Archetype Character Analysis Worksheet

Archetype: At the very core of each character, and each human being, there are certain
essences that determine archetypes. Archetypes are universal character qualities and have
been used to understand literature as far back as Plato. Archetypes are not inherently good or
bad, but all have a light and shadow side to them.
1. Choose 1 character to focus on today.
2. Choose 1 of the 6 Child Archetypes from page 3&4 that is most dominate in your
character. Child (Orphan, Wounded, Magical/Innocent, Nature, Divine, or Eternal
3. Choose 5 of the most dominant other Archetypes from pages 5-21
4. Once you have a list of 6, pair it down to only 3 archetypes that dominate your character.
5. In the text box in Canvas, please fill out.
Child archetype:
5 Dominant Archetypes
Your top 3 choices
The list below is like a table of contents, so you can easily find the archetype card you are
looking for.
Addict (Conspicuous Consumer, Glutton, Workaholic–see also Gambler) pg 5
Advocate (Attorney, Defender, Legislator, Lobbyist, Environmentalist) pg 5
Alchemist (Wizard, Magician, Scientist, Inventor–see also Visionary) pg 5
Angel (Fairy Godmother/Godfather) pg 5
Artist (Artisan, Craftsperson, Sculptor, Weaver) pg 6
Athlete (Olympian) pg 6
Avenger (Avenging Angel, Savior, Messiah) pg 6
Beggar (Homeless person/ Indigent) pg 6
Bully (Coward) pg 7
Clown (Court Jester, Fool) pg 7
Companion (Friend, Sidekick, Right Arm, Consort) pg 7
Damsel (Princess) pg 7
Destroyer (Attila, Mad Scientist, Serial Killer, Spoiler) pg 8
Detective pg 8
Dilettante (Amateur) pg 8
Don Juan (Casanova, Seducer) pg 8
Engineer (Architect, Builder, Schemer) pg 9
Exorcist (Shaman) pg 9
Father (Patriarch) pg 9
Femme Fatale (Black Widow, Flirt, Seductress, Enchantress) pg 9
Gambler pg 10
God (Adonis, see also Hero) pg 10
Goddess (see also Heroine) pg 10
Gossip (see also Networker) pg 10
Guide (Guru, Sage, Crone, Wise Woman, Spiritual Master, Evangelist, Preacher) pg 11
Healer (Wounded Healer, Intuitive Healer, Caregiver, Nurse, Therapist, Analyst, Counselor) pg
Hedonist (Pleasure-Seeker, Chef, Gourmet) pg 11
Hero/Heroine (see also Knight, Warrior) pg 11
Judge (Critic, Examiner, Mediator, Arbitrator) pg 12
King (Emperor, Ruler, Leader, Chief) pg 12
Knight (see also Warrior, Rescuer) pg 12
Liberator pg 13
Lover pg 13
Martyr pg 13
Mediator (Ambassador, Diplomat, Go-Between) pg 13
Mentor (Master, Counselor, Tutor) pg 14
Messiah (Redeemer, Savior) pg 14
Midas/Miser pg 14
Monk/Nun pg 14
Mother (Matriarch, Mother Nature) pg 15
Mystic pg 15
Networker (Messenger, Herald, Courier, Journalist, Communicator) pg 15
Pioneer (Explorer, Settler, Pilgrim, Innovator) pg 15
Poet pg 16
Priest (Priestess, Minister, Rabbi, Evangelist) pg 16
Prince pg 16
Prostitute pg 16
Queen (Empress) pg 17
Rebel (Anarchist, Revolutionary, Political Protester, Nonconformist, Pirate) pg 17
Rescuer pg 17
Saboteur pg 17
Samaritan pg 18
Scribe (Copyist, Secretary, Accountant–see also Journalist) pg 18
Seeker (Wanderer, Vagabond, Nomad) pg 18
Servant pg 18
Shape-shifter (Spell-caster–see also Trickster) pg 19
Slave pg 19
Storyteller (Minstrel, Narrator) pg 19
Student (Disciple, Devotee, Follower, Apprentice) pg 19
Teacher (Instructor, see also Mentor) pg 20
Thief (Swindler, Con Artist, Pickpocket, Burglar, Robin Hood) pg 20
Trickster (Puck, Provocateur) pg 20
Vampire pg 20
Victim pg 21
Virgin pg 21
Visionary (Dreamer, Prophet, Seer–see also Guide, Alchemist) pg 21
Warrior (Soldier) pg 21