Uploaded by Mimi Martinez


Mitosis and Meiosis Essay
Your assignment is to write a four-paragraph essay that compares and contrasts mitosis and meiosis. You may
use any notes, worksheets, and diagrams that you have. Also, make sure you use your graphic organizer.
Follow the outline below to write your essay. You will write the rough draft in class and the final copy will be
due on _____________________. Attach both your rough draft and graphic organizer to the final copy when
you hand it in.
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Sentence 1: One characteristic of cells is their ability to reproduce by dividing.
Sentence 2: Cells divide in ____________ ways depending on ____________.
Sentence 3: One type of cell division is _________________________.
Sentence 4: The other type of cell division is _____________________.
Sentence 5: In the next two paragraphs I will compare and contrast the two types of cell
Paragraph 2: Compare mitosis and meiosis
Write at least 5 sentences.
Sentence 1 should be your topic sentence.
In the next sentences give 3 similarities and explain them.
The last sentence should conclude the paragraph.
Paragraph 3: Contrast mitosis and meiosis
Write at least 5 sentences.
Sentence 1 should be your topic sentence.
In the next sentences give 3 differences and explain them.
The last sentence should conclude the paragraph.
Paragraph 4: Conclusion
Sentence 1: Mitosis and meiosis are the two types of cell division.
Sentence 2: Some similarities between these two types of cell division are (list the 3 you
gave in paragraph 2)
Sentence 3: Some differences between these two types of cell division are (list the three
you gave in paragraph 3)
Sentences 4 and 5: Conclude the essay in your own way.