1. Describe two trends that you've noticed (either demographic, invention/technology, lifestyle, or style/entertainment) and explain how each one might generate a small business opportunity. (1-6 sentences. 4.0 points)Online shopping platform- It can be seen as the need of the present time as everyone is now dependent on the online sources through which they can but the stuff they want without going out. Counselor - It is one of the most professional businesses in which a person can just change the lives of the people with the power of words and ideas. In the present time people really look for the person who can help them without passing any judgment. 2. Make a list of at least 5 business ideas that interest you. Then explain which one you think is the best opportunity for you. Give at least 3 reasons why this opportunity is better for you than the others. (2-6 sentences. 3.0 points)"Five business ideas that interest me are starting a pet sitting service, opening up a center that can provide extra care for the mentally challenged, starting an electronic repair shop, starting a service that helps parents become effective advocates in their child's IEP meeting, and starting a day excursion company. I think the best opportunity for me to start is the pet sitting service because it has a low startup cost and i love animals, and I can choose when I work and how many animals I have at one time. I can also work a job while doing this on the side or until this grows enough to support me." 3. Visit the Web site for a well-known company, and find the section that states its mission. What is the company's mission? How does the mission relate to the type of products the company sells? Did anything surprise you about the mission? Why or why not? TIP: If the company's Web site doesn't describe its mission, choose a different company. (1-5 sentences. 3.0 points) Bombas.com The mission statement is that they want to give to the homeless, and help those in need/ They sell socks, and for every pair u buy they give one pair to the needy. I didn't surprise me It didn't bc they are always advertising and expressing the need for giving. 4. Visit the Web site for a different well-known company, and find the section that lists the company's values. What are the company's values? How do they relate to the products the company sells? Did anything surprise you about the company's values? Why or why not? TIP: If the company's Web site doesn't describe its values, choose a different company. (1-5 sentences. 3.0 points) 1.) Innovation We believe technology can and should be a force for good and that meaningful innovation can and will contribute to a brighter world in big and small ways. 2.) Diversity and inclusion We thrive on diverse voices. We engage our employees’ and customers’ experiences, strengths, and different points of view to inform, challenge, and stretch our thinking. This is how we innovate. 3.) Corporate Social Responsibility We believe technology is a powerful force for good and are working to foster a sustainable future where everyone has access to the benefits and opportunities created by technology. 4.) AI We believe that, when designed with people at the center, AI can extend your capabilities, free you up for more creative and strategic endeavors, and help you or your organization achieve more. 5.) Trustworthy Computing Check out how we deliver secure, private, and reliable computing experiences based on sound business practices. 6.) Respect We recognize that the thoughts, feelings, and backgrounds of others are as important as our own. 7.) Integrity We are honest, ethical, and trustworthy. 8.) Accountability We accept full responsibility for our decisions, actions, and results. Microsoft offers a whole range of products and services and all the values reflect the work the company is doing. 5. Do a SWOT analysis for the business idea you chose in question 2 above. Describe at least 2 strengths, 2 weaknesses, 2 opportunities, and 2 threats for that company idea. (1-8 sentences. 4.0 points) SWOT analysis for pet sitters is that its strengths include very high gross margin, and limited start up risk. Two weaknesses are high transportation costs, and limited start up costs. Two opportunities are continued expansion for online sales, and development of proprietary products. Two risks are insurance costs are continually increasing, and changes in regulation can impact the businesses. 6. Make a list of at least 3 people you would want to give copies of your business plan to, and explain why you chose each of those people. (1-5 sentences. 3.0 points) 1. Elon Musk He is vey good at money management. Elon can take almost any idea and make it better, meanwhile turning it into reality. 2. Gary Vee He is a determined entrepreneur and knows what he is talking about. I would trust his judgment on my ideas and thoughts. 3. Jeff Bezos He is a very powerful and famous businessman. If he were to approve of my idea he would make it public, and possibly viral just by saying my company's name.