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CV in Agriculture & Biometrical Genetics

Kashif Ali
PBG-609 (Theory)
Role of CV in Agricultural Experiments
Coefficient of variation (CV) is the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean. In agricultural
field experiments, variation occurs due to uncontrolled factors such as soil fertility, climatic
factors etc. Controlled factors include field Layouts, treatments, replications, plot size etc. CV
percentage of experiment is considered as a reliable index of variability for accepting or rejecting
experimental results. Study on variability of large number of experiments help to develop the
yardstick of CV for field experiments. CV can be very efficient for data from factorial
experiments This coefficient may be especially important for agricultural students, because most
agricultural statistics deal with factorial experiments. Nonetheless, it is use limited but it can also
be used to any one-way experiments in which CV of a dependent variable is of interest.
Why study of biometrical genetics is important for plant breeder in the era of genomics?
=> Biometrical genetics is the study concerned with the inheritance of quantitative traits. Plant
breeders are principally interested in improving the genetic potential of their crop in order
maximize economic gain per unit of input. Genomics is the study of whole genomes of
organisms and incorporates elements from genetics. Genomics uses a combination of
recombinant DNA, DNA sequencing methods and bioinformatics to sequence, assemble and
analyse the structure and function of genomes.