The Precommissioning planning shall be devised so that it does not
restrain the Commissioning activities: the Commissioning planning
level 1, or, if not available, the subsystems Commissioning sequence,
issued by the Commissioning Team (or available in the contractual
documentation) shall be the priority input to determine the
Precommissioning planning.
The above Precommissioning planning activities performed by the
Engineering CONTRACTOR shall be completed and the
corresponding documents issued for COMPANY approval, not later
than four months before the actual start on site of the
Precommissioning activities. Manpower
The Engineering CONTRACTOR shall perform, and issue for
COMPANY approval not later than four months before the actual start
on site of the Precommissioning activities:
a) The evaluation of the overall Precommissioning man-hours,
duration, and execution histogram by discipline
b) The preparation of the field Precommissioning organisation and
deployment schedule. Progress
The Engineering CONTRACTOR shall issue for COMPANY approval
the detailed Precommissioning progress calculation procedure, three
months before the start of Precommissioning. Vendor
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The Engineering CONTRACTOR shall identify the need for
VENDORS special equipment and special tools required for the
execution of the Precommissioning and Commissioning activities.
The list shall be submitted to COMPANY approval then processed in
accordance with contractual arrangements.
The Engineering CONTRACTOR shall identify the need for
VENDORS and field equipment spares required for the execution of
the Precommissioning and Commissioning activities.
The lists shall be submitted to COMPANY approval then processed in
accordance with contractual arrangements.