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The Alchemist: Vocabulary & Discussion Questions

Total Grade:
3The Alchemist By: Paulo Coelho
Vocabulary and Discussion Questions
Journal Writing Questions #1
Prologue-Page 21
Vocabulary Words
PilgrimageNarcissus Alchemy AndalusiaTarifa Gypsy -
Discussion Questions
1. What is the name of the main character? What does he do for a living and for how
long? What is the name of the region he is in at the beginning of the novel?
2. Why do you think he made the choice to leave the seminary after learning to read
and write?
3. Explain why the main character’s jacket could be both a blessing and a curse. The
jacket is considered a symbol for the hero’s journey. Make an inference as to what
the jacket may symbolize.
4. The novel opens with the main character thinking about his sheep. What does he
observe about their existence? How might the sheep symbolize the way some
people live their lives?
Total Grade:
5. How does Santiago’s father react when his son tells him that he wants to travel?
(p.9) What does he say about travellers?
6. Why does the gypsy woman say that Santiago’s dream is difficult to interpret?
7. Describe Santiago’s Dream. What does the old fortune teller tell him it means?
8. What is the lie in Santiago’s book according to the old man?
9. At the beginning, Santiago thinks the old man might be a gypsy like the woman.
How does the old man gain Santiago’s trust?
Total Grade:
The Alchemist By: Paulo Coelho
Vocabulary and Discussion Questions
Journal Writing Questions # 2
Page 21- 47
Vocabulary Words
Salem (Jeru”salem”)King Melchizedek (Genesis14, “King Most High”) Levanter infidel scabbard -
Discussion Questions
1. According to the King, what is a Personal Legend?
2. The old man tells Santiago that he often appears in people’s lives just at the
moment they are about to give up on their destiny. What are some of the guises he
3. The old man tells Santiago the story about the miner and the emerald on p. 24.
How does it connect to Santiago’s situation? What does he mean when he says
that “treasure is uncovered by the force of flowing water, and it is buried by the
same currents”? What does this quote have to do with the miner/emerald story?
4. What does Santiago realize about the wind (p.27) How does this help him on his
Total Grade:
5. What is the principle of favorability?
6. What point does the old man’s story about the boy in the castle and the drops of
oil (p.30-32) make? How might this story apply to us in our modern lives?
7. How does the King assist Santiago in recognizing omens? When does Santiago
use this help?
8. How do Santiago’s thoughts and perceptions about himself and the world begin to
change on pp. 42-44?
9. What difficult choice does Santiago make when he meets the crystal merchant?
Total Grade:
The Alchemist By: Paulo Coelho
Vocabulary and Discussion Questions
Journal Writing Questions # 3
Page 51-71
Vocabulary Words
Mecca –
“Maktub”Esperanto –
Philosopher’s Stone –
Elixir of Life –
Allah –
Discussion Questions
1. What lessons does Santiago learn by working at the crystal shop? How does the crystal
merchant’s explanation for not taking the pilgrimage to Mecca (p.55) highlight the
difference between Santiago and the merchant? What effect does the merchant say
Santiago has had on him?
2. Specific words can carry a deep meaning. The crystal merchant introduced Santiago to
the Arabic word maktub (it is written). This is mentioned at several important moments
in the story. Why do you think he speaks this word when he and Santiago part ways? (61)
3. Santiago is an educated young man who wants to learn the Language of the World. He
has come to realize in the first part of the novel that there is a language that goes beyond
speaking and writing. The language without words is the same language he uses with his
sheep. What are some of the literal and figurative languages that Santiago realizes he has
learned by the time he completes his first year of work for the crystal merchant?
Total Grade:
4. The Englishman and his goals are described on pp.65-70. What is he looking for? What
does he demonstrate to Santiago that he already knows?
Short Essay: Please answer in 10-12 complete and thoughtful sentences. Quality work = quality
grade. Trash answer = trash grade. If you need more room, staple another piece of paper to this
Prompt: Do you agree with the crystal merchant that having a dream is more important than
pursuing a dream? Do you agree more with Santiago’s philosophy or the merchant’s?
Total Grade:
The Alchemist By: Paulo Coelho
Vocabulary and Discussion Questions
Journal Writing Question # 4
Page 71-104
Vocabulary Words
Discussion Questions
A foil character is one who contrasts the main character. Why can we describe
the Englishman as a foil character? (A foil character is a character who contrasts with
another character, usually the protagonist, to highlight particular qualities of the other character.)
2. Why does the Englishman refer to as the “principle of the Soul of the World?
How does this connect to the caravan and the desert?
3. What information do Santiago and the Englishman exchange? What do they
4. How does Santiago feel when he meets Fatima? How does Santiago believe his
reunion with Fatima represents the Language of the World? Each encounter that
Santiago has presents him with an opportunity for personal growth. What does
Fatima think about his journey? What lesson does this teach him? (Make sure to
answer every question)
Total Grade:
5. Who finally shows Santiago how the find The Alchemist? Why is this
6. What vision does Santiago have when he witnesses the hawks in the desert?
What conclusion does he draw from the vision?
Short Essay: Please answer in 10-12 complete and thoughtful sentences. Quality work = quality
grade. Trash answer = trash grade. If you need more room, staple another piece of paper to this
Prompt: Explain how Santiago’s union with Fatima represents the Language of the World
(according to Santiago on page 98). Why does Fatima accept that her new husband wanders the
desert, as she explains on page 98?
Total Grade:
The Alchemist By: Paulo Coelho
Vocabulary and Discussion Questions
Journal Writing Questions # 5
Page 104-127
Vocabulary Words
Emerald TabletDialectAl-Fayoum Oasis-
Discussion Questions
1. When Santiago meets The Alchemist, he wants to give up his journey and remain at the
oasis. He believes he has already found his treasure. What does this treasure include
according to Santiago?
2. The Alchemist persuades Santiago to sell his camel and buy a horse. The next night he
takes he takes Santiago into the desert and gives him a second test. What is the task and
what skills is being tested in this task?
3. During his trek through the desert with the alchemist, Santiago is told of many basic
truths. The alchemist says,” There is only one way to learn. It’s through action.
Everything you need to know you have learned through your journey” (p.125). What are
some of the things Santiago has learned through action?
Total Grade:
4. The Alchemist says that for the boy to find his treasure he must listen to his heart. Why
does the Alchemist feel that the heart is more important, or more trustworthy, than the
mind? How and why is the heart able to understand things the mind can’t grasp?
Short Essay: Please answer in 10-12 complete and thoughtful sentences. Quality work = quality
grade. Trash answer = trash grade. If you need more room, staple another piece of paper to this
Prompt: During their trek through the desert the alchemist tells Santiago, “There is only one way
to learn. It’s through action. Everything you need to know you have learned through your
journey” (125). What are some of the things that Santiago has learned on his journey through
action? Use quotes to support your answer. (Minimum of 3 quotes/examples).
Total Grade:
The Alchemist By: Paulo Coelho
Vocabulary and Discussion Questions
Journal Writing Questions # 6
Page 127- 153
Vocabulary Words
Discussion Questions
1. Once Santiago believes he understands his heart, what agreements does he ask of it, and
what does he promise it in return?
2. According to the Alchemist, every search starts with Beginner’s Luck. How does every
search end? What does this foreshadow for Santiago?
3. The Alchemist places Santiago in the center of a dangerous situation when he tells the
chief and his men that Santiago is an alchemist who can turn himself into the wind. Why
would he do that?
4. Santiago explains to the sun why alchemy exists and what alchemists do. What does he
Total Grade:
5. Why do you think the alchemist tells Santiago the story about the man’s dream about the
two sons (the poet and the soldier) on p. 156?
Short Essay: Please answer in 10-12 complete and thoughtful sentences. Quality work = quality
grade. Trash answer = trash grade. If you need more room, staple another piece of paper to this
Prompt: What does Coelho mean by “love without ownership” and is it possible to have love
without ownership?
Total Grade:
The Alchemist By: Paulo Coelho
Vocabulary and Discussion Questions
Journal Writing Questions # 7
Page 153-167
Vocabulary Words
MonasteryDiscussion Questions
1. What does The Alchemist say when Santiago tries to thank him for teaching him the
Language of the World?
2. Why did Santiago have to go through the dangers of the tribal wars on the outskirts of the
oasis in order to reach the Pyramids? At this point, the boy remembers the old proverb:”
The darkest hour of the night came just before the dawn.” How does this apply to his
situation now? At the end of the journey, why did the alchemist leave Santiago alone to
complete it?
3. Earlier in the story, the alchemist told Santiago “when you possess great treasures within
you, and try to tell others of them, seldom are you believed.” At the end of the story,
how did this simple lesson change Santiago’s life? How did it lead him back to the
treasure he was looking for?
4. Why is it significant to the story that Santiago’s treasure is not buried at the pyramids but
back in Spain at the abandoned church where his journey began?
Total Grade:
Short Essay: Please answer in 10-12 complete and thoughtful sentences. Quality work = quality
grade. Trash answer = trash grade. If you need more room, staple another piece of paper to this
Prompt: Earlier in the story, the alchemist told Santiago “when you possess great treasures
within you, and try to tell others of them, seldom are you believed.” At the end of the story, how
did this simple lesson change Santiago’s life? How did it lead him back to the treasure he was
looking for? (pg. 133-end)