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Pedagogy Design Course Syllabus

Pedagogy Design Sumit -coordinate
(3 credits, 2 weeks intense mode)
Level: 500
Assessment: Term report and presentation (100%)
Module 1
Cognitive Learning Theory, Behaviorism Learning Theory, Constructivism
Learning Theory, Humanism Learning Theory, Connectivism Learning Theory,
Transformative Learning Theory, Social Learning Theory- Dr. Ajitha
Pedagogy vs andragogy. Pragmatism in teaching. Sensory theory in teaching.
Bloom’s taxonomy, Revised Bloom’s taxonomy, 6 Facets of understanding, Finks
taxonomy, SOLO taxonomy. -Dr. Alex
Teaching strategies: Lesson Plan, Teaching Reflection, Summarizing, Notetaking,
Homework & Practice, Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition,
Cooperative Learning, Differentiated Instruction Dr. Ajitha
Module 2
Dr. Alex
Understanding Diversity: Educational, Dispositional, Circumstantial, Cultural;
Principles of inclusive curriculum design: Anticipatory, Flexible, Accountable,
Collaborative, Transparent, Equitable
Component of curriculum design: Aims, Objectives, Learning outcomes,
Academic and competence standards, Syllabus, Teaching methods, Learning
activities, Assessment and feedback, Teaching and learning materials
Module 3
Dr. Alex
Attributes of Curriculum design, Curriculum design specifications, Curriculum
design strategies, Curriculum design decisions. Refining a designed curriculum,
Curriculum infusion. Writing learning outcomes for Project based learning,
Problem based learning, Research led learning, Research based learning
Assessment design: Formative vs summative assessment. Assessment of
learning outcomes at program level and course level. Designing question papers.
Data collection and assessment mapping. Defining assessment timelines.
Module 4
Dr. Alex
Mapping learning outcomes to questions, designing assessment rubrics for
projects and presentations, mapping assessments to accreditation
requirements, Overview of accreditations (NBA, NAAC)
Student counselling: The Phases of the Counselling Process (Assessment,
Intervention, and Termination), Characteristics of an Effective Counsellor,
Characteristics of Different Stages of Development (Physical, Cognitive,
Emotional, Social, and Moral), Intellectual Exceptionality: Intellectual
Superiority and Mental Retardation, Sensory Handicaps: Visual, Aural, Motor
and Speech Handicaps, Care and Education of the Exceptional, Ethical
Dr. Sinnu /sumit /KU -Psychology /counselling
Module 5
Blended Learning: Blended vs Flipped Design. Traditional Syllabus Vs Blended
Syllabus. Percentage of online and face-to-face design. Onsite Assessment vs
Online Assessment. Types of Interaction in Blended Design.
Interactivity and Navigation in eLearning – How to best engage your learner.
Authoring Tools – Help for developing and implementing your course. Video
and Audio – When and how to use these tools. Simulations and Gaming - Are
these effective learning tools?. Web 2.0 Tools - How the internet, social media,
and collaboration can be used.