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The Tryout Worksheet: Literature Study Guide

Lanky, Industrial, churned, innovative, aptitude, defiance, trudging, misfortune, parlor sport, repetitive, interim
Tryout – The Game (1-23)
1. Why didn’t Warner want Thorpe playing football?
2. What makes the Carlisle football team unique over other college football teams?
3. What three qualities of Jim’s playing made him so god at football?
4. What was Jim’s father, Hiram, like?
5. Why did Andrew Jackson establish the “Indian Territory”?
6. What kind of place was Keokuk Falls?
7. What about Black Hawk did Jim admire?
8. How was Glenn Warner’s childhood not like what one would suspect?
9. Why did Glenn decide he wanted to become a lawyer?
10. Explain the quote “St the time, I considered this event to be a great misfortune.”
11. Describe three ways how the football played by Glenn Warner was different than the
football played nowadays.
12. What was a “mass play”?
13. Why would players grow their hair out before the football season?
14. How did Pop Warner’s coach employ strategy during their football games?
15. Why didn’t Pop Warner’s number 39 play work?
16. What do we see here makes Pop Warner different than typical football coaches of the
17. What literary device is used in the last sentence on page 23?
Chapter 1 Activity - Sports Caster
Directions: Before the game you may have to do an overview on action verbs and
alliteration with your students. In this game you need to print the next page listing a
number of different sports and cut each sport out into strips of paper, then split the class
in half. Whichever team goes first two of them come up and choose one of the strips of
paper at random. Whatever sport they choose one has to act out the sport and the other
has to narrate what they’re doing as if he was a sports caster watching (without saying the
name of the sport on the paper). Each team has two guesses what the sport being acted
out is, the first team to guess the sport correctly gets 10 points. If no one gets the sport
right then no one gets the points and it’s minus 10 points if the sports caster says the sport
that was on the paper.
Variation: I like to also add another challenge and give half a point for each action verb
the student being the sports caster uses and a bonus 5 points for each alliteration.
Note: You can also add a series of words with each strip of paper that the sports caster
can’t use (so if it’s baseball they can’t use the word bat, pitch, or strike).
Karate/Martial Arts/MMA
High Jump
Billiards (Pool)
Power lifting
Horse Riding
Video Gaming
Figure Skating
Rock Climbing
Ping Pong (Table Tennis)
Shot Put
Infirmary, envisioned, aborigines, assimilate, immersing, bigoted, conviction, persuade, ultimatum, willfully,
vocational training
The School – The Team (24-45)
1. What decision did Richard Pratt make when Stacey Matlock broke his leg, why did he
decide this?
2. What was “The Indian Problem”
3. In what way was Richard Pratt’s view of Native Americans progressive (not racist),
however what was racist about his solution to “The Indian Problem?
4. What did Pratt mean when he said “Kill the Indian in him, and save the man.”
5. Why didn’t the Lakota trust Pratt, why did Pratt argue they needed to send their kids to
his school?
6. What point is the writer trying to convey to the reader with the pictures on pages 33 and
7. How did students try to resist the schools attempts to change them?
8. How was playing football a way for students to fight against what the school was trying
to do?
9. What are the two conditions Pratt has if the school is to condone football?
10. What was Pratt’s reason for why he wouldn’t allow his students to “slug”?
11. Who were the “Big Four”?
12. How did Carlisle’s first football game against the Columbia Athletic Club go?
13. In 50 words argue whether Richard Pratt was a good man or a bad man?
Chapter 2 Activity – Letter to Richard
Richard Pratt was and still is a very controversial figure. It’s still argued whether he really cared
about these students and wanted to help them. His school did help many Native American
children but it also hurt many and caused damage to the Native American culture. In 200 words
write a letter to Richard Pratt trying to explain to him what is wrong with his plan for his school
and how he could do it better. Remember to start and end it like you would a letter.
Disposition, incorrigible, incentive, ill-advised, yielded, berating, ambassadors, obnoxious
Charlie –Carlisle vs. the Big Four (46-59)
1. What does Jim Thorpe mean when he describes himself as having had a “restless
2. How did Jim and Charlie adapt to their new school?
3. What did Pop Warner do with his year’s salary, why was this not a good idea?
4. How did newspapers typically describe Carlisle’s games?
5. What is meant by the quote “The players read these articles. they knew exactly what they
were up against. All the more incentive to win.”
6. If someone were to write an article about you and how your day today is going what
would be the headline?
7. What did the Carlisle football team decide to do in the 1896 season?
8. What was so surprising about the goal that the Carlisle team made against Princeton?
9. Why did Pratt start to come around to the idea of the school having a football team?
10. Who would often serve as referee during these football games, why is this surprising?
11. How did Carlisle both win and lose their game with Yale?
12. Do you think the Carlisle’s attempt to beat the big four that year was successful, why or
why not?
Chapter 3 Activity
In 150 words write about a time when you risked doing something you weren’t sure you
could do, what motivated you to try it?
Ceaselessly, philosophy, wholesome, infirmary, emulate, audacity
Charlie – Football Imagination (60-72)
1. What happened to Jim that would forever affect him?
2. What effect did Pratt’s lectures have on the students at the school?
3. How did students resist Pratt’s language rules?
4. How was football an escape from the school?
5. What happened to Von Gammon, how many players had wound up like Gammon just in
the past year?
6. What politician was a big defender of football?
7. What might the word “mollycoddle” mean?
8. What was the one thing everyone seemed to agree that Carlisle needed in order to get
9. What do you think attracted Jim Thorpe to football?
10. What do you think is meant by the quote “There is winning and then there is misery.”
11. What does Warner imply (hint at) happened after his game with Carlisle?
12. Why didn’t Warner like coaching at Cornell?
Chapter 4
Directions: Having gotten a glimpse of who Roosevelt was fill in below four tweet Roosevelt would have probably made about football.
Extensive, behemoths, consistently, momentum, indication, adherents, biased
New Team – Carlisle vs. Pennsylvania (73-85)
1. What did Pop Warner immediately start doing while coaching that caused some of the
players to stop showing up?
2. What idea did Frank Hudson have to help get the team an advantage?
3. What new play did Pop Warner come up with?
4. What was Warner like during the games?
5. How was Carlisle able to defeat Columbia University?
6. How was the San Francisco’s Chronicle’s headline “blatantly biased”?
Withhold, ponder, confined, shellacked, novelty, synchronized, dreary
Wild Horses – Before and After (86-101)
1. Why did Jim runaway again from school in 1901?
2. When Jim became a ranch hand what was he particularly good at?
3. What tragedy again struck Jim Thorpe’s life?
4. Why did Roosevelt think football would be good for the country?
5. Why do you think were the Carlisle players so uncomfortable in the White House
meeting Roosevelt?
6. What was “the hidden ball” play?
7. Why did the Carlisle team decide to have Charlie Dillon run the ball on “the hidden ball”
8. Why did Carlisle want to do this play against Harvard especially?
9. Why did Jim and his father often not get along?
10. What surprised a reporter about the woman at Carlisle when he came to visit the campus?
11. What was “the outing” program?
Muckrakers, mincing words, renovated, pungent
Football on Trial – The Forward Pass (102-121)
1. What two big changes occurred at Carlisle in 1904?
2. How did Roosevelt at first try to fix the problem with football
3. How many players died from football in 1905?
4. What solution ultimately helped save football?
5. What was Thorpe surprised by during the conversation when he was called down to
Warner’s office after his high jump.
6. What was Thorpe and Ex’s relationship like?
7. What did Frank Mount Pleasant invent that became a huge advantage for Carlisle?
8. During 1907 what happened if a team threw a pass and it wasn’t caught?
9. What mistake did Jim make during his second game?
10. What two football components did Pop Warner believe was most important for the team
to practice?
11. What huge event in football occurred in 1907 between Penn and Carlisle
Chapter 7 Activity
This first NCAA meeting probably didn’t go as smoothly and many students think, getting the
representatives of 60 different football programs (all with their own views and philosophy on the
game) to agree on what the new rules to the game should be would have been very difficult. To
bring that point out I like to take a day to split the class in half and I have each half create their
own game, the tricky part is that when creating the type of game and the rules to the game
everything has to be voted on by the group and can only happen if there is a unanimous vote. To
make sure there invested in voting to create their game I bring a prize for whichever groups
game plays the best. When their done I have the groups trade games and try to play the game the
other group came up with, I watch who these games go and decide which group made the game
that plays the best. Then we discuss how this activity connected with the chapter they had just
As a side note having to write these rules is also a good way of practicing writing succinctly and
with clarity for a specific audience.
Discouragement, concealed, conceded, persistently, discernible, obstinacy
Carlisle Against the World – Modern Football (122-135)
1. How could you tell that Princeton was worried about facing Carlisle after their win
against Penn?
2. Why did Carlisle loose against Princeton?
3. What strategy did Carlisle use with their plays to beat Harvard?
4. How did the rest of the team treat Jim?
5. How was Chicago’s pass defense different than a pass defense now a days?
6. What play did Ex invent to beat the Chicago team?
7. How were football players treated compared to the other students at Carlisle?
8. Why did Pop Warner and Jim Thorpe often not get along?
9. What summer work did Jim find to do?