Data Here: Counselor met with client for an introductory session. Client is currently dose at 55mgs of methadone. Client is currently a phase 0 in program at this time. Client reported he started using heroin and 15 years ago. Client reported that he is currently using heroin and cocaine daily. Client urinalysis was positive for Meth, Mtd, heroin, cocaine and fentanyl on 9/24. Client reports that he was 2 inpatient programs and 3 methadone programs in his lifetime. Client reports that he is diagnose with HBP and is prescribed medication. Client reports that he is diagnose with Bipolar and Depression disorder and does take medications. Client reports he attends Redeem on Belair Road for his mental health. Client reported that his Plan: Client and counselor discussed the importance of refraining from illicit drugs. Counselor will continue to educate and support client doing his treatment. Counselor will continue to motivate change and positive direction which can lead to a successful recovery process. Assessment Here: Client was cooperative during his group session. Client appeared to be in a pleasant mood. Client appeared to be receptive for the information given. Intervention: Counselor and client will explore coping skills to minimize drug cravings by challenging and changing his thought process. Counselor reminded client of the negative consequences of using illicit drugs. Counselor will continue to monitor client. Intervention: Counselor and client explored a coping skill to minimize craving for marijuana. Plan Here: Counselor and client discussed the importance of not smoking THC. Counselor will continue to motivate change and positive direction which can lead to a successful recovery process. Assessment Here: Client presented very positive and happy. Client was very engaged in the conversation with counselor. Client denied any suicidal or homicidal ideations at this time. Client appeared receptive to information that was given Plan Here: Client and counselor discussed the importance of continuing to refrain from illicit drugs. Counselor will continue to educate and support client doing her treatment. Counselor will continue to motivate change and positive direction which can lead to a successful recovery process. Counselor will submit a Take Home application for client first take home Data Here: Counselor met with client for an introductory session. Client is currently on 80 mgs of methadone. Client is currently in phase 0 of the program. Client reported her last use of heroin and cocaine was 6/30/1996. Client reported her length of use was 4 years. Client reported that she got addicted to pain medications after her back surgery. Client's urinalysis was negative for any illicit drugs for the last 3 months. Client reports that she was diagnosed with Depression Disorder currently not prescribed any medication at this time. Client reported that she is diagnosed with Sickle Cell Anemia. Client reports that she has no income, however she does receive Food Stamp from Social Services. Client reports that she is currently on unsupervised probation. Client reports that she does have a history of abuse. Client did not want to get in a conversation about that issue at this time. Client reports that she live in her own home. Plan Here: Counselor will discussed the ramification of not providing a urinalysis when requested by program. Counselor will monitor client while in program. Counselor will continue to educate and support client doing his treatment. Counselor will continue to motivate change and positive direction which can lead to a successful recovery process.