Some Absolutely Continuous Distributions Name Notation p.d.f. range m.g.f. mean variance Uniform U (a, b) 1 b−a a≤x≤b ebθ −eaθ (b−a)θ a+b 2 (b−a)2 12 Normal N (µ, σ 2 ) µ σ2 Gamma Γ(t, λ) λt t−1 −λx e Γ(t) x 0<x<∞, t,λ>0 ¢t λ λ−θ t λ t λ2 Exponential Exp(λ) λe−λx 0<x<∞, λ>0 λ λ−θ 1 λ 1 λ2 Chi-square χ2n 1 xn/2−1 e−x/2 2n/2 Γ(n/2) 0<x<∞, n>0 integer (1 − 2θ)−n/2 n 2n 0<x<1, α1 ,α2 >0 not useful α1 α1 +α2 α1 α2 (α1 +α2 )2 (α1 +α2 +1) −∞<x<∞, λ>0 doesn’t exist but char. fn. is eiµθ−λ|θ| √ 1 2πσ 2 Cauchy Multivariate Normal (x−µ)2 ª 2σ 2 Γ(α1 +α2 ) α1 −1 (1 Γ(α1 )Γ(α2 ) x β(α1 , α2 ) Beta © exp − − x)α2 −1 λ π(λ2 +(x−µ)2 ) – exp N (µ, Σ) −∞ < x < ∞ © ª − 12 (x−µ)T Σ−1 (x−µ) (2π)d/2 det(Σ)1/2 x ∈ Rd 1 eµθ+ 2 σ ¡ T eµ 2 2 θ 1 θ+ 2 θ T Σθ no moments exist µ covariance matrix Σ Some Discrete Distributions (All distributions below have integer-valued ranges) Name Notation Binomial Bin(n, p) Poisson Pois(λ) prob. fn. range m.g.f. mean variance px (1 − p)n−x 0≤x≤n 0<p<1 [(1 − p) + peθ ]n np np(1 − p) λ λ ¡n¢ x e−λ λx x! a x b n−x a+b n θ 0≤x<∞ λ>0 real eλ(e −1) 0≤x≤n a,b>0 integers not useful na a+b nab(a+b−n) (a+b)2 (a+b−1) Nbin(k, p) ( )( ) ( ) ¡x−1¢ k x−k k−1 p (1 − p) k≤x<∞, 0<p<1 pk [e−θ − (1 − p)]−k k/p k(1 − p)/p2 Geo(p) p(1 − p)x−1 1≤x<∞ 0<p<1 p[e−θ − (1 − p)]−1 1/p (1 − p)/p2 Hypergeometric Hgeo(n, a, b) Negative binomial Geometric Multinomial: multivariate extension of binomial Prob. fn. is given by f (x1 , x2 , . . . , xk ) = n! xk+1 px1 px2 . . . pxkk pk+1 , x! !x2 ! . . . xk !xk+1 ! 1 2 0 ≤ xi ≤ n, 0 < pi < 1 ∀i = 1, 2, . . . , n + 1 where p1 + p2 + · · · + pk+1 = 1 and x1 + x2 + · · · + xk+1 = n. The m.g.f. is given by [p1 eθ1 + p2 eθ2 + · · · + pk eθk + pk+1 ]n . Moments: E(Xi ) = npi , Var(Xi ) = npi (1 − pi ), cov(Xi , Xj ) = −npi pj , i, j = 1, 2, . . . , n + 1.