Uploaded by peterjawilliams

Cycling Training

Water bottle holder x 2
Helmet x 1
Saddlebag X 1
Spare Tubes x 2
Hand pump x 1
Floor pump and Tire pressure gauge
Bike lock x 1
Co2 inflators x 1
tyre levers x 2
gatorskin tyres
pedals – need to but these? look keo or other recommended cleats – recommended to me
cycling shoes
frame cleaner/wax?
Chain lubricant
Cycling gloves
Speedo – cadence and speed only
1 x cycling shorts
1 x cycling top
1 x cycling jacket
Alan keys – have these
Back and front light
Bike rack for car
Cycling kit
First aid kit
Cycling Pre-ride Inspection
Tire pressure and condition
Brake check
Front/rear wheel quick releases secured
Bolt tightness throughout
Seat and handlebar height
Light check (if equipped)
Lubrication check
Reflectors in place
1. 100 mins steady
2. Aerobic power 1 (50 minutes)
15 minutes – Warm up (increasing intensity)
5 x (4min high intensity + 2min low intensity)
5 minutes cool down
This program is designed to increase your maximum oxygen consumption. It gives
you 20 minutes at a very high oxygen consumption, but it is not designed to be ridden
to complete exhaustion.
Your VO2 max will gain improvements even at a more comfortable pace. It is,
however, still important to push yourself very hard during the intervals. In the resting
periods you should maintain an intensity at about 60% of VO2 max.
3. Aerobic power 2 (49 minutes)
15 minutes – warm up (increasing intensity)
5 x (40 sec. very high intensity – 20 sec. low intensity)
3 minutes recovery
5 x (40 sec. very high intensity – 20 sec. low intensity)
3 minutes recovery
5 x (40 sec. very high intensity – 20 sec. low intensity)
3 minutes recovery
5 x (40 sec. very high intensity – 20 sec. low intensity)
5 minutes cool down
This program is also designed to increase your maximum oxygen consumption. You
work with a slightly higher intensity during the intervals than in the previous ‘Aerobic
Power 1’ program. You will also gain increments in your anaerobic capacity.
4. Anaerobic power 1 (50 minutes)
15 minutes – warm up (increasing intensity)
5 x (60sec. maximum intensity + 6 min. recovery)
This program is designed to increase your anaerobic capacity. During the intervals the
body is exposed to enormous amounts of anaerobic metabolits. After only a few of
these sessions your body will be better to work at an anaerobic enviroment. This skill
is primarily used in competitions, where jumps and sprints demand anaerobic efforts.
This art of training is very exhausting and therefore it should primarily be used for
competition preparation.