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Curriculum in Education: A Teacher's Reflection

April Jay P. Iligan
Reflection 1 (08/21/21)
BEED-3 The teacher and the school curriculum
1. Can a school exist without a curriculum? Why or why not?
- A School will definitely not exist without the curriculum. Curriculum is the system
that governs the policies of teaching and learning process. Curriculum serves as
a guide and the sum of learning experiences. Therefore, teaching-learning
process will be impossible without the curriculum.
2. How does a strong belief or philosophy influence curriculum?
- I think a strong belief or philosophy influences curriculum in the sense of life’s
purpose. Having a strong belief or philosophy in life makes us guided in what
purpose or goal we are aiming for. We will be guided in every decision we are
making. In connection to curriculum, we will be flexible in attaining the desired
outcomes since the curriculum is designed to equip the learners with
knowledge, skills and values from the different aspects of life.
3. As future teachers, how important will a curriculum be to you?
- It is indeed important, how curriculum really helps and works a lot of teachers.
With the curriculum, teachers have guided with measurable plan and structure
for delivering a quality education towards the different types of learners.
4. What are the implications of an ever-changing curriculum to teachers?
- The implications of an ever-changing curriculum would be interesting since
we, teachers, are boundless for learning new ideas and concepts. Constant
changes of the standards, needs and interest of the society and its people
gives the teachers the opportunity to explore on his or her strategies and
methods of teaching to address the new set of standards brought by the
context of this present time.