Suggested Solutions Assignment 06 Risk Financing RSK4803 Department of Finance, Risk Management and Banking RSK4803: ASSIGNMENT 06 2021 CONTENTS Page 1 INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................3 2 SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS .........................................................................................3 3 IN CLOSING ................................................................................................................9 © UNISA 2021 2 RSK4803: ASSIGNMENT 06 2021 Dear Student 1 INTRODUCTION Assignment 06 was the final written assignment as part of the assessment plan of the module. It is important that students at a postgraduate level are able to critically read, analyse and to address complex problems by drawing systematically on the body of knowledge and appropriate methods in the field of study. The presentation of the work should also be at a postgraduate level, and it seems that many students need to improve their academic writing skills. Please take note of the general comments below and ensure that you do not, where applicable, repeat the same mistakes when attempting the examination. 2 SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS Presentation Part of the learning outcomes of this module and as regulated by the National Qualification Framework is that students must communicate and present their findings at a postgraduate level. Good academic writing skills are therefore essential, and it is recommended that you invest some time into improving your academic writing skills. Many videos are available on YouTube to assist where necessary. It is also important to use the correct number formats and conventions, and you lost one (4%) or two marks (8%) where the incorrect convention. Although there was a significant improvement, a minority of students did not follow a structured approach to do and present their calculations and answers. It is strongly recommended that you do the calculations in tables. When answering essay type questions, use headings/subheadings, bullets and paragraphs to improve the readability of your answers. References Students who did not reference lost where possible two marks (8%). Many students who referred to incorrect references which do not cover the topic were penalised with one mark (4%). There were examples where students copied components of the assignment from other students, internet sources and the learning material. Where it was identified, no marks were allocated for the question. You may be awarded a zero mark in the examination. General comments You will earn more marks to approach the calculation in logical steps. However, keep in mind that you must approach the question from the perspective of the Chief Risk Officer (CRO) and not the insurer. © UNISA 2021 3 RSK4803: ASSIGNMENT 06 2021 Question 1 Calculate the optimum deductible according to the total expected cost (TEC) rule Show all calculations. Year No. of vehicles 1 2 3 4 5 20 20 25 30 50 145 29 Total Average Quote number Average loss per event Quoted annual premium 1 2 3 4 5 R15,000,000.00 R10,000,000.00 R8,500,000.00 R6,000,000.00 R5,000,000.00 No of accidents R1,500,000 R2,200,000 R1,750,000 R2,000,000 R3,500,000 Annual limit for damage to motor fleet R60,000,000 R30,000,000 R25,000,000 R20,000,000 R10,000,000 (8 marks) Total cost for the year 10 12 15 20 25 82 16.4 R15,000,000 R26,400,000 R26,250,000 R40,000,000 R87,500,000 Deductible R0 R25,000 R50,000 R70,000 R100,000 Calculate the optimum deductible according to the total expected cost (TEC) rule and decide according to the TEC which quote is the most appropriate. q = 0.565517241 or 0.57 © UNISA 2021 4 RSK4803: ASSIGNMENT 06 2021 Quote number Premium quoted (R) 1 2 3 4 5 q Deductible (R) R15,000,000.00 R10,000,000.00 R8,500,000.00 R6,000,000.00 R5,000,000.00 0.566 0.566 0.566 0.566 0.566 TEC R0 R25,000 R50,000 R70,000 R100,000 R15,000,000.00 R10,014,137.93 R8,528,275.86 R6,039,586.21 R5,056,551.72 Some students calculated the premium per vehicle, calculated the dectible and multiplied the answer to determine the amount for the total portfolio which was also acceptable. Annual premium No of accidents Deductible R15,000,000.00 R10,000,000.00 R8,500,000.00 R6,000,000.00 R5,000,000.00 25 25 25 25 25 Potential max deductibles to be paid Total cost R0 R25,000 R50,000 R70,000 R100,000 Maximum of 8 marks allocated. © UNISA 2021 5 R0 R625,000 R1,250,000 R1,750,000 R2,500,000 R15,000,000.00 R10,625,000.00 R9,750,000.00 R7,750,000.00 R7,500,000.00 RSK4803: ASSIGNMENT 06 2021 Question 2 Considering the loss history of the company and your answer above, argue which quote is the most appropriate for the company. Annual premium No of accide nts R15,000,000.00 R10,000,000.00 R8,500,000.00 R6,000,000.00 R5,000,000.00 25 25 25 25 25 Deductible R0 R25,000 R50,000 R70,000 R100,000 Potential max deductibles to be paid Total cost R0 R625,000 R1,250,000 R1,750,000 R2,500,000 R15,000,000.00 R10,625,000.00 R9,750,000.00 R7,750,000.00 R7,500,000.00 Expected economic loss R87,500,000 R87,500,000 R87,500,000 R87,500,000 R87,500,000 Limit R60,000,000 R30,000,000 R25,000,000 R20,000,000 R10,000,000 (5 marks) Unreimbursed losses R27,500,000 R57,500,000 R62,500,000 R67,500,000 R77,500,000 Based on the TEC rule, option 5 appears to be the best solution. The TEC rule, however, does not consider the total cost. When the total cost, i.e. deductibles for the expected number of accidents and cover limit, are considered, option 1 appears to be the best solution. There is an upward trend in the number of accidents and the number of vehicles. Using the information from the last year will thus be more appropriate. Many students referred to implementing action to improve drivers' skills and road conditions; however, it will be more prudent to consider past experience before incorporating the potential improvement measures to reduce losses. General comments Many students use the average loss history to calculate the potential unreimbursed losses. The potential problem with this approach is that there is an upward trend in the number of vehicles and the number of accidents. It would therefore be more prudent to use the information of the last year to consider other factors such as policy limits. Students received a mark for indicating that Option 1 is the preferred alternative. © UNISA 2021 6 RSK4803: ASSIGNMENT 06 2021 Question 3 The management of Healthy Fish Ltd plans to purchase a logistics company. As a result, the due diligence team obtained the following loss data from the records of the target company. Expected number of accidents Expected total claims cost per event 25 35 20 15 12 10 Expected probability of losses R 100 900 R 130 203 R 150 304 R 170 212 R 180 386 R 200 560 0.15 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.15 a. Calculate the maximum probable yearly loss (MPY) according to the Chebyshev method by using the following formula: 𝑀𝑃𝑌𝐶 = 𝐸(𝑋) + 𝑘𝜎(𝑋). The k value obtained from a consultant was 1.17. Expected number of accidents 25 35 20 15 12 10 Expected total claims cost per event R100,900.00 R130,203.00 R150,304.00 R170,212.00 R180,386.00 R200,560.00 Expected total claims (X-µ) Expected probability of losses 0.15 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.15 R2,522,500.00 R4,557,105.00 R3,006,080.00 R2,553,180.00 R2,164,632.00 R2,005,600.00 E(X) = R378,375.00 R1,139,276.25 R601,216.00 R382,977.00 R216,463.20 R300,840.00 R3,019,147.45 © UNISA 2021 7 -R496,647.45 R1,537,957.55 -R13,067.45 -R465,967.45 -R854,515.45 -R1,013,547.45 (X-µ)2 246658689591.50 2365313425602.00 170758249.50 217125664459.50 730196654288.70 1027278433401.50 Var (σ2) = σ= (7 marks) (X-µ)2P(X) 36,998,803,439 591,328,356,401 34,151,650 32,568,849,669 73,019,665,429 154,091,765,010 888,041,591,597 R942,359.59 RSK4803: ASSIGNMENT 06 2021 𝑀𝑃𝑌𝐶 = 𝐸(𝑋) + 𝑘𝜎(𝑋) R3,019,147.45 + (1.17 x R942,359.59) = 𝑀𝑃𝑌𝐶 = R4,121,708.45 R4,121,708.17 b. Argue how you will use the MPY to negotiate insurance cover. (5 marks) Describe/define the term. Explain that the purpose of quantifying the probable loss is to have insight into the loss history and trends, which will enable the enterprise to determine its exposure to make informed decisions on risk retention strategies. The amount of risk retention will be guided by the financial ability of the enterprise and the risk appetite. Different types of decutibles are available which can be considered to structure the policy. The cover limit for the insurance policy can also be negotiated as the enterprise will have a reasonable estimate of the potential losses. The enterprise can also opt for coinsurance to optimise the insurance cover. General discussion Most students defined/described the term before discussing how the calculated amount would be used to commence the insurance cover with the broker/insurer. Many students also included discussions on how the insurer uses the MPY/MPL to price insurance premiums. Please keep in mind that you are regarded as the chief risk officer (CRO) in this module, and your approach should be from the perspective of the proposed insured. © UNISA 2021 8 RSK4803: ASSIGNMENT 06 2021 References University 0f South Africa. 2020. Topic 3: Risk Financing Concepts. Pretoria: University of South Africa. Available from: (Accessed 20 October 2021) University 0f South Africa. 2020. Topic 4: Risk Financing- Risk Retention. Pretoria: University of South Africa. Available from: (Accessed 20 October 2021) 3 IN CLOSING Compare your answers with the suggested solutions and reflect on your approach to the case study and assignment. Although the examination will include theoretical questions, the examination will include questions based on a case study, and it is important that you are able to analyse case studies and apply the body of knowledge to solve risk financing problems. You need to know the work to solve practical problems – do not fall into the trap to think that open book assessments are necessarily easier than, for example, a traditional venue based examination. Refer to the Housekeeping Section for the process that must be followed if you want to query your assignment mark. Dr J van Huyssteen LECTURER: RSK4803 © UNISA 2021 9