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Military Patrol Actions: Field Manual

Actions on
Patrol Actions On:
Enemy preseen: go to ground. Observe. Standby for contact and extraction
Contact: Suppressive fire. Extract from killing area. Break clean. Rally. Deception bearing, then to
ERV (the drills must be well rehearsed and instinctive)
Ambush: for section smaller as per ‘contact drills’. For a fighting ptl, suppressive fire. Those in killing
area extract. Form a fire base. Assault.
1. Schemuley, shell, flare or vehicle: go to ground and observe
2. Trip flare; Dry contact drill
1. In contact: F+M out of minefield, then conduct normal contact drill
2. Out of contact: Form a fire base out of the minefield. Individually probe out of minefield
1. Quick crossing: Caterpillar method
2. Deliberate crossing: Leapfrog method
Note: thoroughly rehearse
RV: Used for navigation. Normally a short halt. Give field signal. Move in and adopt herringbone
Long Halt: used on long patrols for a comms check or feeding. Break track. Snap ambush. Move to RV
nearby. Claymores + sentries out.
ERV: selected on the route. Give a hand signal + state ‘ERV’. Used to rally to after contact
FRV: give hand signal. Stop short/snap ambush. Recce FRV site. Recce rtn+pick up remainder+move
into FRV. Claymores+sentries out. Conduct admin. Conduct patrol action
Separated: go firm for ½ hr or 1 hr. if not met by patrol, return through RV chain, ½ or 1 hr at each RV.
Lost: As per Ptl Comd’s orders
Civs+Refugees: Avoid at all costs. If compromised, either, capture+hold during task or extract from
area and reinsert on task (this depends entirely on Coy policy and allegiance of civpop)
1. Route out: Administer aid, secure and leave at RV’s. If close to friendly lines make own way
back or collection by standing ptl
2. Route back: Return with ptl
Leaving friendly lines: exit at pre-designated posn. Info sentry on number in ptl and immediate route
Entering friendly lines: stop short, snap ambush. Radio in, approach pre-designated posn and give
appropriate hand signal/light signal.
1. Route out: Secure+post sentry. Radio posn and arrange collection by standing patrol
2. Route back: return with ptl
Lost Comms: Check the following:
1. location
2. channel
3. aerial
4. handset
5. battery/power
Failing that, use cue channel to make contact with HQ. Be prepared to authenticate
Vehicle break down: halt convoy, radio HQ, try carry on. Leave security
Being hit up: conduct vehicle anti-ambush drills
Obstacle: continue with secondary route
Aircraft seen: Take cover
Boarding/debussing heli’s: Conduct heli boarding drills
Securing LZ: recce 4 hours before. Clear LZ of obstacles. Secure an hour before heli arrival.