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IPS510: Public Sector Collection & Disbursement Handbook

Public Sector Collection &
SAP for Industries - SAP for Public Sector
Training Center
Education Website
Participant Handbook
Course Version: 2006/Q2
Course Duration: 5 Days
Material Number: 50081995
An SAP course - use it to learn, reference it for work
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About This Handbook
This handbook is intended to complement the instructor-led presentation of this
course, and serve as a source of reference. It is not suitable for self-study.
Typographic Conventions
American English is the standard used in this handbook. The following
typographic conventions are also used.
Type Style
Example text
Words or characters that appear on the screen. These
include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well
as menu names, paths, and options.
Also used for cross-references to other documentation
both internal (in this documentation) and external (in
other locations, such as SAPNet).
Example text
Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of
graphics, and tables
Names of elements in the system. These include
report names, program names, transaction codes, table
names, and individual key words of a programming
language, when surrounded by body text, for example
Example text
Screen output. This includes file and directory names
and their paths, messages, names of variables and
parameters, and passages of the source text of a
Example text
Exact user entry. These are words and characters that
you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the
<Example text>
Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you
replace these words and characters with appropriate
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About This Handbook
Icons in Body Text
The following icons are used in this handbook.
For more information, tips, or background
Note or further explanation of previous point
Exception or caution
Indicates that the item is displayed in the instructor's
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Course Overview .......................................................... ix
Course Goals ........................................................... ix
Course Objectives ..................................................... ix
Unit 1: Basics ............................................................... 1
Introduction to the Public Sector Solution ...........................2
Event Technology .......................................................8
Parallel Mass Processes in FI-CA .................................. 12
Master Data Objects in FI-CA ....................................... 17
Master Data Public Sector ........................................... 37
Unit 2: Documents ....................................................... 75
Lifecycle of Documents .............................................. 77
Document Structures ................................................ 84
Posting Documents ................................................... 93
Exercise on document posting .....................................105
Integration with General Ledger Accounting ..................... 110
Account Balance Display ...........................................122
Exercise on accounting integration ................................133
Public Sector Requests .............................................136
Exercise on General Requests.....................................157
Unit 3: Transactions and Account Determination ............... 161
Structure of Transactions ...........................................162
General Ledger Account Determination ..........................168
Tax Determination....................................................175
USA - Tax Jurisdiction Code (Only relevant for US training) ...179
Unit 4: Incoming Payments........................................... 185
Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments..................187
Payment Lots and Check Lots .....................................190
Exercise on Check Lot and Payment Lot (Entering Payments in
Payment Lots) ....................................................204
Clarification Processing .............................................207
Exercise on Account Maintenance (Clarification Processing)..220
Cash Desk/Cash Journal ...........................................224
Exercise on the Cash Journal ......................................238
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Unit 5: Payment Run ................................................... 243
Prerequisites for Making Payments ...............................244
Payment Program....................................................250
Exercise on Payment Program – Scheduling and Executing ..262
Payment Cards.......................................................265
Check Management .................................................270
FSCM Biller Direct ...................................................274
Revenue Distribution ................................................278
Exercise On Revenue Distribution.................................284
Unit 6: Returns Processing........................................... 289
Configuration of Returns ............................................290
Processing Returns ..................................................302
Exercise on the Returns Process (Editing Returns) .............309
Unit 7: Clearing control................................................ 315
Terminology and Definitions ........................................316
Configuration of the Clearing Strategy ............................321
Special Cases: .......................................................336
Unit 8: Dunning and Collections .................................... 347
Dunning - Terminology ..............................................348
Exercise on carrying out dunning activities .......................352
Configuration and Execution of the Dunning Run ...............355
Collection Processing ...............................................371
Inbound Correspondence Public Sector ..........................380
Unit 9: Interest Calculation ........................................... 395
Calculation of Interest on Items ...................................396
Interest Keys and Calculation Rules ..............................399
Processing of Interest Calculation .................................410
Unit 10: Deferral/Installment Plan ................................... 421
Deferral: Definition and Processing ...............................422
Installment Plan: Definition and Processing......................426
Unit 11: Other Business Transactions ............................. 437
General account......................................................438
Reversing Documents and Resetting Clearing ..................446
Document Transfer ..................................................455
Mark as Doubtful / Individual Value Adjustment .................458
Write Off ...............................................................462
Exercise on writing off (installment plan)..........................467
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Unit 12: Security Deposits ............................................ 471
Cash and Non-Cash Security Deposits ...........................472
Request, Payment and Settlement of Cash Security Deposits 475
Unit 13: Correspondence ............................................. 487
Definition and Types .................................................488
Handling and Customizing ..........................................495
The Print Workbench ................................................503
Exercise on Correspondence Handling ...........................508
Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules ......... 515
Overview of the Integration of Contract Accounts Receivable and
Payable ............................................................517
Funds Management .................................................520
Cash Management...................................................530
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable and SD
Integration .........................................................534
Customer/Vendor Integration (Master Data, SD and Vendor
Interface) ..........................................................542
Integration with the New General Ledger (Segment
Reporting) .........................................................546
Credit Management..................................................551
Financial Customer Care ...........................................558
Business Intelligence ................................................564
Outbound Interface ..................................................567
Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and
Payable .................................................................... 575
Overview of Billing and Invoicing ..................................577
Business Rule Framework .........................................580
Public Sector Billing .................................................590
Transferring Billing Documents ....................................595
Overview of the Invoicing Processes..............................605
Basic Terms in Invoicing ............................................608
Invoicing Process Flow .............................................620
Posting Documents and Invoicing Documents ..................625
Invoicing Functions ..................................................632
Invoice Reversal .....................................................657
Bill Printout............................................................661
Invoicing Execution ..................................................670
Document Display and Monitoring ................................673
BW Integration .......................................................676
CRM Integration......................................................681
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© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Course Overview
This is an overview of the prerequisites and contents of the Public Sector
Collection and Disbursement (PSCD) solution.
Target Audience
This course is intended for the following audiences:
Project manager and project team
Course Prerequisites
Required Knowledge
AC010 Overview of external accounting
Experience in subledger accounting in the public sector
Course Goals
This course will prepare you to:
Understand the scope of the public sector-specific transactions in Public
Sector Collection and Disbursement (PSCD)
Become familiar with the interface between PSCD and mySAP TRM,
FSCM Biller Direct and other e-government components with reference to
integrated Tax and Revenue Management (TRM).
Describe and configure key activities within the PSCD product
Identify the integration points between PDCD and other R/3 Accounting
Note: This course does not go into detail about the interface design for public
sector investment systems
Course Objectives
After completing this course, you will be able to:
Create, display and maintain business partners, contract accounts and
contract objects
Understand how to use the standard PSCD functions and other public sector
accounting activities.
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Course Overview
(Manually) post and clear open items
Configure Customizing parameters for the key processes
Enter installment plans (deferrals), payment lots and returns lots and to
update the general ledger
Carry out periodic processing and closing operations
Create invoices
Explain the integration with other SAP applications
SAP Software Component Information
The information in this course pertains to the following SAP Software Components
and releases:
ECC 6.0
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 1
Unit Overview
This unit gives you an overview of the most recent solutions in PS-CD, the mass
activity functions and the event concept. It also gives you an insight into the
master data structure of PS-CD.
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Explain the most recent solutions in the public sector
Use event management to integrate customer-specific requirements into the
SAP System without modifying SAP programs.
Dramatically reduce the runtime for mass runs (such as payment runs or
dunning processing) by using parallel processes.
Explain the most important master data objects in FI-CA, and their
controlling elements.
Create and link the different master data objects in PS-CD.
Unit Contents
Lesson: Introduction to the Public Sector Solution ............................2
Lesson: Event Technology........................................................8
Lesson: Parallel Mass Processes in FI-CA................................... 12
Lesson: Master Data Objects in FI-CA........................................ 17
Lesson: Master Data Public Sector............................................ 37
Exercise 1: Master Data Public Sector .................................. 49
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 1: Basics
Lesson: Introduction to the Public Sector Solution
Lesson Overview
This lesson will teach you about the most important solutions integrated with
PSCD within the public sector.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the most recent solutions in the public sector
Business Example
Figure 1: Frequent Application Environment
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Lesson: Introduction to the Public Sector Solution
Figure 2: Advantages of an Integrated Solution
Figure 3: Public Sector – Collection and Disbursement (PSCD)
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Unit 1: Basics
Figure 4: What is Tax and Revenue Management?
The management and implementation of monetary grant programs
Publish grant programs, process grant requests, award grants
Monitor grant programs
Figure 5: What is Grants Management?
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Lesson: Introduction to the Public Sector Solution
Figure 6: What is SAP Social Services and Social Security?
Figure 7: SAP-Integrated Case Management
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Unit 1: Basics
Figure 8: What is SAP Customs Administration?
A partner solution with © TATIS S.A. is provided for customs administration and
customs-specific processes.
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Lesson: Introduction to the Public Sector Solution
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the most recent solutions in the public sector
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Unit 1: Basics
Lesson: Event Technology
Lesson Overview
At the end of this lesson you will recognize the definition and concept of the
events in contract accounts receivable and payable, and know how you can use
installation-specific enhancements in your system.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Use event management to integrate customer-specific requirements into the
SAP System without modifying SAP programs.
Business Example
Figure 9: Technology: Event Concept (1)
The event concept allows you, at defined points in a program, to include specific
source text passages in the events. These passages are capsulated in function
modules, and are therefore exchangeable. You use defined interfaces to include
these source text passages in the events.
You maintain events and their function modules in the implementation guide for
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable, under Program Enhancements →
Define Customer-Specific Function Modules.
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Lesson: Event Technology
The FKK_FUNC_MODULE_DETERMINE function module runs for each event.
It determines the event modules stored for processing in Customizing from the
following tables:
TFKFBM (sample function module from Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable)
TFKFBS (applications from standard function module)
TFKFBC (installation-specific function modules)
The technical name of the function module is formed from the technical code
FKK_SAMPLE_ and the name of the event. In the case of a sample function
module defined at event 0010, the name would be FKK_SAMPLE_0010.
As well as the events that are available to all industry components, additional
industry-specific events also exist. You can recognize these from the encryption of
the application area in the technical name.
Overview of event nomenclature
From event
To event
Utilities Industry
Public Sector
Partner Developments
Customer Developments
SAP Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable
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Unit 1: Basics
Figure 10: Technology: Event Concept (2)
Events can be managed using transaction FQEVENTS.
To use the event concept you must have knowledge of the program and the
data structure. If you require a different function to those intended by SAP, we
recommend you proceed as follows:
Analyze the standard function modules from the application (TFKBS). These
function modules define the required interfaces.
Copy the function group that groups customer-specific function modules
according to business transactions.
Program and activate the individual enhancements/changes in the
installation-specific function module.
Enter the installation-specific function module in the TFKFBC table
(Customizing: Program enhancements).
Start the program that calls the enhanced event.
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Lesson: Event Technology
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Use event management to integrate customer-specific requirements into the
SAP System without modifying SAP programs.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 1: Basics
Lesson: Parallel Mass Processes in FI-CA
Lesson Overview
At the end of this lesson you will know what options you have for optimizing
your mass processes in FI-CA.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Dramatically reduce the runtime for mass runs (such as payment runs or
dunning processing) by using parallel processes.
Business Example
Figure 11: Technology: Mass Processes in FI-CA
Business processes such as payment or dunning runs, in which large volumes of
data are processed, are realized in FI-CA by using mass activities. Mass activities
automatically divide the dataset, such as a quantity of business partners or contract
accounts, into multiple technical jobs, and processes these at the same time.
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Lesson: Parallel Mass Processes in FI-CA
Figure 12: Technology: Splitting-Up Processes
You can use the FI-CA mass activities to divide data to be processed into several
jobs. The system then processes these jobs parallel. For more information, see the
SAP note 607797 (Job control for mass runs: FAQ).
Figure 13: Technology: Parallel Processing - Interval Creation
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Unit 1: Basics
When processing data, the system automatically splits the dataset to be processed
into multiple parallel jobs. The specifications for distributing the key for the
parallel objects are saved in variants, which you must update periodically. For
example, you can create a variant for the business partners that splits the business
partner set to be processed into 1,000 equal intervals.
During parallel processing, the system makes sure that the processes do not block
each other because of changing accesses to the same database resources, which
could be the case, for example, in the assignment of document numbers or the
update of transaction figures.
A payment run for all business partners starts several processes (for example, 10)
that process the intervals created automatically one after the other. When the
processing is completed for an interval, the system processes the next free interval.
If all intervals have been processed, and therefore all technical jobs completed,
the business task also receives the status Completed.
Figure 14: Technology: Parallel Processing - Portioning
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Lesson: Parallel Mass Processes in FI-CA
Figure 15: Technology: Parallel Processing - Realization
You can find documentation on planning batch processes in FI-CA and working
with the FI-CA job container in OSS under the keyword FO-JOB.
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Unit 1: Basics
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Dramatically reduce the runtime for mass runs (such as payment runs or
dunning processing) by using parallel processes.
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Lesson: Master Data Objects in FI-CA
Lesson: Master Data Objects in FI-CA
Lesson Overview
This lesson describes the main functions of the master data in FI-CA.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the most important master data objects in FI-CA, and their
controlling elements.
Business Example
Figure 16: Central Objects
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Unit 1: Basics
Figure 17: Business Partner and Roles: Examples
Application-neutral data, such as name, address, bank details and payment cards,
is contained on the business partner master record. Special requirements involved
in setting up business partners that are organizations, groups, and individuals
are also fulfilled.
The SAP Business Partner also provides an open infrastructure for linking the
application-specific attributes of the business partner. From a business point of
view, this link is made by way of the role concept.
On the technical side, SAP Business Partner offers predefined interfaces via which
business partner attributes from different applications can be linked.
This means that existing business partner mapping (from resident to tax payer)
within SAP can gradually be integrated into SAP Business Partner.
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Lesson: Master Data Objects in FI-CA
Figure 18: Business Partner: Role Definition
A business partner role corresponds to a business context in which a business
partner can appear. A business partner can have several business partner roles.
Possible roles are, for example, a contract partner (FICA), contact person, prospect
(potential customer) or business partner (general).
The above example shows that a business partner can assume several roles
(contact person, prospect, contract partner) depending on the business process
in which he/she is involved.
BP roles consist of blocks (attributes) known as data sets. These are shown as
little black boxes in the graphic above.
SAP’s Business Partner offers an open infrastructure. This means that other
components (ERP core, industry components, components of development
partners, and a customer’s-own components) can easily include their own
application-specific business partner data.
As of release ERP2005, business partners must exist in the business role MKK
for role category MKK. If you use business partner roles on a time-dependent
basis, take the following into account: The time frame for business role MKK for
role category MKK cannot be delimited. It must always have a validity period
from today's date to 12.31.9999. You may not, and cannot, restrict the validity of
this role.
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Unit 1: Basics
Figure 19: Business Partner: Business Partner Category
A business partner in FI-CA usually represents the person or legal entity that
you need to process incoming and outgoing payments against. It is primarily the
constituent or taxpayer from the collections point of view and the beneficiary
from the disbursements point of view.
Business partner category is the term used to classify a business partner as a
natural person (e.g. private individual), group or organization (legal entity or part
of a legal entity, such as department).
The business partner category determines which fields are available for data entry.
For example, when you want to create a business partner as an organization, one
of the fields requires you to enter the legal form. With a person, you have to enter
first name, name components and gender, etc.
When a business partner is created, the business partner category must be selected
(required entry).
Assignment of the business partner category is static and cannot be changed once
the business partner has been created.
It is not possible to create any other business partner categories.
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Lesson: Master Data Objects in FI-CA
Figure 20: Business Partner: Business Partner Group
A business partner group is a classification of business partners according to
criteria that the user can freely define.
The procedure in customizing is as follows:
Definition of number ranges for the business partners
Definition of groupings for the business partner and assignment of number
Number range intervals and a type of number assignment are defined for each
number range:
Type of number assignment: External or internal number assignment
Number range intervals determine which numbers are permitted.
Business partner number ranges apply to all clients. The standard R/3 system
contains number ranges for the groups provided, and these can be changed if
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Unit 1: Basics
Figure 21: Business Partner: Business Partner Type
The business partner type controls the field status definition (which fields on the
business partner master record are mandatory, hidden, displayed, optional) when
creating a business partner in FI-CA.
You can use business partner types to group business partners according to your
own criteria.
You can find the business partner type in the control data of the business partner.
Figure 22: Business Partner: Address Management
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Lesson: Master Data Objects in FI-CA
Central address management allows different addresses to be assigned to a
business partner for different functions (see customizing of business partner
address types). These addresses can be classified according to address types (e.g.
delivery address, correspondence address, etc.).
You can maintain any number of addresses for each business partner. One address
per business partner is flagged as being the standard address.
Postal data and information on different communication types is assigned to
the address. You can maintain different communication types for each address
(telephone, fax, internet mail address, pager services, printers, remote mail, Secure
Store & Forward, telex, teletex, URI/URL/FTP, X.400).
The address can be used independently of the business partner.
The address is an object in itself and offers interfaces. The business partner is
based on these, and offers corresponding business partner interfaces.
The standard address is always maintained on the “Address” screen.
As of release ERP2005, the standard address of a business partner is no longer
portrayed using the indicator XDFADR in table BUT020. This indicator is
obsolete and you can no longer specify it on manual entry. With effect from
Release 6.40, the standard address is portrayed with the address use XXDEFAULT.
If you want to use addresses on a time basis, you can create different standard
addresses for different periods. For each time, you can specify one address as
standard address for the business partner.
Figure 23: Address Management: Additional Functions
To date, SAP uses software provided by the company UNISERV to carry out
the above checks. Interfaces provided by the company Paricon make the link to
Central Address Management. Integration with other software providers is also
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 1: Basics
Integration is guaranteed by BADIs (Business Add Ins). BADIs are open
interfaces that can be created at every level of a multi-level system landscape (R/3,
country versions, IS solutions, partner, customer and so on).
Examples of checks:
Postal check: Postal codes, cities and streets, and combinations of the same,
are checked for consistency. To activate the central address management
please review the SAP notes 098050 and 132948.
During the check, missing elements are added. For example, if only the city
has been entered, the postal code will then be added.
When you create and change a business partner, you are offered a number of
phonetically similar, existing partners for comparison purposes. In this way
you avoid creating the same partner more than once.
Error tolerant search means, that you can search for duplicate business partner
entries using the PF4 search function.
Figure 24: Contract Account: Structure and Function
For posting a document, a contract account must be assigned to a business partner.
A contract account can represent a grant type. It is necessary for the open item
accounting within FI-CA. A contract account is also a unit that groups business
partner postings (for example, tax type).
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Lesson: Master Data Objects in FI-CA
The contract account category determines the following attributes:
Whether you are allowed to assign only one business partner or more than
one to a contract account.
Whether you are allowed to assign only one contract or more than one.
Whether you are allowed to maintain a contract account online.
The number range that is allowed for external or internal number assignment.
Whether it is a one-time account.
The editing screens or data fields that you can use to edit the contract account.
You can use the method “BAPI_CTRACCOUNT_EASYCREATE” to create a
contract account with sample values.
Figure 25: Contract Account: Company Code Group
The company code group includes all company codes that are permitted for
posting to a contract account. One company code group is assigned to each
contract account. Company code groups can overlap. This means, for example,
you can have a group G1 that consists of company codes 0001, 0002, and 0003,
and group G2 that consists of 0001 and 0003.
Using the new event 1010, you can check whether a company code group is
permitted in a contract account. This enables you to prevent, for example, that
cross-country groups (in certain contract accounts) are used.
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Unit 1: Basics
Figure 26: Company Codes in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Exactly one paying company code is always assigned to each company code
group in Customizing. A paying company code is responsible for payment
transactions. You have to define house banks and payment methods for
paying company codes. Several company code groups can have the same
paying company code. The paying company code does not have to be in the
company code group itself.
You can also specify the paying company code in a business partner item. In
this case, this specification overrides the paying company code determined
via the company code group of the contract account. If a paying company
code specified in the line item is in a different country to the paying company
code determined via the contract account, you also have to specify a payment
method in the line item. In this case you cannot use the payment methods
from the contract accounts since they refer to a different country.
A standard company code is allocated to each contract account You use the
standard company code for all postings for which no company code can be
determined by other means (for example, for payments on account).
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Master Data Objects in FI-CA
Figure 27: Transfer of Responsible Company Code
The first check (contract account or document), which checks the validity of the
company code group or has it as a prerequisite, automatically transfers the relevant
company code to the company code groups and paying company codes.
The system creates a company code group with the same key for each responsible
company code. The company codes that were previously allocated to the
responsible company code are allocated to this company code group. The
responsible company code is allocated as the paying company code for the group.
This guarantees the continuity for the existing organization model.
The description of the responsible company code is copied as the description of
the company code group. As the new description is language-dependent, it is
automatically created in all languages used in the installation. The languages are
determined by analyzing the document type texts.
Change to contract accounts
A company code group and standard company code are necessary specifications
for new contract accounts. You can use conversion report RFKKSTDBK to add
the missing standard company code for contract accounts that already exist.
The standard company code is then given the value of the previous responsible
company code. The conversion of contract accounts can take place in sections
subsequently. Accounts that have not yet been converted are handled by the
system as though the conversion had already taken place.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 1: Basics
Figure 28: Elements of the Customer Profile
The business partner's payment patterns are reflected in his/her creditworthiness.
The dunning procedure that should be used is defined at contract account level.
The payment condition determines the due date and cash discount deadline,
among other things.
The clearing category controls payment allocation and the clearing of credit
notes and receivables.
The interest key is used to determine individual conditions for interest calculation.
The account determination ID is used for determining general ledger accounts.
The account class is not used by SAP programs and can, therefore, be used freely.
The tolerance group defines limits for payment differences in the incoming
The business partner's payment patterns are reflected in his/her creditworthiness.
You can override automatic determination of creditworthiness by entering a
percentage-based weighting and creditworthiness data manually.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Master Data Objects in FI-CA
Figure 29: Creditworthiness 1
Creditworthiness is stored in the business partner's master data record.
Creditworthiness can be updated manually or in the dunning run.
You can also enter creditworthiness data manually. This means that
business transactions such as a customer complaint over unjustified returns
(creditworthiness improvement) or “black lists” from external credit
evaluators (worsening creditworthiness) can also influence a business partner's
Manual creditworthiness entries influence a business partner's creditworthiness the
same as the entries created by the system. They can contain positive (worsening
creditworthiness) and negative (improved credit worthiness) values. They can
also be reversed.
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Unit 1: Basics
Figure 30: Creditworthiness 2
Dynamic calculation of current creditworthiness:
Table of creditworthiness weighting TFK046A:
1 month - factor 4
2 months - factor 3
The following formula is used for the runtime 04.01.2003:
5 creditworthiness points (February) * 3 + 15 creditworthiness points (March) * 4
= 75 creditworthiness number
If SAP Credit Management from Financial Supply Chain Management is activated,
the creditworthiness recorded in FI-CA is passed to the SAP Credit Management
and can be used for the rating of the here stored internal creditworthiness. Internal
processes such a dunning and returns processing shall be influenced by the
internal score of SAP Credit Management and thus it has to be transferred back to
FI-CA. It is visible here in the creditworthiness display in FI-CA with the date
of the last replication.
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Lesson: Master Data Objects in FI-CA
Figure 31: Payment Terms
The payment term contains data for determining the due date and cash discount
The payment conditions of general ledger accounting are referenced.
FI-CA supports the single-level cash discount procedure.
You can store different rules for determining the due date for credit and receivables.
The due date can automatically be corrected to a working day in connection with
the factory calendar.
Figure 32: Lock Concept
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Unit 1: Basics
Postings to a contract account can be prevented by a central posting block. This
prevents postings, clearing, reversal, and the cancellation of clearing for the
involved account.
In addition, the open items in this account are not dunned. During online
clearing processing, open items of blocked contract accounts are flagged with an
appropriate icon. It is not possible to activate these items.
Individual business processes can also be prevented by locks. You can set these
locks for all items at contract account level, or at the level of an individual item.
Lock reasons can be defined in Customizing.
All locks can be given a time limit. Once this limit has expired, the locks are
You can generate a list of business locks in the SAP application menu under
Utilities Industry → Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable → For Contract
Accounts → Evaluation of Business Blocks. When you do this, you can select lock
entries according to business partner, contract account, lock category, process and
lock reason. The entries are output as a report list or ALV list and can be sorted
according to business partner or contract account.
You can create processing locks with transaction FKLOCK2 (Menu : Periodic
Processing → For Contract Accounts). From the selection criteria Business
Partner, Contract Account, Contract, Company Code, you can set mass locks
for a combination of Lock Category, Process and Lock Reason. To delete mass
locks, you can use transaction FPLKDEL.
Figure 33: Locks
Locks for contract account: Dunning, posting, invoicing, correspondence dunning,
interest calculation, incoming payments and outgoing payments.
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Lesson: Master Data Objects in FI-CA
You can set the lock for a limited period, or multiple locks for the individual
business transactions.
Hint: If you only define one reason for the lock, then it is valid for an
unlimited amount of time.
If you only enter one lock reason, then you can change or delete it. If you
have set several time-dependent locks, use the arrow key to make changes.
You can then enter the changes in a dialog box.
If you have set multiple time-dependent locks, then only a ~ is displayed.
In this case you can use the arrow key to display the other locks.
You can use the FPLKA transaction, under 'Periodic Processing → For Contract
Accounts → Evaluation of Processing Locks' to evaluate locks that have been set.
Bank Data and Payment Card Maintenance
You can use transaction FPP4 to:
Create new bank details
(determine a new bank ID for event 1053)
Change/delete existing bank details
Create new payment cards
(determine a new payment ID for event 1054)
Change/delete existing payment card details and create customer
Print confirmation letters
Control follow-up actions (such as dunning reversal and reversal of
Make further changes to a contract account (event 1083)
Transaction FPP4 makes it considerably easier to change business partner-related
bank data. This allows you, for example, to change the bank details for a customer
changing from cash payer to direct debit payer in the business partner master
record and in dependent objects at the same time in the Maintain Payment Data
You can use a flexible set of rules to control follow-up actions such as the reversal
of dunnings.
If you set the 'Create Bank ID' indicator in the client-specific settings in
Customizing, you can determine a new bank details ID for the relevant business
partner at event 1053.
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Unit 1: Basics
If you set the 'Create Credit Card ID' indicator in the client-specific settings in
Customizing, you can determine a new payment card ID for the relevant business
partner at event 1054.
With a function module processed in event 1083 you can make further changes to
the contract account when you save the data. In this event, you can, for example,
change the field Planning Group in the contract account if a customer changes
from being a cash payer to a direct debit payer.
Figure 34: Bank Data and Payment Card Maintenance
Transaction FPP4 Maintain Bank Data makes it much easier to change a business
partner‘s bank details. This allows you, for example, to change the bank details
for a customer changing from cash payer to direct debit payer in the business
partner master record and in dependent objects at the same time in the Maintain
Payment Data transaction.
The following is possible:
Create new bank details
Change/delete existing bank details
Create new payment cards
Change/delete existing payment card data
Create customer contacts
Print confirmation letters
Control follow-up activities (such as dunning reversal and reversal of locks)
Make further changes to a contract account (event 1083)
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Master Data Objects in FI-CA
If you set the 'Create Bank ID' indicator in the client-specific settings in
Customizing, you can determine a new bank details ID for the relevant business
partner at event 1053.
If you set the 'Create Credit Card ID' indicator in the client-specific settings in
Customizing, you can determine a new payment card ID for the relevant business
partner at event 1054.
With a function module processed in event 1083 you can make further changes to
the contract account when you save the data. In this event, you can, for example,
change the field Planning Group in the contract account if a customer changes
from being a cash payer to a direct debit payer.
Figure 35: Basic Customizing
To generate an FI-CA project for IS-U, IS-T, or IS-M, you must select both
contract accounts receivable and payable and IS-U-CA, IS-T-CA or IS-M-CA in
the component hierarchy during project generation.
When contract accounts receivable and payable is integrated in an industry add-on,
the industry in question (for example, IS-U) must be activated (application area).
The overviews of the Customizing activities in this unit only represent an extract
of the IMG.
Customizing of the (central) business partner is stored in the “cross-application
components” area.
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Unit 1: Basics
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the most important master data objects in FI-CA, and their
controlling elements.
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Lesson: Master Data Public Sector
Lesson: Master Data Public Sector
Lesson Overview
This lesson will teach you about the special features of the master data objects
within the PSCD solution
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Create and link the different master data objects in PS-CD.
Business Example
Figure 36: Master Data Structure: Structure Element
SAP business partner: Is a natural or legal person.
Contract account: Does not physically exist, contains accounting information.
Contract object Exists (or does not exist), is either a natural person/legal entity, a
moveable or non-moveable object or a right.
Physical contract objects can be properties or cars, for example.
Intangible, business partner-related contract objects can be a trade license or
another tax object (contract, notice), for example.
You can use the component SAP Business Partner to create and manage business
partners centrally.
If you use this component, you can merge partner data that may be distributed over
several systems within one company.
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Unit 1: Basics
Seamless integration of customer-specific data is possible without modification,
that is, release-independent, because defined interfaces exist for this purpose.
The SAP Business Partner component is part of SAP Business Framework. This
has considerable advantages because the link to the Business Framework ensures
that the business partner can be integrated into an existing system landscape and
that you can work with other external applications.
Figure 37: Master Data: Minimum Structure
You can post documents directly at contract account level without a contract object.
At least one business partner must be assigned to a contract account. You can
assign additional business partners to the relevant contract account if this is
allowed for the corresponding contract account category in Customizing.
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Lesson: Master Data Public Sector
Figure 38: Master Data: Contract Object (Scenario 1)
If you use the contract account object as a posting level when the document is
posted, this enables you to use the following functions:
You can assign a contract object to one or more business partners (for example,
mapping of condominium owners' association). The selection option is defined in
You can define the following control elements at contract object level:
Control of payment methods for incoming and outgoing payments
Conrol data for expected inbound correspondence
Cash reference number (if necessary, with check digit procedure)
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Unit 1: Basics
Figure 39: Master Data: Contract Object (Scenario 2)
You can also assign several contract accounts or tax types to the contract object as
an object for a property, a branch and so on.
Figure 40: Master Data: Summarized Contract Accounts (Scenario 3)
It only makes sense to use different contract accounts for different revenues for
each business partner if you have a manageable number of revenue types.
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Lesson: Master Data Public Sector
Using different contract account categories depends on whether different dunning
procedures and clearing controls for payments are relevant for different receivable
You can distinguish between the different receivable types by using different
contract object types and/or main and subtransactions in the document.
Figure 41: Control Parameter in the Master Data
You can use the data contained in the posting documents to override or extend the
some of the above-mentioned control parameters. For example, you can define the
payment methods and dunning procedures in line items.
Apart from the exceptions 'dunning procedure' and 'alternative clearing control'
(contract account level), you can use the control parameters for contract objects
AND contract accounts at master data level.
Hint: You can control whether the the payment parameters defined in the
contract object or the payment parameters defined in the contract account
are used by setting the corresponding indicator in the contract object.
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Unit 1: Basics
Figure 42: Duplicate Search for Creating Business Partners
As of release ERP 2005, you can use transaction FMCABP to search for duplicates
that already exist when you create a business partner. In Customizing, you can
define which rule you want to use (name, address, bank details) to select business
partners that have already been created.
If the system finds duplicates, the user can decide to copy these proposals.
Figure 43: Contract Object: Configurations
In the basic data, you enter the names of the contract object and the contract object
type assigned to it. The contract object type defines the grouping characteristic
of the contract object. You can define a contract object type in Customizing for
the contract object.
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Lesson: Master Data Public Sector
You can use contract object types to differentiate between the contract objects.
Contract object category: See the next slide.
Figure 44: Contract Object: Master Data Structure
In BDT (Business Data Toolset), you define the data structure of a contract object
type. This is called the contract object category. In the context of the BDT
application object “contract object”, the term “category” is used as a synonym
for “business partner role” (BP role).
SAP provides three contract object categories (“PAAC with a link to the business
partner and contract accounts”, “PSOB without a link to the business partner and
the contract account”, “PSDD for a campus with a link to the business partner, the
contract account and the due date”).
The contract account data is not mandatory.
Hint: As soon as postings are made, this data can no longer be changed.
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Unit 1: Basics
Figure 45: Contract Object: Configuration
You can create a contract object directly, you can use a template (an existing
contract object) or you can use template values from Customizing.
You can only assign a contract object to a business partner, a contract account
(contract account data) using a contract object type with the contract category
“PAAC or PSDD” defined in Customizing. You can create the contract account
data with or without the default values defined in Customizing for the contract
On the Basic Data tab page, you enter a partner relationship by assigning a
business partner and a contract account type. If necessary, you can create new
business partners and contract accounts directly.
If you want to have a different control logic for the contract object from the one
assigned in the contract account, proceed as follows:
To define an alternative correspondence control, set the “Correspondence
Parameters Active for Contract Object” indicator on the Correspondence tab page
and enter the required correspondence data.
To define an alternative invoicing, you must set the “Correspondence Parameters
Active for Contract Object” indicator and the “Separate Invoice” indicator on the
Correspondence tab page and enter an invoice type.
To define an alternative payer or payment recipient set the “Correspondence
Parameters Active for Contract Object” indicator on the Payment Data tab page
and enter the relevant business partner.
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Lesson: Master Data Public Sector
You can flag individual records of contract account data that are assigned to a a
contract object as obsolete and thereby exclude them from the further contract
object processing (for example, in transaction PSOBWORK).
The prerequisite for setting this indicator is that there are no open items or open
inbound correspondence for the specified contract account data record (that is, for
the specified business partner, contract account type and contract account). You
can set the Obsolete indicator on the Basic Data tab page in the administration
data screen area.
The contract account data records are hidden in all the F4 helps and overview
lists for contract objects. Only administrators with the special authorization
F_KK_SOND for activity '24' can display and edit these entries in transaction
PSOBWORK. Administrators can edit obsolete account data by following the
menu path Extras → Administration → Display Obsolete Data or Hide Obsolete
For each contract object type, you can define in Customizing whether several
business partners are allowed to be assigned to a contract object or whether this
should be a unique assignment. Since each assigned business partner corresponds
to a record of tax data for the PSCD, the number of assigned contract accounts
is also reduced if this option is active.
Check digits
Check digits allow you to validate:
Business partner numbers
Conract account numbers
Contract object numbers
Prerequisite: Internal number assignment
Check digits allow you to validate contract account and/or business partner
numbers and you can use them with incoming payments. To be able to use check
digits, contract accounts and business partners must have internal numbers.
Example: A customer has deposited a payment and has entered his contract
account number in the Payer field by mistake. In this case, the check digit
algorithm can automatically correct the error (if the error does not involve
several numbers). SAP does not provide the algorithm, however it does deliver
the required events.
Business partner: You add the check digit procedure with event 1051. SAP
provides sample function module FKK_SAMPLE_1051_2_CHECKDIGITS for
two check digits.
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Unit 1: Basics
Contract account: You can use leading check digits when you create contract
accounts. You can have one or more characters. Event 1019 and function module
FKK_SAMPLE_1019_2_CHECKDIGITS (the delivered sample function module
that uses two check digits) are used for the contract account check digit procedure.
Contract objects: You can use a customer enhancement to implement a check digit
procedure for the contract object numbers. You can find further information about
this in sample function module FMCA_SAMPLE_P500.
SAP provides a check digit procedure for contract objects based on the modulo
11 procedure (FMCA_MODULO11_DIGIT_P500). This procedure is supported
during the interpretation of note to payee of the electronic account statement.
Figure 46: Business Partner Overview
The business partner overview is configurable. You can assign a configuration to
individual users in user maintenance or you can define it as the standard.
The contract accounts and contract objects of the business partners are displayed
hierarchically in a tree structure. The contract objects are subordinate to the
contract accounts. The user can navigate in this tree by double-clicking or by using
the environment menus. The system displays some data for the master data object
that is currently selected in the top screen area. You can use a customer-specific
program and subscreen to define the master data information.
The system displays the additional data for a business partner on a tab page. You
can customize the sequence of the tab pages and how they are displayed.
Data retrieval is carried out in events. You can replace the standard modules for
data retrieval by customer-specific modules.
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Lesson: Master Data Public Sector
You can navigate from the user interface to a number of other transactions.
Additional functions that you can set in Customizing are provided as pushbuttons
or menu entries for calling editing functions.
You can define the business partner overview settings in Customizing under:
Configure Business Partner Overview
Maintain Additional Functions for Business Partner Overview
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Unit 1: Basics
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Lesson: Master Data Public Sector
Exercise 1: Master Data Public Sector
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Create master data
Maintain the relationships between the business partner, the contract account
and the contract object
Change bank data
Business Example
Your administration is responsible for collecting different taxes and charges. The
business partner requires three contract accounts for property tax, waste water
fees and other charges. The business partner requires two addresses.
Your business partner aggrees on subsequent automatic debit for property taxes
and fees with your administration.
Figure 47: Master Data: Overview
Master data overview
Continued on next page
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Unit 1: Basics
Figure 48: Master data: Exercise overview
Create business partners
Choose your user menu (or choose Ctrl+F10).
Hint: Check your user parameters under System → User
Profile → Own Data → tab page 'Parameters' → Parameter ID
'ADDRESS_SCREEN' and assign parameter value '001'.
Menu path: Master Data → Business Partner → Create Contract Partner
Hint: Check your user parameters (System → User Parameters →
Own Data): With the parameter: “ADDRESS_SCREEN”, fixed
value ‘004’ for the US and ‘001’ for the European address format.
SAP field names
Choose 'Person' and 'Enter'
Initial screen
Business partner
BPXX (XX is your group number)
PSCD alphanumeric (9999)
Business partner role
Contract partner (MKK)
Tab page: Address
First name
Your first name
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Master Data Public Sector
Last name
Your last name
Search terms
Search term 1
Your initials or your last name
Standard address
Enter your standard address and the address for the dunning notices
Standard street
House number
Your house number
Postal code
Standard city
Use the F4 help to make your
Your telephone number
Your E-mail address
Tab page: Address Overview
Enter the second address for the dunning notice.
To enter the additional address, go to the Address Overview tab page. In
(paper icon) and enter the relevant
the address overview, choose Create
additional address.
Standard street
House number
Your house number
Postal code
Standard city
Then choose 'Continue' to return to the address overview.
Assign your standard address to the address usage 'correspondence
address'. Double-click the address usage 'standard address' and assign
the relevant address.
Continued on next page
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Unit 1: Basics
Tab page: Identification
Personal data
(additional fields)
Enter the gender or other personal
Choose 'Relationships'.
Here, you can define relationships to other business partners. No entry.
Make a note of the number of your business partner:
Business partner number_____________________
3. Create contract accounts:
Create two differnet contract accounts with internal number assignment.
Figure 49: Master Data: Overview (Contract Accounts)
Menu path: Master Data → Contract Accounts → Create (transaction
Contract account 1: Waste water fee:
Continued on next page
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Master Data Public Sector
SAP field names
Contract account 'Waste water fee'
Enter business partner number
BPXX (your business partner)
Enter contract account category
01 (Waste water fee for property)
Choose 'Create with Sample' or 'ENTER'
Tab page: General Data
Enter the contract account name
Waste water fee group XX
Account relationship
Account holder
Tolerance group
Standard 0% (USD)
Clearing category
ÖFFR - Incoming paym.- Additional
rec. first
Interest key
Interest calculation for each month
started 1%
Tab page: Payments/Taxes
Company code group
Standard company code
Tab page: Dunning
Dunning procedure
Public law dunning procedure with
Corresp. variants
Variant 01
Contract account number_____________________
Contract account 2: Property taxes and fees
SAP field names
Contract account Property taxes and fees
Enter business partner number
BPXX (your business partner)
Enter contract account category
03 (Property taxes and fees)
Choose “Create with Sample”. Check whether the following
specifications were transferred automatically
Tab page: General Data
Continued on next page
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 1: Basics
Change the contract account name
Property tax → Property taxes and
Account relationship
Account holder
Change the tolerance group
Standard 0% (UNI) →Standard 0%
Clearing category
ÖFFR - Incoming paym.- Additional
rec. first
Interest key
Interest calculation for each month
started 1%
Tab page: Payments/Taxes
Company code group
Standard company code
Tab page: Dunning
Dunning procedure
Public law dunning procedure with
Corresp. variants
Variant 01
Contract account number _____________________
Create a contract object:
Create a contract object for your business partner. Start by entering the
contract object type and then choose Create. The number assignment is
Menu path: Master Data → Contract Object → Edit Contract Object
(transaction PSOBWORK)
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Master Data Public Sector
Figure 50: Master Data: (Create a contract object "Property" and its
assignment to the contract accounts "Waste Water" and "Property
Taxes and Fees")
Create contract object 1: Property
SAP field names
Contract object #1
Contract object
No entry (internal number
Contract object type
9999 (property)
Object name
Property from group XX
'Sample for A/R and A/P Data'
Business partner number
BPXX (your business partner)
Choose the contract account
01 (waste water fee)
Choose Enter to check the correct entries.
Contract object number _____________________
Continued on next page
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Unit 1: Basics
Note: Now enter the assignment to the second contract account
Select the contract object that you have just created and choose
(Change). Choose “Sample for A/R and A/P Data”
Business partner number
BPXX (your business partner)
Choose the contract account
03 (property tax)
Go to the Inbound Correspondence tab page.
Automatic request
First period (year)
Correspondence dunning procedure
KM - Correspondence dunning
Create contract object 2: Childcare contributions
Figure 51: Master data: (Create a contract object for a childcare
contribution and simultaneously create a new contract account)
SAP field names
Contract object: Childcare contribution
Contract object
No entry (internal number
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Master Data Public Sector
Contract object type
0001 (Childcare contribution)
Choose Create
Object name
Child 1 for group XX
Business partner number
BPXX (your business partner)
“Create Contract Account”. You can create a new contract
account for services
Create a contract account 'Service'
SAP field names
Contract account
No entry (internal number
Business partner number
Copied from contract object
Contract account cat.
04 (Services)
Choose Create with Sample
Check the following default values
Tab page: General Data
Enter the contract account name
Services group XX
Account relationship
Account holder
Check the tolerance group
Standard 0% (USD)
Clearing category
PRIR - Incoming paym.- Main
Receivables first
Interest key
Penalty surcharge according to
fiscal code
Tab page: Dunning
Invoice type
Invoice type 01
Dunning procedure
Private law dunning procedure
Corresp. variants
Variant 01
Contract account number _____________________
Continued on next page
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Unit 1: Basics
(Back F3) to return to transaction 'Create Contract Account'.
Contract object number ______________________
Contract object parking permit and waste charges:
Figure 52: Master data: (Create two contract objects “parking permit”
and “waste charges” incl. assignment to contract account “Services”.
Contract object Parking permit
SAP field names
Contract object Parking permit
Contract object
No entry (internal number
Contract object type
0002 (Parking permit)
Choose '
Name object
Your vehicle number
'Sample for A/R and A/P Data'
Business partner number
BPXX (your business partner)
Contract account category
04 (Services)
Tab page: Correspondence
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Master Data Public Sector
Set the indicator for
“Correspondence Parameters
Active for Contract Object”
Correspondence variants
Variant 01
Separate Invoice
Invoice type
Invoice type 01
Contract object number ______________________
Contract object Waste charges:
SAP field names
Contract object Waste charges
Contract object
No entry (internal number
Contract object type
0003 (Contract for garbage fee)
Choose '
Name object
Waste charges group XX
'Sample for A/R and A/P Data'
Business partner number
BPXX (your business partner)
Contract account category
04 (services)
Contract object number ______________________
Change bank details
Your business partner wants to arrange an automatic debit for the property
taxes and fees contract account. You change the bank details for the
business partner and you enter the payment method 'automatic debit' for
the corresponding contract account.
Menu path: Master Data → Business Partner → Maintain Bank Details
(transaction FPP4)
Continued on next page
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Unit 1: Basics
SAP field names
Business partner number
BPXX (your business partner)
(Continue) or ‘Enter’
New bank details: Bank key
Bank Account
Any account number
Choose Enter The system displays a new editing screen on which you
must enter the new bank details ID.
Bank Details
Choose . Deselect all the contract accounts up to the property taxes
and fees.
Choose Simulate Changes
Save your entries. The system lists the possible follow-up actions.
Confirm these actions in the subsequent dialog boxes.
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Lesson: Master Data Public Sector
Solution 1: Master Data Public Sector
Figure 53: Master Data: Overview
Master data overview
Figure 54: Master data: Exercise overview
There is no solution.
Create business partners
Continued on next page
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Unit 1: Basics
Choose your user menu (or choose Ctrl+F10).
Hint: Check your user parameters under System → User
Profile → Own Data → tab page 'Parameters' → Parameter ID
'ADDRESS_SCREEN' and assign parameter value '001'.
Menu path: Master Data → Business Partner → Create Contract Partner
Hint: Check your user parameters (System → User Parameters →
Own Data): With the parameter: “ADDRESS_SCREEN”, fixed
value ‘004’ for the US and ‘001’ for the European address format.
SAP field names
Choose 'Person' and 'Enter'
Initial screen
Business partner
BPXX (XX is your group number)
PSCD alphanumeric (9999)
Business partner role
Contract partner (MKK)
Tab page: Address
First name
Your first name
Last name
Your last name
Search terms
Search term 1
Your initials or your last name
Standard address
Enter your standard address and the address for the dunning notices
Standard street
House number
Your house number
Postal code
Standard city
Use the F4 help to make your
Continued on next page
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Master Data Public Sector
Your telephone number
Your E-mail address
Tab page: Address Overview
Enter the second address for the dunning notice.
To enter the additional address, go to the Address Overview tab page. In
(paper icon) and enter the relevant
the address overview, choose Create
additional address.
Standard street
House number
Your house number
Postal code
Standard city
Then choose 'Continue' to return to the address overview.
Assign your standard address to the address usage 'correspondence
address'. Double-click the address usage 'standard address' and assign
the relevant address.
Tab page: Identification
Personal data
(additional fields)
Enter the gender or other personal
Choose 'Relationships'.
Here, you can define relationships to other business partners. No entry.
Make a note of the number of your business partner:
Business partner number_____________________
There is no solution.
3. Create contract accounts:
Continued on next page
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Unit 1: Basics
Create two differnet contract accounts with internal number assignment.
Figure 55: Master Data: Overview (Contract Accounts)
Menu path: Master Data → Contract Accounts → Create (transaction
Contract account 1: Waste water fee:
SAP field names
Contract account 'Waste water fee'
Enter business partner number
BPXX (your business partner)
Enter contract account category
01 (Waste water fee for property)
Choose 'Create with Sample' or 'ENTER'
Tab page: General Data
Enter the contract account name
Waste water fee group XX
Account relationship
Account holder
Tolerance group
Standard 0% (USD)
Clearing category
ÖFFR - Incoming paym.- Additional
rec. first
Interest key
Interest calculation for each month
started 1%
Tab page: Payments/Taxes
Company code group
Standard company code
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Master Data Public Sector
Tab page: Dunning
Dunning procedure
Public law dunning procedure with
Corresp. variants
Variant 01
Contract account number_____________________
Contract account 2: Property taxes and fees
SAP field names
Contract account Property taxes and fees
Enter business partner number
BPXX (your business partner)
Enter contract account category
03 (Property taxes and fees)
Choose “Create with Sample”. Check whether the following
specifications were transferred automatically
Tab page: General Data
Change the contract account name
Property tax → Property taxes and
Account relationship
Account holder
Change the tolerance group
Standard 0% (UNI) →Standard 0%
Clearing category
ÖFFR - Incoming paym.- Additional
rec. first
Interest key
Interest calculation for each month
started 1%
Tab page: Payments/Taxes
Company code group
Standard company code
Tab page: Dunning
Dunning procedure
Public law dunning procedure with
Corresp. variants
Variant 01
Continued on next page
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Unit 1: Basics
Contract account number _____________________
There is no solution.
Create a contract object:
Create a contract object for your business partner. Start by entering the
contract object type and then choose Create. The number assignment is
Menu path: Master Data → Contract Object → Edit Contract Object
(transaction PSOBWORK)
Figure 56: Master Data: (Create a contract object "Property" and its
assignment to the contract accounts "Waste Water" and "Property
Taxes and Fees")
Create contract object 1: Property
SAP field names
Contract object #1
Contract object
No entry (internal number
Contract object type
9999 (property)
Object name
Property from group XX
'Sample for A/R and A/P Data'
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Master Data Public Sector
Business partner number
BPXX (your business partner)
Choose the contract account
01 (waste water fee)
Choose Enter to check the correct entries.
Contract object number _____________________
Note: Now enter the assignment to the second contract account
Select the contract object that you have just created and choose
(Change). Choose “Sample for A/R and A/P Data”
Business partner number
BPXX (your business partner)
Choose the contract account
03 (property tax)
Go to the Inbound Correspondence tab page.
Automatic request
First period (year)
Correspondence dunning procedure
KM - Correspondence dunning
Create contract object 2: Childcare contributions
Continued on next page
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Unit 1: Basics
Figure 57: Master data: (Create a contract object for a childcare
contribution and simultaneously create a new contract account)
SAP field names
Contract object: Childcare contribution
Contract object
No entry (internal number
Contract object type
0001 (Childcare contribution)
Choose Create
Object name
Child 1 for group XX
Business partner number
BPXX (your business partner)
“Create Contract Account”. You can create a new contract
account for services
Create a contract account 'Service'
SAP field names
Contract account
No entry (internal number
Business partner number
Copied from contract object
Contract account cat.
04 (Services)
Choose Create with Sample
Check the following default values
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Master Data Public Sector
Tab page: General Data
Enter the contract account name
Services group XX
Account relationship
Account holder
Check the tolerance group
Standard 0% (USD)
Clearing category
PRIR - Incoming paym.- Main
Receivables first
Interest key
Penalty surcharge according to
fiscal code
Tab page: Dunning
Invoice type
Invoice type 01
Dunning procedure
Private law dunning procedure
Corresp. variants
Variant 01
Contract account number _____________________
(Back F3) to return to transaction 'Create Contract Account'.
Contract object number ______________________
Contract object parking permit and waste charges:
Continued on next page
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 1: Basics
Figure 58: Master data: (Create two contract objects “parking permit”
and “waste charges” incl. assignment to contract account “Services”.
Contract object Parking permit
SAP field names
Contract object Parking permit
Contract object
No entry (internal number
Contract object type
0002 (Parking permit)
Choose '
Name object
Your vehicle number
'Sample for A/R and A/P Data'
Business partner number
BPXX (your business partner)
Contract account category
04 (Services)
Tab page: Correspondence
Set the indicator for
“Correspondence Parameters
Active for Contract Object”
Correspondence variants
Variant 01
Separate Invoice
Invoice type
Invoice type 01
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Master Data Public Sector
Contract object number ______________________
Contract object Waste charges:
SAP field names
Contract object Waste charges
Contract object
No entry (internal number
Contract object type
0003 (Contract for garbage fee)
Choose '
Name object
Waste charges group XX
'Sample for A/R and A/P Data'
Business partner number
BPXX (your business partner)
Contract account category
04 (services)
Contract object number ______________________
There is no solution.
Change bank details
Your business partner wants to arrange an automatic debit for the property
taxes and fees contract account. You change the bank details for the
business partner and you enter the payment method 'automatic debit' for
the corresponding contract account.
Menu path: Master Data → Business Partner → Maintain Bank Details
(transaction FPP4)
SAP field names
Business partner number
BPXX (your business partner)
(Continue) or ‘Enter’
New bank details: Bank key
Bank Account
Any account number
Choose Enter The system displays a new editing screen on which you
must enter the new bank details ID.
Continued on next page
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Unit 1: Basics
Bank Details
Choose . Deselect all the contract accounts up to the property taxes
and fees.
Choose Simulate Changes
Save your entries. The system lists the possible follow-up actions.
Confirm these actions in the subsequent dialog boxes.
There is no solution.
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Lesson: Master Data Public Sector
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Create and link the different master data objects in PS-CD.
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Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the most recent solutions in the public sector
Use event management to integrate customer-specific requirements into the
SAP System without modifying SAP programs.
Dramatically reduce the runtime for mass runs (such as payment runs or
dunning processing) by using parallel processes.
Explain the most important master data objects in FI-CA, and their
controlling elements.
Create and link the different master data objects in PS-CD.
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Unit 2
Unit Overview
This unit gives the participants an introduction into how to create, post and
evaluate documents. It also explains the functions of requests in PSCD.
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Explain the concept of the documents and the processes in Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable
Explain the specific structure of FI-CA documents and the configuration of
document types.
Post documents in FI-CA and know the special functions for document entry
in contract accounts receivable and payable.
Carry out manual postings
Use the account balance function
Explain the concept of the integration into the general ledger, and know how
to process and reconcile the transfer.
Navigate to the account balance display and configure it for your needs.
Transfer postings in the FI-CA subledger to the general ledger.
Find and analyze the postings that you have transferred.
Post requests in FI-CA
Create general requests
Update the relevant revenue/expense during the incoming payment from
the general requests.
Unit Contents
Lifecycle of Documents ............................................... 77
Document Structures ................................................. 84
Posting Documents.................................................... 93
Exercise on document posting......................................105
Integration with General Ledger Accounting ..................... 110
Account Balance Display ............................................122
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Unit 2: Documents
Exercise 2: Analysis of Contract Accounts..............................129
Lesson: Exercise on accounting integration.................................133
Lesson: Public Sector Requests ..............................................136
Exercise 3: Public Sector Requests - Document Entry................147
Lesson: Exercise on General Requests .....................................157
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Lesson: Lifecycle of Documents
Lesson: Lifecycle of Documents
Lesson Overview
Contract accounts receivable and payable is a sub-ledger accounting component
that manages mass data.
It is used for processing open items.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the concept of the documents and the processes in Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable
Business Example
Figure 59: The Life Cycle of an Open Item (1)
The life cycle of a receivable item in Contracts Account Receivable and Payable
reveals which processes from Contracts Account Receivable and Payable are
handled in FI-CA:
Open items can be posted in invoicing, dunning, or returns processing.
Alternatively, open items can be posted manually in subledger accounting
The usual form of document posting is posting from an invoice.
Items relevant for the general ledger are regularly compressed and transferred
to the general ledger.
Cleared documents that have expired can be archived.
Opened and cleared items can be displayed in the account display function.
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Unit 2: Documents
Figure 60: The Life Cycle of an Open Item (2)
Payments are initiated either by the business partner (cash payer) or via payment
runs (direct debit). Payments usually clear open items.
Figure 61: The Life Cycle of an Open Item (3)
In returns processing, cleared payments are reset, the source receivables are posted
as debit items, and return charges are posted. Return charges can be bank charges
that are passed on to the business partner or company charges.
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Lesson: Lifecycle of Documents
Figure 62: The Life Cycle of an Open Item (4)
Overdue items for cash payers or blocked items from direct debit payers can be
dunned. Dunning charges or interest on arrears can be posted.
Figure 63: The Life Cycle of an Open Item (5)
Interest calculation can be carried out automatically in invoicing and the dunning
run, or it can be triggered manually. An interest document is posted.
Interest can be calculated for cleared items as well as for credit and/or debit items.
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Unit 2: Documents
Figure 64: The Life Cycle of an Open Item (6)
Open documents can be deferred manually. A deferral can take place automatically
in returns processing.
The original due date is retained in the case of a deferral. If the deferral date is
reached and the item is still open, the original due date is used again for further
business processes.
Figure 65: The Life Cycle of an Open Item (7)
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Lesson: Lifecycle of Documents
You can define an installment plan for open items. Interest calculation can be
triggered via the installment plan.
The interest receivable is integrated into the installment plan.
Figure 66: The Life Cycle of an Open Item (8)
Overdue items can be entered as doubtful, adjusted individually or written off.
Figure 67: The Life Cycle of an Open Item (9)
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Unit 2: Documents
Items can be submitted to external collection agencies. Payments such as interest
and external collection agency charges can be posted automatically or manually.
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Lesson: Lifecycle of Documents
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the concept of the documents and the processes in Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable
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Unit 2: Documents
Lesson: Document Structures
Lesson Overview
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the specific structure of FI-CA documents and the configuration of
document types.
Business Example
Figure 68: Document Types for Single Processing
Each document type is identified by a two-digit abbreviation in connection with a
description. The document type classifies the document (for example, payment
document). You can define for each document type whether it can be used for
manual postings or as a document type for a payment or returns lot.
Each document type is allocated to a number range. Document number intervals
are specified for the corresponding document type using the number range. The
number range also determines whether document numbers are assigned internally
or externally.
Document number ranges are specified depending on the volume of the business
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Lesson: Document Structures
Figure 69: Number Ranges for Mass Processing
In addition to the document number ranges for manual posting, extra number
ranges must be defined and allocated for business transactions that result from
parallel mass processing (for example, invoicing or payment run).
The key for the mass processing number range must begin with a letter. The
parallel background processes take their document numbers from these number
range intervals. As a result, they must be defined depending on the volume of
business processes and the number of parallel processes.
If individual postings of a certain category are frequently executed in dialog (for
example, cash desk or cash journal), and if all postings are executed with the
same document type, users may have to wait because all users access the same
number range when document numbers are assigned. To avoid or reduce this
period of waiting, several number ranges for individual postings can be allocated
to a document type.
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Unit 2: Documents
Figure 70: Structure of a FI-CA Document (1)
The document header contains general data for the accounts receivable/payable
document such as: the document number, document category, document date,
posting date, currency, and reconciliation key. Data about the person making
entries and about the origin are stored in the administrative data of the document
Data relevant to posting is stored in the business partner items: Data on the
partner/contract, general ledger data (receivables account), data on the receivables
amount, specifications on the due date, dunning and clearing data, cash
management and forecast data, and other data.
Information on offsetting posting is stored in the offsetting item. This normally
means the line items for revenue posting(s) and the tax posting line items.
Offsetting items and tax lines are created automatically, so only the business
partner items must be created.
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Lesson: Document Structures
Figure 71: Structure of a FI-CA Document (2)
Repetition documents are put into repetition groups.
IS-U budget billing plans and installment plans are represented as documents
with repetition groups.
Figure 72: Structure of a Payment Document
The clearing document that can be posted, for example, during incoming payment,
only consists of a document header and the offsetting item(s).
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Unit 2: Documents
The following information is stored in the offsetting items: the payment amount,
the corresponding general ledger account, and information on the cleared
The document number of the clearing document, the clearing date, and the clearing
amount are stored in the business partner items of the cleared document.
This means that both documents are linked as long as the clearing exists. The
payment document does not maintain a business partner item since all information
on the business partner item can be viewed in the linked, cleared receivables
If clearing is reversed, the connection between the clearing document and the
receivable is deleted, and the payment document is given a new business partner
item with all posting information.
The clearing information is stored in the clearing history, even if clearing is
Figure 73: Document Structure for Partial Payments
If the incoming payment only results in a partial clearing, the item of the source
receivable document is split into a cleared partial item and a partial item that is
still open. The clearing data, that is the amount of the partial payment and the
document number of the payment, are stored in the cleared partial item.
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Lesson: Document Structures
Figure 74: Clearing Open Items (Partial Clearing)
In some cases documents do not retain their status. Document changes and the
clearing of open items sometimes require that the document is then saved in
a different form.
This split is required if a partial amount of the open item is cleared. An entry in
the subledger is split into two entries; the open portion and the cleared portion.
For the new sub-items, you also want to be able to recognize later that they
arose from one original item. In order to achieve this, an additional key field is
introduced into the Business Partner table: the sub-item number.
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Unit 2: Documents
Figure 75: Statistical Postings
Statistical postings make it easier to deal with uncertain receivables, since these
postings are not transferred to the general ledger and, as a result, are easier to
reverse if they are not paid.
Dunning charges are also a typical example of amounts that are often not paid, or
documents from an installment plan since the underlying source receivables have
already been posted in the general ledger.
Another example of this are budget billing receivables. This is because budget
billing amounts are not normally backed up by a bill and, if they are not paid, are
more difficult to collect than amounts based on a bill. Furthermore, in the case
of budget billing requests, value-added tax is only due when the budget billing
amount is paid and the receivable is posted in the general ledger.
Figure 76: Structure of a Statistical Document
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Lesson: Document Structures
Statistical documents only consist of a document header and business partner
items. These documents are not forwarded to the general ledger.
Figure 77: Payment for Statistical Items
When statistical items are cleared (for example by a payment), the clearing
information is stored in the statistical document. A “real” business partner item
(that is relevant for the general ledger) is created simultaneously in the payment
document and cleared immediately. This item transaction is determined from
Customizing. Revenue and tax lines are added to the offsetting item.
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Unit 2: Documents
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the specific structure of FI-CA documents and the configuration of
document types.
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Lesson: Posting Documents
Lesson: Posting Documents
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of how to post documents in Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Post documents in FI-CA and know the special functions for document entry
in contract accounts receivable and payable.
Business Example
Figure 78: Goals of Document Entry
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Unit 2: Documents
Figure 79: Post Document: Entry Point
You can use the screen variants defined in Customizing to design the screens to
execute the functions for the business transactions mentioned above (for example,
creating a manual bill). You can select the fields you want hidden when the
functions for posting, changing or creating a document are executed. For example,
it makes sense to hide the fields containing information on the dunning procedure
from the document entry. Users can store their preferred screen variants in the
central user-specific settings in Customizing. This setting can be changed in the
initial screen and during document entry.
In addition, certain fields can be hidden client-dependent by Customizing as long
as they are not needed in business transaction.
In the initial screen for document entry, the company code is used as the default
value for the line items. You can overwrite it here.
When posting with tax, you can select whether the tax rate is entered manually or
automatically determined and calculated from the business partner item.
The “net receivables” field specifies that the amount entered is treated as a net
amount; otherwise the amount entered forms the basis of tax calculation as a
gross amount.
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Lesson: Posting Documents
Figure 80: List Entry: Business Partner Items
You can select various freely definable line layout variants in the list for entering
business partner items. Fields included in a variant cannot be longer than 250
Screen variants are specified in the customizing of the documents. In the initial
screen of the Post Document transaction, you can enter the two line layout variants
in the line layout for list entry group box. When you choose the Display/Change
Settings function, the system displays a dialog box. You can select and save the
variants in this dialog box using the input help. The variants are saved in the
user parameters.
You can branch to the detail view of document entry by double-clicking on a line.
The detail view contains all document fields that can be maintained..
One or more items can be posted for one business partner.
You can also enter items for different business partners within the same document.
These items are posted in one document number.
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Unit 2: Documents
Figure 81: Posting - Foreign Currency
The exchange rate can either be determined from the rates stored in the system, or
by an entered exchange rate when entering a document in a foreign currency.
If you want to calculate the exchange rate of a specific date, you must enter this
exchange rate date. If you do not, the system uses the current rate.
If an exchange rate is entered, it is compared to the rates stored in the system. If
the rates differ, a message is displayed.
An exchange rate can only be entered by users for whom a local currency is stored
in their user-specific settings for FI-CA.
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Lesson: Posting Documents
Figure 82: Cross-Company Code Posting
The business partner is not allocated to a company code. The information on the
paying company code is stored in the contract account via the company code group.
Incoming and outgoing payments are handled via the paying company code.
Posting examples:
(1) Debit entry (without revenue and tax)
(2) Cash receipt in company code 0001 (without bank account display)
(3a) Payment allocation in company code 0001
(3b) Payment allocation in company code 0002
(4) Company code 0001 owes a payment to company code 0002.
(4) Company code 0002 receives a payment from company code 0001.
The posting (4) is created with the incoming payment.
Cross-company code posting must be set in the central user settings.
The clearing accounts for payments/receivables are specified in customizing.
One or more documents are posted in each affected company code during the
transfer of the summary records to general ledger accounting.
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Unit 2: Documents
Figure 83: Posting Documents - Additional Function
Document types can be blocked for manual posting.
The non-periodic posting indicator means that an non-periodic posting takes place
in an alternative account. The indicator specifies that the posting is not for the
current posting period, however is posted there.
The start of the billing period, to which the previous open items relate.
Use: The business partner can be informed of the date in payment notifications,
account statements, direct debits or other correspondence. The date is only used
for information purposes when displaying documents or accounts.
For utility and telecommunications companies, this date is used as well as the
posting date for manual posting for determination of tax on sales and purchases. If
postings relate to a demand period during which the tax on sales and purchases
was changed, the posting date is most often unsuitable. In such cases, this date can
be specified. It is used to determine the tax on sales and purchases.
Individual documents can be printed using the correspondence component
(correspondence type 014).
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Lesson: Posting Documents
Figure 84: Manual Posting with Clearing
Open items to be cleared may belong to a:
Business partner
Contract account (usually 2nd criteria)
Contract or contract object
Company Code
Applied period (this is in tax and revenue management usually the 1st
Due date
From the transaction Post document you can access the selection screen for
entering selection criteria by clicking on the button Process open items or Select
open items.
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Unit 2: Documents
Figure 85: Manual Posting with Clearing: Display
In addition to standard display options, you can use create line layouts in
customizing to customize the display of fields during display.
Figure 86: Example: Manual Posting with Clearing - Display Options
You can double-click the field in the “Gross Amount” column (or another amount
column) to select (= activate) open items with clearing with the entered (assigned)
amount. The gross amount is proposed as the clearing amount. The items are
deactivated if you double-click again.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Posting Documents
The amount entered may be insufficient to clear all the activated open items
completely. By double-clicking on the open items in the “gross clearing” column,
partial clearing of the open item is proposed for the amount that is not yet assigned.
You can overwrite this default value. Alternatively, you can enter individual
amounts in the fields in the “Gross clearing” column.
By putting a checkmark in the box at the beginning of the line, you can select
multiple open items for activation or deactivation as a group (also possible from
the menu, function keys or line commands).
Figure 87: Clearing: Generation of Line Items
Various new line items can be generated by allocating clearing amounts to open
Differences in exchange rates must be posted during the clearing of foreign
currency documents.
If a cash discount is granted and deducted, you must post the cash discount paid.
Minor differences that do not exceed tolerance limits are posted as paid or received.
When you clear a statistical charge request, the system automatically posts and
clears an actual charge request.
A down payment must be posted for the clearing of a down payment request.
Cash discount postings or revenue from charges can be subject to tax. The tax
amount is automatically calculated and posted.
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Unit 2: Documents
Figure 88: Clearing: Different Currency
It is possible to clear open items in a different currency. For example, receivables
can be cleared in EUR with an incoming payment in USD.
All selected open items are recalculated in the clearing currency if they have
different document currencies. The calculation is carried out in two steps using the
posting date of the clearing document:
Document currency -> Local Currency / Local Currency -> Clearing
In this way, maintaining the rates for all currency pairs is not necessary.
The system uses the current average rate for the conversion according the rate
table. If you have agreed upon different rates or amounts with the customer,
differences will then appear during the conversion. In Account Maintenance
(menu: Account -> Maintenance) in the screen Account Maintenance: Process
Open Items, you can change the converted amounts and prevent these differences.
The clearing currency and the clearing amount are stored in a cleared item.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Posting Documents
Figure 89: Interfaces for Transferring IDocs
The IDoc interface is a standard communication procedure of the SAP System
and is used to exchange business information with an external system or another
SAP System.
In order to be able to receive and process data from an external billing system
efficiently and carry out a mass transfer of data effectively, the IDoc interfaces
of FI-CA use the infrastructure of the IDoc technology. You can use the FI-CA
IDoc interfaces to:
Transfer bill documents and (if desired) update data in CO-PA
Set an archive link to optically archived bills or archive external documents
Transfer reversals of bills
Transfer open items to the legacy system to be printed on bills
An optimized processing of the usually large data volume created, for example, in a
bill or reversal run, is achieved by scaled parallelization of processing in mass runs
where you can process intervals of IDocs on several application servers in parallel.
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Unit 2: Documents
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Post documents in FI-CA and know the special functions for document entry
in contract accounts receivable and payable.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Exercise on document posting
Lesson: Exercise on document posting
Lesson Overview
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Carry out manual postings
Use the account balance function
Business Example
You have created your master data in the PSCD system. You now want to post your
payment requests manually in the system and check the values in your account.
Task 1:
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Unit 2: Documents
Manually post waste water fees of 300 EUR to your business partner against the
relevant contract account with the period key “YYYY” and with the current date
minus one month as the due date (DD/MM-1/YYYY).
Use yesterday's date as the document and posting date, “DR” as the document
type and “EUR” as the currency.
Enter the value “GROUP##” (your group number) in the “Reconciliation
Key” field so that you can easily distinguish your documents from the
documents of the other course participants. Use this reconciliation key for
all postings in this exercise for this chapter.
Use company code P100. Use BP for the line layout for the business partner
line and GL for the line layout for the general ledger account line.
Hint: The reconciliation key from the relevant programs is set by default
for postings that are automatically supported.
The period key is the key that can be used to define a period (PERSL). If
the period key in your business partner line is not set, you can double-click
the business partner line to display the field in “Additional data”.
If you require a start date and an end date, you can use the fields for the
calculation periods (ABRZU/ABRZO).
Leave the other entries that were set by default. Choose “Enter” and then
“Yes” in the dialog box that appears to create the reconciliation key that
you determined manually.
Choose “Continue” to confirm the next dialog box. The view of this screen
(fields that are ready for input in a specific sequence) is determined by the
screen variant that you can set according to your requirements.
You can choose “Line Layout” and choose a different one to see how this
option works.
Double-click a field in the first line to see what other entries are possible.
Use the “Back” pushbutton to return to the original entry variant.
Enter company code P100, your business partner, your contract account for
waste water fees, the amount 300 EUR, the due date “DD/MM-1/YYYY ”
and the main transaction and subtransaction “4010/0000”. Note that the
YYYY place holder is for the current year, DD is for the current day and MM
is for the current month. For MM-1, use one month before the current month.
If Funds Management integration is active, the commitment item and the
funds center are derived.
You must enter the relevant period key “YYYY” yourself.
Make a note of the document number: __________________________.
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Lesson: Exercise on document posting
BUKRS Business
Amount Due
Task 2:
Make a second posting of 500 EUR.
Leave the default values and enter document type “DR”.
Enter the reconciliation key “GROUP##”.
Confirm your entries by choosing “Enter”.
Enter company code P100 and the contract object for your property in the
“Contract” field. Confirm your entries by choosing “Enter” and then choose
your contract account for property tax.
Enter an amount of 500 EUR, today's date minus 5 days as the due date,
the main transaction and subtransaction “4010/0000” and “1QJJ” as the
period key.
Make a note of the document number: __________________________.
BUKRS Business
Amount Due
DD-5/ 4010
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Unit 2: Documents
Task 3:
Check your postings in the business partner overview that you can find in the
or Enter.
Enter your business partner and choose
You can navigate from the business partner overview to different areas, for
example, to the dunning history. The navigation options that are available
here are defined in Customizing.
You can double-click a line to display the line items for your contract account
(choose Navigation and note the change at the top end of the account balance
when you move down).
We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the account balance and
use the navigation options and selection options on the selection screen.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Exercise on document posting
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Carry out manual postings
Use the account balance function
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 2: Documents
Lesson: Integration with General Ledger Accounting
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the integration of subledger accounting
and general ledger accounting.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the concept of the integration into the general ledger, and know how
to process and reconcile the transfer.
Business Example
Figure 90: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable as a Subledger
FI-CA serves as a subledger as well as an integrator of accounting data that
originates (for the most part) from various prestored applications and systems.
These applications pass their posting data to FI-CA for further processing. Instead
of individually posting each document created in the subledger to the general
ledger and controlling, summary records are transferred (batch processing). Each
summary record is posted to the general ledger. This summarization technique
greatly reduces the volume of postings in the general ledger and results in a
tremendous performance advantage.
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Lesson: Integration with General Ledger Accounting
The transfer of bills from convergent invoicing is dealt with later in its own unit.
Figure 91: Integration with FI General Ledger: Definitions
Summary records are saved in the DFKKSUM* tables.
Other summarization criteria include:
Company Code
Business Area
General Ledger Account
Currency Key
Additional account assignments of controlling such as cost center, order
or profit center.
Additional account assignments of Funds Management, such as funds center
or commitment item.
You can prevent summarization with other document items by using the “Single
document” indicator. If you set this indicator, normal summarization of items in
the summaries record will not take place. If this indicator is set for a document,
a separate document item is created in the transfer document for general ledger
accounting. Furthermore, the document type for the general ledger transfer can
be individually predefined for each document in FI-CA. A function module,
which is defined at event 0061, is used to make the specifications. Separate
summary records are listed for FI-CA documents with different document types
for the general ledger transfer. The documents for the general ledger transfer are
generated separately according to these document types. If no document type
is issued for the general ledger transfer, then the posting is executed using the
document type defined in Customizing for posting area 0100.
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Unit 2: Documents
As of release ERP 2005, a function is available for reversing the general ledger
transfer. The documents are reversed as a real reversal in the general ledger or, if a
real reversal is not possible, as an offsetting entry. The reversal is executed on
the posting date of the document to be reversed. It is not possible to post with a
different posting date. It is only possible to completely reverse all documents for a
reconciliation key and company code.
Figure 92: Reconciliation Key Structure: Automatic Determination
Various business processes create a reconciliation key in the system. The
reconciliation key is identified by the current day in the business year - which is
derived from the creation date - and the source or name.
Reconciliation keys that have been created automatically are closed automatically
at the end of the business process.
The system can also propose reconciliation keys for manual business transactions
(post document, payment at cash desk ...). In order to do this, reconciliation groups
for default values must be maintained in Customizing. These reconciliation keys
can be accepted or overwritten. You must close them manually before transfer
to the general ledger.
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Lesson: Integration with General Ledger Accounting
Figure 93: Tools: Reconciliation Keys
The reconciliation key can be can be structured user (group) specifically for online
postings. User-dependent and user-independent reconciliation keys can also be
proposed for origin keys stored in Customizing. However, for this to happen, the
SAP function modules FKK_SAMPLE_1113_USER or FKK_SAMPLE_1113
must be used in event 1113.
During mass closing (transaction FPG4), the system closes all keys that are not
reserved for a specific group of postings, for example postings for a payment
run or a payment or returns lot.
In addition to this, keys that are reserved for posting invoicing documents from
Sales and Distribution (SD) are also closed
If necessary, you can also delete reconciliation keys that have been created but are
not used. To do this, select the Delete Unused Open Keys or the Delete Unused
Closed Keys parameter.
Document itemization for reconciliation key (RFKKABS30): The report selects
all FI-CA documents posted under a reconciliation key
The FI-CA totals records are selected according to the selection criteria. The
corresponding FI-CA document line items are selected and sorted.
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Unit 2: Documents
Figure 94: FI-CA Document - Summary Record - FI Document
Requirement for transferring a summary record: reconciliation key with “closed”
Display transferred totals records in FI: Transaction FB03 (Document Display)
→ Document list and enter reference transaction FKKSU and the reference key
reconciliation key +* in the selection parameters.
Reference in FI document header: Reference key = reconciliation key + sequential
transfer number set during the transfer
Checking/correcting summary records
Due to reconciliation differences between sub-ledger and general ledger
Due to technical problems (such as database problems, termination of a
payment run)
Checking summary records (RFKKABS1/RFKKGL20)
Correcting summary records (RFKKABS2)
Transferring summary records to the general ledger in correction mode
(RFKKGL00) (provided that the summary record has been transferred
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Lesson: Integration with General Ledger Accounting
Figure 95: Reference Documents: FI-CA => Summary => FI
Documents in a reconciliation key are cumulated according to posting date or
general ledger account.
Transfer of summary records with different posting dates leads to the creation of a
general ledger document for each posting date.
The reconciliation key is transferred according to the key date. If the reconciliation
key contains documents with posting dates in the future, then the reconciliation
key is only partially transferred to general ledger accounting on the key date.
The rest of the key is transferred if the future posting date is earlier than or the
same as the transfer date.
If the number of lines in the general ledger document exceeds the maximum
number of documents lines allowed in financial accounting, the document is split
and another document is created.
The required “zero balance” is posted via a transfer account.
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Unit 2: Documents
Figure 96: Reconciliation: General Ledger Documents
Report RFKKGL00 transfers the summary records accumulated in the
reconciliation keys to the general ledger. Program RFKKGL20 is used to reconcile
between the general ledger and contract accounts receivable and payable. It
reads from the general ledger the documents that were posted by transfer of the
FI-CA summary records in the general ledger and compares them with the FI-CA
summary records. Differences are displayed in color and marked with a red traffic
light. You can select the corresponding menu option in the output list to correct
the differences that occurred, for example, if posting was terminated, and that you
were not able to subsequently post . If you select the correction run flag, the
system executes the correction automatically in background processing.
The report RFKKABS1 (check totals records) checks whether the FI-CA postings
totals match the totals of the associated FI-CA documents and that the balance of
the FI-CA documents is zero. The program displays any discrepancies between the
posting totals and the FI-CA documents. The differences can be corrected in dialog
or in background processing. If FI-CA documents do not have a balance of zero,
the corresponding document numbers and reconciliation keys are output. These
reconciliation keys cannot be exported and cannot be corrected automatically.
Report RFKKOP04 generates a key date-specific list of open items for business
partners in FI-CA. You can use the report during the final work (month, quarter,
year) or for reconciliation purposes.
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Lesson: Integration with General Ledger Accounting
Figure 97: Reconciliation: FI-CA with the General Ledger
Report RFKKGL30: The program displays the documents from contract accounts
receivable and payable (FI-CA) that have been transferred to the general ledger
(FI) as totals records. The general ledger documents are read according to the
selection criteria. The corresponding totals records and document lines from
contract accounts receivable and payable are selected and sorted.
Report RFKKGL30 guarantees the possibility for revision in contract accounts
receivable and payable; this means that you can use it any time to determine
and display items and documents in contract accounts receivable and payable
(subledger) from the general ledger document (transfer document). A general
ledger document can, therefore, be explained by the items in the subledger at
any given point in time.
You can use the report RFKKABS6 to reconcile the general ledger accounts: The
program outputs postings that were transferred to the general ledger. The postings
are displayed as an overview of balances or as line items with the corresponding
posting date and, if available, an alternative posting date.
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Unit 2: Documents
Figure 98: Reconciliation: Open Items
Report RFKKOP10 reconciles contract accounts receivable and payable (FI-CA)
with the general ledger (FI). It reconciles the current balance for all reconciliation
accounts or the reconciliation accounts specified as well as on sales and purchase
tax clearing accounts.
The following balances are determined per company code, business area and
reconciliation account:
Balance of current open items in contract accounts receivable and payable
The tax on sales/purchases clearing account is also useful for down payments.
Statistical items are not evaluated.
Current balance of reconciliation accounts in the contract accounts receivable
and payable general ledger.
Balance of reconciliation keys in contract accounts receivable and payable
that have not yet been transferred
Balance of adjustment totals records in contract accounts receivable and
payable that have not yet been transferred.
Report RFKKOP10 creates a totals sheet with the balances for the reconciliation
accounts. The Status field in the list specifies differences per company code,
business area and reconciliation account. The Missing OIs field informs you that a
reconciliation account in the general ledger has a balance, but no corresponding
open items were found in contract accounts receivable and payable. If you want to
analyze in more detail which items or business partners are involved in specific
differences, start report RFKKOP04 with the relevant reconciliation account as
current OI list.
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Lesson: Integration with General Ledger Accounting
Figure 99: Documents: Customizing (1)
In the central posting settings, you can specify the functions you want to be used
for posting and processing documents. Whether or not the functions entered are
required (for example, installment plans, interest posting during clearing) depends
on the business transactions that are processed.
Certain settings for document entry, such as the entry variants, release to
cross-company code postings and to foreign currency postings, as well as tax
information for account display are stored in the central user settings.
To configure the documents, the document number ranges must be assigned,
document types defined, certain document type specifications for business
processes and screen variants must be defined.
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Unit 2: Documents
Figure 100: Documents: Customizing (2)
The posting keys for credit and debit items, as well as the document type for
posting the G/L account when the totals records are transferred to the general
ledger (FI-GL) are stored in the posting specifications for the general ledger. It
must be possible to post the document type on an intercompany basis. The transfer
accounts for the general ledger transfer must also be entered here.
The required general ledger accounts must be created (go to the IMG
structure and select Financial Accounting → General Ledger Accounting →
G/L Accounts).
The necessary document types must be maintained (go to the IMG structure
and select Financial Accounting → Financial Accounting Global Settings →
Document → Document Header).
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Lesson: Integration with General Ledger Accounting
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the concept of the integration into the general ledger, and know how
to process and reconcile the transfer.
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Unit 2: Documents
Lesson: Account Balance Display
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the functions of the account balance display
and your customer-specific enhancement options.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Navigate to the account balance display and configure it for your needs.
Business Example
Figure 101: Account Balance Display
FI-CA through its account balance display functionality enables quick and
comprehensive account information to be obtained regarding open, cleared, or
statistical items.
The display functionality is flexible in that search criteria can be defined and
maintained by and for the individual user. Through the use of additional ‘selection
criteria’ the user can further refine the search parameters. For example, a user
might wish to search for items within a specific dollar amount range. This could
be done by maintaining the amount “search range” accordingly.
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Lesson: Account Balance Display
List types determine which type(s) of of line items are displayed with the account
balance, such as open items, cleared items, additional business partner items, and
so on. They also determine which types (if any) of statistical items should appear,
and which document category to search by.
If a sorting variant is not specified, the system will use the first 6 fields defined in
the line layout variant for sorting (ascending order). User parameter 814 selects
the last setting of ‘normal’ versus “reduced” initial screen (i.e. selection screen
where parameters are entered prior to actually viewing an account balance).
User Parameter 815 saves the last recorded initial “list display” screen, but will be
overwritten if parameter 810 is active.
Figure 102: Line Layout Variants
Each line layout variant must either be defined as a “totals” variant or a “line-item”
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Unit 2: Documents
Figure 103: Account Balance Display: Structure of Totals Variant
This example of summarization at document level can be useful for the
summarized document display of items from several contracts as well as for the
due dates of a budget billing plan in IS-U. This means that, for every due date, you
can view a customer's total budget billing amount.
Figure 104: Account Balance Display: Further Functions
Restriction of Item Selection: If you select the button Period for Item Selection
(F7) on the initial screen of the account balance display, you can restrict the period
that the system uses for selecting the items in the account balance.
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Lesson: Account Balance Display
Context Menu in the Account Balance: You can call up a context menu by clicking
on the right mouse button when the cursor is on an item in the account balance.
In events 1247 and 1248, you can adjust the functions of the context menu to
meet your requirements or add to them.
Figure 105: Account Balance Display: Events
Figure 106: Creating Snapshots
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Unit 2: Documents
For business partners whose contract accounts have a larger number of items, you
can create the account balance display from a previously selected set of items
(a snapshot).
Reading the items in the account balance for a business partner with a large
number of items usually takes up a lot of time. To avoid long response times, you
can use this report to preselect items for particularly large partners and display
them in the account balance instead of the current list. To do this, you must enter
the business partner with many items in the implementation guide for Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable under Basic Functions → Account Balance
Display → Define Business Partner for Creation of Snapshots. This setting is one
of the current system settings and, therefore, you can access it in the menu under
Current Settings (Business Partner for Snapshots).
In order to ensure that the account balance is up-to-date, you should update this
balance at regular intervals.
Figure 107: Displaying Snapshots
When you call up the account balance display, the system checks whether a unique
business partner can be determined from the selection conditions.
If the system has determined a business partner and a snapshot exists for this
business partner:
The system imports this snapshot
The system checks the current selection conditions
The system displays the result in the list with corresponding information that
the data is not up-to-date and with the date of the snapshot.
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Lesson: Account Balance Display
If you are in a snapshot display, you can deactivate the snapshot from the menu
via Account Balance → Current Status. The system then reads the current data.
Figure 108: Documents: Customizing
Search function: The VRGNG (transaction) field is made up of the main
transaction and subtransaction fields, and enables you to search for items with
specific main and subtransactions by entering a single selection criterion.
You can also use the fields CPUDT (entry date) and CPUTM (entry time) for
searching and displaying information.
Assign transactions for account balance display: Business partner items are not
saved for some documents (such as payment documents). Text is not displayed
in the account balance display for these transactions. However, you can define
dummy transactions in this activity, depending on the clearing reason. This
ensures that a text appears in the account balance display. The texts for these
transactions are then displayed.
Special feature for IS-U in line layout: Fields OPBEL_KK_RG and
AUGBL_KK_RG. If the document item was created during IS-U invoicing, the
print document number is displayed. It is prefixed by the letter “D”. If it is a
“normal” posting document, it is prefixed by the letter “F”. At the same time, the
clearing number of the document is entered in the Clearing Document Number
field. This enables you to replace the different FI-CA document numbers that are
generated during invoicing with a universal document number.
Budget billing display represents another IS-U feature: The indicator “No Clrd
Budget Blg” allows you to hide invoiced budget billing plans and allocated budget
billing amounts.
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Unit 2: Documents
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Lesson: Account Balance Display
Exercise 2: Analysis of Contract Accounts
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Analyze contract accounts.
Business Example
One of your business partners calls and requests information about his/her account
The business partner wants to see all his/her account transactions.
Task Display
Display all open items for your business partner.
Which line layout variant do you choose?
Change the display to show all the statistical and non-statistical open items.
Which list type do you choose now?
Which items are also shown using this list type?
Branch from the display of an installment plan receivable to the display of
the source receivable(s). Describe your actions.
Go back to the initial screen of the account balance display, choose the list
type All items and display the payment list. Which receivable cleared the
payment from the payment run?
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Unit 2: Documents
Solution 2: Analysis of Contract Accounts
Task Display
Display all open items for your business partner.
Which line layout variant do you choose?
Choose: Utilities Industry → Contract Accounts Receivable and
Payable → Account → Account Balance.
List Type:
Standard - All Open Items
Line layout:
Standard Line Layout – Account Display
Change the display to show all the statistical and non-statistical open items.
Which list type do you choose now?
Which items are also shown using this list type?
Choose the list type: Open Items (Statistical and Non-Statistical)
All additional installment plan receivables and dunning charges
receivables are displayed.
Branch from the display of an installment plan receivable to the display of
the source receivable(s). Describe your actions.
Double-click on an installment plan receivable. In the source receivable
display, follow the menu path Environment → Source Items → For
Installment Plan. Alternatively, you can choose the Installment Plans
button (cntrl + 9) and display the source receivables via Environment
→ Source Receivables (Account Display).
Go back to the initial screen of the account balance display, choose the list
type All items and display the payment list. Which receivable cleared the
payment from the payment run?
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Account Balance Display
Choose the Payment List tab in the item display. Determine the
payment run and choose the button at the start of this line to display
the detail view.
The payment has cleared other receivables and installment plan items.
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Unit 2: Documents
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Navigate to the account balance display and configure it for your needs.
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Lesson: Exercise on accounting integration
Lesson: Exercise on accounting integration
Lesson Overview
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Transfer postings in the FI-CA subledger to the general ledger.
Find and analyze the postings that you have transferred.
Business Example
Your administration wants to transfer the documents posted in PSCD periodically
to the general ledger to carry out the relevant reporting. Execute this function and
check the transfer in the general ledger (FI-GL).
Task 1:
First you must close your reconciliation key “GROUP##”.
To do this, follow the menu path POSTING → DOCUMENT →
On the selection screen, enter your reconciliation key “GROUP##”.
After you confirm using Enter, you must choose “Close”.
Choose “Yes” in the dialog box.
You can use this activity to make no more additional postings under this
reconciliation key.
Task 2:
Execute the periodic activity to transfer documents to the general ledger.
On the selection screen, enter your reconciliation key from above and your
company code (P100).
Set the “List of Documents Created” indicator.
Choose “Yes” in the dialog box.
You can do this in a test run first and then you can start the update run.
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Unit 2: Documents
Task 3:
Display the general ledger document.
To do this, go to the SAP menu (Ctrl+F11): ACCOUNTING → FINANCIAL
Choose “Document List” and enter company code (P100), the reference key
“GROUP##*” (do not forget the star *) and choose “Execute”.
Double-click the document that is displayed.
Display the line items and the document header information. Note the header
field “Reference key” in particular.
Go to PSCD - documents from the general ledger document by following the
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Lesson: Exercise on accounting integration
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Transfer postings in the FI-CA subledger to the general ledger.
Find and analyze the postings that you have transferred.
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Unit 2: Documents
Lesson: Public Sector Requests
Lesson Overview
This lesson will teach you about the special features of the master data objects
within the PSCD solution
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Post requests in FI-CA
Business Example
You want to post requests and to set up periodic recurring receivables with
standing requests. Some revenues require short-term waivers. The short-term
waivers should be monitored by a clarification list.
Figure 109: Requests - Overview
Requests are used to make it easier to post customer invoices or vendor invoices.
If you want to set up a principle of dual control for requests in your company,
you can trigger a workflow if an approval is required to create, change or cancel
Once requests have been approved, contract accounting documents are created.
One request document and (one) contract accounting document(s) are created
for each request.
In Customizing, you can choose whether you want the FI-CA document to be
created directly or in a separate process step. The 'Create Documents from
Requests' function is available for this.
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Lesson: Public Sector Requests
Requests are grouped in the request classes 'Request', 'Standing request' and
'General request' that are defined in the system.
You can go from the editing transactions for requests to the request list where you
can see the documents that have already been posted for a request. In addition,
you can go from a contract accounting document to the relevant request.
Up to now, the request types 'Request' or 'Acceptance request' and 'Payment
request' are predifined by the system. In ERP2005, you can define request types
in Customizing yourself. For each request type, you can choose the plus/minus
sign and the document type that you want the document that is created to have.
You can also choose whether you want an individual document to be created
for each request item.
Figure 110: Acceptance Request and Payment Request
The transaction for editing requests is a single-screen transaction.
In the top screen area, you can choose whether you want to display a request or to
create a new request. You can also create a new request using a reference request.
When you create a request, you must specify the request type.
In the middle screen area, the system displays the header data of the request
including the data that is forwarded in the header of the generated FI-CA
document, for example, the posting data and the document type.
In the lower screen area, the request items are specified. Unlike the FI-CA
document, the entry is line-related, that is, one request line contains a business
partner item with the relevant G/L account line item. As a result, the assignment
between the business partner item and the G/L account line item is always unique.
The fields where you need to make an entry are company code, business partner,
contract account, contract, main transaction, subtransaction, due date for net
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Unit 2: Documents
payment and amount. The G/L accounts, FM account assignment and CO account
assignment are derived as for the FI-CA document. In a request, you can enter
items for several business partners and even for several company codes.
If you always need to enter similar requests, you can create a request template for
these requests to reduce the amount of work involved. When you create a new
request, you can use this template by calling the 'Create with Template' function.
When you create using a template, you can use existing requests as well as the
request template.
Figure 111: Standing Request - Overview
Using standing requests is a labor-saving method that you can use to map business
transactions that you want to convert to frequently occurring dates in contract
accounting documents. You can enter standing requests for acceptance requests
and payment request.
The standing request acts as a posting template that contains all the relevant data
for creating documents periodically.
In the execution data, you must enter the first and last execution date. You can
also specify that there is no end date for the standing request. In addition, you
must specify how frequently you want the standing request to be carried out in
the specific time period.
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Lesson: Public Sector Requests
Currently, SAP provides the following default intervals:
Last day of the month
You can use special dates to exclude certain dates from the execution or to create
additional documents.
Figure 112: Standing Request - Versions
You can change standing requests by creating different versions for a standing
In the versions, you can specify different execution dates and/or posting dates
for a standing request.
The execution dates of the versions must not overlap. If the execution dates of the
versions overlap, you must change one of the versions.
You can use the versions to map inventories. The first installment is entered for a
certain execution date with a different amount. The second version contains the
posting dates of the documents that are to be created periodically.
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Unit 2: Documents
Figure 113: Standing Request - Creating Posting Documents
You can use the function for creating posting documents from standing requests
to create contract accounting documents periodically from the posted standing
When you call the function, the program selects all standing requests that should
be executed in the specified time period.
To restrict the number of standing orders by the due dates or the request numbers,
go to the tab page for the date and fiscal code number.
In one run, the program creates a contract accounting document for each standing
request and due date. If several execution dates for a standing request fall in an
execution time period, the system creates several contract accounting documents
with the different due dates for the standing request.
Figure 114: General Requests
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Lesson: Public Sector Requests
You use general requests if you expect the same type of incoming or outgoing
payments, but their amounts are not yet fixed.
For example, you can enter general requests for the incoming payments due to
administration and usage charges or a general payment request for telephone
The general request simplifies the administration run because a payment can be
made without a concrete payment request in a particular case.
You can also use general requests to map participation in the debit memo
collection procedure. You can connect a workflow to approve general requests.
Figure 115: General Request
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Unit 2: Documents
Figure 116: General Request - Payments
For incoming payments or outgoing payments, the system uses the electronic
bank statement or cash desk to recognize that the payment is bing made due to
a general request.
The payment is first posted as a payment without debit, just as a payment on
So that the system recognizes that it is a payment due to a general request, it saves
the combination main transaction 0050/subtransaction 0100 internally once it can
assign a payment to a general request.
The system determines the main transaction and subtransaction that is actually
saved in the payment document from the IMG activity 'Assign External
The system transfers the account assignment from the general request for the
master data.
You can set whether you want the system to use the contract object or the
classification key to assign the general request for the incoming payments and
outgoing payments.
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Lesson: Public Sector Requests
Figure 117: Standing Request - Generate Posting Documents
You can use the function for generating posting documents from standing requests
to generate periodic contract accounting documents from the posted standing
When you call the function, the program selects all standing requests that you
want to be executed in the specified time frame.
To restrict the number of standing requests by the due dates or the request
numbers, go to the tab pages for the date and the request number.
In one run, the program generates one contract accounting document for each
standing request and due date. If there are several execution dates for one standing
request in an execution period, the system generates several contract accounting
documents with the different due dates for the standing request accordingly.
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Unit 2: Documents
Figure 118: Worklist: Approving Requests
You can approve requests using the workflow and using a worklist.
In Customizing, you can define what classes and types of requests should be
approved using the worklist.
Event 5510 was extended for a customer-specific differentiation between the
approval using the worklist or the workflow. In addition, for event 5510, you can
now suppress the entry of a reason for approval when the workflow is started.
Additional Functions
Print request - correspondence type 0039
Enter notes (transfered to the documents)
Set payment blocks, dunning blocks, interest blocks and clearing blocks
(transfered to the documents)
Enter documents for each request item
Specify a tax code that contains several tax rates
Fill the “Classification Key” field in the request items
Display requests in the account balance
Approve requests using the workflow and using a worklist
Use BAPIs to edit requests
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Lesson: Public Sector Requests
For requests, standing requests and general requests, you can:
Print requests. To print a request, all the header data of the request and all
request items are available with additional information about the business
partners and the contract accounts. To print standing requests, all execution
data and special dates are available.
Enter notes for request. If you create documents from the requests, the notes
are transferred to the notes for the documents.
For the request items, set the payment blocks, dunning blocks, interest blocks
and clearing blocks that are transferred to the documents when they are
created. However, you can only set one blocking reason and one validity
time period for each request item and block.
If you create requests with many lines and, under certain circumstances, with
several business partners and contract accounts, this can lead to extended
documents that can no longer be displayed clearly. Therefore, you can now
create documents from requests for each request item. You can define the
corresponding specifications in Customizing for requests for each request
Enter requests with a tax code that contains several tax rates. The calculated
tax amount that is displayed in the request item is the total of the amounts
of the individual tax rates.
Fill the new field 'Classification Key' in the request items if you have
activated the standard enhancement for the classification key. Since the
classification key is a header field of the document, you can only enter
different classification keys in a request if you create documents for each
request item.
Display requests in the account balance by defining relevant function
modules for events 1203, 1209 and 1211.
Requests: BAPIs
BAPI: Add request items
BAPI: Add execution time periods for
BAPI: Add special dates for request
BAPI: Change request
BAPI: Create request
BAPI: Delete request
BAPI: Delete execution time periods
of a request
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Unit 2: Documents
BAPI: Delete request items
BAPI: Delete special dates of a request
BAPI: Create request with template
BAPI: Read request
The following BAPIs are available for editing requests.
Figure 119: Customizing
In Customizing for the requests, you must define a number range interval for each
combination of request class and request type.
In addition, for each request type, you can define which document type is used as
a default value when a request is entered.
In Customizing for the contract accounts receivable and payable, there is an IMG
activity in which you can define default values for the clearing documents for
general requests.
You can find this IMG activity under 'Define Specifications for Clearing
Documents for General Requests'.
If you want the system to automatically clear the contract accounting documents
with the payments, you must select the relevant field in the IMG activity 'Define
Basic Settings for Document Creation'.
As of Release ERP 2005, you can define the request types in Customizing yourself.
For each request type, you can choose the plus/minus sign and the document type
that you want the document that is created to have. You can also choose whether
you want an individual document to be created for each request item.
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Lesson: Public Sector Requests
Exercise 3: Public Sector Requests Document Entry
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Post requests and standing requests
PSCD - Create documents from standing requests
Remit or waive receivables.
Business Example
You want to post some receivable types in your administration directly in PSCD
using acceptance requests and payment requests with an approval step. You want
to use the request function from PSCD to do this. You suggest using requests
in PSCD.
In addition, you must map periodic recurring receivables for which the standing
request function is available.
Task 1:
Enter an acceptance request of 50.00 EUR for your contract object for parking
Enter an acceptance request of 50.00 EUR for your contract object for
parking charges.
- Use the request category “Acceptance request” and choose “Create”
to enter the data for the request.
- Do not change the values that were proposed by default.
- Enter company code P100, your business partner and the contract object
for parking charges.
- For the due date, choose today's month plus one month
- Enter the main transactioin and the subtransaction “4010/0400” and
an amount of 50.00 EUR.
- You can create a note for the request by choosing “Edit Note”.
Save your request.
Make a note of the request number: __________________________
Continued on next page
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Unit 2: Documents
Park- 50,00
Sub- Petrans- riod
4010 0400
Task 2:
Approve the acceptance request.
Approve the acceptance request.
- Go to Posting → Request → Approve Request (FKKORDA)
- Choose “Execute”.
- Due to the principle of dual control, you cannot release your own
request. Therefore, release the request of your neighboring group, for
example, group 01 releases the request of group 02 and vice versa (03
<-> 04 and so on...). Select the line with the relevant request.
- Choose “Clarify”.
- Approve the request using the “Approve” pushbutton.
Task 3:
Enter a standing request of 30.00 EUR for childcare contributions on a monthly
basis beginning on the first of this month.
The month of December is excluded because your business partner informs
you that he is on holiday in this time period.
- Use the request category “Acceptance request” and choose “Create”
to enter the data.
- Leave the other entries that were set by default.
- In the execution data for Version 001, you can enter the first of the
current month as the first due date.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Public Sector Requests
- Choose “No End Date” and enter “Monthly” as the frequency and “1”
as the interval.
Choose “Special Date” and exclude the first of December of the current
year from the execution.
Enter company code P100, your business partner and the contract object
for childcare contributions, the main and subtransactions “4010/0200”
and the amount 30.00 EUR.
Make a note of the document number of the standing request:
First Due
Last Due
BUKRS Business
Your BP
No End
ConContract Ac- tract
Amount Main
Task 4:
You want to create the FI-CA document from the standing requests.
You want to create the FI-CA document from the standing requests.
Go to Posting → Request → Create Documents → Create Documents
from Standing Requests
Choose the current date as the date ID and AO## as the identification.
Now enter the criteria for selecting the standing requests from which
you want to create FI-CA documents.
Enter your business partner and the company code “P100”.
On the “Date and Request Nos” tab page, enter the date
DD/MM+1/YYYY in the “Consider Due Dates Until” field.
On the “Log” tab page, choose the problem class “Additional
Continued on next page
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Unit 2: Documents
Save your entries and choose “Schedule Program Run”.
Choose the option “Background - Start Immediate” and confirm your
After the program has run, you can check the documents by choosing
“Application Log” on the “Log” tab page and going to the messages.
Make a note of the document numbers: __________________________.
Task 5:
You want the amount for childcare contributions to be adjusted as of two months
from the current month. Your citizen must now pay 40.00 EUR instead of 30.00
For this reason, you must change the standing request.
- Enter the number of your standing request and choose “Change”.
- Choose “Create execution period”.
Enter the new execution version for childcare contributions on a monthly
basis starting from 01/MM+2/YYYY.
- In the execution data for Version 002, you can enter 01/MM+2/JJJJ as
the earliest due date.
- Choose “No End Date” and enter “Monthly” as the frequency and “1”
as the interval.
- Choose “Special Date”.
- Confirm that you want the relevant dates to be delimited.
- The posting dates are proposed from Version 001. Change the amount
to 40.00 EUR.
First Due
Last Due
No End
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Public Sector Requests
BUKRS Business
Your BP
ConContract Ac- tract
Amount Main
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 2: Documents
Solution 3: Public Sector Requests Document Entry
Task 1:
Enter an acceptance request of 50.00 EUR for your contract object for parking
Enter an acceptance request of 50.00 EUR for your contract object for
parking charges.
- Use the request category “Acceptance request” and choose “Create”
to enter the data for the request.
- Do not change the values that were proposed by default.
- Enter company code P100, your business partner and the contract object
for parking charges.
- For the due date, choose today's month plus one month
- Enter the main transactioin and the subtransaction “4010/0400” and
an amount of 50.00 EUR.
- You can create a note for the request by choosing “Edit Note”.
Save your request.
Make a note of the request number: __________________________
Park- 50,00
Sub- Petrans- riod
4010 0400
There is no solution.
Task 2:
Approve the acceptance request.
Approve the acceptance request.
Continued on next page
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Public Sector Requests
- Go to Posting → Request → Approve Request (FKKORDA)
- Choose “Execute”.
- Due to the principle of dual control, you cannot release your own
request. Therefore, release the request of your neighboring group, for
example, group 01 releases the request of group 02 and vice versa (03
<-> 04 and so on...). Select the line with the relevant request.
- Choose “Clarify”.
- Approve the request using the “Approve” pushbutton.
There is no solution.
Task 3:
Enter a standing request of 30.00 EUR for childcare contributions on a monthly
basis beginning on the first of this month.
The month of December is excluded because your business partner informs
you that he is on holiday in this time period.
- Use the request category “Acceptance request” and choose “Create”
to enter the data.
- Leave the other entries that were set by default.
- In the execution data for Version 001, you can enter the first of the
current month as the first due date.
- Choose “No End Date” and enter “Monthly” as the frequency and “1”
as the interval.
Choose “Special Date” and exclude the first of December of the current
year from the execution.
Enter company code P100, your business partner and the contract object
for childcare contributions, the main and subtransactions “4010/0200”
and the amount 30.00 EUR.
Make a note of the document number of the standing request:
First Due
Last Due
No End
Continued on next page
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 2: Documents
BUKRS Business
ConContract Ac- tract
Your BP
Amount Main
There is no solution.
Task 4:
You want to create the FI-CA document from the standing requests.
You want to create the FI-CA document from the standing requests.
Go to Posting → Request → Create Documents → Create Documents
from Standing Requests
Choose the current date as the date ID and AO## as the identification.
Now enter the criteria for selecting the standing requests from which
you want to create FI-CA documents.
Enter your business partner and the company code “P100”.
On the “Date and Request Nos” tab page, enter the date
DD/MM+1/YYYY in the “Consider Due Dates Until” field.
On the “Log” tab page, choose the problem class “Additional
Save your entries and choose “Schedule Program Run”.
Choose the option “Background - Start Immediate” and confirm your
After the program has run, you can check the documents by choosing
“Application Log” on the “Log” tab page and going to the messages.
Make a note of the document numbers: __________________________.
There is no solution.
Task 5:
You want the amount for childcare contributions to be adjusted as of two months
from the current month. Your citizen must now pay 40.00 EUR instead of 30.00
For this reason, you must change the standing request.
Continued on next page
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Public Sector Requests
- Enter the number of your standing request and choose “Change”.
- Choose “Create execution period”.
Enter the new execution version for childcare contributions on a monthly
basis starting from 01/MM+2/YYYY.
- In the execution data for Version 002, you can enter 01/MM+2/JJJJ as
the earliest due date.
- Choose “No End Date” and enter “Monthly” as the frequency and “1”
as the interval.
- Choose “Special Date”.
- Confirm that you want the relevant dates to be delimited.
- The posting dates are proposed from Version 001. Change the amount
to 40.00 EUR.
First Due
Last Due
BUKRS Business
No End
ConContract Ac- tract
Your BP
Amount Main
There is no solution.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 2: Documents
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Post requests in FI-CA
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Lesson: Exercise on General Requests
Lesson: Exercise on General Requests
Lesson Overview
This unit is intended to give the participant an overview of the transactions in
contracts accounts receivable and payable. It explains that transactions are one
of the main account assignments in a request or document. It documents which
aspect of a business transaction or process the line item entry is based on.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Create general requests
Update the relevant revenue/expense during the incoming payment from
the general requests.
Business Example
Your administration uses general requests to manage parking charges. The
approvals are not sent until the payment has been made. You want the revenues to
be automatically posted with the payment.
Task 1:
First post a general request for the contract object for parking permits.
Choose the request category “Acceptance request” and choose “Create”.
For the request items, enter company code “P100”, your contract object for
parking permits, main transaction “4010” and subtransaction “0400”.
Save the general request.
Task 2:
The citizen pays his parking permit using the cash journal with reference to the
contract object number for the parking permit.
Go to the cash journal (branch: CD; cash desk ##)
In addition to the general specifications for postings, you must enter an
amount of 20.00 EUR and set the “Post on account” indicator.
Enter the number of your contract object for parking permits in addition to
the selection category “O contract object” and choose “Post Item”.
Check the document using the account balance for the relevant contract
object. What is the main transaction and subtransaction of the document?
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Unit 2: Documents
Task 3:
Use the mass activity “Create documents from mass activity” to create the revenue
posting from the payment document.
Execute the program for the current date with the identification AA##.
First maintain the general criteria for the distribution run: Enter the contract
object for parking permits and deactivate the simulation run.
To understand problems better, set problem class “4 Additional information”
on the “Logs” tab page to obtain additional information. Then save your
Choose “Schedule Program Run”. You can leave the default values
unchanged, choose “OK” and then “Continue” until the run status changes
to “Update run already completed”.
You can check the results in the application log.
Task 4:
Check the document chain.
Enter your contract object for parking permits and choose “Execute”. This
report evaluates the debit entries that the system has generated for payments
that it can assign to a general request. As a result, you can check how many
payments have already been included in a general request, for example.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Exercise on General Requests
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Create general requests
Update the relevant revenue/expense during the incoming payment from
the general requests.
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Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the concept of the documents and the processes in Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable
Explain the specific structure of FI-CA documents and the configuration of
document types.
Post documents in FI-CA and know the special functions for document entry
in contract accounts receivable and payable.
Carry out manual postings
Use the account balance function
Explain the concept of the integration into the general ledger, and know how
to process and reconcile the transfer.
Navigate to the account balance display and configure it for your needs.
Transfer postings in the FI-CA subledger to the general ledger.
Find and analyze the postings that you have transferred.
Post requests in FI-CA
Create general requests
Update the relevant revenue/expense during the incoming payment from
the general requests.
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Unit 3
Transactions and Account
Unit Overview
This unit gives you an overview of the structure of main transactions and
subtransactions as well as general ledger account determination and tax
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Know the definition and structure of transactions.
Configure the automatic general ledger account determination in FI-CA.
Explain the special tax determination functions in contract accounts
receivable and payable.
At the end of this lesson you will know about the special features in the
US tax determination.
Unit Contents
Structure of Transactions ............................................162
General Ledger Account Determination ...........................168
Tax Determination ....................................................175
USA - Tax Jurisdiction Code (Only relevant for US training)....179
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Unit 3: Transactions and Account Determination
Lesson: Structure of Transactions
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the functions of the main transactions and
subtransactions in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Know the definition and structure of transactions.
Business Example
Figure 120: Operations
A transaction is a combination of main and sub-transactions.
The texts allocated to the main and sub-transactions explain the corresponding
business transaction and are available in the correspondence.
The main transaction controls the determination of receivables and payables
The sub-transaction controls revenue account determination, determination of
the tax determination code, and of information about any additional accounts
(business area, CO account assignment data).
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Structure of Transactions
FI-CA and industry-specific versions use internal main and sub-transactions that
are assigned by various business processes and that control these processes. These
internal transactions are assigned to installation-specific, defined transactions.
If all FI-CA functions or industry solutions are used, internal transactions represent
the minimum of transactions. In addition to this, for manual posting, you can
maintain any number of transactions that do not correspond to internal transactions.
Transactions in FI-CA must be specified by characteristics such as debit/credit
indicator, interest key, statistic indicator, etc. These characteristics are
automatically transferred to the document during posting.
Figure 121: Assigning Main Transactions and Subtransactions
Internal transactions are those transactions which take place within FI-CA and its
industry-specific versions. The main examples of these transactions are charges,
interest, payments on account, clarification postings, and so on. These main and
subtransactions thus serve to provide parameters needed for the posting of these
‘internal’ transactions.
Hint: You must assign an 'ID' to each entry in this table, even if you have
decided not to give the transactions new names. (For example, if you do
not want to give a new name to main transaction 0010 subtransaction 0100,
you must make identical entries in the fields for the external assignment).
These internal transactions are hard-coded. Do NOT delete them.
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Unit 3: Transactions and Account Determination
Main transactions and subtransactions are used to identify items based on their
type (such as interest and charge) as well as the business process from which they
originated (payments, account statements, and so on).
This function links each item with a main transaction to which several
subtransactions are assigned. For example, there is a main transaction “charge”
and associated subtransactions “dunning charge”, “return charge”, “return charge
1”, “return charge 2”, “correspondence charge”, “installment plan charge”, and
so on.
Figure 122: Maintain Main Transactions and Subtransactions
A user is free to define new entries in this table for use for transactions not defined
as ‘internal’ to FI-CA. These additional main and sub entries can be used in
general ledger account determination.
You can also define whether the amount entered can be negative or positive.
All postings in FI-CA contain information on the business transaction in the main
and sub transactions. You can assign additional attributes to the transactions in
Customizing. These attributes are copied in the business partner item when the
posting is made and can influence the following business transactions.
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Lesson: Structure of Transactions
Figure 123: Freely Defined Transactions
Transactions for account balance display must be freely defined. These
transactions are defined for documents that do not have any business partner
items (reversal or payment documents). The transaction is determined using the
clearing reason of the document that was cleared by these documents (reversal
or payment documents). These transactions must then be defined in the posting
areas R001 (IS-U),
T001 (IS-T) or M001 (IS-M).
If documents that do not have any business partner items are cleared themselves
(by reversal or clearing cancellation) , the system creates a business partner item
and the clearing information can be written here. This item transaction is also
determined from Customizing. The original clearing reason is also used for
determination here: Posting area 1090 and/or 1091.
Any sub-transactions can be specified for business transactions that are not
represented in FI-CA processes. These sub-transactions are allocated to the
freely-defined main transactions. This enables you, for example, to map infrequent
business transactions and use them for manual posting.
For SD billing documents that are posted to FI-CA, the transactions are determined
based on several characteristics of the SD billing document. Transactions can also
be freely defined here: Posting area 1200.
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Unit 3: Transactions and Account Determination
Figure 124: Assigning an Internal Transaction - Defined Transaction
Customer-specific transactions: Other receivables for manual postings (6000
/ 0020 in the training system) do not correspond to internal transactions.
Depending on the charge schema selected in the dunning steps of a dunning
procedure, dunning charges must be posted either statistically or as relevant
for the general ledger. The transaction is 'allocated' to the business process
(specifies, which defined transaction is used in the business process) with the
option of creating 1:n relationships.
The rate structure of the IS-U settlement and invoicing is intended to
define different rate steps that create posting-relevant invoice lines for
different revenue accounts and CO account assignments. The freely defined
subtransactions are included in these rate steps. Allocations cannot be made
in the transaction configurations due to the customer-defined rates and
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Structure of Transactions
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Know the definition and structure of transactions.
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Unit 3: Transactions and Account Determination
Lesson: General Ledger Account Determination
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of deriving G/L accounts in Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Configure the automatic general ledger account determination in FI-CA.
Business Example
Figure 125: Posting Areas
The posing areas are broken down into the following areas:
Posting areas for all application areas (for example, posting area used to
identify a tax account based on the tax code)
Posting areas for more than one application area (for example, posting area
used to determine the default values for incoming payments). You can make
a number of different specifications for each application area.
Application-specific posting areas - the letter of the application area is
in first position
The active application area is defined in the user parameters and/or by selecting
the application area.
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Lesson: General Ledger Account Determination
You can maintain the posting areas either in transaction FQC0 or in the
implementation guide. Transaction FQCR: Select and output data from account
You can use this report to select and display account determination data from any
posting area. In the list, you can use functions such as find, sort and total. If you
select the entry, the system branches to display screen. You can maintain the
entry by selecting Display -> Change.
If you enter a search value, you can use the report, for example, to find what
Customizing entry an automatically posted general ledger account was determined
Figure 126: Posting Areas
You can always enter several derivation rules. If the system does not display
the necessary key fields at first, call them by choosing the menu path GOTO
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Unit 3: Transactions and Account Determination
Access Sequence: As standard, the system first attempts to impart an entry with
recourse to all used key fields. If this does not work, the last key field is excluded
at the next attempt. At the last attempt, only the first key field value is used. You
can change this standard procedure with user-defined access sequences. To do
this, you define:
Which of the possible key fields are relevant for the determination of the
G/L account
In which order the system uses your key field definitions for the
determination of the G/L accounts
Test your customizing by clicking on „simulation“. There is also an error analysis
if the derivation was not possible.
Figure 127: General Ledger Account Determination 1
General ledger accounts are determined by means of standard account
determination functionality. This function takes a subset of posting parameters
and checks a special allocation table that is set up in FI-CA customizing.
G/L account determination is done via main transactions and subtransactions from
the line items of postings and account determination ID.
The account determination ID is derived from the contract account, the account
determination ID of the contract object (PS-CD), or the contract (IS-U).
The event for determining the reconciliation account is 1101. The event for
determining the revenue account is 1100.
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Lesson: General Ledger Account Determination
Figure 128: General Ledger Account Determination 2
The account determination ID is automatically derived from the contract account
category, when an item is posted.
Each individual posting in the subledger is allocated to exactly one
receivables/payables account in the general ledger. A negative transfer amount is
a credit, and positive amount a debit.
Hint: General ledger accounts used in line items for business partners
(receivables, payables, down payments, etc.) must be designated as being
reconciliation account category “V”. This prevents unintentional direct
postings to these accounts, and thus avoids potential complication of
the reconciliation process.
Revenue Account: The account determination logic is the same for income
statement account determination as for balance sheet account determination. A
subset of fields is used from the documents to determine automatically the general
ledger account in which to post.
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Unit 3: Transactions and Account Determination
Figure 129: Account Determination - Reconciliation Account
The system determines the main transaction during business partner processing
based on the internal transaction and its allocation to a defined transaction.
The account determination ID is determined from the contract account for
cross-contract business transactions, or from the contract/contract object for
contract-related business transactions.
The account determination ID controls determination of the receivables account in
FI-CA (together with the main transaction resulting from the business transaction).
The company code and, potentially, the division are further criteria.
The same receivables account is determined for identical business transactions
for contract accounts with the same account determination IDs, for example
residential customers or companies connected inland.
You can use different account determination IDs to access different receivables
accounts in general ledger accounting.
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Lesson: General Ledger Account Determination
Figure 130: Account Determination - Revenue Account
The subtransaction is also required for the revenue account determination
This enables you to allocate different revenue accounts to one business transaction
(main transaction) by defining special subtransactions. It is also possible to
allocate different revenue accounts for each company code and division.
The business area and sales/purchase tax code are defined in revenue account
determination. Further account assignment characteristics (such as cost and profit
centers) can be saved there using the CO account assignment key.
In IS-U, you can override the auxiliary account assignments from cost accounting
using a contract-dependent CO account assignment key that is defined in the
IS-U contract.
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Unit 3: Transactions and Account Determination
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Configure the automatic general ledger account determination in FI-CA.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Tax Determination
Lesson: Tax Determination
Lesson Overview
This unit is intended to give the participant an overview of how sales tax postings
are determined from the revenue accounts.
The tax determination ID is managed historically.
The tax determination ID corresponds to the tax ID in general ledger accounting.
The tax percentage rate is determined in financial accounting
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the special tax determination functions in contract accounts
receivable and payable.
Business Example
Figure 131: Tax: Tax Code Determination
The determination of the indicator for posting sales tax is connected with the
determination of the revenue account for a business transaction.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 3: Transactions and Account Determination
In the table TE011, the valid sales tax code for general ledger accounting is
determined historically (that is, the periods for which a tax code is valid are
defined), based on the tax determination code determined in revenue account
The tax accounts to be posted are defined in the posting area 0010 depending on
company code, sales tax code and tax transaction.
Figure 132: Tax: Tax Change
Example: Tax increase from 15% to 16%:
The sales/purchase tax determination code E1 is valid from 01/01/1995
to 03/31/1998.
The tax determination ID A1 is valid in general ledger accounting for this
The tax code (A3) resulting from the change of tax must be newly defined in
general ledger accounting.
In FI-CA, a new validity period is specified, in which the new tax code
is allocated.
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Lesson: Tax Determination
Figure 133: Transactions and Account Determination: Customizing
Caution: Replace:
-“Maintain industry-specific …” by “Maintain Transactions for Public
Sector Contract Accounting” -Define CO short “… ” by “Define CO
Account Assignment Keys”
In the activity, “Maintain ...... Transactions for Industry Components”, you can
define main and subtransactions, carry out allocations to internal transactions,
make cross-industry settings and add attributes to the transactions.
The consistency check program RFKK_TRANSACTION_CONS_CHECK
checks whether transaction configurations are complete and plausible.
In the account assignments for down payments and charges, you can define the
transactions that are automatically posted when down payment requests, budget
billing requests, or statistical charges receivables are cleared. You define these
transactions according to the statistical keys. The statistical document items form
the basis for posting. Account assignments that cannot be taken from the statistical
document items must be defined here in the system.
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Unit 3: Transactions and Account Determination
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the special tax determination functions in contract accounts
receivable and payable.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: USA - Tax Jurisdiction Code (Only relevant for US training)
Lesson: USA - Tax Jurisdiction Code (Only relevant for
US training)
Lesson Overview
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
At the end of this lesson you will know about the special features in the
US tax determination.
Business Example
Tax Calculation Based on Jurisdiction Code
Standard SAP interface for internal or external tax calculation with
jurisdiction code
Determination of tax code is the same as without jurisdiction code
Jurisdiction code assigned at contract level and contract account level
Tax rate changes maintained in table TE012 if tax calculation is executed
in an external system
Figure 134: Jurisdiction Code Assigned in Contract
The tax jurisdiction code is used for determining the tax rates in the USA.
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Unit 3: Transactions and Account Determination
The jurisdiction code defines the tax authority you have to pay your taxes to. It is
always the city to which the goods / services are supplied.
You may enter the tax jurisdiction codes in the data relevant to billing on the
The jurisdiction code on the contract is assigned during move-in.
Figure 135: Jurisdiction Code Assigned in Contract Account
The system uses the jurisdiction code on the contract for calculating
contract-related taxes.
For transactions that do not involve a contract, the jurisdiction code on the contract
account is used.
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Lesson: USA - Tax Jurisdiction Code (Only relevant for US training)
Figure 136: External System - Tax Rate Change
You have to manually maintain this table for tax changes since there is no interface
available yet.
If no data is maintained in Customizing, the actual billing data is used for tax
Figure 137: Tax Determination with Jurisdiction Code
In Customizing, you define the tax determination code in IS-U that links to the
tax code in FI.
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Unit 3: Transactions and Account Determination
The tax account is determined during revenue account determination.
The tax code and the jurisdiction code determine the tax rates to be charged.
External tax packages may be used in conjunction with FI-CA for tax rate
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: USA - Tax Jurisdiction Code (Only relevant for US training)
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
At the end of this lesson you will know about the special features in the
US tax determination.
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Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
Know the definition and structure of transactions.
Configure the automatic general ledger account determination in FI-CA.
Explain the special tax determination functions in contract accounts
receivable and payable.
At the end of this lesson you will know about the special features in the
US tax determination.
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Unit 4
Incoming Payments
Unit Overview
This unit gives you an overview of the processes for editing incoming payments in
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Name the different payment types in contract accounts receivable and
Explain the object of the lot in contract accounts receivable and payable,
and explain the procedure for the manual and automatic generation and
processing of lots.
Clear open items using a check lot and a payment lot
Use the account balance to check your activities
Explain the processing options offered by clarification processing.
Transfer unclear incoming payments from the payment lot to the clarification
Clarify the unclear incoming payments in the clarification worklist and
assign them to the correct items.
Process payments at the cash desk and know the principles of the cash
Use the cash desk function to clear open items
Execute cash desk closing in the cash journal
Unit Contents
Lesson: Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments ...................187
Lesson: Payment Lots and Check Lots ......................................190
Lesson: Exercise on Check Lot and Payment Lot (Entering Payments in
Payment Lots) ...................................................................204
Lesson: Clarification Processing..............................................207
Lesson: Exercise on Account Maintenance (Clarification Processing) ..220
Lesson: Cash Desk/Cash Journal ............................................224
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Lesson: Exercise on the Cash Journal.......................................238
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Lesson: Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments
Lesson: Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you a quick overview of the types of incoming payments:
Customer-initiated payments and organization-initiated payments.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Name the different payment types in contract accounts receivable and
Business Example
Figure 138: Initiation of Payment Transactions
The payment program considers the open items due from all business partners or
contract accounts that have been selected. It can be used to process both incoming
and outgoing payments.
In case of payments initiated by the customer, the customer decides when to
pay. Payments initiated from outside can be processed by a payment lot/check
lot and automatic clearing. Alternatively, payments can be handled through the
cash desk (cash journal).
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
When payment is initiated by our organization the organization determines when
it will collect or disburse payments from/to the business partner. All payments
initiated by our organization are processed by the payment program.
Figure 139: Incoming Payment Processing: Externally Initiated
The open item that corresponds to an incoming payment is found and - as far as
possible - cleared (by partial or overpayment if necessary). Most open items are
cleared automatically (clearing procedure). If unable to automatically determine
the open item to be paid, you can assign payments manually to one or more open
Customer-initiated incoming payment methods are generally posted through the
use of payment lots.
Payment card payment postings may be posted manually online and therefore can
be considered a customer-generated payment method as well as an internally
generated method.
Payments not assigned to an open item can be posted on account or put into the
clarification controller for clarification activities.
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Lesson: Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Name the different payment types in contract accounts receivable and
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Lesson: Payment Lots and Check Lots
Lesson Overview
This lesson demonstrates the types of incoming payments: Payments using checks
and payments using bank statements.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the object of the lot in contract accounts receivable and payable,
and explain the procedure for the manual and automatic generation and
processing of lots.
Business Example
Figure 140: Payment Lots and Check Lots
Payment/check lots are used in connection with payments initiated by business
The payment/check lot is an object, which is used for storing data from
externally-initiated payments. Data from payments that have a common origin or
that should be processed together are stored in one lot.
You enter payment/check lots manually if the payment information exists in
written (paper) form. This is normally the case for check payments, although
incoming bank transfers can also be entered manually.
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Lesson: Payment Lots and Check Lots
Payment/check lots are created automatically by the system if payments are
transferred in the form of an electronic bank statement. If you are not using ERP’s
Cash Management system, then you must create a program which converts the
bank statements into a file that can be read by FI-CA. This file is then converted
to a payment/check lot.
Figure 141: Parallel Data Processing: Lots
The general steps in payment/check lot posting are as follows:
Create and save the payment/check lot; can be created manually (check lots)
or by a program (incoming bank transfers from an account statement)
Display or change the payment/check lot (if necessary); items can be inserted
or deleted
Close the payment/check lot; insertion or deletion of items is no longer
possible; however, corrections to items in the payment/check lot are
permitted. It is no longer possible to add payments to the lot, or delete
payments in the lot.
Post the payment/check lot; posting can only take place if the lot has been
“closed”. Upon posting, payments are transferred to the contract accounts
and posting is made to the appropriate clearing account. Payment differences
can be automatically posted to special profit and loss accounts.
Further or post-processing is required if postings to a clarification account have
been created or if postings were not possible (for example, incorrect/missing
Customizing). The following possibilities exist: The triggering of a repayment
(refund); posting to an interim account (if contract account cannot be determined);
or posting as a payment to a contract account (where the account can be
determined, but the open-item to be cleared cannot).
Authorization object “F_KK_SOND” with activity “011” is needed in order to be
able to reopen closed payment/check lots.
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Figure 142: Interpretation Rules: Note to Payee
Define interpretation rules for note to payee: In this activity, you define the
rules for the automatic analysis of note to payee texts for the automatic transfer
of payment data to payment lots in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Using the values determined, the system then determines the selection criteria for
the assignment of payments to receivables.
If you want to subject the values found in this way to an additional check, you can
specify a check procedure for each structure sample. This check procedure has
already been defined for the interpretation of the note to payee based on sample
function module FKK_SAMPLE_SEL_TYPE_CHECK in the check procedure
Customizing activity.
In order to simplify the settings of the interpretation rules for the note to payee, the
note to payee analysis can be tested in a Customizing activity.
When payment data is transferred using the reports RFKKZE00 or RFKKKA00,
you can still use the function module called up at event 0950 to make
application-specific or customer-specific enhancements for payment or additional
selections. For further information see the report documentation or the event
description (FQEVENTS).
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Lesson: Payment Lots and Check Lots
Figure 143: Note to Payee: Configuration
SAP has enhanced the options for the evaluation and further processing of the note
to payee specified for the transfer of FI bank statement data to the payment lot.
The system accesses the interpretation rules that were defined in Customizing for
contract accounts receivable and payable.
In addition, it is possible to transfer incoming payments that have a particular
pattern in the note to payee to a clarification account or to a short account. The
program enters the short account or the status “to be clarified” directly into the
payment lot. This ensures that these payments are not processed by the clearing
control. For FI-CA customers this is interesting for holding transactions or for
payments that do not have requests.
In addition, you can reassign the selection values found. This means assigning a
new value to a selection value or also assigning a new selection category.
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Figure 144: Note to Payee Interpretation - Example
To simplify the Customizing settings for the interpretation rules for the note to
payee, you can use transaction FP_NOTE_TEST to test the note to payee analyses.
Figure 145: Incoming Payment: Postings 1
1. Debit entry from invoicing (shown without tax posting)
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Lesson: Payment Lots and Check Lots
Figure 146: Incoming Payments - Postings (2)
2. Incoming payment at the bank (the account statement is posted in the general
Figure 147: Incoming Payments - Postings (3)
3. Payment allocation by processing the payment lot
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
In the case of payment lots, items from the bank clearing account are posted to
payment usage or to the interim account. The document number is recorded in
the associated items in the payment lot.
Payment usage can include the following:
Clearing/partial clearing of open items
Postings on account
Expense/revenue (payment difference)
Creation of new debit entries that are immediately cleared via payment
allocation. (Charges or interest, for example)
Down payments
Figure 148: Payment/Check Lot: Header Data
A manual payment/check lot consists of a header entry, one item per payment and,
optionally, several sub-items per payment. In the header for the payment order,
data is saved which is valid for the whole lot, along with data which is used as the
default values for the items.
The document type, search term, posting date, bank clearing account, company
code for the bank posting and the reconciliation key for G/L accounting are valid
for the entire lot. The currency and value date also have to be defined in the header.
The most important default values for the items are the clearing reasons (such as
incoming payments) and the selection categories (such as partner number, contract
account number).
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Lesson: Payment Lots and Check Lots
Selection information is used to identify the open items which have to be cleared
with the payment and/or to prepare the data for payment on account.
Information is always given in the form of the selection category / selection value.
Example: “C” stands for contract account; “B” stands for business partner, “P”
for period key.
Selection categories are defined in Customizing.
Figure 149: Payment/Check Lot: Processing Selection Categories
The selection categories allow you to decide which fields are to be used for
selecting open items within a screen variant.
Fields for selection categories can be defined in Customizing and may be taken
from structure FKKOP (Business partner items in contract account document);
fields from a customer defined structure may be used, but a function module
must be coded for event 210.
You can use the following fields to select open items in the transaction for
manually posting a document: Business partner, contract account, contract,
contract object, payment form reference number (reference number assigned to a
payment form from an external system), document number, reference document
number, payment form number, and net due date. Of all possible fields, the system
displays only those that were specified as a selection category for your application
in this activity.
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Figure 150: Payment/Check Lot: List Entry for Payment Screen
The selection details that can be created from the note to payee are defined in
the item. If multiple allocations (such as multiple account numbers or contract
numbers) are specified in the note to payee, you can enter further selections. They
are then saved as sub items.
In addition to the selection details, partial amounts can also be allocated (for
example, with a total payment of 500 you can allocate 200 to account 4711, and
300 to account 4712).
If you choose the Further Details pushbutton, or double click on a selected line,
then the system displays the details screen for the selected item (not shown in the
graphic). You can then enter additional data for the payment.
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Lesson: Payment Lots and Check Lots
Figure 151: Payment/Check Lot: Detailed Specifications
On the detail screen you can enter further specifications which are required for the
allocation of payments or a subsequent clarification.
Selections within a line are linked by AND logic, while the different lines of
the selections are linked by OR logic.
You can repost posted payments to another general ledger account. You can do
this using short account assignments that are defined for a company code and a
general ledger account in Customizing. This type of posting is necessary if a
payment was received by the wrong department.
Standing order is used when a business partner has told his bank to send a certain
amount form his account every month to a public sector organization. By selecting
this indicator, the bank ID and note to payee information is passed with the item
and the system can “learn” if an item is sent with the same incorrect data each
time (used in Germany).
The field refund method is used when a payment is received by mistake, from
someone who is an unknown business partner.
An entry screen is available, in which you can only enter selections.
Moreover, a search function in the payment lot helps the user to search according
to the content of a column in the item list.
In the display for a payment lot item, you can now also reset the payment
allocation or go to clarification processing. The clarification is only possible if the
case has not yet been reserved for other users.
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Figure 152: Payment Advice Note
You can use payment advice notes to enter details on authorized payments. You
can use the key created during the generation of a payment advice note as selection
criteria for open items.
In addition to the business partner or the contract account, you can also use the
payment advice note number as selection criteria when entering a payment lot.
When the payment is posted, the system selects the open items of the business
partner in the payment advice note. The system uses the entries in the payment
advice note items to allocate clearing amounts to the selected items. Any amount
differences that occur if the amount from the payment advice cannot be completely
distributed (that is, if the open item amount is smaller) are combined into a posting
on account.
Report RFKKAV00 also transfers payment advice notes from a sequential file:
The report uses the data to generate one or more payment advice notes. It carries
out the following activities:
Reads the application server file specified and checks the data contained
Creates one or more payment advice notes provided the data records are
Closes the payment advice notes provided the corresponding indicator is set.
Defective data records are saved separately and can be transferred once you
have corrected them.
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Lesson: Payment Lots and Check Lots
Figure 153: Electronic Bank Account Statement: Payment Lot
The bank transfers from an account statement are stored in a payment lot.
Payments are assigned when the payment lot is processed.
Data Transfer from Electronic Account Statement to Payment/Returns Lot
RFKKKA00 (transaction FPB7): The report selects payments, returns
and payment orders that are imported into the bank data memory during
the processing of electronic bank statements for the component Cash
Management (TR-CM). If necessary,the FI-CA data can be transferred
directly to a payment lot, payment order lot or returns lot. Alternatively, you
can output selected data from the bank data memory in a file. You can then
import the files created to payment lots, payment order lots or return lots in a
later step. You can do this using the FI-CA transfer programs RFKKZE00
(payments, payment orders) and RFKKRL00 (returns). The system uses
the business transaction and the amount +/- sign to decide the lot type a
payment position is transferred to.
Data transfer from MultiCash files to payment, payment order and returns
lots RFKKKA00 (transaction FPB17): If you convert country-specific bank
formats into MultiCash format, you can use this report to transfer data from
the MultiCash statement file and line item file to payment and returns lots in
FI-CA. However, in order to be able to process MultiCash files, you must
make the system settings described in the 'Prerequisites' section of the report
The files can also be generated using neutral interfaces. However, these must have
the SAP format - which means they must not contain any country-specific formats
from the electronic bank statements.
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Figure 154: Incoming Payments: Customizing
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Lesson: Payment Lots and Check Lots
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the object of the lot in contract accounts receivable and payable,
and explain the procedure for the manual and automatic generation and
processing of lots.
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Lesson: Exercise on Check Lot and Payment Lot
(Entering Payments in Payment Lots)
Lesson Overview
A clarification work list manages payments that could not be allocated. In this
chapter, the participants are given an overview of the work list as a tool to handle
these payments in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Clear open items using a check lot and a payment lot
Use the account balance to check your activities
Business Example
Your business partner has sent you a check to clear the childcare contributions. You
want to use a check lot to process the contribution. Do this in transaction PSCD.
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Lesson: Exercise on Check Lot and Payment Lot (Entering Payments in Payment Lots)
Task 1
Clear the open childcare contributions for your business partner with the check lot
that you can find under the menu path PAYMENTS → CHECKS → CHECK LOT.
On the check lot request screen, enter the name “YYMMDDGR##”
for the check lot (for example, on March 21, 2002, the name would be
020321GR##) and choose “Create”.
You can enter any value as a search term.
For the check deposit account, enter general ledger account 113108,
company code P100.
You can enter the value date yourself, for example, today's date.
Choose the screen variant “CHK” for the line layout and choose “New Items”.
You can leave the other default values unchanged.
In the first line, enter the amount of the check, 30.00 EUR (for childcare
contributions), your business partner next to the letter B, your contract object
next to O and the check number 10000000.
The contents of the “Selection Value” column is interpreted according
to the selection type that proceeds it.
You can define the variant “CHK” in your user parameters ID825.
Choose “Save” and then the function key PF3 (or the green back arrow)
twice to return to the initial screen for the check lot.
Choose “Close” and “Yes” in the dialog box that then appears. Then you can
no longer add or delete any paymnets in this lot.
Post the lot by choosing “Post”.
Do not change the default values and choose option “Start directly”. Choose
“OK” twice and the system should issue a message telling you that the
postings have been made.
Check your postings in the account balance. To do this, use the list type
“All Items”.
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Clear open items using a check lot and a payment lot
Use the account balance to check your activities
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Lesson: Clarification Processing
Lesson: Clarification Processing
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the processes for clarification processing in
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the processing options offered by clarification processing.
Business Example
Figure 155: Clarification Worklist
Items requiring clarification arise where you post a payment/check lot but
either some or all payments could not be posted (due to missing or incorrect
Customizing, for example) to a contract account. When you post a payment/check
lot, these items are posted to an interim account defined in customizing and
included in a clarification worklist.
If you then process the clarification worklist, you can transfer these items from the
interim account to a contract account. You can process the posting for a payment,
a payment lot, or for all clarification cases (for more than one payment/check lot).
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
You can clarify items from the payment or payment lot as follows:
Correct the payment items (the data used to select the items) and restart the
posting of the selected items (clearing open items or payment on account).
Perform the posting and clearing manually (with clearing of open items or
payment on account). It is possible to clear some items during clarification.
Partial clearings can be posted more than once. It is also possible to transfer
posting items by using short account assignment defined in Customizing. In
connection with this posting you can start a workflow (for example, you can
send an E-mail to the department receiving the posting).
Create a repayment request if you were unable to allocate the incoming
payment amount to an individual item. The system then reposts the amount
from the interim account to a repayment clearing account.
As of release ERP 2005, the new function “Correspondence for Clarification” is
available for clarification processing. This allows you, for example, to make
queries at the house bank or other addressees. When you use the function, the
system proposes a business partner and an application form. The correspondence
type is 0035.
Figure 156: Incoming Payment: Processing
The clearing control is responsible for the automatic allocation of payments
to open items.
The clearing control logic can be used in various processes and transactions. The
clearing control is used for manual or automatic account maintenance, as well as
for processing payment lots.
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Lesson: Clarification Processing
Figure 157: Agent Allocation
The clarification worklist can be included in a worklist. SAP supplies the following
two sample workflows for this. They can be used to create individual workflows:
Simple workflow - WS21000078
A clarification case must be allocated to a processor before it can be sent
to an agent in the workflow inbox. Agent assignment and agent restriction
ensure that clarification cases are only assigned to an agent once. This means
that if an agent cannot process and complete a clarification case, the case is
sent automatically to another agent.
Ad-hoc workflow – WS21000077
No agent allocations or restrictions have to be made for this workflow. If an
agent cannot clarify a case, he or she determines the next agent and forwards
the case to them. For this workflow, make the setting for a workflow with
direct advance in the general workflow settings so that the next processor
query appears immediately after processing.
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Figure 158: Clarification Lists: Roles
When processing clarification worklists, you can carry out a check on the agent
that processes individual clarification items using a role definition (like the SAP
This accounting agent then receives only those clarification items within their
worklist for which they are responsible within the SAP organizational structure
linked to the role.
For clarification processing in the payment lot, roles for restrictions in the
clarification worklist have been available for several releases. Standard role
02100008 (abbreviation FMCA_PLOT_SR) defines by which organizational
units, positions, persons or users certain cases of the clarification worklists are
processed. The standard role 02100009 (abbreviation FMCA_PLOT_UC) defines
when clarification cases of the clarification worklist should count as urgent
and which organizational units, positions, persons or users are responsible for
their clarification. These roles were defined in the Customizing for clarification
processing until now and had to be activated when needed.
As of release ERP 2005, with clarification processing general roles are defined for
payment clarification instead of these roles. However, the roles are still available.
If you want to use these roles, replace the roles delivered with the roles 02100008
or 02100009 and then activate them.
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Lesson: Clarification Processing
Figure 159: Selecting Clarification Cases from Payment Lot
The selection options of the payment clarification list enable you to limit the open
clarification cases according to clarification accounts and account holders.
You can also define mapping rules by using the new roles 2100008 (Limited
Selection Clarification Worklist) and 2100009 (Limited to Acute Clarification
Cases) and thereby assign each clarification case to at least one processor or
a group of processors.
You can transfer payments from payment or check lots that are in clarification,
and that you cannot assign, after a predefined period using a program and thus
remove them from the clarification worklist. You carry out the transfer posting
by specifying a short account assignment to which a minimum retention period is
assigned. The transfer posting program is RFKKUMBKL.
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Figure 160: Clarification Proposal
When you call up a clarification case, the system automatically suggests a
clarification proposal. You can define the range of the clarification proposal in
your personal settings. In addition to the proposed business partners, the system
can display their most recent payments and due items, it can search for similar
numbers (for example document and account numbers) and can switch to the
clarification processing screen so that you can distribute the payment amount
between several partners, contract accounts or contracts.
In the clearing proposal, you can delete proposed lines, select all proposed lines or
reverse the selection in all lines.
In some cases, the clarification proposals from previous clarification cases are not
helpful. This can apply, for example, to payments made by social services or
pension offices. Although the payments originate from the same bank account, the
payments can be made for many different business partners.
Previous, incorrect clarifications are also an example of this. If a payment was
allocated to the wrong business partner and re-allocated later, the system will
always propose the wrong business partner whenever a payment is made using
that bank account.
The function Maintain Exception Accounts for Payment Clarification enables
you to define different rules and individual default values for creating proposals
that clarify incoming payments.
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Lesson: Clarification Processing
Figure 161: Repayment Request
If allocation of an incoming payment is not possible, you can trigger a repayment
by setting the “Repayment” indicator in the item of the incoming lot.
The bank details from the bank transfer information are used for the refund.
The repayment itself is performed by the payment run. The “With refunds”
indicator must be set in the payment run parameters.
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Figure 162: Posting Process: Repayment
Incoming payment: Bank to bank clearing
Allocation not possible: Clarification worklist - bank clearing to
clarification account
Clarification not possible: Repayment request generated - clarification
account to repayment clearing account
Repayment in payment run: Repayment clearing account to bank clearing
Electronic bank statement (outgoing payment): Bank clearing account
to bank
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Lesson: Clarification Processing
Figure 163: Posting Procedure Repayment
Incoming payment: Bank to bank clearing
Allocation not possible: Clarification worklist - bank clearing to clarification
Clarification not possible: Repayment request generated - clarification
account to repayment clearing account
Repayment in payment run: Repayment clearing account to bank clearing
Electronic bank statement (outgoing payment): Bank clearing account
to bank
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Figure 164: Credit Processing
You can use the following functions if the credit use has to be clarified for your
business partner's contract accounts:
Credit clarification
Credit processing
The following types of credit can be processed with the credit clarification
Credit that was previously selected by the mass activity Generate Credit List
and sent to clarification processing.
Credit that was directly included in the clarification worklist as a result of
Customizing settings.
The Process Credit function should only be used for manually processing
individual credit that has not been entered by the credit list
The activities Remain and Send Letter can be used for processing in credit
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Lesson: Clarification Processing
Figure 165: Incoming Payments: Customizing
The Customizing for processing clarification worklists is supplied by SAP
(see the IMG structure under Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable →
Technical Settings → Prepare Processing of Clarification Worklists). Check and,
if necessary, modify the settings.
Figure 166: Incoming Payments: Customizing
Selection criteria for clarifying credit. Field Immediately:
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Ensures that a line item that fulfills the Customizing criteria is inserted directly
in the credit list for clarifying credits.
If you do not set this indicator, the line items are inserted in the clarification
worklist when you call the credit list.
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Lesson: Clarification Processing
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the processing options offered by clarification processing.
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Lesson: Exercise on Account Maintenance (Clarification
Lesson Overview
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Transfer unclear incoming payments from the payment lot to the clarification
Clarify the unclear incoming payments in the clarification worklist and
assign them to the correct items.
Business Example
Your administration is responsible for managing incoming and outgoing payments.
Your job begins after the bank data is transferred to the payment lot using the
electronic bank statement. Not all payments can be assigned directly to the
open items using the clearing control, for example, because there is insufficient
information in the note to payee. The unclear payments are transferred to
the clarification worklist automatically or manually. When you process the
clarification worklist, you find the corresponding open items for childcare
contributions and you notice that the customer has transferred too much. You clear
the open items and you transfer the surplus amount back to your business partner.
Figure 167: Account Maintenance/Clarification Processing
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Lesson: Exercise on Account Maintenance (Clarification Processing)
Task 1
Enter the payments that have been made. To do this, use the payment lot that you
can find under PAYMENTS → PAYMENT LOT.
Enter the lot name “YYMMDDGR##PL” and choose Create.
Enter your group as a search term and choose bank clearing account 113109,
company code P100 and screen variant PAY.
Choose “New items”. In the first line, enter the payment amount 300 EUR,
the selection type (T) ‘O’ for account object and add 01 to your account
object number for the childcare contributions (for example, your contract
object number is 125, therefore the input value is 12501. This information is
normally transferred by the electronic bank statement.
Double-click the line to go to the line items.
On the “Payment Data” tab page, select the field “Clarify” and enter
clarification account “1134##” for group ##.
Return to the overview.
Save your entries and choose the green arrow twice (or F3) to return to
the initial screen.
Choose “Close” and confirm the next dialog box. As of this point, you can
no longer enter any more payments in this payment lot.
To post the payments that you have entered, choose “Post”.
Choose “Start online” and then choose “OK”.
As soon as the posting is closed, the system should issue a message telling
you that that posting is closed and that the payments need to be postprocessed.
Leave the transaction.
Task 2
In your normal process flow, you begin by processing the unassignable payment
Enter your clarification account 1134## and choose Execute (F8) to go to
the clarification list.
Select the payment that you posted previously and choose “Clarify”.
Do not change the settings for the clarification processing in the dialog box
that appears and go to the detail screen.
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Task 3
You notice that the number entered in the selection value for the contract has been
interpreted incorrectly and that the number without the 01 at the end is the correct
number (for example, 125 → 12501 is the incorrect entry) for your contract.
To find the corresponding contract and to assign the payment to the open items,
you now have two options:
You know the correct number, therefore, change the corresponding entry for
the account in the selection proposal and choose “Enter”.
You can use the clarification list to search for possible open items. To do
this, choose the “magnifying glass” icon (error-tolerant search). In the search
screen, select “Contract” and enter the first two numbers of your contract in
the “search for similar numbers”. Choose “Enter” and select the line (field
“Transfer”) with your contract and choose “Transfer selected”.
Task 4
Your business partner informs you that he has mistakenly transferred an amount
that is too high and asks you to return the surplus amount.
Choose “Partial clarification” and enter 30 EUR in the Clarification amount
Choose “Post with default” and then chose Save on the “Process open items”
screen. After you save, you return to the clarification screen.
Task 5
Transfer the surplus amount back to your business partner. You can do this directly
from the clarification list.
To do this, go to the “Payment Data” tab page.
Enter the bank number 10020030, bank country DE, an account number and
your name in the sold-to party field.
Select the field “Repayment” and enter the refund method 5 for the transfer.
In the posting text, enter a text for your business partner and then choose the
“Clarification” tab page to go back to the clarification list.
Choose “Save” and “Post”.
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Lesson: Exercise on Account Maintenance (Clarification Processing)
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Transfer unclear incoming payments from the payment lot to the clarification
Clarify the unclear incoming payments in the clarification worklist and
assign them to the correct items.
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Lesson: Cash Desk/Cash Journal
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of:
The structure of the cash desk and the roll-based authorization concept
The cash journal and its integrated functions for posting and evaluation
postings in the cash desk
The correspondence: Confirmation and cash withdrawals
The bar code function
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Process payments at the cash desk and know the principles of the cash
Business Example
Figure 168: Cash Journal - Function
The cash desk functionality includes the mapping of a cash desk structure and a
role-based authorization concept. Cash deposits, withdrawals and differences can
be posted posting documents can be created along with a detail display of the
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Lesson: Cash Desk/Cash Journal
document. In contrast to the original cash desk functionality and its evaluation
options (only via the payment lot), evaluations can now be made in the cash
journal based on payment type and currency, cash desk and current or historical
When the cash desk is closed, the system compares the actual and the target
balances in the cash desks of the cash journal and highlights any differences. A
currency unit sheet makes it easier to enter the actual cash desk balances. You can
enter the coin and note units in the currency unit sheet. Once you have saved this
information, you can print cash desk closing. It can also be printed at a later date.
You can open and close cash desks, regardless of whether a cash desk closing is to
be executed for a cash desk. Cash desk closing does not have to be executed for
opening and closing cash desks. However, if cash desk closing is executed for a
a cash desk, this cash desk is automatically closed. If you want to make further
postings to this cash desk, you must open the cash desk again.
Figure 169: Cash Desk Structure
The cash journal can map the cash desk structure of a company. The cash desk
structure includes the cash desks in the individual branch offices of a company.
The cash desks in the branch offices form the master data of the cash desk structure
and are, therefore, a prerequisite for the cash journal.
The company code and the bank clearing account, as well as lots that have already
been created according to the payment category, are proposed depending on the
cash desk. If an open lot is not available, the system automatically creates a
corresponding payment lot. The branch and the cash desk are the first 5 figures
of the name.
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Figure 170: Role Concept
Role concept (optional - can be activated/deactivated in Customizing)
Branch office manager: Standard role 22000001
Cashier with special tasks: Standard role 22000003
Normal cashier: Standard role 22000005
can be allocated different activities. Users are allocated to roles using the
transaction PFAC_INS or in the Customizing settings for responsibilities.
Activities can also be individually allocated to the roles in Customizing, or
configured according to the standard system. The overview displayed above
represents a standard allocation.
Activity per role
Branch office manager
All activities for all cash desks in the branch office. For example,
entering incoming and outgoing payments, posting deposits, transferring
responsibilities, posting differences, posting withdrawals, the historical
evaluation of all cash desks in his or her area of responsibility and
opening/closing cash desks.
Cashier with special tasks
All branch office manager activities except for closing cash desks in the
branch office.
Entry of incoming and outgoing payments in his or her cash desk and posting
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Lesson: Cash Desk/Cash Journal
Figure 171: Individual Enhancements to Cash Journal
Bar code reader
For example, the customer data and the amount to be paid for each bar code are
stored on the bill. A customer pays their bill and takes it to the cash desk. The
cashier scans the bar code. The data for the business partner, contract account,
amount and so on is already entered in the corresponding fields in the cash desk.
There are 5 additional customer functions that can be activated and used for event
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Figure 172: Cash Desk
The cash desk has been integrated into the cash journal. This means that all
incoming and outgoing payments are posted using the cash desk. You can navigate
directly to the cash desk from the cash journal and back. The system transfers the
cash desk allocated to an agent and other allocations (made the system or the user)
to the cash desk. When the Cash Journal transaction is activated, you cannot
directly call up the Cash Desk transaction.
Caution: If you activate the cash journal later, you cannot evaluate the postings
that you made in the cash desk before activating the cash journal in the cash
journal. You should therefore avoid changing settings (cash journal active/not
active) during operation.
Within the cash desk function, payments can be directly allocated to open items
for a business partner. You can use a payment proposal from clearing control or
allocate the payment manually.
Payment at cash desk includes cash, check or credit card payments.
You can print a receipt subsequent to posting. You can select the application
form for printing the receipt in the activity Define Application Forms for
Correspondence (under Basic Functions for Contract Accounts Receivable and
If an overpayment is made in cash, the remaining amount is used to decide
whether a posting on account is to be made or whether this amount is to be paid to
the customer.
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Lesson: Cash Desk/Cash Journal
Figure 173: Manual Cash Desk Payments with Business Partner
The cash desk allows a user to enter payments manually or automatically.
Automatic assignment takes place the same way it does for payment/check lots
(specifications for posting and selection criteria are also based on payment lots).
Cash, card, and check payments are all permitted within the cash desk.
If posting a payment/check lot – regardless of type – with the cash desk
transaction, you can only create, post, and close the payment/check lots (within
this transaction); a payment/check lot created here can only be displayed in the
payment/check lot transaction.
Default settings for the transaction illustrated above are set in Customizing in
the payment processing section of the IMG. Expense and revenue accounts for
posting of differences are also defined in Customizing (in the automatic G/L
account determination section).
As of release ERP 2005 you can process payments with several payment
categories in the cash desk. This means that a customer can make a payment with
a combination of cash, check payment(s), payment card(s), and postal orders.
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Figure 174: Manual Cash Desk Payments Without Business Partner
As of release ERP 2005, the initial screen is divided into three parts:
Header data
The header area contains the static data of a payment, such as the payment
date and the company code. You can display or hide this screen area using a
Simple selection /general ledger account posting
The middle area contains two tab pages one for entering selection criteria for
the payment and one for entering the data for general ledger account postings.
In both cases the cash desk supports multiple entries.
Details of payment category In the area for payment categories, there is
a separate tab page for each payment category supported: Cash, Check,
Payment Card, Postal Order. With the exception of cash payments, multiple
entries are possible. The system displays the payment categories and
amounts entered in a totals table.
You can create individual documents in the general ledger (FI-GL) and
payments on account by setting the corresponding indicator.
Payment lots are still supported.
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Lesson: Cash Desk/Cash Journal
Figure 175: Cash Journal - Post Deposits
Note: Changes have been made to the user interface as of Release ERP
2005. Explain the facts, do not let yourself get involved in discussions
about former interfaces that may not be familiar to you.
As of release ERP 2005, the dialog for posting deposits has been revised. The
screen is divided into two areas. You can hide the header data. The fields required
for posting a deposit cannot be hidden.
The cash desk clearing account is hidden in the cash journal dialog. If the system
can automatically determine a unique cash desk clearing account, no cash desk
clearing account is displayed. If the system cannot determine a unique cash desk
clearing account, you can specify one.
You can reverse a deposit with the “reversal of special posting documents”
function, provided this has not already been fully or partially withdrawn.
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Figure 176: Cash Journal - Post Withdrawals
Note: Changes have been made to the user interface as of Release ERP
2005. Explain the facts, do not let yourself get involved in discussions
about former interfaces that may not be familiar to you.
As of release ERP 2005, the dialog for posting withdrawals has been revised. As
when posting deposits, the interface has been divided into two areas. You can
hide the header data. The area that is permanently visible shows the balance for
each payment category. You can select and activate the balances for withdrawals.
You can also post a partial withdrawal. Regardless of the settings for the cash
journal, the balances are now displayed for each payment card and are provided
for withdrawal. If you select and activate a cash balance and enter a partial
withdrawal amount, you can only post the remaining amount as a new deposit.
This does not change the cash desk balance. However, the performance is greatly
improved when determining the current cash desk balance.
It is advisable to post the remaining amount of a cash withdrawal as a new deposit
at regular intervals or, for example, before or after closing at the end of the day.
The system posts a withdrawal document and, if necessary, a deposit for each
item activated.
The cash desk clearing account is hidden in the cash journal dialog. If the system
can automatically determine a unique cash desk clearing account, no cash desk
clearing account is displayed. If the system cannot determine a unique cash desk
clearing account, you can specify one.
You can reverse a withdrawal with the “reversal of special posting documents”
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Lesson: Cash Desk/Cash Journal
Figure 177: Cash Journal - Post Differences
Note: Changes have been made to the user interface as of Release ERP
2005. Explain the facts, do not let yourself get involved in discussions
about former interfaces that may not be familiar to you.
As of release ERP 2005, the dialog for posting differences has been revised. As
when posting deposits, the interface has been divided into two areas. You can
also hide the header data. The area that is permanently visible shows the balance
for each payment category, provided you can post difference for all payment
categories. If a difference occurs in one or more balances, you can select and
activate these and enter the respective actual balance. For each activated item, the
system posts one document for differences.
The cash desk clearing account is hidden in the cash journal dialog. If the system
can automatically determine a unique cash desk clearing account, no cash desk
clearing account is displayed. If the system cannot determine a unique cash desk
clearing account, you can specify one.
You can reverse a difference with the “reversal of special posting documents”
function, provided this has not already been fully or partially withdrawn.
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Figure 178: Payment on Installment Plan
If, during the clearing proposal, the allocated open item turns out to be an
installment plan item, you can display the installment plan and, if necessary,
change it during the online processing of the clearing proposal for clearing the
source receivables.
Figure 179: Cash Journal: Day End Closing
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Lesson: Cash Desk/Cash Journal
You can execute day-end closing. When the cash desk is closed, the system
compares the actual and the target balances in the cash desks of the cash journal
and highlights any differences. A currency unit sheet makes it easier to enter the
actual cash desk balances. You can enter the coin and note units in the currency
unit sheet. Once you have saved, you can print the day-end closing.
Irrespective of whether you carry out day-end closing for a cash desk, you can still
open and close it. Cash desk closing does not have to be executed for opening and
closing cash desks. However, if cash desk closing is executed for a a cash desk,
this cash desk is automatically closed. If you want to make further postings to
this cash desk, you have to reopen it.
You can use the overview (menu: Payments → Cash Desk) to display the closing
carried out in the cash journal across all cash desks and all branches. In the cash
journal you can only display cash desk closing for the current cash desk and
branch. The transaction enables you to display the cash desk closing dependent on
the following selection criteria:
Cash desk
Date of cash desk closing
Closing carried out by
Status of closing
Figure 180: Cash Desk / Cash Journal: Customizing
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
If you want to use the cash journal in your company, you must carry out the
following in the Customizing menu for contract accounts receivable and payable
under Business Transactions → Payments → Incoming/Outgoing Payment
Processing → Cash Desk / Cash Journal:
Prevent the cash desk from being called up directly by flagging the Cash
Journ. Act. indicator in the activity: Maintain Specifications for Cash
Make the basic settings and master data in the activities: Maintain
Specifications for Cash Journal and Define Master Data for Cash Journal.
When defining Default Values for Posting Cash Desk Deposits and Withdrawals,
make sure that you maintain different bank clearing accounts for deposits and
withdrawals. However, you can enter the same G/L account for deposits and
You can use user roles to control the authorizations for postings and evaluations in
the cash desk. In order to do this, you must activate the role concept by setting the
Use Roles indicator in the Maintain Specifications for Cash Journal activity and
by allocating roles to the individual users (cashiers).
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Lesson: Cash Desk/Cash Journal
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Process payments at the cash desk and know the principles of the cash
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Lesson: Exercise on the Cash Journal
Lesson Overview
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Use the cash desk function to clear open items
Execute cash desk closing in the cash journal
Business Example
Your administration allows the citizens to pay the charges at a cash desk. Your
business partner wants to use this service to pay parking fees. Accept the money
into your cash journal. At the end of the posting day, you can close the cash desk
and you can check the posted documents.
Task 1:
Use the cash journal function to clear the open parking fees of your business
partner by choosing the following menu path: PAYMENTS → CASH JOURNAL
Choose the cash journal for your group in the branch “CD”.
Choose “Post deposit” and enter P100 as the company code, EUR as the
currency and the amount 100.00 EUR in the screen that is now displayed.
Leave all the default values unchanged and choose “Post”.
Task 2:
You want to post 100.00 EUR as a deposit so that you have enough float in the
cash desk.
Choose “Post deposit” and enter P100 as the company code, EUR as the
currency and the amount 100.00 EUR in the screen that is now displayed.
Leave all the default values unchanged and choose “Post”.
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Lesson: Exercise on the Cash Journal
Task 3:
Your business partner wants to pay the open parking fees at the cash desk.
Go to the cash journal for your branch CD and cash desk ## (group ##_
by choosing “To cash desk”.
You are now on the entry screen for the cash desk.
Enter the company code P100 and the currency EUR and your business
partner. Enter 50.00 EUR in the amount field and enter your contract object
for parking fees in the relevant field.
Double-click the payment amount field, the amount is transferred.
Leave all the default values unchanged and double-click “Post Item Online”.
Confirm the dialog box if the system informs you that a payment lot should
be created.
Activate the request that you want to clear. Choose “Save” and make a
note of the document number.
Task 4:
At the end of the posting day, you want to execute cash desk closing.
Return to the cash desk and choose the following menu path: SPECIAL
You want to pay your cash desk balance. To do this, select the line “Cash
payment” and chose “Enter Actual Balance”.
There is a difference between the target balance and the actual balance.
When you pay the coins and notes, you notice that you have 151,00 EUR in
your cash desk. Enter this balance in the payment template.
After you confirm the payment template, choose “Post Difference”.
In the dialog box, choose the payment type “CS Cash Payment” and confirm
your entry.
Choose “Activate”. An amount of 150.00 EUR should now appear in the
“Cash Amount” field.
Enter the amount of 151.00 EUR in the “Actual Amount” field and choose
Task 5:
Start cash desk closing.
To do this, choose “Close”.
Confirm you activities by choosing “Yes” in the dialog box that then appears.
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Unit 4: Incoming Payments
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Use the cash desk function to clear open items
Execute cash desk closing in the cash journal
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
Name the different payment types in contract accounts receivable and
Explain the object of the lot in contract accounts receivable and payable,
and explain the procedure for the manual and automatic generation and
processing of lots.
Clear open items using a check lot and a payment lot
Use the account balance to check your activities
Explain the processing options offered by clarification processing.
Transfer unclear incoming payments from the payment lot to the clarification
Clarify the unclear incoming payments in the clarification worklist and
assign them to the correct items.
Process payments at the cash desk and know the principles of the cash
Use the cash desk function to clear open items
Execute cash desk closing in the cash journal
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Unit Summary
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Unit 5
Payment Run
Unit Overview
This unit gives you an overview of the functions of the payment program and the
role of FSCM Biller Direct in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Explain the prerequisites for the payment program and the posting logic.
Carry out postings and repayments using the payment run.
Maintain the parameters for the payment program
Execute the payment program
Make payments with credit cards.
Identify the options for creating and processing outgoing checks.
Explain the Internet self-services for displays, and the options for paying
bills in the Biller Direct component.
Define the concept of revenue distribution to final recipients in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Distribute revenues for certain receivables.
Unit Contents
Prerequisites for Making Payments ...............................244
Payment Program ....................................................250
Exercise on Payment Program – Scheduling and Executing ...262
Payment Cards .......................................................265
Check Management..................................................270
FSCM Biller Direct....................................................274
Revenue Distribution .................................................278
Exercise On Revenue Distribution .................................284
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Unit 5: Payment Run
Lesson: Prerequisites for Making Payments
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of:
The types of payment methods that are generally used in an organization.
How to set up payment methods in Customizing
How to derive payment methods from master data or documents
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the prerequisites for the payment program and the posting logic.
Business Example
Figure 181: Initiation of Payment Transactions
There are several types of payment methods in FI-CA that are initiated internally.
These payment methods are mainly used in connection with the payment program
(see the next lesson for further details).
The difference between a direct debit mandate and a debit memo (automatic
debit) is that in a direct debit mandate the customer issues the approval to debit
his/her account, and then has six weeks in which he/she can reject the posting.
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Lesson: Prerequisites for Making Payments
In the case of a debit memo, the customer informs the bank that it can debit the
account. The bank must then confirm that the customer has given consent and is
no longer able to reverse or reject the transaction once it has been started (this
is relevant for German law).
Hint: If an incoming payment method is valid (not locked), then it is the
company's responsibility to collect the money. For this reason dunnings
do not include open items of this kind.
Figure 182: Payment Processing: Use
Figure 183: Payment Method Configuration
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Unit 5: Payment Run
Through the use of the payment method it is possible to ensure that items with
a payment method and items without a payment method are processed. The
payment method of the document is not compared with the payment method of
the contract account. By entering a payment method in an item it is possible to
ensure that any minimum/maximum amount limits valid for this item are ignored
(so that, for example, after the cancellation of a contract, minimal amounts that
would not usually lead to a transfer or a collection can nevertheless still be paid
Payment method classification specifies whether a check is to be created, if the
payment is from a post office bank account, or if the payment method is to be
used for incoming payments.
Figure 184: Control Data for the Payment Program - Master Data
The responsible company code has the same function as the paying company
code in Financial Accounting (posting the bank line responsible for house banks,
sender of payment orders, etc.).
Other entries relating to payment are determined separately for outgoing and
incoming payments within a contract account master record. In both cases
(incoming and outgoing):
A business partner bank (or that of an alternative business partner) can be
specified for one or both cases
Payment methods specified can be overridden by entries in the document.
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Lesson: Prerequisites for Making Payments
A contract account can be blocked for outgoing or incoming payments.
Furthermore, bank collection can be prevented after failed debit memos until a
processing block date is reached.
If a contract account is specified for offsetting, the contract account items are
all paid to a business partner together. Payment methods, banks and blocks are
determined via this offsetting contract account.
Figure 185: Payment Control Data: Line Item
A due date is determined by three date entries: the cash discount date, the specified
due date for net payment, and the deferral date.
Grouping ensures that items with the same grouping term will be paid together
(the grouping criteria must correspond). For example, it is used if you have sent
your customer a bill with several items, but these items are to be collected with
one amount.
Using the indicator “can only be cleared” when posting an item ensures that items
cannot be disbursed (or collected). Rather, the amount to be collected or disbursed
can only be cleared with other debit entries. In event 0652, you can override
the automatic selection of partner banks created by the payment program. In
the standard system, the partner bank is selected as a result of the bank details
defined either in the contract account or the contract (differentiated by incoming
payment and outgoing payment). You can override this by explicitly specifying
bank details in the line item. However, it is not possible, for example, to select
a partner bank dependent on the currency of the items paid if these bank details
are not entered in the items to be paid.
Using event 0652, you can set a different bank details ID dependent on the items
to be paid, or prevent payment.
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Unit 5: Payment Run
Figure 186: Incoming Payments - Postings (1)
[1] Debit position of a receivable
[2] Payment in FI-CA by the payment run.
Figure 187: Incoming Payments - Postings (2)
[3] Incoming payments in General Ledger Accounting (posting the account
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Prerequisites for Making Payments
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the prerequisites for the payment program and the posting logic.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 5: Payment Run
Lesson: Payment Program
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the payment program Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable. It describes the process of payment postings and
repayments using the payment run and the relevant technical prerequisites.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Carry out postings and repayments using the payment run.
Business Example
Figure 188: Payment Program Processing
The process flow of the payment program is as follows: open items are selected;
open items are grouped for payment; items requiring special processing are
determined; payment methods and bank details are determined; the value date
and account determination takes place; payments are posted and payment media
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Payment Program
If desired, you can execute a test run of the payment program prior to the actual
payment run. The test run creates a payment list but it does not create payment
The results of the test/payment run are stored in payment tables (DPAYH,
DPAYP). These tables include payments as well as payment exceptions.
Payment data and payment exceptions can be viewed in the payment list, but
they cannot be changed.
From the payment data payment media are created. Payment media can be created
in electronic form or in hard copy.
The payment run program uses the technique of parallel processing.
You can define per item indicator for exceptions (in payment program) whether an
item should be placed in the clarification list.
Data that controls the payment run exists in: Master data, document, Customizing,
current payment run parameters.
Figure 189: Payment Program – Program Flow
Parallel processing distributes the load across several systems in order to achieve
improved performance. By choosing suitable sizes of the selected blocks, more
rapid access is possible and less memory is required to process the data.
Parallel processing is achieved by apportioning the dataset to be processed. The
business partner or the combination of business partner and contract account are
suitable interval objects for parallel processing.
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Unit 5: Payment Run
The dispatcher for the payment program calls up the payment program every time
entries are made to the technical settings. Every process obtains a free interval
which is not yet in operation. The work list defined by this interval is processed in
blocks. After this interval has been processed, the next interval is processed. This
process continues until all intervals are confirmed as completed.
After an interval has been reserved for processing, the information in the worklist
is transferred to the mass selection module so that the items for a business partner
(or a contract account) can be read efficiently.
Figure 190: Events in the Payment Program
Through the use of specified events, it is possible to influence the flow of the
payment program. The exact specification of the program interfaces and detailed
documentation and notes on implementation can be found in the system. For more
information see the documentation for the associated sample function modules
FKK_SAMPLE_06xx (that is, the function modules specific to the payment
program are in 600).
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Lesson: Payment Program
The following events are available within the payment program:
0600 Payment: Enter grouping criteria for items
0601 Payment: Deactivate items after grouping
0610 Block items or initiate partial payments
0615 Choose line-items to be cleared
0620 Create clearing document lines (when clearing)
0630 Additional data for payment (PAYH)
0640 Additional data on paid items (PAYP)
0650 Select house bank and account
0690 Delete payment data
Figure 191: Run-Time Parameters in the Payment Program
Payment runs can be protected by freely definable authorization groups. An
accounting clerk may only process a payment run (change parameters, start a
payment run, etc.) if he is authorized for this activity and he is in the appropriate
authorization group.
Selection criteria according to business partner, contract account and dynamic
selections are available for use in the test-run phase.
Selection according to company code is mandatory. The defined payment method
is country-specific. For this reason it is only possible to select company codes
within a country that has the same currency in each payment run.
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Unit 5: Payment Run
The posting date of the payment run is applied as the baseline date for determining
the due date, unless:
If a deferral date has been entered in an item, it is used in every case to
determine the due date.
If the cash discount date is prior to the posting date, then the cash discount
due date is used when determining the due date and the item will be paid
minus cash discount where applicable.
If the cash discount period has expired then the due date for net payment
is used.
Hint: The due date for an item that is determined in this manner must fall
within the due date interval entered in the “general selections” section of
the payment run parameters for the item to be paid.
You can restrict the payment run to one payment card type. You can then run
separate payment runs for each payment card type, event though the payment
method from the “card payment” category is always the same.
Grouping of Open Items
Business partner
Alternative payer
Payer's bank details
Responsible company code payment lock
Contract account by which payment transactions are made / offset
Payment method
Currency key
Grouping term for open item
Free grouping of application area
A business partner’s items are grouped together into payable groups. Items can
only be grouped together if a business partner’s items are not selected by contract
The responsible company code and the account being offset are determined via the
assigned contract account in the document.
The application area can enter data in its own grouping field in the designated
Event 0600. This data could, for example, include reference details from the
contract. This event can also be used to block items while the payment program is
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Lesson: Payment Program
Figure 192: Define Payment Method and Banks
Several payment methods can be specified for outgoing payments in a contract
account’s or contracts object’s master data. In this case the checks outlined in
steps within the graphic above are carried out for each payment method until a
valid payment method is found.
If payment optimization is not required, the house bank with the highest priority is
always selected (see bank selection in parameter maintenance).
Figure 193: Run Parameters – Selection of Banks
The payment program has been realized as a mass activity.
Once open items have been grouped the system determines the appropriate
payment method and selects a bank from the bank parameters entered in the
payment run.
Currently it is only possible to prioritize banks for bank selection optimization.
It is not yet possible to enter available amounts for each of the respective bank
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Unit 5: Payment Run
You can maintain bank selection for all company codes simultaneously.
For cross-company code postings, the company code belonging to the contract
account must also be the responsible company code for the company codes in
the line items.
If other company codes are billed using the contract account, incoming payments
on receivables in these company codes are always posted to a company code
settlement account in the responsible company code first. This procedure is the
same for outgoing payments.
Figure 194: Example: Item Grouping (1 of 2)
Figure 195: Example: Item Grouping (2 of 2)
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Lesson: Payment Program
Figure 196: Payment List
Extended checks for outgoing payment creation: In addition to processing blocks
on an account or contract object and payment blocks on an account or document,
you also have the option in FI-CA of excluding items from payment by the
payment program. In Customizing you can define the necessary payment block
reasons to exclude certain items from automatic payment.
This type of payment block always refers to both incoming and outgoing payments.
Items that cannot be paid automatically on the basis of their item and contract
account categories are excluded from further processing by the payment program
and appear in the exception list of the payment program.
Payment and exception list: Using the list-viewer functionality, the payment data
list structure can be tailored to an individual user. This means that the display
layout of the payment list report can be structured and defined by an individual
Figure 197: Additional Features of Payment Program
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Unit 5: Payment Run
The activity log gives information on the executed activities (changing parameters,
scheduling, deleting data) and by whom and when the activities were executed.
The additional log clarifies the working method of the payment program. In
particular, information is provided on how the items have been grouped and why it
was not possible to make a payment. The user can define what is to be logged.
The copy template contains pre-defined parameters and may be used to create a
payment run. However, the template itself cannot be executed as a payment run.
A copy template will not be deleted if a payment run that was created by using
that copy template is itself deleted.
Payment runs can be deleted.
Figure 198: Creation of Payment Medium
You must initiate a process for each payment medium, and must take into account
the country-specific requirements such as the currency and the note to payee.
You can change the structure of the note to payee in Customizing. The use of
symbols such as “&TABLE-FIELD&” is supported, as used in SAPscript. In
addition, it is possible to edit or structure the note to payee (free text field) in the
technical programming of the application area.
If you use the payment media formats EDIFACT and S.W.I.F.T. (MT 100,101, 103,
104, 200, and 202), (customer development), you can define correspondence
banks. This means that you can specify a bank chain with up to three intermediary
banks (correspondence banks) in Customizing for the transfer from one bank to
another. You can define general and recipient-specific bank chains. You then
specify recipient-specific bank chains in the transactions for creating and changing
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Lesson: Payment Program
business partner data (FPP1, FPP2) on the tab page Payment Transactions, in the
Bank Chains area. The function module FI_PAYMENT_BANK_CHAIN_SET
determines the bank chains during the payment media creation and places them in
the corresponding structures.
Figure 199: Note to Payee Content Hint
You can set that payment media are to be created in the language of the business
partner. If this flag is not set, then the system will look into the content table
depicted above and look for language key ‘“ ”‘ (blank) and use the parameters
associated with this table entry. Therefore it is important to place an entry in the
content table for language key ‘“ ”‘ for each note to payee category.
To determine whether or not this flag has been set, go transaction “SE38”, enter
program ID “SAPFKPY3”, execute, then search for the “Text in recipient’s
language” flag.
In the user-defined specifications, you can specify the number of items to be
prepared only once per payment. This avoids the contents of PAYH and PAYHX
being output per item, even though these are the same for all items. In the
definition of the line content (FQP5 → Note to Payee: Content), the sequence
(line number) decides whether the content is prepared per payment or per item.
If, for example, you have specified 2 information items per payment and 1
information line per item, you have to provide a total of 3 lines with content.
The first two apply per payment, which means that here only the fields from the
structures PAYH and PAYHX are useful. The third line is then repeated for each
item. The fields from the structure PAYP are useful here.
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Unit 5: Payment Run
Figure 200: Direct Debit/Repayments: Customizing
Customizing of payments includes:
Definition of house banks and bank clearing accounts (FI)
Definition of payment block reasons, note to payee type
Country-specific payment methods: Classification of payment method,
document type, allocation, payment medium format, allocation of note to
payee type
Parameters (company code specific): Minimum amounts for incoming and
outgoing payments,
Parameters (company code and payment method specific): Minimum and
maximum amounts, processing foreign payments, payment optimization,
definition of value dates
You must define the application form for creating payment advice notes
in the correspondence for correspondence type 0006 (basic functions for
contract accounts receivable and payable).
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Lesson: Payment Program
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Carry out postings and repayments using the payment run.
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Unit 5: Payment Run
Lesson: Exercise on Payment Program – Scheduling
and Executing
Lesson Overview
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Maintain the parameters for the payment program
Execute the payment program
Business Example
Your administration uses the payment program to collect the property tax by
automatic debit. A data medium (DME) must be created and transferred to the
house bank that you use to make your payments.
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Lesson: Exercise on Payment Program – Scheduling and Executing
Task 1:
Execute the payment program to carrry out the bank collection: PERIODIC
Execute the payment run for the current date and as the identification, choose
In the first step, maintain the general selections; here enter criteria according
to which you want the open items to be selected (select the selection criterion
'Open Items'): company code P100, your business partner, your contract
account for property tax, and enter today's date as the “Due Date to” and the
payment method “3” for bank collection.
Set the simulation run indicator.
Leave the other values unchanged and go to the “Bank Selection” tab page.
Enter “0001” as the selection ID: company code “P100”, payment method
“3”, house bank “DB”, account ID “GIRO” and rank order“1” are derived.
To check the results from the payment run, you can choose the problem class
“Additional Information” on the “Logs” tab page.
Select the “Payment method selection every time” indicator and the “Pmnt
method selection if not successful” indicator and save your specifications.
Choose “Schedule program run”, leave the default values unchanged and
confirm the dialog box that then appears by choosing “OK”.
To display the results of the test run, select “Application log” and then
double-click the success message in the application log.
After you have checked the results of the payment run, return to the selection
parameters for the payment run and deactivate the simulation run.
Schedule the payment run again, as described above.
When the payment run has finished, follow the menu path ENVIRONMENT
→ PAYMENT LIST and then choose “Execute”.
Make a note of the number of the payment document (third line on the
left-hand side in the pink area in the report). ____________________
Use the account balance function to check the postings for your business
partner and the contract account for property tax in company code P100.
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Unit 5: Payment Run
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Maintain the parameters for the payment program
Execute the payment program
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Lesson: Payment Cards
Lesson: Payment Cards
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives a overview of how payment cards are handled in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Make payments with credit cards.
Business Example
Figure 201: Direct Debits Using Payment Cards
When processing open items to be paid by payment cards, card data instead of
bank details with direct debiting in business partner master record is used. The
card number as well as locks, and validity intervals are checked.
The card ID is saved in the contract account and possibly in the contract object. A
separate card ID may be stored for outgoing payments.
The payment method uses the “payment card” processing type.
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Unit 5: Payment Run
Figure 202: Payment Cards
When processing open items to be paid by payment cards, data from the card
with the debit memo, which exist in the business partner master record, is used
rather than the bank data.
Card number checked
Locks, validity periods
If the customer uses a payment card to pay for goods and services, then open
receivables have to be reported to the payment card institution. The payment
program clears the customer’s open items and creates new open items on the
payment company’s clearing account (reporting account).
The open items to be reported to the payment card company (those open items
of customers cleared by the payment program) are then determined. When credit
card payments are processed in the payment run, no entries have to be made in the
bank selection. You must define a card account in posting area 1120. The amounts
reported to a credit card institute are posted here, as are the receivables that are
sent to the credit card institute when the notification is created (transfer posting).
The final step is to carry out billing. Billing can be repeated.
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Lesson: Payment Cards
Figure 203: Payment Cards: Issuing Bank / Card Institution
Figure 204: Payment Cards: Returns
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Unit 5: Payment Run
Figure 205: Formats
Figure 206: Payment Cards: Customizing
You can make the basic settings for the payment card configuration in the IMG
menu under: Cross Application Components -> Payment Cards -> Basic Settings.
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Lesson: Payment Cards
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Make payments with credit cards.
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Unit 5: Payment Run
Lesson: Check Management
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives a overview of how checks are handled in Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Identify the options for creating and processing outgoing checks.
Business Example
Figure 207: Introduction: Process Overview
A check can have the following status:
Locked (new as of release 4.72)
As of release 4.72 you can lock a check and report the lock to the bank, without
having to reverse the related payment or issue a replacement check. The check is
locked in check management and reported to the bank using transaction FPCHX.
After a specified period (usually 24 hours), the bank guarantees that this check
will no longer be able to be cashed. You reverse the related payment document
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Lesson: Check Management
after this deadline by regularly scheduling transaction FPCHS so that the cleared
items are open again. By running the payment run again you can create a new
check if required. If checks are cashed within the deadline, you can define, in the
settings for the voiding reason, whether the checks are to be deemed “cashed”
automatically or whether clarification cases are to be created. This procedure is
interesting for US customers and is known by the name “Stop Payment”. It is an
alternative to the previous way of issuing a replacement check. Invalid checks
that have not yet left the company premises should be voided and reissued as
previously. A check lock is not necessary in these cases.
Figure 208: Maintaining Outgoing Check Processing
The bank clearing account used in the payment document must be defined in
Customizing to enable the system to determine bank data, and the valid for online
printing indicator must be set. When you set the flag, the applicable clearing
account must be used in online check printing.
Application form FI_CA_DME_CHECK_SAMPLE serves as a template for a
check form with an accompanying letter.
The check is printed. The checks for the document are managed in the check
repository together with the check numbers used.
If you try to print a check again for the same payment document, a replacement
check is created in the check repository with a new check number.
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Unit 5: Payment Run
The program makes the following available:
A chronological log of any special event (when a check is invalidated, for
example). You can display the log for the check or for the payment document.
The status of checks can be changed. This allows you to record in check
management which checks have been cashed.
You can invalidate checks separately, but you must define a reason for it.
If you use pre-numbered checks, you can use a check issue file to record
which checks have actually been issued. This allows you to keep tabs on
existing pre-numbered checks that have not yet been issued.
If you need to state the name of more than one recipient on a check
(two-party checks), you can enter additional recipient information separately
and save this.
Figure 209: Direct Debit/Repayments: Customizing
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Lesson: Check Management
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Identify the options for creating and processing outgoing checks.
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Unit 5: Payment Run
Lesson: FSCM Biller Direct
Lesson Overview
FSCM Biller Direct:
Can be found in the component FSCM Supply Chain Management
Supports the creation/payment of electronic invoices over the Internet
Contains the following functions, among others:
Payment of incoming invoices over the Internet and the creation of
direct requests and complaints
Maintains the data for the address, credit card and bank details/bank
Generates balance confirmations, payment directives and the monthly
display of balances and individual items.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the Internet self-services for displays, and the options for paying
bills in the Biller Direct component.
Business Example
Figure 210: FI-CA & Biller Direct: The Internet Customer Account
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Lesson: FSCM Biller Direct
Figure 211: SAP's Concept of the Customer Account
Figure 212: One Customer Account - Different Receivable Types
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Unit 5: Payment Run
Figure 213: SAP FSCM: Biller Direct
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Lesson: FSCM Biller Direct
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the Internet self-services for displays, and the options for paying
bills in the Biller Direct component.
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Unit 5: Payment Run
Lesson: Revenue Distribution
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of revenue distributions to final recipients
(department, public organization or insurance) or third parties in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Define the concept of revenue distribution to final recipients in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Business Example
Revenue Distribution: Definition
Definition of “revenue distribution”:
Distribution of revenues (i.e. sales, motor fuels and trade taxes, exchange
of information function, the use of value-added services, or the deregulated
telephone market) to final recipients based on established distribution rules.
Definition of “final recipient”:
Entity (natural or legal person) that is the receiver of the distributed revenue.
In addition to managing your own receivables, you can use the FI-CA component
Revenue Distribution to manage receivables for third parties.
Incoming payments for third parties that you receive for example, as part of
the exchange of information function, the use of value-added services, or the
deregulated telephone market are automatically paid over to the final recipient.
The payments to be distributed to the final recipient are created in the form of
totals postings. The payment program uses these to create a transfer. However,
in this transfer for the final recipient, it is not visible which business partners
have paid which open items. For the final recipient to see which paid items make
up the payment amount transferred, in data medium creation you can create a
payment advice note, in which you explain which payments make up the totals
posting to the final recipient. SAP delivers the following example forms of form
There has been no manual or automatic clearing in the account of the final
recipient, which means that you can use the payment program for payment.
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Lesson: Revenue Distribution
To prevent clearing, when you post the distribution documents, set the clearing
restriction Z. This has the effect that only the payment program can perform
clearing. To set the clearing restriction, make the corresponding setting in the
Implementation Guide for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable, under
Business Transactions → Distribution of Revenues → Define Specifications for
Distribution of Revenues.
In theory, in a distribution run, it may be the case that the revenues to be
distributed and the adjustment postings that, for example, arise from a clearing
reset or reversal of payments, balance to zero. If this is the case, no documents
have yet been created on the final recipient's account. In release 6.00, the posting
logic was changed for this special case. In the future, two distribution documents
with opposite +/- signs are posted. This enables you to create a payment advice
note for the final recipient.
Figure 214: Revenue Distribution: Overview
FP60M Distribution of revenues, mass activity 0094 reads cleared open items and
writes detailed information to table DFKKRDI
FP60P Update to final recipient, reads the detailed information and generates the
posting to the final recipient
FP60R or FP60R2 or reports RFKKRD01 and RFKKRD02 reporting of the
detailed information
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Unit 5: Payment Run
The final recipient can:
Be automatically derived
Customizing (posting area 1380): The derivation of the final recipient
is based on company code/main transaction and subtransaction/account
determination ID/division/period key
Event 0045
Must be entered in the document manually
Depending on the original main and sub transaction for the distribution posting,
you can derive the same or an alternative main and sub transaction.
Separate output process for mass activity 0094
Takes into account all payments that have been distributed
Contains data about the output run and the updated payments
Defines which incoming payments are updated with which outgoing
payment postings
Generates summary postings for the final recipient.
In event 5415 you can exclude individual documents or line items from the
revenue distribution. For example, you can allow a period of four weeks before
you forward a payment received to the final recipient.
Distribution Information in Posting lines
Distribution status in posting lines:
“1” To distribute
“2” Incoming payment distributed
“3” Clearing reset/reversal distributed
The payments are identified using the clearing reason.
Both the current and the previous distribution statuses are saved.
Each distribution sets the last distribution status as the current status.
The distribution program only takes into account items with the current status “1”.
To prevent the distribution history having an incorrect status after a distribution
document has been canceled, you are not able to cancel revenue distribution
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Lesson: Revenue Distribution
In revenue distribution, several revenues are usually transferred to the final
recipient as a total. From Release 6.00, for individual cases, you can forward a
document to the final recipient separately (without summarizing it with other
documents). You can use this posting of individual documents, for example, in the
Public Sector for administrative purposes.
Figure 215: Evaluation of Revenue Distribution (FP60P)
You can use transaction FP60R2 to evaluate the revenue distribution for a final
recipient account or for all final recipient accounts of a business partner.
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Unit 5: Payment Run
In the report, for each final recipient account and currency, totals items are
displayed for the following evaluation categories:
Posted for distribution to final recipient
These totals contain all posted documents that are forwarded to the final
recipient for an incoming payment. In these documents the final recipient
account is filled with the final recipient selected.
Distributed for final recipient
In this evaluation category, for the final recipients selected, the total of
all entries written in the distribution table DFKKRDI by the Distribute
Revenues transaction is displayed. The total is displayed in the Total field.
The other totals fields have no meaning for this evaluation.
Posted to final recipient
These totals contain all documents posted to the contract account of the
final recipient. They can be the distribution documents that are posted to
the contact account of the final recipient using the distribution transaction
(SAP menu: Periodic Processing → For Contract Accounts → Revenue
Distribution). Documents that were posted to the account manually are
also included in the totals. The different totals (for example, posted and
reversed totals) are calculated as for the evaluation Posted for Distribution to
Final Recipient.
Figure 216: Revenue Distribution: Customizing
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Lesson: Revenue Distribution
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Define the concept of revenue distribution to final recipients in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
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Unit 5: Payment Run
Lesson: Exercise On Revenue Distribution
Lesson Overview
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Distribute revenues for certain receivables.
Business Example
Your administration manages the waste charges for the local public utility. You
want to distribute these revenues to the site.
Task 1:
Post 100.00 EUR waste charges to your business partner with the period key
You can use the acceptance assignment or the document posting transaction from
chapter 2 to do this.
Leave the values proposed by the system.
Enter “DR” as the document type and choose “Enter”.
For your business partner, enter the contract object for waste charges, the
amount 100.00 EUR, the current date as the due date for net payment and the
main transaction and subtransaction “4010/0300”.
Make a note of the FI-CA document number:
BUKRS Business
Waste 100,00 DD/
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SubPetrans- riod
action key
Lesson: Exercise On Revenue Distribution
Task 2:
Call the document in display mode and check the status of the item and whether a
final recipient has been derived.
Go to POSTING → DOCUMENT → DISPLAY and enter the document
number that you made a note of above and choose Enter.
After you have selected the business partner row, you can go to the
Additional Data tab page.
Make a note of the current status and the final recipient.
Current status: __________________________
Final recipient: __________________________
Task 3:
Your business partner pays the receivables. Go to the cash journal (branch: CD;
cash desk ##) and pay the open items of 100.00 EUR.
FI-CA Document number: __________________________
Task 4:
Use the revenue distribution to go to the incoming payment.
Execute the program for the current date with the identification EV##.
First maintain the general criteria for the distribution run: Enter the business
partner, the contract account for services and company code P100.
First create a simulation run. To understand problems better, set problem
class “4 Additional information” on the “Logs” tab page to obtain additional
information. Then save your settings.
Choose “Schedule Program Run”. Leave the default values unchanged,
choose “OK” and then “Continue”.
To see the results of the test run, choose “Refresh”. You can check the results
in the application log.
If the results are correct, you can execute the update run.
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Unit 5: Payment Run
Task 5:
Display your document number again and check the current status of the item.
Go to ACCOUNT → ACCOUNT BALANCE, enter your business partner and
the contract object for waste charges on the selection screen.
Go to the receivable that you posted previously, select the business partner
row and go to the “Additional Data” tab page.
Make a note of the current status.
Current status: __________________________
Task 6:
You want to make summarized postings of the distributed revenues to your
administration-managed supply site.
Use the program to create and post the documents to distribute the revenues
to the final recipient. When you do so, the entries from revenue distribution
table DFKKRDI are processed. The system uses the revenues that you want
to be distributed based on the selection specifications to create the summary
postings for the last recipient and currency. The system creates an FI-CA
document for each of these summary rows. In the table for the revenue
distributions (DFKKRDI), the system defines which incoming payments
with which documents should be distributed to the last recipient. The
program is started with the run parameters for the distribution run.
Firs execute a test run.
If the log is satisfactory, you can start the update run.
Task 7:
You can check the revenue distribution under ACCOUNT → FURTHER
Enter the last recipient as the selection criterion.
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Lesson: Exercise On Revenue Distribution
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Distribute revenues for certain receivables.
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Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the prerequisites for the payment program and the posting logic.
Carry out postings and repayments using the payment run.
Maintain the parameters for the payment program
Execute the payment program
Make payments with credit cards.
Identify the options for creating and processing outgoing checks.
Explain the Internet self-services for displays, and the options for paying
bills in the Biller Direct component.
Define the concept of revenue distribution to final recipients in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Distribute revenues for certain receivables.
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Unit 6
Returns Processing
Unit Overview
The aim of this unit is to:
Create returns, and learn about returns categories, returns reasons and returns
Learn about forwarding returns charges to customers
Learn about returns lots and the returns history
Learn about writing returns as one of many returns activities
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Configure return reasons, activities, and changes.
Process returns in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Edit returns that occur due to a check that was not cashed or the automatic
debit being recalled by the recipient bank.
Unit Contents
Lesson: Configuration of Returns.............................................290
Lesson: Processing Returns ..................................................302
Lesson: Exercise on the Returns Process (Editing Returns) .............309
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Unit 6: Returns Processing
Lesson: Configuration of Returns
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of:
• The definition of returns
• The origin of returns
• The types of returns postings (net/gross/including tax/excluding tax)
• The returns posting steps in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
including/excluding the posting of returns charges
• Customizing settings for returns
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Configure return reasons, activities, and changes.
Business Example
Your organization has been notified by its bank that it has been unable to collect a
payment from the business partner’s bank (insufficient funds, expired account,
invalid account, and so on).
Figure 217: Returns and Returns Lot: Definition
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Lesson: Configuration of Returns
The returns component enables you to process bank returns which may occur as
part of a debit memo or collection procedure, or with check deposits or outgoing
payments. Returns are combined in return lots. The returns lots can be created
either manually (using return slips), or automatically by copying return data from
the electronic bank account statement file.
Returns can occur in connection with the following payment methods:
Debit memos
Credit card collections
Returns typically result from expired or closed accounts, insufficient funds in an
account, false accounts, stop-payment on a check, and so on.
After a return has been included in a return lot, an additional document is posted.
This document is different from a reversal posting because it is always posted to
a clearing account for returns. You can enter the data automatically or manually
in a lot.
Figure 218: Returns Processing: Structure
First the system determines the receivables or payables that were cleared by
incoming or outgoing payments. This payment clearing can then be (normal case)
canceled so that the original receivables or payables are open again. The system
then generates a return document containing the offsetting items for the items in
the payment document.
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Unit 6: Returns Processing
Bank charges are posted in the general ledger. You can charge any bank fees to
your business partners. You may choose to make your business partner liable for
other charges as well. The return charges for the business partner can be posted
either statistically or to the general ledger.
Possible follow-up activities are: Changes in the item, setting a deferral date,
setting a dunning block and/or a payment block, setting an outgoing payment
block and/or changing the incoming payment method (from direct debiting to
payment on demand, for example).
Other activities such as workflow connection, creation of information for the
clerk, or the creation of correspondence for the business partner are also possible.
The industry solutions offer these activities, but customers can adapt them to
suit own needs.
The system records all relevant data in a returns history. This history is referred to
when determining creditworthiness. The returns history is used, for example, to
determine the number of returns for a business partner.
Figure 219: Posting: With Bank Charges 1
Debit entry from invoicing (tax not shown)
Payment settlement by bank collection
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Lesson: Configuration of Returns
Figure 220: Posting: With Bank Charges 2
Debit entry from invoicing (tax not shown)
Payment settlement by bank collection
Incoming payment (account statement)
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Unit 6: Returns Processing
Figure 221: Posting: With Bank Charges 3
Debit entry from invoicing (tax not shown)
Payment settlement by bank collection
Incoming payment (account statement)
Incoming payment (account statement)
Returns are processed automatically in the following steps: First the system
determines the receivables and payables that are cleared through incoming
and outgoing payments. This payment clearing is then canceled so that the
original receivables or payables are open again. The system then generates a
return document containing the offsetting items for the items in the payment
document. Additional postings, which are required for taxes or charges, are
then generated and the follow-up activities are triggered.
There are different types of returns postings:
Net returns (returns document does not contain charges)
Gross returns (returns document does contain charges)
Charges including taxes (gross charges)
Charges without taxes (net charges)
The allocation takes place using the source document number (note to payee).
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Lesson: Configuration of Returns
Figure 222: Posting: With Bank Charges 4
Debit entry from invoicing (tax not shown)
Payment settlement by bank collection
Incoming payment (account statement)
Incoming payment (account statement)
Reverse clearing (return in subledger account)
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Unit 6: Returns Processing
Figure 223: Posting: With Bank Charges 5
Debit entry from invoicing (tax not shown)
Payment settlement by bank collection
Incoming payment (account statement)
Incoming payment (account statement)
Reverse clearing (return in subledger account)
Post expense from bank charges
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Lesson: Configuration of Returns
Figure 224: Posting: With Bank Charges 6
Debit entry from invoicing (tax not shown)
Payment settlement by bank collection
Incoming payment (account statement)
Incoming payment (account statement)
Reverse clearing (return in subledger account)
Post expense from bank charges
Pass on bank charges to business partner
Raise and debit charges
Step [7] does not take place if bank charges cannot be passed on to the business
Step [8] does not take place if you choose not to levy your own charges on the
business partner.
Levying your own charges for processing returns is optional.
In the R/3 System, postings [5] to [8] are made in the course of one processing
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Unit 6: Returns Processing
Figure 225: Return Reasons
Using activity keys in Customizing, you can define multiple activities to be
performed in the event of a return. In Customizing you must assign the returns
reasons given by banks to your own organization-specific returns reasons. This
allows you to treat different returns reasons as defined by individual banks in a
uniform way.
Hint: You can only assign a returns reason to a house bank when you
define the reason for the first time. Afterwards only changes are possible
but not a reassignment to a house bank.
The activity key is made up of the Company Code, No. of Returns,
Creditworthiness, and Tolerance Group fields.
The returns reason triggers a number of activities. The return reason is used to
automatically determine the general ledger accounts that will be posted to for
returns charges (and its offsetting revenue account). It is also used for the bank
clearing. Two charges revenue accounts and expense accounts (each) are possible
for the clearing of charges.
History days define the maximum number of days in the past in which a posting
may lie so as to be considered in the return history evaluation. If you set the
value 0 then all postings will be considered when viewing the returns history. The
number of returns is determined from the returns history and always refers to a
business partner and a contract account. (= F1 help)
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Lesson: Configuration of Returns
Figure 226: Returns Reasons and Activities: Structure
Number of returns:
Hint: When defining activities to take place based on the number of
returns, the system takes the first return that takes place on an account to
be return number 0, NOT return number 1.
Account or item dunning block: In case of a return, the dunning block reason
entered here is stored in the contract account master record (or in the item if using
an item dunning block) of the business partner in question.
The system determines the new due date for the receivable by taking the document
date of the return and adding the number of deferral days (if an entry is made
in the “deferral days” field).
NOTE: Dunning cannot be performed on an item or account with an incoming
payment method of direct debit or bank collection.
Using “further activities” allows you to use additional events (function modules)
to be used. Event 295 (Returns: Process contract account) is the function module
that is used in conjunction with these settings. For example, correspondence could
be triggered.
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Unit 6: Returns Processing
Figure 227: Returns Activity: Charging
You can configure charges handling to have all returns fees that are charged by the
bank(s) passed on to the business partner (“pass charges on”). If desired, you can
charge the customer an extra fee for the processing of returns (“calculate graduated
charge” flag). Charges can be posted statistically or non-statistically (with update
to the general ledger). Default main and sub transactions for these receivables (for
both debit and credit postings) are assigned in Customizing (posting area 0111).
The amount limit (total of the return items) must be reached for the currency in
question in order for lot charges to be calculated and debited to a customer’s
account. This makes it possible to scale charges.
The maximum difference between the return amount of the house bank and the
original payment amount that is tolerated for automatic posting of charges. As
long as the difference amount falls short of the maximum difference, it will
always be interpreted by the system as a charge and posted. If you do not specify
an amount, no difference will be tolerated and posting will only take place
automatically when the return amount is the same as the original payment amount.
Technical note: The standard function module “FKK_SAMPLE_0270” is for
determining differences in charges.
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Lesson: Configuration of Returns
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Configure return reasons, activities, and changes.
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Unit 6: Returns Processing
Lesson: Processing Returns
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of how to manually enter returns lots in
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Process returns in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Business Example
Figure 228: Returns Lot: Processing Steps
Processing steps:
Create: A lot can be created interactively or by a program (for example a
returns lot for account statement returns).
Change: If a lot is not closed, items can be deleted or added. You can correct
any data for items that have already been entered.
Close: When a lot is closed, the header data and individual items can no
longer be changed. However, a lot can be opened again for processing. Once
a lot has been closed, postings can be initiated.
Post: Once the lot has been closed, returns posting is carried out with the
processing step Posting.
Postprocessing: Postprocessing is necessary if the returns postings could
not be performed.
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Lesson: Processing Returns
You can use reports to process returns lots. These reports transfer data directly
from either an application server, the bank data storage for electronic account
statements, or from a MultiCash file. They use this information to create one or
more returns lots and enable users to process errors.
The application server file must have the format specified by SAP - that is, it may
not contain any country-specific formats of electronic account statements.
Figure 229: Manual Return Lot Creation 1
If the “Amount includes charges” indicator is set, all return amounts belonging
to this return lot are evaluated by the system as gross amounts. The net amount
is then calculated as follows: Net amount = Return amount - charge amount.
If the indicator is not set, the return amounts are evaluated as net amounts (net
amount = return amount).
If you set the indicator “Charge includes tax”, then all charges relating to this
returns lot, such as bank charges or charges passed on, are evaluated by the system
as gross charges. The net charge is then calculated as follows: Net charge =
Charge amount - tax amount; otherwise Net charge = Charge amount.
The selection categories available here are the same ones that are available when
posting a payment lot. You can also specify your own selection criteria and code
the function module that is behind it to your own specifications.
It is possible to define a field status definition for the fields in the header of a
return lot.
Delivered selection categories include document and check number. You can
define your own selection categories using event 0255.
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Unit 6: Returns Processing
Previously returns could not be posted to payments that contained down payments
or postings on account where these items had been cleared again. Using the
indicator “enhanced return processing” you can now reverse the clearing in these
Figure 230: Manual Return Lot Creation 2
Within configuration, defaults can be set for document type, clearing reason,
company code, screen variant, and selection category that will be used when
posting a return lot.
If you do not enter a bank clearing account number in the returns lot item, the
system will automatically use the bank clearing account defined in Customizing
for the given return type (for example, bank return, check return, and payment
card return) when the return lot is posted. If you do not know the actual bank
clearing account number, but you do know the house bank and account ID, you
can enter both and the system will determine the appropriate clearing account.
If you set the “Line item” indicator, then a separate line item is created in the
general ledger transfer document for this line item. This item is not summarized
with other line items (as is the case when creating summary records), even if there
is identical account assignment. This is most often used in conjunction with a
return lot for an outgoing checks account.
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Lesson: Processing Returns
Figure 231: Return Processing: Technical Flow
The conversion or allocation of (external to ERP) organization-specific return
reasons to each house-bank return reason is defined in Customizing for table
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Unit 6: Returns Processing
General returns process: Create return header; create return items; close the return;
write history or write error log (if necessary).
Hint: Technical notes: The following events occur when processing
returns (table TFKFBM):
260: Determination of charges to be debited on a contract account.
Passes on bank return charges & additional graduated charges,
if applicable.
270: Determination of the difference in return amount and original
payment amount. Maximum difference allowed is checked.
280/1: Determination of the contract account for the first/second
bank charge, if charges were debited before the actual charges are
285/6: Enhanced account determination after charges were
determined (optional)
290: Releases complete return document after it is generated but
prior to it being checked and updated (prior to call-up of posting
291: Submitting of individual document line items after set up
295: Changing of contract accounts after posting and implementation
of further activities (workflow, correspondence)
Figure 232: Returns: Customizing
Classification of returns according to bank and check returns.
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Lesson: Processing Returns
Definition and assignment of own return reasons to the house bank(s) reasons.
Customize returns and processing activities:
Charges/debiting of charges
Deferral days
Define locks and forms
Define information for accounting clerk
Amount limits, creditworthiness.
Clearing accounts, revenue and expense accounts, receivables account and
clarification account.
Configuration of entry lines for the dialog processing returns lots
Define account assignments for new items with returns: When posting
returns, you can define a mode that generates new open items. You can
define the main and subtransactions for these new items.
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Unit 6: Returns Processing
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Process returns in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
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Lesson: Exercise on the Returns Process (Editing Returns)
Lesson: Exercise on the Returns Process (Editing
Lesson Overview
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Edit returns that occur due to a check that was not cashed or the automatic
debit being recalled by the recipient bank.
Business Example
Your house bank cannot collect the previously booked automatic debit/check from
the business partner bank because there are insufficient funds in the business
partner account.
When returns are posted, the payment is reversed and the items that have already
been cleared are activated again.
Task 1
You house bank informs you that the automatic debit payment for the property
taxes and fees could not be made due to insufficient funds in your business
partner's account.
The payment (by automatic debit) for the invoice for property taxes and fees that
you created in the exercise “Payment program - Scheduling and Executing” is
returned from your house bank as returns . Use the account balance display to find
the number of the payment document.
Payment document number: ______________________________
Task 2
Go to the returns entry to enter the returned payment manually.
Enter a name for the returns lot (for example, IPS510XX01) and choose
“Create” (F5).
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Unit 6: Returns Processing
Field Name
Initial screen
Lot ID
Search term
Tab page: Specs for docs and
Subscreen: Specifications for Posting
Company Code
Document type
Return Reason
000 “Automatic debit- insufficient
Type of posting
New receivables if payment cannot be
Enhanced Returns Processing
Select the Enhanced Returns
Processing field (Choose F1 to read
the field documentation)
Subscreen: Editing
Selection Category
Document number
Amounts contain bank charges
Calculate charges
Choose “New items”
Now you can enter the relevant returns data in the list or in a separate
detail screen. (We recommend that you use the detail screen). To do this,
choose “Details” (F2).
Tab page: Charges
Selection Value
The number of your payment document
Returns amount
Payment amount +5, - bank charges as
an amount (gross) (try to enter bank
charges >10 EURO)
Bank/Int.Rtns Rsn
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Lesson: Exercise on the Returns Process (Editing Returns)
Choose “Enter” and you can see that the bank charges and the own charges
automatically appear in the “Returns Charge 1” field. In Customizing for
the returns reason 000 (Insufficient funds), it has been defined that the bank
charges and own returns will no longer be debited to the business partner.
If you use returns reason 003 (objection), these charges are not debited
Use returns reason 000
Choose “Save” and return (green
arrow) to the initial screen.
Choose “Close”. Now the lot is closed.
Choose “Post”.
Start the posting job directly.
Use the account balance display to check the postings for your business
partner. Choose 'Chronology' or ENVIRONMENT → ACCOUNT →
RETURNS to trace the returns postings.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 6: Returns Processing
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Edit returns that occur due to a check that was not cashed or the automatic
debit being recalled by the recipient bank.
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Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
Configure return reasons, activities, and changes.
Process returns in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Edit returns that occur due to a check that was not cashed or the automatic
debit being recalled by the recipient bank.
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Unit Summary
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Unit 7
Clearing control
Unit Overview
This unit will provide you with an overview of:
The definition and aim of clearing control
The modelling of clearing strategies and rules for the automatic clearing
of items
The necessary tools such as the clearing variant, clearing category and
clearing type
The grouping and sorting of open items for clearing
The definition of individual clearing steps for specific cases
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Explain the terms and principles of the clearing control.
Name the tools for defining a clearing strategy in Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable.
Handle special cases in clearing control.
Unit Contents
Lesson: Terminology and Definitions.........................................316
Lesson: Configuration of the Clearing Strategy.............................321
Lesson: Special Cases: ........................................................336
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Unit 7: Clearing control
Lesson: Terminology and Definitions
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the definition and purpose of clearing control
in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the terms and principles of the clearing control.
Business Example
Figure 233: Clearing Control: Orientation
Clearing Control: Definition
FI-CA clearing control is a tool for configuring a company's clearing strategy.
It contains rules for an automatic clearing proposal or automatic payment
By splitting up the clearing algorithm into several work steps and combining
a few basic rules, clearing control allows you to configure clearing scenarios
flexibly and based on tables.
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Lesson: Terminology and Definitions
Figure 234: Clearing Control: Overview
Clearing variants are determined depending on the clearing type of the underlying
business processes and, optionally, on the clearing category of the contract account
in which the clearing is to take place.
The clearing type represents the business transaction in which items are allocated
or grouped for clearing postings.
For example, payment lot (05), cash desk (19), manual account maintenance
With the exception of a few examples, it corresponds to the source used in
the underlying process (HERKF_KK).
Clearing types are hard-coded in the system. Although possible, do not add entries
not found on TFK001 except a customer-specific form of the FI-CA event R400
(IS-U Invoicing).
Clearing types are structured according to their areas of use (for example,
incoming payment, account maintenance).
Clearing categories are defined in the contract account. As a result, you can use
the clearing category to allocate individual clearing rules to different customer
groups, such as household, commercial, and industrial customers.
If no clearing category is assigned, the clearing variant defined for the clearing
type will be taken.
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Unit 7: Clearing control
Figure 235: Clearing Control: Clearing Types
Clearing type 06 (Payment Run) is used in the configuration of the enhanced
payment grouping. Normally the payment run does not consider the clearing
Figure 236: Example 1 - Payment
One of your business partners makes a payment to his/her contract account without
specifying the payment use in more detail.
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Lesson: Terminology and Definitions
Payment must be assigned automatically according to a strategy set up in the
system. The system checks the due date of an item or an item group. It also has to
check whether the paid amount corresponds exactly to a receivable. Only then
can the payment be assigned.
Figure 237: Example 2 - Account Maintenance
A contract account contains open receivables and credit that were posted with
reference to a certain division. In account maintenance, the system has to clear
items for the same division against each other, taking into consideration the due
The item amounting to 500.00 with the due date 01/01 and division 01 qualifies as
the item with the highest that has to be cleared against the credit of 300.00 and
division 01. In order to do this, the item is split into a sub item of 300.00, which is
cleared by the credit, and a sub item of 200.00, which remains open.
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Unit 7: Clearing control
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the terms and principles of the clearing control.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Configuration of the Clearing Strategy
Lesson: Configuration of the Clearing Strategy
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the tools for setting up clearing control in
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Name the tools for defining a clearing strategy in Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable.
Business Example
Figure 238: Clearing Control: Integration
In order to be able to react to differing clearing scenarios, the standard solution for
the clearing control should not be supported by rigidly programmed scenarios.
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Unit 7: Clearing control
Clearing control is used:
To generate a clearing proposal during payment allocation or account maintenance. (Function module FKK_CLEARING_PROPOSAL_GEN_0110,
processed in event 0110).
When splitting a clearing amount arising from an installment plan/collective
bill back into the original items of this installment plan/collective bill
(function module FKK_CLEARING_PROPOSAL_GEN_0120, processed
in event 0120).
When distributing the clearing amount of a summarization group to the
original receivables that can be displayed as groups for the manual clearing
process. (Function module FKK_CLEARING_PROPOSAL_GEN_0130,
processed in event 0130).
Clearing proposals are determined automatically when payment lots are posted
or during automatic clearing.
They can also be requested manually (for example, for manual account
maintenance, for the cash desk, or for the clarification of payments).
Figure 239: Clearing Variant
A clearing variant contains several steps. The individual steps control the
selection, grouping, sorting, and amount-dependent assignment of the open items
for clearing. The steps are executed in the sorting sequence of their numbers, you
can, however, call them up directly according to each clearing rule.
The individual clearing steps inherit the clearing proposal and the remaining open
amount from the previous steps.
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Lesson: Configuration of the Clearing Strategy
Items that are completely cleared in a clearing step are not included in subsequent
Figure 240: Clearing Control: Characteristics
Characteristics usually describe a specific feature of an item (for example, item
is a payment on account or item is due) or the occurrence of a certain event (for
example, a document number is specified on payment).
Characteristics are used in:
The grouping of open items. Open items that have identical values for the
grouping characteristics in a clearing step are considered as one unit in this
clearing step (for example, all items that belong to the same company code).
The specification (Filter) of which items should be processed in the clearing
step (for example, only those due, or only those in company code 0001).
The definition (switch) of the condition of whether a clearing step should be
executed at all (for example, only carry out step if a document number is
specified on payment)
The sorting of open items. Through sorting, both the order of processing the
groups is defined and the order of clearing within the group.
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Unit 7: Clearing control
Figure 241: Clearing Control: Clearing Step
Up to 5 grouping characteristics can be defined in a grouping string. The
characteristics are connected with a logical AND.
You can also define a rule for different grouping for each grouping characteristic.
Depending on each rule, you can define an alternative value for the individual
values of a grouping characteristic. Examples: In order to control two attributes
of a characteristic in a group (company code 0001 = company code 0002), you
can exclude individual characteristic values, and in doing so, items, from clearing
(in the current clearing step or generally), or clearing processing can be limited to
certain characteristic values (such as only company code 0001).
The sorting string controls the processing sequence of individual open item
groups, as well as the sequence in which the open items are cleared within a group.
From a technical point of view, the groups are sorted according to the smallest
value in their sorting string. Example: When items are grouped according to
company code and sorted according to due date, the group that contains the item
with the oldest due date is sorted at the front of the sequence.
If no partial clearing proposal has been made, you may wish to stop the clearing
program (enter value “1” in field for end of assignment).
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Lesson: Configuration of the Clearing Strategy
Figure 242: Clearing Control: Grouping Characteristics
Grouping characteristics can be attributes in table “FKKOP”, or can be specifically
derived in a function module (use customer name space).
Figure 243: Clearing Control: Sorting Characteristics
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Unit 7: Clearing control
Sorting is generally used when a company is not sure how a sold-to-party will
group his payments, and the company has its own self-defined priority for items.
For example, the company may wish to clear any open items on a certain revenue
type before any additional charges and interest.
Figure 244: Clearing Control: Sorting Derived by Characteristics
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Lesson: Configuration of the Clearing Strategy
Figure 245: Clearing Control: Grouping by Derived Characteristics
Figure 246: Clearing Control: Grouping String
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Unit 7: Clearing control
Figure 247: Clearing Control: Alternative Grouping
You can use the rules to influence the grouping string, and thus the grouping.
The following grouping rules are available:
“” - group by the value of the characteristic
“1” - group definition (use if you want to combine several groups to a single
group). Any values for the characteristic that cannot be grouped will be
its own group based upon the characteristic value. For example, you are
grouping by product group and there are three possible values. Product
groups 1 and 2 are grouped using an alternative grouping, and form one
group. Product group 3 forms a second grouping.
‘“2” - group definition like “1”, except that any non-specified values for the
characteristic all contain the value SPACE and are therefore grouped into
one additional group. Used to exclude certain groups.
“3” - group definition where any values for the characteristic not specified in
the grouping rule will not be considered for payment.
To enter an alternative grouping (not available with rule ‘ ‘) click the Alternative
Grouping button that appears immediately to the right of the grouping rule. You
may have to hit Enter first.
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Lesson: Configuration of the Clearing Strategy
Figure 248: Clearing Control: Alternative Grouping
Figure 249: Clearing Control: Sorting Within Groups
It may make sense in certain cases to use both grouping and sorting at the same
time. For example, it could be possible that two or more different groups could
have the same amount due, but one group should have priority over the others. In
this case you sort the groups and not the items.
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Unit 7: Clearing control
Figure 250: Clearing Control: Sorting String
For most characteristics, sorting them according to their values does not lead to
the desired results. If, for example, you want to clear charges first (STAKZ = G),
sorting the items according the statistical indicators does not normally achieve
this. In order to get the result you want, you can define a ranking order rule for
each characteristic. Depending on the rule, you can, for example, specify whether
a certain characteristic value is sorted at the start or the end of the item table.
The following four values are delivered:
“” - sort by the value of the characteristic (for example, due date).
“1” - sort by value ranking first and then by the value of the characteristic.
Not all values must be specified explicitly. For example, there are 4 items
with values 1, 2, 3, 4. In ranking, value 4 is given a priority of 1st, and no
ranking is given to the other values. Sorted results will be items 1 and 4
(same ranking), 2, then 3.
“2” - unranked items have top priority (1st), others then handled in ranked
order (1, 2, 3, 4).
“3” - unranked items have lowest priority (come after all ranked items)
(4, 1, 2, 3).
To enter an alternative sorting (not available with rule “‘ ‘”) click the Alternative
Sorting button that appears immediately to the right of the grouping rule. You may
have to hit Enter first.
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Lesson: Configuration of the Clearing Strategy
Figure 251: Clearing Control: Group Rules
Group rules are allocated in the grouping string.
Amount rules ‘ ‘, 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 are used most often:
“‘ ‘” - no amount restriction (only use when not using a ‘grouping’).
“0” - clear only when amounts are equal.
“1” - no partial clearing allowed, but overpayment permitted
“2” - no overpayment allowed, but partial clearing permitted
“3” - maximum amount difference according to tolerance group. Post
“4” - maximum amount difference according to amount check group. Partial
clearing takes place (difference is not written off when using a tolerance
group). If the difference between the payment amount and open item amount
is greater than this amount, then the payment will be posted on account.
Amounts specified here are not “added” to tolerance group amounts.
See online documentation for information on the other rules.
With clearing rule “1”, the system makes proportional payments. For example, a
payment of 90 is made to two open items with 100 and 50: The system makes a
partial payment of (100 / 150) * 90. This means that a payment of 60 is made to
the item with 100, and a payment of 30 is made to the item with 50.
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Unit 7: Clearing control
Figure 252: Amount Check Groups
Amount check groups are used in a clearing step to define amount-dependent
clearing conditions. The check groups are used within a group of open items
in the following way:
In the case of incoming payments, the difference between the available
payment amount and the total balance of open items in a group that have
already been posted undergoes an amount check.
For all other business transactions, the difference between the total credit
items and the total receivable items undergoes a standard check.
Amount check groups allow you to specify differentiated amount variances within
which a clearing is permitted.
You must make sure that the amount group does not have the same functionality as
the tolerance group defined in the contract account. It only has to specify whether
a clearing takes place or not. The amount differences from the payment and
posting assignment that were determined according to the default values in the
amount check group are not implicitly written off. Depending on the specifications
in the clearing step, they can be written off, cleared or posted on account.
The amount check group is defined according to currency.
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Lesson: Configuration of the Clearing Strategy
Figure 253: Defaults and Selection Restrictions
In the selection criteria, you can specify for every clearing type which item is to be
included in the clearing analysis based on transaction and due date. You can use
the clearing category, main and subtransactions to specify whether an item is to be
included and, if so, within which due date interval.
You can determine the selection criteria at the following levels:
Clearing category, main transaction, subtransaction
Clearing category, main transaction, not specified
Clearing category, not specified, not specified
Not specified
The restrictions are interpreted in up to 4 steps, starting with the specified clearing
category, main transaction and subtransaction and finishing with an unspecified
entry. Normally, the level found first is used. If the system cannot determine any
selection restrictions for an open, it is included 'unfiltered' in the clearing analysis.
The selection criteria can be used to exclude items with specific main and sub
transactions or to define how many days into the future the system should look for
open items for possible clearing (Grace Days column). By marking the box NC
this will exclude items with the associated main and subtransactions. You can also
exclude items from clearing in the corresponding clearing step.
Statistical items can be written off automatically in several ways when posting a
payment to an account with statistical postings on it.
Control data payment on account allows rules to be set for when posting ‘on
account’. For example, it could be set that any amount over X amount will be
posted directly to the clarification (interim) account and not posted on account
(payment lot status would be not posted).
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Unit 7: Clearing control
Program enhancements allow for the use of two function modules, one for the
selection of open-items, and the other for how statistical items should be written
Examples from the IS-U Utilities Industry:
During the account maintenance of periodic invoicing, a cash security deposit
payment should not be included in the clearing. The clearing category / type and
the corresponding transaction 0020/0010 for the cash security deposit payment
ensure that “open items with this transaction” are not included.
The first new budget billing amount (0050) has to be included in the annual
consumption billing. To do this, a number of days between the system date and
the future due date of an item must be defined so that the due dates that have not
yet been reached can still be included in clearing
Figure 254: Clearing Control: Customizing
With the exception of the clearing category table, the clearing control settings are
industry-specific. Since the clearing types are allocate to the standard processes
and supplied by SAP, every application area is responsible for maintaining and
supplying their standard settings.
In the specifications for clearing types, you can configure the determination of
clearing variants, selection restrictions, information on payments on account, as
well as the control for writing off statistical items.
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Lesson: Configuration of the Clearing Strategy
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Name the tools for defining a clearing strategy in Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable.
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Unit 7: Clearing control
Lesson: Special Cases:
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of how to handle special cases in clearing
control in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Handle special cases in clearing control.
Business Example
Figure 255: Clearing Control: Account Maintenance (1)
Example: Since a characteristic has not been entered, the open items from
documents 4710, 4711 and 4712 form a group.
Within the group, the items are sorted according their due dates.
The bill credit (30 USD) is calculated step-by-step in the following way:
The bill receivable for 10 USD from 09/15 is cleared first of all.
The remaining credit of 20 USD is cleared against the budget billing request
from 12/5. The budget billing request remains open at 40.- USD.
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Lesson: Special Cases:
Figure 256: Clearing Control: Account Maintenance (2)
Example: Since a characteristic has not been entered, the open items from
documents 4709, 4710, 4711 and 4712 form a group.
Within the group, the items are sorted according their due dates.
The clearing algorithm produces the following processing steps:
The payment on account of 20.- USD is cleared against the bill receivable
from 09/15
This is completely cleared using the bill credit from 11/15.
The remaining credit of 25 USD can be used for partially clearing the bill
receivable from November 11/15 in the gas division.
The budget billing repayment request (10 USD) is cleared against the
remaining bill receivable in the gas division dated 11/15. The remaining
receivable from the bill 4711 is still 65 USD.
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Unit 7: Clearing control
Figure 257: Clearing Control: Account Maintenance (3)
Example: Clearing step 1 produces the following processing steps:
Document number and due date are specified as characteristics with the result
that the following groups are created:
Open item document 4709
Open item document 4711
Open item document 4710
Open item document 4712 of due date 12/05
Open item document 4712 of due date 01/05.
The following clearing steps take place:
In group 1, group 2, and group 5 no clearing takes place.
In group 3, the credit of 30 USD from the division electricity is cleared
against the gas receivable of 100 USD so that a receivable of 70 USD is left.
In group 4, the budget billing repayment requests from 12/05 are balanced so
that a budget billing amount of 140 USD is due on 12/05.
The second clearing step leads to the following results:
No further characteristics have been specified. As a result, all items still
open are grouped together.
The payment in account of 20 USD can still be used for clearing and is
used for clearing the bill that has been open for the longest amount of time.
There is still a receivable of 5 USD.
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Lesson: Special Cases:
Caution: Grouping by due date is necessary because the due dates of
a budget billing plan or installment plan have the same number. The
clearing consideration should usually take place at the level of the
individual due dates.
Figure 258: Clearing Control: Account Maintenance (4)
Figure 259: Clearing Control: Incoming Payment
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Unit 7: Clearing control
The additional grouping according to due date is required because a document
may have items with different due dates (for example, installment plan or budget
billing plan).
For example, the customer wants to pay the invoice 4709. They can, for example,
pay the full amount of 25 USD or the remaining amount of 5 USD after taking
account of the credit of 20 USD (doc. 4710).
Figure 260: Clearing Control: Special Features
Clearing Control: Creating Payments on Account
If an automatic clearing proposal cannot be determined for a payment or a
partial amount, or if you do not want one to be created, clearing control can
create a payment on account for this amount.
An agent can initiate a payment on account (for example, in clarification
processing or the cash desk)
If the clearing variant can propose clearing for part of the amount, the
remaining amount is paid on account
If the system cannot determine a clearing proposal for any part of the
amount, for example, if an open item was not selected, the amount is
either posted on account or to a clarification account, depending on
the specifications for the clearing type. The clarification control can
depend on the clearing category and the amount.
A posting on account is not created when you request a clearing
proposal online for manual clearing (post) processing.
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Lesson: Special Cases:
Control data payment on account allows rules to be set for when posting ‘on
account’. For example, it could be set that any posting over X amount will be
posted directly for clarification and not posted on account (payment lot status
would be “not posted”).
Figure 261: Clearing Control: Writing Off Statistical Items
Write-off statistical items allows for one of three options when posting a payment
to an account with statistical postings on it:
“‘ ‘” - always write off
“1” - write off statistical items if no ‘real’ open receivables exist: Open items
100 and 15 (15 is statistical). When payment of 100 is received, the 15 will be
written off.
“2” - write off up to the next 'real' open receivable: Statistical items with a due
date before the due date of the next open 'real' receivable are written off.
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Unit 7: Clearing control
Figure 262: Clearing Control: Clearing Strategies (1)
Figure 263: Clearing Control: Clearing Strategies (2)
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Lesson: Special Cases:
Figure 264: Clearing Control: Clearing Strategies (3)
Figure 265: Clearing Control: How Can I Test It?
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Unit 7: Clearing control
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Handle special cases in clearing control.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the terms and principles of the clearing control.
Name the tools for defining a clearing strategy in Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable.
Handle special cases in clearing control.
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Unit Summary
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Unit 8
Dunning and Collections
Unit Overview
This unit gives the participants an overview of dunning in Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Main topics:
Using dunning to collect overdue receivables
The two steps of the dunning process: dunning proposal and dunning run
You can execute different dunning activities
The submission to collection agencies
The meaning of inbound correspondence
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Define the dunning terms used in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Maintain the parameters for the dunning program and evaluate the
application log
Execute a dunning run
Print a dunning letter
Configure appropriate dunning procedures and know how to execute a
dunning run in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Submit receivables to external collection agencies, and know how to update
further information on released items.
Unit Contents
Lesson: Dunning - Terminology ..............................................348
Lesson: Exercise on carrying out dunning activities .......................352
Lesson: Configuration and Execution of the Dunning Run ................355
Lesson: Collection Processing ................................................371
Lesson: Inbound Correspondence Public Sector...........................380
Exercise 4: Using the inbound correspondence........................385
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Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
Lesson: Dunning - Terminology
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the terms for the dunning process and the
Customizing settings in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Define the dunning terms used in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Business Example
Figure 266: Dunning Procedure: Definition
An additional receivables is a receivable, which is caused by another receivable,
e.g. dunning charges or interest. In many cases these additional receivables shall
not be dunned and/or calculated interest without at least on main receivable.
An item not marked as additional receivable in its transaction attributes (a main
receivable) can be subject to interest calculation or trigger dunning if no blocks
are set.
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Lesson: Dunning - Terminology
Figure 267: Dunning Procedure: Function
A dunning procedure is made up of individual dunning levels. You make a number
of specifications for each dunning level, including the minimum amount of an
overdue item and the number of days in arrears to be reached in order for the
item to reach the next dunning level.
One of the most frequently used dunning activities is the creation of a dunning
notice. Other examples of dunning activities are posting interest and charges,
processing a note for an agent, or starting a work-flow.
Figure 268: Dunning - Example
The dunning level indicates how often this item has already been included in a
dunning run.
The highest dunning level reached by any of the items recorded determines the
dunning activities.
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Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
The dunning level of an item can also be decreased by the dunning program if, on
the basis of the amount limits, the item would no longer reach this dunning level
(for example, after a partial payment).
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Lesson: Dunning - Terminology
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Define the dunning terms used in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
Lesson: Exercise on carrying out dunning activities
Lesson Overview
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Maintain the parameters for the dunning program and evaluate the
application log
Execute a dunning run
Print a dunning letter
Business Example
Your citizen has not payed his tax receivable on time. You maintain the parameters
for the dunning proposal run and you execute the dunning activity run to remind
the citizen of his overdue tax receivables.
Task 1
Your business partner has overdue waste water fees.
Caution: For the exercise, the posting must be back dated so that it is
overdue. Otherwise, you cannot complete the exercise. Check the account
balance again.
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Lesson: Exercise on carrying out dunning activities
Execute a dunning run for the overdue tax receivables of your citizen.
Dunning notices are usually a periodic activity which is why you can find
the functions under the following menu path: PERIODIC PROCESSING
For the run identification, choose the current date as the date ID and
MAHN## as identification.
After you choose Enter, you can enter criteria according to which the open
items for the dunning notice can be selected. Enter your business partner and
the company code (P100) on the “General Selections” tab page.
On the Dunning Parameters tab page, maintain the net due date from
01/01/YYYY to the current date.
Set the Start Current Run indicator.
Go to the “Logs” tab page and enter problem class '4' (additional
Save your settings and choose “Schedule Program Run” with the selection
options “Background” and “Immediately”.
Choose “Enter” when the run has finished. Display the application log by
choosing the relevant pushbutton on the “Logs” tab page.
You can display the dunning history by using the following menu path from
the dunning program. ENVIRONMENT → DUNNING HISTORY.
Alternatively, you can display the dunning history using the following menu
Task 2
To print the dunning notice, you must start the correspondence printing.
General Selections: Business partner number;
Correspondence Selection: Correspondence type“0003”.
Print Parameters: Output Device“LOCL”.
Save the parameters and execute the print run.
Task 3
To view the dunning notices, choose SYSTEM → OWN SPOOL REQUESTS.
Select the relevant row. Then choose the glasses icon (display).
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Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Maintain the parameters for the dunning program and evaluate the
application log
Execute a dunning run
Print a dunning letter
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Configuration and Execution of the Dunning Run
Lesson: Configuration and Execution of the Dunning
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the main factors that influence the dunning
process in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable, for example, the dunning
level, dunning activity and dunning condition.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Configure appropriate dunning procedures and know how to execute a
dunning run in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Business Example
Figure 269: Dunning Procedure: Configuration
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Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
The “dunning procedure” is the driver for dunning. You can define different
dunning levels for each dunning procedure. These “dunning levels” determine
the dunning frequency, the calculation method by which the dunning charges are
determined, and how interest is calculated and posted. For each dunning level you
can also define currency-specific minimum amounts and “dunning activities”.
You should select “Always dunn. notice?” for the last dunning level so that items
at this level are not skipped.
You can allocate a dunning procedure to contract accounts or for each individual
line item in a document.
IS-U: The move-in/out dunning procedure in the contract overrides the dunning
procedure after the move-out date in the case of a move-out. The move-in/out
dunning procedure in the contract account is valid as of the latest move-out date
of all contracts for a contract account.
The dunning data is saved in the dunning history.
In Customizing for the dunning procedure you can set an indicator (“do not reduce
dunning levels”), which prevents the system from reducing dunning levels. This
indicator is processed by the dunning proposal run.
Furthermore, for the interest calculation integrated into the dunning run for each
dunning level, you can define how high the interest amount must be to be posted.
Figure 270: Dunning Level - Customizing Example
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Lesson: Configuration and Execution of the Dunning Run
Dunning frequency: Minimum number of days that must have passed since the
issue date of the last dunning notice.
Print all items: If you set this indicator, all items that fulfill the same criteria
for dunning grouping are printed on a dunning notice, regardless of whether the
item is due or not.
Always dun: Causes a dunning notice to be initiated on this dunning level as soon
as the dunning frequency is reached in the execution of the dunning program,
regardless of whether the days in arrears or minimum amounts have been reached.
Charges: key defining a scheme for determining dunning charges which are
usually levied in connection with the creation of dunning notices and other
You can use the indicator “Interest before Charges” in Customizing for the
dunning level, in order to make the calculation of dunning charges dependent on
whether interest has been calculated for items due for dunning. SAP provides the
FKK_SPECIALCHARGE_0360 function module as an example of a calculation
of this type. As standard procedure the interest in the dunning activity run are
calculated and posted according to charges.
Additionally, you can restrict the amount of dunning charges, if dunning interest
(penalty charges) is charged as well as dunning charges. SAP provides the
FKK_SPECIALCHARGE_0360 module as a template.
Figure 271: Dunning activities
All activities that were carried out are recorded in an application log.
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Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
Application forms from the print workbench form the basis of the dunning
notice. Printout can be controlled immediately in the spool, or in correspondence
management of the print container.
In the dunning procedure (for installments), you can specify an activity that
deactivates the installment plan. After the installment plan has been deactivated,
the source receivables are dunned again.
A disconnection document can be created automatically in IS-U. A meter
disconnection procedure is started for the business partner and monitored using
this disconnection document.
In IS-T you can generate a disconnection file, which is forwarded to the external
billing system and triggers the disconnection of specified telephone numbers there.
A workflow can be used, for example, to trigger an agent notification.
In the dunning procedure, you can release a receivable for submission to an
external collection agency.
In the dunning run, you can automatically set a dunning lock for the
dunned contract account. You can use the example function module
FKK_SAMPLE_0350_LOCK_VKONT to do this. The module writes a dunning
lock reason in the master data.
Figure 272: Dunning: Telephone Lists
Telephone dunning: Function module FKK_SAMPLE_0350_TEL_ITEM
allows you to implement a new dunning activity in which the dunned business
partner is included in a telephone list. A clerk then calls this business partner
and works through the list. A list like this that has been generated by the
dunning activity run can be forwarded to an external system (for example,
a call center in mySAP CRM) automatically at event 1799, using function
module FKK_TRANSFER_CALL_LIST_1799, or manually using report
RFKKMADUTLTRANF. The call center then processes the list.
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Lesson: Configuration and Execution of the Dunning Run
The events 9010, 9012 and 9013 have to be defined in order to forward the entries.
SAP provides function module FKK_CALLLIST_CRM_9010 as an example.
Alternatively, the new transaction Telephone List can be used if a telephone list is
being processed by several agents. You can find this transaction in the menu under
Periodic Processing -> For Contract Accounts -> Dunning. In this transaction,
an agent can flag an item as completed after a successful telephone call with the
business partner. In order to record communication with the business partner, the
clerk can create customer contacts manually or automatically. In the Customizing
settings for customer contacts, you must define the contact configuration for the
program context SAPLFKKDUTL.
To be able to provide the business partner with information, the agent can
branch from the detailed information in the telephone list to, amongst others,
the account balance, objects connected to the dunning notice and a customer- or
industry-specific function that can be implemented at event 9011.
Figure 273: Customizing Dunning Activities
Dunning activities consist of a function module (such as FKK_SAMPLE_0350_CCC) and a correspondence form (optional). It is a key representing
an activity that is carried out in connection with the execution of a dunning run.
Form for correspondence: If this is an activity for creating paper records as part of
correspondence, you need to define the application form for the printout.
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Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
You can assign any number of dunning activities to various dunning levels.
Print dunning form with different recipients
Start workflow
Send note to agent using SAP Office
Deact. Installment Plan
You can define your own function modules for standard activities. Example: You
can trigger an activity in a dunning procedure, which informs the contract system
(via RFC) that it should trigger a contract due to a payment not having been made.
Figure 274: Dunning Additional Receivables
Each combination of main and sub transaction can be assigned an additional
receivables rule.
The maintenance takes place in the Customizing for the additional receivables.
You can set the exact properties of the additional receivables, depending on the
operational company code:
Subject to interest calculation (for additional receivables)
Triggers dunning
Take into account when calculating dunning balance
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Lesson: Configuration and Execution of the Dunning Run
An indicator can be set to ensure that dunning charges and interest are considered
with the dunning level, in which they were posted. This is necessary if grouping
is executed by dunning level, and the additional receivables are to be dunned
with their main receivables in the next dunning. Note that a dunning charge can
reach a high dunning level in this way, which would not have been reached due
to the days in arrears up to this point.
Figure 275: Charge Schedule: Definition
Figure 276: Dunning Terminology - Charges
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Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
A charges schedule can manage the charges data for a maximum of three charges
categories. These charge categories can be dunning charges, disconnection and
reconnection charges, processing charges, payment document charges, postage
charges, or customer defined charges.
For the charge category, the main transaction and subtransaction are determined,
with which the charge is to be posted (actual or statistical posting).
For each combination of a charge schedule and a charge category, you can set up
how charges are to be calculated depending on the currency, the dunning balance
and credit-worthiness.
When you define a correspondence variant, you can assign a charge schedule to
some correspondence types. When these correspondences are created, the system
automatically posts the charges defined in the charge schedule.
When defining processing variants for disconnection documents, you can also
store a disconnection charges schedule in order to post a charge when entering
a disconnection.
Figure 277: Charge Calculation
You can levy dunning charges as absolute charges, or as percentage charges.
Percentage charges refer to the dunning balance.
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Lesson: Configuration and Execution of the Dunning Run
Figure 278: Using the Dunning Program
Before starting the dunning run, you should ensure that the posting situation is
as up-to-date as is possible, which means that all existing payments should be
posted and a clearing run executed. This means that you avoid dunning items
which have already been paid.
You can schedule the dunning proposal run and the dunning activity run together
or separately. If you schedule both runs together, you lose the option of deleting
and recreating the dunning proposal.
You can reverse dunning notices from the dunning proposal. If you would like to
have a different dunning proposal, you can delete it, make the necessary changes
in the master data, open items or Customizing and then start the dunning proposal
run again.
A dunning run results in the dunning history and, for example, correspondence, a
note to an agent, a charge or interest postings.
Figure 279: Dunning Proposal: Maintain Parameters
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Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
You need to enter parameters for a dunning proposal run whenever you want to
create a dunning proposal. Alternatively, you can also define templates which can
then be used to create a dunning proposal run.
The system looks at the “date of issue” and compares this date to the due date
within the document to determine which dunning level is appropriate (see “days
in arrears” in Customizing of a dunning level) and to determine appropriate
charges, if applicable.
Note 429810 - Structure of Dunning Proposal Run in FI-CA - outlines the key
points in the coding of the dunning proposal run. You get an overview of the
dunning proposal run. This allows you, for example, to find out the correct events
for a customer-specific request, or to modify the program.
Figure 280: Dunning Proposal Run
The dunning proposal run determines all items due for dunning and combines
them in a dunning grouping.
Hint: Once a business partner is included in a dunning proposal he/she
will not be included in another proposal run. Only the dunning activity run
enters the system date as the execution date of the dunning (MDRKD) in
the dunning header. The dunning proposal then becomes dunning history.
This check prevents duplicate dunning letters in case you postpone the
dunning activity run.
You cannot run a second proposal run over the same items/accounts unless
the first is deleted (go to Environment → Delete Dunning Proposal Run).
You can use history modules, event modules and function modules to define new
dunning levels.
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Lesson: Configuration and Execution of the Dunning Run
The dunning proposal run also takes into account the dunning reductions
resulting from clarification cases in Dispute Management. (Function module
FKK_SAMPLE_0335_DISPUTE). At event 0335 the dunning groups
(I_FKKMAGRP) and dunning lines (I_FKKMAVS) are also transferred. The
allocated dunning reduction amounts are also returned in the C_FKKMARED
Figure 281: Dunning Grouping
If it is possible, all items of a business partner are grouped together on one
dunning notice.
However, there are criteria which dictate separate dunning notices for certain
items. These items are then grouped together into dunning groups on the basis
of these criteria.
The items are used for checking dunning relevance (i.e., amount limits and days
in arrears) per dunning group.
The grouping key enables you to use other desired criteria such as business area
and division in addition to the standard criteria (dunning procedure, currency,
main company code).
You then enter grouping key in the contract accounts for which the grouping
is to be valid.
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Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
Figure 282: Dunning Activity Run
You initiate a dunning activity run in much the same way as a dunning proposal
run. First you enter the necessary parameters and then schedule the program run.
If you have made the correct settings in Customizing, the date you entered in the
issue date field will appear on the dunning letter. It will also be displayed in the
dunning history as the dunning execution date (MDRKD).
The dunning levels and appropriate dunning activities are determined based on the
dunning groupings and items for dunning.
A dunning activity run can result in a charge or interest posting, or updates in the
dunning history and dunning activity history.
Hint: Unlike a proposal run you cannot delete a dunning activity run after
its execution, even if the intended action was not executed. Instead you
must reverse the dunning run (transaction FPVC) or cancel the dunning
for certain items. Go to Environment → Dunning History → Overview →
Cancel… (the button with the red arrow).
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Lesson: Configuration and Execution of the Dunning Run
Figure 283: Dunning Activity Run: Technical Information
Hint: Technical notes: The following events are used in conjunction with
the dunning printing/activity run:
310 (Called within Event 1797) Before the first process interval in
the dunning activity run (set application-specific data)
320 (Called within Event 1798) After the first process interval in the
dunning activity run (reorganize or delete application-specific data)
330 Event before processing a new dunning header
340 Once all data on a dunning header has been read, you can
modify it prior to final processing
Any number of activities can be triggered by each dunning notice
(correspondence, work-flows, and so on)
360/361/362 Calculation of charges and structuring of charges
370 Calculation of interest and structuring of interest document
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Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
Figure 284: Dunning History
You can call dunning history information using the account balance display
(FPL9) or selecting “Dunning History” (FPM3) from the menu.
In the dunning history you can see dunning activities (charge documents and
interest documents).
On the selection screen you can specify (Selection by Print Date) whether you
want to display dunning notices that have been executed or not executed. This
allows you, for example, to specify that only dunnings without print date are
to be selected.
In the dunning history, you can display a text for the business partner. To do
this you must set the Read Business Partner Details indicator. In this case, the
system runs event 0391. As standard, a text appears with the name and address of
the business partner. With a customer-specific function module defined in event
4700, you can adjust this text to meet your requirements. For performance reasons
you should not set the Read Business Partner Details indicator if you want an
overview of a large number of dunnings.
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Lesson: Configuration and Execution of the Dunning Run
Figure 285: Dunning: Customizing
The dunning proposal run evaluates the execution variants at event 300.
It only makes sense to specify an execution variant if you have defined an event.
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Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Configure appropriate dunning procedures and know how to execute a
dunning run in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
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Lesson: Collection Processing
Lesson: Collection Processing
Lesson Overview
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Submit receivables to external collection agencies, and know how to update
further information on released items.
Business Example
Figure 286: Submission to External Collection Agencies
If a receivable is submitted to an external collection agency, this means that a
customer has not paid a receivable and that the company is not able to collect it.
Receivables submission is made up of two steps:
Entry of database table DFKKCOLL, in which all
submitted receivables and receivables to be released (Release for Submission)
are managed.
Selection of receivables to be submitted from the DFKKCOLL database
table, and physical
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Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
submission of the receivables using report RFKKCOL2, which creates a file for
each collection agency (Submission to Collection Agency).
The dunning activity (FKK_COLL_AGENCY_RELEASE_0350) releases a
receivable to an external collection agency. The submission of receivables to
collection agencies is possible for the following items:
Receivables (also statistical items)
Credit memos
The external collection agency is determined by derivation rules defined in
Customizing (event 5060).
Submission status 01: Release Receivable is set.
The periodic submission flow (transaction FP03D or FP03DM) selects the
documents and creates a list and/or a submission file (the submission file can also
be generated in XML format). The following data is updated:
In the collection agency item (DFKKCOLL): Submission date, submission
status (02: Receivable submitted), and possible submission amount, if not
identical to the amount in the open item.
In the document: Payment block, dunning block, or alternative payer
(posting area 1054).
Logs, which are listed in the DFKKOPCOLL table by the mass run for submitting
receivables to collection agencies (FP03DM), can be deleted using the FP03DML
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Lesson: Collection Processing
Submission Status
01: Receivable released for submission
Release process (dunning, mass release)
02: Receivable submitted
Submission run
03: Receivable paid by collection agency (event 0020)
04: Receivable partially paid by collection agency (event 0020)
05: Submission of receivable reversed
Dunning run reversal
06: Submission of receivable failed (event 0020)
07: Receivable partially paid and submission of outstanding receivable
08: Receivable partially paid and partially uncollectible (event 0020)
09: Receivable recalled
Recall receivable
Receivable paid directly by customer (event 0020)
Receivable partially paid directly by customer (event 0020)
Receivable cleared (event 0020)
Receivable partially cleared (event 0020)
In addition to the statuses delivered by SAP for items released and submitted to
collection agencies, you can also define your own, company-specific submission
statuses. You can use the number range 20 to 99 for this. Numbers 01 to 19 are
standard settings. Under no circumstances should you change them.
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Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
Figure 287: Submission of Receivables to External Collection agencies
In the Define Derivation Rules for Responsible Collection Agency you can define
which collection agency is to be used, depending on the data in the document.
The derivation rules defined in Customizing are evaluated by the derivation tool.
The derivation tool is always called in the FKK_COLL_AG_SAMPLE_5060
function module when items are released for submission individually in transaction
FP03E or in mass release using transaction FP03M.
The derivation tool determines the responsible collection agency in one or a
number of steps from a range of source fields of the enhanceable structure
FKKCOLLAG. The number of derivation steps corresponds to the number of
derivation rules you define in Customizing.
If you want to continue using the old IMG activity because, for example, you have
not transferred the derivation to the new IMG activity, define the function module
FMCA_COLLAG_SAMPLE_5060 for event 5060.
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Lesson: Collection Processing
Management of Submitted Receivables
Receivables that were submitted to external collection agencies can be
managed using transaction FP03. The following functions are available
in transaction FP03:
Change submission status (change document is generated)
Indicator that the receivables were sold to the collection agency
Submit receivables
Recall receivables
Create list of collection items
Inbound Collection Agency Information
The collection agency file contains:
Collected payments
Uncollected payments
A RFKK60PM collection agency has completed a collection order and now
forwards a file to the sold-to-party informing of the receivables that were collected,
and those that were only partially collected or not at all.
Figure 288: Collection Agency Payment – Incoming Payment
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Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
When you submit an item, you can create a payment form that simplifies the
assignment of payments to open items. If the file from the collection agency
contains collected payments, these can be allocated to the appropriate open items
using the payment form number confirmed by the collection agency
If the collection file contains interest and charges, the system posts these as interest
and credit receivables and they are passed on to the customer.
Receivables that have not been collected and are, therefore, irrecoverable can be
automatically written off if you activate the Write-off Item Directly indicator in the
write-off parameters of RFKKCOPM.
Collection charges to be paid to the collection agency can be determined using a
defined function module in event 5068 and posted as payables to the collection
agency's contract account. To do this, you must activate Post Collection Charges
indicator in the specifications of RFKKCOPM.
If the collection agency provides the information personally or in writing, the
payments, interest and charges receivables must be posted manually. You can
use transaction FPAVI (payment advice note from collection agency) to enter a
payment advice note.
Figure 289: Collection Agency Payments: Postings
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Lesson: Collection Processing
Figure 290: Agent Information for Incoming Payment
If you want to ensure that the responsible processor is informed about incoming
payments to collection items, the system can send a message when a payment is
posted. The sample function module FMCA_CLERK_COLL_AG_0020 and the
rule FMCA_COLL_AC (02100019) are delivered for this.
As soon as a payment is made to a collections item, the processor receives an
incoming document which is displayed in the SAP Business Workplace. Using
this notification, the processor can decide whether an item has to be called back
from the collections agency or whether other steps should be carried out.
Figure 291: Collection: Information for Collection Agency
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Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
The collection agency has to be informed when items are called back and must
receive information on items that have already been submitted. In Customizing,
you can specify which information is included in the file for the collection agency.
The Information for Collection Agency (FPCI) mass run enables you to create files
for the collection agency that contain the following information:
The master data of one or more business partners has changed.
The business partner has directly paid part or all of the outstanding amount. The
program writes items with the following submission status in the file:
10 (receivable paid directly by customer)
11 (receivable partially paid by customer)
Items that the collection agency cannot recover within a certain period have to
be called back. When this happens the program includes items that have the
submission status 09 (call back receivable) in the file.
The direct customer payment for a previously submitted item was reversed,
clearing reset or a return made.
In the case of a reversal, returns or the (partial) reset of a clearing, the items in
question receive the status 02 (receivable submitted) again. You can inform the
collection agency of the re-submission of items using the information file - as long
as the collection agency was already informed of the customer's direct payment.
Figure 292: Collection: Customizing
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Lesson: Collection Processing
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Submit receivables to external collection agencies, and know how to update
further information on released items.
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Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
Lesson: Inbound Correspondence Public Sector
Lesson Overview
This lesson will teach you about the special features of the inbound correspondence
within the PSCD solution
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Business Example
Your business partner is obliged to regularly provide certain documents (for
example, tax returns).
You want to map the transaction in the system, to keep a record of inbound
correspondence and to dun the business partner if necessary.
Inbound correspondence
A business partner's obligation to file a written document.
For example, a letter, an application, a tax return or a confirmation.
You use the rule that is defined in the contract object to create a
correspondence request.
You can view the obligation and its compliance in the inbound
correspondence history and in the correspondence history.
In PSCD, you are not restricted to managing payments and financial matters. You
can also manage the obligation for sending documents.
You can compare managing inbound correspondences with posting documents
and payments: If you create inbound correspondences, you generate open
items for outstanding correspondences. You can save the incoming data of the
correspondences in the correspondence history. If an obligation is overdue, you
can dun the business partner.
Hint: In the standard system, dunnings and invoices for financial and
non-financial obligations cannot be arranged together in one letter.
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Lesson: Inbound Correspondence Public Sector
Figure 293: Inbound Correspondence: Procedure
Create the actual obligation and write it to the correspondence history.
Mass run = Menu: Periodic Processing → For Contract Objects → Inbound
Correspondence → Generate Inbound Correspondences
For a contract object = from master data maintenance for the contract object:
tab page “Inbound Correspondence”, pushbutton “Inbound Correspondence”
and then choose “New”
Manage inbound correspondence
Menu: Periodic Processing → For Contract Objects → Inbound
Correspondence → Inbound Correspondence History
From master data maintenance for the contract object: tab page “Inbound
Correspondence”, pushbutton “Inbound Correspondence” and then choose
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Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
Dun overdue correspondence and print a dunning notice
Menu: Periodic Processing → For Contract Objects → Inbound
Correspondence → Correspondence Dunning Run
Hint: Configure the correspondence dunning run in Customizing
under Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable → Basic
Functions → Correspondence → Inbound Correspondence Dunning
or under Business Transactions → Inbound Correspondence
Hint: Then you can call the dunning notices in the correspondence
dunning history.
Do NOT confuse the correspondence dunning history with the dunning
hisory that refers to open items.
Menu: Periodic Processing → For Contract Objects → Inbound
Correspondence → Correspondence Dunning History
Figure 294: Inbound Correspondence: Definition of the Obligation
Status: You can assign a status in master data maintenance for contract objects.
The status of the contract object determines whether you can generate the inbound
correspondence (select indicator) for this contract object when you execute the
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Lesson: Inbound Correspondence Public Sector
inbound correspondence program. You define a status in Customizing under
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable → Business Transactions → Inbound
In Customizing, you can also define the tolerance days for calculating the due
dates. You can specify tolerances in the form of months and days for each period
that exists in the standard system. The last day of a period is used as the reference
date for moving the due date. Enter the number of months and days that you
want to move the due date for inbound correspondences by. Begin with the end
of the period.
Example: You want to specify that inbound correspondences that are created
each quater are due one month after the end date of the calculation period. Enter
the following data:
Period: Quaterly
Correspondence type P700 (inbound correspondence)
Month: 1
Days: No entry
Define the obligation in the contract accounts receivable and payable → tab
page: Inbound Correspondence.
If you only require a correspondence once, set the status to “Immediately”.
Figure 295: Correspondence Dunning Procedure: Configuration
You can assign a correspondence dunning procedure to contract accounts at
contract account/business partner level. If you execute the dunning program, the
relevant correspondence is dunned due to the settings in the dunning procedure
and the data is forwarded to the dunnning history.
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Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
Figure 296: Correspondence Dunning Activities
A dunning activity consists of a function module and a correspondence form
(optional). It is a key representing an activity that is carried out in connection
with the execution of a dunning run.
Form for correspondence: If this is an activity for creating paper records as part of
correspondence, you need to define the application form for the printout.
You can assign any number of dunning activities to various dunning levels.
Notification of different recipients (legal department and so on).
Start workflows
Other user-defined activities
Use SAP Office to send a note to an agent
You can define your own function modules for standard activities. Example: You
can trigger an activity in a dunning procedure, which informs the contract system
(via RFC) that it should trigger a contract due to a payment not having been made.
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Lesson: Inbound Correspondence Public Sector
Exercise 4: Using the inbound
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Use inbound correspondence
Business Example
Your business partner receives wages or revenue and therefore is obliged to submit
a yearly tax return. Your business partner forgets to submit the tax return on time
and therefore your organization sends out a dunning notice for the tax return.
Task 1:
Inbound correspondence
You can use this function to monitor the requested correspondence receipt of
your business partner for a certain event. To do this, specify the relevant data
for the inbound correspondence in the contract object. The requested inbound
correspondence is monitored until the correspondence has been received and
the date of receipt has been entered.
Check whether the relevant correspondence variant is assigned to your
contract account for property taxes and fees.
- Go to your contract account for property taxes and fees and check that
correspondence variant “01” is assigned to your contract account.
Task 2:
Check whether the data for the contract object has been maintained correctly.
Check whether the data for the contract object has been maintained correctly.
Continued on next page
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Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
- Select your contract object Property
- Choose “Change” (pencil icon) and double-click your business partner
in the tree structure.
- Go to the “Inbound Correspondnce” tab page and check that the
following entries have been maintained.
Field Name
Automatic request
First period
YYYY-1 (last year)
Correspondence dunning procedure
Correspondence dunning procedure
Task 3:
Create the inbound correspondence request
Create the inbound correspondence request
- Choose “Inbound correspondence” to create the inbound correspondence
- You can specify the time period for which you want to create the
correspondence request. (The system proposes the first day of the time
period defined in the first period for the reference period by default.
If you have not entered a last period, the system uses the current date
as the to-date).
- In the “Report for New Inbound Correspondence” area, choose
- Save the correspondence request that you have created and leave the
Task 4:
Your business partner has not submitted his tax return for property taxes and
fees on time.
Your administration executes the periodic dunning run for the inbound
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Inbound Correspondence Public Sector
- To create the dunning notices, enter the current date in the Date ID field
and enter your group number “GR##K” in the Identification field.
- On the “Correspondence selection” tab page, choose correspondence
type “P700”.
- To obtain detailed information about the program run, go to the “Logs”
tab page and choose “Additional Information” under the settings for the
application log in the problem class.
- Save your entries.
- Execute the program directly (see above).
- Choose ENVIRONMENT → DUNNING HISTORY and look at the
results of the dunning run.
Task 5:
You also have the option of printing out the dunning notice for the correspondence
request in the next step.
You also have the option of printing out the dunning notice for the
correspondence request in the next step.
- Print the dunning notice as described above.
- To create the dunning notices, enter the current date in the Date ID field
and enter your group number “GR##D” in the Identification field.
- On the “General Selections” tab page, enter your business partner and
the company code “P100”.
- On the “Correspondence selection” tab page, choose correspondence
type “0020” and on the “Print Parameters” tab page choose output device
“LOCL” and “test print”.
- To obtain detailed information about the program run, go to the “Logs”
tab page and choose “Additional Information” under the settings for the
application log in the problem class.
Continued on next page
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Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
- Execute the program directly (see above).
- Go to the “Logs” tab page and when you see that the correspondence
print has finished, go to your spool entry by choosing SYSTEM → OWN
- Choose “Display contents” (glasses icon) to display the printout.
Task 6:
Your business partner sends the tax return that you created a reminder about.
Now you have to enter the recepit of the tax return.
- Enter your business partner and the contract object.
- Choose “Enter” and select the relevant rows and choose “Set Date of
Receipt” on the top left-hand side.
- Copy the default date, save your entries and exit from the transaction.
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Lesson: Inbound Correspondence Public Sector
Solution 4: Using the inbound
Task 1:
Inbound correspondence
You can use this function to monitor the requested correspondence receipt of
your business partner for a certain event. To do this, specify the relevant data
for the inbound correspondence in the contract object. The requested inbound
correspondence is monitored until the correspondence has been received and
the date of receipt has been entered.
Check whether the relevant correspondence variant is assigned to your
contract account for property taxes and fees.
- Go to your contract account for property taxes and fees and check that
correspondence variant “01” is assigned to your contract account.
There is no solution.
Task 2:
Check whether the data for the contract object has been maintained correctly.
Check whether the data for the contract object has been maintained correctly.
- Select your contract object Property
- Choose “Change” (pencil icon) and double-click your business partner
in the tree structure.
- Go to the “Inbound Correspondnce” tab page and check that the
following entries have been maintained.
Continued on next page
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Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
Field Name
Automatic request
First period
YYYY-1 (last year)
Correspondence dunning procedure
Correspondence dunning procedure
There is no solution.
Task 3:
Create the inbound correspondence request
Create the inbound correspondence request
- Choose “Inbound correspondence” to create the inbound correspondence
- You can specify the time period for which you want to create the
correspondence request. (The system proposes the first day of the time
period defined in the first period for the reference period by default.
If you have not entered a last period, the system uses the current date
as the to-date).
- In the “Report for New Inbound Correspondence” area, choose
- Save the correspondence request that you have created and leave the
There is no solution.
Task 4:
Your business partner has not submitted his tax return for property taxes and
fees on time.
Your administration executes the periodic dunning run for the inbound
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Inbound Correspondence Public Sector
- To create the dunning notices, enter the current date in the Date ID field
and enter your group number “GR##K” in the Identification field.
- On the “Correspondence selection” tab page, choose correspondence
type “P700”.
- To obtain detailed information about the program run, go to the “Logs”
tab page and choose “Additional Information” under the settings for the
application log in the problem class.
- Save your entries.
- Execute the program directly (see above).
- Choose ENVIRONMENT → DUNNING HISTORY and look at the
results of the dunning run.
There is no solution.
Task 5:
You also have the option of printing out the dunning notice for the correspondence
request in the next step.
You also have the option of printing out the dunning notice for the
correspondence request in the next step.
- Print the dunning notice as described above.
- To create the dunning notices, enter the current date in the Date ID field
and enter your group number “GR##D” in the Identification field.
- On the “General Selections” tab page, enter your business partner and
the company code “P100”.
- On the “Correspondence selection” tab page, choose correspondence
type “0020” and on the “Print Parameters” tab page choose output device
“LOCL” and “test print”.
- To obtain detailed information about the program run, go to the “Logs”
tab page and choose “Additional Information” under the settings for the
application log in the problem class.
Continued on next page
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Unit 8: Dunning and Collections
- Execute the program directly (see above).
- Go to the “Logs” tab page and when you see that the correspondence
print has finished, go to your spool entry by choosing SYSTEM → OWN
- Choose “Display contents” (glasses icon) to display the printout.
There is no solution.
Task 6:
Your business partner sends the tax return that you created a reminder about.
Now you have to enter the recepit of the tax return.
- Enter your business partner and the contract object.
- Choose “Enter” and select the relevant rows and choose “Set Date of
Receipt” on the top left-hand side.
- Copy the default date, save your entries and exit from the transaction.
There is no solution.
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Lesson: Inbound Correspondence Public Sector
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
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Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
Define the dunning terms used in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Maintain the parameters for the dunning program and evaluate the
application log
Execute a dunning run
Print a dunning letter
Configure appropriate dunning procedures and know how to execute a
dunning run in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Submit receivables to external collection agencies, and know how to update
further information on released items.
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Unit 9
Interest Calculation
Unit Overview
This unit gives you an overview of interest calculation in Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Know the principles and transactions for interest calculation in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Configure interest keys and calculation rules for interest on items.
Execute interest calculation.
Unit Contents
Lesson: Calculation of Interest on Items ....................................396
Lesson: Interest Keys and Calculation Rules ..............................399
Lesson: Processing of Interest Calculation..................................410
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Unit 9: Interest Calculation
Lesson: Calculation of Interest on Items
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the main task of interest calculation in
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Know the principles and transactions for interest calculation in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Business Example
Figure 297: Interest Calculation: Considerations
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Lesson: Calculation of Interest on Items
Figure 298: Business Transactions for Posting Interest
Debit interest:
Interest on open debit items is calculated for the period from the due date to
the interest calculation date (this is usually the current date).
Cleared debit items:
Interest on debit items that were cleared late is calculated for the period
from the due date to the date of clearing, provided the clearing falls before
the interest calculation date.
Do not calculate interest:
If an item is not cleared by a payment, then usually no interest calculation is
to take place (for example, interest must not be calculated for items having
the clearing reason “Reversal”).
Credit interest:
Credit interest for calculating interest for credit always has to be posted
as relevant for the general ledger.
Interest is not calculated for allocated incoming payments.
Interest simulation:
Interest is calculated for information only; it is not posted.
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Unit 9: Interest Calculation
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Know the principles and transactions for interest calculation in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
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Lesson: Interest Keys and Calculation Rules
Lesson: Interest Keys and Calculation Rules
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of how interest calculation is carried out in
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Configure interest keys and calculation rules for interest on items.
Business Example
Figure 299: Interest parameters
The interest key contains all control parameters for calculating interest, for
example, the parameters for selecting items and the reference to the calculation
Priority of interest key determination
An interest key entered in the item has the highest priority. You can enter
the interest key manually, or it can be determined from the transactions and
entered in the item by the system at the time of posting.
If interest is calculated for an item within the framework of the dunning
procedure, an interest key can be stored in the dunning level.
The interest key can also be entered in the contract account.
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Unit 9: Interest Calculation
If an interest key cannot be determined, interest calculation is not possible.
The valid interest rates are found using the interest calculation rule. Additional
conditions can also be stored in the interest calculation rule.
The interest rates depend on:
The reference interest rates (optional)
The analysis period
Item interest calculation is controlled via the ‘interest key’ parameter. An interest
key is determined for each item for which interest should be calculated.
An interest key consists of all control parameters for interest calculation and
interest posting.
Parameters for item selection
Figure 300: Posting Interest
The interest key controls interest calculation and can be assigned to contract
accounts, a security deposit, individual line items or dunning levels.
To avoid charging your business partners very small amounts, you can carry out
amount checks per customer or industry.
Interest locks enable you to prevent interest from being calculated on certain items.
You can also exclude certain business transactions (such as reversal postings or
additional receivables for interest calculation).
Interest can be posted so that it is also posted to the general ledger. Debit interest
can also be posted as a statistical item (in other words, not posted to the general
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Interest Keys and Calculation Rules
An interest document is generated when interest is posted. Posting interest is
integrated into some business transactions.
In addition to the usual document data, an interest document also contains
information about the basis of interest posting. This information is contained in
the interest supplement. The interest supplement contains the items for which
interest was calculated, as well as the relevant amounts and intervals. The interest
key is retained in the interest supplement. This allows you to find out which
factors were valid for interest calculation and posting.
When interest is posted (via manual posting, installment plan, dunning procedure,
etc) the resulting document contains a ‘source key’ in its header. The source key
identifies the business process that generated the interest calculation. For example,
source key “28” identifies that the interest document resulted from a dunning
procedure (you can see the possible source keys in the TFK001 table).
Figure 301: Interest Calculation: Configuration
Item interest calculation is controlled via the ‘interest key’ parameter. An interest
key is determined for each item for which interest should be calculated.
An interest key consists of all control parameters for interest calculation and
interest posting.
Parameters for item selection
Reference to a calculation rule
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Unit 9: Interest Calculation
Figure 302: Interest Calculation: Configuration
Tolerance days (grace period): Minimum number of days that must have passed
since the due date for net payment of a receivable before calculating interest.
If the receivable is cleared within the tolerance days, no interest calculation or
interest posting can take place.
Hint: Tolerance days are not taken into account for interest calculations
in the future (such as installment plan interest).
Interest frequency: Interest calculation frequency determines the earliest point at
which interest will be calculated for an item if interest has already been calculated
(for example, days, months, years).
Transfer days: Refers to the period that it takes a bank to clear a payment and
provide the clearing information. This ensures that interest calculation does not
take place on a receivable for which payment is delayed by the bank.
Baseline date for interest calculation = due date for net payment + grace period +
transfer days.
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Lesson: Interest Keys and Calculation Rules
Figure 303: Configuration of the Interest Calculation Rule
The interest calculation rule contains the parameters for interest calculation:
Reference to a reference interest rate (dynamic interest rate)
Fixed rates (static interest rate)
Interest calculation rules: Interest rates are stored per currency and debit/credit
indicator according to date. They can also be based on a reference interest rate
such as the federal funds rate.
Interest calculation can be carried out on a monthly basis. For example, interest
can be 2% for each month.
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Unit 9: Interest Calculation
Figure 304: Interest Calculation Rules: Details
The interest calculation method dictates how interest is to be calculated. Most
users use method “act/365” whereby the system calculates the interest based on a
365 day period. However, there are other methods available.
The flag for “scale types” is used if the interest rate used is based on amounts. For
example, you may wish to charge an interest rate of 5% on the first 1000 balance
and then 6% for any balance above 1000.
The interest interval can be set to a day, week, month, or year. In most countries
this indicator is set to “years”. However, some countries with high inflation rates
use “days” or “weeks” (such as Brazil).
You can round interim interest calculations. Rounding rules can differ and
must be customized.
Example: Interest is to be calculated on an amount for the period from 01/01
to 01/20, using a higher interest rate from 01/10 on.
Interest from 01/01 to 01/09: 10.12345 Interest from 01/01 to 01/20:
If the amount is to be calculated to two decimal places, the total interest without
flagging “Round interim interest totals” is 40.47 (10.12345 + 30.34437 =
40.46782). If the indicator is set, then the total interest is 40.46 (10.12 + 30.34).
Interest on total amount. This indicator is used in conjunction with the option
“staggered interest rate types”. For example, if the interest rate varies according
to amounts and this indicator is set, then the interest rate used will be applied to
the entire amount. If the indicator is not set, then the interest rate set per amount
is used.
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Lesson: Interest Keys and Calculation Rules
Figure 305: Interest Calculation: Rounding Rules
Rounding rules are assigned to interest calculation rules in the ‘interest terms’
section of interest calculation Customizing.
Three rounding rules are provided for interest calculation:
“' '” round to the nearest whole number
“-” always round down to the nearest whole number
“+” always round up to the nearest whole number Grouping of items before
interest calculation
Event 2085 provides you with further, more extensive options for grouping items
before the interest calculation - provided you have set the “Group Subitems before
Interest Calculation” indicator in the interest key. See the documentation for the
FKK_SAMPLE_2085 and FKK_CONDENSE_2085 function modules.
Therefore, for example, if you use different interest rates to calculate interest on
receivables and payables, you can group items in event 2085 before the interest
calculation and use the interest rate for receivables if the amount of the receivables
exceeds that of the payables.
Using a function module processed in event 2075 you can round the result of the
interest calculation up or down.
If you enter function module FKK_ROUND_INT_AMOUNT in event 2075, you
can round the interest calculated using function module FKK_INTEREST_CALC
according to the values defined in Customizing.
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Unit 9: Interest Calculation
Figure 306: Interest Calculation: Additional Receivables
For additional receivables (interest and charges) that are generated by FI-CA, it is
possible to define interest calculation rules.
The “interest calculation” indicator informs the system whether or not the
additional receivable should be included when calculating interest You may also
specify a specific interest key for these additional receivables for each responsible
company code.
Figure 307: Interest Key: Determination
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Lesson: Interest Keys and Calculation Rules
The system looks for an interest key in the sequence 1 to 4. If no interest key
can be determined, interest calculation is not possible and interest will not be
calculated for the item.
The system only calculates interest on those items for which it is able to determine
an interest key. An interest key can be assigned to a contract account, items or
dunning levels. The system normally determines the interest key for each industry,
but can also do so on a customer-by-customer basis.
Hint: This hierarchy is defined in event 2000. If desired, you can change
the coding of the event to change this hierarchy.
Figure 308: Dunning Level - Customizing for Interest
You set the “calculate interest” flag if you wish to calculate interest when this
dunning level is reached.
In general, the “interest key” determines the calculation rule and the period control.
The “update key” has three possible settings:
“' '” = interest is only calculated, not posted. An organization can send a
letter to a customer, informing them that they could have charged interest,
but opted not to.
“1” = interest is calculated and posted statistically (you do not expect to
complete the transaction or collect the interest).
“2” = interest is calculated and posted. The general ledger is updated as
a result.
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Unit 9: Interest Calculation
Figure 309: Interest Calculation: Customizing
Reference interest rates are used in different application components. Therefore,
reference interest rates may already be maintained here. Date-dependent interest
values can be defined for the reference interest rates in the 'Define Percentage
Rates for Reference Interest Rates' process step. Reference interest rates are
Interest calculation rules are used in different application components. Therefore,
interest calculation rules may already be maintained here. Interest calculation
rules are allocated to interest keys in the 'Define Interest Keys' process step.
You must enter the interest calculation rule in the interest key. You can also
allocate other parameters to the interest key.
In the additional functions for interest calculation, you can determine whether the
following takes place when interest is calculated for line items:
Interest calculation based on net amounts
Interest calculation for source items when installment plan items are cleared
In the Customizing settings for transactions, you must set the interest transactions,
the allocation to internal transactions, assignment of the statistical transactions,
and account determination.
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Lesson: Interest Keys and Calculation Rules
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Configure interest keys and calculation rules for interest on items.
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Unit 9: Interest Calculation
Lesson: Processing of Interest Calculation
Lesson Overview
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Execute interest calculation.
Business Example
Figure 310: Interest Calculation: Timeline
With a function module processed in event 2065 you can change the date for the
Interest Calculation To for clearing items. For amounts cleared in the account
maintenance, the due date of the bill and clearing date of both items are used as
standard to calculate the interest. In event 2065 you can use the due date of the
bill amount and the value date of the payment amount to calculate the interest for
amounts cleared in the account maintenance.
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Lesson: Processing of Interest Calculation
Figure 311: Mass Interest Processing: Selection
Figure 312: Individual Interest Calculation: Preparation
The default document type and statistical key displayed on this screen are defined
in Customizing and may be overwritten at the time of posting.
The “single document” indicator shows whether or not the system will create a
separate document in the SAP ERP general ledger for this each line item, for
which interest is calculated. The number of the document posted in FI-CA is
stored as the reference document number in the general ledger document.
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Unit 9: Interest Calculation
You must tell the system if you wish to calculate interest on debit or credit items.
Hint: (It is not possible to select “credit items” and indicate “only open
debit items” at the same time.)
By selecting the option “cleared items only”, the user ensures that if any partial
payments (resulting in 2 sub-items) are made that interest calculation only takes
place when the item is totally cleared.
In the calculate interest to field you inform the system the date, up to which
interest is to be calculated.
Hint: Interest calculations are usually posted using the “interest run”
function and not manually.
Figure 313: Item Selection for Interest Calculation
Green light means that interest may be calculated; red light means that the item is
blocked for interest calculation.
You can double-click on a red light to find out why interest cannot be calculated
for that particular item.
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Lesson: Processing of Interest Calculation
Figure 314: Summarization of Interest Items
In order to minimize the number of interest documents that the system must post,
only one interest document per matching summarization criteria is posted in the
The summarization criteria (fields) for interest items are transferred from source
items to the interest items.
SAP delivers several default fields for summarization. You cannot delete these
criteria. Standard delivered fields include: Company code, business area, business
partner number, contract account number, division, and so on. You can also add
more fields (up to a maximum of 12 criteria, including the standard delivered
summarization fields).
Hint: Technical note: The summarization criteria are defined in the
structure FKKIV.
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Unit 9: Interest Calculation
Figure 315: Calculation Exceptions: Interest Lock
Interest locks enable you to prevent interest from being calculated on certain items.
You can also exclude certain business transactions (such as reversal postings or
additional receivables for interest calculation).
Moreover an item will not be selected in the following cases:
If it does not meet selection criteria
If it is excluded from interest calculation in event 2010. The function module
called up with event 2010 checks whether interest can be calculated on a line
item. In the reference function module, statistical items can be excluded
from interest calculation.
If it is an additional receivable and interest calculation was excluded
If it is not due
If it is not ready as a result of Customizing settings for transfer days,
tolerance days (grace period), or interest period
If interest has already been calculated for the item for the given period.
In Customizing you define the clearing reasons (table TFK056C) for cases when
the interest calculation is not calculated retroactively (for example, reversals).
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Lesson: Processing of Interest Calculation
Figure 316: Interest Calculation: Exceptions
Because interest keys are linked to calculation rules, which in turn are linked to
a currency type, an interest document can only be created in one currency at a
time. If you had items in different currencies, the system would have no way of
determining which currency the interest document should be posted in.
If postings exist in several currencies for an account then interest posting must
be called up for each currency.
Figure 317: Exception for Posting Interest: Amount Limit
Debit interest is requested if the calculated interest is over a minimum amount
limit that is set in Customizing.
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Unit 9: Interest Calculation
The amount limit for posting interest is dependent on the company code, the
debit/credit indicator, and the currency. Items are first summarized by criteria, and
then interest must reach the defined minimum level to be posted.
Standard check: Total amounts for all interest for a company code are compared
with the minimum amount limit defined in the TFK057 table.
For item interest calculation you can round items before the interest calculation. If
interest is calculated on several items together, each item is rounded individually.
You can group subitems before the interest calculation so that a split item is subject
to interest in exactly the same way as an item that has not been split. Event 2085
provides you with further, more extensive options for grouping items before the
interest calculation - provided you have set the “Group Subitems before Interest
Calculation” indicator in the interest key.
Therefore, for example, if you use different interest rates to calculate interest on
receivables and payables, you can group items in event 2085 before the interest
calculation and use the interest rate for receivables if the amount of the receivables
exceeds that of the payables.
Figure 318: Additional Functions
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Lesson: Processing of Interest Calculation
Figure 319: Interest Supplement and Interest History
An interest document includes the structures of a document in FI-CA: Document
header, line items and general ledger (G/L) items. In addition to the usual
document data, an interest document also contains information about the basis of
interest posting. This information is contained in the interest supplement.
For each interest item, the interest supplement tells you how the interest amount
was determined, including source items, interest period and interest rate. This
allows you to reconstruct how interest was determined at a later date. The interest
supplement can be accessed via an interest document.
An interest history records the interest calculation period for each line item on
which interest has been calculated. During interest calculation, the selected items
and the interest are considered jointly. This ensures that interest is only calculated
for items once for a certain period. Interest → Select line items. Select the items
for which you want to calculate interest.
Hint: If the system settings for the interest calculation rule or for the
interest rule are changed at a later time, you will no longer be able to
retrace interest calculation using the interest supplement. If the rate
is changed for dates in the past, nothing will happen. The system will,
however, issue a warning if you attempt such a change.
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Unit 9: Interest Calculation
Figure 320: Interest Document Structures and Technical Details
This slide shows some of the technical information necessary for customers that
may wish to add events to standard interest related programs.
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Lesson: Processing of Interest Calculation
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Execute interest calculation.
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Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
Know the principles and transactions for interest calculation in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Configure interest keys and calculation rules for interest on items.
Execute interest calculation.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 10
Deferral/Installment Plan
Unit Overview
This unit gives the participants an overview of how to create deferrals and
installment plans in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Enter a deferral for an open item.
Create and process installment plans for open items.
Unit Contents
Lesson: Deferral: Definition and Processing ................................422
Lesson: Installment Plan: Definition and Processing ......................426
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Unit 10: Deferral/Installment Plan
Lesson: Deferral: Definition and Processing
Lesson Overview
This lesson describes the function and task of a deferral.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Enter a deferral for an open item.
Business Example
Deferral: Definition
If the business partner is temporarily unable to settle his/her open items,
the due date is postponed.
As a rule, additional surcharges, charges, or interest are charged.
Until the date specified the deferred item will not be dunned in a dunning run and
will not be collected from the bank by the payment program.
Once the deferral date has passed, or if you have deleted the date from the item,
the item can be dunned again and collected.
Figure 321: Deferral: Processing (1)
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Lesson: Deferral: Definition and Processing
Deferral can be performed manually in the document change transaction or
automatically during returns processing. You can enter a deferral date when you
post the document or when you change the line items in the document. The
deferral does not change the original due date. The deferral date is used instead of
the due date to automatically create dunning notices or debit memos.
Document → Change
Enter the document number.
Choose Goto → List and display the business partner items (or choose the
corresponding pushbutton). Double click on the amount to be deferred.
Enter a deferral date (in the field to the right of the due date). DO NOT
Save the document.
To reverse a deferral, delete the deferral date in the item (transaction: Change
Figure 322: Deferral: Processing (2)
Debit interest:
Interest on open debit items is calculated for the period from the due date to the
interest calculation date (this is usually the current date).
Cleared debit items:
Interest on debit items that were cleared late is calculated for the period from the
due date to the date of clearing, provided the clearing falls before the interest
calculation date.
Do not calculate interest:
If an item is not cleared by a payment, then usually no interest calculation is to
take place (for example, interest must not be calculated for items having the
clearing reason “Reversal”).
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Unit 10: Deferral/Installment Plan
Credit interest:
Credit interest for calculating interest for credit always has to be posted as relevant
for the general ledger.
Interest is not calculated for allocated incoming payments.
Interest simulation:
Interest is calculated for information only; it is not posted.
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Lesson: Deferral: Definition and Processing
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Enter a deferral for an open item.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 10: Deferral/Installment Plan
Lesson: Installment Plan: Definition and Processing
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the most important tasks and processes
of the installment plan.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Create and process installment plans for open items.
Business Example
Figure 323: Installment Plan: Definition
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Lesson: Installment Plan: Definition and Processing
Figure 324: Installment Plan: Processing
With an installment plan you divide source items into several installment
receivables that have a due date in the future or in the past. Once an installment
plan has been posted, the items of the installment plan and not the source items are
referred to when a bank collection is made, or when a dunning run is carried out.
An installment plan consists of a statistical document with several installment
receivables. The individual installment receivable is cleared upon payment. The
number of the installment plan is saved in the source items.
If interest is payable on an installment plan, the installment plan will also have
an interest supplement.
You can use the installment plan history to determine the source items on which
an installment plan is based (Account → Other Information → Installment Plan
History →).
Figure 325: Installment Plan: Technical View
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Unit 10: Deferral/Installment Plan
One or more open items can be broken down into a particular installment plan.
The number of installments within the plan, the interest key are defined when
creating an installment plan. The interest key controls the grace period, interest
frequency, interest interval unit, and the interest calculation rule Frequently
occurring installment terms and conditions can be stored in the system as default
installment plans.
If the agreement for payment in installments is canceled, you can deactivate the
installment plan manually. The original receivable is then active again. The
connection between the original receivables and the installment plan is deleted.
Figure 326: Installment Plan - Document Structure
Installments linked to installment plans are mapped as repetition documents.
A sample business partner item (repetition group) is structured and repetition
items are mapped for the individual due dates.
OPBEL: Number of the document in contract accounts receivable and
payable (FI-CA)
OPUPK: Item number in the FI-CA document
WHGRP: Repetition group
BETRW: Amount in transaction currency with +/- sign
OPUPW: Repetition item in the FI-CA document
FAEDN: Net due date
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Lesson: Installment Plan: Definition and Processing
Figure 327: Transaction Flow: Create Installment Plan
Installment plans can be created for one or more open items for an account
(provided they have the same currency).
Figure 328: Installment Plan: Configuration
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Unit 10: Deferral/Installment Plan
As of release ERP 2005 you can define an alternative payer to the business partner
for installment plan items. Use the new input field Partner for Payment to do this.
There you can maintain an alternative payer for each installment.
Previously, you could only define a bank details ID for installment plan items but
not a payment card ID. You can now use the new input field Card ID to enter a
payment card ID.
Figure 329: Installment Plan Category: Configuration
You can create an installment plan category in Customizing, which can then be
used to post an installment plan.
Installment intervals define the length of the intervals between installments. An
interval category defines the interval between installments (for example, month).
Distribute interest and charges to all installments: Definition whether installment
interest and charges for the installment plan are to be distributed to all installments.
The interest and charges are distributed according to the size of the installment.
The individual installment amounts are rounded to a multiple of this amount.
Residual amounts that result from the rounding process are added to the first or
last installment. The rounding amount can be entered with up to three decimal
places. If the amount is rounded, the system takes into account the currency in
question and rounds the amount to the reduced number of decimal places.
The installment amount is the amount of the individual installment payments.
The installment amount can be entered as an alternative to the rounding amount
and number of installments.
A charge can be calculated for granting an installment plan. If a charge is entered,
the system automatically posts a charge document when creating the installment
plan, and adds the charge to the first installment.
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Lesson: Installment Plan: Definition and Processing
Remaining amount: A remaining amount can result when calculating the size of
the individual installments of an installment plan. Residual amounts that result
from the rounding process are added to the first or last installment, or a separate
installment. If you do not specify a value here, then the remaining amount is
automatically added to the last installment.
Installment plan categories can be used to group installment plans.
You can define an alternative subtransaction for an installment plan.
Figure 330: Transaction Flow: Change Installment Plan
You can make the following changes in an installment plan:
Delete installments or add further installments
Change the due date and amount for an individual installment receivable,
provided that the installment receivable has not yet been paid.
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Unit 10: Deferral/Installment Plan
Figure 331: Installment Plan: Deactivation
If the installment plan has not yet been paid or has only been partially paid, it
is possible to carry out automatic cancellation of the interest document and the
charge document for this installment plan.
Interest items can be reversed. From the menu, select Account → Installment Plan
→ Change Installment Plan. Enter the number of the installment plan and select
Continue → Installment Plan → Deactivate. The system displays a dialog box
in which you select interest document. Choose Continue. The installment plan
interest document is then reversed automatically.
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Lesson: Installment Plan: Definition and Processing
Figure 332: Transaction Flow: Post Installment Plan Interest
Interest is calculated for the duration of the installment plan.
Interest can again be recalculated and posted if the customer falls behind with his
payments again. Example: The customer phones and requests an installment plan
that is to consist of 6 installments from Jan 1 through to June 1. However, on
August 1 the customer still has an outstanding balance. It is possible to calculate
and post interest on the unpaid balance that exists after June 1.
It is also possible to integrate interest in the installation plan at a later date using
the FPR2 Change Installment Plan transaction.
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Unit 10: Deferral/Installment Plan
Figure 333: Installment Plan - Interest Calculation
Figure 334: Installment Plan: Customizing
In the Customizing settings for transactions, you must set the installment plan
transactions, the allocation to internal transactions, assignment of the statistical
transactions for installment plan charges, and account determination.
The 'Installment Plan Used' indicator and the 'Documents with Repetitions
Are Possible' indicator must be set in the posting settings (Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable → Postings and Documents → Basic Settings →
Maintain Central Settings for Posting).
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Lesson: Installment Plan: Definition and Processing
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Create and process installment plans for open items.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
Enter a deferral for an open item.
Create and process installment plans for open items.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 11
Other Business Transactions
Unit Overview
This unit gives you an overview of the important transactions and processes in
subledger accounting that have not yet been covered.
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Explain account maintenance in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Explain the principles involved in reversing documents and resetting clearing
in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Transfer a document in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Explain the procedures and postings for doubtful postings and value
adjustment of open items.
Write off items in FI-CA
Remit or waive receivables.
Unit Contents
Lesson: General account ......................................................438
Exercise 5: Manual Account Maintenance ..............................443
Lesson: Reversing Documents and Resetting Clearing ...................446
Lesson: Document Transfer ...................................................455
Lesson: Mark as Doubtful / Individual Value Adjustment .................458
Lesson: Write Off ...............................................................462
Lesson: Exercise on writing off (installment plan) ..........................467
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 11: Other Business Transactions
Lesson: General account
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of manual account maintenance in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain account maintenance in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Business Example
Figure 335: Account Maintenance in FI-CA
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Lesson: General account
Figure 336: Account Maintenance: Process
You can select open items in the initial screen for account maintenance. In the
processing screen, you can change or add items to this selection, as well as include
other contract accounts or business partners.
Items allocated to the proposal from clearing control are already active. However,
you can change the allocation and ignore the proposal.
Figure 337: Example: Manual Account Maintenance
You can have the system automatically create a clearing proposal for you (results
can be edited) or you may create and modify the proposal manually (often
necessary when processing partial payments) when performing manual account
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Unit 11: Other Business Transactions
Figure 338: Manual Account Maintenance FP06 - View 1: Clear
As of ERP 2005 in account maintenance you can perform document changes
as well as carry out clearing. You can switch between both processing views
in the transaction.
Figure 339: Manual Account Maintenance FP06 - View 2: Change
For the document changes, you can define the line variants with different
modifiable fields in Customizing (structure FKKOP_CHG). You can make
document changes directly in the line item. Alternatively, you can make a change
for several selected lines simultaneously.
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Lesson: General account
In addition to document changes, you can also split line items. You can combine
clearing, splitting, and changing with few restrictions.
You can split line items into several sub-items. However, this function is
not available for items displayed summarized. You must first cancel the
summarization. To split an item, place the cursor on the item required and then
choose the function 'Split Item'. The system inserts a new item beneath the item
to be split. The amount of the new sub-item is initially zero. Enter the required
partial amount. The system automatically reduces the amount of the original
item accordingly.
You can no longer split an item that has been selected for full clearing. If you split
an item for which partial clearing is planned, the system automatically proposes
the partial amount that is not to be cleared in the sub-item. You can reduce this
amount manually, but not increase it. In this case too, you can no longer split an
item for which clearing has been planned.
For new sub-items created, you can make the same changes as for original items.
You can clear the new sub-items either partially or in full.
You can reset all of the changes you have made to an item provided you have
not saved the data yet. Select the required item(s) and then choose the function
'Reset Change'.
To reset a split, place the cursor on the sub-item and choose the 'Reset Split'
function. If several split items have been created for an item, and you want to reset
all of them, place the cursor on the original item and then choose 'Reset Split'.
Figure 340: Account Maintenance: Customizing
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Unit 11: Other Business Transactions
The aim of grouping for automatic clearing is to group the open items into logical
units. The system can then analyze how each unit can be cleared. A clearing
document is posted for every unit that is cleared. The clearing analysis is executed
using the clearing algorithm defined for an automatic clearing run in Clearing
Grouping is an enhancement of the clearing control functionality. In contrast to
clearing control, maintaining a group is optional and only makes sense if you
always want to post the clearing of certain item groups from a business partner /
contract account in an individual clearing document.
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Lesson: General account
Exercise 5: Manual Account Maintenance
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Clear credits and receivables within account maintenance.
Business Example
In addition to receivables, one of your business partners also has credit from
a payment on account.
You clear the credit against the receivables.
Manual Account Maintenance
Clear the receivable using the payment on account in contract account
PICA1210## (PI1201C0##) of the business partner with the same number.
Use the following information:
PICA1210## (PI1201C0##)
PICA1210## (PI1201C0##)
U100 (U300)
Posting date:
Today’s date
Instruct the system to generate a clearing proposal.
Check the proposal and post the clearing.
Write down the document number: ______________________________
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Unit 11: Other Business Transactions
Solution 5: Manual Account Maintenance
Manual Account Maintenance
Clear the receivable using the payment on account in contract account
PICA1210## (PI1201C0##) of the business partner with the same number.
Use the following information:
PICA1210## (PI1201C0##)
PICA1210## (PI1201C0##)
U100 (U300)
Posting date:
Today’s date
Instruct the system to generate a clearing proposal.
Check the proposal and post the clearing.
Write down the document number: ______________________________
Choose: Utilities Industry → Contract Accounts Receivable and
Payable → Account → Maintain.
Set the “Create proposal” field and choose Open Items.
Check the proposal and post the clearing with function Account → Post.
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Lesson: General account
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain account maintenance in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 11: Other Business Transactions
Lesson: Reversing Documents and Resetting Clearing
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of how to reverse documents and reset clearing
in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the principles involved in reversing documents and resetting clearing
in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Business Example
Figure 341: Reversal of Documents: Restrictions
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Lesson: Reversing Documents and Resetting Clearing
Figure 342: Reversal of Documents
Document to be reversed:
After reversal, the business partner items have the clearing document number
of the reverse document.
Indicator: reverse document:
Reference to the reversed document using the document number from the
reversed document in the document header.
In the reversal document, an item is created for every G/L. These items have
the opposite +/- sign to the G/L item.
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Unit 11: Other Business Transactions
Figure 343: Mass Reversal: Parameters
Figure 344: Negative Postings
A negative posting reduces the transaction figures for the account posted to in the
general ledger. A debit posting as negative posting therefore does not lead to
an increase of the debit transaction figures; it leads to a reduction of the credit
transaction figures. This enables you to show transaction figures for accounts after
an incorrect posting and subsequent correction (for example, invoice posting and
reversal) as if neither the incorrect posting nor the correction had taken place.
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Lesson: Reversing Documents and Resetting Clearing
Negative postings have been supported in the general ledger (FI-GL) for a long
time. You decide whether to permit negative postings at company code level. The
corresponding setting in the company code table is also effective for Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
In addition, in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable, the document type
decides whether a posting is to be posted negatively. You can designate a
document type such that negative postings are always created, or such that
negative postings are only created for corrections in the same fiscal year. For more
information about the setting for the document type, see the Customizing for the
document types and the field documentation for the field Negative Posting.
A description of negative postings for the most important business transaction
For a reversal, the document type used decides:
Whether a negative posting is never permitted
Whether a negative posting is always permitted
That a negative posting is created if the posting and reversal are in
the same fiscal year
A special feature is that the items in the reversal document for which the
account to be posted to has been swapped in comparison to the original
document are not posted negatively. This can be the case for aperiodic
reversals (swap of P&L accounts) or for posting incoming payments
where the reversal is used to post back to the clarification account.
Resetting Clearing
After resetting clearing, all accounts should appear as if the clearing
had not taken place. This means that the inverse posting of cash
discount, small differences, exchange rate differences, and taxes that
were posted due to the clearing are to be posted negatively. The display
in the receivables accounts is retained.
You reset clearing for a payment received. After the clearing reset, the
payment with clearing of open items becomes a type of payment on
account again, which means that the credit from the payment is an open
item in the receivables account. From the view of the account balance
in the receivables account, it is irrelevant whether there was a payment
on account or whether items were cleared.
Returns should be treated like reversals. The first item in a returns
clearing account is, however, never posted negatively; the same applies
to returns charges.
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Unit 11: Other Business Transactions
Individual Identification of Individual Posting Items If you want to
post a document for which negative postings are required for all items
manually, all you have to do is select an appropriate document type.
However, if you only want to post individual items negatively, you
have to enter the entire transaction in two documents.
Transfer posting from an incorrect G/L account to the correct G/L
account. The reset in the incorrect G/L account should be posted
negatively, the posting to the correct account not. First enter a negative
posting: Clearing account to incorrect G/L account. Then a “normal”
posting: Correct G/L account to clearing account.
Payments on Account
If, on receipt of payment, you first post on account instead of clearing
immediately and then carry out clearing later, (for example, via account
maintenance or during processing of a subsequent payment), the debit and
credit side of the receivables account increases by the amount of the payment
on account. If you want to avoid this effect, make sure that every clearing of
a posting on account is posted negatively. To do this, you have to indicate in
Customizing for the main and subtransaction used for payments on account
that each clearing of this item is to be posted negatively.
You make the setting for the company code (negative postings possible) in the
Implementation Guide for Financial Accounting under Financial Accounting
Global Settings → Company Code → Check and Supplement Global Parameters.
You make the setting for the document type in the Implementation Guide for
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable under Basic Functions → Postings
and Documents → Document → Maintain Document Account Assignments →
Document Types → Maintain Document Types and Assign Number Ranges.
The main and subtransactions that you want to define for a negative clearing
(example: Payments on Account) are in the Implementation Guide for Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable under Basic Functions → Postings and
Documents → Document → Maintain Document Account Assignments →
Maintain Subtransactions.
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Lesson: Reversing Documents and Resetting Clearing
Figure 345: Negative Postings: Example
Figure 346: Negative Postings: Payment on Account
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Unit 11: Other Business Transactions
Figure 347: Clearing Reset
When you reset the clearing, you reopen the paid item.
In addition, a credit item is created automatically. The credit transaction, such as a
payment on account, is defined in Customizing.
If you reset clearing that resulted from a payment to a customer, a debit transaction
must be defined in Customizing so that the system can create a receivable for the
business partner who received the payment.
Instead of the resetting the complete clearing, you can also reset parts of clearing.
Clearing reset can be set for every combination of the following data that occurs
during clearing:
Business Partner
Contract Account
Company Code
Business Area
Collective bill number
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Lesson: Reversing Documents and Resetting Clearing
Figure 348: Reverse / Reset Clearing: Customizing
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Unit 11: Other Business Transactions
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the principles involved in reversing documents and resetting clearing
in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
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Lesson: Document Transfer
Lesson: Document Transfer
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the function for transferring documents in
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Transfer a document in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Business Example
Figure 349: Document Transfer
You can only transfer open receivables or credits. You can transfer the following:
Individual items - receivables and credit
All items of a business partner
All items of a contract account
All items of a contract
Items that are still contained in an installment plan. Existing installment
plans are automatically deactivated and a new installment plan is created for
the amount of the source receivable(s) still open.
Items that belong to a collective bill. The collective bill is automatically
The transfer posting document can be reversed.
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Unit 11: Other Business Transactions
When transfer posting a customer account, you can allocate documents that
already refer to contracts (account assignment) to a target contract account without
having to specify a target contract. In doing so the transfer posting document is
not longer assigned to a contract. Contracts should not already be allocated to the
target contract account.
Figure 350: Transfers - Customizing
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Lesson: Document Transfer
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Transfer a document in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
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Unit 11: Other Business Transactions
Lesson: Mark as Doubtful / Individual Value Adjustment
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the process of marking documents as
doubtful in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the procedures and postings for doubtful postings and value
adjustment of open items.
Business Example
Figure 351: Mark as Doubtful / Individual Value Adjustment
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Lesson: Mark as Doubtful / Individual Value Adjustment
Figure 352: Mark as Doubtful/Individual Value Adjustment: Posting
Posting records:
Bill creation
Post incoming payment in general ledger accounting (bank statement)
Post payment in sub-ledger accounting and allocate the payment
Mark the receivable as doubtful
Individual value adjustment
Steps 4 and 5 generate FI-CA documents that are only relevant for General Ledger
Accounting. This means that they do not have any business partner items.
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Unit 11: Other Business Transactions
Figure 353: Mark as Doubtful/Individual Value Adjustment: Customizing
Exceptions for Adjustment: In this activity you define, for each application area,
the main and subtransactions that create postings that you want to exclude from a
doubtful entry or value adjustment. You can define the scope of the exception as
Manual doubtful entry or value adjustment
Automatic doubtful entry or value adjustment
Manual and automatic doubtful entry or value adjustment
User Exits: In this activity you can define methods to be used for making value
adjustments for the items. You can enter the method on the initial screen for
the Adjust receivables according to age mass activity. You must define the
special features for the methods in event 2950. In this event you can implement
customer-specific checks as well as value adjustment methods.
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Lesson: Mark as Doubtful / Individual Value Adjustment
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the procedures and postings for doubtful postings and value
adjustment of open items.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 11: Other Business Transactions
Lesson: Write Off
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of how to write off documents in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Write off items in FI-CA
Business Example
Figure 354: Manual Write Off: Process
With the appropriate authorization, you can set the indicator that determines that
the check rules are not used.
Open items can be written off completely, or, partially if the customer is to be
let off part of his or her open items. You can specify the partial amount to be
written off in the Write Off Items transaction. Partial write-offs must be explicitly
permitted in Customizing along with a write-off reason. When an item is written
off, the written-off document items are cleared and a write-off document is
created. The system automatically posts the expense or revenue accounts defined
in Customizing. Write-off documents can be reversed. If this is done, receivables
or payables are open again.
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Lesson: Write Off
You must define rules for adjusting tax during write-offs. If the posted expense
account is tax-relevant, the system also adjusts the posted tax during write-off.
Figure 355: Write Off: Posting 1
Posting records:
Bill creation
Post incoming payment in general ledger accounting
Post payment in sub-ledger accounting and allocate the payment
Write off the open item
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Unit 11: Other Business Transactions
Figure 356: Write Off: Posting 2
Posting records:
Bill creation
Post incoming payment in general ledger accounting (bank statement)
Post payment in sub-ledger accounting and allocate the payment
Mark the receivable as doubtful
Individual value adjustment
Steps 4 and 5 generate FI-CA documents that are only relevant for
General Ledger Accounting. This means that they do not have any
business partner items.
Write off the open item
Reset doubtful entry
Reset IVA
Note: Mass run FP04M, Tab Parameters, Indicator Do not update
write-off history.
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Lesson: Write Off
Figure 357: Write-Off History
Write-off history is automatically updated during write-off. It can also be
automatically updated during mass write-off depending on authorization. The
reversal of a write-off document is also recorded in the write-off history.
Figure 358: Write Off: Customizing
You should only enter an execution variant if the event 5015 has been defined.
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Unit 11: Other Business Transactions
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Write off items in FI-CA
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Lesson: Exercise on writing off (installment plan)
Lesson: Exercise on writing off (installment plan)
Lesson Overview
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Remit or waive receivables.
Business Example
You assume that part of the due tax payable of your business partner cannot
be collected. You waive a partial amount of the open receivable and you set a
resubmission date when you want the case to be checked again.
Task 1
You assume that the property tax of your business partner for a partial amount
cannot be collected.
For this reason, you want to partially waive the receivable in the short term.
Enter your business partner and your contract account for the property tax.
For the write-off reason, choose “03 - Temporary Waiver” and enter
DD/MM/YYYY+1 as the resubmission date.
After you choose “Enter”, you can activate the items for the property tax in
the subsequent list display and you can change the gross clearing amount
to 300.00 EUR. To do this, double-click the Gross Amount field in the row
with your property tax receivable. In the relevant field, enter 300.00 EUR.
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Unit 11: Other Business Transactions
Task 2
The clerk for the short-term waiver and remission area wants to check the
resubmission cases.
clarification list by choosing “Resubmission cases”.
Search for your short-term waiver that you entered in exercise 1-6 and
activate the line items.
Choose “Clarify”.
Display the account balance.
What general ledger account for payments and what main transaction and
subtransaction were used in the document for the short-term waiver?
Your legal department informs you that the short-term waiver no longer needs to
be executed in the clarification list (waiver directory).
Choose “No Resubmission” in the clarification activity for your waiver and
confirm the transaction in the dialog box that appears.
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Lesson: Exercise on writing off (installment plan)
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Remit or waive receivables.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain account maintenance in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Explain the principles involved in reversing documents and resetting clearing
in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Transfer a document in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Explain the procedures and postings for doubtful postings and value
adjustment of open items.
Write off items in FI-CA
Remit or waive receivables.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 12
Security Deposits
Unit Overview
This unit gives the participants an overview of the cash and non-cash management
of security deposits in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Explain how cash and non-cash security deposits are processed in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Request and settle cash security deposits.
Unit Contents
Lesson: Cash and Non-Cash Security Deposits............................472
Lesson: Request, Payment and Settlement of Cash Security Deposits .475
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Unit 12: Security Deposits
Lesson: Cash and Non-Cash Security Deposits
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the two types of securities in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain how cash and non-cash security deposits are processed in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Business Example
You assess the credit rating of your business partner such, that you agree on cash
security deposits for this business partner.
A request for cash security deposit is created for the business partner in
the system.
After the incoming payment, the request for cash security deposit is cleared
and accounted for as a down payment.
Figure 359: Security Deposits
The system supports the request and handling of cash and non-cash securities of
business partners.
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Lesson: Cash and Non-Cash Security Deposits
Non-cash security deposits can be bank guarantees, mortgage bonds, or savings
accounts that are stored as security deposits.
Cash security deposits are managed as payables, which can be settled according
to certain criteria.
Requests for cash security deposits, or changes to cash security deposits, can
take place automatically when registering a business partner in IS-U move-in
processing, or by using a function module in event 1025 when changing the
payment method in the contract account.
Figure 360: Cash Security Deposits
In IS-U, a cash security deposit is cleared with the final bill. Otherwise, cash
security deposits can be paid out or cleared as long as the cash security deposit is
released. The program RFKK_SECURITY_RELEASE is available for releasing
security deposits (menu: Periodic Processing → For Contract Accounts →
Security Deposits → Release). Non-cash security deposits can be returned or
cashed. Non-cash security deposits can be returned or cashed.
Interest must be calculated for cash security deposits.
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Unit 12: Security Deposits
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain how cash and non-cash security deposits are processed in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: Request, Payment and Settlement of Cash Security Deposits
Lesson: Request, Payment and Settlement of Cash
Security Deposits
Lesson Overview
This lesson is intended to provide a more detailed view on the process of cash
security in contracts accounts receivable and payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Request and settle cash security deposits.
Business Example
Figure 361: Request Cash Security Deposit
SAP Menu: Account → Security Deposit → Create
The cash security deposit is created either manually or automatically in the
Utilities Industry component when a move-in is entered in the system. The
cash security deposit has the status Requested. A request document is a
statistical document with a document header and a line item
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Unit 12: Security Deposits
Using the function module FKK_EVENT_0820_PAYMFORM_DET, you
can create a payment form number automatically when you create a cash
security deposit request.
As long as the request document has not yet been cleared, you can reverse
the security deposit. A deposit that has been reversed cannot be used again.
If you receive a (partial) cash security deposit payment and this clears
the request document either completely or partially, the status changes to
(Partially) Paid.
When the valid for date is reached, or when an early manual release occurs,
the status changes to Released.
If the cash security deposit payment is cleared by repayment or settlement
against open receivables, the end status Returned is reached.
In the menu under Periodic Processing → For Contract Accounts → Security
Deposits → Release, you can use the report RFKK_SECURITY_RELEASE
to release the securities.
Non-cash security deposits are created manually. When you save the security
deposit, the status Requested is given.
Further processing is triggered by changing the status. For non-cash deposits,
you can define the status in Customizing. For each change of status, a BOR
event is triggered; this can start a workflow, whereby you have to model
your own workflows.
2.You can display an overview of all security deposits. To do this, choose
one of the following paths:
Roles: Cash Security Deposits/Security Deposits (SAP_FI_CA_CASH_DEPOSIT) → Security Deposit Statistics Report
SAP Menu: Periodic Processing → For Contract Accounts → Security
Deposits → Statistics
You can select using the following criteria:
Start date
Return date
Cash Security Deposits
Non-cash security deposits
Status of security deposits in the case of non-cash security deposits
For event 0860, you can define follow-on actions for security deposits that
meet certain criteria. For example, that a clerk retrieves a non-cash security
deposit from storage if the return date is reached within the next week.
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Lesson: Request, Payment and Settlement of Cash Security Deposits
Figure 362: Process Cash Security Deposit
SAP menu: Account → Security Deposit → Display or Change
Enter the number of the security deposit required and select Continue.
The following table lists the functions available when changing or displaying a
security deposit.
Functions with Display
and Change
Menu path
Important information
Print notification
Environment → Form
A request form is printed
as sample
Edit → Reverse
A deposit that has been
reversed cannot be used
Release cash deposit
Edit → Release
The clearing restriction
of the cash security
deposit payment is
removed. This means
that the payment can now
be cleared.
Functions only with
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Unit 12: Security Deposits
Functions with Display
and Change
Menu path
Release cash security
deposit in part
Edit → Release Partially You can offset the
released portion or pay it
out if a payment method
is defined in the partial
release. Prerequisite for
partial release:The status
must be either Paid or
Released Partially.
Change amount of cash
Edit → Clear Remaining You can subsequently
Receivable → Clear New reduce the amount of the
cash security deposit
receivable deposit
using the Remaining
Receivable function, or
increase it using the New
Receivable function.
In the case of the New
Receivable, part of the
original receivable is
written off, in the second
case a new cash security
deposit receivable is
posted with reference to
an existing cash security,
provided that this has
not been reversed or
released. The Clear
Remaining Receivable
function refers to all cash
security requests in the
contract that are still
open. A release means
that all security deposits
are released.
Post new receivable
Edit → New Receivable
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Important information
Instead of creating a new
security deposit, you can
post a new receivable.
You can define the same
amount of information
(such as request reason)
as is the case when
creating a new security
Lesson: Request, Payment and Settlement of Cash Security Deposits
If you want to automatically release and create cash security deposits when the
payment method in the contract account changes, define an installation-specific
function module for event 1025 in the Implementation Guide for Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable under Program Enhancements → Define
Customer-Specific Function Modules. To do this, copy the function module
FKK_EVENT_1025_DEPOSIT_CHANGE and adjust the copy to meet your
requirements, for example, the amount of the cash security deposit requested, the
currency, the request reason, and the reversal reason.
If a direct payer changes his payment method to bank collection, all of the cash
security deposits in the contract account of the business partner are released
automatically, since there is no longer any reason to retain the security deposit.
However, if a business partner who has previously paid his receivables by bank
collection becomes a direct payer, you can automatically request a cash security
Figure 363: Release Cash Security Deposit
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Unit 12: Security Deposits
Figure 364: Security Deposits: Posting (1)
[1] Posting the request for the cash security deposit in FI-CA:
The cash security deposit is posted statistically so that no transaction relevant
to the general ledger is generated.
A notification containing the requested amount, the terms and methods of
payment, etc. can be generated.
Figure 365: Security Deposits: Posting (2)
[2] Posting incoming payment in FI. The business partner pays by bank transfer.
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Lesson: Request, Payment and Settlement of Cash Security Deposits
Figure 366: Security Deposits: Posting (3)
[3] Allocation of the payment in FI-CA and FI. When payment is allocated to the
request for the cash security deposit, credit corresponding to the payment amount
is posted. The statistical request is cleared.
Figure 367: Security Deposits: Posting (4)
[4] Posting an IS-U final bill in FI-CA and FI with settlement of the payable
resulting from the payment of the cash security deposit. In this example, the
remaining amount after settlement is 66,-.
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Unit 12: Security Deposits
Figure 368: Interest Calculation for Cash Security Dposits
The way in which the interest key for a cash security payment is determined differs
to the standard way of calculating interest on items:
If an interest key is specified in a payment, this is the one that applies.
If no interest key is specified in a payment, the system tries to determine a
key from the relevant security deposit. If no interest key can be found, no
interest calculation takes place.
An interest lock at the level of contract account-dependent data is not considered
during the calculation of interest on cash security deposits.
To calculate interest on individual cash security deposit payments, choose one
of the following paths:
SAP menu: Account → Security Deposit → Interest Calculation The
procedure is similar to posting debit and credit interest.
SAP Menu: Periodic Processing → Security Deposits → Calculation of
Interest on Cash Security Deposits
You can display cash security deposit interest that has been posted in the security
deposit maintenance.
In the menu under Environment → Interest Calculation List, you can display an
overview for the interest run.
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Lesson: Request, Payment and Settlement of Cash Security Deposits
Figure 369: Security Deposits – Customizing
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Unit 12: Security Deposits
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Request and settle cash security deposits.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain how cash and non-cash security deposits are processed in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Request and settle cash security deposits.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit Summary
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Unit 13
Unit Overview
This unit gives the participants an overview of correspondence creation in
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Define and explain the different types of correspondence in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable
Configure and handle correspondence.
Explain the principles of the print workbench.
Create and print bank statements
Create an invoice
Unit Contents
Definition and Types .................................................488
Handling and Customizing ..........................................495
The Print Workbench.................................................503
Exercise on Correspondence Handling............................508
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Unit 13: Correspondence
Lesson: Definition and Types
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the correspondence types in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Define and explain the different types of correspondence in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable
Business Example
Your company wishes to create account statements and other correspondence in
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Figure 370: Correspondence: Definitions
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Lesson: Definition and Types
Figure 371: Correspondence: Use
SAP provides several correspondence types, for example:
Business Partner Statement = All open items that were posted after the last
business partner statement (event 1913)
Account Information = All items for a certain contract account
Use business partner statements if for example:
Several contract accounts exist for a business partner and you only want to
use one correspondence to inform your business partner of the status of the
account relationship.
Several contracts exist for one business partner and you only want to use one
correspondence to inform the business partner of the status of the customer
Use balance notifications if for example:
External auditors want to inform a group of customers about the current
status of their customer accounts.
Customers must be informed about the account balance once in each period
(requirement in specific countries).
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Unit 13: Correspondence
Figure 372: Correspondence Types (1 of 2)
The account statement is a correspondence type whose output cannot be influenced
by user selections. For example, if the user requests an account statement for
contract account ABC then he will receive output that consists of all of the items
that have been posted against this account (you cannot specify any limiting search
criteria when viewing this type of correspondence).
The account information contains exactly those items that were selected in the
account balance display (transaction FLP9).
The bill processing function is used to inform business partners of receivables
for which you are responsible and to send them printed payment requests. The
business partner then pays for the open items listed.
Bill processing is a mass activity fully integrated in the Correspondence
component. A bill groups all open items into a payment amount. The bill with
this amount is then sent to the customer. Depending on your customizing settings,
the notification sent to the customer is a printed bill with (or without) an attached
payment document.
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Lesson: Definition and Types
Figure 373: Correspondence Types (2 of 2)
You can define your own correspondence types.
You can now set the application form that you want to use for all individual
Figure 374: Bill Creation (IS-PS-CA)
The system uses the payment program to determine which items should be
included in bill processing.
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Unit 13: Correspondence
The system checks whether you have maintained an incoming payment method.
If you have, this allows you to initiate payment yourself and you need not bill
your business partner. If not, then the system will include the open items in the
billing run.
The basic steps are as follows:
Those open items that have not been printed on a bill are selected
Open items are grouped and the bill type is determined (from the master data)
No bill is created if a lock is active
A unique bill number (payment form number) is created
The open items are saved under this number
A correspondence header is stored
Depending on what is stored in the master data, different bill types can be printed.
The bill type determines the items to be printed and what the bill looks like.
Additional texts should be added to the bill at the time of printing (PSCD Print
Workbench) by an exit in the application form.
You can define whether the mass activity for creating bills only groups together
items for bills that have no incoming payment method (as was the case until now),
or whether all items, irrespective of their payment method, are included (event
0600, FMCA_INV_ALL_ITEMS_0600).
Figure 375: Correspondence Type Configuration
Recipient control is set at the level of correspondence type. For example, you can
specify for a given correspondence type that no alternative recipient is allowed.
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Lesson: Definition and Types
There are two necessary events associated with a correspondence type. The
first is a “print” event (function module that is needed to print a correspondence
request for a given correspondence type after the correspondence container has
been read). The other is a “generation” event (function module needed to create
or generate a correspondence request).
The other settings control which application area can use a given correspondence
type and/or if the correspondence type event is periodic, and so on.
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Unit 13: Correspondence
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Define and explain the different types of correspondence in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable
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Lesson: Handling and Customizing
Lesson: Handling and Customizing
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the task of a correspondence container in
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Configure and handle correspondence.
Business Example
Figure 376: Underlying Concept
The correspondence “data container” is a set of tables (technical tip: the main one
is DFKKCOH); each entry within this table represents an object that can be sent
to a business partner.
The printing run is done in a separate step within the menu “correspondence”.
From the correspondence data container, you can select any data that you wish
to print.
It is recommended that printing be carried out not too long after correspondence
is generated. For example, if there is a significant delay in the printing of the
generated dunning notices, customers may be dunned who have paid their balances
in the meantime.
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Unit 13: Correspondence
Figure 377: Handling Correspondence Data
Correspondence data is stored in an abstract manner. Key data from dunning,
returns, account statements etc., are all stored in the same location.
In general, the data container references additional data that resides in the
originating program.
Figure 378: Additional Features of Correspondence
Correspondence History: Stores information about all correspondence, including
inbound correspondence.
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Lesson: Handling and Customizing
History features – Archiving of correspondence; pixel viewer for letters. The
pixel viewer is a viewing tool similar to Acrobat Reader used to read optically
archived documents.
Introduction of additional print options such as “shipping control”. In shipping
control you define the underlying options for shipping. Shipping control is
primarily used by the correspondence variants.
The correspondence variant summarizes correspondence type in order to control
periodic correspondence and can be assigned to contract accounts at contract
account and business partner level.
Figure 379: Correspondence control
If an entry exists in the “Correspondence Recipient” field then this business
partner will replace the original recipient in all cases except if any specific
correspondence types are defined to go elsewhere (for example, recipients for
individual correspondence types).
If the “Alternate or Additional Correspondence Recipient” flag specifies whether
a correspondence recipient is acting as substitute for the original recipient.
If this flag is not selected, then any partners listed will receive a copy of the
correspondence. If the flag is selected, only the alternative correspondence
recipient receives a copy. The correspondence is not sent to the actual business
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Unit 13: Correspondence
Figure 380: Correspondence Output Options
You select the print setting via the appropriate indicator in print dialog. There are
five possible settings:
* SAPscript Formu settings are essential
X Raw data interface (output mode: spool)
I Raw data interface (output mode: IDoc)
S Raw data interface (output mode: spool (simple RDI))
- Formatting by SAPscript (OTF)
Raw data is sent to the print workbench and processed there, instead of creating
separate forms in each program.
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Lesson: Handling and Customizing
Figure 381: Creation of Correspondence: Overview
General steps for creation of correspondence:
Correspondence requests are created using business transactions or
correspondence runs.
Reference data is stored in the correspondence container.
Select the correspondence data from the correspondence container and
prepare the data for print out via a correspondence print run.
Print out of correspondence data via SapScript, print-workbench, or use the
raw data interface to print via an external printing system.
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Unit 13: Correspondence
Figure 382: Customizing of Correspondence Variants
(Correspondence) charge schedules are charges that can be set per correspondence
type. For example, if you wanted to charge your customer a small fee for
re-invoicing you would configure a charge schedule and then enter it in the
correspondence variant.
Dispatch Control is used to send a document, such as an invoice or dunning
notice, in different forms and in multiple copies (for instance by email or fax).
Customizing of dispatch control is performed in the “print workbench” area of the
IMG (General Application Functions>Print Workbench>Shipping Control).
You can assign correspondence variants to contract accounts and/or contract
objects. The control parameters defined in a correspondence variant are evaluated
when the correspondence is created.
All “periodic” correspondence (for example, type 0002 – account statement) must
be defined in the correspondence variant.
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Lesson: Handling and Customizing
Figure 383: Correspondence: Customizing
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Unit 13: Correspondence
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Configure and handle correspondence.
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Lesson: The Print Workbench
Lesson: The Print Workbench
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the purpose of the print workbench in
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the principles of the print workbench.
Business Example
Figure 384: The Print Workbench
The print workbench is not a replacement for SAPscript/Smart Forms. It is simply
a tool enabling you to work with SAPscript/ Smart Forms and PDF-based forms
more easily.
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Unit 13: Correspondence
The print workbench offers an improved means of creating of forms. In addition,
it makes data retrieval flexible and easy to understand.
The print workbench separates data retrieval from the layout design of a form and
makes creating and maintaining forms easier.
You can find more details about the Print Workbench in the documentation for
SAP component CA-GTF-PWB.
Figure 385: Overview
The form class library is created by an SAP developer and represents a “super-set”
of data that is available for use in an application form. It is also an ABAP program
and its coding is copied to the print program when generated.
In the application form you define the sequence of text modules. The business
partner determines what data is printed on a specific piece of correspondence.
The SAPscript/Smart Form is an independent object. Itis used to define where and
how data defined in the application form is to be printed.
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Lesson: The Print Workbench
Figure 386: The Form Class
Form classes form the basis for all forms of the print workbench.
The form classes are updated every time the system is updated by SAP.
Figure 387: The Application Form
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Unit 13: Correspondence
In the print workbench, in addition to SAPscript, you can also use Smart Forms
to create and maintain application forms. The previous use of SAPscript is not
affected by this function enhancement.
Smart Forms have the following advantages over SAPscript:
More flexible creation of form layout (for example, with tables and
More efficient creation and maintenance of forms (reduces the time by half)
Form adjustment without programming knowledge as a result of completely
graphical user interface
Web publishing using a generated XML output
Performance improvement
Clear separation between data selection, form preparation, and form logic
XML-based SAP standard interfaces (XSF, XDF) for external further
As of release ERP 2005 the print workbench supports the use of PDF-based forms
for creating and issuing outgoing standardized correspondence. SAP therefore
provides the new form category PDF-based form for application forms. You can
use the new XML-based raw data interface (XFP) for PDF-based forms to prepare
raw data outside of the SAP system. Existing implementations in SAPscript and
Smart Forms are not affected by this change.
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Lesson: The Print Workbench
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the principles of the print workbench.
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Unit 13: Correspondence
Lesson: Exercise on Correspondence Handling
Lesson Overview
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Create and print bank statements
Create an invoice
Business Example
Your business partner requires a bank statement. You create the required account
statement and use a test print to check whether the bank statement contains the
relevant data.
Your business partner requires a parking permit for his new car. The parking
permit costs 50 EUR. You post an acceptance request and generate a bill that
you forward to your customer.
Task 1
Generate an account statement for the contract account 'property taxes and fees'.
Since account statements are usually generated periodically, you can find
To create the account statements, enter the current date in the Date ID field
and enter your group number “GR##” in the Identification field.
On the “General Selections” tab page, enter your business partner and the
company code “P100”.
To obtain detailed information about the program run, go to the “Logs”
tab page and choose “Additional Information” under the settings for the
application log in the problem class.
Save your entries.
The next step is to execute the program. To do this, choose “Schedule
Program Run”, select “Immediately” and then execute the program run by
choosing “OK”.
Choose “Refresh” (directly under the detail status) until the system displays
a message telling you that the job has finished.
Choose “Application log” and look at the message texts.
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Lesson: Exercise on Correspondence Handling
The correspondence container is now filled with the data required to create
the account statement based on the correspondence run that you started
To execute the correspondence print, go to “PERIODIC PROCESSING
To create the account statements, enter the current date in the Date ID field
and enter your group number “GR##” in the Identification field.
On the “General Selections” tab page, enter your business partner and the
company code “P100”.
On the “Correspondence selection” tab page, choose correspondence
type “0002” and on the “Print Parameters” tab page choose output device
“LOCL” and “test print”.
To obtain detailed information about the program run, go to the “Logs”
tab page and choose “Additional Information” under the settings for the
application log in the problem class.
Save your entries.
Execute the program directly (see above).
Go to the “Logs” tab page and when you see that the correspondence print
has finished, go to your spool entry by choosing SYSTEM → OWN SPOOL
REQUESTS. Choose “Display contents” (glasses icon) to display the printout.
Task 2
Post an acceptance request of 50 EURO for your contract object 'parking
fees' with the due date DD/MM+1/YYYY.
Select the request category “Acceptance request” and choose “Create”
(sheet of paper icon) to enter the posting data.
Enter company code “P100”, your business partner and your contract
object for the parking fees, the main transaction/subtransaction
“4010/0400”, the amount of 50 EURO and the due date
Approve the request.
Ensure that you have set assigned correspondence variant 01 and invoice
type 01 to your contract object for parking fees and that you have set the
correspondence parameter indicator for the contract object as active.
Select your contract object.
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Unit 13: Correspondence
Choose “Change” (pencil icon) and double-click your business partner
in the tree structure.
Go to the “Correspondence” tab page.
To create the invoice, enter the current date in the Date ID field and
enter your group number “GR##” in the Identification field.
On the “General Selections” tab page, enter your business partner and
the company code “P100”.
On the “Detail Selections” tab page, set the net due date interval from
01.01.YYYY to DD/MM+1/YYYY.
To obtain detailed information about the program run, go to the “Logs”
tab page and choose “Additional Information” under the settings for the
application log in the problem class.
Save your entries.
Execute the program directly (see above).
You can display the data that you have created by choosing
ENVIRONMENT → INVOICE HISTORY in the current menu or by
following the menu path ACCOUNT → FURTHER INFORMATION
→ INVOICE HISTORY to go to the invoice that you have created.
You can also print the invoice.
The correspondence container is now filled with the data required to
create the invoice based on the correspondence run that you started
To execute the correspondence print, go to PERIODIC PROCESSING
To create the account statements, enter the current date in the Date ID
field and enter your group number “GR##B” in the Identification field.
On the “General Selections” tab page, enter your business partner and
the company code “P100”.
On the “Correspondence selection” tab page, choose correspondence
type “P004” and on the “Print Parameters” tab page choose output
device “LOCL” and “test print”.
To obtain detailed information about the program run, go to the “Logs”
tab page and choose “Additional Information” under the settings for the
application log in the problem class.
Save your entries.
Execute the program directly (see above).
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Lesson: Exercise on Correspondence Handling
Go to the “Logs” tab page and when you see that the correspondence
print has finished, go to your spool entry by choosing SYSTEM →
Choose “Display contents” (glasses icon) to display the printout.
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Unit 13: Correspondence
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Create and print bank statements
Create an invoice
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Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
Define and explain the different types of correspondence in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable
Configure and handle correspondence.
Explain the principles of the print workbench.
Create and print bank statements
Create an invoice
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Unit Summary
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Unit 14
Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP
Unit Overview
This unit gives the participants an overview of the integration of Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable with other SAP applications.
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Explain the integration of Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable into
other SAP components and applications.
Explain the Funds Management update logic in FI-CA
Explain the accounting derivation in Funds Management
Allocate business partners to debtors and vendors
Explain the connection between Funds Management and FI-CA
Describe the update of the financial status from Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable.
Explain the integration of SD orders into Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable.
This lesson provides some important activities regarding the business partner
and the integration with other SAP applications in Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable.
Explain how to derive segments for the new general ledger accounting from
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Explain the principles of risk-based customer segmentation and credit risk
monitoring in SAP Credit Management and its integration into Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
To explain the main features of financial customer services in the IC
WebClient based Financial Customer Care.
Explain the FI-CA Content for Business Intelligence.
Explain the outbound interface for postings in Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
Unit Contents
Lesson: Overview of the Integration of Contract Accounts Receivable and
Lesson: Funds Management ..................................................520
Lesson: Cash Management ...................................................530
Lesson: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable and SD
Lesson: Customer/Vendor Integration (Master Data, SD and Vendor
Interface) .........................................................................542
Lesson: Integration with the New General Ledger (Segment Reporting) 546
Lesson: Credit Management ..................................................551
Lesson: Financial Customer Care ............................................558
Lesson: Business Intelligence.................................................564
Lesson: Outbound Interface ...................................................567
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Lesson: Overview of the Integration of Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Lesson: Overview of the Integration of Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable
Lesson Overview
This lesson provides several examples of how Contract Accounts Receivable and
Payable can be integrated into other SAP applications.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the integration of Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable into
other SAP components and applications.
Business Example
Figure 388: Integration: Overview
You can transfer SD invoices directly to the FI-CA subledger accounting. Under
certain conditions it is also possible to post SD invoices as invoicing requests,
together with an IS-U invoice.
You can use a standardized IDoc interface to import billing documents from
external billing systems into FI-CA, and to process them there.
Invoicing in FI-CA enables billing documents to be transferred from external
systems and invoicing with posting in FI-CA.
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
Postings to FI-CA contract accounts can trigger immediate posting in the Cash
Management (TR-CM) application component.
Postings from subledger accounting are transferred regularly (for example, daily)
to the general ledger.
Additional account assignments from cost accounting are included, and forwarded
to the specified account assignment object. The CO-PA component is supplied
with the necessary information from the invoicing applications for different update
types. This information is transferred regularly using transfer reports, which are
triggered in FI-CA.
The integration in Financial Supply Chain Management improves
customer-oriented processes. Business partners can use the Biller Direct
component to check invoices and initiate payments (as well as other functions)
on the Internet. Companies can use this information channel to interact with
their customers. The Credit Management component enables you to carry out
risk-based customer segmentation and credit risk monitoring.
Extractors for open and cleared FI-CA items, and for other debit-relevant
information, were developed for the Business Information Warehouse (BW).
Integrating FI-CA in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) makes it
possible to efficiently process receivables in Financial Customer Care.
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Lesson: Overview of the Integration of Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the integration of Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable into
other SAP components and applications.
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
Lesson: Funds Management
Lesson Overview
At the conclusion of this lesson you will know the update logic of FI-CA. You
will also be able to explain how the accounting derivation takes place in Funds
Management, how business partners are assigned to the debtors and vendors, as
well as the connection between PSM and FI-CA.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the Funds Management update logic in FI-CA
Explain the accounting derivation in Funds Management
Allocate business partners to debtors and vendors
Explain the connection between Funds Management and FI-CA
Business Example
Some companies and organizations use Funds Management for budgetary control
and financial reporting.
All postings are automatically updated in Funds Management in order to:
Fulfill legal reporting requirements
Increase the expenditure budget by the revenues budget
In addition, your company wants to use the Budget Availability Control in PSM.
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Lesson: Funds Management
Funds Management Integration
Figure 389: Funds Management Integration: Structure in FM
You can activate Funds Management by activating the FICA_FM switch (FI-CA
Core, Funds Management). The FM table fields are then activated automatically
by the structures SI_FKKFMOP and SI_FKKFMOPK. These structures replace
the customer includes CI_FKKFMOP and CI_FKKFMOPK.
Note that even if you already use FI-CA integrated with Funds Management,
when you upgrade to Release ERP 2005, the FICA_FM switch (FI-CA Core,
Funds Management) is activated. This causes activation errors during the upgrade,
since the FM table fields are inserted again and are therefore duplicated. You
have to delete the duplicates from the customer includes CI_FKKFMOP and
CI_FKKFMOPK after the upgrade. Proceed as described in SAP Note 834815.
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
Figure 390: Funds Management Integration
You have to assign an FM account in the items. If you do not enter the FM
account, it is automatically derived by the derivation tool (FMDERIVE) when you
save your data as determined in Customizing.
Each document is classified by a transaction class and is also assigned an FM type.
This type determines whether or not an item is updated in Funds Management.
The line items are summarized and transferred to the general ledger and to Funds
Management by means of report RFKKGL00. The FM account assignment is
one criteria for summarization.
The business partner items and the G/L-partner items have to be balanced for each
account assignment so that they can be posted in FI-CA.
In order to activate Funds Management you have to activate a customer include
for the Funds Management fields. Use the following menu path in Customizing:
Financial Accounting → Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable→
Integration→ Funds Management (PSM-FM).
Payment reconciliation with Funds Management can only be done for posted and
transferred reconciliation keys.
Restriction: Taxes can only be updated in the same commitment item as the
revenue item (net update).
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Lesson: Funds Management
Figure 391: Funds Management Integration
Figure 392: FM Update Logic: Interpretation of Documents
FM account assignment and FM type are also stored in table DFKKSUM.
When DFKKSUM is posted into FI, FM document lines are created from FM
The transaction class is automatically determined from the business transaction
and the G/L accounts used. The transaction class is stored in the document header.
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
The FM type is interpreted for the update of the FM value type in Funds
Management. For example, a line with FM value type (54) is created for a bill
(A). The bill (54) is reduced in FM for a paid bill (B) and a payment line (57) is
created. For FM type payment on account, only one payment line (57) is created
for the customized default FM account.
Figure 393: Fiscal Year Change in FI-CA
Report “Transfer Open Items from FI-CA” (RFKKFMCF) carries over all open
amounts in FM into the new fiscal year for each account assignment. The fiscal
year change is not executed for each single document but the totals of each account
assignment are transferred to the new fiscal year according to certain fields.
The restriction takes place by the value types bill, down payment, and clarification
The report can be used several times for a FM-account. Each execution creates a
new carryover document.
Activation of Funds Management Integration: Step 1
Activation of FM fields for document tables as defined in Customizing
Allocation of the relevant commitment items (financial transaction 30,60,90)
to the relevant G/L accounts.
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Lesson: Funds Management
Activation of Funds Management Integration: Step 2
The following derivation rules must be defined in FMDERIVE:
Derivation of commitment item with financial transaction 60/2 for
reconciliation accounts used within the FI-CA environment.
Derivation of commitment item with financial transaction 30 for
specific main and sub-transactions (for example, 0060/0600 Payments
on Account).
For main and subtransactions that represent payment transactions, the
“Payment” indicator must be set for the main and subtransaction.
Derivation of commitment item with financial transaction 90 for bank
accounts and bank clearing accounts.
Derivation of commitment item with financial transaction 50/3 for
clarification accounts used within the clarification process.
Also see note 686383 for more information.
Derivation Tool
Predefined derivation rules
Derivation steps
Figure 394: Step types for derivation
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
Figure 395: Assignment
Figure 396: Define Derivation Rules
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Lesson: Funds Management
Figure 397: Derivation of FM Accounts
Fund Accounting
Figure 398: Fund Accounting in FI-CA
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
Figure 399: Example Posting in FI-CA
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable splits the FM account assignments into
expenses and revenues as soon as Funds Management is activated.
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Lesson: Funds Management
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the Funds Management update logic in FI-CA
Explain the accounting derivation in Funds Management
Allocate business partners to debtors and vendors
Explain the connection between Funds Management and FI-CA
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
Lesson: Cash Management
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the integration of Cash Management and
Overhead Cost Controlling with Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Describe the update of the financial status from Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable.
Business Example
Figure 400: Integration Treasury - Cash Management
The update occurs directly when you post a document in FI-CA. As a result, the
liquidity forecast and the daily financial status of Cash Management are always
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Lesson: Cash Management
In the contract account master record you can define the following data for
updating the liquidity forecast:
Planning group
This way, contract accounts with collection authorization can be considered
separately from contract accounts to be paid on demand. They are proposed
when you enter the document.
Additional days
These days are considered when determining the expected cash receipt
date. The due date for net payment or the cash discount date is used as the
baseline date for this.
You define a planning level in the G/L account master record for G/L accounts
which require the cash position to be updated. The system determines the planning
level when you post the document and enters it in the G/L item.
There may be wait times for mass postings that run in parallel processes due
to competing accesses when the data for Cash Management is being updated.
For these postings, FI-CA provides a parallel update mode that you can activate
for specific types of mass runs in the IMG under Technical Settings → Activate
Parallel Update of Cash Management. The update of Cash Management
then occurs at the end of a process. If the process is terminated before Cash
Management is updated, the update occurs when you close the respective
reconciliation key.
Figure 401: Treasury: Determination of Planning Level
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
Figure 402: Integration Controlling
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Lesson: Cash Management
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Describe the update of the financial status from Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable.
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
Lesson: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable and
SD Integration
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the integration of SD in Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the integration of SD orders into Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable.
Business Example
Business Partner: SD Customer and BP in FI-CA
When you create a contract partner in FI-CA, it is possible to create an SD
customer in the background at the same time. The standard customer can:
Take advantage of services
Purchase goods
A standard customer is created based on a predefined reference customer
Different integration scenarios are possible:
You can post SD invoices in FI-CA
SD billing document requests can be integrated in an IS-U bill
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Lesson: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable and SD Integration
Figure 403: FI / SD Integration: Standard Process
Figure 404: Integration: SD Invoicing Document
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
Figure 405: What is to be done for SD Integration
Transfer of SD Bills to FI-CA
If you want to transfer SD bills to Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable,
you must make various settings in the implementation guides for both Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable and Sales and Distribution (SD).
You define for each account group whether a bill is to be transferred to Accounts
Receivable Accounting (FI-AR) or to Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
(FI-CA). In the account group you define whether the related customers are to be
transferred to FI-AR or FI-CA during SD billing.
Prerequisites in Sales and Distribution
The receivables accounts for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable must
be defined in the reconciliation account determination in Sales and Distribution
(see the IMG structure: Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Account
Assignment/Costing -> Reconciliation Account Determination).
The customer master record must contain a reconciliation account for customers
(in the FI-AR sense), even if you do not want to transfer to FI-AR. Due to the
general checks during transfer, you have to enter a reconciliation account for
customers (in the sense of FI-AR reconciliation accounts) in the company code
relevant data for customers.
When entering an SD order, you must select a contract account. This contract
account must be assigned to the FI-CA business partner. If precisely one contract
account exists for the payer, then this is automatically transferred to the order.
Prerequisites in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
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Lesson: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable and SD Integration
When you create a business partner for the customer in Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable, you must specify an SD sample customer so that the
SD views required for creating the order are available in the background. An
SD customer is created whose customer number is identical to that of the FI-CA
business partner.
The activation of the transfer from SD to FI-CA occurs at customer account
group level, that is, for each account group, you define whether you want the SD
invoices for these customers to be transferred to FI-AR or FI-CA. (See the IMG
structure for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable → Integration → Sales
and Distribution → Define Posting to FI-CA for Customer Account Groups ).
Note that when you create an order you can only enter customers from one of the
two account groups as being the payer. This means only customers that trigger a
posting in FI-AR during invoicing or customers that trigger a posting in FI-CA.
Note that you are unable to activate the SD/FI-CA transfer for one-time account
The main and sub-transactions used in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
are derived from the SD bills during transfer (see IMG structure for Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable Integration → Sales and Distribution → Derive
Main/Sub-Transaction With SD Information).
The document type with which SD bills are posted in Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable is derived from the SD bills during transfer (see IMG
structure for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Integration → Sales and
Distribution → Derive Document Type with SD Billing Doc Data).
At event 4000, you can supplement the billing data (see IMG structure for
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Program Enhancements → Define
Customer-Specific Function Modules).
Automatic reconciliation key determination
The reconciliation key is determined automatically during transfer of SD bills.
There is no difference between individual bills or mass runs. In both SD billing
methods the reconciliation key is assigned according to the same procedure.
Composition of reconciliation key: SDxxxxyyy_zz
Current year
Current day in year
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
Sequential number
A new reconciliation key is given to SD bills for every day of the year. If this
reconciliation key is closed during the course of the day or if two processes try to
open the same reconciliation key simultaneously, a new or a second reconciliation
key is opened with the next higher sequential number. Reconciliation keys
generated this way are only permitted for posting SD bills. The reconciliation
key is not closed automatically.
Automatic determination of reconciliation account
The reconciliation account is determined automatically when SD bills are created
for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable. (See the IMG structure for
Sales and Distribution Basic Functions → Account Assignment/Costing ->
Reconciliation Account Determination).
Default value for payment conditions
In the SD order the default value for payment conditions is derived from event
4010 in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable, provided that a corresponding
function module has been defined at this event. If no function module has been
defined or if no default value can be found, then the payment conditions are
determined in the standard SD manner.
For IS-U and IS-T a function module has been defined at event 4010 in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable. This determines the default value for payment
conditions from the contract account named in the order header. Depending on the
order type, either the payment conditions for incoming payments or for outgoing
payments are determined in accordance with the relevant payment conditions
defined in the contract account.
Contract account in the order
In the SD order, the contract account field has been included as a new entry field
for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable. This field is in both the header and
in the item section of the order. The SD business partner, for whom the contract
account is specified, is the order payer. If precisely one contract account exists
for the payer, then this is automatically transferred to the order. If more than one
contract account exists, then a selection list appears when you create the order. In
this way it is possible to specify a payer / contract account combination for each
order item. In the invoice, the invoices are split up for different contract accounts.
In the order header, the contract account is entered from the accounting view.
From the accounting viewpoint, the following entry fields are not considered
during transfer to Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable:
Dunning key
Dunning block
Payment method
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Lesson: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable and SD Integration
For event 4040, you can restrict the selection of contract accounts when you
create/change an SD order.
Business area determination
In the SD order the default value for the business area is derived from event 4020
in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable, provided that a corresponding
function module has been defined at this event. If no function module has been
defined or if no default value can be found there, then the business area is
determined in the standard SD manner.
For IS-U and IS-T a separate function module has been defined that determines
the default value of the business area from the contract account specified in the
order header.
Restriction on the payment conditions that can be used
Due to the payment controls in contract accounts receivable and payable (cash
discount deadline + cash discount % / due date for net payment), you cannot use
all standard FI terms of payment. The following restrictions apply:
You can only define one cash discount period. The second cash discount period
is interpreted as the net payment due date, and must have the cash discount
percentage 0.00.
The the terms of payment must be defined and valid for the whole month.
Installment payment conditions are not supported.
The system does not support the inclusion of a factory calendar during the
conversion of terms of payment into corresponding due dates, which is possible
in IS-U.
The check to see whether a term of payment is suitable for use with FI-CA takes
place when allocating the term of payment in the sales area data - customer
invoicing - and during entry in the SD order.
Reconciliation CO-PA and FI-GL
Reconciliation between the individual components can only be made for closed
posting periods and for points in time at which all Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable reconciliation keys have been transferred completely to the general
Completing a document
The customer line items from the SD invoicing document transferred to the
accounting interface are enhanced with the following information:
General information (for example, reference specifications)
Information from the contract account (for example, account determination
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
Information on main transactions and subtransactions for each company code
and division (for example, dunnings, interest, payment)
The business partner items are determined from the customer line items. This
takes place in contract accounts receivable and payable.
The information is derived using event 4000, which is called to enhance customer
line items and G/L account items.
The main and subtransactions of an SD document are determined in event 4030.
In this event you have access to all of the information in an SD billing document,
which means that a more detailed transaction determination is possible here in
contrast to Customizing.
Down Payment Requests/Down Payment Clearing
You can use the functionality implemented in SD for creating down payment
requests from billing plans as well as the subsequent down payment clearing for
down payments made.
Invoicing External Transactions
You can use the function for invoicing external transactions. For this, the contract
account must also be included in the communication structures.
Reversing SD bills
When reversed bills are transferred to accounting, the accounting documents
arising out of this are flagged as reversed and the open items are cleared
immediately. If this cannot be done, an accounting document is created that has
a reversed +/- sign. This may happen, for example, if the bill has already been
cleared or if the payment order has already been created.
No Reversal of SD Bill in the Case of Subrogation
If the customer changes and the receivables (open items) are transferred, the
SD bill can no longer be reversed. The bill cannot be reversed as the open
item(s) were cleared in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable with reason
21 (subrogation).
Display FI-CA Documents
In the document flow for Sales and Distribution (SD), you can display FI-CA
documents and archived FI-CA documents.
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Lesson: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable and SD Integration
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the integration of SD orders into Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable.
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
Lesson: Customer/Vendor Integration (Master Data, SD
and Vendor Interface)
Lesson Overview
This lesson adds some important activities regarding the requirements for the
setting of the SAP business partner in connection with integration processes in
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
This lesson provides some important activities regarding the business partner
and the integration with other SAP applications in Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable.
Business Example
Figure 406: Business Partner and Roles: Example
For some processes, both FI-CA master data and master data from FI and SD are
required, for example, the customer or the vendor.
The corresponding tools are available with role SAP_FMCA_BP_EXT.
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Lesson: Customer/Vendor Integration (Master Data, SD and Vendor Interface)
These tools link the SAP business partner with the SD customer and FI
customer/vendor and enable you to use the business partner transaction to maintain
the master data centrally.
If you require this integration, only the transactions mentioned below should
be used to maintain the center data. You sould ensure this is the case by using
relevant authorizations. MM/SD-specific functions are still maintained in the
corresponding MM/SD transactions.
We recommend that you check that the field status between business partner and
SD/FI Customizing corresponds. (BUCG, BUCH, BUCI)
FMCAC1 creates the FI/SD customer and the business partner in the contract
partner role.
FMCAC1 creates the FI vendor and the business partner in the contract partner
role. In addition, a contract account is created.
FLBPD2/FLBPC2 assigns an existing business partner to customers/vendors
FLBPD1/FLBPC1 creates a business partner for existing customers/vendors
Figure 407: Vendor Document Interface in the Public Sector
The aim of the vendor document interface is to transfer all vendor documents from
accounts payable to FI-CA so that they can be paid using the payment run or
at the cash desk.
In EA-PS, report RFFMSDCA (transaction RDCA) selects all open payment
requests and deductions to payment requests from the component Funds
Management Public Sector and transfers the data to the component Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable Public Sector.
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
The payment requests are posted as a credit memo and an open item with a minus
sign is created. For deductions, a clearing is also carried out with the referenced
payment request. The successful transfer of the document to FI-CA is logged in
the document reference (table FMOPBL in FI-CA).
After the successful posting in PSCD, the document in EA-PS is written off and
the Pay indicator is set.
The posting in PSCD and the writing off in EA-PS occur in a special general
ledger account 'PSCD clearing' that is set up for this interface.
As of Release 4.72, you can adjust open payment requests by adjusting the transfer
from the component HP Public Sector to the component PSCD.
Figure 408: What is to be done for SD Integration
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Lesson: Customer/Vendor Integration (Master Data, SD and Vendor Interface)
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
This lesson provides some important activities regarding the business partner
and the integration with other SAP applications in Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable.
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
Lesson: Integration with the New General Ledger
(Segment Reporting)
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the integration of Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable with the new general ledger and segment reporting.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain how to derive segments for the new general ledger accounting from
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Business Example
Figure 409: SAP Solutions in Financial Accounting
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Lesson: Integration with the New General Ledger (Segment Reporting)
As of Release ERP 2005, Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable supports the
following functions of the new general ledger accounting.
Reporting by segments.
The balancing per segment occurs, if this is requested, in the accounting
Enhancement possibilities of the new general ledger accounting
The same restrictions and requirements apply here as for the special ledger.
The following are not supported:
Setting up different accounting principles in parallel ledgers
Balanced books in all dimensions
Figure 410: Follow-on Posting for Previous Documents
For document items that are created as follow-on postings for other document
items (for example, clearing, reversal, returns, interest calculation or write-off),
the follow-on items inherit the segment of the triggering item, if possible. During
clearing, the segment of an open item is not only passed on to clearing posting but
also to cash discounts, payment proposals, exchange rate differences and overdue
interest charges that occur as a result of the clearing of this item.
If a unique inheritance is not possible, for example, as is the case for dunning
charges or returns charges, if possible, the segment is used that has the greatest
number of relevant items (for example, dunned items or paid items for returns).
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
Figure 411: No Follow-On Posting for Previous Documents
For documents that have no follow-on posting for previous documents (typical
example: new receivable), the account assignment segment can be specified
during the manual entry and during the transfer using one of the available
interfaces. This has priority over the other derivation options specified below.
Often, only the business partner items are entered or transferred using the posting
interfaces. In this case, the document is completed in the system (for example, the
revenue lines and tax lines are completed). If a segment is already specified in
the entered/transferred business partner items, this is transferred to the assigned
revenue lines.
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Lesson: Integration with the New General Ledger (Segment Reporting)
If no segment is specified, the segment is derived as follows:
The system derives the segment from other specifications of the business
partner item(s). The determined segment is then passed on to the offsetting
items (revenue lines).
The system derives the segment from the revenue items and then passes it on
to the business partner items. In this case, the derivation occurs using the
profit center. Therefore, a profit center must be assigned to an account in
the revenue line and a segment must also be assigned to this profit center in
the master data record.
Only if the segment can be determined from just the combination of company
code/general ledger account, is a derivation possible via Customizing even
without a profit center.
A segment is derived for a specific installation using the new event 0081.
Here, you can use individual logic to determining one segment for each
item for which the person who created the document has not yet specified a
segment. However, segments in bank lines and tax lines are ignored and in
this case they are replaced by the value determined in Customizing.
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain how to derive segments for the new general ledger accounting from
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
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Lesson: Credit Management
Lesson: Credit Management
Lesson Overview
This lesson describes the integration of risk management and Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable.
SAP Credit Management is part of the application SAP Financial Supply Chain
Management (FS-CM).
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the principles of risk-based customer segmentation and credit risk
monitoring in SAP Credit Management and its integration into Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Business Example
Figure 412: SAP Credit Management
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
You can use SAP Credit Management to manage credit exposure and score for a
business partner. The central Credit Management can manage information from
different systems, for example, CRM, Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
(FI-CA) or Accounts Receivable Accounting (FI-AR) and to carry out operational
credit checks.
If you use the interface technology of the Exchange Infrastructure, you can also
link an external system to SAP Credit Management. FI-CA has interfaces that you
can use to transfer credit information from and to SAP Credit Management.
Figure 413: Customer Segmentation
Figure 414: Determination of Score and Risk Class
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Lesson: Credit Management
How do you derive individual strategies for collecting receivables?
Divide your customers into segments (you can take various external and
internal information into account).
You can use a formula editor to calculate the current score value.
The risk class is derived based on the score value.
You can tailor the measures for collecting receivables according to the risk
Figure 415: Use of the Internal Knowledge of Payment Behavior
Replicating the Creditworthiness
The creditworthiness managed in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable,
is transferred to SAP Credit Management and contributes to the internal
creditworthiness managed there. So that internal processes such as dunning
and returns processing can react to the internal creditworthiness of SAP Credit
Management in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable, the internal
creditworthiness has to be transferred back to FI-CA.
Transferring the FI-CA Creditworthiness to SAP Credit Management
The transfer of the FI-CA creditworthiness to SAP Credit Management occurs
using the mass activity Replication of Creditworthiness.
Transferring the internal creditworthiness to Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
If you use transaction Replication of Creditworthiness to transfer the FI-CA
creditworthiness to SAP Credit Management, the current internal creditworthiness
of SAP Credit Management is automatically returned to Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable. That is, a replication of the internal creditworthiness in
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable can only occur implicitly by executing
the mass activity Replication of Creditworthiness.
Figure 416: Collection of Receivables by Risk Class
The assignment of suitable measures for collecting receivables occurs as a result
of the risk evaluation of a customer. The concept of treating all customers alike
is no longer continued.
Figure 417: Credit Segment and Commitment
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Lesson: Credit Management
Credit segment
A credit segment is an organizational unit of SAP Credit Management that
can be freely customized, for example, according to the product type or the
business area. Therefore, you can divide the relevant business transactions in
a telecommunication company according to the following credit segments, for
Fixed Network
Cellular network
Usage The credit segment groups the transactions of a company from the point of
view of lending and credit control. At credit segment level, the credit limit and the
credit exposure for a product type or a business area is stored and used for credit
limit checks and to evaluate the credit limit used.
Transfer of the credit exposure The business systems connected (for example,
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable, CRM, or SD) report the commitment
of a business partner to SAP Credit Management via XML. These messages
consolidate SAP Credit Management into one credit exposure.
Figure 418: Credit Risk Monitoring
Function for Creating Customer-Specific Process Chains in Credit
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
You can define the required dependencies between different events that may occur
during processing of SAP Credit Management and the processes of SAP Credit
Management that you want to be triggered for these events. If, for example, the
creditworthiness of the business partner changes, the risk class should also be
changed accordingly.
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Lesson: Credit Management
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the principles of risk-based customer segmentation and credit risk
monitoring in SAP Credit Management and its integration into Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
Lesson: Financial Customer Care
Lesson Overview
This lesson will familiarize you with the Web Client-based Interaction Center in
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and its multifunctional framework.
This lesson also gives you a quick overview of the business processes of Financial
Customer Care and Dispute Management that are handled using the Interaction
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
To explain the main features of financial customer services in the IC
WebClient based Financial Customer Care.
Business Example
Figure 419: Integrating Customer Interaction and Processes
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Lesson: Financial Customer Care
An interaction center
... Is essential in service, marketing, and sales processes
Has high transparency with direct impact on customer satisfaction and
quality of service
Is mediator between customers and business processes
More than 80% of all business processes either start or end in an interaction center
(AMR Research, 2001)
This means that there is no front-office and back-office. There is just one
interaction center focused around the needs of your customers.
Financial Customer Care uses the Interaction Center WebClient (IC WebClient)
in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) as framework for all financial
aspects of interaction with customers.
Figure 420: CRM Interaction Center WebClient: Layout
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
The CRM Interaction Center WebClient provides call center agents with a
multifunctional framework including all of the tools they need to do their jobs:
Interaction Management & Customer History: Every interaction with a
customer is logged and becomes part of the customer history. The latest
records of the interaction history are displayed when the customer calls.
Agent’s inbox
Multi-channel support: The call center not only supports telephony but many
other channels, synchronous or asynchronous. For example, incoming mails
can be submitted for processing either immediately or routed into agents‘
inboxes. This also takes place for other inquiries such as faxes or letters.
As a result, the agent inbox becomes the point of access when an agent is
not working on calls.
Follow-up activities and actions: Any interaction with a customer may
require follow-up. In order to make this happen, an agent can create such
activities as part of a call. Actions can also be triggered by an agent or
carried out automatically. For example, an automatic correspondence can be
sent out when an interaction has a certain status.
Scripting (instructions for the agent to aid in interaction with customers)
Call lists
Knowledge tools
Real-time statistics
Multifunctional support (Marketing, Sales, Service, Accounts Receivable)
Transaction Launcher
Figure 421: 360 Degree View of Customer
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Lesson: Financial Customer Care
Figure 422: FCC for Financial Inquiries
Financial Customer Care - Activities:
Information and status about all financial aspects of a customer
Change master data (address, bank details, payment method …)
Set / remove locks (for example, dunning lock, payment lock,...)
Create/change installment plan
Defer open items
Dunning reversal
Take payment (for example, by credit card)
Search for payments
Create dispute cases
Create credit memo request
Figure 423: FCC for Dispute Management
Functionality of a Dispute Case
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
The Dispute Case is a virtual folder that contains all relevant documents and
It contains information such as:
Customer master data
Disputed items and amounts
Related documents, orders, and contract data
Notes, history, and change log
Provides routing capabilities
Allows actions to be triggered - for example, ad-hoc or automated correspondence
Provides the option to create credit memo request with relation to the dispute case.
Figure 424: FCC for Collections in the Interaction Center
Integrated Collections Management Functions:
Alerts during customer call: Giving instruction(s) to agent
Customer Fact Sheet: Showing overall customer status
Detailed customer overviews: For additional background information
Up-to-date customer payment data
Change payment methods
Capture payment commitment (promise-to-pay)
Capture payment authorization
Offer installment plans
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Lesson: Financial Customer Care
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
To explain the main features of financial customer services in the IC
WebClient based Financial Customer Care.
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
Lesson: Business Intelligence
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the extraction of data from Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable and the display in BI (Business Intelligence).
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the FI-CA Content for Business Intelligence.
Business Example
Figure 425: Business Information Warehouse (BW)
For evaluations in Business Intelligence (BI), Contract accounts Receivable
and Payable provides extractors for open and cleared items as well as for
collection items and installment plan items. The extraction programs fill the
extraction structure of the relevant DataSources with data from Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable.
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Lesson: Business Intelligence
Figure 426: BW: Data Extraction, Transformation, and Presentation
Figure 427: BW: Business Content FI-CA
For evaluations in Business Intelligence (BI), Contract accounts Receivable
and Payable provides extractors for open and cleared items as well as for
collection items and installment plan items. The extraction programs fill the
extraction structure of the relevant DataSources with data from Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable.
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the FI-CA Content for Business Intelligence.
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Lesson: Outbound Interface
Lesson: Outbound Interface
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the outbound interface for postings in
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable and the specific settings for PS-CD.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the outbound interface for postings in Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable
Business Example
Figure 428: Outbound Interface for Postings
With the outbound interface of Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
(FI-CA), you can forward information about business partner postings to external
systems. This can be particularly important if, for a large number of your
documents, instead of entering them in the SAP system, you transfer them to one
or more external systems via an interface and these systems are dependent on
information, such as incoming payment or reversal, in order to be able to react
in follow-on processes.
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
The outbound interface for postings to the business partner is based on the creation
of trigger entries at the time of the postings. Whenever you require data in an
external system, you can start a mass run for the transfer. This transfers the data
to the external system using trigger records (see SAP menu Periodic Processing
→ Data for Externals → Outbound Interface for Business Partner Postings
transaction FPOITR). The mass activity sends the data to a central integration
server using messages of SAP Exchange Infrastructure. From there the data can
be forwarded to the respective receiving system. To ensure that the recipient of
the message is determined correctly, each message only receives data for one
receiving system and the ID of the receiving system.
You can transfer the following information to external systems using this interface:
Open items of business partner
Cleared items of business partner since last transfer
Incoming payments since last transfer
Information about reopened documents
Detailed information about installment plans
You can influence which information is to be transferred to the respective external
system by means of Customizing settings at company code level or for each
receiver system. You make the settings in the Implementation Guide for Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable under Data Transfer → Outbound Interface.
Read the documentation for the individual activities.
Note for the industry component Public Sector Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable
Using the settings in the Customizing activity Making Settings for Public
Sector-Specific Trigger Filtering, you can filter the data by contract account
category and contract account object type.
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Lesson: Outbound Interface
Figure 429: Outbound Interface: Settings
Maintain Settings for Company Code
In this activity, for each company code for the outbound interface of business
partner postings, you define whether and how postings are transferred to external
systems. You can determine whether open items, cleared items, or payment
information and payment information for reopened line items is to be transferred.
A change to Customizing does not have a direct effect on the data of the outbound
interface since the data is preselected using trigger tables. Changes to Customizing
only have an effect on new postings. Therefore, you should not make changes to
Customizing during productive operation.
Maintain Settings for Recipient System
In this activity, for each external receiver system, you define whether open items,
cleared items, payment information, and information about reopened line items
and installment plans is to be transferred.
If, for example, you have not selected the transfer of open and cleared items in
the IMG activity Maintain Settings for Company Code for a company code,
these postings in this company code are not transferred to an external system,
irrespective of what you define for the external systems in this IMG activity.
Depending on the setting, for each posting, the system saves corresponding trigger
entries that you transfer to the receiver system in the subsequent transfer with
the mass activity Outbound Interface Business Partner Postings (transaction
For each receiver system, you also define the level at which documents are to be
transferred. Here you can select between business partner, contract account, and
contract. The function of the transfer level is described below using an example
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
with open items. The prerequisite is that the transfer of open items has been
activated for the receiver system. The function for transferring cleared and other
items works the same way.
In the transfer at business partner level, when you post an open item to a business
partner, the system creates a trigger entry with exactly this business partner
(without contract account or contract). In the next transfer, all existing open items
for this business partner are transferred to the external system. The business
partner postings are not filtered. You should select this option if all data for a
business partner is always required in the receiver system.
In the transfer at contract account level, when you post an open item to a business
partner, the system creates a trigger entry with this business partner and the
contract account posted to. In the next transfer, all existing open items for this
business partner with exactly this contract account are transferred to the external
system. You should select this option if you only require the data for specific
contract accounts in the receiver system or
you may only transfer the data for certain contract accounts, for data protection
reasons, for example.
To specify which contract accounts are to be transferred to the external system,
for event 3800 Outbound Interface: Filter Triggers and Determine Receiver, you
have to define an own implementation and delete the triggers dependent on the
contract account category, for example.
In Public Sector Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable, without
implementing event 3800, in the IMG activity 9,652.00 Make Settings for the
Public Sector-Specific Trigger Filtering, you can define a filtering dependent on
the contract account category and the contract account object type.
In the transfer at contract level, when you post an open item to a business partner
specifying a contract, the system saves a trigger entry with this business partner,
the contract account posted to, and the contract. In the next transfer, all existing
open items for this business partner with exactly this contract account and contract
are transferred to the external system. You should select this option if you only
require the data for specific contracts in the receiver system or you may only
transfer the data of certain contracts, for data protection reasons, for example.
You define which contracts are to be transferred to the external system at event
3800 Outbound Interface: Filter Triggers and Determine Receiver by defining
a customer-specific implementation and deleting the trigger dependent on the
You can also define whether, when the documents are transferred, the external
numbers of the business partner, contract account, or contract are to be read and
transferred in the XI message. For performance reasons, you should only set the
indicator if you need the external numbers in the receiver system as identification
Define Settings for Public Sector-Specific Trigger Filtering
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Lesson: Outbound Interface
If you selected the transfer at contract level or at contract account object level in
the IMG activity Maintain Settings for Target System, you should define which
contract account categories and contract object types should be transferred to the
external system.
Define exactly which contract account categories and contract object should be
allowed to be transferred. If a contract account category or contract account object
is not entered, no triggers are created for them and no documents are transferred
to the system.
If you want to allow all contract account categories, for example, you can use
the generic value “*”.
If the transfer is carried out at contract account level, you cannot maintain any
settings for the contract object type. In this case, enter the value “*” in the
Contract Object Type field.
If this table is completely empty, the system assumes that no filtering should be
carried out. Then all documents of all contract account categories or contract
object types are transferred to the external system. Once you make entries for
one of the systems, you have to define which contract account categories and
contract object should be transferred for all other target systems. If no entries are
made for a system, it does not create any trigger entries and therefore does not
transfer any documents.
To make the filtering more specific, for example to, to include other fields, create
your own implementation for event 3800 Outbound Interface: Filter Triggers
and Receiver Determination.
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Unit 14: Further Integration of FI-CA in SAP Modules
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the outbound interface for postings in Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable
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Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the integration of Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable into
other SAP components and applications.
Explain the Funds Management update logic in FI-CA
Explain the accounting derivation in Funds Management
Allocate business partners to debtors and vendors
Explain the connection between Funds Management and FI-CA
Describe the update of the financial status from Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable.
Explain the integration of SD orders into Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable.
This lesson provides some important activities regarding the business partner
and the integration with other SAP applications in Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable.
Explain how to derive segments for the new general ledger accounting from
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Explain the principles of risk-based customer segmentation and credit risk
monitoring in SAP Credit Management and its integration into Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
To explain the main features of financial customer services in the IC
WebClient based Financial Customer Care.
Explain the FI-CA Content for Business Intelligence.
Explain the outbound interface for postings in Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable
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Unit Summary
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Unit 15
Invoicing in Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable
Unit Overview
This unit gives you an overview of:
The basic terms for billing and invoicing
The task of Business Rule Framework
The invoicing process (invoicing, posting and canceling documents) and
invoice printout
The document display and monitoring
The concept for integrating invoicing, BI and CRM in Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Understand the concept of the Business Rules Framework
Execute the billing run
Configure invoicing in FI-CA
Use invoicing in FI-CA
Understand the concept of the Business Rules Framework
Give an example for using BRF in Public Sector Billing
Explain the concept and function of Public Sector Billing
Explain the advantages of generating billing documents
Describe the components of the billing document
Explain the mapping and the reasons for generating adjustment documents
Explain the billing process
Explain the basic terms in invoicing
Name the functions in invoicing (for example, automatic account
maintenance and so on)
Explain the grouping characteristics of the billing document in invoicing
Explain the influencing factors and the process flow in the invoicing process
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Select invoicing orders for invoicing or simulate an invoicing
Explain the derivation of the billing documents during the invoicing process
Make Customizing settings for invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable
Invoice billing documents
Invoice SD documents
Explain the meaning and purpose of collective invoices
Explain the process steps of a collective invoice
Explain the additional invoicing functions
Explain account determination for invoicing in FI-CA
Explain the options for canceling invoicing documents
Explain the two rounding types in invoicing
Explain the determination of the payment methods in invoicing
Explain the term "final invoice amount"
Carry out the individual transaction and mass transaction for invoicing
Display billing documents and invoicing documents in the system
Explain how invoicing document are extracted in BI (Business Intelligence)
Give the prerequisite for the integration of CRM documents in invoicing
Unit Contents
Overview of Billing and Invoicing ...................................577
Business Rule Framework ..........................................580
Public Sector Billing .................................................590
Transferring Billing Documents .....................................595
Overview of the Invoicing Processes ..............................605
Basic Terms in Invoicing ............................................608
Invoicing Process Flow ..............................................620
Posting Documents and Invoicing Documents ...................625
Invoicing Functions ...................................................632
Invoice Reversal ......................................................657
Bill Printout ............................................................661
Invoicing Execution...................................................670
Document Display and Monitoring .................................673
BW Integration .......................................................676
CRM Integration ......................................................681
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Lesson: Overview of Billing and Invoicing
Lesson: Overview of Billing and Invoicing
Lesson Overview
This lesson will give you an overview of the billing and invoicing options
available in the FI-CA solution.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Understand the concept of the Business Rules Framework
Execute the billing run
Configure invoicing in FI-CA
Use invoicing in FI-CA
Business Example
Figure 430: Billing & Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
External billing systems: Importing the billing documents from external billing
systems using a BAPI or an IDoc interface.
Public sector billing: Process in PSCD that bills the contract objects using
a rules-based engine and delivers the basis for invoicing in form of billing
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Invoicing in contract accounts receivable and payable: Process in FI-CA that
establishes the link to contract accounts receivable and payable, and provides
the basis for invoice creation
Generates posting documents for bill receivables or credit memos from
the billing documents
Clears accounting documents with down payments that have been made
Supports the determination and levying of additional charges, interest and
Prepares data for the bill printout, that is, generates print documents
Generates the posting documents in contract accounts receivable and
payable: Documents for contract accounts receivable and payable can be
processed in invoicing as part of clearing control (for example, clearing
payments on account with receivables from invoicing)
Figure 431: Activating Billing and Invoicing
Customizing entries and menu functions are available only if the corresponding
business function PSCD_TRM is activated in business function set
In addition, set invoicing to active in Customizing for contract accounts receivable
and payable under the central settings for the contract accounts receivable and
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Lesson: Overview of Billing and Invoicing
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Understand the concept of the Business Rules Framework
Execute the billing run
Configure invoicing in FI-CA
Use invoicing in FI-CA
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Lesson: Business Rule Framework
Lesson Overview
This lesson will give you an overview of how to use the Business Rule Framework
in the FI-CA solution.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Understand the concept of the Business Rules Framework
Give an example for using BRF in Public Sector Billing
Business Example
Figure 432: Underlying Concept of Business Rule Framework
You must assign an application class to each application in which you want to
use the Business Rule Framework (BRF). By assigning an application class, you
ensure that there are no conflicts between different applications.
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Lesson: Business Rule Framework
A BRF event has the following different meanings simultaneously.
A BRF event forms a connection between the application (for example,
Public Sector Billing) that uses BRF, and the BRF.
A BRF event is the (logical) location to which any number of rules are
A BRF event is often the carrier of the context.
Events are the central entry point for use of the Business Rule Framework (BRF).
You can implement an event (a BRF event) at a technical or business event
in every application. If such a technical or business event is reached during
the program flow in the relevant application, the event is triggered along with
processing of the associated rules.
You can define any number of rules for an event. You can use these rules to
evaluate the current data and make any changes if necessary.
A rule is a tripel, consisting of the ID of an event, the ID of a Boolean expression
and the ID of an action whose behavior is if <Expression>=TRUE then<Actions>,
if it is called in the corresponding event. For this reason, rules in the BRF do
not have an independent ID.
If the condition is true, the action is executed. If it is not true, the action is not
A rule is always assigned to an event. Each BRF event can contain any number
of rules.
Figure 433: Rule Maintenance - Expressions, Actions and Events
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
The expression is an object of the Business Rule Framework that returns a
"primitive" result. On the basis of a freely definable regulation (such as a
calculation rule), the following data is processed in an expression:
Data of the application (for example, contract account, contract object)
Data of the objects associated with the application (for example, business
partner data)
If the system has processed the data, the expression returns a result from a
primitive category of your choosing.
You can nest expressions, in other words, expressions can access the results of
other expressions. This means that you can link expressions with one another
without restriction.
As a result, there are expressions that access other expressions, and expressions
(final expressions) that cannot access any other expressions.
Expressions can also be classified into value requests and operations.
An action is the term for any manipulation of any data sets that makes sense from
a business point of view and that can be performed technically.
You use actions to define rules in the BRF.
In the Business Rule Framework, the term "action" is actually used in two ways
As a concrete action of a specific action type
As an abstract action: This is just a name for an object to which any number
of concrete actions are assigned. With a rule, you enter the abstract action in
the Action field. Within this abstract action, you can select concrete action
types. You can enter any number of different concrete action types. This
means that it is also permissible not to enter any concrete action type.
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Lesson: Business Rule Framework
Figure 434: Action Type and Expression Type
Figure 435: Event Type: Integration Billing
The following example explains the use of the Business Rule Framework with
regard to Public Sector Billing.
The mass activity Public Sector Billing calls the Business Rule Framework with
specific context information, for example, data from the contract object. In the
BRF, this data is then used to calculate the tax amounts.
Event type FMCA_EVENT defines the context information for validating and
calculating the tax and the access to this information.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Figure 436: Action Type: Initializing Buffer Elements
The actions of action type “Initializing buffer elements” create buffer elements
during the initialization phase. This may be additional data that is not yet in the
context, for example, customer-specific tables.
Attributes that are to be entered in the imput template for a buffer element
Structure ID: The indicator of the buffer element to be created.
Select into clause: The name of a database table from which the data object
in the buffer element should be generated or in which the data object is
to be stored.
Select from clause: The name of a structure that describes the columns of the
database table that are to be read.
WHERE condition (optional): The selection condition on the database table.
This is comprised of the individual selection conditions that each have
their own column and that are linked by the logical operations AND/OR.
An individual condition consists of a column name, a comparing operation
and an expression.
You can access the following data even without a separate initialization
in the buffer. By definition, the IDs of this data area all begin with $:
contract object (DPSOB), contract object per partner and contract account
type (DPSOB_BP_ACC), contract account (FKKVKP), other fields
additional items of the billing document (DFKKINVBILL_A), billing document
header (DFKKINVBILL_H), items of the billing document (DFKKINVBILL_I).
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Lesson: Business Rule Framework
Example of the execution in the runtime environment: You have defined
the tax rates for each emissions class and motor type in a customer table. You
initialize the table to read the data in the buffer. A character string is generated
from the results and this represents the whole selection condition. Then a buffer
element with the specified attributes is created, however, without reference to the
data object of the customer table. Note that at this point, the data object is not yet
read from the database.
Figure 437: Action Type: Create Billing Lines
An action of the action type 'Create billing line' provides the data required to
generate a billing document item in Public Sector Billing in the available buffer
Attributes to be entered in the input template
Amount: The name of the expression with the result that represents the
receivable or the credit of the document item. The result must be an amount
with a currency.
Main transaction (optional): The name of the expression with the result that
is the main transaction of the document item.
Subtransaction (optional): The name of the expression with the result that is
the subtransaction of the document item.
„Simulated“: An indicator that shows whether this item is only to be
simulated or actually created.
Example for executing the runtime environment: The Amount field contains
the expression 'tax amount' that is the result of the preceding calculation.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Figure 438: Expression Type: Access to Buffer Data
An expression of this expression type reads a data object from the buffer and
then processes it further.
Attributes to be entered in the input template:
Structure ID: The indicator of the required buffer element.
Column name: The name of the required column in the buffer element
Table index (optional): The number of the required line.
Aggregation (optional, only if there is no table index): In the system, several
aggregate functions were implemented and are available: the mean value
(AVG), the minimum (MIN), the maximum (MAX) and the total (SUM).
WHERE condition (optional): The selection condition in the internal table
that is referenced in the buffer element. This is comprised of the individual
selection conditions that each have their own column and that are linked
by the logical operations AND/OR. An individual condition consists of a
column name, a comparing operation and an expression.
SORT condition (optional): The sort condition in the internal table that
is referenced in the buffer element. This is comprised of individual sort
conditions that each have their own column. The individual condition on the
other hand, consists of the name of the column to be sorted and the sorting
method (ascending/descending).
Required data: An indicator that determines whether the data is mandatory.
Example of the execution in the runtime environment: You have defined the
tax rates for each emissions class and motor type in a customer table. This table
is already initialized. You want to use this table to determine the tax rate for a
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Lesson: Business Rule Framework
specific emissions class and motor type that are defined for this contract object.
The table is first retrieved from the buffer and the referenced internal table is
de-eferenced. Then the WHERE condition for the emissions class and motor type
are sucessively evaluated. The index function and the aggregation are not relevant
here. Finally, the required tax rate is assigned to the expression.
Figure 439: Expression Type: Constant
Constant (implementing class 0CN001)
Constant is the trivial expression type. The only information required is
the value and the type specification.
Example of the execution in the runtime environment: You want to use a
multiple of a hundred as an engine capacity basis.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Figure 440: Expression Types for Formulas
Simple formula (0FR001)
In some cases, deriving facts from existing expression types may be rather
laborious. In these cases, use the simple formula.
You can use the simple formula to execute simple arithmetic and logical
calculations that take the ranking order of the operators and the compounding
into account.
SAP formula interpreter (0FB001)
This expression type works like the simple formula expression type.
However, since this expression type uses the SAP formula editor/SAP
formula interpreter, it is much more efficient than the simple formula.
Example of the execution in the runtime environment: You have already
read the engine capacity of the vehicle from the contract object and you want to
multiply a multiple of 100 of this value with the determined tax rate. You can
determine the tax amount from this.
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Lesson: Business Rule Framework
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Understand the concept of the Business Rules Framework
Give an example for using BRF in Public Sector Billing
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Lesson: Public Sector Billing
Lesson Overview
This lesson will give you an overview of how to use Public Sector Billing in
the FI-CA solution.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the concept and function of Public Sector Billing
Business Example
Figure 441: Public Sector Billing - Data Structures
You can use this Customizing to assign the contract objects to the BRF events to
be executed. The tables displayed are currently not delivered.
The contract object table is used to access table TFMCA014 “Define Revenue
Types for Contract Account Types” to read all the revenue types defined for the
object type. For each of these revenues types, the BRF events defined in table
TFMCA011 (Assign Revenue Types BRF Events) are called according to the
specified event sequence. Instead of a period key, you can also enter a star (*) in
Customizing table TMCA011. If a period key is used to access table TFMCA011
but it is not contained there, this star entry is selected.
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Lesson: Public Sector Billing
The contract account type and the transaction of the revenue type are read before
the events are called from table “ Revenue Types” (TFMCA013) and are provided
in the context of the Business Rule Framework.
The contract account type works like a revenue type group. A revenue type group
contains all the revenue types that can be printed on a tax notice. Whether they are
actually printed together depends on the invoicing settings among other things.
Figure 442: Public Sector Billing - Period Control
Assuming that you want to support different cycles, the introduction of a period
type allows you to determine the chronological sequence of the periods. Example:
To determine the previous period of Q052, the period search is carried out with
period type “Quarter” and a latest valid from date that is earlier than 01.04.2005.
The Customizing dialog ensures that the periods of a type do not overlap.
However, gaps are allowed. In addition, a period can only be assigned once.
On the other hand, it is up to the user to decide which periods he assigns to a
type. He can assign a six month time period to the type “Quarter”, for example.
You should not assume that all the periods of a period type are necessarily the
same length.
A period type is assigned to each revenue type. This ensures that the calculation of
all periods for a contract object does not have any gaps.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Figure 443: Master Data Model
Four revenue types are assigned to a contract object. A billing document is
generated for each revenue type. Using the contract account type, two billing
documents are combined to one billing document during invoicing.
Note: Even though the modelling allows you to assign a revenue type to different
contract object types, these constructions do not normally exist.
Figure 444: Public Sector Billing
Public Sector Billing is a mass activity that uses the displayed results determination
to supply the Business Rule Framework with the context of the contract object
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Lesson: Public Sector Billing
As a result, one or more billing documents are generated.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the concept and function of Public Sector Billing
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Lesson: Transferring Billing Documents
Lesson: Transferring Billing Documents
Lesson Overview
This lesson gives you an overview of the inbound interface for billing documents
in the contract account.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the advantages of generating billing documents
Describe the components of the billing document
Explain the mapping and the reasons for generating adjustment documents
Business Example
Figure 445: Process Architecture
You can use a BAPI /IDOC interface to transfer billing documents from different
external billing systems. When the billing documents are transferred, external
billing information is mapped to the SAP internal billing information. The result
of the mapping is saved in the SAP system as a billing document. When you save
the billing document, an invoicing order is generated.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Figure 446: Billing Document
Why are there billing documents? The fact that external document data is first
saved as billing documents has the following advantages:
Invoicing and the transfer of document data do not have to be carried out at
the same time.
If there are several billing documents for a contract account, these can be
combined to one invoicing document during invoicing and therefore to
one invoice. The billing documents can also come from different external
The billing documents contain a unique reference to the external document
from which they came.
Billing documents cannot be deleted.
The key of the external document from which the billing document came
is saved together with the billing document. This enables you to use the
billing documents to navigate back from the invoicing documents to the
external documents.
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Lesson: Transferring Billing Documents
Parts of the billing document:
Each billing document has a document header. This contains the reference
to the external document from which it came and the key of the relevant
contract account and the business partner among other things.
Each billing document has one or more billing document items. They
contain amounts and quantities, information that influences the account
determination and the tax determination in invoicing and information for the
bill printout and the statistical handling of the amounts and quantities.
The billing document control items are optional. They are filled if the tax
calculation has already been carried out in the external system.
The billing document additional items are optional. In the SAP standard
system, there are only a few fields. If you want to use billing document
additional items, you have to add the fields that you require to the structure.
Billing document additional items are suitable for printing additional
information on an invoice, for example, call itemization on a telephone bill.
In invoicing, the billing document additional items are not used in operations.
Figure 447: Inbound Interface for Billing Documents
The inbound interface receives data from one or several billing documents from
external systems. You can use the inbound interface synchronously using an RFC
of a BAPI. Alternatively, you can use the ALE interface to carry out asynchronous
The external document data is transferred to the corresponding structures and
fields of the billing document in ERP (subsequently called 'mapping').
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
If the consistency checks run successfully, the billing documents are saved on the
database. In addition, an invoicing order is generated for each billing document.
Billing documents enable the invoicing program to quickly select the billing
documents that have not yet been processed. If a billing document has been
invoiced successfully, the corresponding invoicing order is deleted.
If necessary, you can use customer enhancements (BAdIs) to save additional
data in customer-specific tables.
During invoicing, the billing documents that have just been created and have not
yet been processed are recognized in the invoicing orders. During invoicing,
new invoicing documents among other things are generated based on the billing
documents and the revenues are posted to contract accounts receivable and
Figure 448: Inbound Processing
BAPI BAPI_ISTBILLDOC_CREATEMULTIPLE (mandatory processing steps)
is a function module that you can use to generate one or more billing documents.
The parameters of the function module can be filled with external document data.
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Lesson: Transferring Billing Documents
The process flow of the BAPI can be roughly divided into the following process
Mapping: The document data transferred to the import parameters is
transferred to the fields of the billing document. In addition, an invoicing
order is generated for each billing document (that has not been simulated) .
Check: Each billing document is checked to see whether it is correct and
free from errors.
Update: If no errors have occurred, all billing documents are saved together
with the invoicing orders.
In addition, a BAdI is called for each structure of the billing document (header,
items and so on) and the end of the mapping. Customer-specific source code can
be used for access here. You can fill fields in the billing document, for example,
for which table-driven mapping has failed. For this reason, an unsuccessful access
to the mapping tables is not considered or logged as an error.
Once mapping has finished, a check is carried out. The billing documents are
checked for consistency as far as possible. The check does not terminate the first
time an error occurs, rather it collects all error messages in export table RETURN.
In the different BAdIs, you can also carry out checks and log fields in table
RETURN. Note that entries in table RETURN with message type 'I' (information
messages), 'W' (warning messages) or 'S' (success messages) are not interpreted as
errors. They do not prevent the billing document being updated.
The update is divided into two parts: First the internal number assignment is
used to determine document numbers for all billing documents. Then the data is
written to the different billing document tables. In addition, an invoicing order
is saved for each (not simulated) billing document. You can use a BAdI to write
additional data to a customer-specific table.
The update is only carried out if there are no errors in any of the billing documents.
The 'all or not at all' principle applies here: If, when you call the BAPI, the
data from ten documents is transferred and none of the data contains errors, all
ten billing documents are generated. Even if just one error is found, no billing
documents are generated at all.
There are customer includes for all parts of the billing documents. You can use
these to add your own fields without a modification.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Figure 449: Mapping
There are different procedures during mapping:
Many fields of the import tables have a corresponding field in the billing
document. The values of these fields can be copied directly to the billing
document. Example: The logical system.
Some fields of the billing document have two alternatives for the import
parameters. Example: The currency of the billing document item can be
defined using an SAP currency key or using an ISO currency key (see
import table ITEMS).
Another example is the contract account key that requires the billing
document header. In import table HEADERS, you can transfer the contract
account key directly or instead an external identification of the contract
account. In the second case, a BAdI is called that the contract account key
must determine.
For some fields of the billing document, we assume that there is no field
that corresponds exactly in the external document. An example of this is
the main transaction and the subtransaction of the billing document item.
In this case, the mapping is table-driven: A table is accessed with generic
fields from import table ITEMS. The transactions of the billing document
item are taken from the table.
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Lesson: Transferring Billing Documents
Adjustment/billing documents
Adjusting billing documents from:
ERP-based applications, for example, Public Sector Billing
CRM-based applications, for example, Grantor Management
Non-SAP applications
Support the adjustment of billing documents in the form of delta postings
for billing documents coming from external SAP (CRM) or non-SAP billing
applications, or ERP-based billing solutions such as Public Sector Billing and
Form-Based Billing of Tax Returns.
Adjustment billing documents are supported as of ERP2005 Support Package 5.
Reasons for adjustment documents
Object-based billing:
Billing-relevant data is saved to the contract object.
You can use transaction FMCABILL to generate billing documents.
Invoicing to FI-CA generates the invoices.
Billing-relevant data is changed after you carry out billing and
invoicing → adjustments are necessary
Adjustment documents - posting scenarios
Depending on the process chain, different actions are required.
There is only a billing document:
A new billing document is generated
An existing billing document is flagged as obsolete
Invoicing: Only the last billing document is transferred
A billing document/invoicing document and PSCD document exists:
An adjustment/billing document is generated
Adjustment information is recorded in the document header
Invoicing: New documents are generated with reference to predecessors
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Figure 450: Adjustment Before Invoicing
Figure 451: Adjustment to Billing/Invoicing/PSCD Document
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Lesson: Transferring Billing Documents
Figure 452: Cancelling Adjustment Document
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the advantages of generating billing documents
Describe the components of the billing document
Explain the mapping and the reasons for generating adjustment documents
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Lesson: Overview of the Invoicing Processes
Lesson: Overview of the Invoicing Processes
Lesson Overview
This lesson will give you an overview of the invoicing processes available in
the FI-CA solution.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the billing process
Business Example
Figure 453: Overview of the Invoicing Processes
The invoicing processes form the invoicing subcomponents in contract accounts
receivable and payable that ensure the billing documents are integrated into
contract accounts receivable and payable. They largely describe the business
transaction that processes billing documents and generates and posts the invoice
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
You carry out the following tasks:
You select billing documents from different billing systems, group them and
display them in an invoice.
You display current information for the customer account, for example, bill
receivables in the invoice.
You integrate additional business transactions of contract accounts receivable
and payable (the additional functions of invoicing) so that you can make
changes to the customer account without subsequent processes and you
inform the customer immediately with the invoice.
You generate invoicing documents that form the basis of the physical bill
You convert billing documents to posting document of contract accounts
receivable and payable.
You update additional data for supplying other components (BW, CO-PA).
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Lesson: Overview of the Invoicing Processes
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the billing process
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Lesson: Basic Terms in Invoicing
Lesson Overview
This lesson will give you an overview of the basic terms in invoicing in the FI-CA
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the basic terms in invoicing
Name the functions in invoicing (for example, automatic account
maintenance and so on)
Explain the grouping characteristics of the billing document in invoicing
Business Example
Basic Terms in Invoicing
Invoicing function
Invoicing process
Invoicing type
Invoicing category
Invoicing and master data
Invoicing unit
Grouping variant
Source document category
Invoicing item type
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Lesson: Basic Terms in Invoicing
Invoicing functions
The invoicing function describes a task that is supported in invoicing.
The following invoicing functions are possible, among others:
Automatic account maintenance
Manual account maintenance (dialog call)
Activating open items
Integration into BW sales statistics
Charges and discounts
Debit entry of statistical documents
Dunning proposal
Calculate interest of open items
Invoicing settlement documents
Creating collective invoicing document
Invoicing SD documents
Invoicing consists of numerous processing steps. Some of these processing steps
form closed business transactions from a business point of view and they are
described as invoicing functions.
From the definition of an invoicing process, you can determine which invoicing
functions should be executed. This has the following advantages:
The selected invoicing functions clearly show which processing steps are
carried out by invoicing during an invoicing process.
Without wasting any runtime, the invoicing program recognizes invoicing
functions that are not required and does not execute them.
You can use a multi-level control to activate or deactivate invoicing functions
that are not required in all cases.
The sequence in which the invoicing functions are executed is determined by the
invoicing program and cannot be changed.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Figure 454: Basic Terms in Invoicing
The invoicing process flow depends on the following parameters:
Invoicing process
Invoicing type
Invoicing category
This multi-level control enables you to run invoicing according to your specific
requirements. The criteria mentioned above are determined as follows during the
processing of each contract account:
The user specifies the invoicing process when starting invoicing. The main task of
the invoicing process is to define which categories of source documents are to be
processed. It also defines the process flow for the invoicing functions. There is a
differentiation between mandatory and optional invoicing functions.
Each invoicing process proposes an invoicing type. You can override the invoicing
type at event 2603. Using the invoicing type, you can react individually to the
composition and the properties of the invoicing unit. The invoicing type also
defines, for each invoicing unit, which optional invoicing functions are performed.
At master data level, you can influence the process flow of Invoicing using the
invoicing category; this is transferred from the contract account.
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Lesson: Basic Terms in Invoicing
Figure 455: Invoicing and Master Data
Public sector billing and invoicing in contract accounts receivable and payable:
Reads the business partner
Uses the contract account from contract accounts receivable and payable that
can contain billing-relevant data and contains agreements for processing
business transactions with the business partner.
Uses the contract object that can be assigned to several contract accounts
and business partners The contract object can also contain customer-specific
billing-relevant data
The following occurs based on the contract account data (table FKKVKP):
Correspondence and bill printout are controlled
Invoices are blocked
An invoicing category is determined that references the contract account
reference in invoicing. Together with the invoicing type and the invoicing
process, this is used to fine-tune the invoicing functions.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Figure 456: Invoicing Unit and Grouping Options
The source documents selected for a contract account are grouped into invoicing
units so that they can be jointly invoiced and displayed on a bill. The invoicing
unit forms the basis for invoicing. An invoicing unit can only contain the source
documents of one contract account.
The source documents to be invoiced that are determined for a contract account
are processed jointly in one invoicing unit by default. However, the user has
the option of controlling the grouping of the invoicing orders and setting up the
grouping strategy for grouping the invoicing units.
In Customizing you can define whether the billing documents of different
company codes should only be invoiced separatedly, for example. In addition, you
can define that certain company codes can be invoiced together or can be excluded
from the current invoice.
The user can also edit the grouping proposal for a specific customer using event
2601 that has been specifically provided for this.
If you carry out invoicing in dialog and you use export mode, in the fourth step,
the system proposes the invoicing units that have been set up so far in a dialog box
for selection. You can manually change the assignment of source documents to
invoicing units there.
The system generates an invoicing document for each invoicing unit. The
invoicing document documents the posting transactions that have been executed
during invoicing in contract accounts receivable and payable. The billing
document document is the basis for the bill printout.
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Lesson: Basic Terms in Invoicing
Figure 457: Grouping Characteristics
Figure 458: Grouping
Example 1: You only want to group source documents in one invoice if the
company code and division are the same.
Maintaining grouping variants
For Maintain Grouping Characteristics, you choose the following fields:
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Function module
Company code
In the subdialog Assign Grouping Characteristics, you maintain the following
Use original field value
Use original field value
You do not have to maintain any information in the subdialog Assign Alternative
Grouping Values.
You invoice a contract account that has five billing documents with the
same currency.
When you do so, four invoicing units are set up and two billing documents
are grouped for company code 0003 and division B.
Reason: This grouping variant only groups billing documents into one invoicing
unit if they have the same company code and the same division. In this example,
this only applies to billing documents 100004 and 10005.
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Lesson: Basic Terms in Invoicing
Figure 459: Alternative grouping
Example 2: You only want to group source documents in one invoice if the
company code and division are the same. There is one exception: You want
documents with company code 0002 to be grouped into one invoice with
documents from company code 0001.
Maintaining grouping variants
You maintain grouping variants as described in example 1. In addition, you
maintain the following entry in the subdialog Alternative Grouping Values for
Grouping Characteristic Company Code.
Characteristic value
Alternative usage
Alternative value
'Characteristic value
corresponds to
alternative characteristic
Invoicing: If you invoice the same billing documents as in example 1, three
invoicing units are created as in the example.
Reason: For this grouping variant, billing documents 100001 and 100003 are
grouped into one invoicing unit because in billing document 100003, company
code 0002 was replaced by company code 0001. (This applies only to setting up
invoicing units and not for the subsequent processing of document 100003).
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Figure 460: Type of Invoicing Period
The invoicing period type is used together with the invoicing period for the period
description of an invoicing document.
The key contains a note about interpreting the 'Invoicing Period' and the 'Start of
Invoicing Period' fields.
You can use the period type to specify whether the billing document refers to a
monthly bill, a quarterly bill or a yearly bill. The respective month, quarter or year
is derived from the date specification in the 'Invoicing Period' field in the billing
document header. Alternatively, the 'Invoicing period as of' field can be used
to map the period assignment.
Maintain the values for the period type in the implementation guide: Integration
→ Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable → Invoicing →
Document Account Assignment → Invoicing Documents → Define Category of
Invoicing Period.
You assign the periods of a billing document in event 2645.
Example: You can define the following values for the period type for the
interpretation of the period.
MO month: Interpret the period specification MO 01.05.2005 in the billing
document as invoicing for May 2005
QU quarter: Interpret the period specification QU 01.04.2005 in the billing
document as invoicing for the second quarter of 2005
YE year: Interpret the period specification YE 01.04.2005 in the billing
document as invoicing for 2005
PE period: Interpret the period specification (in addition when you use the
field 'Invoicing period as of' PE 12.05.2005 20.06.2005 as the invoicing
period 12.05.2006 - 20.06.2005.
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Lesson: Basic Terms in Invoicing
Source document category
Documents that you can process during invoicing in contract accounts
receivable and payable are flagged by known values for the characteristic
Source document category.
The following source document categories are allowed:
Billing documents (INVBI)
SD documents (SD)
Collective bills (COLBI)
Documents that you can process during invoicing in contract accounts receivable
and payable are flagged by known values for the characteristic Source document
category. The following source document categories are allowed:
INVBI billing documents
Documents that are generated by any SAP systems or by systems of another
provider and are transferred to invoicing of contract accounts receivable and
payable by an interface provided for this purpose.
SD SD documents
SD invoicing documents that should be created by the Sales and Distribution
(SD) component and posted during invoicing or processed for the invoice.
COLBI collective bills
Documents that are created by the invoicing of the individual accounts
of a collective bill account and that should be converted into a collective
invoicing document during invoicing of the collective billing account.
In the invoicing process configuration, you define which of these source document
categories you want to process. Here, you can define whether a certain source
document category in mass invoicing triggers invoicing.
Thus, a contract account is only qualified for invoicing if its invoicing orders
contain at least one source document of the source document type with the
indicator Main Selection selected.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Figure 461: Invoicing item type
The type of the invoicing item describes the business meaning of the document
item of an invoicing document.
An invoicing document usually contains a number of document items
that are created by different invoicing functions that are integrated in the
invoicing process.
These invoicing functions use this field to flag the items that are created by
it. The indicator makes the invoicing document easier to read and enables it
to be used in the bill printout.
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Lesson: Basic Terms in Invoicing
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the basic terms in invoicing
Name the functions in invoicing (for example, automatic account
maintenance and so on)
Explain the grouping characteristics of the billing document in invoicing
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Lesson: Invoicing Process Flow
Lesson Overview
This lesson will give you an overview of the invoicing procedure in the FI-CA
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the influencing factors and the process flow in the invoicing process
Select invoicing orders for invoicing or simulate an invoicing
Business Example
- Process flow control
- Activating and deactivating functions
- Selection control
Figure 462: Process Flow Control
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Lesson: Invoicing Process Flow
The invoicing process flow depends on the following parameters:
Invoicing process
Invoicing type
Invoicing category
This multi-level control enables you to run invoicing according to your specific
requirements. The criteria mentioned above are determined as follows during the
processing of each contract account:
The user specifies the invoicing process when starting invoicing. The
main task of the invoicing process is to define which categories of source
documents are to be processed. It also defines the process flow for the
invoicing functions. There is a differentiation between mandatory and
optional invoicing functions.
Each invoicing process proposes an invoicing type. You can override the
invoicing type at event 2603. Using the invoicing type, you can react
individually to the composition and the properties of the invoicing unit.
The invoicing type also defines, for each invoicing unit, which optional
invoicing functions are performed.
At master data level, you can influence the process flow of Invoicing using
the invoicing category; this is transferred from the contract account.
Figure 463: Activating the Invoicing Functions
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Step 1: When you define an invoicing process, you must assign one or more
invoicing functions to the invoicing process in the subdialog Invoicing Functions.
If you start invoicing with an invoicing process, the assignment of the invoicing
functions has the following effect:
Assigned invoicing functions for which the Function Optional indicator
is not selected are executed. The execution cannot be prevented in step
2 or step 3.
Invoicing functions that are not explicitly executed in the assignment are not
carried out during invoicing. This descision cannot be changed by step 2
or step 3 either.
For assigned invoicing functions for which the Function Optional indicator
is selected, you cannot define whether they are to be executed until steps
2 and 3.
Step 2: When you define the invoicing types, in the subdialog Invoicing
Functions, you can assign all invoicing functions that were flagged as optional to
the combination of invoicing type and invoicing category. During the assignment,
you must also maintain the Activation Status. Invoicing interprets this assignment
as follows:
Optionial functions that are not assigned to the invoicing type are not
executed. This decision cannot be changed by step 3.
Optional functions that were assigned to the invoicing type with the
activation status 1 Function Active; Cannot Be Deactivated in Dialog are
executed. This decision cannot be changed by step 3.
Optional functions that were assigned to the invoicing type with the
activation status 2 Function Active; Can Be Deactivated in Dialog are
executed. This decision can be changed by step 3.
Optional functions that were assigned to the invoicing type with the
activation status 3 Function Not Active; Can Be Activated in Dialog are not
executed. This decision can be changed by step 3.
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Lesson: Invoicing Process Flow
Figure 464: Selection Control
The invoicing orders trigger invoicing. An invoicing order is a temporary entry in
table DFKKINV_TRIG that represents one source document to be invoiced. You
can use it to select the source documents to be invoiced and it is deleted after the
respective source document has been successfully processed in invoicing.
The invoicing order is created if:
A billing document is created for invoicing (source document category
Single invoices of a collective invoice are created (source document category
An SD billing request is created for the invoicing integration into contract
accounts receivable and payable (source document category SD)
The user starts the required invoicing transactions with the existing invoicing
process by specifying his selection conditions.
The invoicing report determines the contract accounts for which invoicing should
be carried out by reading the invoicing orders DFKKINV_TRIG with the source
document categories that correspond to the invoicing process and that can trigger
invoicing according to the selection specifications.
You can use the report Analysis of Invoicing Orders to select invoicing orders and
to invoice them or to simulate invoicing if necessary.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the influencing factors and the process flow in the invoicing process
Select invoicing orders for invoicing or simulate an invoicing
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Lesson: Posting Documents and Invoicing Documents
Lesson: Posting Documents and Invoicing Documents
Lesson Overview
This lesson will give you an overview of the posting documents and invoicing
documents in the FI-CA solution.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the derivation of the billing documents during the invoicing process
Make Customizing settings for invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable
Business Example
Figure 465: Data Model
During billing and invoicing, the following documents are updated:
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Invoicing order (DFKKINV_TRIG): In the table, temporary invoicing
orders are saved and each one represents a source document to be invoiced.
Invoicing document header (DFKKINVBILL_H): Billing documents are
created with document headers and document items.
Items of the billing document (DFKKINVBILL_I)
Additional items for the billing document (DFKKINVBILL_A): In
addition to the document items, you can enter additional items that can
contain special information, for example, that are relevant for the bill printout
(for example, call itemization on a telephone bill and so on).
Invoicing document header (DFKKINVDOC_H): During invoicing,
invoicing documents are created with document headers and document items.
Items of the invoicing document (DFKKINVDOC_I)
Invoicing: Reference table of posting documents (DFKKINVDOC_P):
The FI-CA documents and document items that have just been posted or
processed in invoicing are linked to the invoicing document by a special
reference table DFKKINVDOC_P.
Invoicing and reversal history source documents (DFKKINVDOC_S):
The source documents processed in invoicing (billing documents, SD
documents and so on) are linked to the invoicing document by a special
reference table DFKKINVDOC_S.
Invoicing document: Charges and discounts (DFKKINVDOC_C)
Invoicing document: History records for charges and discounts
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Lesson: Posting Documents and Invoicing Documents
Figure 466: Reference Table for Posting Document
The FI-CA documents and document items that have just been posted or processed
in invoicing are linked to the invoicing document by a special reference table
DFKKINVDOC_P. This reference is also provided with a reference document
type that reflects the business and the internal invoicing meaning of these posting
documents and document items.
The reference document types used are summarized in value table TFK2605.
The indicator “Document Posted in Current Invoicing” flags the
reference document types that have FI-CA documents that were
created during invoicing. It is also used in Customizing to assign a
document type to these FI-CA documents.
The indicator “Can Only Be Reversed with Invoicing Document”
flags the reference document types that have FI-CA documents that
are only allowed to be reversed together with the invoicing document
(unlike those that can also be reversed independently of the invoice
reversal using the FI-CA reverse document transaction FP08).
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Figure 467: Invoicing and Reversal History
The source documents processed in invoicing (billing documents, SD documents
and so on) are linked to the invoicing document by a special reference table
DFKKINVDOC_S. This reference is also provided with a reference document
type SRCDOCTYPE (see above) that describes the type of the source document.
As a result, you can tell which source documents were processed in an invoicing
In addition, you can tell what the invoicing and reversal history is for each source
document. A source document can have a maximum of one invoicing document
that has not been reversed.
Billing documents
When you transfer billing documents from external systems or from Public
Sector Billing, new billing documents with consecutive numbers are
You can specify External number assignment not allowed.
You can create billing documents with different document types.
You can create billing documents in several parallel processes. For each
document type, define how many number ranges you want to use in parallel.
You can use the number range object FKKINVBILL to manage the number
range intervals for invoicing documents.
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Lesson: Posting Documents and Invoicing Documents
When you transfer billing documents from external systems or from Public Sector
Billing, new billing documents with consecutive numbers are generated.
External number assignment is not allowed. When the external documents
are transferred, the internal number assignment is generally used. The billing
document numbers are numeric. Therefore, alphanumeric intervals are not
You can create billing documents with different document types. To simplify
matters, we recommend that you use different number ranges for different
document types.
You can create billing documents in several parallel processes. For each document
type, define how many number ranges you want to use in parallel.
You can use the number range object FKKINVBILL to manage the number range
intervals for invoicing documents.
Figure 468: Invoicing Documents
You can use the number range object FKKINVDOC to manage the number range
intervals for invoicing documents.
SAP Customizing Implementation Guide: Financial Accounting → Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable → Integration → Invoicing in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable → Invoicing → Document Account Assignment
→ Invoicing Documents → Maintain Number Ranges for Invoicing
The document type classifies the documents of a number range object.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
SAP Customizing Implementation Guide: Financial Accounting → Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable → Integration → Invoicing in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable → Invoicing → Document Account Assignment
→ Invoicing Documents → Maintain Document Types and Assign Number Ranges
The number ranges for individual postings and mass postings are different.
The assignment is carried out for a number range object (FKKINVDOC) and
a document type.
The document type is assigned to an invoicing processes and optionally to an
invoicing type and category.
SAP Customizing Implementation Guide: Financial Accounting → Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable → Integration → Invoicing in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable → Invoicing → Document Account Assignment
→ Invoicing Documents → Maintain Document Types for Invoicing Documents.
Figure 469: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable - Documents
In this process step, assign the document types to the posting documents to be
created in invoicing and in invoice reversal.
The assignment occurs for each invoicing process and reference document type
by default. However, you can differentiate further according to the invoicing
type and the invoicing category.
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Lesson: Posting Documents and Invoicing Documents
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the derivation of the billing documents during the invoicing process
Make Customizing settings for invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Lesson: Invoicing Functions
Lesson Overview
This lesson will give you an overview of the invoicing functions in the FI-CA
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Invoice billing documents
Invoice SD documents
Explain the meaning and purpose of collective invoices
Explain the process steps of a collective invoice
Explain the additional invoicing functions
Explain account determination for invoicing in FI-CA
Business Example
Invoicing functions
Invoicing billing documents
Invoicing SD documents
Collective invoicing
Additional functions
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Lesson: Invoicing Functions
Figure 470: Invoicing Billing Documents
You can use the invoicing function Invoicing of Billing Documents to process
documents that were created by any SAP systems or systems of another provider
and that are transferred to invoicing of contract accounts receivable and payable,
for example, Public Sector Billing by an interface provided for this purpose.
The invoicing function Invoicing of Billing Documents processes documents to be
invoiced of the source document category INVBI Billing Document.
A billing document is processed if there is an invoicing order for it and if it
is contained in the invoicing orders of the contract account to be invoiced. In
mass processing, it can trigger the invoicing of the respective contract account
if the source document type INVBI Billing Document is selected with the 'Main
Selection' indicator for the invoicing process.
When the billing document is invoiced, it is included in an invoicing unit. An
invoicing document is created for each invoicing unit.
The billing document is posted in contract accounts receivable and payable and is
displayed in the invoice. In invoicing for all billing documents of the invoicing
unit, you can create a common posting document or a posting document for each
billing document.
If you want to process several billing documents in an invoicing document, you
can define the following in event 2610:
The sequence in which you want these documents to be processed and
displayed in the invoice.
The billing documents for which you want a common posting document to
be created.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
The reference document type 0BIL is used in the invoicing document for the
posting documents from invoicing. Tax items are posted for the billing document
In the invoicing document, the items with the invoicing item type 0INVBILL are
flagged. These items can be taken into account in the final invoice amount.
The system updates an invoicing/reversal history for the billing document.
Figure 471: Invoicing Transactions
During the transfer from external billing systems, the main transaction and
subtransaction of the debit posting and credit posting, company code and division
of the billing document items from the external document data are determined
SAP Customizing Implementation Guide: Financial Accounting → Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable → Integration → Invoicing in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable → Transfer of Billing Documents → Define
Determination of Transactions for Billing Document Items
When you create billing documents from Public Sector Billing, the main
transaction and subtransaction of the billing document item is maintained in
Business Rule Framework.
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Lesson: Invoicing Functions
Transactions in invoicing can:
Be transferred from the billing document items
Be summarized based on the transactions in the billing document items
for the business partner item.
You can find the Customizing settings under:
SAP Customizing Implementation Guide: Financial Accounting → Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable → Integration → Invoicing in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable → Invoicing → Document Account
Assignment → Posting Documents → Define Summarization Transactions
for Business Partner Items
Figure 472: Summarization for Business Partner Items
Even though you usually want the billing statement in the bill printout to be as
detailed as possible and you want the revenue and CO account assignment to be
detailed, you would like the posting of the bill receivable in the customer account
to be displayed concisely.
To achieve this, in Customizing, you can convert the transactions that come
from the billing document for creating the business partner items to a differenct
transaction. You can convert several billing transactions to a common transaction
and thus enable a common business partner item to be created for the respective
billing document items.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Using different transactions does not have any effect on the creation of the
invoicing items and the revenue/CO postings. However, it does affect the
determination of the general ledger accounts in the business partner items. The
determination of these accounts is dependent on the main transaction of the
business partner item, among other things.
The maintenance of this activity is optional. If you have not defined any entries
here, the transactions of the respective billing document items are used in the
business partner items (= no summarization).
The summarization transactions are assigned using posting area 2612. If you
do not use the optional key, you can define a separate main transaction and
subtransaction for debit and credit postings. All billing document items are
summarized for business partner items with this transaction (= maximum
summarization). The decision whether to use the debit or credit transaction for the
posting depends on the amount +/- sign of the summarized business partner item.
Figure 473: Account Determination: Receivables Accounts
The determination of the receivables accounts for the business partner account
assignment is carried out in Customizing using the industry-neutral posting area
2611 as standard.
SAP Customizing Implementation Guide: Financial Accounting → Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable → Integration → Invoicing in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable → Invoicing → Document Account Assignment
→ Posting Documents → Define Account Assignment for Business Partner Items
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Lesson: Invoicing Functions
Posting area 2611 corresponds to the industry-specific posting areas P000, R000,
T000 and so on.
The value-added tax code in the key enables a VAT-dependent account assignment
to be carried out.
The summarization main transaction for invoicing is used to access the posting
Figure 474: Account Determination: Revenue Accounts
For invoicing, a logic for the accounts and CO account derivation that applies to
all industries is available in FI-CA. The industry-dependent posting area 2610 is
used for this.
SAP Customizing Implementation Guide: Financial Accounting → Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable → Integration → Invoicing in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable → Invoicing → Document Account Assignment
→ Posting Documents → Define Account Assignment of General Ledger Items
Posting area 2610 corresponds to the industry-specific posting areas P001, R001,
T001 and so on.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Figure 475: CO Account Assignment
The CO account assignment is determined from the account assignment key CO
account assignment that is defined in posting area 2610. You can use this key to
activate account assignment for a result object as well (CO-PA Integration). The
result object is derived using table TFK2610.
The segment account assignment (SEGMENT) is determined from posting area
Note about deriving the result object: The source field to be used must be
contained in structure FKKINV_COPACRIT. This structure contains some
standard fields, for example, contract account, business partner and address
data. You can use the corresponding CI include CI_FKKINVCRIT to add your
own fields. The function module to be defined in TFK2610-FUNCC is used to
derive the additional fields. All the data of the billing document to be invoiced
can be used for the derivation. If necessary, you must add the fields required in
the derivation to the billing document.
Tax determination
The tax can be determined internally or externally
The tax indicator can:
Either be transferred using the billing document item
Or be determined using posting area 2610.
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Lesson: Invoicing Functions
Figure 476: VAT Difference Clearing
In invoice preparation, there may be different requests with regard to the display
of the tax amount in the invoice. Depending on the requirement, the tax can be
displayed on the total invoice, or the tax information can be displayed for each
invoice block defined (for example, division, company code).
You can define the rules for grouping the invoicing document items for the tax
display using the configuration of the key for the tax display.
The grouping control is only active during the processing of the billing
document FKKINVBILL and an internal tax calculation.
The tax calculation is carried out in invoicing for each grouping determined
so that the exact tax amount can be assigned for each group in the bill display.
The invoicing items combined into one group and the tax items determined
for them receive a common unique value in the invoicing items in the
'Grouping Key' field for the tax display.
Since the grouping of the invoicing items for creating the posting document
may be different from the grouping for the bill display, there may be tax
differences in the tax calculation for these two groups due to the rounding.
These differences are automatically cleared in the posting document.
Example for handling the value added tax difference: In the example, the
value added tax is displayed separately for each for each month of reference
in the invoice. However, the revenue postings are bundled by energy price
and basic price. The tax is calculated for each revenue item and posted to the
tax account summarized. This results in a difference of EUR 0.01 between
the tax displayed in the invoice and the tax to be posted in the general ledger.
There is then an automatic adjustment of the value-added tax to be posted
to the value-added tax displayed in the invoice.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Figure 477: Invoicing SD Documents
You can use the invoicing function 'Invoicing of SD Documents' to process
documents created by the component Sales and Distribution (SD) and that are to
be posted or processed to an invoice during invoicing.
The invoicing function 'Invoicing of SD Documents' processes documents to be
invoiced that are flagged with the value SD SD documents of the characteristic
source document type. These are SD invoices that were created using the special
invoicing type U and that display a billing request for the integration into invoicing
in contract accounts receivable and payable.
An SD document is processed if there is an invoicing order for it and if it is
contained in the invoicing orders of the contract account to be invoiced. The SD
document can also trigger invoicing of the respective contract account if the source
document type SD SD documents is flagged with the indicator 'Main Selection'.
When the SD document is invoiced, it is included in an invoicing unit. An
invoicing document is created for each invoicing unit.
The SD document is posted in contract accounts receivable and payable and is
displayed in the invoice. A posting document is created for each SD document that
is flagged with the reference document type OSD in the invoicing document. The
tax determination and calculation is carried out when the SD invoice is created in
the Sales and Distribution component so that the tax display on the invoice and the
tax to be posted in FI-CA is determined.
In the invoicing document, the SD items are flagged with the invoicing item type
0SDITEM. These items are taken into account in the final invoice amount.
The system carries out an invoicing/reversal history for the SD document.
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Lesson: Invoicing Functions
Figure 478: Master Data Collective Invoicing
You can use the invoicing function 'Creation of Collective Invoicing Document' to
process documents that were created by invoicing of the individual accounts of
a collective bill account and that should be converted into a collective invoicing
printout during invoicing of the collective billing account (values COLBI
collective bills of the source document type characteristic).
A collective bill is processed if there is an invoicing order for it and if it is
contained in the invoicing orders of the collective bill account to be invoiced.
The collective bill can also trigger invoicing of the respective contract account
if the source document type COLBI collective bill is flagged with the indicator
'Main Selection'.
During invoicing, the collective bill is included in an invoicing unit. An invoicing
document is created for each invoicing unit that makes the collective invoicing
printout possible. In this invoicing document, the items of the invoiced collective
bill are flagged with the type of the invoicing item 0COLLBIL. These items are
taken into account in the final invoice amount.
The general ledger-relevant postings - if required- are carried out during the
invoicing of the individual accounts. If posting documents are created for the
individual accounts, a statistical posting document is automatically created or set
up in steps for the collective bill account. The statistical posting document has
posting items with the clearing restriction: Collective Bill: Only Regulate After
Collective Invoicing (7). As a result, these items and accompanying individual
items are blocked for payment and clearing regulation. This prevents them from
being (partially) cleared before a collective invoicing printout has been created.
You can only regulate the posting items after you execute the invoicing function
'Creation of Collective Invoicing Document'.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
During the invoicing of the individual accounts, invoicing documents are created
on which the creation of the individual bills is based. You can only print the
individual bills once the invoicing function 'Creation of Collective Invoicing
Document' has been carried out for the respective collective bill.
Figure 479: Overview of Collective Invoicing
Collective invoicing processes the documents of source document type COLBI.
These are created during invoicing of the individual accounts of a collector and
are combined into a collective invoicing document in collective invoicing.
The collective invoicing document is used for invoice correspondence with the
collective invoicing contract partner. In addition to the collective invoicing
document, this contains the respective single invoices (invoices of the individual
accounts of a collector).
Creating the collective invoicing document involves two process steps:
Invoicing the individual accounts of the collector
Invoicing the collective bill account: Combining the single invoice created
in 1. into a collective invoicing document
The function is based on the collective invoicing function of contract accounts
receivable and payable whereby during the posting of an individual document,
this document is automatically linked to a statistical collective bill that represents
the invidual document in the subsequent business cases (payment, dunning and
so on). Several individual documents can reference a common collective bill.
The amount of the collective bill is calculated from the total amounts of these
individual documents.
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Lesson: Invoicing Functions
Figure 480: Collective Invoicing: Invoicing the Individual Accounts
When invoicing individual accounts, a collective bill is created and updated step
by step in parallel to the creation of individual documents (for example, when
invoicing billing documents). The individual posting items are summarized in one
collective bill according to the following criteria:
Posting date
Due date
Due date for cash discount
Cash discount percentage rate
+/- sign of amount (credit/receivable)
The statistical collective bill created during the invoicing of individual accounts
is posted with the clearing restriction Collective Bill: Only Regulate After
Collective Invoicing (7).
In addition, during posting of a collective bill (during invoicing of the individual
account), an invoicing order with the source document category COLBI
(collective bill) is created for this document for further processing in collective
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Figure 481: Collective Invoicing: Invoicing the Collector Account
Collective invoicing is carried out at collective bill account level. Your first task is
to bundle the collective bills created during invoicing of the individual accounts
into one collective invoicing document.
Collective invoicing consists of the following logical processing steps:
Selecting the invoicing orders: The selection is made using the invoicing
orders with the source document type COLBI (collective invoicing
document) created during invoicing of the individual accounts. In addition
to the collective bill contract partner and the collective bill account, the
due date for net payment is the most important selection criterium. This is
interpreted as the To Date. As a result, all collective bills with this due date
or an earlier due date are selected.
Creating the invoicing unit: The selected invoicing orders are bundled into
invoicing units according to the collective bill accounts and the common
due date.
Determining the due date: The due date is not calculated again during
collective invoicing.
Creating the invoicing document: A collective invoicing document is
created for the collective invoices that were processed together and this is
the basis for creating a collective invoice printout.
Releasing the collective invoices for the payment: The clearing restriction
7 that was set during invoicing of the individual accounts in the posting items
of the collective invoice is removed.
Integrating the additional invoicing functions
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Lesson: Invoicing Functions
Figure 482: Additional Functions in Invoicing
Figure 483: Additional Functions in Invoicing
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
The system decides whether an invoicing function is carried out for each invoicing
unit depending on the following criteria:
Assignment of the invoicing function to the invoicing process
The system checks whether the function is assigned to the invoicing process.
Assignment of the invoicing function to the invoicing type and invoicing
The system checks whether the function is assigned to the invoicing type.
Selection of the function in dialog
If invoicing is carried out in dialog and in expert mode, the system checks
whether the user has selected the invoicing function.
Figure 484: Subitems - Invoice Display
You can use the invoicing function 'Subitems' to display the selected open items
for infomation on the invoice.
You can also define whether you want these subitems to be taken into account
in the invoice balance.
Note that the due date of the open items does not change even if you include the
subitems in the invoice in the invoice balance and therefore possible print a new
due date for the open items. This is not allowed in all countries.
You can print the last unpaid bill on the current bill for example. Subitems are
open items that you want to print on the invoice. You can print the last unpaid bill
on the current bill for example.
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Lesson: Invoicing Functions
Figure 485: Subitems - Customizing
You can select the open items for the invoice display in the implementation
guide for contract accounts receivable and payable under the following menu
path: Integration → Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
→ Invoicing → Invoicing Processes → Additional Functions → Define Item
Selection (Subitems) for Invoice Display
You can use event 2635 to fine-tune the item selection.
The items that were already posted before the invoicing are flagged as items with
the invoicing item type 0HIST_IT in the invoicing document.
The reference to these posting items in the invoicing document is carried out
with reference document type 0HIT for the final invoice amount-relevant items
and OHIS for the items with open amounts that are not taked into account in the
final invoice amount.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Figure 486: Subitems - Item Selection
The selection rule (field Selection of Open Items) controls which open items
should be included in the invoicing document as subitems. The selection can be
restricted to items with reference to the contracts that are involved in the invoicing.
The Grace days is the number of days between the document date used in the
invoicing process and the due date of an open item. It controls which open items
that have already been posted should be included in the invoicing document.
Dependencies: If you specify a negative grace period, the system takes only
items into account that have a due date that was reached since the number of days
specified in the grace period (with regard to the document date of the invoice).
The function Consider Items In Invoice Final Amount specifies whether the
open amount of the document item in the final invoice amount is taken into
account/is to be taken into account.
The function Defer Items until Invoice Due Date specifies that an open item that
is to be taken into account in invoicing is to be deferred.
The due date of the invoice is assigned as the deferral date. As a result, the
subitems that are taken into account in the invoice (open document items that were
already posted before the invoice was created) are regulated together with the
other posting documents of this invoicing.
Dependencies: An open post is only deferred if it is also taken into account in the
final invoice amount.
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Lesson: Invoicing Functions
Figure 487: Clearing Control and Account Maintenance
You can use the Automatic Account Maintenance and Account Maintenance
invoicing functions in the dialog to clear the document items posted in invoicing
with the open items of the contract account.
Example: You can use this function to clear the invoice amount with a payment
on account or a bill credit with an open old receivable.
Figure 488: Account Maintenance: Postings
Clearing postings are carried out during account maintenance: The system creates
a clearing document.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Dependencies: You can reverse the clearing document independently of the
invoice reversal with the document reversal of contract accounts receivable and
This posting document contains the reference document type 0ACM in the
invoicing document.
The calculated items that were already posted before the invoicing are flagged as
items with the invoicing item type 0ACCTMNT in the invoicing document. These
items can be taken into account in the final invoice amount. You can check the
item clearing in the account balance display.
Account Maintenance: Customizing
Open items are selected for clearing analysis in the table Item selection
for account maintenance.
This is carried out depending on the invoicing process, invoicing type,
invoicing category, main transaction and subtransaction and the debit/credit
indicator of the invoicing unit.
You can use event 2630 to override the proposal offered.
Caution: Open item selection only determines whether they are included in
the clearing analysis The actual decision whether the items are (partially)
cleared is made based on the clearing control that is allocated to the clearing
You can select the open items for the comparison analysis in the implementation
guide for contract accounts receivable and payable under the following menu
path: Integration → Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
→ Invoicing → Invoicing Processes → Additional Functions → Define Item
Selection for Account Maintenance
You can use event 2630 to fine-tune the item selection.
This selection determines whether the open items are included in the clearing
analysis. The decision about whether the items are actually cleared or partially
cleared is made in the clearing control configuration.
Recommendation: To guarantee the consistency of the bill display, the selected
open items should form a partial quantity of the selected sub-items for account
maintenance. This is because the items selected using tables for account
maintenance are only displayed in the bill if they have already been (partially)
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Lesson: Invoicing Functions
Figure 489: Clearing Control and Account Maintenance
Figure 490: Interest Calculation
The invoicing function Calculate Interest on Overdue Receivables means that
interest for open and overdue items of contract accounts receivable and payable is
calculated with the invoicing run.
If interest if charged for overdue items, they are then cleared with billing
documents and other open items of contract accounts receivable and payable
and the invoice is transferred.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
So that you can carry out the invoicing function 'Calculate Interest on Overdue
Receivables', you must make settings in the system so that an interest key can
be found.
You can calculate the interest for an overdue receivable when an invoicing process
is carried out in which the 'Calculate Interest on Overdue Receivables' function
is available and all document items for this receivable contain an interest key.
Calculating the interest before the invoicing of cleared receivables is not supported.
The invoicing function Calculate Interest on Cash Security Deposits means that
interest is calculated for open and cash security deposit payments for the contract
account with the invoicing run.
You can make relevant system settings for cash security deposits so that you
can treat interests for cash security deposit payments that still contain clearing
restriction 2 as a cash security deposit increase. In this case, these interests are
also posted with clearing restriction 2. As a result, the interest on cash security
deposits calculated in invoicing cannot be cleared. However, the interest on cash
security deposits is visible immediately in the account display.
SAP Customizing Implementation Guide: Financial Accounting → Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable → Integration → Invoicing in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable → Invoicing → Invoicing Processes →
Additional Functions → Define Item Selection for Calculation of Interest on Open
Items or ... → Define Item Selection for Calculation of Interest on Cash Security
Figure 491: Dunning
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Lesson: Invoicing Functions
You can use the invoicing function 'Dunning Proposal' to create a dunning
proposal for all due open items of the contract account.
The 'Dunning Proposal' function is processed in invoicing after an integrated
account maintenance to take into account possible clearings of due open items.
The due items are grouped for the dunning. A dunning proposal must have been
created successfully so that a corresponding dunning text can be printed during
the creation of the billing form.
A dunning counter is updated in the invoicing document header for this.
The dunning counter enables you to distinguish between the dunnings of a
business partner within a dunning run. The dunnings are numbered consecutively
starting with 1.
You can use the 'Dunning Proposal' function to post the dunning charges.
The identification characteristic is used to distinguish between program runs
with the same execution date. If you do not create a dunning history using a
dunning run, rather using invoicing or by migrating dunning data, for example,
the identification characteristic does not have a value.
Figure 492: Debit Entry for Statistical Items
The invoicing function 'Debit Entry for Statistical Documents' means that
documents that have been posted 'statistically' are posted in actual receivables
during invoicing. This function corresponds to a transfer posting with a change of
the statistical indicator.
You can select the statistical items that are to be entered as debit in Customizing
under SAP Customizing Implementation Guide: Financial Accounting →
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable → Integration → Invoicing in
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable → Invoicing → Invoicing Processes
→ Additional Functions → Define Item Selection for Debit Entry of Statistical
Documents by selecting the De field (debit entry) for the bill printout.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
You can find the debit entry transactions in Customizing for financial accounting
under Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable → Basic Functions → Postings
and Documents → Document → Define Account Assignments for Automatic
Postings → Define Account Assignments for Down Payments and Charges
For the debit enries, you must set account determination in Customizing for
financial accounting under Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable →
Basic Functions → Postings and Documents → Document → Define Account
Assignments for Automatic Postings → Automatica G/L Account Determination
→ Define Accounts for Charges Receivable Revenue
Figure 493: Charges and Discounts
The function Charges and Discounts allows you to make charges and to grant
discounts in invoicing. It enables you to calculate charges and discounts on a base
amount and to post them in contract accounts receivable and payable.
Using a base amount, you can calculate scaled percentage charges and discounts,
maximum or minimum charges and discounts, or a combination of fixed and
percentage charges and discounts.
The charges or discounts are posted in contract accounts receivable and payable
and are displayed in the invoice.
For these posting documents, the reference document types 0CHG or 0DIS are
used in the invoicing document.
In the invoicing document, the charge and discount items have type of invoicing
item 0CHARGEor 0DISCNT. These items can be taken into account in the final
invoice amount.
There is an optional history management for the business partner items that have
been included in the calculation of the base amount.
Several charges and discounts can be posted in one invoicing.
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Lesson: Invoicing Functions
Figure 494: Charge and Discount Key
Define the calcualtion rules for the charges and discounts under Charge and
Discount Key.
You can assign the charge and discount keys to the invoicing process in the
implementation guide for contract accounts receivable and payable under the
following menu path: Integration → Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable → Invoicing → Invoicing Processes → Additional Functions →
Assign Charge and Discount Keys
If the base amount for determining the charges and discounts is calulated form
the amounts of the open items, you can select the items in the implementation
guide for contract accounts receivable and payable under the following menu
path: Integration → Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
→ Invoicing → Invoicing Processes → Additional Functions → Define Item
Selection for Determination of Base Amount for Charge/Discount
In addition, you can implement an alternative base amount determination in a
customer module.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Invoice billing documents
Invoice SD documents
Explain the meaning and purpose of collective invoices
Explain the process steps of a collective invoice
Explain the additional invoicing functions
Explain account determination for invoicing in FI-CA
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Lesson: Invoice Reversal
Lesson: Invoice Reversal
Lesson Overview
This lesson will give you an overview of the invoice reversal functions in the
FI-CA solution.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the options for canceling invoicing documents
Business Example
Figure 495: Reversal Transactions
You can reverse an invoicing document. When you do so, all the posting
documents that were posted during the creation of this invoicing document are
reversed and the invoiced source documents are flagged as 'not yet invoiced'. Then
you can invoice these source documents again. Invoicing function: The function
is mapped using the invoicing function Invoice reversal.
You can use the individual reversal and mass reversal functions to reverse the
invoicing documents. You can select using the individual invoicing documents
to be reversed or the reconciliation key. If you select using the reconciliation
key, all the invoicing document belonging to the reconciliation key are reversed.
If there is a mass reversal in parallel, parallel processing is carried out using the
reconciliation key.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
When an invoicing document is reversed, the following actions are carried out
among others:
A reversal (invoicing) document is created that is an exact copy of the
invoicing document to be reversed. However, in the document header, in the
REVERSEDDOC field, it contains the number of the invoicing document
to be reversed.
The number of the reversal document is defined in the header of the reversed
invoicing document, in the REVERSALDOC field.
The number of the reversal document is defined in the header of the reversed
invoicing document, in the REVERSSALDOC field.
The FI-CA posting documents that were posted during the creation of the
invoicing document to be reversed are reversed (with document source 78).
An invoicing order DFKKINV_TRIG is created for a new invoicing for
each source document.
Figure 496: Reversal - System Settings
In the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide: Financial Accounting →
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable → Integration → Invoicing in
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable → Invoicing Reversal → Basic
Settings for Invoicing Reversal, you can define how you want the system to behave
in various reversal situations for each application area and invoicing process.
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Lesson: Invoice Reversal
Resetting Clearing
During the individual reversal, there are the following options for resetting
No clearing reset
Automatic clearing reset
Automatic clearing reset with partial reset
Automatic clearing reset online
During the mass reversal, there are the following options for resetting
No automatic clearing reset
Automatic clearing reset
Automatic clearing reset with partial reset
During the control of the clearing reset, you have the following options:
No clearing reset: The invoicing documents are not reversed. The system
writes an error message in the reversal log.
Automatic clearing reset (without dialog), however no partial clearing reset:
The clearing reset for settlement payments for the invoicing document to
be reversed are only posted by the individual invoicing reversal if there
are no other documents (receivables) that are cleared by these payments
simultaneously. If additional documents are cleared with the invoicing
document, the reversal is terminated and the system writes an error message
in the reversal log.
Automatic clearing reset and partial clearing reset (both without dialog):
The clearing reset is carried out for the items of the settlement payment items
that have cleared the invoicing document to be reversed. The individual
invoicing reversal also behaves like this if the invoicing document is cleared
together with other documents (receivables).
Clearing reset in dialog: The individual invoicing reversal displays a dialog
box and prompts the user to confirm that they want to post a clearing reset.
For collective bills, you can define whether the reversal can be carried out, even if
the collective bill has already been cleared.
For invoicing documents that refer to other documents (individual bills to
collective bills), you can define whether a reversal is allowed if the collective
bill has already been created.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the options for canceling invoicing documents
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Lesson: Bill Printout
Lesson: Bill Printout
Lesson Overview
This lesson will give you an overview of the invoice bill printouts in the FI-CA
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the two rounding types in invoicing
Explain the determination of the payment methods in invoicing
Explain the term "final invoice amount"
Business Example
Figure 497: Currency-Specific Rounding
Invoicing supports currency-specific rounding and invoice rounding.
You can define the rounding rules in Customizing for Financial Accounting under
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable -> Basic Functions -> Postings and
Documents -> Basic Settings -> Define Rounding Rules for Currencies.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Currency-specific rounding:
Is required in some countries due to the currency used in payment
transactions (for example, 5 rappen rounding in Switzerland).
Is carried out at posting document or posting item level
Is carried out once for each invoice
Is displayed in the account and on the invoice
Is carried out according to the rounding rules defined in contract accounts
receivable and payable
In the invoicing document, rounding information is flagged with the type of
the invoicing item 0ROUNDCU (currency rounding for the posting document)
and 0RND_NEW and 0RND_OLD (rounding of the current final invoice
amount/rounding amount from previous invoices).
The rounding function is mapped using the invoicing functions Rounding per
Posting Document (RND_POST_DOC) or Rounding per Invoicing Document
Figure 498: Invoice Rounding
You can use invoicing function 'Rounding of Final Invoice Amount' to round
according to the calculation rounding settings you have selected. You can choose
whether you want the rounding amount to be written off or to be left in the contract
account and taken into account during the next invoicing.
If you want a rounding amount to remain in the contract account, the corresponding
posting item has clearing restriction I. This clearing restriction means that the
items cannot be processed until the next invoicing of the affected contract account
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Lesson: Bill Printout
(that means no clearing, no dunning and no interest calculation). In the next
invoice, the clearing restriction is removed from the rounding item and the
rounding amount is taken into account in the final invoice amount for this invoice.
In addition to the rounding rules, you can define the minimum amounts for the
bill receivable and bill credit for the bill payment. If this minimum amount is not
reached, the calculation amount is rounded to zero and the difference amount is
either written off as a small difference or taken into account in the next calculation.
In addition, you can set that if there is a zero rounding in the invoice, all open
items contained in the final invoice amount and the rounding items are cleared
against each other in a clearing document.
In the invoicing document, the items that are created during the invoicing function
are flagged with invoicing item type 0RND_NEW. The rounding item triggered
from the previous invoice is flagged with invoicing item type 0RND_OLD. If the
rounding amount is written off as a small difference, the corresponding item in the
invoicing document is flagged with invoicing item type 0RND_TOL.
If the rounding difference for each invoicing document is flagged for the next
calculation, the rounding key must be assigned to one of the invoicing processes
and the invoicing function must not be activated in this process.
You can maintain the calculation rounding rules in Customizing: SAP Customizing
Implementation Guide: Integration → Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable → Invoicing → Invoicing Processes → Define Key for Invoice
Figure 499: Determining Final Invoice Amount
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
The final invoice amount is the total of the amounts of all invoicing document
items that are flagged as relevant for the final invoice amount (that is, the
TOTALREL indicator is set for the document item).
In the standard system, the amounts of all posting-relevant billing document items
are relevant for the final amount. In addition, for certain additional functions,
the you can define that they are relevant for the final amount during the item
selection (see below).
Figure 500: Determining Final Invoice Amount
Due date determination
The due date of the bill is based on the general elements of due date
Final bill amount (credit/receivable) forms the basis for due date
The due date is determined in the event Document: Determine due date from
payment condition (1330) using the payment condition
The bill due date is defined in all business partner items from the posting
documents that have just been created and in the invoicing document header.
Event 2640 can be used for customer-specific adjustments.
Invoicing for determining the due date processes event 1330 of contract accounts
receivable and payable by default. The due date determined in event 1330 and
the cash discount due date with the corresponding cash discount percentage rate
if necessary are transferred as the bill due date to all posting items that have just
been created for the invoicing document and to the invoicing document header. At
event 1330, the final invoice amount is not yet known.
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Lesson: Bill Printout
In addition, event 2640 is available for invoicing. After the final invoice amount
has been determined (after an integrated account maintenance and subitems
have been created), you can use this event to check the bill due date originally
determined in event 1330 and change it if necessary.
Figure 501: Payment Method Determination - Incoming Payment Method
You can use the payment method determination invoicing function to determine a
payment method according to the specifications in the contract account.
The payment method determination invoicing function supports a payment
method determination based on the final invoice amount. If the final bill amount
represents a receivable, invoicing tries to determine an incoming payment method.
The customer payment method defined in the contract account, the amount limits
defined in Customizing and possible the incoming payment blocks maintained in
the contract account influence the determination of the suitable payment method.
An incoming payment block ensures that a direct debit payer is treated as a cash
payer - i.e. a payment method is not determined.
The determined payment method is transferred to the invoicing document header.
The invoicing posting documents, however, do not have a payment method so that
they can be regulated together in a payment run with other open items for the
contract account. The items are interpreted by the payment run.
In addition, event 2641 enables you to determine the payment method for a
specific industry or customer and, if necessary, to set a payment method at
business partner item level. You can also exclude the final invoice amount from
the payment until the next invoice.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Figure 502: Payment Method Determination - Outgoing Payment Method
If the final invoice amount is a credit, invoicing tries to determine an outgoing
payment method. The required outgoing payment methods defined for the
customer in the contract account, a prioritization of the outgoing payment methods
to be used, amount limits from Customizing, and outgoing payment locks that
can be set in the contract account influence the determination of the outgoing
payment method.
The payment method determined is transferred to the invoicing document header.
However, the posting documents created during invoicing do not receive the
payment method determined; this enables a common payment together with other
open items for the contract account. The items are interpreted by the payment run.
If you want to use the payment method determination function, you must activate
it in the relevant invoicing process and make the corresponding system settings
for the automatic determination of the payment method in contract accounts
receivable and payable.
In Customizing for invoicing, in posting area 2685, you can define the priorities of
the outgoing payment methods to be used for each company code (for example,
postal transfer has a higher priority than check or bank transfer).
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Lesson: Bill Printout
Figure 503: Payment Form Reference
The payment form invoicing function allows you to assign a payment form
The payment form number is an internally assigned, unique number that can be
allocated to a payment form and that cash payer can use to pay the bill.
This is defined in the invoicing document and can be printed on the invoice.
During invoice correspondence, a payment form can be sent to the business
partners that summarizes all the open items that are taken into account in the
final invoice amount.
If payment is made using a payment form, these open items can be selected using
the payment form number.
To create a payment form in the invoice, you must activate this invoicing function
in the invoicing process and activate the payment form determination in the
implementation guide for contract accounts receivable and payable under the
following path:
Integration → Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable →
Invoicing → Invoicing Processes → Define Specifications for Payment
Method/Payment Form Control
Here you can activate differentiated by the +/- sign of the invoice amount and the
cash payer/direct debit payer criteria of the payer.
The payment form number is allocated regardless of whether a payment form
is created during bill printout.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Figure 504: Locks
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Lesson: Bill Printout
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain the two rounding types in invoicing
Explain the determination of the payment methods in invoicing
Explain the term "final invoice amount"
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Lesson: Invoicing Execution
Lesson Overview
This lesson will give you an overview of the invoicing procedure in the FI-CA
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Carry out the individual transaction and mass transaction for invoicing
Business Example
Figure 505: Transactions for Creating the Invoice
You can find the invoicing transactions in the SAP menu under Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable -> Invoicing.
The invoicing transactions for parallel processing use the function for the mass
activity for contract accounts receivable and payable.
The mass activity type is the key under which the type of a mass activity with the
corresponding tax attributes is defined. In the IMG, you can find the settings for
the different mass activities under the technical settings for contract accounts
receivable and payable.
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Lesson: Invoicing Execution
Overview of the invoicing transactions
You must specify posting parameters for the invoicing transactions:
Posting date
Document date
Reconciliation key (specification is only required for the single run,
otherwise it is specified by the system)
Invoicing transactions can be started as a simulation run
The individual creation can be executed in expert mode
During mass processing and parallel processing, a reconciliation key is
created and closed at the end of the processing automatically.
During mass processing and parallel processing, you can define the Validity
Period End (time and date) and you can control the log output. You can
supress the error messages.
You can execute invoicing transactions as individual creation, mass processing
and parallel processing.
In expert mode for the individual creation for invoices, the invoicing functions can
be activated individually if this is allowed in Customizing.
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Carry out the individual transaction and mass transaction for invoicing
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Lesson: Document Display and Monitoring
Lesson: Document Display and Monitoring
Lesson Overview
This lesson will give you an overview of how to display documents in the FI-CA
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Display billing documents and invoicing documents in the system
Business Example
Figure 506: Displaying the Billing Document
You can use transaction 'Display Billing Document' to display the billing
documents, their items, addditional items and the corresponding invoicing history
based on selection specifications for example, business partner and contract
You can find the transaction in the menu under: Contract Accounts Receivable and
Payable -> Invoicing → Display → Document Display → FKKINVBILL_DISP Billing Document
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Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Figure 507: Displaying the Invoicing Document
You can use transaction 'Display Invoicing Document' to display the invoicing
documents, their items, addditional items and the corresponding posting
documents based on selection specifications for example, business partner and
contract account.
You can find the transaction in the menu under: Contract Accounts Receivable and
Payable -> Invoicing → Display → Document Display → FKKINVDOC_DISP
- Invoicing Document
You can also use event 1206 and function module FKK_INV_INVDOC_DISP_1206 to include the function in the account balance.
You can use the transaction to:
Simulate invoices
Get a preview of the invoice
Call the optical archive
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Lesson: Document Display and Monitoring
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Display billing documents and invoicing documents in the system
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Lesson: BW Integration
Lesson Overview
This lesson will give you an overview of BW Integration in the FI-CA solution.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain how invoicing document are extracted in BI (Business Intelligence)
Business Example
Figure 508: Data Extraction for BW
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Lesson: BW Integration
Figure 509: Extraction Process
When the invoice documents are created, an order for the extraction of the invoice
documents for BW is created.
The extraction of the invoice documents is carried out as a separate process. The
extraction process accesses the extraction order and writes the relevant data to
the BW data structure.
The exraction of the invoice document is not part of the standard functions. The
extraction occurs using event 2710. In this event, the invoicing data is available
and you can add additional data to it (for example, master data) for the extraction.
The monitoring transactions support the extraction process and can be used for the
simulation and analysis.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Figure 510: Extraction Orders
The extraction order selects the invoice documents for the extraction to BW.
There are two types of orders for the extraction:
Group extraction order (table DFKKINV_BWTRIG) and
Individual extraction order (table DFKKINV_BWTRIGS).
Group extractions are created for each reconciliation key whereas individual
extractions are created for each invoice document.
If errors occur during the group extraction, an individual extraction order is
created for each billing document.
Note: An invoice document can either be in a group extraction order or
in an individual extraction order.
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Lesson: BW Integration
Figure 511: Execution and Requirements
Data source 0FC_INVDOC_00 (from SAP) can be used. You use extraction
structure FKKINV_BW_EXTRACT00.
Hint: The individual extraction structure can only contain the fields of
the SAP structure FKKINV_BW_EXTRACT00. If necessary, you can use
the include to extend this structure.
Execution and Requirements:
Assign the data source that you want to be used for the BW extraction.
Activate the function Integration in BW Sales Statistics in the billing
process. This ensures that the billing process creates group extraction orders
To create extraction orders, you must carry out the following steps:
Connect to a BW system
Initialize the data sources
To extract the data, you must implement a customer-specific module in event
2710. The extraction process only takes into account orders with a reconciliation
key that has been closed.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Explain how invoicing document are extracted in BI (Business Intelligence)
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: CRM Integration
Lesson: CRM Integration
Lesson Overview
This lesson will give you an overview of CRM integration in the FI-CA solution.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Give the prerequisite for the integration of CRM documents in invoicing
Business Example
Figure 512: CRM Integration
CRM integration is a special case of the generic integration scenarios. The CRM
system dispays an external system that provides invoice documents.
Technical Settings:
The technical communication between SAP CRM and SAP ERP occurs
using CRM Middleware.
The master data replication between SAP CRM and SAP ERP must be
activated. During the replication, the CRM business partner is replicated to
the FI-CA business partner and the CRM business agreement is replicated to
the FI-CA contract account.
The CRM adapter BEM BEM_UPLOAD_INV_SRV is used to transfer data
from the CRM invoice to the ERP invoice.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 15: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Give the prerequisite for the integration of CRM documents in invoicing
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
Understand the concept of the Business Rules Framework
Execute the billing run
Configure invoicing in FI-CA
Use invoicing in FI-CA
Understand the concept of the Business Rules Framework
Give an example for using BRF in Public Sector Billing
Explain the concept and function of Public Sector Billing
Explain the advantages of generating billing documents
Describe the components of the billing document
Explain the mapping and the reasons for generating adjustment documents
Explain the billing process
Explain the basic terms in invoicing
Name the functions in invoicing (for example, automatic account
maintenance and so on)
Explain the grouping characteristics of the billing document in invoicing
Explain the influencing factors and the process flow in the invoicing process
Select invoicing orders for invoicing or simulate an invoicing
Explain the derivation of the billing documents during the invoicing process
Make Customizing settings for invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable
Invoice billing documents
Invoice SD documents
Explain the meaning and purpose of collective invoices
Explain the process steps of a collective invoice
Explain the additional invoicing functions
Explain account determination for invoicing in FI-CA
Explain the options for canceling invoicing documents
Explain the two rounding types in invoicing
Explain the determination of the payment methods in invoicing
Explain the term "final invoice amount"
Carry out the individual transaction and mass transaction for invoicing
Display billing documents and invoicing documents in the system
Explain how invoicing document are extracted in BI (Business Intelligence)
Give the prerequisite for the integration of CRM documents in invoicing
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Course Summary
Course Summary
You should now be able to:
Create, display and maintain business partners, contract accounts and
contract objects
Understand how to use the standard PSCD functions and other public sector
accounting activities.
(Manually) post and clear open items
Configure Customizing parameters for the key processes
Enter installment plans (deferrals), payment lots and returns lots and to
update the general ledger
Carry out periodic processing and closing operations
Create invoices
Explain the integration with other SAP applications
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
SAP AG has made every effort in the preparation of this course to ensure the
accuracy and completeness of the materials. If you have any corrections or
suggestions for improvement, please record them in the appropriate place in the
course evaluation.
© 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved.