Uploaded by Milenia Reyes

Jeopardy! Game Rules: Grammar, Linguistics, Literature

response is correct, the contestant is awarded the
amount of points. If the response is incorrect, they
lose the amount wagered. Only the player who
selected the clue with a Daily Double can respond.
FINAL JEOPARDY: Players decide how many points
they are going to wage and must tell the host before
reading the clue. Players will have 30 seconds to
answer the question in the chat. If it is correct, the
This Jeopardy is an adaptation from the original.
players get the points but if it is incorrect, players
The jeopardy consists of 4 categories (Grammar,
linguistics, literature, and composition).
lose the points. If you have no money to wage you
cannot compete in the final jeopardy! Round.
Participants will play as a team. For example, G1, G2,
G3. The host will determine the order of teams
The team chooses a category and dollar amount
The host will read the question and the team will
have 10 seconds to answer.
If the response is correct, the team receives the
corresponding amount of points. If the respond is
incorrect, the team doesn’t receive any points. Then,
the second player will take turn to choose a category
and points amount. This process is repeated until
completing all the questions.
DAILY DOUBLE: If the team chooses a clue that is
Daily Double, before the host reads the clue, the
team must decide how many points they want to
wager. (You can’t wage more than you have). If the
The team with the most points at the end of the
FINAL JEOPARDY! Round is the winner!
Each member of the team will receive 20.00 cash.