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Analytical Essay text pairing Lord of the Flies and The Lottery

Analytical Essay
10th Grade English
Mrs. Cason
Consider the two works of fiction you recently read - “The Lottery” and Lord of the Flies and the
2 articles we read and discussed in class.
Make an argument for or against this statement from the article you just read: “That line
between good and evil is permeable,” Zimbardo said. “Any of us can move across it... I argue
that we all have the capacity for love and evil — to be Mother Theresa, to be Hitler or Saddam
Hussein. It's the situation that brings that out.”
**(Look up permeable in the dictionary if you do not know what it means).
Compose your essay on a separate sheet of paper. Your essay should be a minimum of 3
paragraphs, containing an introduction, body, and conclusion. The above quote MUST be
included in your introduction. You also MUST include other quotes WITH citations from any of
the referenced sources – Lord of the Flies, The Lottery, “What Make Good People Do Bad
Things,” “When Good People do Bad Things,” and/or the Bible.
Please be thoughtful, and do your best. Spelling, sentence structure, and grammar count. You
will type your final essay. This is a test grade.