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Creative Writing Module 1: Imaginative Writing

524 Carriedo Ave., Muzon, San Jose del Monte, Bulacan
Division of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan
Grade 12
Learning Objectives
Identify different forms of writing.
Explore different situations where imaginative writing and the other forms of writing can be
Write a paragraph using one form of writing.
Learning Competency
Differentiate imaginative writing from among other forms of writing.
Direction: Answer the questions below by encircling the letter of your answer. Cheating won’t be good
for you. Honesty and integrity are more valuable assets in one’s success.
1. This form of writing focuses on communicating the details of a character, event, or place.
a. Academic
b. Descriptive
c. Expository
d. Technical
2. It is the writing form employed in the publications and references used by teachers and researchers,
or in educational conference presentations.
a. Academic
b. Expository
c. Narrative
d. Persuasive
3. This form of writing discusses factually accurate narratives while employing the use of literary devices
commonly found in fiction.
a. Academic
b. Creative Nonfiction c. Expository
d. Imaginative
4. It conveys specific information and is straightforward in its tone of writing, commonly addressing its
specific or target audience.
a. Creative writing
b. Descriptive writing c. Persuasive writing
d. Technical writing
5. The writing style which is employed in various mass media such as newspaper, television, and radio.
a. Expository
b. Journalistic
c. Narrative
d. Persuasive
6. This form of writing is used in writing a business letter.
a. Academic
b. Creative
c. Journalistic
d. Technical
7. It is identified by being a product of one’s imagination with an emphasis on narrative craft, character
development, and the use of literary tropes.
a. Creative writing
b. Descriptive writing c. Persuasive writing
d. Technical writing
8. This writing explains or informs about a subject, mainly uses logical order and sequence.
a. Academic
b. Creative
c. Expository
d. Journalistic
9. This form of writing is used in telling a story or event. This answers the question, “What happened
a. Academic
b. Descriptive
c. Imaginative
d. Narrative
10. This form of writing is used in writing a poem, a short story, and even a drama.
a. Academic
b. Creative
c. Journalistic
d. Technical
Let’s Recall
Based on your prior knowledge, what is writing?
Have you read or heard a piece of news, research, and a short story? What are their similarities? What
are the differences?
Grade 12
Let’s Roll!
Read the selection and answer the following questions.
The Little Prince
(An excerpt)
Antoine de Saint−Exupery
Once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book, called True Stories from
Nature, about the primeval forest. It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an
animal. Here is a copy of the drawing. In the book it said: "Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole,
without chewing it. After that they are not able to move, and they sleep through the six months that
they need for digestion."
I pondered deeply, then, over the adventures of the jungle. And after some work with a colored
pencil I succeeded in making my first drawing. My Drawing Number One. It looked like this:
I showed my masterpiece to the grown−ups, and asked them whether the drawing frightened
But they answered: "Frighten? Why should anyone be frightened by a hat?"
My drawing was not a picture of a hat. It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an
elephant. But since the grown−ups were not able to understand it, I made another drawing: I drew the
inside of the boa constrictor, so that the
grown−ups could see it clearly. They always need to have things explained. My Drawing Number Two
looked like this:
The grown−ups' response, this time, was to advise me to lay aside my drawings of boa
constrictors, whether from the inside or the outside, and devote myself instead to geography, history,
arithmetic and grammar. That is why, at the age of six, I gave up what might have been a magnificent
career as a painter. I had been disheartened by the failure of my Drawing Number One and my
Drawing Number Two. Grown−ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for
children to be always and forever explaining things to them.
So then I chose another profession, and learned to pilot airplanes. I have flown a little over all
parts of the world; and it is true that geography has been very useful to me. At a glance I can distinguish
China from Arizona. If one gets lost in the night, such knowledge is valuable.
In the course of this life I have had a great many encounters with a great many people who
have been concerned with matters of consequence. I have lived a great deal among grown−ups. I
have seen them intimately, close at hand. And that hasn't much improved my opinion of them.
Grade 12
Whenever I met one of them who seemed to me at all
clear−sighted, I tried the experiment of showing him my Drawing Number One, which I have always
kept. I would try to find out, so, if this was a person of true understanding. But,
whoever it was, he, or she, would always say:
"That is a hat." Then I would never talk to that person about boa constrictors, or primeval forests,
or stars. I would bring myself down to his level. I would talk to him about bridge, and golf, and politics,
and neckties. And the grown-up would be greatly pleased to have met such a sensible man.
1. Based on the story, what do you think is the difference between the adults or grown-ups and the
children? Is it only the age or there is something else?
2. Is the story for children, adults, or both?
3. What does the narrator wanted to tell in the last two paragraphs?
4. How many writing styles are used in this text? Prove your answer.
5. Have you dreamed of living in an alternate dimension or different world? What does it look like?
Shake it Up
CREATIVE WRITING, also known as imaginative writing, differs greatly from the other forms of
writing for it brings you beyond the places one can perceive. It uses figurative language, which is
outside the limitation of professional, academic, technical, and journalistic forms of writing. Simply,
creative writing is fictional, in which one expresses thoughts and ideas imaginatively. This can be in the
form of poetry, short story, novel, or drama. Some of its purposes are to entertain, captivate, and
provoke the reader’s thoughts towards the written piece.
The Little Prince is about a man who learned when he was young that adults lack imagination
and understanding. He grew up and became a pilot. He crashed in a desert and met the little prince,
who came from a small planet called Asteroid 325 or B-612. This is an example of a creative literary
piece for it shows how one’s dream or imagination can be mixed with reality to create an exciting and
meaningful story.
Some people may think that creative writing is for leisure only, and will not help get a job or it
cannot be used as a profession in the future, but the truth is, it has different skills that will help you in
your life, now as a student, and eventually into your adulthood. You will be expected to analyze literary
works, digging the messages that it wanted to convey. This will expose you to actual writing which will
lead you to create your own compositions. Moreover, this will help you to be more self-expressive, as it
does not follow the strict rules of language, giving you the sense of freedom, and the experience of joy
in writing.
Though it is a great way to express what is on your mind, creatively, it is not always applicable
for some instances, especially in your studies. There are various writing styles that you will need to use
for different purposes.
Grade 12
ACADEMIC WRITING is a formal style of writing used in universities and scholarly publications. This is
the most familiar writing style among students. It uses a formal tone and style of writing, and is clear,
concise, structured, and informative. Some of the written works that use academic writing are
books, book reports, essays, research papers, and theses.
TECHNICAL WRITING is used for the target readers who are looking for information on a particular
topic. The main idea for this writing is to make the audience understand the procedure and follow
directions. Some of its examples are memorandums, manuals, directions, and lab reports. The goal
of this writing is to make sure that the information is clear, concise, straightforward, and easy to
JOURNALISM AND NEWS WRITING is the writing style used in different mass media such as
newspapers, television, and radio. The main purpose of this writing is to provide credible articles,
with factual and accurate information, to the audience.
CREATIVE NONFICTION is a writing style that incorporates different literary devices, such as figures
of speech, symbolism, and irony, in factual and accurate written works to make it more interesting
for the readers. Some of the examples of creative nonfiction are memoir, autobiography,
biography, and travelogue.
In addition to the presented forms, here are the other kinds of writing that may help you not only in
creative writing but also on the other forms
NARRATIVE WRITING is recognized for its goal to tell a story, having a definite and logical beginning,
intervals, and endings. Some of its key elements are characters, setting, dialogue, theme, and
conflict. This can be used both in fictional and non-fictional texts, such as essays, novels,
anecdotes, autobiographies, and fairytales.
Theo’s day began with a shock. As soon as he arrived at the office that morning,
he learned that his best friend was dead. Wasn’t it just twelve hours ago that they were
eating chicken wings and tipping back beer in front of a baseball game at the Cooper’s
Bar and Grill? After a long day of crunching numbers at the office, they stopped at a bar
for a Thursday afternoon happy hour. They saw a few coworkers there, and before they
knew it, it was closing time. Bill got in a car with someone he met just that evening and that
was the last time Theo saw him.
DESCRIPTIVE WRITING focuses on communicating the details of a person, thing, event, or place.
The main purpose of this is to describe. A creative writer can make a simple sentence into a poetic
one by being distinct of descriptions. Here is an excerpt from Flann O’Brien’s The Third Policeman.
The room where I found myself was thick with dust, musty and empty of all furniture.
Spiders had erected great stretchings of their web about the fireplace. I made my way
quickly to the hall, threw open the door of the room where the box was and paused on the
threshold. It was a dark morning and the weather had stained the windows with blears of
grey wash which kept the brightest part of the weak light from coming in. The far corner of
the room was a blur of shadow. I had a sudden urge to have done with my task and be
out of this house forever.
EXPOSITORY WRITING is used to deliver factual information. It explains, describes, informs, and
simplifies complex ideas to convince the reader. This can be seen in newspaper articles, journals,
how-to manuals, or assembly instructions.
A silhouette is a shadow-outline of a person or thing, usually filled in with a dark
color. Silhouettes of people usually are profiles of their heads. Most silhouettes are cut out
of black paper. Since they are easy to make, they are favorite art activity in elementary
school classrooms.
The word silhouette is derived from the name of Étienne de Silhouette, the French
Minister of finance in 1759. Silhouette initiated many unpopular policies, such as tripling the
tax rate on bachelors and cutting the budget of the royal family. Before long, he became
we known throughout France for his stinginess, and people started to refer to items that
they considered cheap as à la Silhouette. In time, term silhouette came to be associated
with one cheap item: in expensive portraits that were cut out of black paper. The name
was used for them in particular because Silhouette’ hobby is making them.
Grade 12
PERSUASIVE WRITING is a form of writing that encourages one to formulate reasons for his opinion
by carefully choosing the words, logically developing arguments with factual information, and a
closely united summary. As its main purpose is to persuade, this is commonly used in editorial
pieces, reviews, letters of complaint, and advertisements or commercials.
Fad diets often do more harm than good. A fad diet is a diet that suddenly becomes
popular, usually because it promises people that they will lose a lot of weight overnight.
Although dieters may indeed show weight loss from a fad diet, they will almost certainly gain
back the weight of their basic eating habits remain unchanged. Moreover, fad diets frequently
call for special products of questionable value or for “health foods” that may cost twice as
much as supermarket foods. Worse yet, certain fad diets fail to include nutrients vital to health.
People have been known to become very ill as a result of following medically unsound diets.
The worst aspect of fad diets, though, is that they keep people who are overweight or sick from
obtaining the medical care that they truly need.
List of References
Printed Sources
Ramos J.O. & Talisay J. M. (2017). Fundamentals of Creative Writing. Quezon City, Philippines: Brilliant
Creations Publishing, Inc.
Brown, A., Nilson, J., Shaw, F., & Weldon, R. A. (1986). Houghton Mifflin English Grammar and
Composition. U.S.A: Houghton Mifflin Company.
Online Sources
De Saint−Exupery, A. (1943). The Little Prince. Retrieved from https://verse.aasemoon.com/images/
f/f5/The_Little_Prince.pdf (PDF)
Creative Writing. Retrieved from https://grammar.yourdictionary.com/word-definitions/definition-ofcreative-writing.html
Expository Writing. Retrieved form http://www.umich.edu/~exppro/info.html
Persuasive Writing. Retrieved from https://www.readingrockets.org/strategies/persuasive_writing
Technical Writing. Style and Usage. Retrieved from https://grammar.yourdictionary.com/style-andusage/characteristics-of-technical-writing.html
Write in English Lesson Twelve Narrative Paragraphs. (2021). Retrieved from Learn American Eglish
Grade 12
Name: _____________________________________________ __
Grade/Section: ______________________
Let’s Try!
Answer the questions after each paragraphs.
1. He ran into the living room, nearly knocking over a lamp, his eyes flashing and his fists clenching
and unclenching. It was obvious that if we didn’t stop and pay attention to him, he’d explode. What
kind of writing is used in this paragraph? Why do you think so?
2. Sharks are not as dangerous to humans as humans are to sharks. Even though millions of people
venture into the oceans each year, fewer than fifty serious shark attacks occur on the average, and
only ten of these are fatal. The reason for this low accident rate is that most sharks are afraid of
creatures as large as humans. Of the 350 known species of sharks, only one–the great white shark– is
totally unafraid of humans. Meanwhile, humans kill sharks in record numbers. Thousands are hunted
and slain each year for food… Maybe it is time we began worrying less about protecting people from
sharks and more about protecting sharks from people.
Let’s Enhance!
Direction: Choose a topic below. Write a paragraph using one or more forms of writing. Write it on the
space provided.
Your work will be marked using these criteria:
A. Importance of vaccine
 Content and Writing style (15pts)
B. The place you want to visit once the Covid19
 Clarity and connection of the sentences (5pts)
pandemic ended.
 Convention (Grammar, spelling, punctuation)
C. News about our community
D. How to cook your favorite dish
Grade 12
Gaining Insight
Process the following questions.
1. Why do you write?
2. Why do you think that knowing the different forms of writing is important?
3. What writing form or style do you think is the hardest to use? What is the easiest? Why?
Direction: Answer the questions below by encircling the letter of your answer. Cheating won’t be
good for you. Honesty and integrity are more valuable assets in one’s success.
1. The employees in ZYX Company are complaining about their uncomfortable uniforms. To solve this,
you are assigned to make a proposal for a new uniform design. Which among the following style is
the most appropriate to use in writing the proposal?
a. Academic
b. Creative
c. Narrative
d. Technical
2. You really like someone and you wanted to confess your feelings, so you decided to write a letter
to him/her. What writing style will you use to effectively convey your message?
a. Academic
b. Creative
c. Journalism
d. Technical
3. Your friend invented a device and asked you a favor to write the manual for the product. What
style you should use in creating the manual?
a. Descriptive
b. Expository
c. Narrative
d. Technical
4. I envy her. She has long dark wavy hair that matches her small face and fair skin. Her round eyes,
small lips, pointed nose, and rosy cheeks. She looks so innocent. What writing style is used in the
a. Expository
b. Descriptive
c. Narrative
d. Persuasive
5. Which among the following is not considered as an academic text?
a. Books
b. Essays
c. Memorandum
d. Research paper
6. Koko likes to join the POP Club, the school’s official publication, and be a news writer. Which of the
pieces of advice should not be followed?
a. Avoid being bias.
b. Be direct to the point.
c. Present truthful and correct information.
d. Use symbolism and figures of speech to make the piece more entertaining.
7. Ray is a traveler and a writer at the same time. He wants to be a writer for a magazine company.
He needs to send a sample of a travelogue to the company, which among the following styles he
should not use in writing his travelogue?
a. Descriptive
b. Narrative
c. Expository
d. Technical
8. Prof. Vin gives a task to the class to create a leaflet about Covid19, its overview, symptoms,
prevention, treatments, and additional information, such as testing centers and vaccine
development. What writing style should the students use in creating the content of their leaflets?
a. Creative
b. Creative nonfiction
c. Expository
d. Descriptive
9. Stop polluting Mother Earth. Stop using single-use plastics. Let’s save our nature. Let’s reuse. Let’s
reduce. Let’s recycle. What writing style is used in the sentences?
a. Academic
b. Narrative
c. Persuasive
d. Technical
Grade 12
10. Jon angrily entered the room, “What have you done to my blueprints?” I looked at him, confused,
“What are you saying? I haven’t done anything.” He scratched his head and walked out of the room.
I shook my head and continued reading. What writing style is used in the sentences?
a. Academic
b. Narrative
c. Persuasive
d. Technical
Challenge Yourself
Take a book nearest to you and open it on page 77. Look for the first content word (a noun, a verb,
an adjective, or an adverb), and write a one-paragraph story or a one-stanza poem (number of lines
depends on you) using that word.
Grade 12