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School Enrolment Policy and Procedures

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region 1
Division of Ilocos Norte
School Enrolment Policy and Procedures
Every Filipino family values education of their children as the top priority among other things. In this time of
pandemic, this should not be put to halt as stressed to our parents and learners. As Education Secretary Leonor
Magtolis Briones in many of her statements. “We push boundaries and explore new paths for quality education
to continue and find ways for learning”.
The school policy and procedure aims to provide salient information on basic questions that our parents may
ought to know in ensuring that their children will receive proper education as the school year formally begins.
However, given the current health situation, there are several factors to be considered depending on the location
of the learners, the available means of communications, and the status of their community. In implementing our
enrollment policy and procedures we ensure to maintain peace and order, while observing the minimum health
standards prescribed by the government.
The enrollment procedures combine all activities involved in the entire enrollment process following
guidelines issued by several authorities. Due to current health situation, this happen both online and offline but
the overall objective is to help our learners be admitted and enrolled in our school. Given the current health
situation, we should expect any changes and adjustments not only in the enrollment process but in the entire
system as well. For our health and safety, everybody is enjoined to persevere, cooperate and be flexible to cope
with the changes affecting teaching and learning as part of the new way of living.
To help learners admitted and enrolled with a smooth and flexible procedure and guidance.
To maintain the data of enrollees last School Year for both Junior and Senior High Schools without
sacrificing the health security of teachers, students and parents.
To increase the number of our Grade 7 ESC grantees to meet the allotted 124 slots.
Policy Statement
All learners who elect to enroll must be accepted and enrolled upon compliance with the Basic Education
Enrolment Policy, as modified by these guidelines for SY 2021-2022. These guidelines seek to ensure
continued access to learning opportunities through the conduct of an enrollment process that is efficient and
in line with minimum health and safety standards. The learner survey shall provide the necessary information
to inform planning, resource allocation, policy formulation, and intervention development for improved
service delivery throughout the public health emergency
Establish a marketing scheme through a media platform that encourage Grade 7 enrollees to enroll.
Introduce a minimal school fee to the parents and provide them various modes of miscellaneous
and fees payment.
Motivate students to enroll by introducing the different activities that will help them grow and learn
more things with fun and excitement.
Giving opportunities to the learners who are unable to study due to financial problem by giving
them support such as discount on their miscellaneous fees, free miscellaneous fee of one of the
sibling for those who have three or more siblings studying in our school.
Providing them the different services that the school gives to the learner and to the parent as well;
(1) Transportation. The school gives FREE transportation to every learners who wish to enroll in
our school.
(2) Fees. The school only collects miscellaneous fees which can be paid for the whole school year.
But for non-ESC and non-Voucher recipients, they pay an amount of Php 5, 000.00 for the
whole school year as their tuition fee.
(3) Modules. Modules are free. The student just need to be extra careful on the modules so that
during the retrieval, it is still in good condition.
(4) Delivery and Retrieval of Modules. Modules are delivered to learner’s home every week.
They don’t need to come to school to get it. As well as during the retrieval, the teachers is in
charge to get it.
Enrolment Procedures
The pre-registration of Grade Seven and Grade Eleven enrollees is done on the month of March.
Outreaches is done after the graduation for the confirmation of registration.
Learner Enrolment Form and Survey Forms (Annex A) is administered during registration. New data
shall be collected to capture information that will be relevant in assessing the capacity of the basic
education system, and the appropriate targeting of learners, for the continuing delivery of learning in
the context of constraints and opportunities presented by the physical distancing measures as a result
of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Parents/ guardians may also reach out to their child’s adviser for enrollment through the contact
numbers published at our Facebook page and at the brochures given to them during the first day of
distribution of modules.
Making physical appearance in school for enrollment purposes is the last recourse for parents and/ or
learners. Such appearances shall be guided by the minimum health and safety protocols.
No qualifying or entrance examination is given to the new students.
Enrolment begins just after the graduation exercises.
The requirements for registration are:
1. DepEd Form 138 (Report Progress Card). The student must not have any failing grade in any
grading period (for Grade 7 students).
2. Certificate of Good Moral Character from the school last attended (for transferees and returning
3. Clear copy of PSA Birth Certificate.
Instruction to Parents/Guardians and Enrollees:
1. For Grade 7 and 11
Parents of incoming Grade 7 and 11 learners must communicate their intent to enroll their
children in our school via text/call/messenger or physical enrolment.
2. For Transferees
- Learners who are planning to transfer shall contact our school through the published
contact numbers on our Facebook page or through our Facebook page.
3. For Balik-Aral Enrollees
- Balik – aral enrollees shall contact the school directly for enrolment. They will be
administered with the Learner Enrolment Form and the Survey form for the enrolment.
Educating Service Contracting Program For JHS
The Education Service Contracting (ESC), which aimed at democratizing and improving access
to quality secondary education, is a government financial assistance to deserving elementary school
graduates who wish to pursue their secondary education in private schools (DO 31, s. 2010). ESC
grant starts at Grade 7 and represents a four-year funding commitment of the government. Program
beneficiaries of ESC are awarded certificates as evidence of the Government’s commitment to support
their education in a private high school for as long as they meet the entrance requirements, as well as
those for regular promotion to each of the succeeding school years until they graduate.
SHS Voucher Program
The Senior High School Voucher Program (SHS VP) is a program of financial assistance wherein
subsidies in the form of vouchers are provided to qualified SHS learners in participating private and
non-DepEd SHS (DO 11, S. 2015)
Eligibility for SHS VP
Not Eligible
Grade 10 Completers before SY
Qualified Voucher Recipients
(QVRs) (no need to apply)
Category A: Grade 10 completers
in DepEd public schools
High School graduates of March
2015 or earlier
Category B: Grade 10 completers
in SUCs and LUCs
Incoming Grade 12 learners who
were not part of SHS VP in Grade
Non-Filipino learners
Grade 10 completers who are ESC
Voucher Applicants (Need to
Category D: Grade 10 completers
in private schools who are not
ESC grantees
Category E: Learners who
took/will take ALS A&E Test in
the current school year
Category F: Learners who
took/will take the PEPT* in the
current school year
*For VAs who fall under categories E and F, they may apply for the voucher while waiting for results of the ALS
A&E Test and PEPT, respectively.
Voucher Application
Procedures Application may be done manually or online; both are free of charge. VAs are highly
discouraged from submitting multiple applications. All applications shall be coursed through Private Education
Assistance Committee National Secretariat (PEAC NS) via Online Voucher Application Portal (OVAP) for
online application and the PEAC NS office for manual application. DepEd shall not accept submissions of
applications. VAs are encouraged to apply online as this mode carries a number of features not available for
manual applications. Online applications allow VAs to have a longer period to apply, submit the required
documents in parts, and track their applications
Requires Documents as Proof of Financial Means
If the parents or guardian/s and
the other person/s
Employed in the Philippines
(including self-employed
Employed abroad
Unemployed but with other
sources of income
Unemployed and without income
Required Document
Latest Income Tax Return Or
Certificate of Employment
Certificate of Employment
Affidavit of source of income
stating average monthly
earnings/support received
Certificate of Non-Filing of
Income Tax Return OR
Where to obtain document if not
readily available
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
Employer or Recruitment Agency
Notary Public
Bureau of Internal Revenue
Mayor’s Office (Not from the
Barangay or the City Assessor’s
Municipal Certificate of
VIII. References
Prepared by:
Designated School Registrar
Annex A