See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Misconceptions Presentation · October 2017 CITATIONS READS 0 11,177 1 author: Victor Oluwatosin Ajayi Benue State University, Makurdi 57 PUBLICATIONS 103 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Ethnoscience with bias in Ethnochemistry View project All content following this page was uploaded by Victor Oluwatosin Ajayi on 02 October 2017. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. BENUE STATE UNIVERSITY, MAKURDI FACULTY OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF CURRICULUM AND TEACHING Course Title: Trends, Theory and Practice in Science Education Research Course Code: ECT 931 Course of Study: PhD Science Education Topic: i. What are misconceptions? ii. Mention the types of misconceptions you know? iii. What are the major sources of misconceptions and how can they be diagnosed and addressed? iv. List some constructivism learning models you know? v. List some cooperative learning models you know? vi. Describe how any one cooperative learning models of your choice can be transformed for usage in a classroom situation. Candidate Names: Oluwatosin Victor Ajayi Pg 171778 (Science Education) Lecturers in Charge: Professor Clement Onyeke Abah & Professor (Mrs) Regina Marita Onabid Samba September, 2017 1|Page 1. What are misconceptions? A view or opinion that is incorrect because based on faulty thinking or understanding. In other word, a misconception is a conclusion that’s wrong because it’s based on faulty thinking or fact that is wrong (Wikipedia, 2015). Misconceptions in science education are commonly held beliefs about science that have no basis in actual scientific fact. Scientific misconceptions can also refer to preconceived notions based on religious and/or cultural influences. When teachers provide instruction on concepts in various subjects, they are teaching students who already have some pre-instructional knowledge about the topic. Student knowledge, however, can be erroneous, illogical or misinformed. These erroneous understandings are termed misconceptions or alternative conceptions (or intuitive theories). Misconceptions are not unusual. In fact, they are normal part of the learning process. We quite naturally form ideas from our everyday experience, but obviously not all the ideas we develop are correct with respect to the most current evidence and scholarship in a given discipline. Moreover, some concepts in different content areas are simply very difficult to grasp. They may be very abstract, counterintuitive or quite complex. Hence, our understanding of them is flawed. In this way, teachers, can even sometimes have misconceptions of material. 2. Types of misconceptions Misconceptions can be broken into five basic categories namely: i. Preconceived notions. ii. Nonscientific beliefs iii. Conceptual misunderstandings iv. Vernacular misconceptions v. Factual misconceptions 2|Page 3. What are the major sources of misconceptions and how can they be diagnosed and addressed? i. Sources of student misconceptions One useful of research in science education is in the clarification of the sources of students’ misconceptions. currently, such factor such as the daily life experiences of students, intuitions, interaction with teachers or textbooks, social interaction, cultural language use, experiential gestalt of causation, functional reduction and functional fixedness have been claimed to be possible sources of misconception on various topic in science. ii. Diagnosing student misconceptions In the context of Socratic instruction, student misconceptions are identified and addressed through a process of questioning and listening. A number of strategies have been employed to understand what students are thinking prior, or in response, to instruction. These strategies include various forms of “real type” feedback, which can involve the use of coloured cards or electronic survey systems (Martyn, 2007). Another approach is typified by the strategy known as “Just in Time Teaching” (Just in Time Teaching is a pedagogical strategy that uses feedback between classroom activities and work that students do at home, in preparation for the classroom meeting. The goals are to increase learning during classroom time, to enhance student motivation, to encourage students to prepare for class, and to allow the instructor to fine-tune the classroom activities to best meet students’ needs) (Rozycki, 1999). Here students are asked various questions prior to class, the instructor uses these questions prior to class, and the instructor uses these responses to adapt his or her teaching to the students’ prior knowledge and misconceptions. Finally, there is a more research-intensive approach that involves interviewing students for the purpose of generating the items that will make up a concept inventory or other forms of diagnostic instruments (Taber, 2002). Concept inventories can be particularly helpful in identifying difficult ideas that serve as a barrier to effective instruction (Garvin3|Page Doxas and Klymkowsky, 2008). In identifying students’ misconceptions, first you can identify their preconceptions. “Teachers need to know students’ initial and developing conceptions. Students need to have their ideas brought to a conscious level”. iii. Addressing students misconceptions A number of lines of evidence suggest that the recognition and revision of student misconceptions involves active, rather than passive, involvement with the material. A common approach to instruction involves meta-cognition that is to encourage students to think about their thinking about a particular problem. In part this approach requires students to verbalize, defend and reformulate their understanding. Recognizing their realities of the modern classroom, a number of variations have been introduced. These include scientific inquiry. Scientific inquiry is a technique that provides an active engagement opportunity for students and incorporate metacognition and critical thinking. Success with inquiry-based learning activities relies on a deep foundation of factual knowledge. Students then use observation, imagination, and reasoning about scientific phenomena they are studying to organize knowledge within a conceptual framework (Bransford, 2005). The teacher monitors the changing concepts of the students through formative assessment as the instruction proceeds. Beginning inquiry activities should develop from simple concrete examples to more abstract. As students’ progress through inquiry, opportunities should be included for students to generate, ask, and discuss challenging questions. According to Magnusson and Palincsar (2005) teachers should allow multiple cycles of investigation where students can ask the same questions as their understanding of the concept matures. Through strategies that apply formative assessment of student learning and adjust accordingly, teachers can help redirect scientific misconceptions. Helping students to reconstruct their conceptual framework is a difficult task, and it necessarily takes time away from other activities in a science course. However, if you decide 4|Page to make the effort to help students overcome their misconceptions you might try the following method • Anticipate the most common misconceptions about the material and be alert for other • Encourage students to test their conceptual frameworks in discussion with other students and thinking about the evidence and possible tests. • Revisit common misconceptions often as you can • Assess and reassess the validity of student concepts. 4. List some constructivism learning models you know? Constructivism is basically a theory based on observation and scientific study- about how people learn. It says that people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. The theory of constructivism suggests that learners construct knowledge out of their experiences. However, constructivism is often associated with pedagogic approaches that promote active learning or learning by doing. Some constructivism learning models are: i. Hands-on activity-based strategy ii. 5Es (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate) iii. 7Es (Elicit, Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Extend and Evaluate) iv. Problem-based learning v. Cooperative learning strategy vi. Inquiry-based learning vii. Anchored instruction viii. Reciprocal learning ix. Computer-based learning x. Graphic Organizers xi. Guided instruction 5|Page 5. List some cooperative learning models you know? Cooperative learning sometime called small-group learning is an instructional strategy in which small groups of students work together on a common task. There are many models that described the cooperative learning process. Some of the cooperative learning model includes the following: i. Think-Pair-Share Approach ii. Jigsaw Approach iii. Jigsaw II iv. Reverse Jigsaw v. Reciprocal Peer Teaching Approach vi. Student-Terms-Achievement Divisions (STAD) vii. Think-Aloud Pair Problem Solving Approach (TAPPSA) viii. Group Grid Approach 6. ix. Group Writing Assignment Approach x. Base Group Learning xi. Numbered Head Together Describe how any one cooperative learning models of your choice can be transformed for usage in a classroom situation. Think-Pair-Share (TPS): is a cooperative or collaborative learning approach in which students work together to solve a problem or answer a question about an assigned reading. Or is a teaching strategy that starts with individual reflection and moves through partner sharing to whole group discussion. This technique requires students to think individually about a topic or answer to a question; and share ideas with classmates; discussing an answer with a partner serves to maximize participation, focus attention and engage students in comprehending the reading material. 6|Page How to use think-pair-share: • Decide upon the text to be read and develop the set of questions or prompts that target key content concepts. • Describe the purpose of the strategy and provide guidelines for discussions • Model the procedure to ensure that students understand how to use the strategy. • Monitor and support students as they work through the following T: (Think) Teachers begin by asking a specific question about the text. Students “think” about what they know or have learned about the topic. The first step the teacher asks students to individually assess some type of concept or idea. This allows the teacher to see what students can do on their own. P: (Pair) Each student should be paired with another student or a small group. This segment allows students that may be struggling to find a starting point or some extra help get attention from their peers S: (Share) Students share their thinking with their partner. Teacher expands the “share” into a whole-class discussion. The last step is sharing as a whole group. Now the students have had time to prep individually and with their peers, more of them may be apt to speak out and share their ideas in a full class discussion For example, the following is a lesson note on how to use Think-Pair-Share Strategy to teach Alkane in a chemistry classroom situation. 7|Page LESSON NOTE THINK-PAIR-SHARE LESSON NOTE FOR TEACHING ALKANES LESSON 1: School: As Applicable Subject: Chemistry Specific Topic: Alkanes Class: SS II Number in class: As Applicable Average Age: 17 Years Sex: Mixed Time: 80 minutes Date: As Applicable Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson students should be able to: i. Define, write general formula and functional group of alkanes ii. Identify the sources of alkanes iii. Mention some physical properties of some alkanes iv. Draw the structure of methane v. Describe the chemical properties of methane vi. Illustrate the laboratory preparation of methane using equations vii. Mention some uses of alkanes Instructional Materials: Bunsen burner, beaker, soda lime, salt of fatty acid Previous knowledge: Students have studies hydrocarbon. Instructional Procedure/Presentation Content Time Teacher’s activities Development (mins) Step I 10 Students’ activities Teacher makes known to the students the teaching Students answer the Introduction/ technique and its demand on them. The teacher also questions asked by the establishing a decide upon the text (For this lesson is Ababio teacher. learning set Their chemistry textbook) to be read and develop the set ideas are corrected by the of questions or prompts that target key content of teacher. alkanes. 8|Page wrong encouraged They to are write i. Teacher then probes into students’ prior knowledge down or take note of the through questions such as: what are the two classes corrected ideas. of hydrocarbon? What are alkanes? Expected answers: The two classes of hydrocarbon are saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbon Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons that is to say compounds of carbon and hydrogen which only have single, covalent, bonds holding the atoms together. with general molecular formula CnH2n+2 and functional group of C-C and it prefix is “-ane” Teacher explains that the simplest member of alkane family is methane (CH4) and other members are ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8), butane (C4H10), pentane (C5H12), hexane (C6H14), and so on. Teacher further ask the students to mention the sources of alkanes they know? Expected answers: i. Petroleum: petroleum is a complex mixture of alkanes and other hydrocarbons ii. Natural gas: methane is a major constituent of the natural gas and occurs along with petroleum in the earth’s sedimentary traps. Step 2 Individually Thinking about the answers 15 The teacher asks the students to individually answer Students the following questions; i. ii. group of alkanes questions asked by the Identify the sources of alkanes teacher. alkanes iv. Draw the structure of methane Describe the chemical properties of methane vi. Mention some uses of alkanes 9|Page think and write down the Define, write general formula and functional possible answers to the iii. Mention some physical properties of some v. individually The teacher try to assess which students are able to complete the task on their own and which students are struggling Step 3 20 Teacher splits students into groups of 4-7; ask them Students to compare individual answers and collectively different Pair the move to groups. brainstorm to come out with peer ideas on all Students spread out their students to questions raised thus far. At this point, the students individually written ideas collectively that may be struggling to find a starting point or and answers to all the brainstorm some extra help concerning the questions may find questions. At this stage, help from their peer. Additionally, this partnering after peer brainstorming, time allows a high-level discussion based on the they write out clearly on open-ended questions. the small pieces their agreed answers to the questions. Step 4 Sharing ideas as a whole group 30 Students have had time to prep individually and with Students have a turn their peers, more of them may be apt to speak out participations on one or and share their ideas in a full class discussion. two questions asked by Teacher allow each student to have a turn the participating and get other ideas or answers that they whole class may or may not have thought of individually. The idea of having a partner can also help students reinforce new ideas and thoughts. Teacher may still further ask questions from the student he may perceived to be having some difficulties, in order to hear his/her ideas and also correct his/her wrong. Teachers should further give explanation to the questions. In this regard, the teacher briefly outlines the physical properties of the first few members of the alkane listing the formula, boiling point, melting point and density as follows; 10 | P a g e teacher with the Name Formula Methane Ethane Propane Butane CH4 C2H6 C3H8 C4H10 Boiling Point -162oC -89 oC -42 oC -0.5 oC Melting point -183 -182 -188 -138 Density Gas Gas Gas Gas Teacher also draw the structure of methane: H H ---C---H H Teacher further describe the chemical properties of methane as follows: i. With alkalis methane does not react. ii. With trioxonitrate (V) acid vapour: methane is nitrated at 300oC. CH4+HNO3 CH3NO2 + H2O iii. With stream: Methane is oxidized by stream in the presence of metallic Nickel catalyst to carbon (II) oxide and hydrogen. CH4+O2 CO2 + 3H2 Teacher further illustrate the laboratory preparation of methane using Bunsen burner, beaker, soda lime, salt of fatty acid as follows: i. Decarboxylation of fatty acids: methane is prepared by heating salt of fatty acid with soda lime. CH3COO- +OH- CO32-+CH4 ii. Hydrogenation of carbon (II) oxide: Methane can also be obtained when carbon (II) oxide is hydrogenated over a suitable nickel catalyst supported on kieselguhr and promoted by traces of thoria 11 | P a g e CO+3H2 2CO+2H2 CH4 + H2O CH4 + CO2 Teacher further explain the uses of alkanes as follow; i. The largest amount of alkanes such as methane and ethane produced are used for heating fuel purposes ii. Alkanes such as propane and butane are important raw material (feedstock) in petrochemistry industry iii. Alkanes such pentane is used as a propellant for aerosol sprays, as a filling of low temperature thermometer Evaluation: (5 minutes) The teacher evaluates the lesson by asking the following question; i. Explain the laboratory preparation of methane. Assignment: Teacher gives the students take home assignment due for submission the next class i. What is the boiling point of butane ii. Draw the structure of ethane 12 | P a g e REFERENCES Bransford, J.D. (2005). “Scientific inquiry and how people learn”. How student learn: History, Mathematics and Science in the classroom. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press Magnusson, S.J. & Palincsar, A.S. (2005). “Teaching to promote the development of scientific knowledge and reasoning about light at the elementary school level”. How students learn: History, Mathematics and Science in the classroom. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press Martyn, M. (2007). “Clickers in the classroom: an active learning approach”. Educause Quarterly, 30(2), 12-16 Rozycki, W. (1999). “Just-in-Time Teaching”. J Indiana University Research & Creative Activity, 22(1), 8-17 Taber, K.S. (2002). Chemical misconceptions-prevention, diagnosis and cure. London: Royal Society of Chemistry Garvin-Doxas, K. & Klymkowsky, M.W. (2008). “ understanding randomness and its impact on student learning: lesson learned from building the biology concept inventory. CBE life Science Education, 7(2), 227-233 13 | P a g e View publication stats