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EnE final Exam-Review

EnE - Final Exam REVIEW
The water in upwellings is ________.
What has the greatest effect on Earth's tides?
Describes soil
A student is walking along a mountain slope consisting entirely of weathered rock. Which of the
following is most necessary to add to the rock before we can consider it to be soil?
What is climate?
How would a significant rise in average global ocean water temperature most likely affect sea level?
What event occurs when one celestial object or that object’s shadow obscures the view from Earth?
A student argues that the International Space Station is not a satellite because it is human-made. Is the
student correct?
What did Wegener notice about the continents that supported his continental drift hypothesis?
Explain the theory of plate tectonics
What is a dependent variable in a scientific experiment?
Why is it important to record all observations in a scientific experiment?
Where is Fresh water is found?
What produces Earth's magnetic field?
What are minerals?
Are bones considered minerals?
Where are star formation most likely to occur?
How do stars contribute matter to space that can be used to form planets?
Which scenario would most likely be considered a catastrophic event?
What does the principle of superposition state?
Which answer best explains why you should alert your teacher as soon as you spill a chemical in the lab?
How should you follow the steps of a laboratory procedure?
Explain why the following statement is not true: Farming is a natural process and has little effect on the
What are some ways that windmills have been used?
How does metamorphism change the mineral composition of preexisting rocks?
What does latitude measure?
What is required in using the Global Positioning System (GPS)?
Why does planting cover crops help conserve soil?
What is a problem that results from global dependence on nonrenewable resources?
A large earthquake happens at a fault beneath the ocean floor, causing a rupture in Earth's crust. What
would be the result?
A student states that tsunami waves are just like ordinary ocean waves, only bigger. How is this an
inaccurate statement?
Explain the electromagnetic spectrum
What is not a part of the electromagnetic spectrum?
Identify a minor body in the solar system.
A meteoroid that reaches Earth's surface is called
What is a constellation?
Your friend argues that all the stars in a typical constellation are approximately the same distance from
Earth. Is your friend correct?
Explain an important contribution by Sir Isaac Newton to Earth and space science.
Explain why the following statement is correct: Earth is very old and changes gradually.
Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have different numbers of ________.
What are necessary characteristics of organisms that are used as index fossils?
Where do volcanoes form?
How do volcanoes form at divergent boundaries?
How does fossil evidence support Wegener's hypothesis of continental drift?
Explain the difference between continental drift and plate tectonics?
In the 1700s and 1800s, large sailing ships commonly sailed from port and out to sea at night. What is
the most likely reason for this?
How does the current atmosphere on Earth compare to its previous atmosphere?
Identify geologic time from longest to shortest?
What part of geologic time is measured in hundreds of thousands to millions of years?
Explain luster when referring to rocks?
Which mineral scores highest, with a 10, on the Mohs scale of hardness?
What does a geologist use to make the most precise measurement of length or distance?
Student B measures 8.65 cm of clay where the actual thickness of the clay is 8.63 cm is the closest to the
actual measurement.
Describe seismic P waves
What information is helpful for officials to know after an earthquake?
Where does tension in faults typically occur?
How do scientists predict earthquakes?
What is part of a weather description?
What is the surface expression of continental divergence?
What are the three types of plate boundaries?
On which type of volcano might fissure eruptions occur?
Why are composite volcanoes steeply sloped?
List the layers of Earth's atmosphere in the correct order, from lowest to highest?
Explains the relationship between temperature and altitude in the troposphere?
Molten material underground is called ________.
You find an igneous rock that has a glassy texture. What does this tell you about how it most likely
How can tree roots be agents of chemical weathering?
Which is an agent of mechanical weathering?
What process holds sediments together in a sedimentary rock?
Describe the order of formation for sedimentary rocks?
Identify the sections of the lithosphere.
If scientists could sample Earth's inner core, they would most likely find ________.
Explain evidence that supports the Big Bang theory?
Which term describes the apparent shift of light wavelengths toward the red end of the electromagnetic
spectrum when a luminous object is moving away from Earth?
The term fossil comes from a Latin word meaning "dug up," because people used to consider anything
dug out of the ground to be a fossil. Each of the following items would be considered a fossil by this
outdated definition. What is considered a fossil by the modern, scientific definition?
An imprint of a leaf is found in a layer of sandstone. Analysis of the fossil shows that no organic material
remains. What type of fossil is this?
How many grams (g) are in 250 milligrams?
How does sonar technology measure the depth of the ocean floor?
Which is the flattest deep ocean feature?
What terms are used to describe the composition of igneous rocks?
What processes are most necessary to form sedimentary rocks?
What is the outermost compositional layer of Earth?
Describe the makeup of the lithosphere?
What is Earth's outermost structural layer?
If our solar system resembled the universe, which of the following parts of our solar system would make
up most of the visible mass?
People once believed that the Milky Way galaxy was the entire universe. What do scientists now know?
Which of the following correctly describes how photosynthesis affects two different cycles on Earth?
How is thermal energy is transferred throughout Earth?
Where does the source of most of the oxygen in the atmosphere come from?
How did the evolution of complex life forms on the planet happen?
Explain the difference between the relative sizes of Earth and the sun?
What is the most widely accepted explanation for the origin of our solar system?
According to the International Astronomical Union (IAU), why is Pluto no longer considered a planet?
Where will eroded materials most likely to be deposited?
As a glacier melts over thousands of years, it retreats across a region of Earth's surface. What is the most
substantial effect on the land over which the ice sheet retreats?
Many people used to think that our solar system was the center of the universe. What is wrong with this
According to the most commonly accepted hypothesis, approximately how old is our solar system?
Compares the four inner planets and four outer planets?