Uploaded by Nazmi Azizan

openbox-group.com Monthly Report - 30 Dec 2021 (1)

Sir, To increase traffic and position I am using white
hat SEO on page & off page for openbox-group.com
it will help to achieve you the top your service scope
to cover architecture, landscape and interior to
emphasize the power of unified design concept..
I am done with the initial on page things & doing
regular off page SEO for backlinks & maintaining on
page also. My primary goals is to get improvement in
ranking and organic traffic.
I have created a brief report on how the website is
Ranking Status on 21 Oct 2020
Ranking Status on 19 Nov 2020
Remark : Please have a look at the above screenshot of ranking on 21 Oct & 19-Nov,
you can see that the ranking of some keywords improved.
Ranking Status on 19 Dec 2020
Ranking Status on 21 Jan 2021
Remark : Please have a look at the above screenshot of ranking on 21 Oct, 19-Nov,
19 Dec and 21-Jan-21 you can see that the ranking of some keywords improved.
Ranking Status on 21 Feb 2021
Remark : Please have a look at the above screenshot of ranking on 21 Oct, 19-Nov, 19 Dec 21Jan-21 and 21-02-2021 you can see that the ranking of some keywords improved.
Ranking Status on 23 April 2021
Remark : Please have a look at the above screenshot of ranking on 21 Oct, 19-Nov, 19 Dec
21-Jan-21, 21-02-2021 and 23 April 2021 you can see that the ranking of some keywords
Ranking Status on 31 May 2021
Remark : Please have a look at the above screenshot of ranking on 21 Oct, 19-Nov, 19 Dec
21-Jan-21, 21-02-2021, 23 April 2021 and 31 May 2021 you can see that the ranking of
some keywords improved.
Ranking Status on 28 June 2021
Remark : Please have a look at the above screenshot of ranking on 21 Oct, 19-Nov, 19 Dec 21Jan-21, 21-02-2021, 23 April 2021, 31 May 2021 and 28 June 2021 you can see that the
ranking of some keywords improved.
Ranking Status on 26 July 2021
Remark : Please have a look at the above screenshot of ranking on 21 Oct, 19-Nov, 19 Dec
21-Jan-21, 21-02-2021, 23 April 2021, 31 May 2021, 28 June 2021 and 26 July 2021 you
can see that the ranking of some keywords improved.
Ranking Status on 01 Sep 2021
Remark : Please have a look at the above screenshot of ranking on 21 Oct, 19-Nov, 19 Dec
21-Jan-21, 21-02-2021, 23 April 2021, 31 May 2021, 28 June 2021, 26 July 2021 and 01
Sep 2021 you can see that the ranking of some keywords improved.
Ranking Status on 05 Oct 2021
Remark : Please have a look at the above screenshot of ranking on 21 Oct, 19-Nov, 19 Dec 21Jan-21, 21-02-2021, 23 April 2021, 31 May 2021, 28 June 2021, 26 July 2021, 01 Sep 2021
and 05 Oct 2021 you can see that the ranking of some keywords improved.
Ranking Status on 08 Nov 2021
Remark : Please have a look at the above screenshot of ranking on 21 Oct, 19-Nov, 19 Dec 21Jan-21, 21-02-2021, 23 April 2021, 31 May 2021, 28 June 2021, 26 July 2021, 01 Sep 2021,
05 Oct 2021 and 08 Nov 2021 you can see that the ranking of some keywords improved.
Ranking Status on 14 Dec 2021
Remark : Please have a look at the above screenshot of ranking on 21 Oct, 19-Nov, 19 Dec 21Jan-21, 21-02-2021, 23 April 2021, 31 May 2021, 28 June 2021, 26 July 2021, 01 Sep 2021,
05 Oct 2021, 08 Nov 2021 and 14 Dec 2021 you can see that the ranking of some keywords
Ranking Status on 30 Dec 2021
Remark : Please have a look at the above screenshot of ranking on 21 Oct, 19-Nov, 19 Dec 21Jan-21, 21-02-2021, 23 April 2021, 31 May 2021, 28 June 2021, 26 July 2021, 01 Sep 2021,
05 Oct 2021, 08 Nov 2021, 14 Dec 2021 and 30 Dec 2021 you can see that the ranking of some
keywords improved.
Ahrefs Rank, Referring Domain, Traffic Value
 Ahrefs Rank (AR) shows the strength of a target website's backlink
profile compared to the others in Ahrefs database, with rank #1 being
the strongest.
 Referring domains are websites from which the target website or web
page has one or more backlinks.
Traffic Value
 This graph shows the change in the organic search traffic to the target
website, subsection, or URL over time.
Competitive Positioning Map
 This graph shows the change in the organic search traffic to the target
website, subsection, or URL over time.