APPENDIX D MODES OF MATERIAL NATURE A TABULATED SUMMARY ITEM VERSE 14.6 to 14.8 Binding Force 14.1 1 to 14.1 3 Symptoms 14.1 4 to 14.1 5 Destination at death 14.1 6 to 14.1 8 Results of action 17.4 Worship 17.8 to 17.1 0 Food 1 APPENDIX D MODE OF GOODNESS Sense of: Happiness Satisfacti on Knowledge Superiorit y Illuminate s thegates of the body with knowledge. Frees one from sinful reactions MODE OF PASSION Attachment tofruitive activities Binds by the ropes of desire and attachment MODE OF IGNORANCE Madness Indolence (Laziness) Sleep Intense, unlimitedd esires and longings Great attachment Fruitive activities Delusion/ Illusion Darkness Madness Inertia Attains the pure, higher planets of the great sages Pure Knowledge (sees things as they are) Elevation to higher planets like Brahmaloka or Janaloka Demigods Attains earthly planets Birth in lower species Misery Greed Earthly planets Foolishnes s Madness Illusion Life in hellish worlds Demons Type of foods: Juicy, fatty, wholesome and pleasing to the heart Effect of such foods: Increases the Type of foods: Too bitter, Too sour, salty, hot pungent, dry and burning Ghosts and Spirits Type of foods: Prepared more than three hours before being eaten Food that is tasteless, decomposed Effect of such foods: Distress A P P E N D I X duration of life 17.1 1 to 17.1 3 Sacrifice 17.1 7 to 17.1 9 Austerity 17.2 0 to 17.2 2 18.7 to Purifieson e’s existence Gives strength, health, happiness and satisfacti on According to directions of scripture As a matter of duty Without desire of reward D Misery Disease and putrid Food consisting of remnants and untouchabl e things Effect of such foods: Infection Disease Performs for some material benefit For the sake of pride Without regard for the directions of scripture Without distributi on of prasadam (spiritual food) Without chanting of Vedic hymns Without remunerati on to the priests Without faith Performed out of foolishnes s With selftorture To destroy or injure others Performed out of pride For the sake of gaining respect It is neither permanent nor stable Charity Performed with transcende ntal faith Without expecting material benefits Only for the sake of the Supreme Given out of duty Without expectatio n of return At the proper time and place To a worthy person Renunciatio n Performing prescribed Renounces prescribed With expectatio n of some return With the desire for fruitive results In a grudging mood Performed at an impure place At an impure time To unworthy persons Without proper attention and respect Renounces prescribed APPENDIX D 2 A P P E N D I X 18.9 D duty only because it ought to be done Renounces all material associatio n Renounces all attachment to the fruit Knowledge by which one undivided spiritual nature is seen in all living entities, though they are divided into innumerabl e forms duties as troublesom e or out of fear of bodily discomfort Does not lead to elevation of renunciati on duties because of illusion Knowledge by which one sees that in every different body there is a different type of living entity Knowledge by which one is attached to one kind of work as all in all Without knowledge of the truth Which is very meager Performed in illusion In disregard of scriptural injunction s Without concern for future bondage or for violence or distress caused to others Work against the injunction s of the scripture Materialis tic Obstinate Cheating Expert in insulting others Lazy 18.2 0 to 18.2 2 Knowledge 18.2 3 to 18.2 5 Action Regulated by sastras Performed without attachment Without love or hatred Without desire for fruitive results With great effort by one seeking to gratify his desires Enacted from a sense of false ego 18.2 6 to 18.2 8 Performer of action (worker) Performs his duty without associatio n with the modes of material nature Without false ego With great determinat ion and enthusiasm Attached to work and fruits of work Desiring to enjoy those fruits Greedy Envious Impure Moved by joy and sorrow APPENDIX D 3 A P P E N D I X Without wavering in success or failure 18.3 0 to 18.3 2 Understandi ng One knows what ought to be done and what ought not to be done What is to be feared and what is not to be feared What is binding and what is liberating Cannot distinguis h between religion and irreligion Between action that should be done and action that should not be done 18.3 3 to 18.3 5 Determinati on One holds fast to fruitive results in religion, economic developmen t and sense gratificat ion 18.3 7 to 18.3 9 Happiness Unbreakabl e Sustained with steadfastn ess by yoga practice Controls the activities of mind, life and senses Just like poison in the beginning and nectar at the end Awakes one to selfrealisatio n Derived from contact of the senses with their objects Appears as nectar at first but poison at the end D Always morose Procrastin ating Considers religion to be irreligion and irreligion to be religion Under the spell of illusion and darkness Always striving in the wrong direction One cannot go beyond dreaming Fearfulnes s Lamentatio n Moroseness Illusion Blind to self realizatio n Delusion from beginning to end Arises from sleep, laziness and illusion APPENDIX D 4