API 141 Finance SYLLABUS August 31, 2021 Akash Deep HARVARD Kennedy School API-141, Fall 2021 Finance Faculty Office Telephone Email Office Hours Akash Deep Littauer 210 617 495 1340 akash_deep@hks.harvard.edu TBD Class Sessions Tuesday and Thursday, 1:30 to 2:45pm in Wiener Auditorium Review Sessions Friday, 12 to 1:15pm in Wexner-436 (starting September 10) Faculty Assistant Office Telephone Email Louie Mitchell Littauer 107A 617 495 8103 louis_mitchell@hks.harvard.edu Teaching Fellow Email Farhana Roslan farhanaroslan@hks.harvard.edu API 141 Finance Syllabus Akash Deep August 31, 2021 COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides a general survey of finance and investments. It emphasizes an intuitive, logically rigorous understanding of the theory and practice of financial markets, illustrating the concepts through examples and cases drawn from diverse settings. Topics covered include: present value; diversification; the trade-off between risk and return; pricing of stocks and bonds; the capital asset pricing model; term structure of interest rates; the principle of arbitrage; derivative securities such as forwards, futures, and options; use of derivatives for hedging; real options; and risk management. Case discussions illustrate a wide range of applications of the theory including pension funds, rate of return regulation, investment strategies, currency risk management, weather micro-insurance, privatization, deposit insurance, and the subprime crisis. AUDIENCE The course is intended for students who are interested in learning the basic tools and techniques of finance and how they are employed for the valuation of complex securities. While an intuitive appreciation of the principles will be the primary objective, mathematical tools will be employed to illustrate the implementation of these principles to practical cases. Any advanced mathematics that is used will be developed in lectures and review sessions. PREREQUISITE It is assumed that students will be familiar with basic (high school level) mathematics. Students with concerns about their backgrounds are welcome to speak to the instructor. Basic computer spreadsheet skills will be expected and required to complete some of the assignments. 1 COURSE STRUCTURE: REQUIRED ENGAGEMENT API 141 Finance Syllabus Akash Deep August 31, 2021 Each week covers a different topic. Learning is distributed across asynchronous and synchronous sessions over the course of the week to maximize engagement and interaction. Preparation for lecture Lecture Preparation for discussion Each new topic commences with some preparatory work. Review required background in a Concepts lecture Answer the Concept Check questions Complete assigned readings The most important principles relating to the topic of the week are presented in an interactive lecture, which draws upon the Concepts. The topic of the week is illustrated, reinforced and extended through examples and applications. Complete and submit the weekly Assignment Read and analyze the Case Study using the Study Questions. Written answers are not required. Complete assigned Readings Discussion A discussion on the topic of the week is organized using the Case Study and recent developments. Students are expected to participate actively and should be prepared to share their answers and opinions. before Thursday asynchronous ~ 2 hours Thursday synchronous 1 ¼ hours before Tuesday asynchronous ~ 4 hours Tuesday synchronous 1 ¼ hours ADDITIONAL ENGAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES o Review Sessions: Attendance of the Friday review sessions is strongly advised but not required. A recording of the review sessions will be made available. o Practice Questions: Additional, optional practice questions are available for each topic. o Office hours with Professor Deep: Students have the opportunity to sign up for individual office hours with Professor Deep. o Office hours with the Teaching Team: The Teaching Fellow and Course Assistants will hold weekly office hours that are open to all students enrolled in the course. Prior sign-up is not required. o Class-wide communication: A Canvas community board will be available as a forum for informal communication among the entire class on topics that are relevant to the course. 2 API 141 Finance Syllabus Akash Deep August 31, 2021 EXAMS There will be in-class, closed book and closed notes midterm and final exams. No make-up exams will be held, except in extenuating circumstances. Enrolling in this course requires that you plan to take the exams on the announced exams dates. ASSIGNMENTS AND GROUP WORK Students are encouraged to work together to complete assignments. However, the solutions you submit to individual assignments must be your own understanding of how to do the assignment and must be written by you alone. You must state what sources you have consulted, with whom you have collaborated, and from whom you have received help, in compliance with the Harvard Kennedy School Academic Code set forth in the Student Handbook. GRADING The course must be taken for credit. There is no option to audit the course. o o o o Engagement Assignments Midterm Exam Final Exam 10% 30% 20% 40% CROSS REGISTRATION Non-HKS students must petition to enroll in the course using my.harvard. Petitions may only be approved after the end of HKS course enrollment period (September 3) if class enrollment limits permit. All petitioners are expected to fulfil all class requirements until an enrollment decision has been made. For non-Harvard students, as soon as they petition to enroll in this course, they will gain a HarvardKey, which they can use to access the Canvas site for this course. MATERIALS The textbook for the course is Essentials of Investments, 12th edition by Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane and Alan Marcus, McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2022. Recent editions of this textbook may also be used. It can be purchased or rented in hardcopy or digitally through McGraw-Hill or The Coop. Upon enrollment in this course, students have access to a Canvas site where all course materials are available, including all required readings from this textbook, other readings and cases. Regular reading of financial news in publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times, The Economist, or the Business pages of The New York Times is strongly recommended. OTHER RECOMMENDED (BUT NOT REQUIRED) FINANCE TEXTS The following are some good introductory finance texts that overlap in parts with the material covered in the recommended text for this class: o Corporate Finance, 13th edition, Stephen Ross, Jeffrey Jaffe, and Randolph Westerfield, McGraw-Hill Financial, 2022. o Principles of Corporate Finance, 13th edition, Richard Brealey and Stewart Myers, McGraw-Hill Financial, 2020. o Investment Science, 2nd edition, David Luenberger, Oxford University Press, 2013 (uses calculus). o Financial Modeling, 4th edition, Simon Benninga, The MIT Press, 2014. 3 TOPICS AT A GLANCE Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 Date Sep 2 Thu Sep 7 Tue Topic Introduction to finance and financial markets The tools of finance Assignment due Time Sep 9 Thu Bonds Sep 14 Tue Predicting the future: Yield curves A Sep 16 Thu Sep 21 Tue B Equity Raising finance: Tombstones Uncertainty Sep 23 Thu Choosing a portfolio Sep 28 Tue Investing pension funds: The State of South Carolina C Sep 30 Thu Oct 5 Tue D The Capital Asset Pricing Model Risk-adjusted returns: Communications Satellite Corporation Information Oct 7 Thu Efficient markets Oct 12 Tue Financial innovation: Fidelity: Embracing ETFs Oct 14 Thu 7 API 141 Finance Syllabus Akash Deep August 31, 2021 E Midterm Exam Risk Management Oct 19 Tue Why manage risk? 8 Oct 21 Thu Oct 26 Tue Forward and futures contracts Managing currency risk: Dozier Industries F 9 Oct 28 Thu Nov 2 Tue Options Insurance: BASIX G 10 Nov 4 Thu Nov 9 Tue Option pricing, the Binomial approach Predicting uncertainty: The Black-Scholes Model & implied volatility H 11 Real Options Nov 16 Tue Real options Nov 18 Thu Privatization, investment, and uncertainty: Bidding for Antamina I 12 Financial Institutions Nov 23 Tue Banks and financial intermediation: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Nov 30 Tue Housing finance: Subprime Meltdown J Dec 2 Thu Review Dec 8 Wed Final Exam (2 to 5pm) 4 1. INTRODUCTION TO FINANCE AND FINANCIAL MARKETS Lecture: Introduction to finance and financial markets API 141 Finance Syllabus Akash Deep August 31, 2021 September 2 Preparation Chapters 1 and 2, Essentials of Investments, Bodie, Kane & Marcus. (Optional: Chapter 3) “The slumps that shaped modern finance,” The Economist, April 12, 2014. “Unfettered finance is fast reshaping the global economy,” Martin Wolf, The Financial Times, June 19, 2007. “Introduction: Finance, Stewardship, and Our Goals,” in Finance and the Good Society, Robert J. Shiller, Princeton University Press, 2012, 1-15. Lecture: The tools of finance September 7 Preparation “Financial Decision Making and the Law of One Price,” Chapter 3 in Corporate Finance, 4th edition, Jonathan Berk and Peter DeMarzo, Pearson Addison Wesley, 2017. “The Time Value of Money,” Chapter 4 in Corporate Finance, 4th edition, Jonathan Berk and Peter DeMarzo, Pearson Addison Wesley, 2017. Further Reading o o o The Wall Street Journal Future of Finance, Journal Reports. Finance and the Good Society, Robert J. Shiller, Princeton University Press, 2013. The Wall Street Journal Guide to Understanding Money & Investing, Kenneth M. Morris and Virginia B. Morris, Simon and Schuster, 2004. 5 API 141 Finance Syllabus Akash Deep August 31, 2021 2. BONDS Lecture: Bonds September 9 Preparation Chapter 10, Sections 10.1 to 10.5, Essentials of Investments, Bodie, Kane & Marcus. Discussion: Predicting the future: Yield curves September 14 Preparation Chapter 10, Section 10.6, Essentials of Investments, Bodie, Kane & Marcus. “The Yield Curve as a Leading Indicator”, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, webpage. “Bond rally pushes global stock of negative-yielding debt above $16tn”, Financial Times, August 5, 2021. Assignment A Study Questions o o o What is the significance of the shape of the yield curve? Why might anyone invest in a negative yielding financial instrument? What opportunities do negative yields represent? What challenges might they pose? Further Reading o o The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities, 8th edition, Frank J. Fabozzi, McGraw-Hill Professional, 2012. Fixed Income Securities: Tools for Today's Markets, 3rd edition, Bruce Tuckman, John Wiley & Sons, 2011. 6 3. EQUITY Lecture: Equity API 141 Finance Syllabus Akash Deep August 31, 2021 September 16 Preparation Concepts: A primer on corporate finance Concept Check: A primer on corporate finance Chapter 13, Sections 13.2 – 13.4, and Section 14.1, Essentials of Investments, Bodie, Kane & Marcus. “Why yields are the best guide to future stockmarket returns,” Economist, Sep 7 2019. Discussion: Raising finance September 21 Preparation Case: Tombstones How did six firms – Microsoft, Coca Cola Enterprises, Norfolk Southern, IBM, Ford Motor, and Cephalon – raise money in US capital markets just after the financial crisis and recession of 200809? “Alphabet locks in record-low borrowing costs in $10bn deal,” Financial Times, August 3, 2020. “Rwanda raises $620m in second-ever international bond sale,” Financial Times, August 2, 2021. Assignment B Study Questions o o o o o o Why is Microsoft issuing debt? Would you consider the yield on Microsoft debt to be “high” or “low”? Why is Coca Cola issuing debt? Why is Norfolk Southern issuing debt? How are the IBM Notes different from the other debt issuances? Why do you think Ford Motor chose to issue stock rather than debt? How do the Cephalon Convertible Notes compare to other debt and equity issuances? Further Reading o o Damodaran on Valuation: Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance, 2nd edition, Aswath Damodaran, John Wiley & Sons, 2006. Security Analysis, 6th edition, Benjamin Graham and David Dodd, McGraw-Hill Education, 2008. 7 4. PORTFOLIO SELECTION Lecture: Choosing a portfolio API 141 Finance Syllabus Akash Deep August 31, 2021 September 23 Preparation Concepts: Risk, return and portfolios Concept check: Risk, return and portfolios Chapter 5, Section 5.4 to 5.6, and Chapter 6, Sections 6.1 to 6.4, Essentials of Investments, Bodie, Kane & Marcus. “You, too, Can Short Stocks,” Business Week, March 22, 1999. Discussion: Investing pension funds September 28 Preparation Case: The State of South Carolina HBS case # 9-201-061 South Carolina, State Treasurer's Office, 1998. Until last year the state pension fund, with over $17 billion in assets, was barred by the state constitution from investing in equities. After the constitution was amended, the state government has to decide how much to invest in equities, and what assets to choose. “The Long, Sorry Tale of Pension Promises,” Roger Lowenstein, The Wall Street Journal, October 1, 2013. “America’s public-sector pension schemes are trillions of dollars short,” Economist, November 14, 2019. Assignment C Study Questions o o o o What is the problem that South Carolina faced in 1999 with regard to the management of its pension funds? How do you know that there is a problem? What are the potential solutions? What should the objectives of pension investing be? How do stocks versus bonds rank on these dimensions? Further Reading o o Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, 9th edition, Edwin Elton, Martin Gruber, Stephen Brown and William Goetzmann, John Wiley & Sons, 2014. Stocks for the Long Run: The Definitive Guide to Financial Market Returns and Long-Term Investment Strategies, 5th edition, Jeremy J. Siegel, McGraw-Hill Education, 2014. 8 5. THE CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL Lecture: The Capital Asset Pricing Model API 141 Finance Syllabus Akash Deep August 31, 2021 September 30 Preparation Concepts: Equilibrium Concept check: Equilibrium Sections 7.1-7.3, Essentials of Investments, Bodie, Kane & Marcus. “Risk and Return,” The Economist, February 2nd 1991, 72-73. “Does the Capital Asset Pricing Model Work?” David Mullins, Jr., Harvard Business Review, January-February 1982, 105-113. Discussion: Risk-adjusted returns October 5 Preparation Case: Communications Satellite Corporation HBS Case No. 276-195 In January 1975, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) concluded an 11-year investigation of the appropriate regulation of Comsat. One of the most important of these was the determination of the fair rate of return on Comsat's capital. Both the qualitative assessment of risk and the use of analytical techniques had been suggested by eminent experts. “Regulation and the Cost of Capital,” Tim Jenkinson, in the International Handbook on Economic Regulation, edited by Michael Crew and David Parker, Edward Elgar, 2006. Assignment D Study Questions o o o o How risky is the investment in Comsat compared to an investment in AT&T and other companies? Which of these risks can be classified as systematic and which as unsystematic? By what methods can the cost of equity and cost of capital be estimated for Comsat (or any other company)? How convincing is the argument of the trial staff? What are the implications of its reasoning and recommendation for all parties concerned and for future government regulated companies such as Comsat? What relation, if any, should there be between a firm’s cost of capital and its investment decisions? Further Reading o o o Asset Pricing, revised edition, John H. Cochrane, Princeton University Press, 2005. The Econometrics of Financial Markets, John Y. Campbell, Andrew W. Lo and A. Craig MacKinlay, Princeton University Press, 1996. Dynamic Asset Pricing Theory, 3rd edition, Darrell Duffie, Princeton University Press, 2001. 9 6. EFFICIENT MARKETS Lecture: Efficient markets API 141 Finance Syllabus Akash Deep August 31, 2021 October 7 Preparation Concepts: Defining efficiency Concept check: Defining efficiency Chapter 8, Essentials of Investments, Bodie, Kane & Marcus. “Trendspotting in asset markets,” Nobel Prize Committee, 2013. “Random Walks in Stock Market Prices,” Eugene F. Fama, Financial Analysts Journal, JanuaryFebruary, 1995, 75-80. “Efficient Markets, Random Walks, and Bubbles,” Chapter 11 in Irrational Exuberance, 3rd edition, Robert Shiller, Princeton University Press, 2016. “The Efficient Market Hypothesis and its Critics,” Burton G. Malkiel, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 2003 17 (1) 59-82. Discussion: Financial innovation October 12 Preparation Case: Fidelity: embracing ETFs University of Hong Kong Case HK1158 Forced by the investor preference for passive instruments like exchange-traded funds (ETFs) driven by ETFs' fee and performance advantages, regulatory pressures, and the rise of roboadvisors, the renowned active manager Fidelity embraced ETFs by introducing smart beta ETFs. As the new chairman, Abigail Johnson had to consider the challenges ahead including incompatibility with Fidelity's investment philosophy and fierce industry competition. Assignment E Study Questions o How are ETFs different from mutual funds and closed-end funds? o What are smart beta ETFs? How are they linked to the CAPM and efficient markets theory? o What is the investment philosophy of Fidelity? Do ETFs conflict with Fidelity’s investment philosophy? What were the other major challenges for Fidelity to embrace the ETF market in 2016? o Was the environment in which passive funds did better than active funds just a cyclical phenomenon? Further Reading o Manias, Panics and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises, 7th edition, Charles P. Kindleberger, John Palgrave MacMillan, 2015. o Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets, 2nd edition, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Texere, 2004. o Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, Charles Mackay, 1841. o Inefficient Markets: An Introduction to Behavioral Finance, Andrei Shleifer, Oxford University Press, Clarendon Lectures in Economics, 2000. o Irrational Exuberance, 3rd edition, Robert Shiller, Princeton University Press, 2016. o A Random Walk Down Wall Street, 12th edition, Burton G. Malkiel, W. W. Norton & Co., 2019. o Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011. 10 7. RISK MANAGEMENT Lecture: Why manage risk? API 141 Finance Syllabus Akash Deep August 31, 2021 October 19 Preparation “A Framework for Risk Management,” Kenneth Froot, David Scharfstein, and Jeremy Stein, Harvard Business Review, November-December 1994, 91-102. “The Fantastic System of Side Bets,” in Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk, Peter Bernstein, 1996, 304-328. “Financial WMD?” The Economist, January 22, 2004. Further Reading o o o Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk, Peter Bernstein, John Wiley & Sons, 1996. The Essentials of Risk Management, 2nd edition Michel Crouhy; Dan Galai, Robert Mark, McGraw-Hill Professional, 2013. Risk Management and Derivatives, René M. Stulz, Thomson South-Western, 2003. 11 8. FORWARD CONTRACTS Lecture: Forward and futures contracts API 141 Finance Syllabus Akash Deep August 31, 2021 October 21 Preparation Concepts: The structure of forward and futures contracts Concept check: The structure of forward and futures contracts Sections 17.1-17.4, Essentials of Investments, Bodie, Kane & Marcus. “Should We Fear Derivatives?” René Stulz, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2004 18 (3), 173-192. Discussion: Managing currency risk October 26 Preparation Case: Dozier Industries "Dozier Industries" in G. Feiger and B. Jacquillat, International Finance, Allyn and Bacon, 1982. A US company has just secured its first international sales contract in the UK. But the CFO of the company is concerned that if the value of the pound sterling depreciated, the viability of the project could be impaired. Assignment F Study Questions o o o What risk/s does Dozier face? What other financial instruments or derivatives could Dozier have used to hedge its risk exposure? What would the benefits and costs be? What changes would you recommend for Dozier with regard to the manner in which it bids for international contracts? Further Reading o o Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 11th edition, John C. Hull, Prentice Hall, 2022. Futures, Options, and Swaps, 5th edition, Robert W. Kolb and James A. Overdahl, WileyBlackwell, 2007. 12 9. OPTIONS Lecture: Options API 141 Finance Syllabus Akash Deep August 31, 2021 October 28 Preparation Concepts: The structure of option contracts Concept check: The structure of option contracts Chapter 15, Essentials of Investments, Bodie, Kane & Marcus. “Why everyone is now an options trader”, The Economist, January 16, 2021. Discussion: Insurance November 2 Preparation Case: BASIX HBS Case # 207-099 BASIX, an Indian microfinance corporation, must decide whether to continue to sell weather insurance to its clients. A brand-new financial product, weather insurance pays if measured rainfall during the growing season falls below a pre-specified limit. Mr. Sattaiah, managing director of the BASIX's bank, considers a revised insurance policy for the coming season, weighing the costs and potential risks of expanding the product against the potential benefits. Assignment G Study Questions o o o o o What fundamental risks do BASIX customers face? How exposed are they to weather risk? How well did BASIX’s earlier efforts to offer rainfall insurance fare? Why? As a BASIX Customer Service Agent, how would you explain and sell the proposed policy to farmers? A simulation based on the rainfall distributions shown in Exhibit 6 of the case suggests that a Rs. 125 policy would have an expected payout of Rs. 83. Is the proposed price appropriate? Is this a product that BASIX should be selling to farmers? If not, how might you modify it to make it better serve farmers’ needs? Further Reading o o Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 11th edition, John C. Hull, Prentice Hall, 2022. Futures, Options, and Swaps, 5th edition, Robert W. Kolb and James A. Overdahl, WileyBlackwell, 2007. 13 10. OPTION PRICING Lecture: Option pricing, the Binomial approach API 141 Finance Syllabus Akash Deep August 31, 2021 November 4 Preparation Concepts: Arbitrage pricing Concept check: Arbitrage pricing Chapter 16, Sections 16.1 and 16.2, Essentials of Investments, Bodie, Kane & Marcus. “Of Butterflies and Condors,” The Economist, February 16, 1991, 58-59. Discussion: Predicting uncertainty: The Black-Scholes Model & implied volatility November 9 Preparation Chapter 16, Section 16.3, Essentials of Investments, Bodie, Kane & Marcus. “A Calculus of Risk,” Gary Stix, Scientific American, May 1998, 92-97. Jarrow, Robert, A. 1999. "In Honor of the Nobel Laureates Robert C. Merton and Myron S. Scholes: A Partial Differential Equation That Changed the World." Journal of Economic Perspectives, 13 (4): 229-248. Assignment H Further Reading o o Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 11th edition, John C. Hull, Prentice Hall, 2022. Derivatives: An Introduction, 2nd edition, Robert A. Strong, South-Western, 2005. 14 11. REAL OPTIONS API 141 Finance Syllabus Akash Deep August 31, 2021 Lecture: Real options November 16 Preparation“Options Approach to Capital Investment,” Avinash Dixit and Robert Pindyck, Harvard Business Review, May-June 1995, 105 – 115. Discussion: Privatization, investment and uncertainty November 18 Preparation Case: Bidding for Antamina HBS Case # 297-054 In June 1996, executives of the multinational mining company RTZ-CRA are contemplating bidding to acquire the Antamina copper and zinc mine in Peru. The Antamina project is being offered for sale by auction as part of the privatization of Peru's state mining company. RTZ-CRA has to determine what the mine is worth, and to recommend whether and how RTZ-CRA should bid in the upcoming auction. The bidding rules put in place by the Peruvian government dictate that each company's bid contain two components: an up-front cash amount and the amount the bidder will invest to develop the property, if development is warranted after further exploration is completed. Assignment I Study Questions o o o If the winning bidder was legally forced to develop Antamina after completing the exploration phase, and was required to pay the Peruvian government upfront for this project, how would you determine the price that they would be willing to pay? If the winning bidder could choose whether or not to develop Antamina after completing the exploration phase, but was required to pay the Peruvian government upfront for the right to develop the project, how would you determine the price that they would be willing to pay? What are the incentives brought about by the different auction designs described above, and that chosen by the Peruvian government? Do the rules seem to meet what you perceive to be the goals of the government? Further Reading o o o o Real Options and Investment under Uncertainty: Classical Readings and Recent Contributions, edited by Eduardo S. Schwartz and Lenos Trigeorgis, The MIT Press, 2001. Investment under Uncertainty, Avinash Dixit and Robert Pindyck, Princeton University Press, 1994. Real Options: Managerial Flexibility and Strategy in Resource Allocation, Lenos Trigeorgis, The MIT Press, 1996. Real Options in Capital Investment: Models, Strategies, and Applications, edited by Lenos Trigeorgis, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1995. 15 12. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Discussion: Banks and financial intermediation API 141 Finance Syllabus Akash Deep August 31, 2021 November 23 Preparation Case: The U.S. Banking Panic of 1933 and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation HBS Case # 799-077 ‘On March 3 banking operations in the United States ceased ... the government has been compelled to step in for the protection of depositors and the business of the nation’. As President Franklin D. Roosevelt spoke these words to Congress on March 9, 1933, the nation's troubled banking system lay dormant. More than 9,000 banks had ceased operations between the stock market crash in October 1929 and the banking holiday in March 1933. The economy was in the midst of the worst economic depression in modern history. Out of the ruins, birth was given to the FDIC three months later when the President signed the Banking Act of 1933. “Banking on the State,” Andrew G Haldane and Piergiorgio Alessandri, based on a presentation delivered at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago twelfth annual International Banking Conference on The International Financial Crisis: Have the Rules of Finance Changed? Chicago, 25 September 2009. “Conclusions,” The Squam Lake Report: Fixing the Financial System, page 135-152 (18 pages), 2010. (Find the full report at https://muse-jhu-edu.ezp-prod1.hul.harvard.edu/book/36288) Study Questions o o o o o What do commercial banks do? Does this mix of activities make economic sense? How does this expose commercial banks to risks? Recall from the BASIX case that any insurance contract can also be viewed as an option. Can this perspective be utilized to understand deposit insurance? What regulatory measures can seek to mitigate the risks of banking? Should Roosevelt agree to deposit insurance? Are there alternatives to reforms of the banking system that might be preferable from an economic point of view? What regulatory measures have been used to mitigate the risks of banking? 16 12. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS (CONTINUED) Discussion: Housing finance API 141 Finance Syllabus Akash Deep August 31, 2021 November 30 Preparation Case: Subprime Meltdown: American Housing and Global Financial Turmoil HBS Case # 708-042 “The Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury have lately widened the federal safety net more quickly and more aggressively than at any time since the New Deal era. Indeed, a recent front-page headline in this newspaper, “Confidence Ebbs for Bank Sector and Stocks Fall,” had distinctly Depression overtones. (You could almost envision the next line: “Hoover Urges Calm.”) And not since the Depression (under the Reconstruction Finance Corporation) has the government bought significant equity in private firms, as the Treasury has sought the authority to do in the case of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. At least during the 1930s, legislation followed months of deliberation and public hearings. The proffered fixes to today’s fast-moving crises are worked out hastily and in private.” - Roger Lowenstein, The New York Times, July 27 2008 “Conclusions of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission,” The Financial Crisis Inquiry Report, page xv to xxviii (14 pages) in the authorized edition, January 2011 (Find the full report at https://fcic.law.stanford.edu/report) Assignment J Study Questions o Is residential housing a “safe” asset? o What is securitization? How was securitization used by policymakers in the United States to channel housing finance to homebuyers? o What were the major changes in the nature of housing finance markets from the 1990s until the onset of the financial crisis? o In what ways did the structure and risks of Government Sponsored Enterprises – Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – resemble those of commercial banks? How were they different? o Overall would you say that the housing finance system has functioned well or poorly through the last decade? o What changes would you recommend to the institutions that shape and regulate the housing finance system? Further Reading o “Getting Up to Speed on the Financial Crisis: A One-Weekend-Reader’s Guide,” Gary Gorton and Andrew Metrick, Journal of Economic Literature, 2012, 50:1, 128–150. o The Financial Crisis Inquiry Report: Final Report of the National Commission on the Causes of the Financial and Economic Crisis in the United States, Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, 2011. o Balancing the Banks: Global Lessons from the Financial Crisis, Mathias Dewatripont, JeanCharles Rochet and Jean Tirole, translated by Keith Tribe, Princeton University Press, 2010. o The Squam Lake Report: Fixing the Financial System, Kenneth R. French, Martin N. Baily, John Y. Campbell, John H. Cochrane, Douglas W. Diamond, Darrell Duffie, Anil K Kashyap, Frederic S. Mishkin, Raghuram G. Rajan, David S. Scharfstein, Robert J. Shiller, Hyun Song Shin, Matthew J. Slaughter, Jeremy C. Stein and René M. Stulz, Princeton University Press, 2010. o Too Big to Fail, Andrew Ross Sorkin, Viking Press, 2009. o After the Music Stopped: The Financial Crisis, the Response, and the Work Ahead, Alan S. Blinder, Penguin Press, 2013. 17