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Yoga Effectiveness During Pandemic

Effectiveness of Yoga with
Pandemic Scenario.
Effectiveness of Yoga with Pandemic
• I may introduce myself. I am a counsellor and
psychotherapist, Palakkad, Kerala.
• The world is in a frozen condition due the effect of
Covid-19. We are also in a confused and depressed
state. The power supply failed, only darkness.
• Even in the darkness we tried to regain the power in a
special way. Here comes the positive power ie., Yoga –
the result of practice of yoga. Yoga is a way of life. Yoga
gives us only the energy both in body and mind. The
practice of yoga boosted our positive energy positive
outlook in the pandemic period with that energy we
are trying to overcome the present panic situation.
So What in Yoga?
• Yoga is a group of physical, mental and spiritual
practices which originated in ancient India. The word
“Yoga” is from Sanskrit root “Yug” meaning “to join or
to unite”. The yoga practices leads to the union of
individual consciousness with that of universal
consciousness. It indicate the perfect harmony
between mind and body. Yoga uses breathing
techniques, exercise and meditation. The importance
of yoga – it help to improve health and happiness.
• So “Yoga” is a life style beyond sex, caste, creed,
religion & beyond boundaries.
• Health in our life is an inevitable factor. Two factors are
physical health and mental health. Both are inter related.
We are living in a world of stress and strain along with
competition. Ultimately it affects health especially
mental health.
• Hence the practice of yoga is the one and only problem
solving factor. So now a days in the present pandemic
period the importance of yoga increased. Now a days the
life patters diseases increased and the physical and
mental health graphs is going down. So we can increase
the physical and mental health through yoga practices
and dhyana (meditation) and pranayama (Breathing
exercises). In order to maintain our body and mind
peaceful and healthy do scientific exact practice of yoga.
• Only through scientific practice and studies we
can give relaxation to both our body and
mind, ultimately it will release our stress and
strain and we can lead a peaceful happy life.
• Yoga helps formation of behaviour and
character, increase power of memory. It is a
medicine to promote high voltage energy.
• Sadguru announced that when you practice yoga not
only your body but also your mind and emotions
comes under your control. The success of a persons life
is when you can control your body emotions and
intellectual according to the directions of mind.
• When you hear the word ‘Yoga’ you see a different
‘Pose’ of sitting, standing etc. But in some person it is a
breathing technique. But both are the ingredients of
‘Yoga’. In this the ‘Pose’ is known as ‘Asana’ and breath
control is known as ‘Pranayama’.
• Here ‘Yoga’ is a philosophy and a science. The prime
teacher of yoga was yogi – ‘Patanjali’. After people
studied the philosophy and art behind it scientifically
then ‘Yoga’ was taught and explained later in a wide
• Yoga now a days used in the treatment of various
health problems. There are two kinds of soul one is
individual soul and the other is cosmic soul. (Pohmß &
• Yoga uniting the individual soul and cosmic soul. Yoga
means a “way” or path. To the path of moksha to the
enternal life.
• So yoga is a way to provide good health to
body and mind and it is a way to escape from
the pandemic situation. So the practice of
yoga in a way to protect human race. To get
the complete benefit from yoga you should
know the philosophy and to know it is not
only a physical exercise but also a perfect
mental exercise.
Hence can we discuss some of the
physical and mental benefits.
• When we practice yoga continuously the digession
process will become perfect.
• It increase the immunity of the body.
• It increase the flow of blood in the body
• The pimples on the face, early visit of old age also
prevented. Like that most of the problems in body will
be controlled or eliminated.
• Yoga practice resulted in decreasing the cholesterol
and blood pressure.
• The problems in connection with lungs also reduced.
Mental benefits
• It reduces stress and strain
• It help to control mind.
• It helps behaviour modulation
Which are the steps taken before
doing yoga
• The best time to do yoga is in the morning or in the
• Before starting yoga you should do warm up and take little
• After wards you can do yoga in a fresh and peaceful neat
and tidy area.
• You do yoga only before food.
• You use loose cotton dress for yoga. It will help to move
body parts easy.
• You should study yoga from a well versed Guru – not from
books etc.
• You should not allow yoga practice to a child below 8 years.
Which are the steps taken before
doing yoga
You practice vegetarian food.
Try to say only truth.
You should be a positive thinker.
Heart patients should do the minimum.
Start with simple asanas.
Ladies should not practice yoga during
pregnancy and during menstrual period.
• With kind permission now I am introducing
my Guru and Yoga Acharya – Mr.Sivadas, a
retired Bank Manager, SBI. Past 15 years he
has been doing and teaching yoga. He is still
energetic and positive in his outlook and
behaviour. Now he will demonstrate some of
the Asanas and I will give you which are the
benefits from each and each item.
Name of Asanas and Benefits
• Surya Namaskar: Surya Namaskaram is a
combination of 7 asanas. Strengthens you
back as well as your muscles and bring down
blood sugar levels. Improves metabolism,
blood circulation etc.
• Merudasana: The spine is kept straight. A
good stay in this pose; massage the heart, the
spinal column and abdominal organs, which
feels refreshed and mind is rested.
• Dhanurasana: The spine is stretched back.
This asana brings elasticity to the spine and
tones the abdominal organs. The person with
disk slip will get high relief.
• Noukasana: This posture resembles the shape of a
boat, hence the name. Good exercises to the intestine
brings life a vigour of the back and enable us to grow
old gracefully and comfortability.
• Vrishasana: For body balance.
• Sarvangasana: Mother of all asanas. Since the body is
inverted the venom blood is allowed to circulate
around the neck and chest. Cures breathlessness and
astma, bronchitis, palpitation of throat ailment.
Regular practice bring new vigour of strength and will
be happy and confident.
• Savasana: Complete body relaxation and freshness of
body and mind.
• In short from all exercises you will get happy hormones
like endorphin and dopamine.