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Cold War: Causes, Events, and End - Study Notes

Cold war
1947 – 1991
1. What is the cold war ?
The world was divided between two super powers
Unconventional war
Indirect fighting
Ideological battle and influence
o East vs west
o Communism vs capitalism
2. Why did the cold war start ?
- Reasons
o Lan lease
o Did not help Russia when attacked by Germany
o Germany decision
o The US had the most powerful weapon
- Eastern bloc – created a buffer zone against the west
o “An iron curtain has descended upon the continent” –
- Truman doctrine
o Containment of soviet expansionism
- Warsaw pac vs NATO Pac
3. Germany
- Blockade + airlift
- Krushchev made the berlin wall to stop defections – 1961
4. Proxy war
- China (communism) vs. Japan (more economic support)
- Korea (if one nation fell to communism others would follow)
- Cuban missile crisis
 Bay of Pigs invasion
 Russia ye cuba ma missile raakha tha America ye
turkey ma raakha tha …
- Vietnam (us lost and undignified on the world stage)
5. Breshnev – Nixon – strategic arms limitation agreement
6. Revolt against communism
- 200k killings of students who revolted in Hungary
o West did not back
o Hungary wanted more religion
- Czechoslovakia
 We just want a bit more freedom from warsaw pac n
- Krushchev gave a bit more freedom n privatization of businesses
7. Arms race
- Nuclear bomb n hydrogen bomb
- U2 flight
- Arms race they would lose
o Peace through strength (star wars)
8. Space race
- First man in space Russia … Yugori
- First man on moon America no .. neil Armstrong
9. gorbachev
- End of the ussr –
- Stopped Stagnation
- Freedom n privatization
- Reformists in east Germany … states fell one by one
10. Fall of the berlin wall – 1991 – end of the cold war