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Global Communication: Impact & Evolution

Global Communication
Global communication examines the continuous flows of information used in
transferring ideas globally. An intricate connection has developed worldwide due to
globalization and the increasing ability to interact on a global scale. It’s the kind of
communication interested to build and maintain the relationship between organization
and other societies or organization and government around the world.
It is really a great thing when we are talking about the wide spread of information
through the help of global communication. Given its importance, its effects and impacts
to our world as a whole with the help of modern technology that make the
transformation of communication make possible.
Global communication at the turn of this century has brought about many effects. It is
blurring technological, economic, political, and cultural boundaries. Print, photography,
film, telephone and telegraph, broadcasting, satellites, and computer technologies,
which developed fairly independently, are rapidly merging into a digital stream of zeros
and ones in the global telecommunications networks.
Economically, separate industries that had developed around each of these
technologies are combining to service the new multimedia environment through a series
of corporate mergers and alliances.
Politically, global communication is undermining the traditional boundaries and
sovereignties of nations. Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) is violating national borders
by broadcasting foreign news, entertainment, educational, and advertising programs
with impunity.
Similarly, the micro-media of global communication are narrow casting their messages
through audio and videocassette recorders, fax machines, computer disks and
networks, including the Internet and the World Wide Web.
Culturally, the new patterns of global communication are creating a new global CocaColonized pop culture of commodity fetishism supported by global advertising and the
entertainment industry.
Global communication is empowering hitherto forgotten groups and voices in the
international community. Its channels have thus become the arena for contestation of
new economic, political, and cultural boundaries.
Global communication, particularly in its interactive forms, has created immense new
moral spaces for exploring new communities of affinity rather than vicinity. It is thus
challenging the traditional top-down economic, political, and cultural systems. Global
communication has also served as a channel for theoretical integration. Political
leadership in international relations has increasingly come to mean moral leadership in
such great debates as colonialism, development, population, environment, nuclear
weapons, human rights, women and minority status, etc.
Thus, the effects of global communication on the evolution of international relations
theory and its underlying international system have been two-fold. In one hand, global
communication has empowered the peripheries of power to progressively engage in the
international discourse on the aims and methods of the international system.
In the other hand, global communication has thus historically broadened and deepened
the parameters of discourse from Realism to Liberalism, Marxism, Communitarianism,
and now Postmodernism. Each school of thought has had to respond to the concerns of
new layers of the international community as they have emerged from conditions of
oppression and silence.
Upon reading some article about Global Communication, I found out that it is not
only about Global communication itself because it has so many related factors and
importance of it that we failed to discover.
We can also relate the Global Communication to the word technology because this kind
of communication will not be or it is impossible to globalize without the use of
According to the article about Global Communication; The concept of a "global village"
or a united community around the world has only in these last few years become a
concept widely thought of. However, it seems that the idea of a large-scale sharing of
information has long been developing, whether intended or not. The tools of
communication have long served a single purpose, that of transmitting information from
people to people. Direct communication was long ago realized with sign language and
speech, but when people spread out, a kind indirect communication was needed.
Thus we created (or rather, hired) the messenger. Necessity is the mother of invention.
This evolved later into a postal service, connected around the world by a network of
synchronised offices of a similar nature. For a long time, indirect communication was
the only way to communicate over long distances.
Once the telegraph came along, however, people were able to instantly communicate
information over long distances. This evolved somewhat into the telephone, which
spawned the radio and television. As these were developed, the efficiency and clarity of
these transmissions improved, and this allowed the world to know what was happening
anywhere else in the world at any given time.
At this same time, programmable computers were finally
Information was input to these machines and stored on tapes
different computers to be run. This paralleled postal mail
communication. However, computers were also already based
coming to be used.
that could be put onto
in a form of indirect
in intercommunication,
because computers are systems of smaller functioning devices connected to perform a
function or process.
Thanks to modern scientific discoveries and development, we now have the ability to
instantly communicate with almost anyone in the world. Every day more and more
people are being exposed to global communication enabling devices.
Though exposure to this technology is almost unavoidable, one must still ask the
question: does instant global communication affect our lives positively or negatively?
Though some would disagree, I propose that the positive effects of instant global
communication far outweigh the negative.
Nathan Pyles of The Reagan Vision recently released an article in which he described
the positive effects of instant global communication as it pertains to the elimination of
nuclear weapons. I would like to focus not so much on what he has to say about the
eradication of nuclear weaponry, but on his opinion of the way instant global
communication is bridging the gap between nations.
He states, “Instant global communication is more than just a convenience or a cost
savings. It is a sledgehammer to our cultural and national boundaries” (Pyles). Because
of the ability we have to gain access to the same content and information regardless of
race, cultural tendencies, or geography, the global playing field is being levelled when it
comes to knowledge and awareness of significant global events. What I mean by this is
that a person living in Asia and a person living in Europe both have equal access to
pertinent global news.
No culture has to be left in the dark as to what is going on in the world around them.
However, some people such as Wade Burleson of Istoria Ministries International argue
that it is better for a people group to be left in the dark. He wrote in his blog that the
uproar over the burning of the Koran in Gainesville back in 2006 was due largely in part
to access to instant global communication. He points out, “Just a few decades ago it
would have taken weeks, maybe months, for information about a small church pastor's
In an increasingly interdependent world no communication scholar or practitioner can
afford to ignore trends in global communication which are central to the constitution of
relations between the diverse peoples of the world. There are many different aspects
that make up the overall area of global communication. But there are several main
aspects. Of those are technological, political, geographic, language, and economic
factors but it’s better to focus on the technological and political factors.
First are the political aspects of global communication. Theories of the political economy
of culture and communication have played an important role in the development of
communication. It is naive of us to not believe that politics play a large role in what we
view. We see this in the way that the war is portrayed on different stations.
In political terms, the communication system may serve to enhance democracy, or to
deny it, or some combination of the two. Less commented upon, though no less
significant, the communication system has emerged as a central area for profit making
in modern capitalist societies. Much scholarly effort is therefore employed to assess the
relationship between communication as a private activity, and the broader and
necessary social and political duties that those same communication systems must
perform. This is a central and recurring theme in media studies.
Second is the technological aspects. The view people take toward communication is
changing, as new technologies change the way they communicate and organize. In fact,
it is the changing technology of communication that tends to make the most frequent
and widespread changes in a society - take for example the rise of web cam chat and
other network-based visual communications between distant parties. It is still going
strong today, with many new innovations yet to come.
In one of our readings by Paulo Freire, he makes a great point when he says “One does
not liberate people by alienating them.” The author describes “the problem-posing
strategy” of education in which the teacher presents a problem and the teacher and
student partner up to discover solutions. This gives the student the opportunity to see
the world in motion instead of reading about it and memorizing facts. This allows the
student to be a participant not only in their own education but also in the issues they are
and will one day be faced with in the real world.
Global communication starts with our education but it doesn’t end there. This is
only the beginning to ignite our curiosity and our thirst for untapped knowledge. Through
our readings, research and my perception I can see that we, as an individual in this
world and as college students, need to be more aware and accepting of other cultures
to make the process of communication to be more globalize and avoid the unexpected
impact that it will bring in the future generation as the world as continue to evolve and
develop. Author Thiong’o says, “Language is a system of verbal signposts that make
production possible.” By working together with different language systems and different
practices we can develop a much stronger cross-cultural understanding of the world.
Through this understanding we can face problems with a wider sense of knowledge
allowing us to come up with better solutions.
I have learned a lot through this and putting together this cultural conference. I have
gained insight into how people, how my friends, feel about emerging cultures and how
important the language when where talking about the Global Communication given the
universal language which is English language. Some of the thoughts and ideas given
surprised me in how similar they were and some were the exact opposite. I found it
interesting that the definition of global communication was geared differently depending
on the person perception. Through cultural awareness and acceptance we can, as
individuals and as a society, foster a more harmonious global society.
Affecting the true meaning of global communications would be the intercultural factor.
Now that we expect to do business on multiple continents, understanding the language
and cultural difference between two people can bridge gaps and make business
transactions much smoother.
When analyzing the changes in global communications, technology is, by far, the
biggest factor. There have been many changes in technology and something new
seems to develop every single day. But just because communication has gotten faster
and easier doesn't mean that it's always a good idea to implement. Video conferencing
is a great way to have face-to-face communication while separated by thousands of
kilometers. Without the need for travelling, video conferencing can instantly and vastly
improve your internal and external communications over what can be done with a phone
call. But installing a video conferencing network can be very costly. Is clear and
visual communication a necessity worth such an investment or is it just a nice-to-have?
How do you go about making a decision like this?
These are just a few of the many issues that affect global communications on a daily
basis and with an ever-growing globalized world.
Importance of global communications becomes more evident every year. Studying a
Master's in Communication can help prepare you to understand how to tackle the
various issues and make decisions on your communications strategy. With thorough
studying of the core concepts and specific examples, you will be able to cope with the
ever-changing world and be ready to guide your organization to new heights in
a global world.
In a globalized world, effective communication is a necessity. When friends, relatives,
and colleagues need to reach all corners of the world, it is easy to see
the importance of global communications in the world today. Whether you need to
connect from Barcelona to Buenos Aires or Boston to Beijing, instant contact has
become the norm and expectation. But how did we get here? Just 10 years ago, we
were being introduced to new programs called YouTube, Skype, and Facebook. Now
these are household names that are used on a daily basis at home and in the office. But
in a business environment, there is more to communications than just opening up Skype
and connecting to the other side of the planet.